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ReSORSIS: Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information System

A Capstone Project and Research Proposal

Presented to the
Faculty of the Department of Information Technology
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Oroquieta City

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Capstone Project and Research 1 leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Katrina Kate T. Ramo

Wilfrid C. Dimacale
Norgelyn S. Utah
Ronald H. Muñez

June 2022


CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ......................................................................... 6

1.3 Statement of the Objectives..................................................................... 7

1.3.1 General Objectives ............................................................................ 7

1.3.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................... 7

1.4 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 8

1.5 Significance of the Study ...................................................................... 14

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study ....................................................... 16

1.7 Definition of Terms ............................................................................... 17

CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................ 19

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ....................................................... 19

2.1 Review of Literature.............................................................................. 19

2.2 Review of Related Application ............................................................. 32

2.3 Conceptual Framework .......................................................................... 36


2.4 Synthesis................................................................................................. 36

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................ 42

METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................. 42

3.1 Research Methodology........................................................................... 42

3.2 Description of Current System ............................................................... 46

3.3 System Architecture and Development .................................................. 47

3.3.1 Overview of the Proposed Systems ................................................ 48

3.3.3 System Tools Requirements ........................................................... 51

3.3.4 Programming Languages ................................................................ 52

3.3.5 Hardware Requirements.................................................................. 54

3.3.6 Software Requirements ................................................................... 56

3.3.7 System Flow / Functions ................................................................. 59

3.3.8 Scope and Limitations of the System.............................................. 59

3.3.9 Calendar of Activities ..................................................................... 60

3.4 Conceptual Design and Implementation .................................................. 61

3.4.1 System Design ................................................................................ 62

3.4.2 Database Design.............................................................................. 66

3.4.3 Screen Design ................................................................................. 68


REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 79

List of Tables

Table 1 Product Feature Comparison ................................................................... 32

Table 1 Calendar of Activities .............................................................................. 60


List of Figures

Figure 1 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 8

Figure 1 Shopee Website ...................................................................................... 33

Figure 1.1 Shopee mobile app .............................................................................. 33

Figure 1.2 foodpanda website ............................................................................... 34

Figure 1.3 foodpanda mobile app ......................................................................... 34

Figure 1.4 Lazada home page ............................................................................... 35

Figure 1.5 lazada mobile app ................................................................................ 35

Figure 1.5 Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 36

Figure 1 Software Development Life Cycle ......................................................... 43

Figure 1.1 ReSORSIS System Architecture and Development ............................ 47

Figure 1.2 Data Flow Diagram ............................................................................. 59

Figure 1.3 Conceptual Design............................................................................... 61

Figure 1.4 Use case Diagram ................................................................................ 62

Figure 1.5 Flow Chart ........................................................................................... 64

Figure 1.6 Database Design .................................................................................. 66

Figure 1.7 Log in Screen ....................................................................................... 68

Figure 1.8 Home Screen ....................................................................................... 69

Figure 1.9 Categories and Product page ............................................................... 70


Figure 2 Display Seller Screen ............................................................................. 71

Figure 2.1 Appointment Screen ............................................................................ 72

Figure 2.2 About Us Screen .................................................................................. 73

Figure 2.3 Profile Screen ...................................................................................... 74

Figure 2.4 Shopping cart Screen ........................................................................... 75

Figure 2.5 Mobile App Screen Design ................................................................. 76

Figure 2.6 Admin Dashboard ................................................................................ 77




1.1 Background of the Study

From the past into the future. The researchers observed, the trend is fast

moving, the technology is changing from time to time, unpredictable and

continuously upgrading because of high technology that most individuals used to

make life easier, like connecting the daily activities and tasks to the world of

internet especially when it comes to time management and hassle-free transactions.

In relation to this, most individuals are used to the online transactions where

individuals can take benefits like buying and selling items from the comfort of their

house. Hence, Ecommerce platforms are a big trend nowadays especially that most

of the people in the Philippines and other countries are fond of purchasing products

from the online stores, where it gives more time to choose and is very convenient.

Ecommerce platforms is a software application that can be used by the seller and

the customer. It is an online transaction where both vendor and the purchaser can

be able to trade using the online stores application or online shopping sites. The

purchaser can manage orders, items and can simply add the selected items to cart

and can check the items out. Therefore, this kind of system is really a big help in

contributing an innovation to Sustainable Development Goal which is the SDG8

“Decent Work Economic Growth". According to (Rai, 2019) SD8 calls for

encouraging sustained, comprehensive and sustainable economic growth,

brimming, and productive employment and fair and adequate work for all.

In fact, the researcher saw that connecting small groups of vendors and

business owners to a consumer in just a click away from each other is really a big

help, and make the client (Department of Trade and Industry) feel that there is way

and opportunities to reach out customers and to help promote and expand the

products and services of entrepreneurs (public and private) sectors and business

owners, since nowadays we are facing the new normal.

Moreover, the researchers are targeting the Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI) as the client. Based on the interviewee, the Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI) is a government agency that supports both entrepreneurs and

consumers by the way of programs that are being offered. Its mission given by the

government is to make the department of Trade and Industry (DTI) an economic

catalyst and to give an opportunity to entrepreneurs to be innovative, competitive,

giving power to consumers and knowledge together with its programs. In fact,

Department of trade and industry (DTI) has a lot of opportunities that is being

offered to their clients in the way of services which refers to the following


• Export and Development Programs - this is a program that helps the

entrepreneurs to export and sell their products to other countries, supports

Small and Medium-size enterprises (SMEs) to sell the products out of the


• Industry Development Program - these programs help the small

entrepreneurs like Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

(MSMEs) to different industries like native industries.

• SME Development Program - this program helps all the small and micro

entrepreneurs which invest 3 million pesos below and 3 million and one

pesos to 15 million pesos. This business was help by the Department of

trade and Industry (DTI) like the areas of Business name registration System

(BNRS) – by registering your business name, Business Information and

Advocacy – in the way of trainings, seminars and forums, Business

Advisory – if you have questions in areas of business then the Department

of trade and industry (DTI) will help and assist.

• Pangkabuhayan sa Pagbangon at Ginhawa - this program helps the

affected individuals to rise and recover from any calamities like the man-

made calamities or natural calamities. In accordance with this, the

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) gives a livelihood kit worth 10,000

pesos, and to small Barangays that are affected by the pandemic there is

also a livelihood kit worth at least 4,000 per person.


In relation to this, Micro enterprises have assets of 3 million below, Small

enterprises have 3 million and 1 peso up to 15 million, Medium enterprises have 15

million and 1 peso to 100 million and the Large enterprises have 100 million and

up assets. Furthermore, with the help of these different programs the Department

of Trade and Industry (DTI) helps their clients. This program involves mentoring

and teaching our entrepreneurs and allowing the entrepreneurs to borrow money

from the Department of trade and Industry (DTI) without any interest but there is a

service charge, but it has a legitimacy in borrowing money from the Department of

Trade and Industry (DTI). The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will only

fund the business if the business is a registered member to Department of Trade

and Industry (DTI). Then also, clients are given opportunities to join seminars and

trainings. So far, the Department of trade and Industry (DTI) is a helpful one to

those entrepreneurs and those who want a Startup business. Actually, Department

of Trade and Industry (DTI) is currently on a helping stage where their goal is to

help and give opportunities to those who are business registered to have some

preoccupied work. Then, as the researcher observed, their office is quite crowded

and some of their equipment and chairs are damaged. The office space is a little bit

small and dim because of the lack of windows in the area. In addition, the DTI is

using a system which is Business Name Registration System. According to

(Department of Trade and Industry, n.d.) it is necessary to register your single

proprietorship business with the DTI to provide it with a legal identity and gain the

rights to use your business name. Then as a reminder, a business ne (BN)

registration is not license to operate a business. Moreover, their processing

Equipment for their clients is computerized and fast moving. DTI has enough staff

to do some tasks that involve DTI.

However, the researcher wants to contribute and put some actions into

innovations. The researchers are on a stage of proposing a system that will suit the

client which is the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The researchers are

proposing a system which is the Product and Services Online Shoppe (PSOS). This

system is an Ecommerce platform that allows the users and the client to join forces

to help reach their goals as well as the consumers. This system is an application, a

mobile application and a website that will allow the users to register and post their

products or services with their full information attached to the application and with

a legitimacy because every business owners or the users or entrepreneurs will

undergo or register to Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) before they will be

allowed to post the products or services, and the both users and consumers can also

go and download the app and can select a product and services that they desire.

Actually, this system is not only for a product but for services as well, where users

(customers) can search for the services and connect to the users (seller) to discuss

the product check outs. Then, the client which is the Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI) will handle the registration of every business and introduce the

Product and Services Online Shoppe (PSOS) system to entrepreneurs or users. In


fact, the client, users and consumers will benefit from the said system where it will

suit on Sustainable Development Goal 8 to help promote job opportunities and help

economic growth. In addition, the researchers develop an all-in system where the

researcher combine both products and services in one application where you don't

need to search it in separate app or stores, at the same time the services are already

there were it can't be hassle asking variety of person's or to find for recommendation

about services that customers are looking for since online inquiries is existing.

Hence, the researchers are trying to help individuals to stand, even if it's pandemic

and help the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to reach out the entrepreneurs

and business owners (private and public) sectors since we are facing the new


1.2 Statement of the Problem

During the conduct of visit by the researchers, it has been found out that the

Department of trade of industry (DTI) have been affected by the pandemic and is

having a hard time coping up with the new normal. Thus, this study aims to develop

a system in order to provide Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) a feasible way

of reaching out their clients and provide features that ensures the delivery of the

services of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to their client and cross

matching the proposed solutions with the commercially available solutions and

include features that will advanced from the former system.


1.3 Statement of the Objectives

1.3.1 General Objectives

In general, this study aims to develop a system to help the Department of

Trade of Industry (DTI) efficiently provide their services to their clients

specially the MSMEs in the new normal.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

In order to attain this goal, the following specific objectives are deemed to

be achieve:

• Able to develop an online web-application for Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI) and their clients. (Entrepreneurs, Business owners,

Public and Private Sectors).

• To register the entrepreneurs and be able to post their products &

services on the web-application.

• Be able to provide a direct medium of communication between

entrepreneurs & Department of Trade and Industry.


1.4 Theoretical Framework

Figure 1 Theoretical Framework

In this figure, the study was founded from the theoretical support of theory

on Software Development stated by Andrade et al., (n.d.) hardware and software

evolved dissimilarly. Hardware evolution is rapid while Software evolution is

straight. One of the main reasons for the discrepancy of hardware and software

development is that hardware development is supported by engineering based on

science whose scientific theory is very well established, whereas software

development is not. The goal of the present work is the analysis of, not only

software historic development, but also the current theoretical approaches for

software development. The results achieved will be used for proposing new

research lines that might help this discipline to advance in the scientific field. It

should be then possible to establish the foundations that might enable software

advance similarly as hardware does.

This study is founded from the theoretical support of The role of e-

satisfaction, e-world of mouth and e-trust on repurchase intention of online shop by

Prahiawan et al., (2021) the theoretical implications of the three variables tested are

E-satisfaction has no effect on repurchase intention, E-trust influences repurchase

intention and E-word of mouth has no effect on repurchase intention. Only two

variables that affect repurchase intention in online shops are E-Trust and E-word of

mouth. From the results of this study, it can be said that it strengthens the theory

which states that each of these two factors affects repurchase intention. Therefore,

because e-satisfaction does not affect repurchase intention, it can be said that e-

satisfaction does not strengthen the theory which states that e-satisfaction affects

repurchase intention. Moreover, this shows that the higher the e-trust recognized

by online shop e-commerce consumers, the more customers will repurchase online.

However, e-trust variables are the important features to focus where it affects the

consumers to repurchase on your items online.


In e-commerce, there are roles that need attention to determine the intention

of consumers to buy again on your items. In this theory, it was stated that there are

3 variables being tested to know the intention of consumers. Repurchasing towards

your e-commerce online shop by consumers is a big factor that will affect your e-

business. That is why, our study fits on this theory where our study focused on the

trust and security of consumers as well as the third-parties of e-commerce. The

Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information System

(ReSORSIS) also intends to look at the same features that this study is aiming for

too. The goals of our study were to recognize the customer’s intention to buy again

from the seller through the use of our e-commerce online shop which is the

Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information System

(ReSORSIS). We are also aiming to give broad opportunities to entrepreneurs,

private and government sectors, small and big enterprises to gain profit and

benefits. To assure that there is always an opportunity despite of this pandemic, and

we're encouraging them to bring their creativity, skills and hard work to the latest

market which is the Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support

Information System (ReSORSIS), an e-commerce online marketplace that is trendy

and is the latest way of transaction for all.

This study is anchored from the theoretical support of Theoretical

Framework of E-Business Competitiveness by Ciarniene and Stankeviciute (2015)


the use of the internet and technologies are continuously increasing. Internet and

Communication Technologies (ICT) have major impacts on the way organizations

conduct businesses. Companies obtain new opportunities to compete in the global

market and take part in the world's economy with the help of Internet technologies

and e-business. Moreover, exploring e-business needs more comprehensive

analysis to measure e-business competitive capacities where this is one of most

important activities in e-business. As a matter of fact, competition is one of the

focuses of more entrepreneurs, the seller’s competition between consumers is what

e-business and online marketplace deal with.

In accordance with Troshani & Rao (2007) a fundamental goal for

businesses is to develop means by which they can perform better than their

competitors. Vanhaverbeke & Cloodt (2006) studying open innovation phenomena

emphasize individuals, organizations, dyads, organizational networks, and

national/regional levels. Generally, competitiveness can be described as

comparative social, economic, political, technological and other positions of

companies, sectors and countries with regard to analogical units. It means entity’s

ability to sustain and strengthen its position in the market through improvement of

key competences. There can be found slightly different approaches to competitive

advantage in scientific literature. According to Pilinkiene et al. (2013) theoretical

approaches to competitive advantage may be segmented into industry focused

approach, resource-based view approach, and approach to competitive advantage


developed by Porter. Porter (1985) argues that competitive advantage can be

generated through cost leadership and profitability. Resource based view

Focuses on the company’s internal resources and capabilities with the reference to

its external environment. One of the most important concerns of resource-based

view is to identify what resources and capabilities and their combinations are really

creating competitive advantage in the company (Lippman & Rimmelt, (2003).

Industry focused approach is based on the idea that competitiveness of the company

in the market depends on the structure of the surrounding environment and on the

company’s, actions adapting to this environment. Troshani & Rao (2007)

emphasize two mainstream schools of thought that provide a theoretical foundation

for competitive advantage, namely, the resource-based view and the transaction

cost theory. Cheng & Cheng (2005).

E-business is a huge trend nowadays where most individuals rely on this

kind of online business. As mentioned in this theory, competition in the world of

business is really a big deal. Though, most business owners and organizations adopt

the electronic business to compete with others. So, in this case e-business is the new

way of selling and buying products and services. In relation to this, the study that

we conducted together with my team members is relevant to the said theory, where

our study tackles E-business and online marketplace. Our research focused on the

opportunities and competencies of entrepreneurs, small vendors and organizations

to widen their perspective about e-business and the competition that exists on online

marketplace. Since we're studying about the online business and proposing an

online marketplace which is the Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support

Information System (ReSORSIS) to help entrepreneurs and organizations to come

up with their difficulties on selling and enticing customers. Though, competition is

part of a business that is why we encouraged small and big enterprises to adopt the

new way of selling for them to compete with other businesses. Since E-business is

the most used by entrepreneurs.

In recent years, many businesses (private and public) sectors have begun to

develop their websites, online banner advertisements, social media programs, and

general digital marketing strategies to complement their traditional marketing

efforts. They are carrying out these activities by the theories of digital advertising.

As stated by Sturn (2017) private and public sectors are often considered in a split

way. However, it is important to note that the private and public sectors of modern

societies progressed in a process of asymmetric and sometimes discontinuous co-

evolution. Taking as a point of reference a pre-modern state of affairs where the

private–public dichotomy is not yet developed, key issues and concepts relevant for

this dichotomy are discussed. They are indispensable for LIST1 distinguishing the

modern public sector from other forms of non-market governance and LIST 2

considering the dynamism of individualist private market-mediated economy and

the evolution of a distinctively modern public sector as two sides of the same coin.

In that context, collective choice (related to the co-existence of individual values


and ‘democratic’ procedures) and the distinction between public and private goods

are of pivotal importance.

Agile simply means continuous incremental improvement through small

and frequent releases. The term Agile is most commonly associated with software

development as a project management methodology. The Agile Software

Development Method (ASDM), in its present form, is guided by the agile manifesto

which consists of an agile philosophy and a set of 12 principles. Despite the

apparent effect of agile philosophy and principles on the practice of software

development around the world, neither its theoretical contribution nor its theoretical

base has yet been articulated. In response to calls in literature, in this study we

propose and articulate a theory of ASDM to describe and explain its effects. The

theory is based on a synthesis of the key concepts underlying agile principles and

is expressed as a model of relationships. The article describes the theory

formulation process and elaborates its key propositions. The limitations of the

proposed theory and areas of future research are discussed.

1.5 Significance of the Study

People lived with technologies, the high technologies, this is the reality

nowadays even if young ages are into the world of internet especially online

shopping shows up and is a very big trend to young and adults, men and women.

On top of that, E Commerce is really a famous platform in the whole world. As a

matter of fact, capstone project has a significance in terms in the field of

Information Technology where this will help to create a business, like ecommerce

to grow and it collects data and supply storage and builds systematic

communications to both client and users. It also generates outputs. Then, this will

help capstone project in terms of using those features to build the system which is

an ecommerce named Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support

Information System (ReSORSIS) since it's an ecommerce platform. Moreover, in

terms of benefits, the consumers, business owners, entrepreneurs and the

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will have the benefits of this study where

it allows them to be productive, and innovative, competitive.

These are the following beneficiaries of the study:

• The DTI is the primary agency in the promotion and development of

MSMEs through the provision of various assistance and interventions, e.g.,

financing, marketing and promotion, human resource development, product

development, and advocacy.

• An MSME in the Philippines is defined as any business activity or

enterprise engaged in industry, agri-business and/or services that has: (1) an

asset size (less land) of up to PhP100 million; and (2) an employment size

with less than 200 employees.


• A business owner is one person who is in control of the operational and

monetary aspects of a business. Any entity that produces and sells goods

and services for profit, such as an ecommerce store or freelance writer, is

considered a business. Businesses can be run alone or with a group of


• Entrepreneurs are the person who undertakes the risk of starting a new

business venture is called an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur creates a firm

to realize their idea, known as entrepreneurship, which aggregates capital

and labor in order to produce goods or services for profit.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on the online platforms like the Ecommerce platforms

where it allows the client to engage with the system and also let the users and the

consumers to use and be involved with the system. This kind of system is a web

application and a mobile application that will let the users and consumers download

this application and login to it. Only the client, users like the entrepreneurs and the

consumers are allowed to use this application. This application is limited to online

transactions like buying and selling products and services, other than that it can't be

used for other matters. The user can search for an item, view items, add to shopping

cart, view shopping cart, edit shopping cart, confirm order, have payment and

receive order. However, in order for us to make our capstone project, the researcher

needs to use visual studio, VS code, flutter, dart, Java, html, cloud server and xampp

then in making our prototype the researcher must use Adobe XD. Recourse on

Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information System (ReSORSIS) only

focuses on the things that are related to online shopping.

1.7 Definition of Terms

This part tackles description or a sense of explanation to some word that

needs to be clarified for its purpose.

The group of words that follows are being identified as what they are

referred to:

Flutter - it's possible for backend development and desktop application

development and it will be able to create an app

VS code - Visual Studio Code, it facilitates the software development process it is

a source-code editor

Dart - it can be used to build server and desktop applications. Dart is a

programming language designed for client development, such as for the web and

mobile apps.

Java - it's an object-oriented programming language that is used to write

applications that produce software for multiple platforms, and it is also used to

develop applications that work in distributed manner.


Html - Hypertext Markup Language is a set of rules and tags that is used in


Xampp - it is a cross-platform part that helps the developer to create and test their

programs on a local web server. It's an all in one package.

Adobe XD - it is a prototyping tool and used to design websites, mobile apps and


Cloud server - this serves as the storage of data on the system.

MySQL- Creates a database for storing and manipulating data, defining the

relationship of each table.




2.1 Review of Literature

The review of the literature for this study is intended on E-Commerce

specifically to Online Marketplace and online stores. This contains thorough

studies and research to precisely explain the contents and insights of the

researchers. This chapter also discussed the differences, importance and things that

should be implemented in the Online Marketplace.

Great strides have been made towards equality. At this step of changing society and

economy, a lot of actions should take place. Educators, entrepreneurs, government

and private sectors have a big role in advancement of jobs and economic growth.

Hence, patronizing own products and the services of individuals will help to sustain

the economic growth. Creativity and skills give an impact to help economically.

Moreover, accurate teaching begins with good educators. In fact, technology is an

eager need of individuals, consequently, our economy will grow. The trend is fast

moving, and we need to go with the flow of fast changing society. Technology is

progressively increasing. In fact, online transactions are the new normal nowadays,

like E-commerce and online stores which also bring the highest ratings in the world

of industry. Thus, E-commerce and online marketplace needs attachment and


support. Over all, we're dealing with techniques of selling and buying a variety of

products and we're about to lessen these difficulties of physical shopping and adopt

on the online platforms.

Gap analysis of Zalora online application: Indonesian users’ perspectives

E-commerce stands for electronic commerce refers to the extensive range

for online business activities for products and services. Since, we’re all striving for

change and progressive economy that is why people’s mindset is to look for an

innovative one, something new and better that will make an individual's life easy

and comfortable. According to Pradana & Novitasari (2017) Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) have capacity firms extending to new markets

and precipitate customer loyalty. Hence, online application manifests to be the key

in marketing a product. So also, Zalora, a top brand store in Asia is an e-commerce

that goes after the trend. As mentioned by Pradana & Novitasari (2017) this study

examines Zalora mobile application quality based on assessment of actual quality

and recognized quality using gap analysis. This research is quantitative descriptive

research exploring dimensions from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of

Technology (UTAUT) consisting of performance expectancy, effort expectancy,

social influence, and facilitating conditions. Moreover, there are 100 Indonesian

respondents who were chosen based on an incidental sampling method. As a result,


mobile applications still need development since our results imply the largest value

gap is information quality.

Advocating Electronic Business and Electronic Commerce in the Global


There will be a strong advancement in supporting electronic business and

electronic commerce in the global marketplace. This will entice entrepreneurs,

government and private sectors to involve themselves and their company into the

latest technology and adopt it. As explained by Kasemsap (2018) the utilization of

e-business and e-commerce needed for modern organizations that seek to serve

suppliers and customers, ameliorate business performance, reinforce

competitiveness, and obtain continuous effectiveness in the global marketplace.

Therefore, modern organizations are required to advocate their e-business and e-

commerce and establish a strategic plan to regularly check their practical

advancements toward satisfying customer requirements. As stated by Kasemsap

(2018) advocating e-business and e-commerce has the potential to enhance

organizational performance and gain sustainable competitive advantage in the

global marketplace. However, electronic business is important in the marketplace,

the multifaceted applications of e-business have a big role when it comes to e-

commerce and also the emerging trends of e-commerce are still ongoing and it gives

advancement to most users and consumers to make a better and convenient way of


Marketplace, Reseller, or Hybrid: Strategic Analysis of an Emerging E-

commerce Model

Habitually, buyers are always looking forward to its convenient way of

purchasing an item where the buyer can interact with the seller in the easiest way.

Though, going to a market and walking into the stores is not the latest way of

shopping over a period of time. In accordance with Tian et al., (2018) online

retailers have acted as product resellers. Along with the trend nowadays, most

retailers have also begun to serve their products to online marketplaces by

providing a platform to directly connect sellers to buyers. Upon expanding and

developing the traditional e-commerce market, conventional wisdom suggests that

this new format will alleviate the double-marginalization effect and the

intermediary and suppliers will both take benefits through a revenue sharing

scheme. However, there is an upstream competition between suppliers that captures

the possibilities. In addition to this study, online marketplace has a big impact on

entrepreneurs, both advantages and disadvantages. In fact, most entrepreneurs

benefit with the online marketplace but some are not, it’s between hitting and

enticing customers to buy on your products. Though not all entrepreneurs are into

online marketplace but some are trying to go with the flow of trend and the latest

way of earning money. As determined by Tian et al., (2018) they also find that the

interaction of order-fulfillment costs and upstream competition intensity moderates

the selection of an optimal mode for the intermediary. More specifically, when

order-fulfillment costs are large and when the supplier product offerings are similar

(i.e., competition intensity is high), the pure reseller mode is the preferred choice;

when order-fulfillment costs are small and the supplier product offerings are highly

differentiated (i.e., low competition intensity), the pure marketplace mode is the

preferred choice. Finally, the hybrid mode is preferred when order-fulfillment costs

are moderate and suppliers’ products are somewhat similar (i.e., competition

intensity is moderate). The instinct behind these results hinges on the trade-off

between transfer of pricing rights and the responsibility for order fulfillment. In

addition, based on the study of Tian et al., (2018) there is high competency between

the entrepreneurs to the online marketplace, but based on our study there are also

big opportunities when you go through the latest way of selling your items. Since,

it's a trend and both buyers and sellers must face the reality and conditions of the

online market based on its approved protocols.

‘Assessing the Buyer Trust and Satisfaction Factors in the E-Marketplace’

Online shopping increases rapidly due to its demand, where most buyers

rely on the online stores. Buyers have real expectations when it comes to the

products that they purchase online. According to Sfenrianto (2018) Indonesian


online sales received noticeable growth with as high as 20% steadily every year.

Based on the surveys, there are four most trendy online vendors in Indonesia, such

as: Lazada, Tokopedia, Online eXchange and Bukalapak, with strong customer

bases. However, there are still few studies found to realize the characteristics of e-

marketplace in Indonesia. As mentioned by Sfenrianto (2018) the article examines

those most famous online vendors in the Jakarta area, since they noticed that most

buyers tend to have more experiences in conducting online purchases. Also, the

article utilizes the revised TAM as a valuable method to assess the important factors

of online purchases such as: buyer and satisfaction factors, that consist of: buyer

perceived risk, seller’s expertise and reputation, and convenience of buying. As

stated by Sfenrianto (2018) the data are aimed to address the important factors that

can be used to increase buyer satisfaction.

Out-Teching Products Liability:Reviving Strict Products Liability in an Age

of Amazon

Online transactions are a big trend nowadays. Electronic Commerce or E-

Commerce is one of the used platforms where consumers and sellers can do their

role. From humble beginnings as an internet start-up in the mid-1990s, Amazon has

transformed itself into the prodigious and omnipresent e-commerce Leviathan of

the early twenty-first century, cashing in on a society and economy increasingly

comfortable with – and dependent on – technology-based services. In addition to


its recent forays into brick-and-mortar grocery stores, film and television

production, fast-fashion, cloud computing, consumer data analytic, and delivery

and logistics services, Amazon is most well-known as the force behind a multi-

billion-dollar online marketplace where its own products are listed for sale next to

products listed by third-party vendors (Bullard, 2019:1)

According to Bullard (2019) recent numbers of lawsuits maintaining strict

products liability has an issue to Amazon itself where some third-parties are selling

and releasing unwanted and defective products through Amazon marketplace.

Though the courts refuse to expand strict liability to Amazon after knowing these

cases, the decision goes against the spirit of the American strict products liability

regime that came out in the mid-twentieth century. As mentioned by Bullard (2019)

imposition of strict liabilities on manufacturers, distributors and retailers similar to

injuries caused by defective products that is placed in the marketplace will lead to

multiple enticing social purposes that warranted shifting the loss from buyers to

participants of the distribution chain as acknowledged by American courts. In

addition, the observation of history and the purpose behind the American strict

products liability regime examines how Amazon “out-teched” products liability in

four recent cases considering the current standard of negligence is inadequate to

protect purchasers in the modern economy.


Analisis Transaksi Jual Beli online Melalui Website Marketplace Shopee

Menurut Konsep Bisnis di Masa Pandemic Covid 19

There is no consistency in every situation when it comes to technology. Put

more simply, from time to time, in the world where technology is visible and

existing everything changes and continuously changes. According to Pratama

(2020) the business concept nowadays has changed all lines from buying and

selling physically to online buying and selling. So also, with the advancement of

technologies, the existence of the internet or e-commerce makes legal transactions

through buying and selling online the easiest way. As stated by Pratama (2020) the

agreement in the transactions takes place where the parties will relate into

transactions. This study is intended to find out the positive and negative impacts

that arise in purchasing and selling online transactions on shopee websites during

the Covid-19 pandemic. This study takes a sample of online sales of shopee

marketplace in the city. So, cirebon and cirebon regency complete this research

with a time span from March 1, 2020. Based on results of research on transactions

of buying and selling online among the public, especially during the pandemic in

the 2nd period of Ramadan, Kurtal 1 increased to 25 times the number of visits

compared to normal days. This pattern is a shift from conventional transaction

systems to online transactions. Then, positive and negative impacts of online

transactions is an option and risk were carried by the buyer. Online transactions are

profitable, and it’s the positive impact on business concepts because it does not

sustain additional costs to go to destinations. Moreover, it’s just the cost allocation

transferred to quota and contents of the transaction system with a variety of non-

cash payment tools that are now familiar. Then, the negative impact is that, buyer

doesn’t know if the product is genuine or fake, and sometimes they need to be

careful when shopping online. Therefore, first look in terms of product assessment

reviews and comments as testimonials that the seller in Shopee application is good

according to assessment criteria.

Financing models for an online seller with performance risk in an E-commerce


In E-commerce, there are companies or people who are involved in a

marketplace but have only a minor role in it. That is to say, third-party is being part

of it. According to Rath et al., (2021) there are third-party sellers on e-commerce

(e.g., Amazon and Alibaba) who have been basically dependent on conventional

financing modes such as bank credit financing (BFC) to meet their working capital.

In accordance with Rath et al., (2021) numerous of these platforms have recently

begun with novel financing programs (platform credit financing, PCF) for the

sellers under the umbrella of Supply Chain Finance. For an instance, Amazon

provides unsecured loans to third-party sellers on its platform under the Amazon

lending program. If the seller is unable to fulfill customer’s orders because of some

internal inefficiencies (performance risk), then the platform loses the loan amount

and incurs a goodwill cost among its customer base. Therefore, these loans are risky

for the platform. As stated by Rath et al., (2021) they build up a series of game-

theoretic models to scrutinize and contrast BFC and PCF for a cash-constrained

third-party seller on an e-commerce marketplace. Rath et al., (2021) obtain optimal

interest rates that the platform may charge the seller depending on its performance

risk. They obtain circumstances under which either BFC or PCf for a cash-

constrained third-party seller on an e-commerce marketplace. Based on Rath et al.,

(2021) we obtain conditions under which either BCF or PCF could be more

profitable for the seller. We introduce innovative contracts (Guaranteed Demand

Increment Contract and Lending Rate Matching Contract initiated by the platform

and Lumpsum Transfer Contract initiated by the seller) that incentivize the seller

or platform to act in a mutually beneficial way.

Introduction of the marketplace channel under logistics service sharing in an

e-commerce platform

Online marketplace gives broad opportunities to entrepreneurs, small

vendors and small business owners. Thus, this required patience and eagerness to

sell products to consumers where you need to handle, study and analyze every

consumer's wants. According to Zhang & Ma (2021) in online retailing, in addition

to the reseller channel, the marketplace channel has been favored by many e-

commerce platforms and suppliers. Thus, unlike the reseller channel, the novel

channel allows suppliers to acquire the pricing power of products and to have direct

contact with consumers. However, the opinion on the establishments of the

marketplace channel are more complex due to the operation inefficiency of

suppliers, also adding a new channel that leads to competition. According to reports

of Zhang & Ma (2021) the key to success of online retailing relies on logistics

service, and can be undertaken by both suppliers and platforms which affects the

purchase behavior of online consumers. Based on these considerations, this paper

explores whether the supplier and the platform can come to an agreement on

introducing the marketplace channel by incorporating the logistics service strategy.

Therefore, Zhang & Ma (2021) find that compared with the product sales price, the

level of logistics service has a stronger impact on the consumers’ channel choice.

A scenario we term RE-MS (the marketplace channel is established, and the

platform and the supplier serve as the logistics providers in the reseller and the

marketplace channels, respectively) produces the highest level of logistics service

in the reseller channel, and a scenario termed RS-MS (the marketplace channel is

established, and the supplier serves as the logistics provider in both channels)

generates the highest level of logistics service in the marketplace channel. The

supplier is always willing to add the marketplace channel and undertake logistics

business in the marketplace channel. However, for the platform, adding the

marketplace channel is advantageous only when the logistics service effectiveness

or the commission rate is high. Additionally, when the supplier and the platform

reach a consensus on the establishment of the marketplace channel, the RE-MS

strategy can realize a win–win situation.

In conclusion, the motive of this review was to widen the perspective of

individuals to a better future and economy. This shows distinct observations and

explanations in various researchers. In fact, from previous years to recent years

chronicles the evidence and studies about the E-commerce and online platforms, a

lot of researchers and students commenting and getting recent studies. In view of

that fact that things change, the perspective and thoughts are still changing based

on the surroundings, skills and technologies. So also, based on the different studies

acquired, there are different thoughts and explanations that is being published.

Merging different ideas based on unlike literature of different researchers,

there is a similarity between their points of views. Researchers are focusing on

opportunities that need to be implemented by small vendors, entrepreneurs, private

sectors or the government. Furthermore, the opinion in obtaining opportunities for

individuals, start-ups and entrepreneurs is constantly expanding. Applying a variety

of knowledge and instincts, helps promote better opportunities in the future. Also,

the E-commerce and online marketplace are focused on change in seller and

consumers opportunities and making transactions easy and convenient. On the

other hand, there are studies in the above literature that found some positive and

negative impacts on business concepts. Though, some researchers find ways in

supporting individuals to find pathways to explain and show benefits of adopting

business to e-commerce. Buying and selling to an online marketplace is more

profitable than the market. Facing the new normal, E-commerce and online

marketplace is most trendy to purchase and sell an item, these marketplace present

new opportunities and real challenges for the individual and third-parties as well to

sustain the needs and to be productive one. So also, engaging and adapting to new

technologies, and enticing consumers for the products and services helps in

obtaining more profit since the competition to the world of internet is increasing.

In connection to decent work and job opportunities, on the other hand, economic

growth has a relation to it. Hence, promoting and letting individuals to have a

potential to cooperate in society and be involved in organizations, has a big impact

on economic growth. Furthermore, technology needs cooperation, attachment and

support. Now, facing fast moving technology is what individual’s need to adopt in

living to a world of internet and high technologies. Moreover, the new transaction

is not physical but it’s now virtually. Along with this, skills and knowledge were a

source of creative work that the country needs for progress and building a better


2.2 Review of Related Application


Table 1 Product Feature Comparison


Figure 1 Shopee Website

In this figure we see the shopee website homepage

Figure 1.1 Shopee mobile app

In this figure we see the shopee mobile app design and features

Figure 1.2 foodpanda website

In this figure we see the foodpanda home page

Figure 1.3 foodpanda mobile app

In this figure we see the foodpanda mobile app design and features

Figure 1.4 Lazada home page

In this figure we see the Lazada home page

Figure 1.5 lazada mobile app

In this figure we see the lazada mobile app design and features

2.3 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.5 Conceptual Framework

2.4 Synthesis

The studies and ideas of different sources vary on different forms and

perceptions but more similarly to its content. Various researchers study e-

commerce and online marketplace to show various explanations and theories,

reasoning that they want to come up with a better solution and to recognize the

existence of the relevant studies.

According to Pratama (2020) the business concept nowadays has changed

all lines from buying and selling physically to online buying and selling. This study

is intended to find out the positive and negative impacts that arise in purchasing

and selling online transactions on shopee websites during the Covid-19 pandemic.

With regard to this study, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have

capacity firms extending to new markets and precipitate customer loyalty. Hence,

online application manifests to be the key in marketing a product as mentioned by

Pradana & Novitasari (2017). However, in e-commerce, there are roles that need

attention to determine the intention of consumers to buy again on your items.

According to Prahiawan et al., (2021) in this theory, it was stated that there are 3

variables being tested to know the intention of consumers. Repurchasing towards

your e-commerce online shop by consumers is a big factor that will affect your e-

business. Turning to Sfenrianto (2018) Indonesian online sales received noticeable

growth with as high as 20% steadily every year. Based on the surveys, there are

four most trendy online vendors in Indonesia, such as: Lazada, Tokopedia, Online

eXchange and Bukalapak, with strong customer bases. However, there are still few

studies found to realize the characteristics of e-marketplace in Indonesia. As

mentioned by Sfenrianto (2018) the article examines those most famous online

vendors in the Jakarta area, since they noticed that most buyers tend to have more

experiences in conducting online purchases. As stated by Sfenrianto (2018) the data

are aimed to address the important factors that can be used to increase buyer

satisfaction. Since, most are fond of buying online that is why the satisfactions of

customers need to be focused on. However, according to Rath et al., (2021) there

are third-party sellers on e-commerce (e.gAmazon and Alibaba) who have been

basically dependent on conventional financing modes such as bank credit financing

(BFC) to meet their working capital. In accordance with Rath et al., (2021)

numerous of these platforms have recently begun with novel financing programs

(platform credit financing, PCF) for the sellers under the umbrella of Supply Chain

Finance. For an instance, Amazon provides unsecured loans to third-party sellers

on its platform under the Amazon lending program. If the seller is unable to fulfill

customer’s orders because of some internal inefficiencies (performance risk), then

the platform loses the loan amount and incurs a goodwill cost among its customer

base. Based on Rath et al., (2021) the researcher obtains conditions under which

either BCF or PCF could be more profitable for the seller. Furthermore, as stated

by Bullard (2019) recent numbers of lawsuits maintaining strict products liability

has an issue to Amazon itself where some third-parties are selling and releasing

unwanted and defective products through Amazon marketplace. Though the courts

refuse to expand strict liability to Amazon after knowing these cases, the decision

goes against the spirit of the American strict products liability regime that came out

in the mid-twentieth century. As mentioned by Bullard (2019) imposition of strict

liabilities on manufacturers, distributors and retailers similar to injuries caused by

defective products that is placed in the marketplace will lead to multiple enticing

social purposes that warranted shifting the loss from buyers to participants of the

distribution chain as acknowledged by American courts.


So also, as determined by Zhang & Ma (2021) in online retailing, in addition

to the reseller channel, the marketplace channel has been favored by many e-

commerce platforms and suppliers. Thus, unlike the reseller channel, the novel

channel allows suppliers to acquire the pricing power of products and to have direct

contact with consumers. However, the opinion on the establishments of the

marketplace channel are more complex due to the operation inefficiency of

suppliers, also adding a new channel that leads to competition. According to reports

of Zhang & Ma (2021) the key to success of online retailing relies on logistics

service, and can be undertaken by both suppliers and platforms which affects the

purchase behavior of online consumers. Based on these considerations, this paper

explores whether the supplier and the platform can come to an agreement on

introducing the marketplace channel by incorporating the logistics service strategy.

Therefore, Zhang & Ma (2021) find that compared with the product sales price, the

level of logistics service has a stronger impact on the consumers’ channel choice.

According to Ciarniene and Stankeviciute (2015) as mentioned in this theory,

competition in the world of business is really a big deal. Though, most business

owners and organizations adopt the electronic business to compete with others. So,

in this case e-business is the new way of selling and buying products and services.

In accordance with Tian et al., (2018) online retailers have acted as product

resellers. Along with the trend nowadays, most retailers have also begun to serve

their products to online marketplaces by providing a platform to directly connect


sellers to buyers. However, there is an upstream competition between suppliers that

captures the possibilities. In addition to this study, online marketplace has a big

impact on entrepreneurs, both advantages and disadvantages. In fact, most

entrepreneurs benefit with the online marketplace but some are not, it’s between

hitting and enticing customers to buy on your products. So also, as explained by

Kasemsap (2018) the utilization of e-business and e-commerce needs modern

organizations that seek to serve suppliers and customers, ameliorate business

performance, reinforce competitiveness, and obtain continuous effectiveness in the

global marketplace. Therefore, modern organizations are required to advocate their

e-business and e-commerce and establish a strategic plan to regularly check their

practical advancements toward satisfying customer requirements. Furthermore,

according to Rath et al., (2021) there are third-party sellers on e-commerce (e.g.,

Amazon and Alibaba) who have been basically dependent on conventional

financing modes such as bank credit financing (BFC) to meet their working capital.

In accordance with Rath et al., (2021) numerous of these platforms have recently

begun with novel financing programs (platform credit financing, PCF) for the

sellers under the umbrella of Supply Chain Finance. For an instance, Amazon

provides unsecured loans to third-party sellers on its platform under the Amazon

lending program. If the seller is unable to fulfill customer’s orders because of some

internal inefficiencies (performance risk), then the platform loses the loan amount

and incurs a goodwill cost among its customer base. Based on Rath et al., (2021)

the researcher obtains conditions under which either BCF or PCF could be more

profitable for the seller. Thus, the existence of different theories and related

literature shows improvement to researchers to scrutinize different statements and

to find out the real need of online buyer and seller to develop every single step to

come out to a better system.




3.1 Research Methodology

This chapter refers to ability to generate and respond to change, it also

shows the methodology used in the study. This chapter clarifies what the

researchers do to make this project, how the researcher does it, and why the

researcher do it. Then, it presents the research methods, research environment, data

gathering, project design, hardware design implementation, software design

implementation, project development process, project timeline and project cost.

Working in discipline has a system of practices, techniques, procedures and rules.

The researcher will use Agile as the software methodology in the

development of Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information

System (ReSORSIS). Agile Methodology is the system model used to the

development of Product and services online shoppe. This methodology consists of

five stages: analysis, planning, designing, developing and testing and release. This

approach allows the customer to interact and work with functioning software at the

end of each iteration and provide feedback on it. This approach allows teams to

take up changes more easily and make course corrections if needed. In the Agile

approach, software is developed and released incrementally in the iterations. Agile


methodology gives more importance to collaboration within the team, collaboration

with the customer, responding to change and delivering working software. (ISTOR

2016). In short development cycles, to improve productivity and introduce

checkpoints at which new customer requirements can be adopted. (Tutorials Point,

2016). A fundamental distinction should be made between reports of actual

developmental research (practice) and description of design and development

procedural models (theory).

Figure 1 Software Development Life Cycle

Requirement Analysis

In this stage, the researchers had finished assessment and analysis of the

project study. The researchers go through a thorough study and brainstorming

before making a layout. Upon the making process of the project, the researchers go

first on various steps to make arrangement of this project. Consultation, gathering

of data, and studies for software were conducted to determine the user’s expectation

for modified products. Hence, brainstorming is in need for requirements to generate

effective and functional projects. This requires interactions between the client and

the users. The system requires a high-resolution image to clearly define the items

and services offered.

Design Phase

In this phase, designs are developed with which the project result can

apparently achieved. In design phase, the, sketches, flow charts, site trees, HTML

screen designs, prototypes, photo impressions and UML schemas are created and

designed based on the online shop system that the researchers being proposed.

Development Phase

In this phase, the proponent of the study will develop the software

application. The software application will allow the client, both users, sellers and

customers to interact with each other. The client will be able to register the user

which is the seller, once the seller already accesses the application, the users will

be able to post their products and have the authority to connect to the customers.

Then, the customers or buyers can log in to the application and choose navigations

that suit the items or services that the customer or buyer desires. Also, the customer

or buyer can use the search features to find specific products or services. Right after

choosing an item or services then you will proceed adding your item into the cart

and choose your payment method and will be able to purchase and sell products

and services under the system application protocols. Then, the customer will get

notified once their order is ready.

Testing Phase

In this phase, once the system is developed, the researchers will undergo a

series of testing based on its functionality. In this stage, the system had been

checked and tested through various situations before being considered ready to be


The system will undergo almost 50 people which will test the application to

identify some technical errors if in case. Those person’s will test based on its

component’s functionality. The overall functionality of the system will be tested

and done by operating software applications. The transmission of data used over a

data and Wi-Fi connection has been tested in order to check the capability of the



As stated in the above statement, from the first stage until implementation,

it talked about a series of ideas and studies to make this project ready to implement

based on its purpose.

The system is basically intended for business owners, small vendors and to

implement the native product as well. This was deliberated to all online users who

are looking for products and services. This system has no specific areas where it

will cater areas depending on corresponding user’s policy and agreement.

3.2 Description of Current System

During a visit by proponents of this research paper, it has been found out

that the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) already has a system which is the

Business Name Registration System (BNRS), this system is for business owners to

be able to register the business names. The Business Name Registration System

(BNRS) is used by the Department Trade and Industry (DTI) to monitor operating

businesses. Since, they already have this system, but this is just for registering

business names and can’t promote the business. In fact, the number of business

names registering to DTI was lessened because of the pandemic that still exists. So,

in other words, there is no such thing that will promote businesses and the

opportunities of the entrepreneurs have lessened. The system is really not that

helpful to help business owners to expand their business. The researchers are

hopeful to promote the project to help business owners and the Department of Trade

and Industry (DTI) as well since both Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and

business owners are affected with the pandemic, where a lot of businesses had

already closed and the DTI business registry number was lessened. So, the

researchers applied the online business to Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

to be able to acquire more business owners and for the business owner’s sake also

to promote and expand their business through a legit way of transactions and the

customers will guarantee the legitimacy of their product and services.

3.3 System Architecture and Development

Figure 1.1 ReSORSIS System Architecture and Development


In figure 1.1, the Admin, who is primarily responsible to support reliable

and effective use of complex IT systems by end users whether internal employees

or external customers. Through Shop Account Server is the place to store and

access data then goes to Information Server to enable organization to integrate

data from disparate sources and deliver trusted and complete information at the time

it is required and in format it is needed. The use of data or Wi-Fi is needed in this

app. The registered business owners (private and public) will be able to sell and

post their products on Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support

Information System (ReSORSIS), users (buyers) will use the search features to

search for the product or services. So also, once the customer will purchase, it's

either on product or services the user (buyer) must add the item into cart and check

it out, then the user (seller) will receive the checkout form and will process the item

and the user (buyer) will get notified once the order is ready to check out.

3.3.1 Overview of the Proposed Systems

After compiling some ideas and conducting thorough studies. Now, the

researchers are to propose the project which is the Recourse on Supplies and Online

Retailing Support Information System (ReSORSIS). This is all about ecommerce,

an online market system which is intended to promote business and services. This

is an online platform that will conduct transactions to users, both buyers and

customers. This system project is a help for small, medium and large enterprises to

show up and expand their businesses. It will also help the client which is the

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to engage with various business owners.

However, this is an online shop that will give more opportunities and help promote

businesses and economic growth as well. This application does not focus only to

one opportunity but it comprises of more opportunities in one application, since a

lot of existing application focuses on one product like the shopee and lazada as an

example, where the shopee only focuses on all the products, and lazada only focuses

on food delivery. Whereas on this application, it's a combination of all the products

and services that is being offered in one application. It can be food, things and


This system will work from an admin then through the users. The developer

will suggest the system to the client, then the client will suggest the system through

a variety of users like the sellers and let them register to the said system through

the admin and with DTI rules and agreement. Then, after registering by the user

which is the seller to the said system, then the seller can be able to post their

products to the online shoppe and then connect to the users which are the buyers.

In this case, the seller can now entice the buyer by adding different enticing photos

of products and services and the customers can connect to the seller and will

transact their product unless it will not exceed the Recourse on Supplies and Online

Retailing Support Information System (ReSORSIS) protocols. Thus, the system

will be used via Wi-Fi or data and will now enjoy shopping.

3.3.2 System Objectives (General and Specific)

Since the existence of technology is the most used nowadays, the

researchers are into it. The researchers are to develop an Online Shop Recourse on

Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information System (ReSORSIS) intended

for small, medium, and large Businesses.

The objective of the researchers is to put the businesses in new ways of

interacting with people, and to adopt the new way of business transactions. In fact,

the physical appearance of selling is now moderately undesirable. In addition, the

purpose is not only for small, medium and large enterprises but also for the native

product to recognize and be promoted. Since, there are a lot of hidden products on

the market. Also, the systems are paying close attention to the services, since it's

pandemic and the economy was really affected and the researchers intends to

involve the skills and services that public and private sectors can offer. The

researchers want to have an innovation for the new way of buying and selling items.

The proponents of this study added some features to the Recourse on

Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information System (ReSORSIS) to make

the application more desirable to both users. As the existing system that the

researcher saw is all about the product itself, but in this project the researchers

are making broad opportunities for entrepreneurs and workers. This app also tends

to lessen the cost to buyers and inquirers

3.3.3 System Tools Requirements

In this part, the following Hardware and Software requirements needed for

the system to be functional are being discussed as follows:

• HTML\Text Editor is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a

file intended for display on the Internet. The markup tells web browsers how

to display a web page's words and images. This helps by creating a shopping

cart step by step.

• Image Editors is used to edit or otherwise manipulate an image, picture or

graphic to the system, the tools are used to improve the Online Store’s

Product images.

• Flash Creator is used for production of animations, rich web applications,

desktop applications, mobile apps, and used to create vector graphics-based

animation programs with full-screen navigation interfaces, graphic

illustrations, and simple interactivity in resizable file format that is small

enough to stream across a normal modem connection.


• File transfer Protocol tools are used to download, upload and transfer files

from one location to another on the internet and between systems. These

tools enable the transfer of files between two computer systems or through

the cloud.

• Analytic Tools are useful for ecommerce it may help identify long-term

trends across your site and answer ultra-specific questions about your sales

funnel, checkout process, and overall shopping experience, and to analyze

data and extract actionable and commercially relevant information that you

can use to increase results or performance.

• Browsers is useful in connecting both users (sellers and customers), it also

helps customers to purchase items from the comfort of their own homes or

workplace. Shopping is made easier and convenient for the customer

through the internet. It is also easy to cancel the transactions. Saves time

and efforts

3.3.4 Programming Languages

• JavaScript used primarily by Web browsers to create a dynamic and

interactive experience for the user. Most of the functions and applications

that make the Internet indispensable to modern life are coded in some form

of JavaScript. There are two main roles for JavaScript within ecommerce

stores: Adding interactivity to a web page; Connecting to backend servers.

• HTML creates structure on the web from page layouts and paragraphs to

links, tags and attributes. Every time we go online, it also gives authors the

means to: Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists,

photos, etc. and retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click

of a button.

• CSS is used to style and layout web pages, to alter the font, color, size, and

spacing of the online system content, split it into multiple columns, or add

animations and other decorative features.

• Dart is used to style and layout web pages, to alter the font, color, size, and

spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations

and other decorative features. The main requirements were to use the real-

world e-commerce API of free choice, implement products’ loading and

caching, build products and their details page.

• PHP is used for the basic concept of the application to allow the customer

to shop virtually using the Internet and allow customers to buy the items

and articles of their desire from the store. Also, making the details of the

usage of the equipment available, and improving the movement and


anticipation of their demand as well as the productivity of the system as a


3.3.5 Hardware Requirements

• Processor- Intel Pentium 4 or later - The processor, also known as the

CPU, provides the instructions and processing power the computer needs to

do its work. The more powerful and updated your processor, the faster your

computer can complete its tasks. By getting a more powerful processor, you

can help your computer think and work faster. Since, computer's processor

serves as the clock speed that determines how quickly the central processing

unit (CPU) can retrieve and interpret instructions. This helps your computer

complete more tasks by getting them done faster. While the Pentium 4 can

run basic business applications.

• Memory - Random Access Memory (RAM) - 2 GB minimum, 4 GB

recommended since memory is a device or system that is used to store

information for immediate use in a computer or related computer hardware

and digital electronic devices. Computer random access memory (RAM) is

one of the most important components in determining your system's

performance. RAM gives applications a place to store and access data on a

short-term basis. It stores the information your computer is actively using


so that it can be accessed quickly. With 2GB you should be able to do pretty

much everything with your computer that a computer is capable of doing.

• Screen Resolution- 1280x1024 or larger, Screen resolution will continue

to be a factor for web designers to keep in mind when they create a website

as higher resolutions are created and web technology evolves. It is

important for web designers to know some best practices as well as their

client's audience. The higher resolution means that there more pixels per

inch (PPI), resulting in more pixel information and creating a high-quality

and crisp image.

• Application Window- 1024x680 or larger, it typically has a frame with a

title bar, minimize and maximize buttons, and other standard UI elements.

Ease of use. Users familiar with earlier versions of Windows will probably

also find the more modern ones easy to work with. These applications can

help you with many common tasks, including browsing the Internet.

• Internet connection- required, since online shopping is a form of electronic

commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from

a seller over the internet using browser or mobile app. Internet Connection

means a connection provided by an Internet Service Provider that enables

individual computers or other hardware components, either individually or


registered within a Local Area Network, to exchange data over the public


3.3.6 Software Requirements

• HTML\Text Editor is a software for editing and creating HTML code that

is used for websites or other web documents. With text-based HTML

editors, the source code can be edited directly, it creates websites faster.

Basic features of the HTML editors include syntax highlighting, adding

common HTML elements, and split-screen editing, which ensures that your

code is functional and clean with less effort.

• Image Editors can edit, format, manipulate, and prepare for digital upload,

use, launch, and sharing. It often offers basic automatic image enhancement

features that correct color hue and brightness imbalances as well as other

image editing features, such as red eye removal, sharpness adjustments,

zoom features and automatic cropping. Properly edited photographs and

images represent the brand and convey a businesses' message in the best

possible manner. This makes photo editing an essential part of any

marketing, communication or branding activity.

• Flash Creator displays text, vector graphics, and raster graphics to provide

animations and applications, and enabled in most browsers in order to

properly show content.


• File transfer Protocol tools is a way to download, upload, and transfer files

from one location to another on the internet and between computer systems.

It provides the facility whereby files can be downloaded into a computer

from another computer in the internet. Although there are a number of

utilities for file transfer most users now employ browsers for this via FTP

links. It is ideal for daily business operations requiring file transfers between

multiple stakeholders. It is also ideal for backup of large amounts of

business data. Web developers use FTP to move their code to the server

hosting the website they're working on, user experience, cart abandonment,

and much more.

• Analytic Tools for E-commerce companies provide data for all parts of the

consumer journey. They can help discover information on customer

acquisition help you understand your visitors' experience through

qualitative and quantitative data so you can make the right changes to your


• Browsers enables the customer to reach the online stores with the firm's

range of products and services, view photos or images of the products along

with information.

• Windows 8 or later provides heavier integration with online services from

Microsoft and others. A user can now log into Windows with a Microsoft

account, which can be used to access services and synchronize applications


and settings between devices. It gives PC users a whole new world of full-

screen, touch-friendly, Web-connected apps to explore. And these new apps

can even display relevant information on their Windows Start screen tiles,

something impossible in Windows 7 or just about any other operating

system around

• Flutter is an open-source software development kit which enables smooth

and easy cross-platform mobile app development. Using Flutter helps save

time, reduce expenses and shortens code. It allows developers to use the

native code so that the application in question can have a native look,

thereby providing exceptional user interaction. Flutter includes several

widgets, such as navigation, scrolling, as well as fonts, which saves a lot of

time on application development.


3.3.7 System Flow / Functions

Figure 1.2 Data Flow Diagram

3.3.8 Scope and Limitations of the System

The Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information

System (ReSORSIS) is intended only for online Shoppe. This system is done

on purpose to our client which is the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and

to both users (buyers and customers). Since it is an Online Shoppe, it only limits

the products and services that the application offers. It focuses on all the

entrepreneurs, public and private business sectors. The system will only allow the

business owners or even small vendors once it was already registered to DTI. Only

registered businesses to DTI are allowed to use the system and can be able to post

their product and services online. These Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing

Support Information System (ReSORSIS) are usable online via data or Wi-Fi.

There are no boundaries in registering to the system through the DTI unless the

members will follow the rules and protocols of the said system. The buyers will

only limit their expectation to products (food, things, dress, etc.) and services

(private and public businesses and skills), other than that is not applicable to the

said system.

3.3.9 Calendar of Activities

Table 1 Calendar of Activities


3.4 Conceptual Design and Implementation

Figure 1.3 Conceptual Design

In figure 1.3, the system was conceptualized through the SDG the researcher

chose and based on the observations to the environment and to the problems that

the researchers noticed that needs a solution to promote opportunities to

entrepreneurs, also, to promote the skills of individuals through public and private

sectors based on the services they offered. Therefore, to come up with this system

the researcher looked at the existence of Shopee App and Food Panda App and

conceptualized the Recourse on Supplies and Online Retailing Support Information

System (ReSORSIS). In relation to this, to make a suit of this system to the

problems that the researchers are trying to solve, as a researcher, the researcher

implement this system by consulting various expert people, especially to our client

which is the DTI, to agree with the said system and put it into action.

3.4.1 System Design

Figure 1.4 Use case Diagram

In figure 1.4, the registered customer actor uses some web app to view

items, make purchases online. Service Authentication use case is included in View

Recommended Items and Add to Wish List because both require the customer to

be authenticated. At the same time, item could be added to the shopping cart

without user authentication. Checkout use case includes several required uses cases.

Web app customer should be authenticated. It could be done through user login

page, user authentication cookie ("Remember me") or Single Sign-On (SSO). Web

app authentication service is used in all these use cases, while SSO also requires

participation of external identity provider.


Flow Chart

Figure 1.5 Flow Chart


Figure 1.5 shows the path taken by data in a system and the decisions made

during different levels. From the start, the user can login and register into the

application. Once you already have an account you can sign in directly and go to

the home page, under the home page are the Search Product and Services, View

Product and Services, Buy Product and Services, Sell Products, Advertise Services

and Buy Products or Add to cart and Reserves. If you already chose some specific

products then you can click the Add to Cart buttons and proceed to payments,

choose payment types and Place Orders then you can sign out and End.

3.4.2 Database Design

Figure 1.6 Database Design



The researchers have created a user table that contains all the user details

along with user payment and user address tables to store multiple addresses and

payment details of users. This structure offers more granular control over data while

eliminating duplicate records. Another way to manage users is by creating two

separate user tables for end-users and administrators and assigning relationships

according to their requirements


Managing products is not simply about maintaining a list of products. You

also have to manage the inventory, discounts, categories, and other attributes of the

products. So always focus on simplifying the data structure while reducing

duplicates. In the following table structure, the main product table contains

information about the products.

Shopping Process

This is the most critical and complex part when it comes to designing the

database. The shopping process will guide a user to search the products, add the

desired products to the shopping cart, and finally complete the transaction using a

payment provider.

3.4.3 Screen Design

Figure 1.7 Log in Screen

Figure 1.7 shows the Login screen, it is a web page or an entry page to a

web/mobile application that requires user identification and authentication,

regularly performed by entering a username and password combination.


Figure 1.8 Home Screen

Figure 1.8 shows the home screen, it is the homepage / start screen that

customers see when the app is first opened. The blocks of your app are accessed

via the home screen.


Figure 1.9 Categories and Product page

Figure 1.9 shows the Ecommerce product page, it is a page on a website that

defines a product and its features in its entirety. This includes features like price,

sizes, specs, color, manufacturer and more.


Figure 2 Display Seller Screen

Figure 2 shows the Seller Screen, third appears on third-party websites and

uses videos, image or text elements to market products or service.


Figure 2.1 Appointment Screen

Figure 21. shows the Appointment Screen where the customers can set

appointment to the services that the business person can offer.


Figure 2.2 About Us Screen

Figure 2.2 shows the About Us page, is the opportunity where the company,

business owner or the sellers can introduce their businesses with their own term. Its

where potential customers will go to find out why you’re passionate about the

products. It is also the key to building trust and loyalty with your customer.

Figure 2.3 Profile Screen

Figure 2.3 shows the Profile page where it is used to enter demographic

information about the individual. To create a profile you need, at a minimum, the

individual's first and last name. It is for protection and authentication of a customer.

It serves as the user identification.


Figure 2.4 Shopping cart Screen

Figure 2.4 shows the Shopping Cart page. It is a pace of software that keeps

the record of the items a buyer has picked up from the online store.


Figure 2.5 Mobile App Screen Design

Figure 2.4 shows the Mobile App Design. It is the task of designing mobile

applications. Even though mobile apps have a wide variety of uses, what unifies

them is the need for optimal usability, accessibility, engagement, and overall user

experience. App design combines the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).

While UI

Lends itself to the overall style of the app (including the colors, fonts, and general

look and feel), UX focuses on the actual functionality and usability.

Admin Dashboard

Figure 2.6 Admin Dashboard

Figure 2.5 shows the admin dashboard. It is the User Interface (UI) of the

backend of your web application or software. It gives much of tools and shortcuts

to manage the entire website or web application. With the help of the admin

dashboard, you and your employees can analyze the performance of a website or

web application. Moreover, the admin panel, is essentially the control panel for

your entire website. It's where you create and manage content, add functionality in

the form of plugins, change styling in the form of themes, and more. In the

dashboard, you can assign users to be dashboard administrators. An administrator

can view, edit, and delete all views and pages, can manage and create templates,

and can control the access of non-administrator users to the dashboard views.



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