Elc 113 FCH
Elc 113 FCH
Elc 113 FCH
3. Per Week Lectures: 2 (L), Tutorial:1 (T), Laboratory: 0 (P), Additional Hours[0-2]: 1 (A),
Credits (2L+1T+0P+1A): 9
4. Duration of Course: Full Semester / Modular
5. Course Description:
A) Objectives: This is an advanced level course in English that focuses on higher order skills and
sub-skills of reading comprehension, writing, speaking and listening. Other key components such
as accuracy and appropriacy will be dealt with in context. Students will comprehend various
kinds of reading and listening texts and perform communicative tasks. Tutorials will be used to
provide additional practice in writing and listening. A one-hour self-study session is meant to
encourage students to read the suggested texts on their own and become independent learners. The
optimal student strength of a section in ELC113 is fixed at 100.
3. Office Hours: Weekdays 11-1 PM (meetings also possible with prior appointments via email)
4. Schedule
ENGLISH LANGUAGE & ELC113 Time : 17:00-18:00 Time : 16:00-17:00
(SCHEME)(ELC113) T : (L10), (L11), (L12) , W : (L10),(L11), (L12),
(L13) (L13)
6. Course Policies: Quizzes, assignments and Mid-Sem make-up only on valid medical grounds; End-Sem make-
up only with the permission of DOAA/ SPGC; Attending End-Sem exam mandatory to pass the course
7. All forms of academic dishonesty will result in strict punishment in line with DOAA guidelines
8. Recommended books:
Hamp-Lyons, L. & Heasley, B. (2006). Study writing. Cambridge University Press
Reinking, J. A. & Osten, R. (2017). Strategies for successful writing. Pearson
Greenlaw, R. (2012). Technical Writing, Presentation Skills, and Online Communication:
Professional Tools and Insights. Information Science Reference.
Grower, R. (2008). Grammar in practice 4. Cambridge University Press
Grower, R. (2008). Grammar in practice 5. Cambridge University Press
Richards, J. C. (2015). Interchange Level 3. Cambridge University Press
Liz & John Soars (2012). New Headway 4th edn Upper Intermediate. Oxford University Press
Liz & John Soars (2012). New Headway 4th edn Advanced. Oxford University Press