Aether Physics Model-Abstracts - 1874
Aether Physics Model-Abstracts - 1874
Aether Physics Model-Abstracts - 1874
David W. Thomson III Quantum AetherDynamics Institute 518 Illinois St. Alma, IL 62807 [email protected] Jim D. Bourassa Quantum AetherDynamics Institute 2303 Randall Road #242 Carpentersville, IL 60110 [email protected]
Our previous papers and book explain the essentials of the Aether Physics Model in sufficient detail. In this paper, we show the Aether Physics Models structure and logic for deriving a complete-periodictable ground state electron binding energy equation. There remains a very small arbitrarily induced quantity in the present formulation, but we are confident a physical quantity will soon replace it. This paper demonstrates the capacity for significant progress in understanding quantum structure and quantum mechanics using a completely new quantum paradigm.
1. Introduction
Scientists have attempted to quantify the electron binding energies of atoms. Lindgreni reports on probabilistic methods for deriving the electron binding energies using the Koopmans Theorem, SCF, many-body perturbation (MBPT), Coupled-Cluster Approach (CCA), Greenes function, and the density functional theory (DFT) approach. Whitneyii iii uses a new two-step variant of special relativity theory to uncover an underlying similarity between all elements and Hydrogen, and algebraically characterizes all variations from that norm. The present work bases on a new discrete physical model for quantum structure, and results directly in an accurate binding energy equation predicting all ground state electrons. The Aether Physics Model is a discrete model of quantum structure. Up to now, the Aether Physics Model only quantified quantum structure, as opposed to quantum mechanics. Despite the properly quantified Unified Force Theory contained within the Aether Physics Model, the model has not yet received significant attention from physicists and mathematicians. This lack of interest is partly due to the necessity of learning revised definitions for the dimensions, understanding that electrical units should always be expressed in dimensions of distributed charge (charge squared), and understanding the two distinctly different manifestations of charges. Further, the Aether Physics Model is a paradigm of Aether/angular momentum, as opposed to the mass/energy paradigm presently in use. The significance of the Aether/angular momentum paradigm is that it shows the relationship between environment (Aether) and matter (angular momentum). The environment and matter quantify geometrically, as well as with dimensions and values. The geometrical quantification of Aether and matter allows for a discrete understanding of quantum structure in five dimensions (three dimensions of length, two dimensions of frequency), and a more precise understanding of charges and their mechanics. The discrete and precise quantum structures allow for the development of the electron binding energy equations. We will lead the reader through each step of the process, but assume some familiarity with our white paperiv and bookv, which provide the foundation for the Aether Physics Model. For the readers convenience, Table 1 includes the essential values and dimensions for the calculations. Constant Aether Unit Table 1. Essential Constants Symbol Value Constant 3 Au kg m Electron 1.419 1012 2 2 Strong Charge sec coul Symbol Value
eemax 2
Quantum Length (Compton wavelength) Quantum Frequency Speed of Light Mass of Electron
Classical Electron Radius Bohr Electron Radius Plancks Constant Electron Fine Structure Constant
c me
kg m 2 sec
9.109 10 31 kg
7.297 103
Unique to the Aether Physics Model is a new system of quantum measurement units. The quantum measurement units contain both dimensions and quantum values. Except where the quantum measurement already defines in modern physics, a four-letter acronym represents each unit. This new notation necessarily differentiates the new unit system from other systems.
hc 2 eemax 2 C Au C 2 480 C 4
The slight difference in value is consistent with the Casimir effect experiment by Steven Lamoreauxvii. Since quantum structure composes from quantum measurements, and the Compton wavelength empirically demonstrates as the quantum length, we can determine the quantum energy of an electron during one cycle of the quantum frequency (the duration of one cycle of quantum frequency is a quantum moment) is equal to: enrg = Au eemax 2
Interestingly enough, the quantum energy of the electron is also equal to the mass of the electron times the speed of light squared:
enrg = me c 2
However, mass is not matter and no physical meaning is attributed to velocity squared, therefore there is no physical interpretation for mass times velocity squared in the Standard Model. In the Aether Physics Model, we discretely define quantum energy as the Aether (environment) imparting a quantum strong force through the electron over a range of one quantum length. Although the electrons are bound to the nucleus due to electrostatic attraction, almost all the binding energy action takes place because of the strong force between electrons.
2 re 2 0 = C 2
It is likely others have noticed this relationship, but such work was not located. The above relationship reveals that a toroid with a minor radius equal to the classical electron radius and major radius equal to the Bohr radius has the surface area equal to the Compton wavelength squared. Further, Plancks constant easily demonstrates the quantum of action (for the electron) is equal to the mass of the electron times the Compton wavelength squared times the quantum frequency.
h = me C 2 Fq
We used the above quantum analyses in developing the Aether Physics Model. It turns out the electron models as a toroid, which can have variable radii as long as the quantum surface area remains the same. Therefore, the electron is not a fixed-point particle, but is a flexible toroidal entity. The flexibility is possible due to the Aether, which gives the electron its structure. As detailed in Secrets of the Aetherx, the Aether is a quantum unit of rotating magnetic field. Ontologically, the Aether unit pre-exists matter and contributes to the material structure of the angular momentum encapsulated by it.
An equation, once posted on a Vanderbilt University philosophy pagexi, and by David McCutcheon, expressed the hydrogen 1s (ground state) orbital electron in terms of the electron fine structure and kinetic energy of the electron:
H 1s = 2 me c 2 = 13.606eV 2
In the Aether Physics Model, this would interpret as the ground state, unbound ratio of the electron radii times the strong force of the electron at the range of one quantum length:
eemax 2 H 1s = Au = 13.606eV 2C 0 re
(Electron volts express energy above, although the same value written in quantum measurements units is 2.663 105 enrg .)
2eemax 2eemax
C 2
We could similarly calculate the kinetic energy as: Au 2eemax 2eemax = Ek 2C (6.2)
In our book, Secrets of the Aether, we have a section about Aether Structuresxii. The steps involved in building Aether structures involve quantifying the spin differences of matter and Aether. Although the quantum Aether unit has 2-spin, subatomic particles only inhabit one fourth of the Aether, or half spin. The spin of the subatomic particles is a direct result of the two dynamic frequency dimensions of the Aether. One of the dynamic frequency dimensions manifests as forward/backward time, the other manifests as right/left spin direction. There is actually a third static frequency, which results in positive/negative electrostatic charge. All matter in our observed Universe exists in only the forward time direction. This observed matter further divides into matter and antimatter, depending on which half of the spin direction cycle it exists. Matter also divides into positive and negative charge depending on which half of the static charge cycle it exists. The primary angular momentum composing subatomic particles can only spin in either the forward or backward time direction, and either the right or left spin direction, and exist in either the positive or the negative of the static charge dipole. Since static charge is not part of the dynamic two-spin structure of the Aether, and angular momentum only exists in half the forward/backward time frequency and half the right/left spin direction, matter appears to have half-spin. Therefore, when half spin subatomic particles bind they are missing the backward time direction, yet the Aether sees this backward time direction. The result is that subatomic particles do not pair exactly opposite or adjacent to each other, as square building blocks seem to do at the macro level of existence. Instead, the subatomic particles (being curved toroidal structures to begin with), build up in a twisted pattern. This twisted construction affects the minor and major radii of the toroidal electrons. As electrons bind to each other and fill the Aether spin positions around an atomic nucleus, the effect is additive. In the case of the electrons, the minor radius increases with the number of electrons (which is equal to the number of protons in a neutral atom). Designating the number of protons as Z, the minor radius decreases in steps of half spin.
Z 2 +1 1 2 The major radius increases in steps of half spin: Z 2 +1 +1 2 (6.4) (6.3)
The above stepping patterns are the phi and Phi numbers. In the case of the first binding, where there are two electrons, we get: 22 + 1 1 = phi = .618... 2 22 + 1 + 1 = Phi = 1.618... 2 The above numbers are the Golden Ratio (Phi) and its reciprocal (phi). With the increase in the number of protons in the atoms, there is an increase in the number of electrons. The total electron radii deform accordingly. As the minor radius shrinks and the major radius grows, there is a deformation as the Aether units stretch and thus the distance between them shrinks. The distance empirically induces in terms of the quantum length as (the nth root is a capital Z squared):
There is no electron strong force binding in the neutral hydrogen atom because there is only one electron, but when we look at helium and all other neutral atoms, the electron binding energy equation for the 1s orbital electron becomes:
re Z 2 + 1 1 2 Z eemax Z eemax Z 2 2 Au 2C Z 2 +1 +1 2
Z1s =
In the case of the neutral helium atom, we can calculate the 1s orbital electron binding energies as:
re 22 + 1 1 2 2 eemax 2 eemax 2 2 2 Au = 24.721eV 2C 22 + 1 + 1 2
He1s =
The empirically measured 1s orbital electron binding energy for helium is 24.6eV.
Z1s =
The above equation may be simplified, but it remains in its present form to remind the reader of its physical interpretation. The empirical data used in this paper draws from Gwyn Williamsxiii compilation of electron binding energies. Table 2 shows the measured and calculated 1s orbital binding energies in eV per atomic element and the deviation between them based upon equation 7.1. Figure 1 depicts the deviation of the calculations from the empirically measured electron binding energies of the 1s orbital position for each element for equation 7.1. Table 3 lists the measured 1s orbital binding energies in eV per atomic element in comparison to the calculations of equation 6.8 (without the linear adjustment). Figure 2 shows the deviation of the unadjusted (equation 6.8) calculations from the empirical electron binding energies of the 1s orbital positions for each atomic element. The unadjusted data presents for those interested in discovering the final physical component of the 1s orbital binding energy equation.
Table 2 Empirical and Calculated Binding Energies with Errors (equation 7.1)
Table 3 - Empirical and Calculated Binding Energies with Errors (equation 6.8) via MS Excel
Z Element Measured Calculated Deviation Z Element Measured 3 Li 54.7 68.71 -20.38% 48 Cd 26711 4 Be 111.5 138.58 -19.54% 49 In 27940 5 B 188 235.03 -20.01% 50 Sn 29200 6 C 284.2 358.33 -20.69% 51 Sb 30491 7 N 409.9 508.62 -19.41% 52 Te 31814 8 O 543.1 685.98 -20.83% 53 I 33169 9 F 696.7 890.45 -21.76% 54 Xe 34561 10 Ne 870.2 1122.06 -22.45% 55 Cs 35985 11 Na 1070.8 1380.83 -22.45% 56 Ba 37441 12 Mg 1303 1666.76 -21.82% 57 La 38925 13 Al 1559 1979.88 -21.26% 58 Ce 40443 14 Si 1839 2320.18 -20.74% 59 Pr 41991 15 P 2145.5 2687.68 -20.17% 60 Nd 43569 16 S 2472 3082.37 -19.80% 61 Pm 45184 17 Cl 2822 3504.25 -19.47% 62 Sm 46834 18 Ar 3205.9 3953.34 -18.91% 63 Eu 48519 19 K 3608.4 4429.62 -18.54% 64 Gd 50239 20 Ca 4038.5 4933.11 -18.13% 65 Tb 51996 21 Sc 4492 5463.81 -17.79% 66 Dy 53789 22 Ti 4966 6021.71 -17.53% 67 Ho 55618 23 V 5465 6606.81 -17.28% 68 Er 57486 24 Cr 5989 7219.12 -17.04% 69 Tm 59390 25 Mn 6539 7858.64 -16.79% 70 Yb 61332 26 Fe 7112 8525.36 -16.58% 71 Lu 63314 27 Co 7709 9219.30 -16.38% 72 Hf 65351 28 Ni 8333 9940.44 -16.17% 73 Ta 67416 29 Cu 8979 10688.79 -16.00% 74 W 69525 30 Zn 9659 11464.35 -15.75% 75 Re 71676 31 Ga 10367 12267.11 -15.49% 76 Os 73871 32 Ge 11103 13097.09 -15.23% 77 Ir 76111 33 As 11867 13954.28 -14.96% 78 Pt 78395 34 Se 12658 14838.67 -14.70% 79 Au 80725 35 Br 13474 15750.28 -14.45% 80 Hg 83102 36 Kr 14326 16689.10 -14.16% 81 Tl 85530 37 Rb 15200 17655.12 -13.91% 82 Pb 88005 38 Sr 16105 18648.36 -13.64% 83 Bi 90526 39 Y 17038 19668.80 -13.38% 84 Po 93105 40 Zr 17998 20716.46 -13.12% 85 At 95730 41 Nb 18986 21791.33 -12.87% 86 Rn 98404 42 Mo 20000 22893.41 -12.64% 87 Fr 101137 43 Tc 21044 24022.69 -12.40% 88 Ra 103922 44 Ru 22117 25179.19 -12.16% 89 Ac 106755 45 Rh 23220 26362.90 -11.92% 90 Th 109651 46 Pd 24350 27573.82 -11.69% 91 Pa 112601 47 Ag 25514 28811.95 -11.45% 92 U 115606 Calculated Deviation 30077.29 -11.19% 31369.85 -10.93% 32689.61 -10.67% 34036.58 -10.42% 35410.77 -10.16% 36812.16 -9.90% 38240.77 -9.62% 39696.59 -9.35% 41179.61 -9.08% 42689.85 -8.82% 44227.30 -8.56% 45791.96 -8.30% 47383.84 -8.05% 49002.92 -7.79% 50649.21 -7.53% 52322.72 -7.27% 54023.44 -7.01% 55751.36 -6.74% 57506.50 -6.46% 59288.85 -6.19% 61098.41 -5.91% 62935.19 -5.63% 64799.17 -5.35% 66690.36 -5.06% 68608.77 -4.75% 70554.39 -4.45% 72527.21 -4.14% 74527.25 -3.83% 76554.50 -3.51% 78608.97 -3.18% 80690.64 -2.84% 82799.52 -2.51% 84935.62 -2.16% 87098.92 -1.80% 89289.44 -1.44% 91507.17 -1.07% 93752.11 -0.69% 96024.26 -0.31% 98323.62 0.08% 100650.20 0.48% 103003.98 0.89% 105384.98 1.30% 107793.19 1.72% 110228.60 2.15% 112691.23 2.59%
a. Oxygen
Calculating the 1s orbital for oxygen we get 534.534eV (all values are off from table due to rounding):
re 82 + 1 1 2 8 eemax 8 eemax 8 2 (.757 + .0028 8) 2 Au 2C 82 + 1 + 1 2
O1s =
O1s =
2.818 1015 m 3.531 kg m3 64 1.400 1037 coul 2 1.011 .779 1.419 1012 5.292 1011 m 4.531 sec 2 coul 2 2 2.426 1012 m kg m3 7.055 1036 coul 2 sec 2 coul 2 4.852 1012 m
b. Iron
The ground state electron for iron is similarly calculated:
re 262 + 1 1 2 26 eemax 26 eemax 26 2 (.757 + .0028 26) 2 Au 2C 26 2 + 1 + 1 2
Fe1s =
2.818 1015 m 12.510 kg m3 676 1.400 1037 coul 2 1.001 .830 12 Fe1s = 1.419 10 5.292 1011 m 13.510 sec 2 coul 2 2 2.426 10 12 m Fe1s = 4.931 105 1.419 1012 kg m3 7.86110 35 coul 2 sec 2 coul 2 4.852 1012 m
c. Uranium
The calculation for uranium is:
re 922 + 1 1 2 92 eemax 92 eemax 92 2 (.757 + .0028 92) 2 Au 2C 922 + 1 + 1 2
U1s =
U1s =
2.818 10 15 m 45.503 kg m3 8.464 103 1.400 1037 coul 2 1.000 1.015 1.419 1012 5.292 1011 m 46.503 sec 2 coul 2 2 2.426 1012 m kg m3 1.202 1033 coul 2 sec 2 coul 2 4.852 1012 m
9. Conclusion
The Aether Physics Model electron binding energy equations for the 1s orbitals are not exact, but very close, especially considering that all the elemental ground states are calculated from first principles. There is the possibility the data could be faulty, however it is more likely there are aspects of the Aether structure which the equation is not yet addressing. These aspects may surface as future modifications to the equation calculate the remaining electron orbital positions. The electron binding energy equation is the first quantum mechanical expression of the Aether Physics Model and demonstrates the model is viable. Unlike the quantum mechanics of the mass/energy paradigm, the Aether Physics Model is discrete and devoid of probability functions and paradoxes, which should make it superior to the Standard Model when fully developed. Now that the Aether Physics Model quantifies the quantum structure and we have produced our first set of equations, the analysis must develop further until it explains all aspects of the atom. We should then be able to quantify the structural aspects of associated molecules. We also need to quantify and explore the mechanics of light very thoroughly.
We thank Dr. Cynthia Whitney of Galilean Electrodynamics for providing references and background information on prior electron energy binding equation research. We also thank Dr. Gerald Hooper of Leicester, UK and Dr. Phil Risby of DES Group, UK for their guidance when submitting this paper.
Lindgren, Ingvar, Calculation of Electron Binding Energies and Affinities (Phys. Scr. T120 15-18, doi:10.1088/00318949/2005/T120/002, 2005)
Whitney, Cynthia, Algebraic Chemistry: Parts I Through V (Hadronic Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, February 2006) pp 1-46
Whitney, Cynthia, Algebraic Chemistry Based on a PIRT (Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory conference, London, UK, 2006) David W. Thomson and Jim D. Bourassa, A New Foundation for Physics (Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory conference, London, UK, 2006)
v iv
David W. Thomson and Jim D. Bourassa, Secrets of the Aether; Second Edition (Alma, IL, The Aenor Trust, 2005)
David W. Thomson and Jim D. Bourassa, A New Foundation for Physics:Section 8.b (Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory conference, London, UK, 2006)
Lamoreaux, Steven K., Demonstration of the Casimir Force in the 0.6 to 6 mm Range (Phys Rev Let, Vol 78, Num 1, 1996)
David W. Thomson and Jim D. Bourassa, Secrets of the Aether; Second Edition: Units Chapter 6, Kinetic Energy (Alma, IL, The Aenor Trust, 2005)
David W. Thomson and Jim D. Bourassa, Secrets of the Aether; Second Edition: Aether Chapter 4, Aether Unit (Alma, IL, The Aenor Trust, 2005) Inactive page:
David W. Thomson and Jim D. Bourassa, Secrets of the Aether; Second Edition: Aether Chapter 4, Aether Structures (Alma, IL, The Aenor Trust, 2005)
Williams, Gwyn Values are taken from J. A. Bearden and A. F. Burr, "Reevaluation of X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels," Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, (1967) p.125, except values marked '*' are from M. Cardona and L. Ley, Eds., Photoemission in Solids I: General Principles (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978) with additional corrections, and values marked with '+' are from J. C. Fuggle and N. Mrtensson, "Core-Level Binding Energies in Metals," J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 21, (1980) p.275. [reference copied from web page]