nkoda 2022
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The nkoda library is the most complete collection of Our content team in London is made up of musicians.
licensed digital sheet music. We offer over 100,000 They publish and curate every work that you see in
titles: scores, full sets of hire parts and the catalogue, they also index it to make searching for
educational materials. music simpler. We’ve built collaborative relationships
with all of our publishing partners, resulting in a
All content is fully licensed, ensuring that contributors continuous feed of new publications every week. This
are remunerated fairly. By subscribing to the nkoda relationship has also made it possible for us to request
library, musicians are investing in copyright protection, works for musicians.
and a fairer ecosystem for digital music-making.
Our main aim is to remove barriers to access so that
The library contains works from the most important musicians can empower their learning, teaching,
figures in musical history, as well as composers who, collaboration and performance. Providing fair access
in the past, did not receive the attention that they and distribution for a global community of musicians is
deserved. Along with all of these, you’ll find music from essential for creating a progressive and more diverse
contemporary composers, with newly created works music industry.
available soon after publication.
The nkoda music reader is a free-to-use digital score As an organisation, we’re committed to producing not
reader. Created by musicians, for musicians, we’ve only the most effective tools for musicians, but also the
ensured that its features and technologies are tailored most beautiful. You’ll see in the nkoda music reader
for the best digital score reading experience. that every detail has been carefully designed. We worked
with SPIN, a leading design studio in London, to create
The nkoda music reader is simple to use, and offers a unique visual language for all elements of the reader.
powerful solutions – here’s a list: We wanted to make it a pleasure to use, on both
a functional and aesthetic level.
We’ve created toolboxes for every kind of
musician, containing the annotation tools
needed for marking up their scores and parts.
Multiple toolboxes can be used simultaneously
and can be docked anywhere on the screen’s
edge, or left as floating toolboxes.
It’s completely customisable: musicians can
change all important parameters to suit their
needs, including page-scroll speeds and layouts,
as well as border sizes. They can also build
their own toolboxes.
All tools and preset musical symbols are
editable: size, colour and opacity can
be changed.
Multiple annotation layers can be created for
each score, and can be labelled and managed
for simple collaboration.
For institutional partners, we offer unlimited
upload storage – completely for free. You can
use the same authentication mechanisms that
you would for our library app.
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Our publishing partners We have spent the last five years building close
relationships with our publishing partners.
How we work with institutions All of our products have been tailored for use within
institutions and we offer fair and cost-effective
access. We want to empower librarians to provide
their institutions with the best quality resources for
This is how:
The Royal Northern College of Music is delighted nkoda makes it possible for students and staff to
to partner with nkoda. The unique and rich set of explore a wide range of musical works during lessons
resources nkoda provides is an asset to today’s music and at home. nkoda offers access to many scores and
students, who are at home in the virtual world and parts that are otherwise unavailable. nkoda really helps
welcome the ease of access to core repertory to to broaden the musical horizons of students because it
support their studies. nkoda has proved especially offers such a variety of known and unknown composers
attractive during the pandemic when we have been and works.
working in online and blended formats, and I am
confident students will continue to benefit from these
resources into the future. Birgit Hühne
Music Librarian, Stadtbibliothek Wuppertal
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Editorial content
Printed in London
Marfa (Dinamo)
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