Development of Augmented Reality in Biotechnology Processes As A Supporting Media For Science Learning Modules in Elementary Schools
Development of Augmented Reality in Biotechnology Processes As A Supporting Media For Science Learning Modules in Elementary Schools
Development of Augmented Reality in Biotechnology Processes As A Supporting Media For Science Learning Modules in Elementary Schools
Abstract. Learning media is an important aspect of the teaching and learning process. This can
be seen if, in enjoyable learning, it will generate student learning enthusiasm, and vice versa. If
students can grow their enthusiasm for learning, in order to be creative, innovative and active
students will increase. Biotechnology material is one of the high grade material in elementary
school. So that requires a special behavior in learning. Augmented reality is considered as an
appropriate supporting media in the learning module in elementary school. This is considering
that Augmented Reality is a program that is able to call a database in the form of 3D animation
that facilitates and helps students in the learning process. The content contained in Augmented
Reality is an abstract and real modification in a biotechnology process. The outcome of the
development of supporting media is an application that is able to call for data code optimization
into instructions in biotechnology material.
1. Introduction
The role of instructional media in a teaching and learning activity is one of the vital things. Learning
media has a great contribution in achieving a learning goal. Not infrequently the learning objectives are
not achieved due to the learning media used are not interesting. Not to mention added to the learning
content that is difficult for students to imagine.
One of the difficult learning content in elementary schools is biotechnology. In this content a lot of
students who have difficulty in understanding the content. Given the biotechnology content is an
important content in the delivery of technological engineering developments in plants and plants that
are often the goal of achieving the needs of humans. The process of biotechnology is felt to be very
necessary in the development of the times at this time. A long process can be accelerated or shortened
the time needed through the biotechnology process.
In learning in elementary schools, this biotechnology material provides information about a
technological development that is able to shorten a process. Where this material is also able to provide
insight that there is a method that can be done in such a way. However, this learning cannot be carried
out properly if it is delivered without using appropriate supporting media. The role of supporting media
in a learning like this is needed to help the achievement of learning objectives. Given the learning of
biotechnology is difficult to imagine by students. Learning media are needed how to provide real
biotechnology information so that it is easily understood by students.
Augmented reality is an application based on Android programming that provides information in 3
dimensions. Augmented reality is already used and applied in game media in an Android system-based
programming application. This media system that is giving the object an image so that it looks into 3
dimensions through the user's gadget or smartphone. The development of this technology, is felt to be
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ICEGE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 485 (2020) 012069 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012069
helping in the development of a learning support media on biotechnology materials that are felt to be
unable to be delivered optimally in class learning.
Based on the description above, it can be drawn a main idea that is needed a development of
supporting media that can make learning biotechnology in learning in primary schools can be
implemented optimally. Thus the emergence of the research idea "Development of Augmented Reality
in the Biotechnology Process as a Supporting Media for Science Learning Modules in Elementary
2. Methods
This research is a preliminary study of all research sequences contained in our research roadmap.
This research is based on literature study research. This study aims to compare previous studies so as to
be able to strengthen and support the existence of further research programs from the research
"Development of Augmented Reality in the Biotechnology Process as a Supporting Media for Science
Learning Modules in Elementary Schools".
The stages of this research are supporting steps to continue further research in order to get good
and valid consideration. When this is achieved, it will be continued with the development of learning
modules based on augmented reality that are in accordance with the standards of achievement in
education in primary schools.
3. Discussion
3.1. Augmented reality as a learning medium
In the 20th century, technology created several interactions between computers and their users. Some of
these interactions create major interrelated roles. Computer creates convenience for its users. An
important role of a computer is to make its users work effectively and efficiently. The development of
this computer also gives rise to the visualization of objects. This visualization can be a visualization of
dead and living objects.
Augmented reality is a 3 dimensional visualization program of objects. This augmented reality has
grown over the last 5 years in Indonesia. But in its development, it is still rare in the world of education
to use it as a learning medium. Augmented reality is one part of virtual reality [1]. This augmented
reality develops a live user interaction. This augmented reality features an app that runs in real time.
Users feel like the app is carrying itself. Some augmented reality applications create real-time, 3-
dimensional objects that are real-time.
Augmened reality aims to make it easier for users to visualize objects in real time. In addition,
augmented reality produces a combination of technology and real world [2]. Creating augmented reality
applications can be done in a number of ways. The tools for creating Augmented Reality through AR-
based marker methods include Tracking marker, Vuforia SDK, 3D unity, Sketch Up, and android.
The creation of augmented reality applications was originally based on the needs of a game. But
some researchers are innovating in the use of augmented reality. Augmented reality can be used to
support learning. Augmented reality applications can increase the attractiveness of the learning process
[3]. Augented reality is capable of giving its own impression of the material presented. This augmented
reality also provides some help. Such aids are able to link information that existed in ancient times, such
as dinosaurs [4]. These dinosaurs have been extinct for thousands and even millions of years. Using
augmented reality is able to capture visualizations of objects that are not or are not even seen to be
visualized according to the researchers' perception of the animal.
The use of augmented reality can be seen from some previous research. Tonny Hidayat is innovating
the application of augmented reality to children's dental health education toys. In the study, tonny stated
that augmented reality can provide learners convenience. These facilities are easy to accept, easy to
convey and easy to attract learners to learn [5]. Other researchers also point out that a learning activity
when supported by multimedia creates an optimal learning goal. This is also conveyed by Wellia, she
points out that the Augmented Reality app can be combined with a learning model. These combinations
are applied to the senses resulting in an easier level of understanding of learners [6].
ICEGE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 485 (2020) 012069 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012069
discipline. This can be proven by the combination of biology, microbiology, genetics, chemistry,
biochemistry and technology that combines tissue, cells, protoplasm and so on [8]. Based on the
description above, a definition can be drawn that biotechnology is a science that combines technology
with the composition / tissue of plants to meet the needs of humans.
In learning in elementary schools, biotechnology can be included in the material in grade 4. The
content of material in biotechnology in elementary schools is one of the efforts to preserve natural
resources together with the people in their environment. Basically, biotechnology applies technology
modification to support human welfare. Biotechnology material contained in elementary schools if
delivered with the delivery of theory will confuse students. Therefore many teachers / instructors who
deliver this material use learning media. The level of understanding for children in grade 4 primary
school still has limitations about information outside the material.
ICEGE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 485 (2020) 012069 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012069
Make a Marker
Design a 3D model
The product is
printed and ready to
Figure 1. Learning media creation chart
The implementation of making supporting media is also synchronized with the curriculum in force
in the elementary school, the k-13 curriculum. This curriculum consists of several themes that are able
to combine several subjects into one specific theme. The hope of this augmented reality media-assisted
learning is that it can support the learning process in elementary schools for the better. In addition, this
augmented reality learning media is also able to provide increased student interest in learning and other
supporting factors of the learning process.
4. Conclusions
Biotechnology is a science that combines technology and networks to meet human needs. The
development of learning media based on augmented reality is able to increase interest in participating
in learning. When interest is achieved the criteria for learning objectives are easy to achieve. This
learning media is packaged based on technology so that it is able to synchronize the domains it wants to
achieve in learning. The next goal in this research process is to develop content that is packaged in
biotechnology learning modules so that it becomes a learning medium that is compatible with learning
for elementary schools.
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