Social Studies Drill Set B
Social Studies Drill Set B
Social Studies Drill Set B
7. The biggest impact of high inflation 13. Which of the following topics are
is on the ______________ Filipino. appropriate for inviting a barangay
a. average chairman to the worker' rights to
b. employed form unions or to strike can be
c. entrepreneurial suppressed during times of national
d. rural emergency. On what is this based?
a. Nobler person – God before man
b. Higher law – inalienable rights
8. In the U.S. prices of goods and
before alienable
services are forty to fifty times
c. Wider social order the family –
higher than those in the Philippines
the family before the individual
but Americans do not feel the
d. Clearer title – the certain before
impact of high prices because the
the title
__________ of the dollar is similarly
14. When teacher Jackie asks History economy especially for peasant
questions on names of different economies?
historical personages she is asking a. Producers don't cater to the
_________ questions. poor who can't buy
a. high level b. There is production surplus for in
b. moderate industries
c. low level c. Advertising gains from
d. superior commercial ads
d. Country stagnates in economic
15. Which of the following is a high-level growth
question in a Geography class?
a. Where is the Philippines in the 20. Arrange the chronological evolution
world map? of the market economy that led to
b. Why is global warming a the industrial revolution.
problem today? I. Antiquity's cities and farm
c. Which cities are the adjacent to countryside
Manila? II. Towns and guilds
d. Which pollutes more, the III. Feudal lords and serfs in
smoker or factories? manors
IV. Mercantilism through
16. In what probing question was commerce
teacher Ana stimulating valuing in V. Industrial revolution and self
her Socio-cultural class? – sustaining growth
a. How do you feel about the slay a. I, II, II, IV and V
of Ninoy Aquino in the airport b. II, I, II, IV and V
tarmac? c. III, II, IV and V
b. What events led to the Ninoy d. I, III, II, IV, and V
Aquino slay?
c. Was the Ninoy slay connected 21. Which theory of Marx states that
with People Power? the difference between the price of
d. How was Ninoy Aquino as commodity and cost of production
politician? belongs to the workers?
a. Theory of exploitation
17. What core principle has remained b. Theory of economic difference
unfulfilled in socialist countries like c. Theory of labor rights
Russia and China? d. Theory of price control
a. State ownership of industries
b. Revolutionary conflict 22. Inflation is always with us, but it is
c. Rule of the working class bad when the rise of prices of goods
d. Class struggle and products is exceptionally
18. In the Comprehensive Land Reform a. staggered
Program, what aspect shows that b. low
traditional forces were very much c. severe
around to curtail rights of tenants to d. regular
the land they till?
a. Making tenants shareholders not 23. Innovation as a key to growth is
owners done through various means except
b. Not applying land reform at all ________.
c. Abolishing the land reform a. inventing new method
program b. keeping organizational structure
d. Not providing inputs for c. introducing new product
productivity support to farmers d. opening new markets
19. What is the main disadvantage of 24. These were the effects of Thailand's
simply following the market 2014 National Council of Peace and
Order military junta except ______.
a. ban on political gatherings d. Upgrade juvenile penology
b. nationwide curfew program
c. cessation of economic life
d. arrest of politicians 31. With Republic Act 7836, the
Licensure Examination for Teachers
25. What can be done to temper the is with_______.
effects of massive employment of a. Department of Education
foreign Filipino labor overseas that Culture and Arts
endanger family integration? b. Professional Regulation
a. Limit overseas deployment Commission
b. Provide loans to OFW families c. Commission on Higher Education
c. Safeguard balikbayan boxes d. Civil Service Examination
27. How can domestic violence best be 33. In communist country, the following
minimized? holds true except __________.
a. Heavier tax on alcohol a. productive resources are owned
b. Stronger anti-illegal drugs drive by government
c. Award for the Best Father and b. the citizen’s vote on some
Mother economic policies
d. Effective education on family life c. the government determines
what shall be produced and in
28. What initiative is needed to prevent what quantity
exploitation of children workers? d. the government sets wages and
a. Scholarship prices
b. Subsidy for children
c. Socio-economic package 34. The growth of a free economy
d. Stricter law against child follows the path of a roller coaster.
exploitation Which one is referred to as the
belief and small decline in business
29. How should the International activity?
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights a. Depression
receive by RP government? b. Boom
a. Prevent intervention by the UN c. Recession
b. Support the covenant d. Stability
c. Reject criticism on human rights
violations 35. What is that economic situation
d. Downplay UN reports on human where one company controls the
rights violations supply of a unique kind of product?
a. Inflation
30. What can be done to prevent b. Equilibrium
detention of juveniles with adult c. Monopoly
prisoners? d. Economic stability
a. Separate cells of juveniles and
36. The growth of a free economy
b. Lesson years of detention for
follows the ups and downs of a
roller coaster. Which one is a
c. Alternative learning system in
referred to as large drops in
economic growth for a 41. The value of all goods and services
comparatively longer period of produced by a country in a given
time? period refers to _________.
a. Depression a. National income
b. Boom b. Net income
c. Recession c. Gross national product
d. stability d. Per capital
37. Two most important methods used 42. The law which state that the
by nations to restrict world trade opportunity cost of each additional
are: unit of output of a good over a
I. tariff period increases as more of that
II. import quota good is produced is the law of
III. monopoly __________.
IV. cartel a. increasing cost
a. I and II b. supply and demand
b. I and IV c. diminishing marginality
c. I and III d. supply
d. II and IV
43. When the government discuss to
38. The following happen during a spend or increase taxes or both it
recession on a depression except engages in _________.
___________. a. expansionary fiscal policy
a. people leave their jobs b. fiscal policy
b. business rake bigger profits c. concretionary fiscal policy
c. total spending drops d. monetary policy
d. production slows down
44. An action taken by Central Bank to
39. Which economic principle states influence the money supply and
that each country should stabilize the economy is called
concentrate in producing those ___________.
goods it can make most efficiently a. stabilization policy
and buy from other countries those b. fiscal policy
goods it cannot produced as c. interest roles policy
efficiently? d. monetary policy
a. Comparative advantage
b. Competition 45. The trend in international trade is
c. Economic stability the promotion of worldwide trade
d. Monopoly liberalization. This is the function of
40. Nations create world trade barriers b. IMF
for which healthy reason? c. UNESCO
I. To protect local and enable d. UN
to complete with foreign
more efficient producers 46. These pieces of evidence disprove
II. To discourage dependence the hypothesis that Filipinos are lazy
on foreign sources of supply or indolent except _______.
in the event a. farmers toil till dawn
III. To protect infant industries b. indulgences in digital toys and
IV. For local industries to gain gadgets
monopoly over certain c. scavengers dig scrap in garbage
products dumps
a. I, II and III d. OFWs work overseas sacrificing
b. I, II, and IV family life
c. I, III, and IV
d. II, III, and IV 47. Population control economic
development is not done through
immoral means exemplified by 54. Which is privatized by government
_____________. along the principle of easing budget
a. ligation burden on social programs?
b. ultra-uterine device a. Public education system
c. abstinence b. Waterworks system
d. abortion c. Electricity distribution services
d. Mass media outlets
48. Which problem of resources fall
under the task of economic 55. There are non-conventional sources
allocation? of energy that can be harnessed to
a. Quality soften adverse consequences on the
b. Standards economy but ________ is not one of
c. Scarcity them.
d. Excellence a. wind-turbines
b. fossil fuel
c. geo-thermal
49. In Economics, economic wants and
d. solar panels
needs are exemplified by ________.
a. plight of political prisoners
56. How is the concept of market
b. movement for gay rights
economy best understood?
c. excellence in the professions
a. Companies have an economic
d. OFW work remittance
b. Producers look at consumers on
50. One example of a complementary signals for what to sell
need that supplements basic needs c. Owner care about products, not
is ____________. consumers
a. dress d. Parent company abroad dictates
b. house consumption
c. haircut
d. food
57. These were the new corps
introduced by Spanish missionaries
51. Needs are created by commercial to the natives during early Hispanic
advertising, but some goods can be days except ________.
harmful such as ________. a. watermelons and peas
a. fast-foods b. cocoa and wheat
b. cigarettes c. squash and coffee
c. condos d. rice and corn
d. beverages
58. Few landholdings and millions of
52. The Engel theory is that "as income peasant farmers characterized the
increases the percentage of income Hispanic agricultural economy a
spent on non-food items also situation described as _________ in
increase". To what sector will this land ownership.
principle not apply? a. monism
a. Entrepreneurs b. dualism
b. Unemployed c. monopolism
c. Middle Class d. altruism
d. Corporate managers
59. Which paradox argued that the
53. Non-economic wants and needs faucet water is a most useful
revolve around the issue of commodity but is priced lower than
___________. diamonds disprove the principle that
a. job underemployment price of commodities is based on
b. high prices of commodities how useful it is or utility?
c. women's role in society a. Water-diamond
d. lowered family income b. price-priceless
c. Useful-not useful
d. liquid- solid
d. Totalitarianism
60. What did Adam Smith see as an
outcome of competition and profit- 66. Adam Smith believed that the desire
seeking? of business people to earn a profit,
a. Prosperity when regulated by competitive
b. Honestly in enterprise would produce what consumers
c. Business security want. Hence, government should
d. Rich gets richer not interfere. Smith's philosophy is
known as ________.
61. Economically speaking, which is a a. democratic socialism
glorious period? b. laissez faire
a. Stability c. socialism
b. Boom d. modified free enterprise
c. Depression
d. Recession 67. No one is above the law. Ours is a
government of laws and not of men.
62. The following are the elements that Which principle is referred to?
make possible nations to produce a. Right of the minority
goods and services except one: b. Sovereignty of the people
a. Labor force c. Rule of law
b. National resources d. Democracy
c. Capital
d. Geographical locations 68. When Joseph concealed the fact
during marriage that he was a
63. In order to grow, a nation’s homosexual, he committed the
economy must ____________. crime of __________.
I. Add to its productive a. concubinage
resources b. fraud
II. Increase its citizen's standard c. adultery
of living d. no crime
III. Locate and develop
additional natural resources 69. When the court granted Pete and
IV. Create new technologies, Jerry separation from bed and board
train scientists, workers, and this frees the from _______.
business managers a. sleeping in one bed and one
a. II, III, IV house
b. I, III, IV b. conjugal relations and same
c. I, II, IV domicile
d. I, II, III c. care or children
d. share in financing
64. Per capital GNP is obtained
__________. 70. How is marriage considered if a
a. By dividing as nation's total gross spouse discovers that the person,
national product by 5 years he/she married has psychological
b. By dividing a nation's total gross incapacity?
product by the average Filipino a. Void from the beginning
c. By dividing a nation's total gross b. Valid until annulled
product by the number of its c. Void after the discovery
citizens ages 18 and above d. Valid and licit
d. By dividing a nation's total gross
product by its entire population
71. These area cases when marriage is
not allowed under the Family Code
65. Which economic system is otherwise of the Philippines, except
known as free enterprise? _________.
a. Capitalism a. grandparent with grandchild
b. Mixed economics b. collateral blood relations to 5th
c. Communism degree
c. stepparent with stepchild c. power politics
d. parent-in-law and children-in- d. denial plot
77. Which of the following may result at
72. What is the human rights violation the departure country when Filipino
in mind by the 1995 UN Committee professionals immigrate to other
on Economic and International countries?
Rights when it reprimanded a. brain drain
entrenched conservative religious b. population increases
influences? c. ethnic diversity
a. Freedom of religious conscience d. culture shock
b. Freedom of speech
c. Freedom to travel 78. If a Catholic researcher makes a
d. Right to planned parenthood study on polygamy as practiced in
Islam, what influence will likely add
73. The political parties in Malaysia re subjectivity to his/her findings?
viewed as being not modern a. Cultural gap
because they are comprised by b. Religious bias
_________ individuals and groups. c. Economic difference
a. conservative d. Class distinction
b. interest
c. elitist 79. If government sponsors a research
d. religious on social poverty, what factor will
likely influence the research?
74. The Hispanic Governor General a. Timeliness of study
ruled like a monarch in the b. Scope of research
Philippines and Marianas, Carolines c. Lack of funding
and Palaus then part of the Hispanic d. Political criticism
Philippines for many reasons except
________. 80. What attitude is needed before one
a. act as president of the royal engages in data-gathering for
audiencia research?
b. directly appoint parish priests a. Return investment for firm
and settle religious controversies b. Corporate social responsibility
c. appoint and receive c. Press relations for company
ambassadors from other d. Philanthropic dole-out
d. exercise Cumplase veto power 81. What attitude is needed before one
over Hispanic law in the engages in data- gathering for
Philippines research?
a. Prejudgment on result
75. Singapore's Prime Minister Lee b. Open-minded skepticism
Hsien Loong's salary which is six c. Bias on hypothesis
times higher than that of the U.S. d. Inadequacy in time
president in justified by the need for
a __________ state. 82. When are laws said to be
a. corruption-free unscientific? When laws ________.
b. autocratic a. serve political interests
c. religious b. are not supported by research
d. Confucian c. focus on funding allocation
d. is irrelevant
76. Despite many successful reforms,
President Obama was described as a 83. How should social scientist view
“lame duck" president because of culture?
_________ by the Republican Party. a. Difference in mores of people
a. ban control b. All facets of social life
b. veto power c. Refinement in the arts
d. Ways of ethical conduct forces above him. They manifest
84. Which explains Spencer's theory of a. particularism
progressive evolution of human b. nonrationalism
societies? c. personalism
a. Societies inevitably progress d. rationalism
b. Societies have to adapt to
survive or else perish 89. Which refers to the total way of life
c. Societies have to complete to share by members of a society?
survive a. Sociology
d. Human individuals adapt but not b. Race
human societies c. Biosociology
d. Culture
85. Fr. Reuter wrote: In a survey in Asia,
they discovered that the happiest 90. Which are the shared rules of
people in Asia are the Filipinos. The conduct that specify how people out
most miserable are the Japanese. to think and act called?
The Japanese have money. We don't a. Norms
have money, but we have the smile, b. Sanctions
the warm embrace, the song, the c. Values
laughter, the joy of living." What d. Subcultures
does this prove?
a. That the Filipinos don't care are 91. Which when violated may cause the
about material wealth violator to be regarded as eccentric,
b. That the Filipinos are happy-go- weird, or crazy?
lucky people a. Folkways
c. That the Filipinos are rich in the b. Laws
treasures of the spirit c. Mores
d. That the Filipinos are healthy d. Institutions
and happy people
92. Which of the following does not
86. If there is anything positive in accurately describe the true nature
"ningas-cogon" Filipino trait, which of culture?
one? a. Culture is learned from
a. It makes a person detached interaction with other people
b. It renders one inactive b. Culture tells us how we ought to
c. It makes one unable to initiate act and believe
things c. Culture is transmitted through
d. It makes one persevere biological inheritance
d. Culture helps us solve problems
87. Arctic dwellers have ice and snow and adapt to our environment
houses, and desert dwellers have
animal skin tents; in windy Batanes 93. Social institutions are enduring
are heavy limestone shelters, and in social structures that provide ready-
other areas are light bamboo and made arrangements to meet basic
grass huts. The main reason for human problems. Which of these
these cultural variations is basic social institutions provides
___________. community coordination, law and
a. isolation order, and defense?
b. environment a. the family
c. technology b. religion
d. biological differences c. the economy
d. government
88. Filipinos tend to look at the world
and nature as peopled by 94. Which element of social structure
supernatural being and governed by refers to a set of norms specifying
the rights and obligations associated strongest typhoon in the country's
with a status? history.
a. value a. 573
b. role b. 735
c. culture trait c. 395
d. dysfunction d. 375
95. What social process occurs when 101. In Sociology we develop our
people work together to achieve capacity to attain _________
shared goals? wisdom through knowledge-based
a. Exchange research.
b. Competition a. traditional
c. Conflict b. conventional
d. Cooperation c. folk
d. empirical
96. The correct measure of true
development is __________. 102. What is the long-term
a. economic progress initiative that placed Western
b. political sovereignty Visayas out of the "hotspot areas"
c. human development for illegal logging?
d. social equality a. Surveillance and Monitoring
b. Confiscation of illegally cut trees
c. Prohibition of possession of
97. To what level do nations belong
forest products
when their gross national product
d. Reforestation
(GNP) has risen to higher levels but
below level of industrialized
nations? 103. Among advocacy materials
a. Second World posted in public places, which
b. Third World directly relate to health awareness?
c. First World a. No smoking
d. Fourth World b. Barya lang po sa umaga
c. Priority seats for pregnant
d. PWD and Senior Citizen signs
98. To what level do nations belong
when their annual per capita income
is less than US $200.00? 104. The ___________ revelry
a. Second World experience makes the Ati-Atihan
b. Fourth World pre-Lenten festival popular even for
c. Third World foreign tourists.
d. First World a. Black Nazarene
b. Mardi-gras
c. Lenten
99. The great power of tides rushing up
d. Marian
arrow inlets of bays can be used
produce _______.
a. light 105. East Visayas Region VII is
b. heat recognized as one of the ________
c. electricity exporting regions in the country.
d. water a. handicraft
b. coal
c. fish
100. Sociologist and
d. sinamay
environmentalists predict that
typhoons will be strong, even
stronger than Yolanda, as the 106. Among landmarks with
atmosphere of the earth continues historical significance in East Visayas
to heat up. Typhoon Yolanda, as the is __________.
atmosphere of the earth continues a. Santo Nino Shrine
to heat up? Typhoon Yolanda had b. Lake Danao
gusts of ________ kph making it the c. Agas-Agas Bridge
d. MacArthur Landing Memorial 113. The integration of national
markets into a single world place
107. Originating in East Visayas where goods, services, financial
region is the national dance ______. capital, and technology flow
a. Itik-Itik unhampered between countries.
b. tinikling a. Market Liberation
c. kuratsa b. Globalization
d. pandango sa ilaw c. Free Trade Zone
d. Market Integration
108. From East Visayas Region,
which is not the right relationship in 114. It embodies the national
cultural knowledge? policy on information technology
a. Kuratsa: Waray dance and serves as a guide to all
b. Tinikling: bamboo pol government agencies in the
c. Dandansoy: ballad effective utilization of information
d. Irog nga Tuna: patriotic song technology resources.
a. National Information Technology
109. These are reasons why Plan (NITP)
Negros Occidental and Negros b. National Technology
Oriental were made into one Development Program
integrated region except _________: c. Science and Technology
a. One dialect Development Program
b. holistic development d. Information Technology
c. tourism promotion Utilization Plan
d. peace and order management
115. It is electronic commerce
110. It is the environmental between individual consumers.
milestone that requires industries to a. B2B (Business to Business)
install anti – pollution device and b. C2C (consumer to consumer)
ban the use of incinerators. c. E – mail
a. The Greenpeace Act d. B2C (business to consumer)
b. The Clean Air Act
c. The Environmental Care Act 116. Which of the following would
d. The Anti – Pollution Law refer to the “Funnel Effect?”
a. Criminal justice is fully
111. A broader regional free trade implemented in the Philippines
zone established composed of b. Very few criminals would be
ASEAN engaging Japan, China, and caught and be punished
South Korea in expanding economic c. Every criminal would be caught
relations. and be punished
a. ASEAN Free Trade Zone d. All crimes are under the same
b. “ASEAN Plus Three” criminal justice
c. APEC Economic Zone
d. APEC Free Trade Zone 117. The most important and
central message of the Moral
112. Program designed to solve Recovery Program.
the social ills of the Filipino society a. National moral regeneration
through social renewal and b. Self
transformation and to strengthen c. Family
the moral fiber of the Filipino d. Government
a. People Empowerment 118. Government expenses is
b. People Initiative more than that it ears thru tax
c. “Galing Mo Pinoy!” collection.
d. Moral Recovery Program a. Fiscal reforms
b. Overspending
c. Taxation
d. Fiscal deficit d. imperfect rights
136. What is not related to ethical 143. The basic human activity in
conduct in research? research is _________.
a. Respect for confidentiality a. inquiring
b. Limitation in research scope b. calculating
c. Voluntary participation be c. thinking
respondents d. measuring
d. Security of participants
144. How can assumptions
137. What is the systematic support your inquiry?
explanation of observations on a. They assume you are right
social manifestation patterns of b. They are accepted as true
social life? without proof
a. Truth c. They make your inquiry scientific
b. Theory d. They are prepared by mentors
c. Belief
d. Opinion
145. What is simple way of
explaining the concept of a social
a. Explaining social realities
b. Says of looking at society d. Set limitations and delimitations
c. Guiding what societies do
d. Innovation society 149. You want to examine specific
sub-populations, which as those
146. What should the researcher who played part in the EDSA
do when he/she is not clear yet revolution with focus on how their
familiar with the subject? attitudes have changed. Which study
a. Set assumptions will you do?
b. Explore the topic a. Longitudinal study
c. Chronicle activities b. Trend study
d. Draw up hypothesis c. Cohort study
d. Cross-sectional study
147. What should the researcher
do when he/she is clear about his 150. For which of the following
subject and methods and is ready of issues or concerns would a
the tasks of research? sociologist likely do an empirical
a. Chronicle activities inquiry?
b. Explore the topic a. Crowd behavior during rallies
c. Set assumptions b. Medical effect of contraceptives
d. Draw up hypothesis o health
c. Advantages and disadvantage of
148. To further clarify the subject, democracy as an ideology
what can be done to ensure that it d. Church doctrine behind Pope
does not overlap with irrelevant Francis wanting priests to forgive
matters? abortion sinners
a. Perform pilot testing
b. Formulate a hypothesis
c. Consult experts
1. B 52. B 103. A
2. D 53. C 104. B
3. B 54. A 105. C
4. C 55. B 106. D
5. A 56. B 107. B
6. C 57. D 108. B
7. A 58. B 109. A
8. A 59. A 110. B
9. C 60. A 111. B
10. A 61. B 112. D
11. A 62. D 113. B
12. B 63. B 114. A
13. C 64. D 115. B
14. C 65. A 116. B
15. B 66. B 117. A
16. A 67. C 118. D
17. C 68. B 119. D
18. A 69. B 120. A
19. A 70. A 121. C
20. A 71. B 122. C
21. A 72. D 123. C
22. C 73. A 124. D
23. B 74. B 125. A
24. C 75. A 126. D
25. D 76. C 127. A
26. B 77. A 128. B
27. D 78. B 129. A
28. C 79. D 130. C
29. B 80. B 131. D
30. D 81. B 132. A
31. B 82. B 133. C
32. D 83. A 134. C
33. B 84. B 135. D
34. C 85. C 136. B
35. C 86. D 137. B
36. A 87. B 138. A
37. A 88. B 139. D
38. B 89. D 140. C
39. A 90. A 141. B
40. A 91. A 142. D
41. C 92. C 143. A
42. A 93. D 144. B
43. C 94. B 145. A
44. D 95. D 146. B
45. A 96. D 147. C
46. B 97. B 148. D
47. D 98. B 149. C
48. C 99. C 150. A
49. D 100. D
50. C 101. D
51. B 102. D