Comparison Between Different Architectures of An Electrolyte-Gated Organic Thin-Film Transistor Fabricated On Flexible Kapton Substrates
Comparison Between Different Architectures of An Electrolyte-Gated Organic Thin-Film Transistor Fabricated On Flexible Kapton Substrates
Comparison Between Different Architectures of An Electrolyte-Gated Organic Thin-Film Transistor Fabricated On Flexible Kapton Substrates
Abstract—A polyanionic proton conductor, named poly(4- started investigating other insulating materials. Increasing
styrenesulfonic acid) (PSSH), was used to gate an Organic the capacitance (Ci) per area is one way of allowing the
Thin-Film Transistor (OFET) based on p-type poly(2,5-bis(3- transistors to be operated at low voltage. [8, 9] Using high-k
tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thienol [3,2-b]thiophene) (pBTTT- materials [10] as gate insulators or decreasing the film (e.g.
C14) organic semiconductor. Upon applying a negative gate
TiO2) thickness [9] are other approaches that were used to
bias, a large electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs) are
formed at the gate-PSSH and at the pBTTT-PSSH interfaces lower the operating voltage.
due to the proton migration in the polyelectrolyte. Different There are also other ways of lowering the operating
device configurations are evaluated and their electrical voltage, for example, using an electrolyte (a salt dissolved in
performance along with their implementation on flexible a polymer matrix) to gate a silicon-based transistor. [11] This
Kapton substrates is discussed. idea is not new at all, since the concept was demonstrated
more than two decades ago. [12] The main benefit of using
Keywords—polyelectrolytes; electrolyte-gated Organic Thin- electrolytes, polymer-electrolytes or polyelectrolytes as
Film Transistors; low-voltage; flexible substrates; insulating layer, resides in the large capacitance of these
I. INTRODUCTION materials (20 µF cm-2 to 500 µF cm-2) [13, 14] that permit
the operation at low voltages [13], usually bellow 1 volt and
Organic Thin-Film Transistors (OFETs) are an their compatibility with printed techniques (e.g. roll-to-roll).
important class of electronic devices that have attracted a lot An electrical double layer (EDL) is formed at the
of attention, especially in the last decades. The reason is semiconductor/electrolyte interface [15] involving the ions
mainly due to the fact that they can be used in lightweight, charge separation upon application of a gate bias. The
flexible, and low cost electronic devices. [1-4] Applications formation of an EDL confers to the transistor a high current
such as active-matrix logic circuits, [5] radiofrequency throughput and the necessary robustness for electronic
identification tags (RFID) [6] and non-volatile memories [7] applications. [16] Low source and drain contact resistances,
are just few of the domains where the concept behind OFETs [17] versatile architectures, [18] solution processability [19]
can be applied. and the possibility to integrate electrolyte-gated systems in
Typically, an OFET is a three terminal device formed by an applications such as biosensors [20] are other important
electrode, a semiconductor and a dielectric/insulating layer advantages derived from using electrolytes as gating
separating the active semiconductor layer from the gate materials. However, the main drawback of these materials is
electrode. A conducting channel is formed at the interface that the anions present in the electrolyte bulk might penetrate
between the dielectric layer and semiconductor; therefore an into the semiconductor layer causing an electrochemical
optimal interfacial control is required to achieve good doping of the active layer. [21-23] This latter aspect should
electrical performance. The dielectric layer plays a key role be closely regarded before choosing an electrolyte material
in keeping the leakage currents at a minimum value, to gate an OFET,
lowering the power consumption and having a high current
on/off ratio. Therefore, the chemical nature and the electric The group of Magnus Berggren already reported the use
properties of the dielectric influence the OFET of poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid) PSSH as insulating material
performances. [8] A “common” transistor is a device having for OFETs. [13, 24, 25]
a metal oxide layer (e.g. SiO2) as insulator. The main Here, we reported the use of the elicited polyanionic
drawback of these devices is that they require high operating proton conductor material, PSSH, as gating material for a
voltage and the fabrication steps are not always compatible OFET based on pBTTT-C14. A comparison between three
with large-scale production. In order to optimize the costs of different architectures was made and the electrical
fabricating these devices and to lower the operating
voltages, many research groups around the world have
A. Device architectures
Three different architectures were investigated in this
study: Bottom-Gate Top-Contacts (BGTC), Top-Gate
Bottom-Contacts (TGBC) and a Planar-Gate configuration
(PG) (Fig. 1). In the last case, the gate electrode is
evaporated as a gold strip in the same step with the source
(S) and drain (D) electrodes.
onto this layer. The source (S) and drain (D) electrodes
where defined onto the active layer by thermal evaporation
through a shadow mask (channel length (L) 200 µm and
channel width (W) 4000 µm).
For the second architecture TGBC, Fig. 1b, the S and D
electrodes (same channel dimensions) were thermally
evaporated through a shadow mask on a clean Kapton
substrate. The pBTTT-C14 was then spin coated onto the
electrodes, followed by a second spinning of the PSSH
solution. A gold G electrode was thermally evaporated at Fig. 1. OFET architectures (left) and the corresponding output
high vacuum through a shadow mask to complete the device. characteristics (right) for a Bottom-Gate Top-Contacts (BGTC) (a), Top-
Gate Bottom-Contacts (TGBC) (b) and Planar-Gate configuration (PG) (c).
Finally for the third OFET configuration, PG, the
pBTTT-C14 solution was spin deposited on a flexible
Kapton substrate, pre-patterned with S and D electrodes. The III. RESULTS AND DISCUSION
G electrode is thermally evaporated in the same step
(perpendicular on the source and drain electrodes) as a gold The flexible polyelectrolyte-gated devices in a Planar-
strip, Fig. 1c. The organic semiconductor film was annealed Gate configuration were fabricated by a straightforward,
at 110 °C for 1 minute on a hot plate. The device was screen-printing compatible procedure. The S, D and G
completed by drop-casting the PSSH on top of the gate and electrodes were deposited by thermal evaporation through a
source/drain electrodes (using a customized Doctor Blade shadow mask, directly on a flexible Kapton substrate, as
deposition process). depicted in Fig. 2.
TABLE 1. Electrical performances of the three architectures for the
PSSH-gated OFETs
OFET Electrical performances reported as average (n = 5)
architecture Field-effect Threshold on/off current
mobility voltage ratio
μ [cm-2V-1s-1] VT [V] Ion/Ioff
BGTC (1.07±0.23) (-0.27±0.01) ~102
measured for VDsat = −0.5 and a gate bias VG= −2 V. While the source, drain and gate electrodes require only one step.
for the PG configuration a saturation current of 14 µA was
measured for a VDsat = −0.5 and a gate bias VG= −1 V. These The proposed structures where poly(4-styrenesulfonic
high values of the drain current can be associated with the acid ) is used as gating material are promising since
high capacitance of the PSSH layer. The current in the polyelectrolytes act as high-capacitance gate insulators in
saturation regime is given by equation (1): (27) OFETs exhibiting good electrical performance. Moreover,
low voltage operation is achieved which is desirable for bio-
sensing in aqueous/liquid media as well as for integration of
( ) ( )
these devices into flexible circuits that can be powered by
where, Ci is the capacitance per unit area of the gate
insulator, µ is the field-effect mobility, and VT is the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
threshold voltage.
The “Gas sensors on flexible substrates for wireless
The electrical figures of merit of the PSSH-gated OFETs, applications-FlexSmell” project, SEVENTH
mobility (μ), threshold voltage (VT) and on/off current ratio FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FP7-People-ITN-2008
(Ion/Ioff) were extracted from the characteristics in the under Grant agreement no. 238454, is acknowledged for the
saturation regime and are depicted in Table 1. The reported financial support of this work.
values are expressed as the average over 5 replicates and
errors are the relevant standard deviations. REFERENCES
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