FS Curriculum - Full Stack

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Skills Topics

Introduction of Web, Client-Server Architecture, HTTP Basics and Intro

Basic CSE and Tools to Web development
VS code , Node, Postman, Robo 3T, and GIT
Module 2 - HTML and CSS HTML (Basics - Syntax , tags , attributes)
CSS (Basics - Syntax , selectors , attributes)
Responsive Web Design
Media Queries
Introduction of Bootstrap and tailwind
Introduction of FIGMA
Create a static Web Page using HTML, CSS and Framework like
Project Bootstrap.

Java Script Introduction to Javascript

Data Types , variables , operators
Statements , loops , methods , functions
Events , DOM , Debugging
Dates, ES6 ,object destructuring, Multi-line strings
Classes, this keyword, Object, Super, Constructor, extends
event bubbling, try...catch,
arrow functions, map, reduce, filter

J Query syntax , selectors , method chaining

JQuery Effects
DOM manipulation
Node JS Callbacks, Promises, Async-Await
NodeJS & NPM introduction
Node File, Crypto built-in module introduction
Creating a basic server with HTTP module

Express JS Using postman to do CRUD operation on a JSON

What is express.js?
Middleware, API Creation, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
Using Body-parser, dot-env, cors
Project Create a node.js backend for Project1

Mongoose.js Installing and running mongodb

Introduction to Mongoose.js
Connecting with local instance
Creating models
CRUD operations
Project For Project1 create models and use mongo CRUD

React Single Page Application, Install create-react-app

JSX and rendering
Lifecycle methods
Lists and Keys
Conditional Rendering
Local Storage & Cookies
Composition and Inheritance
Calling APIs with axios
Event listeners & Forms
React routes
Hands on React App
Project Develope a react App using CRA

Redux Structure and Dataflow

Async logic and Data fetching

Test and Deployment TDD/BDD

Deployment pipelines ( heroku or netlify)
Project Add redux store to project1 and deploy it

Capstone Project

E- Commerce App create a an ecommerce app

Create your backend using Node & Mongodb
should have a user frontend and an admin interface
Admin should be able to add/edit/delete categories/products

Real Estate Property listing App create a real estate listing app
Create your backend using Node & Mongodb
user frontend and an admin interface
Admin should be able to add/edit/delete real estate properties.

Car rental App create a car rental app

Create your backend using Node & Mongodb
user frontend and an admin interface
Admin should be able to add/edit/delete cars info.

Youtube Clone should use the official Youtube API

The homepage should show the most popular videos.
Clicking on any thumbnail should open a video page

Covid Info App Use API: https://covid19api.com/

App to show Covid info
Show Country wise data.

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