Ha Midterm

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NUTRITION ASSESSMENT AND CLASSIFICATION 3) Clinical assessment of altered nutritional

requirements and social or phychological issues that

Nutritional assessment – systematic process of
may preclude adequate intake
collecting and interpreting information
4) Measurement of dietary intake
 Anthropometric – measure the arm, chest
circumference, length, and weight. Food Frequency Questionnaire – examines how often
 Biochemical (laboratory) – refers to the food an individual eats certain foods and the size of portions.
the individual taking (macro mineral, vitamins
Food Group Questionnaire – to ask whether they ate or
drank any of those foods previously.
 Clinical and Dietary data – determine people
who are sick, the health status of an individual. Bulimic (bulimia) – kain nang kain
- Get the history of a person, what did the
person eat

Optimal Nutritional Status – state of the body with

respect to each nutrient and overall body weight

Total calorie requirement: height = calorie

(5’2 = 105 kilos food – 1500 calories)

(5’4 = 120 kilos food)

BMI (Body Mass Index) – an indicator based on weight

on height ratio.

APVF – At water physiologic value of food

Calories will depend on the body activity:

Heavy work (laborer….)

Moderate (staff nurse, household)

Sedetary (if just eating)

Cheilosis – can be attributed with vitamin B

(inflammation of cracking on the corners of the mouth)

Nutritional Screening – to rapidly identify patients who

are at high nutritional risk.


- Simplest approach to assessment is serial

weight measurement.

A comprehensive nutritional assessment includes:

1) Anthropemetric measurement of body composition

2) Biochemical measurements of serum protein,

micronutrients, and metabolic parameters;
A- APPEARANCE (skin color) No reaction 0
Grimacing 1
- Evaluation of the baby’s skin color (blue/pink). Grimace, cough sneeze 2
- Measures if the baby’s heart rate is absent, Loose and fluffy 0
slow (<100 bpm), or fast (>100 bpm). Come tone 1
Active motion 2
G- GRIMACE (reflex irritability/response)
- If the baby lacks a response to stimulation, Not breathing 0
responds with a grimace, or responds by crying Slow or irregular 1
and pulling away. Infant cries 2
A- ACTIVITY (muscle tone)

- If the baby is limp, has some flexion (joint Listed below are just a few of the complications that can
movement), or shows active motion. cause a baby to become oxygen-deprived, and may
manifest in low Apgar scores:
R- RESPIRATION (breathing ability)
 C-Section errors and delays
- If the baby is failing to breathe, has weak cry
and slow breathing, or if the baby is breathing  Fetal monitoring errors
well and crying normally.  Infections
When is APGAR testing done?  Maternal medical conditions
- 1 and 5 minutes after a baby is born.  Placental Abruption
- Repeated at 10, 15, 20 minutes if score is low
- Scoring is (0,1,2)  Preterm birth

What do Apgar scores mean?  Prolonged and arrested labor

- Apgar scores of 0-3 are critically low, especially  Umbilical cord problems
in term and late-preterm infants  Uterine hyperstimulation/tachysystole (this
- Apgar scores of 4-6 are below normal, and can be caused by the delivery
indicate that the baby likely requires medical drugs Pitocin and Cytotec)
intervention  Uterine rupture
- Apgar scores of 7+ are considered normal ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS
SKIN COLOR SCORE - Series of quantitative measurements of the
Pale Blue 0 muscle, bone, adipose tissue.
Body pink, extremities 1
- Core elements of anthropometry are height,
weight, BMI, body circumferences (waist, hip,
Entire body pink 2
and limbs), and skinfold thickness.
HEART RATE SCORE Female Average new-born weight: 3.11 kg range of
No heart beat 0 (2.1kg to 4.2kg)
Hr <100 bpm 1
Hr > 100 2 Length: 48.49cm range of (45.1cm to 51.7am)

Head: 34.16cm range of (32.3cm to 36.4cm)

SKILLS NECESSARY DURING ANTENATAL CARE Triage categories in both systems:

 Leopold’s maneuver (determine fetal RED: Immediate evaluation by physician

Orange: Emergent evaluation within 15 minutes
 Auscultation of fetal heart tones
Yellow: Potentially unstable, evaluation within 60 min
Leopold’s maneuver: 4 stages
Green: Non-urgent, re-evaluation every 180 min
First Maneuver - Fundal Grip (fundus)
Blue: Minor injuries or complaints, re-evaluation every
Second Maneuver - Umbillical Grip (identify fetal back)
240 min
Third Maneuver - Pawlik’s Grip (engaged or unengaged)
Step 1: Physiologic criteria
Head or Breech
Step 2: Anatomic Criteria
Fourth Maneuver - Pelvic Grip (flexion of fetal head or
determine attitude of habitus) Step 3: Mechanism of injury criteria

Abdominal examination during pregnancy: Step 4: Special Considerations


- Scars Mnemonic “ABCDE”

- Shape and Size
- Checking the fundic height
- Estimation of fetal weight  DISABILITY
- Leoppld’s maneuver  EXPOSURE

AUSCULTATION *Direct the walking wounded to casualty collection

- Fetal heart tones
- Normally 110-160 bph Level 1: Resuscitation
- If FHT cannot be heard after 6th month and no - Requires immediate lifesaving intervention
fetal movement – REFER
Level 2: Emergent

- Requires immediate nursing assessment and

4 BASIC TYPES OF ASSESSMENT: rapid treatment.
Initial Comprehensive Assessment – also known as
triage, helps to determine the nature.
CODE 55 – missing or abducted infant/pediatric patient.
Ongoing or Partial Assessment – once treatment has
been implemented. CODE H – help

Focused or Problem Oriented Assessment – is the stage RED – Immediate / notification service
in which the problem is exposed.
YELLOW – Delayed

TRIAGE GREEN – Walking wounded / utility failure

- Assessment
- Assess several signs at the same time PINK – Infant abduction, pediatric emergency and/or
obstetrical emergency
Purpose of triage is to save as many life as possible
BLUE – Critical and potentially fatal injuries/illness

GRAY – Aggressive person, requiring security personnel,

assault or violence

PURPLE – Bomb or substance threat

GOLD – Adult elopement (nagdulag)

SILVER - Shooter

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