Yearly Scheme of Work: English
Yearly Scheme of Work: English
Yearly Scheme of Work: English
Year 6
1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.4 5.3.1
Recognise and Give dETailed UndersTand The Describe Respond
THEME: reproduce informaTion abouT main idea of PersonaliTY imaginaTively and
World of Self, Family independeNTly a Themselves and simple longer inTElligibly THrough
and Friends wide range of oTHers TExTS 4.2.1 creaTing simple
TArgeT language Give dETailed sTOries and simple
UniT: phonemes informaTion abouT poems
Welcome Themselves and oTHers OTher imaginaTive
1.2.2 responses as
UndersTand wiTh appropriaTE
Topic: liTTLe or no supporT
Messing AbouT specific
(AnTHology of Poem) informaTion and
deTAils of longer
simple TExTS on a
range of familiar
LESSON 1 – 5
( 5 lessons)
1.2.1 2.1.3 3.2.2 4.2.3 5.3.1
Theme: UndersTAnd wiTH Explain and give UndersTand NarraTE facTUal Respond imaginaTIvely
World of Knowledge liTTLe or no supporT reasons for simple specific informaTion and imagined evenTsand inTElligibly THrough
The main idea of advice and deTAils of and Experiences creaTing simple sTOries
UniT 1: longer simple TExTS simple longer TExTS and simple poems.
IT’s an emergency! on a range of 2.1.5 4.3.1 OTher imaginaTive
familiar TOpics Ask abouT and 3.2.3 Use capiTAl leTTErs, responses as
Describe personaliTy Guess The meaning of full STOps, commas in appropriaTE
Theme: 1.2.2 unfamiliar words from lisTS, quesTIon marks
World of Self, Family UndersTAnd wiTH 2.3.1 clues provided by and speech marks
and Friends liTTLe or no supporT NarraTE shorT sTOries, oTHer known words appropriaTEly
specific informaTion evenTs and experiences and by conTExT aT discourse level
Topic: and deTAils of
*The Sandwich longer simple TExTS 4.3.2
*Toes on a range of Spell mosT high
(AnTHology of Poem) familiar TOpics frequency words
accuraTEly in
1.2.5 independeNT WriTing
UndersTand more
WEEK : complex supporTed 4.3.3
2-4 quesTIons Produce a plan or
drafT Of
27. 04. 2022 TWO paragraphs or
- more for a familiar
10. 04. 2022 TOpic and modify
THis appropriaTEly
LESSON 6 - 16 in response TO
(11 lessons) feedback
Theme: 1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.1 5.2.1
World of Knowledge Recognise and Give dETailed UndersTand The main Give dETailed Describe in simple
reproduce informaTion abouT idea of simple informaTion abouT language a charaCTer’s
UniT 2: independenTly a wide Themselves and oTHers longer TExTS Themselves and oTHers aCTions or feelings
Life in The range of TArgeT and explain The
pasT language phonemes 2.1.4 3.2.2 4.2.3 reasons for THem
Ask abouT and UndersTAnd specific NarraTE facTUal
1.2.2 describe fuTure plans informaTion and and imagined evenTs 5.3.1
UndersTand wiTh or evenTs deTails of simple and experiences Respond imaginaTIvely
Theme: liTTLe or no supporT longer TexT and inTElligibly THrough
World of Self, Family specific informaTion 2.2.1 4.3.1 creaTing simple
and Friends and deTAils of Keep inTeraCTion going 3.2.3 Use capiTAl lETTers, full STOries and simple
longer simple TExTS in shorT exchanges by Guess The meaning of STOps, commas in lisTS, poems.
Topic: on a range of checking undersTanding unfamiliar words from quesTIon marks, and OTher imaginaTive
The sandwich and familiar TOpics of whaT a speaker is clues provided by speech marks responses as
Toes saying oTHer known words appropriaTEly aT appropriaTE
1.2.5 and by conTExT discourse level’
UndersTand more 2.2.2
complex supporTed Agree a sET Of 3.2.4 4.3.2
WEEK : quesTIons basic STeps needed TO Use wiTh some Spell mosT high
4-8 ComplETe exTended supporT familiar frequency words
classroom TAsks priNT and digiTal accuraTEly in
11. 04. 2022 resources TO check independeNT WriTing
- 2.3.1 meaning
09. 05. 2022 NarraTE shorT 4.3.3
sTOries, evenTs and 3.3.1 Produce a plan or
experiences Read and enjoy A2 drafT Of TWO
LESSON 17 - 32 ficTion/nonficTion priNT paragraphs or
(16 lessons) and digiTal TExTS of more for a
InTeresT familiar TOpic and
modify This
appropriaTely in
response TO
Theme: 1.2.2 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.1 5.2.1
World of Self, Family UndersTand wiTh Give dETailed UndersTand The main Give dETailed Describe in simple
and Friends liTTLe or no supporT informaTion abouT idea of simple longer informaTion abouT language a charaCTer’s
specific informaTion Themselves and oTHers TExTS Themselves and oTHers aCTions or feelings
UniT 3: and deTAils of longer and explain The
AdvenTure Time simple TExTS on a 2.3.1 3.2.2 4.2.3 reasons for THem
range of familiar NarraTE shorT UndersTand specific NarraTE facTUal
Theme: TOpics sTOries, evenTs informaTion and and imagined evenTs 5.3.1
World of STOries and experiences deTails of simple and experiences Respond imaginaTively
1.2.3 longer TExTS and inTElligibly THrough
Topic: UndersTAnd wiTH 4.2.5 creaTing simple sTOries
Akbar’s Dream liTTLe or no supporT 3.3.1 ConnECT senTences and simple poems.
longer simple Read and enjoy A2 inTO TWO coherenT OTher imaginaTive
narraTIves on a range ficTion/nonficTion priNT paragraphs or responses as
of familiar TOpics and digiTal TExTS of more using basic appropriaTE
WEEK : inTeresT coordinaTIng
8 - 11 1.2.5 conjuncTions and
UndersTand more reference pronouns
10. 05. 2022 complex supporTed
- quesTIons 4.3.1
01. 06. 2022 Use capiTAl leTTErs,
1.3.1 full STOps, commas in
LESSON 33 - 48 Guess The meaning of lisTS, quesTIon
(16 lessons) unfamiliar words marks, and
from clues provided speech marks
by oTHer known words appropriaTEly aT
and by conTExT On discourse level
familiar TOpics
Spell mosT high
frequency words
accuraTEly in
independeNT WriTing
Produce a plan or
drafT Of TWO
paragraphs or
more for a familiar
TOpic and modifYTHis
appropriaTEly in
response TO feedback
Theme: 1.2.1 2.1.1 3.2.2 4.2.1 5.2.1
World of Self, Family UndersTAnd wiTH Give dETailed UndersTand specific Give dETailed Describe in simple
and Friends liTTLe or no supporT informaTion abouT informaTion and informaTion abouT language a charaCTer’s
The main idea of Themselves and oTHers deTails of simple Themselves and oTHers acTIons or feelings
UniT 4: longer simple TExTS longer TExTS and explain The
Cool jobs on a range of 2.2.1 4.2.2 reasons for THem
familiar TOpics Keep inTeraCTion going 3.2.3 Describe fuTure
Theme: in shorT exchanges by Guess The meaning of plans or evenTs
World of STOries 1.2.2 Checking undersTanding unfamiliar words from
World of Self, Family UndersTAnd wiTH of whaT a speaker is clues provided by 4.2.4
and Friends liTTLe or no supporT saying oTHer known words Describe personaliTy
specific informaTion and by conTExT
Topic: and deTAils of 4.3.1
Akbar’s Dream and longer simple TExTS 3.2.4 Use capiTAl leTTErs,
My SisTEr’s EaTing on a range of Use wiTh some full STOps, commas in
Porridge familiar TOpics supporT familiar lisTS, quesTIon
priNT and digiTal marks, and
ProjECT Based 1.2.5 resources TO check speech marks
Learning 1 UndersTand more meaning appropriaTEly aT
Complex supporTed discourse level
WEEK : 1.3.1 Spell mosT high
11 - 14 Guess The meaning of frequency words
unfamiliar words from accuraTEly in
02. 06. 2022 clues provided by independeNT
- oTher known words wrITing
30. 06. 2022 and by conTExT On
familiar TOpics
LESSON 49 - 64
(16 lessons)
Theme: 1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.1 5.3.1
World of STOries Recognise and Give dETailed UndersTand The main Give dETailed Respond
reproduce informaTion abouT idea of simple longer informaTion abouT imaginaTively and
UniT 5: independenTly a wide Themselves and TExTS Themselves and inTElligibly THrough crea
GeTTIng around range of TArgeT OTHers oTHers Ting simple
language phonemes 3.2.2 STOries and simple
Theme: 2.1.2 UndersTand specific 4.2.3 poems.
World of STOries 1.2.2 Ask abouT and informaTion and NarraTE facTUal OTher imaginaTive
UndersTAnd wiTH liTTLe express rules and deTails of simple and imagined evenTs responses as
Topic: or no supporT specific obligaTIons longer TExTS and experiences appropriaTE
My SisTEr’s informaTion and
EaTing Porridge deTAils of longer 2.2.1 3.3.1 4.2.5
and Here is THe simple TExTS on a Keep inTeraCTion Read and enjoy ConnecT senTences
Nose range of familiar TOpics going in shorT A2 ficTion / inTO TWO coherenT
exchanges by checking nonficTion prinT and paragraphs or
ProjECT Based 1.2.3 undersTanding of digiTal TExTS of more using basic
Learning 1 UndersTAnd wiTH whaT a speaker is inTeresT coordinaTIng
liTTLe or no supporT saying conjuncTions and
longer simple reference
narraTIves on a range 2.2.2 pronouns
WEEK : of familiar Agree a sET Of
15 - 18 TOpics basic STeps needed TO 4.3.3
ComplETe exTended Produce a plan or
03. 07. 2022 1.2.5 classroom TAsks drafT Of TWO
- UndersTand more paragraphs or
24. 07. 2022 complex supporTed 2.1.3 more for a
queSTions Explain and give familiar TOpic and
LESSON 65 - 80 reasons for simple modify This
(16 lessons) 1.3.1 advice appropriaTely in
Guess The meaning of response TO
unfamiliar words 2.3.1 feedback
from clues provided NarraTE shorT
by oTHer known sTOries, evenTs
words and by conTExT and experiences
On familiar TOpics
Theme: 1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.5 5.2.1
World of Recognise and Give dETailed UndersTand The main ConnECT senTences Describe in simple
Knowledge reproduce informaTion abouT idea of simple inTO TWO coherenT language a
independeNTly a Themselves and oTHers longer TExTS paragraphs or characTEr’s acTIons
UniT 6: wide range of more using basic or feelings and
How is iT TArgeT language 2.1.3 3.2.2 coordinaTIng explain The
made? phonemes Explain and give UndersTand specific conjuncTions and reasons for THem
reasons for simple informaTion and reference
Theme: 1.2.1 advice deTAils of simple pronouns 5.3.1
World of STOries UndersTand wiTh longer TExTS Respond imaginaTIvely
liTTLe or no supporT 2.2.2 4.3.1 and inTElligibly THrough
Topic: THe main idea of Agree a sET Of 3.2.4 Use capiTAl leTTErs, creaTing simple sTOries
Don’T and longer simple basic STeps needed Use wiTh some full STOps, commas in and simple poems.
The Wizard of Oz TExTS on a range TO ComplETe supporT familiar lisTS, quesTIon OTher imaginaTive
of familiar exTended classroom priNT and digiTal marks, and responses as
TOpics TAsks resources TO check speech marks appropriaTE.
WEEK : meaning appropriaTEly aT
18 - 21 1.2.2 discourse level
UndersTand wiTh liTTle
25. 07. 2022 or no supporT specific 4.3.2
- informaTion and deTails Spell mosT high
of longer simple TexTs frequency words
15. 08. 2022 on a range of familiar accuraTEly in
independeNT WriTing
1.2.4 4.3.3
LESSON 81 - 96 UndersTand longer
(16 lessons) Produce a plan or
sequences of drafT Of TWO
supporTed classroom paragraphs or
insTrucTions more for a
familiar TOpic and
modify This
UndersTand more appropriaTely in
Complex supporTed
response TO
Theme: 1.1.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.1 5.3.1
World of Self, Recognise and Give dETailed UndersTand The main Give dETailed Respond imaginaTIvely
Family and Friends Reproduce informaTion abouT idea of simple informaTion abouT and inTElligibly
independenTly a wide Themselves and longer TexTs Themselves and oTHers THrough creaTing
UniT 7: range of TArgeT OTHers simple STOries and
Music and Song language phonemes 3.2.2 4.2.2 simple poems.
2.1.4 UndersTand specific Describe fuTure OTher imaginaTive
Theme: 1.2.1 Ask abouT and informaTion and plans or evenTs responses as
World of STOries UndersTand wiTh describe fuTure plans deTails of simple appropriaTE.
liTTLe or no supporT or evenTs longer TExTS 4.2.5
Topic: The main idea of ConnECT senTences
The Wizard of Oz longer simple TExTS 2.1.5 3.3.1 inTO TWO coherenT
on a range of Ask abouT and Read and enjoy paragraphs o more
familiar TOpics Describe personaliTy A2 ficTIon/nonficTIon using basic
prinT and digiTal coordinaTIng
1.2.2 2.2.1 TExTS of inTeresT conjuncTions and
UndersTand wiTh Keep inTeraCTion reference pronouns
WEEK : liTTLe or no supporT going in shorT
21 - 24 specific informaTion exchanges by 4.3.1
and deTAils of checking undersTanding Use capiTAl lETTers, full
16. 08. 2022 longer simple TExTS of whaT a speaker is STOps, commas in lisTS,
- on a range of saying. quesTIon marks and
14. 09. 2022 familiar TOpics speech marks
2.3.1 appropriaTEly aT
1.2.3 NarraTE shorT discourse level
UndersTand wiTh sTOries, evenTs and
LESSON 97 – 112 liTTLe or no supporT experiences 4.3.2
(16 lessons) longer simple Spell mosT high
narraTives on a frequency words
range of familiar accuraTEly in
TOpics independeNT WriTing
Guess The meaning of
unfamiliar words
from clues provided
by oTHer known
words and by conTExT
On familiar TOpics
Theme: 1.2.1 2.1.3 3.2.1 4.2.2 5.2.1
World of STOries UndersTAnd wiTH liTTLe Explain and give UndersTand The main Describe fuTure Describe in simple
or no supporT THe reasons for simple idea of simple plans or evenTs language a
UniT 8: main idea of longer advice longer TexTs characTEr’s acTIons
Tell me a sTOry simple TExTS on a 4.2.3 or feelings and explain
range of familiar 2.1.4 3.2.2 NarraTE facTUal The reasons for THem
Theme: TOpics Ask abouT and UndersTand and imagined evenTs
World of STOries describe fuTure Specific informaTion and Experiences 5.3.1
1.2.2 plans or evenTs and deTails of Respond imaginaTIvely
Topic: UndersTAnd wiTH liTTLe simple longer TExTS 4.2.5 and inTElligibly THrough
The Wizard of Oz or no supporT 2.3.1 ConnECT senTences creaTing simple sTOries
And specific informaTion NarraTE shorT basic 3.3.1 inTO TWO coherenT and simple poems.
The Mud-pie and deTAils of longer STOries, evenTs Read and enjoy A2 paragraphs or OTher imaginaTive
Makers Rhyme simple TExTS on a experiences ficTion/nonficTion priNT more using basic responses as
by JaneT range of familiar and digiTal TExTS of coordinaTIng appropriaTE
Paisley TOpics inTeresT conjuncTions and
ProjECT Based 1.2.3 pronouns
Learning 2 UndersTAnd wiTH liTTle
or no supporT longer 4.3.3
simple narraTIves on a Produce a plan or
WEEK : range of familiar drafT Of TWO
24 - 27 TOpics paragraphs or
more for a
15. 09. 2022 1.2.5 familiar TOpic and
- UndersTand more modify This
06. 10. 2022 complex supporTed appropriaTely in
quesTIon response TO
LESSON 113 - 128
(16 lessons)
Theme: 1.2.1 2.1.1 3.2.1 4.2.1 5.3.1
World of UndersTand wiTh Give dETailed UndersTand The main Give dETailed Respond imaginaTIvely
Knowledge liTTLe or no supporT informaTion abouT idea of simple informaTion abouT and inTElligibly THrough
THe main idea of Themselves and oTHers longer TexTs Themselves and oTHers creaTing simple sTOries
UniT 9: longer simple and simple poems.
WhaT’s your TExTS on a range 2.1.4 3.2.2 4.2.5 OTher imaginaTive
opinion? of familiar Ask abouT and UndersTand specific ConnECT senTences responses as
TOpics describe fuTure informaTion and inTO TWO coherenT appropriaTE
Theme: plans or evenTs deTails of simple paragraphs or more
World of STOries 1.2.2 longer TExTS using basic 5.2.1
UndersTand wiTh liTTle 2.2.1 coordinaTIng Describe in simple
Topic: or no supporT Keep inTeraCTion 3.2.3 conjuncTions and language a charaCTer’s
A Garden by specific informaTion going in shorT Guess The meaning of reference pronouns aCTions or feelings
Leila Berg and and deTAils of longer exchanges by checking unfamiliar words and explain The
Tadpoles simple TExTS on a undersTanding of from clues provided 4.3.3 reasons for THem
range of familiar whaT a speaker is by oTHer known words Produce a plan or
TOpics saying and by conTExT drafT Of TWO
paragraphs or more
WEEK : 1.2.3 2.2.2 3.3.1 for a familiar TOpic
28 - 31 UndersTand wiTh Agree a sET Of Read and enjoy A2 and modify This
liTTLe or no supporT basic STeps needed ficTion/nonficTion priNT appropriaTEly in
09. 10. 2022 longer simple TO ComplETe and digiTal TExTS of response TO feedback
- narraTIves on a exTended classroom inTeresT
02. 11. 2022 range of familiar TAsks
Theme: 1.2.2 2.1.1 3.2.2 4.2.3 5.3.1
World of STOries UndersTAnd wiTH liTTLe Give dETailed UndersTand specific NarraTE facTUal Respond imaginaTIvely
or no supporT informaTion abouT informaTion and and imagined evenTs and inTElligibly THrough
UniT 10: specific informaTion Themselves and oTHers deTails of simple and experiences creaTing simple sTOries
IT’s a mysTEry! and deTAils of longer longer TExTS and simple poems.
simple TExTS on a 2.1.2 4.3.1 OTher imaginaTive
Theme: range of familiar Ask abouT and 3.3.1 Use capiTAl leTTErs, responses as
World of STOries TOpics express rules and Read and enjoy A2 full STOps, commas in appropriaTE
obligaTIons ficTion/nonficTion, lisTS, quesTIon marks,
Topic: 1.2.5 prinT and digiTal and speech marks 5.2.1
Tadpoles and UndersTand more 2.1.5 TExTS of inTeresT appropriaTEly aT Describe in simple
Swinging Complex supporTed Ask abouT and discourse level language a
quesTIons describe personaliTY charaCTer’s
ProjECT based 4.3.2 aCTions or feelings
learning 2 2.2.1 Spell mosT high and explain The
Keep inTeraCTion frequency words reasons for THem
WEEK : going in shorT accuraTEly in
31 - 34 exchanges by checking independeNT WriTing
undersTanding of
03. 11. 2022 whaT a speaker is
- saying
24. 11. 2022
NarraTE shorT
LESSON 145 - 160 sTOries, evenTs
(16 lessons) and experiences