Ha Midterm
Ha Midterm
Ha Midterm
- If the baby is limp, has some flexion (joint Listed below are just a few of the complications that can
movement), or shows active motion. cause a baby to become oxygen-deprived, and may
manifest in low Apgar scores:
R- RESPIRATION (breathing ability)
C-Section errors and delays
- If the baby is failing to breathe, has weak cry
and slow breathing, or if the baby is breathing Fetal monitoring errors
well and crying normally. Infections
When is APGAR testing done? Maternal medical conditions
- 1 and 5 minutes after a baby is born. Placental Abruption
- Repeated at 10, 15, 20 minutes if score is low
- Scoring is (0,1,2) Preterm birth
- Apgar scores of 0-3 are critically low, especially Umbilical cord problems
in term and late-preterm infants Uterine hyperstimulation/tachysystole (this
- Apgar scores of 4-6 are below normal, and can be caused by the delivery
indicate that the baby likely requires medical drugs Pitocin and Cytotec)
intervention Uterine rupture
- Apgar scores of 7+ are considered normal ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS
SKIN COLOR SCORE - Series of quantitative measurements of the
Pale Blue 0 muscle, bone, adipose tissue.
Body pink, extremities 1
- Core elements of anthropometry are height,
weight, BMI, body circumferences (waist, hip,
Entire body pink 2
and limbs), and skinfold thickness.
HEART RATE SCORE Female Average new-born weight: 3.11 kg range of
No heart beat 0 (2.1kg to 4.2kg)
Hr <100 bpm 1
Hr > 100 2 Length: 48.49cm range of (45.1cm to 51.7am)
Focused or Problem Oriented Assessment – is the stage RED – Immediate / notification service
in which the problem is exposed.
YELLOW – Delayed
SILVER - Shooter