Artículo: The Domestic Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo) in Mexico
Artículo: The Domestic Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo) in Mexico
Artículo: The Domestic Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo) in Mexico
Received Date: January 04, 2021; Accepted Date: January 11, 2021; Published Date: January 22, 2021;
Corresponding author: Domínguez-May Angel Virgilio, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico
Superior del Sur del Estado de Yucatán. Carretera Muna-Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Tramo Oxkutzcab-Akil Km. 41+400.
C.P 97880, Oxkutzcab, Yucatán, México. Email: [email protected]
with Eastern turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris), not included in this classification were found. Regarding
generating a new variety, and currently marketed (Crawford weight, within the same investigation, at 12 months it was
RD, 1992). The Meleagris gallopavo is a poultry that contributes possible to know that the birds with the highest weight were
to the production of meat worldwide (Aslam M.L., et al. those from regions with a temperate climate. In the same
2012). study, it was shown that females nest 2 to 3 times per year.
Regarding production units, 94.3% are not technified; but in
A. Origins of the Turkey these cases some improved management practices have been
implemented, such as the use of balanced feed in poults up to
Exists evidence that confirms that this bird is native to two months of age. Likewise, few vaccination plans are used
America. The Mayas and Aztecs were the first to domesticate and very important the poultry farmers do not breed improved
it, later it was adopted by other pre-Hispanic cultures. Some varieties, this means that the genetic of the turkey is
synonyms of the word turkey in Mexico are: Huexolotl, Jolote, autochthonous (López-Zavala R. et al., 2008). In another study
Chompipe, Cocono, Pipila, Pavo, Totol and úulum, among carried out in the state of Michoacán, it was shown that female
others. The domestic creole Turkey comes from Meleagris turkeys with gray feathers produced more eggs and with
gallopavo (Gallardo-Nieto J. et al., 2007). Nowadays the greater weight than those of any other color (Juarez-caratachea
turkey is distributed throughout the National territory. A. et al., 2018).
Meleagris gallopavo is a species of bird that has been bred In a study carried out in indigenous Mayan communities of
for many years in Mexico. The genotypic characteristics of the center and south of Campeche, it was shown that in the
this species can change due to the diversity of climates and to raising of the native Turkey, more than 60% of the growers
the different methods in small scale production (Cigarroa- use corn grains to feed them. With regard to diseases in this
Vásquez F. et al., 2013; Angel-Hernández A. et al., 2014). bird, the most common are respiratory and digestive, due to
the few applications of vaccines. The flocks of this species are
C. Phenotypic Characteristics majorly constituted by birds in the juvenile stage, and the
rearing is commonly carried out by women (Portillo-Salgado
The color of the skin and tarsus, as well as the color and R., et al., 2017).
pattern of the plumage, are not very diverse, however, the
influence of the conditions of their raise could cause some G. Management of the turkey in Yucatán
morphotypes to be lost (Zamora-Martínez G. et al., 2019).
The turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is resistant to unfavorable
D. Domestication environmental conditions; however, this species can have
ectoparasites, such as Chelopistes meleagridis, Lipeurus
In Mexico the raising of the turkey is common in rural and caponis and Menacanthus stramineus, this was demonstrated
peri-urban areas. However this activity has been reduced due in four municipalities of the State of Yucatán, Motul, Maní,
to the loss of Mexican traditions, where it is commonly Cepeda and Timucuy (Canul et al., 2014).
consumed (Zamora-Martínez G. et al., 2019).
In an investigation we have done this year in the south of
E. Management of the Guajolote In Michoacan the State of Yucatán, regarding the feeding of the turkey, in
populations such as Xohuayan, Kancab, San Marcos, and in
In a study carried out in five physiographic regions in the other nearby towns, some families feed their Turkeys, with
state of Michoacán, it was shown that the turkey can have corn grains, food waste or mix of balanced food with ground
variations in the color of its plumage, birds with the following nixtamalized corn. However, the custom is that the turkeys are
colors were found: Tan, Narragansett, Royal Palm, Spanish released in the backyard of the houses, where they feed on
Black, Slate or silver and Buffy (brown or red), other colors insects or herbs (Figure 1)
Figure 1: Domestic turkey, úulum in the Mayan language. A) Turkey in a cage with a soil floor. B) Turkey in a cage with a cement
floor. C) Free turkey in the yard. D) Girl feeding turkeys.
discovery and analysis ofgenetic diversity in Turkey Análisis descriptivo de las prácticas locales de cría y
(Meleagris gallopavo).Bio. Med. Central 13:1-14. manejo del guajolote nativo (Meleagris gallopavo L.) en
12. Padilla‑Jacobo G, Cano‑Camacho H, López‑Zavala R, Campeche, México. Agroproductividad 11:88-94.
Cornejo‑Pérez ME, Zavala‑Páramo MG (2018) 14. Zamora-Martínez G, Carmona-Hernández O, López del
Evolutionary history of Mexican domesticated and wild Castillo-Lozano M, Arcos-Barreiro SI, Lozada-García JA
Meleagris gallopavo Genet Sel Evol 50:1-15. (2019) Caracterización fenotípica del guajolote (Meleagris
13. Portillo-Salgado R, Herrera-Haro JG, Bautista-Ortega J, gallopavo) en localidades del municipio de Ixhuacán de
Ortega-Cerrilla ME, Sánchez-Villarreal A et al. (2017) los reyes en el estado de Veracruz, México.AICA 13:6-9.
Citation: Domínguez-May A.V, Gamba-Galeazzi A.P, Burgos-Jiménez M.N, Ramírez-Benitez J.E, Briceño-Narváez L.C,
Carrillo-Landell F.G. (2021).The Domestic Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) In México. Adv Agri Horti and Ento: AAHE-142
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