Binary Operation

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Binary operations


Whenever you listen to a DVD or watch the television, you will probably not think about it, but
you are doing something that owes a great deal to the life and work of the great and gentle
scientist Albert Einstein. His work helped others understand the science of the atom. This
eventually led to the development of everyday conveniences and luxuries that we take for
granted today. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest, influential and most important
scientists ever known in the history of man. Albert Einstein showed that light was a stream of
particles and this laid the foundations for television, motion pictures remote control devices,
automatic door openers, lasers and DVD-players and the Global Positioning System (GPS).
This is a net of 24 satellites that cover the world. People with a GPS receiver can tell their
exact position from it. This is especially useful if you are traveling in the desert or at sea—
places where there are few landmarks.
Albert Einstein was born in Germany on 14 March 1879. At school, Albert did not like the
strict timetables and he found the lessons boring. His teachers thought him lazy and a
dreamer. "Albert's intellectual growth was strongly fostered at home. His mother, a talented
pianist, ensured the children's musical education. His father regularly read books to the
family. Uncle Jakob challenged Albert with mathematical problems, which he solved with 'a
deep feeling of happiness' and this sharpened his mind.

When Einstein was ten years old, Max Talmud , a poor Jewish medical student from Poland,
was introduced to the Einstein family by his brother. During weekly visits over the next five
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years, he gave the boy popular books on science, mathematical texts and philosophical
In 1895, at the age of sixteen, Einstein sat the entrance examinations for the Swiss Federal
Polytechnic in Zürich Einstein did not enjoy formal studies. but failed to reach the required
standard in the general part of the examination, but obtained exceptional grades in physics
and mathematics. On the advice of the Principal of the Polytechnic, he attended a school
Switzerland, in 1895–96 to complete his secondary schooling. In September 1896, he
passed the Swiss Matura though only seventeen, enrolled in the four-year mathematics and
physics teaching diploma program at the Zürich Polytechnic

After graduating, Einstein spent almost two frustrating years searching for a teaching post.
By mid 1901 he had a temporary job as a teacher, teaching mathematics at the Technical
High School in Winterthur.

By mid 1901 he had a temporary job as a teacher, teaching mathematics at the Technical
High School in Winterthur. Another temporary position teaching in a private school followed.
Then Marcel Grossmann 's father tried to help Einstein get a job by recommending him to the
director of the patent office in Bern. Einstein was appointed as a technical. Einstein worked
in this patent office from 1902 to 1909.
While in the Bern patent office he completed an astonishing range of theoretical physics
publications, written in his spare time Einstein earned a doctorate from the University of
Zurich in 1905 for a thesis on a new determination of molecular dimensions. He dedicated
the thesis to marcel Grossmann.
On 30 April 1905, Einstein was awarded a PhD by the University of Zürich. That same year,
which has been called Einstein's (miracle year), While working at the patent office,

First paper was about the movement of atoms.

The second paper was about the nature of light. For many years, scientists thought that light
was a wave. Einstein showed that it sometimes acted as a particle. Isaac Newton had
suggested that light was a stream of particles in the 17th century. Now, Einstein showed that
he was right, at least in some situations. the first paper explain the phenomenon known as
the photoelectric effect, by which a material will emit electrically charged particles when hit by
In the third and most famous article, titled ―On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,‖
The third paper challenged the way that Newton had looked at the world. It introduced the
first of Einstein’s famous theories of relativity.

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In his Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein started to think about space and time in a new
way. He looked at things moving in relation to each other, such as a train overtaking a car.
From these studies he found that there was something special about the speed of light. The
speed of light (measured in a vacuum, or empty space) is always the same. And nothing can
travel faster than the speed of light.
A fourth paper concerned the fundamental relationship between mass and energy, Einstein
showed that energy and matter can be changed from one to the other. He wrote an equation
to show how the two are connected:
E = mc2. It is probably the most famous equation in the world.

By 1908, he was recognized as a leading scientist, and he was appointed lecturer at the
University of Bern. He became a full professor at Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague in
1911. In 1914, he returned to Germany became and a professor at the Humboldt University
of Berlin, He became a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. In 1916, Einstein was
appointed president of the German Physical Society (1916–1918).
In 1916 he published the General Theory of Relativity. Which he considered his masterwork.
It caused a sensation.For over 200 years, Newton’s theory of gravity had been used to
describe how things fall to Earth and how planets orbit the Sun. But it did not always give the
orbits exactly. There was a particular problem with Mercury’s orbit, which did not quite fit.
And there was another problem: Newton did not really explain gravity. He just said that things
attract each other.
Einstein’s General Relativity showed that space and time are very closely linked. We should
really think of them together, as space-time.

Einstein showed how any object with mass changes the space-time around it, rather like a
ball creates a curve in a rubber sheet it is sitting on. This curving of space and time is felt as
The idea seemed incredible, but it solved all the problems with the planetary orbits.
In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the
photoelectric effect, as relativity was considered still somewhat controversial.

Even though Einstein was silent and reserved by nature, he was never silent about his
responsibility towards his fellow men. He recognized the "right of individuals to say and think

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what they pleased", without social barriers, and as a result, the individual was "encouraged"
to be more creative, a trait he valued from his own early education
.Einstein had strong beliefs about politics. He spoke out against Germany’s role in World War
I. At that time he was a pacifist (someone who is against all war). After the death of Israel's
first president, the people of Israel offered Einstein the position of President of Israel, a
mostly ceremonial post, but Einstein declined When Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to
power in Germany in 1933, Einstein left for the United States. In the United States, Einstein
joined the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey as a Professor. But one
thing he regretted all his life, owing to Einstein’s scientific

research, scientists later invented the atomic bomb, and was often referred to as the father of
atomic bomb. After World War II, Einstein was horrified at the effect of the bomb on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and took part in campaigns demanding that all atomic bombs, now
known as nuclear weapons, should be removed. He was by now the most famous scientist in
the world. He still kept working to try to find an even grander theory than his relativity—one
that would bring together all the forces we know about. Einstein refused surgery, saying: "I
want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is
time to go. I will do it elegantly. He died in Princeton Hospital early the next morning at the
age of 76, having continued to work until near the end. During the autopsy, the pathologist,
removed Einstein's brain for preservation, in the hope that the neuroscience of the future
would be able to discover what made Einstein so intelligent.

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A binary operation is just like any operation, except that it takes two
elements, no more, no less, and combines them into one.

This topic is very much important even though it main applications are found in
higher mathematics. The computer uses the mathematical language of
algorithm (series of mathematical steps which give a particular answer to a
problem) in it programs and these topic has its roots in binary operation.
We first learned of binary operations in basic school.

The objects we were using were numbers and the binary operations we used
were addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As we will discover in
this chapter, binary operations need not be applied only to numbers.

The applications of binary operations are very advanced, but we shall learn a

They are used on ATM cards to make sure the numbers scanned are correct.
They are used by space probes so that if data is misread, it can be corrected.
They are even used to check whether polynomials have solutions.

Join study groups so as to work outside the classroom,

this helps, you to understand topics better and also to ask
your friends questions you couldn’t ask in class.

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