External Analysis Pesttrs 1. Is Barbie Brand Well Defined To Be Successful in The Following Years? What Has To Be Changed?
External Analysis Pesttrs 1. Is Barbie Brand Well Defined To Be Successful in The Following Years? What Has To Be Changed?
External Analysis Pesttrs 1. Is Barbie Brand Well Defined To Be Successful in The Following Years? What Has To Be Changed?
1. Is Barbie Brand well defined to be successful in the following years? What has to be changed?
When we are going through a company analysis there are 4 main points of view.
Barbie teamwork: from the point of view of marketing dept together with the board of directors, but it
affects all of the other departments.
• Political
• Economic
• Social
• Technological
• Trends
• References
• Sustainability
3. Business Model Environment
External analysis: factors we can’t control
“Business Model Generation”, Alexander Osterwalder
3.1. Industry Forces (Competitive analysis)
Other businesses who offer similar value propositions to similar customers. These could be existing
competitors, new entrants or substitutes.
Suppliers Incumbents in market’s value Who are main players in the value chain?
and other chain and new emerging players
To what degree business model depends on players?
value chain Are peripheral players emerging?
factors What are the most profitable?
Stakeholders Actors that influence company What investors could influence your business model?
and business model What degree of influence do investors, workers,
government or lobbyists have?
Competitors Incumbent competitors and Who are competitors?
(incumbents) relative strengths Who are main players in our sector?
What are disadvantages or competitive advantage?
Describe main offering. What market segment focus on?
What cost structure do they have?
How do they influence your market segments?
New New speculative players and Who are main players in the market? How do they differ
entrants determine if their business What are disadvantages or competitive advantage?
models is different than yours What barriers must overcome?
What are value propositions?
What market segments focus on?
What cost structure do they have?
How do they influence your market segments?
Substitute Describe possible substitutes for What products or services could replace ours?
products and you offers, including those from How much cost compared to ours?
services other markets and industries What business model tradition do these substitute
products come from?
Technology Ones that could Main techno trends inside and outside the market?
trends jeopardize business Which present opportunities or threats?
model or allow evolution Which new techno peripheral customers are starting to
or improvement use?
Regulatory Ones that affect business What normalizing trends affect your market?
trends model What rules affect BM?
What regulations and taxes affect customer demand?
Societal and Ones that affect business Describe main social trends
cultural trends model What changes in values affect business model?
What trends influence buyer behaviour?
Socioeconomical Ones for your business Main demographic trends?
trends model How to describe distribution of wealth and income in your
What part of population lives in urban areas? and in rural
3.3. Market forces
Our constantly changing customer segment and their expectations
Market issues Key issues driving market form Crucial issues affecting customer landscape?
customer and offer perspective Shifts underway?
Where is marketing heading?
Market Major market segments and What are most important customer segments?
segments their attractiveness, seek new Where is biggest growth potential?
segments Declining segments
Peripheral segments that deserve attention
Needs and Market needs and how well What do customers need?
demands they are served Biggest unsatisfied customer needs?
What customers really want to get done?
Where demand increasing/declining?
Switching Elements related to customers What binds customer to a company?
costs switching business to What switching costs prevent from defecting to
competitors competitors?
Easy for customers to find and purchase similar offers?
How important is the brand?
Revenue Elements related to revenue What are customers really willing to pay?
attractiveness attractiveness and pricing Where can largest margins be achieved?
power Can customer easily ding and purchase cheaper
products and services?
• Girl 5-7: fantasy Barbies (introducing Barbie in the world of the girl)
• Girl 7-10: based on reality Barbie (girl wants to be teacher, hairdresser)
• Girl 10-12: based on aspirations (they find that reality is not ideal)
3.4. Macroeconomic Forces
Mega trends
They are great economic, social, political and technological changes that are slowly generated but once
produced, they influence us for a certain time, between 7 and 10 years. John Naisbitt.