Design and Construction of Road Embankments in Swampy Area-A Case Study of Uganda in East Africa
Design and Construction of Road Embankments in Swampy Area-A Case Study of Uganda in East Africa
Design and Construction of Road Embankments in Swampy Area-A Case Study of Uganda in East Africa
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Avik Kumar Mandal on 11 March 2023.
Visakhapatnam Chapter
1 Introduction
New Road constructions are required to provide new connectivity and / or to improve
the connectivity between two places in a country. Development of roads helps in in-
creasing the socio economic activity between two places. In Uganda the topography is
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mostly rolling, so the low-lying areas are more or less water logged and result in the
formation of permanent swamps. The roads pass through these swamps. Swamps
contain permanent standing water and soft soils below the ground level. Designing
and construction of embankment is quite challenging work in these swamps and re-
quire various important considerations. This paper describes the engineering methods
as adopted in building the road embankment of following road projects in Uganda.
1. Buhimba- Nalweyo- Bulamagi -Igayaza- Kakumiro Road Project
2. Ishaka – Kagamba Road Project
Initially, the detailed design procedure actually adopted for road embankment sections
which traverse through some swamp stretches along the project corridor namely
Buhimba- Nalweyo- Bulamagi - Igayaza- Kakumi in the country of Uganda, East
Africa is explained in this paper. Later part of the paper deals with the detailed con-
struction methodology of road embankment running through multiple swamp areas
which was followed in other project namely Ishaka - Kagamba situated in different
part of Uganda.
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December 17-19, 2020, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Following expression was used to evaluate the equivalent value of “NSPT” value
corresponding to field recorded DCPT results.
NSPT = 0.700 * NT13
where, “NT13” is the number of blows required to drive the rods through 100 mm.
The light weight equipment consisted of a hammer of 10 kg and a drive head of 5cm2
that was manually driven through a height of fall of 500 mm. The number of blows
required to drive the hammer through a distance of 100 mm was determined and rec-
orded. In addition, the test was used to provide an indication of the density and con-
sistency of the different soft cohesive soil layers encountered.
The laboratory-testing program consisted of determination of soil index and shear
strength properties as well as the consolidation settlement characteristics. The guide-
lines given in various parts of BS 1377-1990 were followed during laboratory testing
of the different types of soil samples. The index tests were performed to determine the
soil natural i.e. in-situ moisture content, unit weight, specific gravity, gradation char-
acteristics (gravel, sand and fines content i.e. the silt & clay fractions) and consistency
limits (i.e. Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, Plasticity index and Linear Shrinkage). The
strength tests were performed to determine the shear parameters (cohesion, angle of
internal friction) of soil; the consolidation tests were performed to find out the consol-
idation properties (pre-consolidation pressure, initial void ratio, compression &
recompression index, coefficient of volume compressibility and vertical consolida-
tion). The index tests were performed on disturbed split-spoon soil samples (DS)
and/or undisturbed samples (UDS), except the natural moisture content (NMC) and
dry density tests, which were performed only on the undisturbed soil samples (UDS).
The shear strength tests consisted of “Direct Shear Box Test (DST)” and the “Tri-
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Layer No. II: Loose to Medium Dense Clayey Silty Sand
(26.7- 0.075
0.5 - 54.90)/ *1.70 - 0.679 7.5 -
3-8 (7.4- 19.5 *1.0 - 1.83 *(20 - 28) -
4.5 1.96 - 0.79 *15
28.40) *0.10
Layer No. III: Medium Stiff to Hard Sandy Clay
(44.2- 22.20 0.093
1.5 - 8- 63.7)/ 1.66 - 0.784 9.3 -
(7.4- - 2.3 - *13 0 -
5.0 60 1.92 - 1.37 12
29.90) 35.10 0.120
Layer No. IV: Dense to Very Dense Silty Sand/Clayey Silty Sand
1.5 - 50 - 37.7)/
(16.1- *1.90 - *1.0 *(30 - 32) *0.78 *25 *0.09
5.5 60
Layer No. V: Bed Rock Layer
- >100 - *2.00 - *0 *36 - - -
Note : *Parameters based on engineering judgement and using correlations of index properties
From the above table of engineering properties of soil layers it can be noted that the
thickness of top soft to very soft layer is up to 2.00 m thick. The compression index of
this layer is 0.159 and the in-situ void ratio is also quite high as 0.982. The “Natural
Moisture Content (NMC)” of the in-situ top most weak cohesive layer is quite close
to its “Liquid Limit (LL)” which clearly indicates the soft compressible nature of the
stratum. The thickness of loose to medium dense sand layer is varying from 0.50 m to
4.50 m.
Based on soil classification / consistency / compactness / soundness, compressibility /
plasticity, the foundation soil profiles for all swampy locations were considered to
evaluate and assess the engineering behavior of foundation soil strata under the load
of road embankment.
The height of embankment which was considered from the existing swampy ground
level to the proposed finished road level for each stretch in the swampy area was de-
termined from the highway profile. The finished road top width and maximum height
of proposed road embankment was 11.00 m and 10.00 m respectively. The subsoil
properties of each stretch were based on the properties of the boreholes in a particular
location. To assess the stability and safety of the proposed road embankment, the
detailed analysis for the slope stability, foundation bearing capacity and settlement
analysis was carried in each of the stretches along the swampy areas.
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December 17-19, 2020, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
The geometric details and results of “Design Analysis” of proposed road embank-
ment” along some typical stretches of swampy area in original ground i.e. without any
kind of ground treatment condition are presented below in the “Table 2”.
Table 2. Summary of Slope Stability, Bearing Capacity and Settlement Analysis of Embank-
ments in Swampy Area in “Original (i.e. In-situ) Ground Condition”
Factor Estimated
Stability (mm)
Sl. No.
Consolidation Set-
Maximum Design
Immediate Settle-
Berm width ( m )
Static Condition
below FRL ( m)
Top Width (m)
Depth of Berm
Height (m)
Side Slope
From the above “Table 2” it is clear that the “Factor of Safety (FOS)” in slope stabil-
ity was less than the minimum required “FOS” of 1.30 even though the adequate
“FOS” (>1.50) was estimated in bearing capacity check. To improve the “FOS” under
“Slope Stability”, the required thickness of the top soft compressible clayey soil be-
low the ground level of the swampy was replaced with rocky material. Replacement
of top weak compressible clayey soil with rocky material being one of the economical
methods was adopted as the preferred ground treatment method in the project. Due to
the availability of abundant rocky material within the limited lead distance, the chosen
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method of ground treatment was implemented successfully within the project sched-
ule and cost. The summary of “Slope Stability”, “Bearing Capacity” and “Settlement
Analysis” for the road embankment along the previously mentioned swampy stretches
with ground treatment by removal and replacement method using the rocky materials
are given in table below.
Table 3. Summary of Slope Stability, Bearing Capacity and Settlement Analysis of Embank-
ments in Swampy Area with “Ground Treatment”
Factor of
Safety Estimated Post
(Chainage) at Center
Thickness of Stability
Immediate Settlement
Consolidation Settle-
Sl. No.
ment (mm)
Level of
(m ) 50% 90%
Same as men-
16+ 16+
1 tioned under 2.00 1.42 >3.78 30 50 45 200
050 128
Table 2
Same as men-
16+ 16+
2 tioned under 2.00 1.34 >4.63 30 40 50 170
128 175
Table 2
Same as men-
16+ 16+
3 175 210 tioned under 1.50 1.42 >6.40 30 10 10 30
Table 2
Same as men-
16+ 16+
4 tioned under 1.50 1.48 >3.00 40 20 40 130
210 246
Table 2
Same as men-
16+ 16+
5 246 278 tioned under 1.50 1.30 >4.70 40 10 10 30
Table 2
Same as men-
6 16+ 16+ tioned under 2.00 1.44 >3.70 40 40 10 60
278 315
Table 2
16+ 16+ Same as men-
7 315 423 tioned under 2.00 1.38 >4.70 30 20 10 30
Table 2
Same as men-
16+ 16+
8 tioned under 1.40 1.45 >4.90 40 20 20 70
423 580 Table 2
Same as men-
16+ 16+
9 tioned under 1.20 1.45 >4.10 30 30 40 150
580 840 Table 2
From the above summary “Table 3”, it is clear that after replacement of top soil with
the rocky material, the “FOS” in slope stability of the proposed road embankments
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December 17-19, 2020, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
were found more than minimum required value of 1.30. The “FOS” in bearing capaci-
ties of embankments was also greater than 1.50. The total amount of post-construction
consolidation settlement is varying from 10 mm to 50 mm, which is very nominal.
The calculated time required for settlement was varying from 30 to 200 days. So to
consume the most part of estimated settlement, the minimum required waiting period
was provided and settlement of embankment was also observed at regular intervals.
At the time of writing this paper the pavement construction of this project was in pro-
gress. The drawing showing the typical cross section with ground treatment in
swamps is given “Figure 1” below.
In swamp locations due to presence of soft soil and permanent water logging con-
struction of embankment was difficult. To construct embankment in swamp, the end
tipping method of rocky material was adopted.
The construction methodology adopted in swamp stretches in Ishaka - Kagamba
Road project is given below.
1. Since the depth of water is more, the tracked earth moving equipment could not
operate directly on the ground. So the embankment was constructed using the dis-
placement method of top soft soil present at swamp by end tipping of rocky material.
2. Prior to commencement of rock filling under water by end tipping method, the
water born vegetation, muck, soft unsuitable material was removed from the
swamp bed to the possible extent using a large tracked excavator. The “Photo-
graph 2” shows removal of vegetation, muck and unsuitable soil from swamp.
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Fig. 2. Removal of vegetation, muck and Fig.3. End tipping work of rocky material
unsuitable soil from the bed of Swamp in Swamp
The hard, durable and inert rocky aggregate material of size not exceeding 300 mm
and of minimum size 75 mm was used for the filling in the water logged swampy area
by end tipping method from the dumper truck.
3. Rocky material (i.e. dumped rock) was tipped directly into the water using tip-
pers and spread to full width with a projection of 1500 mm of the proposed em-
bankment by end tipping method. The “Photograph 3” shows end tipping meth-
od being done in site.
4. End tipping of rocky material was continued till it reached up to a height of 100
mm above the present water level for entire width of embankment.
5. The rocky material was compacted (pushed into the underlying material) by
tracking with equipment such as dozers, tracked excavators or loaded dump
trucks. Compaction was continued until there is no discernible movement of
rock fill. The “Photograph 4” shows compaction in progress
6. After the rock filling was completed for a height of 300 mm above water level,
covering of the rock with a “crusher run” material of maximum particle size 75
mm was done so that voids in the top of the dumped rock were filled up. This
was vibrated into the underlying voids using a heavy vibrating compactor until
there was no noticeable movement of the rock fill.
7. Further “crusher run” material was dumped over bottom filling made by rocky
material and subsequently compacted proper manner.
8. On the above-prepared sealed bed of filling, normal embankment filling work
was done and then that was well compacted as per technical specifications up to
the required finished level till the bottom of pavement.
9. The operation was done along the existing embankment; it displaced the soft and
unsuitable material in an outgoing direction.
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10. The provision of cross drainage of the water in swampy area was made by ac-
commodating the required size of either “RCC Hume Pipe Culverts” or “RCC
Box Culverts” as per the hydrological and hydraulic design. The “Photograph 5”
shows typical RCC Box culvert provided within road embankment filling in
swampy area along the project road.
11. After construction of embankment, waiting period was provided for consuming
the most (~90%) of the anticipated consolidation settlement so that there was no
significant post construction settlement after laying the pavement layers.
12. Finally the designed thickness of the different layers of the flexible pavement
was laid after the completion of significant part of estimated settlement due to
the loading of the embankment filling.
13. The embankment side slope above and around the culvert structure in the swamp
were protected adequately with grouted stone pitching having bottom granular
filter layer. The provisions of weep holes for the drainage of soil water from the
embankment filling were also made along the protected slope of road embank-
ment. The turfing along the slopes of embankment was also provided in the
stretches of roads between the successive culverts along the swamps.
During construction, to ascertain the actual depth of soft soil present in the swamp
area, the hand held “Light Weight Dynamic Cone Penetration Tests (DCPT)” follow-
ing the “German” guidelines namely DIN 4904. The penetration value was converted
into the equivalent field SPT (N) value and this was correlated with the field borehole
log data of design stage. This method was adopted to ascertain that there is no change
in the foundation soil strata as considered during the design of road embankment in
swamps. The rocky material which was filled into the swamp was compacted so that
the loose pockets are not left out. The volume of the rocky material actually con-
sumed during the filling by “End Tipping Method” in swamps was checked against
earlier estimated volume of the swampy area based on the concerned area and com-
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bined depth of water and swampy bed as found in design stage survey and inves-
tigation. This method of volume checking indirectly ensures the compacted vol-
ume of the filling made by rocky material in swamps. The gradation, liquid limit
(LL), plastic limit (PL), CBR and CBR Swell test were carried out for the embank-
ment borrow fill material to verify the requirements of the fill material. The density of
compacted embankment fill was also checked in required frequency so that it meets
the requirement as per the project specifications.
4 Conclusions
This paper discusses about the detailed design philosophy and construction methodol-
ogy of road embankments in the swamp locations actually adopted along the project
roads of Uganda. The design of embankment was carried out following the guidelines
stipulated “British Codes (BS)” and other international standard given under refer-
To ensure the adequate stability and restrict the maximum post-construction settle-
ment, the ground treatment by doing removal and replacement of the designed thick-
ness of top weak compressible cohesive silty/clayey soils from the swampy bed with
hard durable rocky material was done for the foundation base of the road embankment
along the project roads in Uganda. The construction of embankment was carried out
following the guidelines under references. The construction of embankments in water
logged area was carried out by end tipping method. The cross drainage of the water in
the swamps were provided by accommodating the required numbers and designed
sizes of the pipe and box culverts. The slopes of the road embankment in the swamps
were adequately protected mostly by grouted stone pitching and / or turfing. The
pavement layers over the embankment filling were laid after completing the designed
waiting period for consuming the major part of the estimated total settlement. The
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December 17-19, 2020, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
The authors thank senior managements, design team of engineers of M/s. LEA Asso-
ciates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. (LASA), New Delhi, India for providing the support and
encouragement in preparation of the paper.
1. BS 5930:2015, The code of practice for Site Investigations.
2. BS 1377 (Part 1 to Part 9), Methods of test for Soils for civil Engineering purpos-
3. General Specifications for Bridge and Road Works, Ministry of Works, Housing and
Communications, Ugandan Road Authority (UNRA), The Republic of Uganda
4. NAVFAC (1982), “Foundation and Earth Structures (Design Manual 7.2)”, Department of
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, United States of America.
5. IRC 75: 2015, Guidelines for the Design of High Embankments, Indian Road Congress
(IRC), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORT&H), Govt. of India.
6. Specification of Road and Bridge Works, Indian Road Congress (IRC), Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways (MORT&H), Govt. of India, Fifth Revision, 2013.
7. DIN 4094: German Guidelines of Investigation using “Light Weight Dynamic Cone Pene-
tration Test (DCPT)”.
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