Big Data and Analytics: Vincenzo Morabito
Big Data and Analytics: Vincenzo Morabito
Big Data and Analytics: Vincenzo Morabito
Vincenzo Morabito
Department of Management and Technology
Bocconi University
Few organizations understand how to extract insights and value from the recent
explosion of “Big Data.” With a billion plus users on the online social graph doing
what they like to do and leaving a digital trail, and with trillions of sensors now
being connected in the so-called Internet of Things, organizations need clarity and
insights into what lies ahead in deploying these capabilities. While academic
scholars are just beginning to appreciate the power of big data analytics and new
media to open up a fascinating array of questions from a host of disciplines, the
practical applicability of this is still lacking. Big data and analytics touches multiple
disciplines ranging from sociology, psychology, and ethics to marketing, statistics,
and economics, as well as law and public policy. If harnessed correctly it has the
potential to solve a variety of business and societal problems.
This book aims to develop the strategic and organizational impacts of Big Data
and analytics for today’s digital business competition and innovation. Written by an
academic, the book has nonetheless the main goal to provide a toolbox suitable to
be useful to business practice and know-how. To this end Vincenzo as in his former
books has structured the content into three parts that guide the reader through how
to control and govern the innovation potential of Big Data and Analytics. First, the
book focuses on Strategy (Part I), analyzing how Big Data and analytics impact on
private and public organizations, thus, examining the implications for competitive
advantage as well as for government and education. The last chapter provides an
overview of Big Data business models, creating a bridge to the content of Part II,
which analyzes the managerial challenges of Big Data and analytics governance
and evaluation. The conclusive chapter of Part II introduces the reader to the
challenges of managing change required by an effective use and absorption of Big
Data and analytics, actually trying to complement IT and non-IT managers’ per-
spective. Finally, Part III discusses through structured and easy to read forms a set
of cases of Big Data and analytics initiatives in practice at a global level in 2014.
Use this book as a guide to design your modern analytics-enabled organization.
Do not be surprised if it resembles a large-scale real-world laboratory where
employees design and conduct experiments and collect the data needed to obtain
answers to a variety of questions, from peer influence effects, the influence of
vi Foreword
Ravi Bapna
Notwithstanding the interest and the hype that surround Big Data as a key trend as
well the claimed business potentiality that it may offer the coupling with a new
breed of analytics, the phenomenon has been yet not fully investigated from a
strategic and organizational perspective. Indeed, at the moment of writing this book,
apart from a series of articles that appeared on the Harvard Business review by
McAfee and Brynjolfsson (2012) and on MIT Sloan Management Review by
Lavalle et al. (2011) and Davenport et al. (2012), most of the published mono-
graphic contributions concern technical, computational, and engineering facets of
Big Data and analytics, or oriented toward high-level societal as well as general
audience business analyses.
An early joint academics-practitioners effort to provide a unified and compre-
hensive perspective has been carried out by the White Paper resulting from joint
multidisciplinary contributions of more than 130 participants from 26 countries at
the World Summit on Big Data and Organization Design held in Paris at the
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne during May 16–17, 2013 (Burton et al. 2014).
However, it is worth to be mentioned that since 2013 new editorial initiatives have
been launched such as, e.g., the Big Data journal (Dumbill 2013). Thus, following
up the insights discussed in (Morabito 2014), the present book aims to fill the gap,
providing a strategic and organizational perspective on Big Data and analytics,
identifying the challenges, ideas, and trends that may represent “food for thought”
to practitioners. Accordingly, each topic considered will be analyzed in its technical
and managerial aspects, also through the use of case studies and examples. Thus,
while relying on academic production as well, the book aims to describe problems
from the viewpoints of managers, adopting a clear and easy-to-understand
language, in order to capture the interests of top managers and graduate students.
Consequently, this book is unique for its intention to synthesize, compare, and
comment on major challenges and approaches to Big Data and analytics, being a
simple yet ready to consult toolbox for both managers and scholars.
In what follows we provide a brief overview, based on our previous work as well
(Morabito 2014), on Big Data drivers and characteristics suitable to introduce their
discussion also with regard to analytics in the further chapters of this book, whose
outline concludes this introduction.
viii Preface
The spread of social media as a main driver for innovation of products and services
and the increasing availability of unstructured data (images, video, audio, etc.) from
sensors, cameras, digital devices for monitoring supply chains and stocking in
warehouses (i.e., what is actually called internet of things), video conferencing
systems and voice over IP (VOIP) systems, have contributed to an unmatched
availability of information in rapid and constant growth in terms of volume. As for
these issues, an interesting definition of “Big Data” has been provided by Edd
Dumbill in 2013:
Big data is data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. The
data is too big, moves too fast, or doesn’t fit the structures of your database architectures. To
gain value from this data, you must choose an alternative way to process it (Dumbill 2013).
As a consequence of the above scenario and definition, the term “Big Data” is
dubbed to indicate the challenges associated with the emergence of data sets whose
size and complexity require companies to adopt new tools and models for the
management of information. Thus, Big Data require new capabilities (Davenport
and Patil 2012) to control external and internal information flows, transforming
them into strategic resources to define strategies for products and services that meet
customers’needs, increasingly informed and demanding.
However, Big Data computational as well as technical challenges call for a
radical change to business models and human resources in terms of information
orientation and a unique valorization of a company information asset for invest-
ments and support for strategic decisions. At the state of the art the following four
dimensions are recognized as characterizing Big Data (IBM; McAfee and Bry-
njolfsson 2012; Morabito 2014; Pospiech and Felden 2012):
• Volume: the first dimension concerns the unmatched quantity of data actually
available and storable by businesses (terabytes or even petabytes), through the
Internet: for example, 12 terabytes of Tweets are created everyday into improved
product sentiment analysis (IBM).
• Velocity: the second dimension concerns the dynamics of the volume of data,
namely the time-sensitive nature of Big Data, as the speed of their creation and
use is often (nearly) real-time.
• Variety: the third dimension concerns type of data actually available. Besides,
structured data traditionally managed by information systems in organizations,
most of the new breed encompasses semi-structured and even unstructured data,
ranging from text, log files, audio, video, and images posted, e.g., on social
networks to sensor data, click streams, e.g., from Internet of Things.
• Accessibility: the fourth dimension concerns the unmatched availability of
channels a business may increase and extend its own data and information asset.
• It is worth noting that at the state of the art another dimension is actually con-
sidered relevant to Big Data characterization: Veracity concerns quality of data
and trust of the data actually available at an incomparable degree of volume,
Preface ix
velocity, and variety. Thus, this dimension is relevant to a strategic use of Big
Data and analytics by businesses, extending in terms of scale and complexity the
issues investigated by information quality scholars (Huang et al. 1999; Madnick
et al. 2009; Wang and Strong 1996), for enterprise systems mostly relying on
traditional relational database management systems.
As for drivers, (Morabito 2014) identified cloud computing as a relevant one,
besides social networks, mobile technologies, and Internet of Things (IoTs). As
pointed out by Pospiech and Felden (2012), at the state of the art, cloud computing
is considered a key driver of Big Data, for the growing size of available data
requires scalable database management systems (DBMS). However, cloud com-
puting faces IT managers and architects the choice of either relying on commercial
solutions (mostly expensive) or moving beyond relational database technology,
thus, identifying novel data management systems for cloud infrastructures (Agrawal
et al. 2010, 2011). Accordingly, at the state of art NoSQL (Not Only SQL)1 data
storage systems have been emerging, usually not requiring fixed table schemas and
not fully complying nor satisfying the traditional ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, and Durability) properties. Among the programming paradigms for
processing, generating, and analyzing large data sets, MapReduce2 and the open
source computing framework Hadoop have received a growing interest and
adoption in both industry and academia.3
Considering velocity, there is a debate in academia about considering Big Data
as encompassing both data “stocks” and “flows” (Davenport 2012). For example, at
the state of the art Piccoli and Pigni (2013) propose to distinguish the elements of
digital data streams (DDSs) from “big data”; the latter concerning static data that
can be mined for insight. Whereas digital data streams (DDSs) are “dynamically
evolving sources of data changing over time that have the potential to spur real-time
action” (Piccoli and Pigni 2013). Thus, DDSs refer to streams of real-time infor-
mation by mobile devices and IoTs, that have to be “captured” and analyzed real-
time, provided or not they are stored as “Big Data”. The types of use of “big” DDSs
may be classified according to those Davenport et al. (2012) have pointed out for
Big Data applications to information flows:
Several classifications of the NoSQL databases have been proposed in literature (Han et al.
2011). Here we mention Key-/Value-Stores (a map/dictionary allows clients to insert and request
values per key) and Column-Oriented databases (data are stored and processed by column instead
of row). An example of the former is Amazon’s Dynamo; whereas HBase, Google’s Bigtable, and
Cassandra represent Column-Oriented databases. For further details we refer the reader to
(Han et al. 2011; Strauch 2010).
MapReduce exploit, on the one hand, (i) a map function, specified by the user to process a key/
value pair and to generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs; on the other hand, (ii) a reduce
function that merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key (Dean and
Ghemawat 2008). MapReduce has been used to complete rewrite the production indexing system
that produces the data structures used for the Google web search service (Dean and Ghemawat
See for example how IBM has exploited/integrated Hadoop (IBM et al. 2011).
x Preface
Sentiment Banks /
Analysis Insurances
Opinion Mining
Social Media Risk Analysis
Analytics Fraud detection
Recommender Threat Analysis
systems Credit scoring
Fraud detection
Tax evasion control
Reduction in Quality management
consumption of public and control
utilities Sensor Data Fusion
… …
Public Sector
The book argument is developed along three main axes, likewise. In particular, we
consider first (Part I) Strategy issues related to the growing relevance of Big Data
and analytics for competitive advantage, also due their empowerment of activities
such as, e.g., consumer profiling, market segmentation, and new products or ser-
vices development. Furthermore, the different chapters will also consider the stra-
tegic impact of Big Data and analytics for innovation in domains such as
government and education. A discussion of Big Data-driven Business Models
conclude this part of the book. Subsequently, (Part II) considers Organization,
focusing on Big Data and analytics challenges for governance, evaluation, and
managing change for Big Data-driven innovation. Finally (Part III), the book will
present and review case studies of Big Data Innovation Practices at the global level.
Thus, Chap. 8 aims to discuss examples of Big Data and analytics applications in
practice, providing fact-sheets suitable to build a “map” of 10 interesting digital
innovations actually available worldwide. Besides an introduction to the factors
considered in the choice of each innovation practice, a specific description of it will
be developed. Finally, the conclusion will provide a summary of all arguments of
the volume together with general managerial recommendations.
Vincenzo Morabito
xii Preface
Agrawal, D., Das, S., El Abbadi, A.: Big data and cloud computing: new wine or just new bottles?
Proc. VLDB Endow. 3, 1647–1648 (2010)
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43–46 (2012)
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Dumbill, E.: Making sense of big data (editorial). Big Data. 1(1), 1–2 (2013)
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typologies and business model impacts. Eur. J. Inf. Syst. 20, 358–374 (2011). doi: 10.1057/
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IBM, Zikopoulos, P., Eaton, C.: Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop
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IBM: What is big data?,
Accessed 7 Jan 2015
Lavalle, S., Lesser, E., Shockley, R., Hopkins, M.S., Kruschwitz, N.: Big Data, Analytics and the
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engagement. Gov. Inf. Q. 29(4), 492–503 (2012)
Madnick, S.E., Wang, R.Y., Lee, Y.W., Zhu, H.: Overview and Framework for Data and
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McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E.: Big data: The management revolution. Harv. Bus. Rev. 61–68
Morabito, V.: Big data. Trends and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation, pp. 3–21 Springer,
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Nam, T.: Citizens’ attitudes toward open government and government. Int. Rev. Adm. Sci. 78(2),
346–368 (2012)
Piccoli, G., Pigni, F.: Harvesting external data: The potential of digital data streams. MIS Q. Exec.
12(1), 143–154 (2013)
Pospiech, M., Felden, C.: Big data—A State-of-the-Art. AMCIS 2012. (2012)
Strauch, C.: NoSQL databases. Lect. Notes Stuttgart Media. 1–8 (2010)
Wang, R.Y., Strong, D.M.: Beyond accuracy: what data quality means to data consumers.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst. 12(4), 5–33 (1996)
Zuiderwijk, A., Janssen, M., Choenni, S.: Open Data Policies: Impediments and Challenges. 12th
European Conference on eGovernment (ECEG 2012). pp. 794–802, Barcelona, Spain (2012)
This book is the result of the last two years of research, where several people are
worth to be acknowledged for their support, useful comments and cooperation.
A special mention to Prof. Vincenzo Perrone at Bocconi University, Prof. Vallabh
Sambamurthy, Eli Broad Professor at Michigan State University, and Prof. Franco
Fontana at LUISS University as main inspiration and mentors.
Moreover, I acknowledge Prof. Giuseppe Soda, Head of the Department of
Management and Technology at Bocconi University, and all the other colleagues at
the Department, in particular Prof. Arnaldo Camuffo, Prof. Anna Grandori, Prof.
Severino Salvemini, and Prof. Giuseppe Airoldi, all formerly at the Institute of
Organization and Information Systems at Bocconi University, who have created a
rich and rigorous research environment where I am proud to work.
I acknowledge also some colleagues from other universities with whom I’ve had
the pleasure to work, whose conversations, comments, and presentations provided
precious insights for this book: among others, Prof. Anindya Ghose at New York
University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Prof. Vijay Gurbaxani at
University of California Irvine, Prof. Saby Mitra at Georgia Institute of Technology,
Prof. Ravi Bapna at University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management,
George Westerman at MIT Center for Digital Business, Stephanie Woerner at MIT
Center for Information Systems Research, Prof. Ritu Agarwal at Robert H. Smith
School of Business, Prof. Lynda Applegate at Harvard Business School, Prof. Omar
El Sawy at Marshall School of Business, Prof. Marco de Marco at Unversità
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Prof. Tobias Kretschmer, Head of Institute for
Strategy, Technology and Organization of Ludwig Maximilians University, Prof.
Marinos Themistocleous at the Department of Digital Systems at University of
Piraeus, Prof. Chiara Francalanci at Politecnico di Milano, Wolfgang König at
Goethe University, Luca Giustiniano at LUISS University, Prof. Zahir Irani at
Brunel Business School, Prof. Sinan Aral at NYU Stern School of Business, Prof
Nitham Mohammed Hindi and Prof. Adam Mohamedali Fadlalla of Qatar Univer-
sity, Antonio de Amescua and Román López-Cortijo of Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid and Ken and Jane Laudon.
Furthermore, I want to gratefully acknowledge all the companies that have
participated to the research interviews, case studies, and surveys.
xiv Acknowledgments
In particular, for the Financial Institutions: Agos Ducato, Banca Carige, Banca
Euromobiliare, Banca Fideuram, Banca d’Italia, Banca Mediolanum, Banco
Popolare, Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna, Banca Popolare di Milano,
Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Banca Popolare di Vicenza, Banca Popolare di Bari,
Banca Sistema, Barclays, BCC Roma, BNL-BNP Paribas, Borsa Italiana, Carip-
arma Credit Agricole, CACEIS Bank Luxemburg, Carta Si, Cassa Depositi e
Prestiti, Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Cedacri, Che Banca!, Compass, Corner
Bank, Credito Emiliano, Deutsche Bank, Dexia, HypoVereinsbank, Istituto Cent-
rale delle Banche Popolari Italiane, ING Direct, Intesa SanPaolo, Intesa SanPaolo
Servitia, Istituto per le Opere Religiose, Luxemburg Stock Exchange, JP Morgan
Chase, Key Client, Mediobanca, Monte Titoli, Banca Monte dei Paschi, Poste
Italiane, SEC Servizi, Société Européene de Banque, Standard Chartered, Royal
Bank of Scotland, UBI Banca, Unicredit, Unicredit Leasing, Veneto Banca and
For the Insurance sector: Allianz, Assimoco, Aspe Re, Cardif, Coface, Ergo
Previdenza, Europe Assistance, Assicurazioni Generali, Groupama, Munich RE,
Poste Vita, Reale Mutua, Novae, Sara Assicurazioni, UnipolSai, Vittoria Assicur-
azioni and Zurich.
For the Industrial Sector: ABB, Accenture, Acea, Aci Informatica, Acqua Minerale
S. Benedetto, Adidas, Alpitour, Alliance Boots, Amadori, Amazon, Amplifon, Anas,
Angelini, ArcelorMittal, Armani, Astaldi, ATAC, ATM, AstraZeneca, Arval,
Auchan, Audi, Augusta Westland, Autogrill, Autostrade per l’Italia, Avio, Baglioni
Hotels, BMW, BASF, Barilla, Be Consulting, Benetton, Between, Business Inte-
gration Partners, Brembo, Bravo Fly, BskyB, BSH, BOSH, Boeing Defence,
Cementir, Centrica Energy, Cerved, Chiesi Farmaceutici, CNH Industrial, Coca Cola
HBC, Coop Italia, Costa Crociere, D’Amico, Danone, Daimler, De Agostini, Diesel,
Dimar, Dolce and Gabbana, General Electric, Ducati, Elettronica, Edipower, Edison,
Eni, Enel, ENRC, ERG, Fastweb, Ferservizi, Fincantieri, Ferrari, Ferrovie dello Stato,
FCA, Finmeccanica, GlaxosmithKline, GE Capital, GFT Technologies, Grandi Navi
Veloci, G4S, Glencore, Gruppo Hera, Gruppo Coin, Gruppo De Agostini, Gtech,
Gucci, H3G, Hupac, Infineon, Interoll, Il Sole24Ore, IREN, Istituto Poligrafico e
Zecca dello Stato, ITV, Kuwait Petroleum, La Perla, Labelux Group, Lamborghini,
Lavazza, Linde, LBBW, Levi’s, L’Oréal, Loro Piana, Luxottica, Jaguar Land Rover,
Lucite International, MAN, Magneti Marelli, Mapei, Marcegaglia, Mediaset,
Menarini, Messaggerie Libri, Miroglio, Mondelez International, Mossi & Ghisolfi,
Natuzzi, Novartis, Oerlikon Graziano, OSRAM, Piaggio, Perfetti, Pernod Ricard,
Philips, Pirelli, Porsche, ProSiebenSat1, Procter & Gamble, Prysmian, RAI, Rexam,
Rolex, Roche, Retonkil Initial, RWE, Saipem, Sandoz, SEA, Seat PG, Selex, Snam,
Sorgenia, Sky Italia, Schindler Electroca, Pfizer, RFI, Telecom Italia, Telecom Italia
Digital Solution, Telecom Italia Information Technology, Tenaris, Terna, Trenitalia,
Tyco, TuevSued, Telefonica, Unilever, Unicoop Firenze, Virgin Atlantic, Volks-
wagen, Vodafone and Wind.
For the Public Sector: Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, Comune di Milano, Regione
Lombardia and Consip.
Acknowledgments xv
I would especially like to acknowledge all the people that have supported me
during this years with insights and suggestions. I learned so much from them, and
their ideas and competences have inspired my work: Silvio Fraternali, Paolo
Cederle, Massimo Milanta, Massimo Schiattarella, Diego Donisi, Marco Sesana,
Gianluca Pancaccini, Giovanni Damiani, Gianluigi Castelli, Salvatore Poloni, Milo
Gusmeroli, Pierangelo Rigamoti, Danilo Augugliaro, Nazzareno Gregori, Edoardo
Romeo, Elvio Sonnino, Pierangelo Mortara, Massimo Messina, Mario Collari,
Giuseppe Capponcelli, Massimo Castagnini, Pier Luigi Curcuruto, Giovanni Sor-
dello, Maurizio Montagnese, Umberto Angelucci, Giuseppe Dallona, Gilberto
Ceresa, Jesus Marin Rodriguez, Fabio Momola, Rafael Lopez Rueda, Eike Wahl,
Marco Cecchella, Maria-Louise Arscott, Antonella Ambriola, Andrea Rigoni,
Giovanni Rando Mazzarino, Silvio Sperzani, Samuele Sorato, Alberto Ripepi,
Alfredo Montalbano, Gloria Gazzano, Massimo Basso Ricci, Giuseppe De Iaco,
Riccardo Amidei, Davide Ferina, Massimo Ferriani, Roberto Burlo, Cristina
Bianchini, Dario Scagliotti, Ettore Corsi, Luciano Bartoli, Marco Ternelli, Stewart
Alexander, Luca Ghirardi, Francesca Gandini, Vincenzo Tortis, Agostino Ragosa,
Sandro Tucci, Vittorio Mondo, Andrea Agosti, Roberto Fonso, Federico Gentili,
Nino Lo Banco, Fabio Troiani, Federico Niero, Gianluca Zanutto, Mario Bocca,
Marco Zaccanti, Anna Pia Sassano, Fabrizio Lugli, Marco Bertazzoni, Vittorio
Boero, Carlo Achermann, Stefano Achermann, Jean-Claude Krieger, Reinhold
Grassl, François de Brabant, Maria Cristina Spagnoli, Alessandra Testa, Anna
Miseferi, Matteo Attrovio, Nikos Angelopoulos, Igor Bailo, Stefano Levi, Luciano
Romeo, Alfio Puglisi, Gennaro Della Valle, Massimo Paltrinieri, Pierantonio
Azzalini, Enzo Contento, Marco Fedi, Fiore Della Rosa, Dario Tizzanini, Carlo
Capalbo, Simone Battiferri, Vittorio Giusti, Piera Fasoli, Carlo di Lello, Gian
Enrico Paglia, George Sifnios, Francesco Varchetta, Gianfranco Casati, Fabio
Benasso, Alessandro Marin, Gianluca Guidotti, Fabrizio Virtuani, Luca Verducci,
Luca Falco, Francesco Pedrielli, Riccardo Riccobene, Roberto Scolastici, Paola
Formaneti, Andrea Mazzucato, Nicoletta Rocca, Mario Breuer, Mario Costantini,
Marco Lanza, Marco Poggi, Gianfranco Ardissono, Alex Eugenio Sala, Daniele
Bianchi, Giambattista Piacentini, Luigi Zanardi, Valerio Momoni, Daniele Panigati,
Maurizio Pescarini, Ermes Franchini, Francesco Mastrandrea, Federico Boni,
Mauro Minenna, Massimo Romagnoli, Nicola Grassi, Alessandro Capitani, Mauro
Frassetto, Bruno Cocchi, Marco Tempra, Martin Brannigan, Alessandro Guidotti,
Gianni Leone, Stefano Signani, Domenico Casalino, Fabrizio Lugoboni, Fabrizio
Rocchio, Mauro Bernareggi, Claudio Sorano, Paolo Crovetti, Alberto Ricchiari,
Alessandro Musumeci, Luana Barba, Pierluigi Berlucchi, Matthias Schlapp, Ugo
Salvi, Danilo Gismondi, Patrick Vandenberghe, Dario Ferri, Claudio Colombatto,
Frediano Lorenzin, Paolo Trincianti, Massimiliano Ciferri, Danilo Ughetto, Tiberio
Strati, Massimo Nichetti, Stefano Firenze, Vahe Ter Nikogosyan, Giorgio Voltolini,
Andrea Maraventano, Thomas Pfitzer, Guido Oppizzi, Alessandro Bruni, Marco
Franzi, Guido Albertini, Massimiliano De Gregorio, Vincenzo Russi, Franco Col-
lautti, Massimo Dall’Ora, Fabio De Ferrari, Mauro Ferrari, Domenico Solano, Pier
Paolo Tamma, Susanna Nardi, Massimo Amato, Alberto Grigoletto, Nunzio Calì,
Gianfilippo Pandolfini, Cristiano Cannarsa, Fabio Degli Esposti, Riccardo
xvi Acknowledgments
Hughes, John Herd, Mark Smith, Jeremy Vincent, Guy Lammert, Steve Blackledge,
Mark Lichfield, Jacky Lamb, Simon McNamara, Kevin Hanley, Anthony Mead-
ows, Rod Hefford, Stephen Miller, Willem Eelman, Alessandro Ventura, David
Bulman, Neil Brown, Alistair Hadfield, Rod Carr and Neil Dyke.
I would especially like to gratefully acknowledge Gianluigi Viscusi at College of
Management of Technology (CDM)-École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
(EPFL), Alan Serrano-Rico at Brunel Univeristy, and Nadia Neytcheva Head of
Research at the Business Technology Outlook (BTO) Research Program who
provided me valuable suggestions and precious support in the coordination of the
production process of this book. Furthermore, I acknowledge the support of
Business Technology Foundation (Fondazione Business Technology) and all the
bright researchers at Business Technology Outlook (BTO) Research Program that
have supported me in carrying out interviews, surveys, and data analysis: Florenzo
Marra, Giulia Galimberti, Arianna Zago, Alessandro De Pace, Matteo Richiardi,
Ezechiele Capitanio, Giovanni Roberto, Alessandro Scannapieco, Massimo Bellini,
Tommaso Cenci, Giorgia Cattaneo, Andrada Comanac, Francesco Magro, Marco
Castelli, Martino Scanziani, Miguel Miranda, Alice Brocca, Antonio Attinà,
Giuseppe Vaccaro, Antonio De Falco, Matteo Pistoletti, Mariya Terzieva and
Daniele Durante.
A special acknowledgement goes to the memory of Prof. Antonino Intrieri who
provided precious comments and suggestions throughout the years.
Finally I acknowledge my family whose constant support and patience made this
book happen.
Vincenzo Morabito
Part I Strategy
xx Contents
Part II Organization
9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
9.1 Building the Big Data Intelligence Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
xxvi Acronyms
The role of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the utilization of big data for
achieving competitive advantage. It begins by clarifying current notions of
competitive advantage in strategic literature and highlights the current organi-
zational challenges in taking advantage of the big data trend, as well as the
possible advantages and opportunities. Finally, a case study discussion provides
insights from practice and highlights points of attention, for those pursuing big
data-driven competitive advantage.
1.1 Introduction
With the advent of e-commerce and the rise of the “maverick” entrepreneur,
business ethos towards control vis à vis openness changed and flexibility as the
source of competitive advantage came to the forefront (Taylor and LaBarre 2008).
Yet, it is rooted in Schumpeter’s theories on creative destruction, where the
industries evolve as new companies come up with new ways of doing things, thus,
pushing old ones who cannot adapt out of the market (Schumpeter 1934). Hence,
for a company to survive or to success should build in the capability to renew itself.
From this perspective, companies with great operational flexibility that can quickly
respond to challenges coming from shifting customer preferences, new entrants’
changes of industry norms, and unpredicted competitors’ moves will survive. Even
better, innovative companies that can challenge the status quo and gain the profits
of first mover’s advantage and move on as market’s mature or cut down their loses
if ventures don’t prove successful.
Thus, the strategic game changed from a slow careful positioning on the com-
petition chessboard, to a fast action game, where speed is a crucial factor. Big data
driven business models will exacerbate this trend. Already, real-time, location-
based offers—the likes of Groupon—have proliferated and are now part of most
inner city dwellers’ life (Raice and Woo 2011).
Big data however poses technical challenges of storage and processing, and
while the load of necessary inflexible capital investments is now over, matters of
repurposing, sharing or turning infrastructure into a shared public good arise. The
recent trend of Shared services and Shared Clouds are typical examples of infra-
structure sharing and perhaps the same principle will be the norm for big data
storehouses, e.g., by Pharmaceuticals, where companies, academics and public
sector will openly utilize for common good (Schultz 2013).
Before we discuss the influence of big data on companies’ efforts to achieve
competitive advantage, we will briefly summarize the trends of our conceptions of
competitive advantage.
The overarching disruptive power of big data demands that organizations engage
with it at a strategic level. However, how organizations will utilize this technology
trend with their existing business model will depend on their orientation. While,
consultants at A.T. Kearney argue that big data would have positive effects across
strategy and operations (Hagen et al. 2013). In summary, the advantages of utilizing
big data to obtain competitive advantage has been discussed into relation to big data
driven target marketing, design-driven innovation, and crowd innovation, all of
which will be discussed in detail in the following sections.
Big data can change the way companies identify and relate to their customer base.
Undoubtedly, companies can boost the old marketing strategies using new big data
tools and expertise. Market penetration strategies can leverage big data to feed
marketers information on how to keep existing customers and improve repetitive
sales. Likewise, new customer engagement techniques, like gamification, promise
improved loyalty levels (Paharia 2013).
1.3 The Role of Big Data on Gaining Dynamic Competitive Advantage 7
While social media, however, dominate current discussions about the potential
of big data to provide companies with a competitive advantage, it is likely that
really differentiated business models will take advantage of design-driven innova-
tion relating, for example, to the Internet of Things (IoT), see also (Morabito 2014).
The combination of big data sources with other emerging technologies can inspire
design-driven innovations. These innovations are disruptive game changers that
manage innovations that customers do not expect but they eventually love. Design,
in its etymological essence, means “marking sense of things” and design-driven
innovations are the R&D process for meanings (Verganti 2009).
For example Apple did not change how we make calls from our mobile, but
what we do with our mobile and how we think of it. For everything you want to do,
there is now an app for that, from designing color schemes for your baby’s room to
passing time playing angry birds to checking the news to watching a film to
measuring the dimensions of your rooms. An iPhone is not a phone anymore, it is a
multiple purpose tool (Verganti 2009) and Apple is not a phone-making company,
it’s the company that has changed our lives and most people love it for it. Products
are not seen as outputs of some faceless industrial process anymore, they are
symbols of the ethos and caliber of the people who designed it. Buying a product is
also a representation of who you are and who you favor. Hence, product innovation
is not just about products, it is the strategy of sharing common meanings with your
customers and being part of the community.
The same way product innovation is not just about products, but also about
sharing common meanings, business model design is also about sharing meanings
about what an organization stands for. For example, is a fashion retailer
though is not just about cloths (Asos 2012). The company has invested in a mar-
ketplace site which is not just about fashion it is about fashion Democracy, enabling
anyone, anywhere in the world to sell fashion, to anyone, anywhere in the world
and for a 10 % commission per sale, it is a self-sustained business model as well
(Asos 2012).
What will constitute big data Design driven Innovations then? To date, “Big
data = Social Data” in most people’s minds, yet really transformative innovations are
likely to be inspired by the Internet of Things (IoT). Intelligent systems equipped
with sensors and decision support systems promise autonomous, rather than auto-
mated, innovations. Such intelligent systems change our paradigm, the very core
assumptions about what is possible, what is right and what is wrong. They promise
an “always-on, always-aware, always-connected, always-controllable” (Paharia
2013) machine-to-machine coordinated world. This will affect almost every aspect
of infrastructure as we know it. Such technologies will turn mundane everyday
things into novel offerings. Commuting, for example, may change dramatically over
the next few decades. Your future car may be more of a driverless taxi you pay for on
demand. You will be able to call it to pick you up and drive you to work as
1.3 The Role of Big Data on Gaining Dynamic Competitive Advantage 9
technology allows cars to communicate with other cars and the road infrastructure in
a safe way, and, of course, self-regulate their own green energy consumption and
storage as they will most like run by solar or hydrogen power (Neiger 2014; Griggs
2014). And perhaps, you won’t even have to own it! You will be able to hire it from
city stations, from companies such as, e.g.,
Since 2008 more things are connected to the internet than people, making it a
huge business opportunity. According to the UK government’s Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) the global market for smart city solutions will
be at more than $400 billion annually by 2020. This may sound huge to some but it
is still a fraction of global infrastructure spending (Townsend 2013). Though, an
increasing movement of civic hackers, open-source technologies and open
government data are still working together in order to demonstrate the value of
smart technology to make cities more efficient, democratic, safer and sociable
(Townsend 2013). And while this may be a challenge for organizations who strive
for profit, it is extremely valuable to societies and possibly to social entrepreneurs
who strive for social impact and social change, rather than money.
Perhaps ideas for innovations won’t even come from within organizations and
institutions; perhaps we have entered an era of peer-to-peer innovation where ideas
and even solutions are crowdsourced and crowdfunded. The following section
describes how the locus of innovation has shifted over the years from an internal
process to becoming the creative engagement of communities of users, and how
thus its ownership and directions shifts from the organization to the community
(Morabito 2014).
Big data can not only change how we approach the market with a product or
service, but also how we design the product to start with. Open innovation was
based on the premise that innovation ideas that can be useful for organizations may
lie outside the organization and companies should not restrict themselves from
harnessing these ideas for the sake of control (Chesbrough 2003). This perspective
suggests some very different principles about how a successful organization should
behave. For example, it abolishes the “non-invented here” notion to recognize talent
with useful ideas wherever these may come from (universities, suppliers, customers,
other companies, the public). Intellectual Property (IP) is a trading asset to be
bought and sold for profit. And IP can be a matter of co-creating with outsiders for
mutual benefit (Chesbrough 2003). Big data can take this conception into a whole
new level. Seen as product requirements, social media can be scanned for customer
complaints and product related wish lists. But it is not only that we can get better
insight into the market, we can also respond rapidly.
Open innovation is now facilitated by innovation intermediaries, like Innocen-
tive platform which match makes ‘solvers’ and companies with a problem seeking a
solution. Big companies can take advantage of these developments to outsource
such expertise, and they do. For example AstraZeneca, has set up an innovation
10 1 Big Data and Analytics for Competitive Advantage
pavilion that hosts their challenges on Innocentive. As part of this, it has set up a
$100,000 innovation fund to source a solution for a Targeted Delivery of Oligo-
nucleotides that will improve their therapeutic effectiveness on tumors cells
(Innocentive 2014). But such outsourced expertise is available to smaller companies
too. While this is a good thing, outsourcing expertise is a great leveler between
large and small companies, and big data has given small organizations a leg up.
In the big data era, not only data and opinions are open, but so are ideas, even
business ideas! Innovation hubs pop up across the globe to provide support to
people with ideas to incubate new businesses offering, mentoring, and avenues to
funding. Crowdfunding sites have broadened the funding avenues and the funding
base even more, by enabling consumers to support these creative business ideas
directly. For example is a community of people working together
that is a crowdfunding platform to enables people to donate, pre-order or get a stake
in a company of their liking (Kickstarter 2014).
Anything from Art and Comic design to Food and Technology business ideas
are included. Lix, for example, a pen-like 3D printer idea has pledged for £30,000
only to collect £485,249 from 5,388 backers in 26 days, most of them early
adopters who pre-ordered the pen (LIX 2014).
Social media and big data feed off each other. Identified ideas, prototypes,
products and scenarios are discussed, developed and constantly updated in
collaboration within communities, and tested using against historical and real-time
data to predict market reactions (Choi and Varian 2012; Hafkesbrink and Schroll
2011). Using predictive analytics, for example innovators can get insights about
best case scenarios and comparisons of different alternatives (Kearney 2014).
acquiring smaller and aspiring companies in the market. Data storage and analysis
capability give a competitive advantage to companies who want to make an inroad
into other sectors.
In the sphere of retailing for example, online advertising and cross-selling seems
to be the key drivers for utilizing big data. It will not be surprising however if game
changing business models in the retail sector are driven by big technology com-
panies. IBM on April 2014 announced the acquisition of Fluid to develop a virtual
personal shopper mobile app, based on its intuitive Watson technology that can
interact with people in natural language (Dignan 2014). It does not take a big stretch
of imagination to understand the transformative potential of combining Artificial
Intelligence (AI) with big data analytics.
Furthermore, Google has made inroads into the travel market, ironically enough
partly funded by travel agencies themselves through online advertising expenditure.
Nearly 70 % of travel bookings are done online. Some 70–90 % of advertising by
online Tour Agencies is spent on Google. Google know how the competition
performs, owns the channel of reaching customers, employs the right caliber ana-
lysts, has the culture to keep them, immense data storage capability and a loyal
audience. With a capabilities storehouse like this, Google can make inroads into
every retail market it pleases (Brumley 2014).
Perhaps more impressive and overarching will be smart city innovations relating
to the “Internet of Things” (IoT). Data can be generated by sensors integrated into
anything we know, from garbage bins and bike wheels to water pipes and traffic
lights, combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can form a network
of self-managing city infrastructure. No wonder IBM, Microsoft and Cisco are all
into the race of winning smart city pilot projects (Ratti 2014). It is the role of big
data in designing these disruptive innovations that will transform the way we live.
Do big companies have an advantage in this competitive space? Perhaps or
perhaps not. A competing paradigm is emerging that is more in line with ‘open’
conceptions of the prosumer, i.e. a customer that produce their own products or
services. And this is the conception of Service Mashups–compositions of service
modules put together by consumers themselves. Hence, the role of companies is to
put together the service modules in a way that can be easily combined with other
modules to form a service. Already businesses are working towards developing web
and cloud based interactivity environments where IoT services can be put together
(Im et al. 2013; Guinard and Trifa 2009).
While businesses across industries recognize the imperative of big data, there are
many challenges that face the research and evolution in this field. The most
prevalent are skill set shortages, cultural barriers, processes and structures, and
technology maturity levels. These issues are discussed in what follows.
12 1 Big Data and Analytics for Competitive Advantage
One commonly referred problem with respect to big data is having the right people.
Data scientists are often PhD graduates who combine mathematical and program-
ming skills, able to interrogate the databases to uncover trends and build predictive
models to check different scenarios (Kearney 2014; Davenport and Patil 2012).
Unlike large online retailers, such as Amazon, technology companies, such as
Google and Financial institutions, most organizations had not invested in such
expertise. While Data scientists are a rare commodity and very likely to be highly
pricey, assess to it may not be impossible, as outsourcing companies are popping
up. For example, is a Harvard spin off, that specializes in resourcing
Data Scientists for organizations or undertake Analytics projects on their behalf
(Harvard Innovation Lab 2014). Perhaps, even the pool of expertise is not that
small. Big data opens a new employment avenue for mathematicians and data
modeling people working for financial institutions and perhaps students with strong
mathematical skills are likely to be drawn to this new field. Perhaps even open
source coders will create ever so user-friendly, predictive analytics freeware that
can be interrogated by none experts, in natural language. After all, some freeware
tools already exist for those who are statistically inclined.
For big data driven strategies to succeed they need to be implemented, and they
need to be implemented rapidly. This fundamentally means changing processes and
possible structures and architecture, with knock on effects on business and technical
Particular after years of pursuing process standardization to affect operational
efficiencies, people and departments are now stuck in their ways. Job descriptions
are tight down to particular roles and so are reward systems and remuneration.
Departmental and directorial kudos depends on the budget allocate to them. Big
data driven innovations demand enterprise-wide collaboration, flexibility and
knowledge sharing. Inevitably this will require organizations to take a modular
approach to their structure, to enable them to mix and match accordingly. It will
also mean that company policies, remuneration and leadership orientation will have
to change or perish.
To enter a field still in development, particularly one that depends a lot on emerging
technologies, one need to plan for the technology obsolescence and technological
skills renewal. The big data sphere both in terms of data collection, quality controls
and analysis is still in development and inevitably investments in any platform run
an inherent risk of becoming outdated or disrupted by new technologies. For
example, innovations on database infrastructure, such as orthogonal frequency-
division multiplexing (OFDM) (Werbach and Mehta 2014), can facilitate real-time
analytics, in ways that is not currently possible. Advances in in-memory computing
capability, such as Non-volatile memory (NVM) devices (Lankhorst et al. 2005),
can address energy consumption concerns and analytics speed (Chen et al. 2014).
Adoption of ubiquitous applications will transform not only what we can do with
technology but our attitude towards it, with implications on company, public policy,
and the organization of social life (Lesk 2013; Adamson et al. 2012).
Much like with most disruptive innovations, embarking on big data utilization
projects will accrue a number of organizational benefits. Those benefits are
discussed below:
Others focus more on new opportunities that arise from the utilization of big data
and big data analytics. For example, Michael and Miller (2013) are arguing for the
opportunities that will arise from mining non-text data, such as videos, pictures,
and voice, as well as humans—machines and machine-to-machine interactions
(LaValle et al. 2011). We’ve also assisting at the steadily increasing of the amount
of data captured in bidirectional interactions, both people-to-machine and machine-
to-machine, by using telematics and telemetry devices in systems of systems.
Particularly, interesting is the impact of big data on Health-related industries.
Integrating and sharing different forms of biological information, from high-reso-
lution imaging such as X-rays, Computed Tomography (CT) scans, and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRIs) to health records and lifestyle choices, expert com-
munities can get a better understanding of what makes us ill and what keeps us
healthy. According to Adrian Usher, Chief Information Security Officer of the of
the Skype division at Microsoft, particularly interesting for the sector will be the
integration of nanotechnology embedded in people, that will be utilized as a
monitoring and diagnostics tool (Shah 2013).
While big data visionaries talk about business advantages and opportunities,
others warn about its risks, particularly those of infringing on our privacy and
abusing our civil liberties, as well as being discriminated against (Lerman 2013).
Data breaches and security concerns are pertinent both in decentralized, ubiquitous
and in centralized cloud conditions; also concerns about privacy and confidentiality
are not characteristics about big data, but on social data utilization in general
(see digital business identity issues discussed in Morabito (2014)).
The real “elephant in the room” is that big data analysis seeks to make inferences
about who we are based on our online behavior as if this is the whole picture. In
addition, predictive analytics are modeled based on human theories about cause and
effect attributing perhaps the wrong labels to people. For example, Jeffrey Zaslow
gives an account of how he ‘wrestled’ with his Tivo machine algorithms to avoid
inaccurate stereotyping based on his TV recordings (Zaslow 2014). While in
entertainment this makes a funny account, things could get more serious in
In 2008, Groupon was the first organization to offer prepaid discount vouchers for a
variety of services, restaurant discounts, Spa experiences, and museum visits at
discounted prices of 50 % or more. Given its wide appeal, companies in the
business to consumer (B2C) sector used Groupon to reach new customers at
introductory prices and to create online buzz.
1.6 Case Studies 15
On the basis of its popularity, Google offered Groupon $6 billion and eventually
it was valued at $12.7 billion. Meanwhile, 400 similar websites began to copy the
business model. By February 2013, the company has failed twice to meet their own
earning predictions, thus, not translating revenues into profits, and their CEO is
fired (Lappin 2013). In year 2014, their share trades 40 % down from last year at $7
a piece almost a third its $20 Initial Public Offering price (Lappin 2011). Yet, it has
44 million customers and increasing sales. Selling local stuff seems to be its more
profitable segment with profit margins around 30 %. So how can big data help
Groupon ramp up its profits? In 2013, Groupon loses his Chief data scientist.
The Groupon team has been using open source data analysis software that was
appropriate for predictive analytics from a personal computer. Although, it could
not be used for Groupon’s total set of dataset information. This made responses to
be disconnected, slow and cumbersome, yet one Groupon analysts have spent too
much time configuring to their needs to let go.
Another, grappling issue for Groupon’s business model is cutting down on
overhead costs, i.e. management and administrative costs, which are around 50 %.
Fine grained, internal performance analysis of its operational costs can identify
where savings can be made to optimize operations at a global scale.
Point of Attention: Adopting big data and big data analytics does not
translate into competitive advantage as such. You need to have a clear
strategy, in the face of anticipated competition from copycats, whether to
protect your advantage or to utilize next generation technologies to better
adapt in changing market conditions.
Groupon invests in serving its most profitable market better. Taking advantage
of its large customer base, it has now invested in real-time, location-based services
to match customers’ position with nearby deals and offers.
Will that offer Groupon a distinctive competitive advantage? How long before
such technology can be copied by competitive sites, like Living Social (2014), or
deal aggregators, like Yipit (2014)? And what would stop, the likes of Amazon, to
enter the push market of geolocated deals to its own customer base?
Let’s consider now the case of pharmaceuticals. MIT professor Natasha Dow
Schull wrote in MIT Technology Review that technology companies are betting
that the affordable care Act’s mandate to cut costs will boost use of gadgets that let
people monitor their own conditions (Schüll 2014).
In a recent Digital Health Summit she noted that it was featured: “smart scales
and water bottles, digital pedometers, electronic skin patches, heart-rate-detecting
earphones, and an impressive collection of wristbands packed with sensors to log a
person’s steps, heart rate, sleep phases, and more…. The pitch was that a person
needing guidance on daily lifestyle decisions such as what to eat, when to sleep, and
how much to exercise could simply consult the data dashboard” (Schüll 2014).
16 1 Big Data and Analytics for Competitive Advantage
These are only some of the wearable sensors that will be collecting data on our
health and provide biofeedback, transforming, thus, the end-to-end healthcare
supply chain and even the kind of therapeutic interventions available to people.
While these promise to change the competition landscape, western medicine is still
very much drug based and pharmaceuticals are getting into the big data game early.
A big collaboration project amongst pharmaceutical giants was announced in
2013, it is named ‘Project Data Sphere’ (LSC 2014). This platform allows
researchers to combine trials to create larger more helpful data sets, something they
have wished for a very long time. A goal of the Project Data Sphere is to spark
innovation through access to comparator arm data from historical cancer clinical
trials. The data can allow for more efficient research through improved trial design
and statistical methodology, reduced duplication and smaller trial sizes, as well as
the development of broader data standards (LSC 2014). Astrazeneca, Bayer,
Celgene, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
and Sanofi committed to pulling together information resources to accelerate cancer
drug discovery (Comer 2014).
The idea is simple, pull together all information resources about clinical data and
make it available to the international community of clinical researchers. The target
is to beat them in the drug obsolescence race, constantly improving the offerings to
cancer patients.
SAS provides the platform and Sinequa the capability to index and analyze data
in different languages. The reason behind the collaboration is simple: improve the
rate of bringing new cancer medicine in the market and doing it while lowering
costs. What is the motivation of each of the big pharmaceutical to collaborate? To
understand this we need to understand the structure, current dynamics, and future of
the industry and where competitive advantage is coming from now and in the
future. To sell cancer medicine is consider as a business to business (B2B) and
business to government (B2G) activity. While the medicine is used by the public it
is actually governments and private insurers who decide which medicine they will
subsidize and avail to the public.
Cancer patients themselves have no knowledge and no say in this process, and of
course cancer medicine is not sold over the counter. Hence, price competition
happens at a B2B level. In most countries, insurers differentiate their offerings too
(Schultz 2013). Low paying customers get a lower contribution and highly paying
customers a higher contribution to drugs. Pharmaceuticals incentivize the inclusion
of their branded prescription drugs in insurer and government lists, with rebates,
i.e. money back discounts for quantity purchases, in order to compete with generics.
Generics are low cost, non-branded, copy cut medicine with the same or similar
therapeutic effects (Provost and Fawcett 2013).
With most governments shifting towards cutting down on healthcare costs,
generics have now 70 % of the market in most areas, pushing revenue growth of the
top pharmaceuticals down to 2–4 % in 2011–2012 from 11 to 14 % in 2003–2007
(Kaplan et al. 2013). While this is true in most areas, it is not for cancer treatment.
Why? Generic cancer drugs have low profit margins, hence there are only a few
1.6 Case Studies 17
companies producing them, leading to drug shortages when production issues arise.
So there is a market gap for cheap cancer medicine (Pellegrino Blog 2014).
In addition, the dominance of pharmaceuticals in health care may change.
Advances in other areas, such as high-end medical nanotechnology and biologics,
and a shift in focus from treatment to prevention will enable new types of entrants
will take away market share of the healthcare budget. Hence, it is in the interest of
pharmaceuticals to collaborate in order to compete, not only amongst themselves
but very likely with up and coming technology companies too.
Point of Attention: Big data and analytics can help industries redefine them-
selves and the value of product offerings to their customers. Big data may enable
traditional industries to make big leaps forward, but it will shift competition
within the sector to competitors outside the traditional industry boundaries.
Several recommendations arise regarding strategy in the big data era. Whilst, these
are neither new nor unique to big data-driven business modeling, they are however
accentuated in this era. Recommendations arise in the whole spectrum of strategy
development, from strategy formulation questions to synthesizing insights to
implementing strategic decisions, to ensuring the existence of contingency planning.
Big data (Junqué de Fortuny et al. 2013).
The big data era favors organizations with foresight and collaborative skills and
public good orientation. Big data can provide answers to many questions, so many
in fact that one can get lost in them. To this end, a focus on skills and education is
relevant to have a competitive exploitation of the opportunity coming from big data
and big data analytics. Companies with PhD level people in their boards are likely
to have a differential advantage over companies with good administrators. Why?
Simply because PhDs are trained to turn problems into relevant questions, design
different methods to answer them, understand the bias in these methodologies,
18 1 Big Data and Analytics for Competitive Advantage
understand a plethora of data analysis and finally can turn such insights into
persuasive reports. Yet, some classic, strategic questions should be asked:
1. Does big data change your business model by creating new business opportunities
or change your relationship with suppliers and customers?
2. Can big data improve the value added to your customers by your offering?
3. Can big data help you identify new target customers and keep them?
Now more than ever, competitive analysis should be centered on customer needs. As
new business models arise, companies should be constantly on the lookout for
emerging competitive offering arising in unexpected fields. Sound scenario planning
will require not only an analysis of political, economic, social, technological, legal
and environmental factors, but also of paradigm shifts occurring by the interplay of
these factors. Big data discovery analytics can expose us to indications of such
changes, but it will be fundamentally our own open mindedness that will determine
whether we are able to synthesize them into comprehensive views of the future.
Cultural barriers have always been hurdles to major changes. Turning a company to
be data centric is a big change in its own right, particularly when we talk about
discovery. Discovery requires a bottom-up, inductive thinking. It requires people to
observe in order to develop hypotheses to test and this demands that they shed their
1.7 Recommendations for Organizations 19
preconceptions, stereotypes and need for clarity. Most organizations have selected
and conditioned their management to be otherwise; good efficient administrators,
some with better interpersonal skills and a flair for ‘big-picture’ thinking, yet not
many with the new skills required. In addition, employee assessments are structured
around productivity and efficiency, perhaps also relational skills, but certainly not
around innovativeness. If we want this paradigm shift, we need to review how old
systems work contrary to it.
Discovering a new strategic choice will not lead to any advantage unless organi-
zations can act upon it. Making strategic units data-driven requires embedding data
analysts at the core of the team. And this alone is a big change. In addition, big data
can give first movers advantage to organizations only if they have the capability to
review their processes and restructure accordingly. Designing a modular enterprise
IT architecture that can be easily reconfigured will be fundamental. Doing so,
within a dedicated community of practice including the whole value chain, will be
even more profitable.
1.8 Summary
In this chapter we have discussed how big data can be utilized to achieve com-
petitive advantage. We opened this discussion by reviewing the evolution of our
understanding of competitive advantage and highlighted two advancements: on one
hand competitive advantage is a dynamic ever evolving effort, as opposed to a
sustainable asset. On the other hand shift from organizational to community
ownership of competitive advantage.
Then we illustrated how big data can affect different aspects of a business model
that offer add-on capabilities to organizations. In particular, we discussed the effects
of big data on marketing, innovation and business model design (Kearney 2014),
touching upon the different forms of collaborative organization upstream and lat-
erally to provide value added offerings.
Current challenges for existing organizations were highlighted as well as orga-
nizational advantages from embracing big data and business opportunities that open
up in the new era. Two case studies were discussed: Groupon and the Pharmaceu-
ticals big data consortium, from different points of view. We highlighted the
importance of scenario planning and the monetization of big data driven business
models, as well as the role of big data to set into gear big changes in different sectors.
The question as to whether big data will provide a differential advantage to one
company over another is still open. Whole sectors seem to embrace big data con-
currently leaving their weakest links behind to perish. In addition, technology
companies seem to have an advantage over others, as they have ample expertise to
20 1 Big Data and Analytics for Competitive Advantage
deploy in data analysis. This leads to big technology providers making inroads to
previously traditional sectors, such as, e.g., travel and retail. Thus, big data is
fussing out industry boundaries and competition, perhaps even our understanding of
what competitive advantage is.
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Big Data and Analytics
for Government Innovation 2
This chapter discusses the transformation of the public service provision model
due to big data, and in particular due to public engagement in the context of open
government initiatives. We outline the changing role of governments in
societies, and the technological enablement towards direct online democracy and
active citizen engagement, as well as the utilization of big data enabled
governance as a competitive advantage for attracting resources and talent to
maintain a global smart megacity status. To this end, this chapter discusses the
utilization of (a) new sources of data, such as Crowdsourcing, Internet of Things,
(b) engage public talent, (c) institutionalize private–public partnerships and
(d) seeks for new models of value-for-money public provision, but also the
challenges that big data present us with respect to data ownership, data quality,
privacy, civil liberties, and equality, as well as public sector’s ability to attract
big data analyst talent. We demonstrate different aspects of this discussion
through two case studies: Barcelona Smart City and Haiti’s emergency support
during the 2010 earthquake disaster.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the impact of big data in the public sphere on public service
provision and new opportunities for public service organization and structure that
may transform the role of governments in societies.
The utilization of ICT to improve public sector services has started with the
whole e-government discussion. Transforming government services using ICTs has
been a complex and costly task, often associated with the automation of public
services and business systems integration. While e-government projects focused on
operational efficiency, initiatives such as Open Government efforts sought to foster
public service transparency, civic participation, and inter-departmental collabora-
tion. This could be achieved by sharing public sector infrastructure, seamless
information sharing with other agencies, bundling core competencies to improve
service delivery and engaging external entities, such as universities and businesses
(Executive Office of the President of USA 2014).
While these changes definitely seek to effect efficiencies, they are also qualitative
in nature, changing fundamentally the nature of the relationship between govern-
ments and citizens. Big data initiatives come to underpin their progress. Since 2012,
both EU and the US are seeking ways, though legislative and policy changes, to
remove obstacles in the use of big data which promise greater effectiveness with
lower costs in the public sector (Nagy-Rothengass 2013). Civic participation via
social media, for example, can also reduce the cost of public service delivery.
Crowdsourcing information on potholes, for example, can cut down on inspection
costs. Big data also promise clockwork provision of public service. Intelligent assets,
such as intelligent traffic lights can notify a central asset management system about
their state of maintenance ahead of time and larking issues in their working condi-
tion, so repair work can be streamlined without disruption of service (Thomas 2013).
Before we go on to elaborate on the role of big data in civil life, it is important to
understand some underlying shifts in the role of Governments and its relationship
Everything about civil service, even its very naming “service”, has emphasized the
transactional relationship between citizens and government. The relationship is
simple. Civilians pay taxes and in exchange they are served in various fields, health,
education, road maintenance and the like.
Recently, however, a new understanding of public provision put citizens in the
role of partners. The key idea is that the pursuit of public ends is the responsibility
of everybody—private and nonprofit entities, the public, and government. Part-
nership with citizens and community involvement was a big part of the 2010
Manifesto of the Conservative party in UK under the auspices of the “Big Society”
program (Conservative Party 2010). The US Open Government initiative,
announced only a year before in 2009 also seeks foster civic participation
(McDermott 2010). Both are premised on the idea of enabling people to take care of
themselves and of each other. Social media and smartphones can facilitate the
interaction between citizens and governments on the go. They can also amplify the
communication and engagement of public though communities of interest. To
combat crime, for example, citizens need to coalesce with police in monitoring and
reporting suspicious activities. Recently, this is also happening in other areas too of
civic responsibility.
Application developers, such as have developed applications
enabling citizens and residents to report and provide information to local govern-
ment about all sorts of civic issues, from potholes to graffiti, fly tipping, broken
pavements or street lights. People can do so anonymously or not, they can upload
2.1 Introduction 25
photos, and pin them on a street map. The report is sent to councils and there is a
tracking of progress on the issue online (CitySourced Inc. 2014). This is a typical
example of how technology has facilitated citizens to play the role of council
inspectors and this is a free service to the community and to the government too, as
it minimizes inspection costs. Charities and interest groups work together to
amplify the message. Cyclist communities, for example, have a big interest in
potholes as it is a big nuisance for them, so pothole reporting is promoted by
cycling charities and associations (The National Cycling Charity 2014).
And even more fundamental change might take place due to social changes and
technology advancements; one that aspires to give citizens decision making power
on social issues, much like the type of direct democracy of ancient Greece. PartyX
(Nelson et al. 2015), is such an initiative. They seek to take advantage of develop-
ments in online collective decision making, to involve every stakeholder in
political decision making. As this is currently on beta version and used only at local
level for local issues, it does not fall under the big data agenda as yet. Should this
kind of technology however go into adoption phase and used to debate global
issues, then we can start seeing big data making inroads into the political and
legislative sphere. Real-time, big volume, unstructured information aside, global
political debating will add another dimension of interest in our discussion of big data;
that of ‘multilingualism’. Dealing with multilingualism is a dimension already
high in EU agenda (Nagy-Rothengass 2013).
Since 2011, more people live in cities than in rural areas for the first time in human
history. Megacities, i.e. cities larger than 10 million people, are an emerging
phenomenon. According to the UN, the number of megacities will have grown from
five in 1975 to 26, with 24 of them located in the developing world (United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2006). Megacities are not a local or
national issue. They will affect the future prosperity and stability of the entire world
as they will shape the balance of power of national economies in a global world,
affect population mobility and configuration of talent, and will influence the social
and political dynamics of the world (United Nations Department of Economic and
Social Affairs 2006). Megacities have a functional and a symbolic role. What would
UK be without London? And what would The Emirates be without Dubai?
Megacities are not just key instruments of social and economic development at
all fronts but also harbors of social innovation for the private and public sector due
to their unique dynamics. Megacities are an attractive proposition for those seeking
a better quality of life in terms of a higher standard of living, better jobs, fewer
26 2 Big Data and Analytics for Government Innovation
(i) to engage the public into civic life, as citizens actively engage in the process; (ii)
to decrease the cost of civil service, as citizen engagement is voluntary and free of
charge; and (iii) to improve transparency of public service processes, as the issue
handling process is now traceable online at par with private organizations (Vicini
and Sanna 2012).
The creation of public goods via crowd reporting is not, however, the sole
privilege of government agencies. Weather underground, for example, combines
crowd-sourced human observation with weather station data to establish a new level
of accuracy within weather reporting. Weather data is assimilated from 2,000
weather stations maintained by the Federal Aviation administration, 26,000 stations
part of the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) and a 16,000
of personal weather stations adhering to quality controls and standards. Coupled
with crowd observations and meaning scientific analysis from meteorologists
provide valuable insights for the co into the science behind the data and the rela-
tionship between weather and climate change (The Weather Channel Inc. 2014).
This blend of human insight with private and public sensor systems, gives rise to
the idea of the Internet of Everything (Danova 2014), the merge of structured and
unstructured data in a variety of forms, from textual to pictures, videos and audio
Crowdreporting can also take the form of feedback. For example, the “Did You
Feel it” service in the US surveys people on a number of earthquake parameters
regarding their experience of particular earthquake incidents. Enriching numerical
descriptors with empirical data can enrich knowledge of qualitative descriptors such
as intensity (USGS 2014). Using crowd feedback to train intelligent Internet of
Things (IoTs) technology utilizes the wisdom of the crowds in artificially intelligent
public systems. We discuss this idea of public organization in the subsequent
section, when we introduce the concept of Cognitive city as a potential domain for
big data analytics application.
While there is not a commonly agreed definition, the Internet of Things (IoTs)
refers to the network of intelligent devices which include sensors to measure the
environment around them, actuators which physically act back into their environ-
ment such as opening a door, processors to handle and store the vast data generated,
nodes to relay the information and coordinators to help manage sets of these
components (Zhang and Mitton 2011).
IoTs have made way into utilities, smart homes, healthcare and wellbeing
applications, and they are expected to proliferate into other areas, such as
commuting and transport (as shown in Fig. 2.1).
IoTs will push our data storage, connectivity and architecture limits to a new
high. The socio-economic implications for how will live our lives might be huge.
For example, McKinsey Global Institute (Manyika et al. 2011) reports a 300 %
28 2 Big Data and Analytics for Government Innovation
Fig. 2.1 The internet of everything adapted from Danova (2014). The number of devices in use
globally are shown on the y-axis
Consequently, at the state of the art, for example, (Brabham 2009) argues that
the crowdsourcing model is appropriate for enabling citizen participation in public
planning projects. Starting with an exploration of the challenges faced by public
participation in urban planning projects, (Brabham 2009) supports the argument of
the Web as an appropriate technology for harnessing far-flung genius. Then, it
concludes with an exploration of crowdsourcing in a hypothetical neighborhood
planning example, together with a description of the challenges of implementing
Also, governments gradually use the Internet to aid in transparency, account-
ability, and public participation activities, and there is growing interest in innova-
tive online problem-solving to serve the public good. The crowdsourcing model
influences the collective intelligence of online communities for particular purposes.
To develop better tools that engage the public, it is important to understand how
and why people participate in these kinds of activities. In 2009, for example, the
Federal Transit Administration in US used crowdsourcing for public participation in
transit planning (The Next Stop Design project). Based on interviews with 23
participants, they analyzed the motivations of those participants to engage the
project (OGP 2014).
Taking the above issues into account, it is worth noting that while data is the raw
material of knowledge, it is really the interpretation of such data that can be acted
upon by providing insights, foresight, knowledge or skill, etc. Interpretation of
information requires a schema, a way of looking at data and drawing conclusions.
In modern societies this was traditionally the job of experts. In the digital era, this is
changing! Printing empowers individual ownership of ideas, the digital era
empowers co-ownership. Wikipedia is a prime example of how data and infor-
mation is organized and interpreted in a collaborative way online to provide an
understanding on each subject matter through a constant ever evolving debate. The
idea is premised on Marshall McLuhan motto that “the medium is the message”, in
that a certain medium facilitates certain interpretations that other media do not
(Bentley et al. 2014).
To this end, online communities have become an important source for knowledge
and new ideas. Making “big data” available to a large number of analysts means that
more ideas can converge on how to mine such data. A platform for doing so is
Kaggle (2014), a world’s leading an online platform, which operates as a knowledge
broker between companies aiming to outsource predictive modeling competitions
and a network of over 100,000 data scientists (Kaggle Inc. 2014). Currently, clients
include companies such as General Electric (GE), Ford, Facebook and Microsoft,
and health service organizations, such as Heritage Provider Network, in California
who seeks to develop a predictive algorithm that can identify patients who will be
admitted to a hospital within the next year. Such predictive analytics in the service of
health care provision can inform the development of more accurate Public health
budgets and cost cutting plans (Pinsent Masons LLP 2013).
2.2 Public Service Advantages and Opportunities 31
The whole move from paper-filling to e-government services was to facilitate cost
cutting partially though integration across public services. Big Data offers Gov-
ernments the possibility to do so without going through the pains of Business
systems integration.
The UK alone, according to the Head of Digital Government Unit, Chris Yu,
estimates that some 16–33 billion per year can be saved by taking advantage of big
data in the public sector, which can lead to £250–£500 per capita gains. This is
calculated based on a number of initiatives having to do with performance
management to improve the overall efficiency of government operations, reduce
fraud and error, and tax collection alone (Laney 2014). McKinsey Global Institute
estimates the potential savings at a European level to mount up to €150–€300
billion a year (Yiu 2012).
A number of analytical tools can also mine data regarding citizen sentiment
towards public services to provide feedback and highlight opportunities to
2.2 Public Service Advantages and Opportunities 33
With data ownership come great responsibility for its management, storage, use and
misuse. But in the age of open (public) data who really bears such responsibility?
Who is the legal guardian of it and what is written in the implicit contract between
civilians and government regarding its use and protection? In one sense all public
data is private data in that it is either civilians personal or lifestyle information or
relates to the functioning of the public service which is nevertheless accountable to
the public, at least in democratic settings. In that sense, governments and public
organizations are custodians of our data, granted permission to use it in exchange of
providing us with public services and promote public good (Gudipati et al. 2013).
Take the United States Patent and Trademark Office online database, for example,
which contains over 8 million patents and 16 million filings dating back to Samuel
Hopkins’s 1790 and receives 200,000 patent applications and 100,000 trademark
applications each year (Hoffman and Podgurski 2013). Who does this information
belong too? Obviously, the patent holders and submitters. Yet, such information
would be useless for both the person and the country unless the US government
safeguards its existence and integrity. Indeed, personal data can be created by a
variety of sources from people, machines, devices, and the rightful owner of such
data is the authority which can verify its veracity as being the ‘True Owner’ of the
data (Al-khouri 2012).
This will bear interesting questions when devices will monitor our behavior and
condition beaming information about our whereabouts and state. While devices are
susceptible to error, people are susceptible to deception and self-deception.
Governments and public agencies will have to make rules to decide how to handle
the inconsistencies.
34 2 Big Data and Analytics for Government Innovation
Big Data can amplify the repercussions and implications of poor data quality, and is
a particularly important issue for governments and civilians alike. Recorded data
can be flawed (erroneous, miscoded, fragmented, or incomplete) due to workload
pressures and user interface workarounds (Junqué de Fortuny et al. 2013). Data
should be checked for completeness, conformity, consistency, accuracy, duplica-
tion, and integrity, and good practices around data quality do exist. In private
organizations, non-quality data can be ignored from consideration, without com-
promising the integrity of analysis or affecting the user. For example, if a retailer
does their analysis only on the ‘clean’ data of their customers to profile and predict
future sales, the customer is not greatly affected (Crawford 2013). The same cannot
be true for the health service, for example, particularly if ‘unclean’ data are
characteristic of a locality (e.g. a local hospital). Poor data quality can result from
integrating data sources. Data issues can also emerge from the integration, feder-
ation or conglomeration of data, and given the variety and volume of big data,
testing this data can be a big task. Various big data testing procedures have started
to emerge, using grid processing technologies, such as Hadoop, to support a timely
processing (Crawford 2013).
While, data stewardship and data testing procedures can deal with the “Garbage
in” problem, another issue is lurking in the seams of public sector decision-making;
and this is all forms bias [selection bias, confounding bias, and measurement bias
(Kerr and Earle 2013)]. Confounding occurs when we correlate two phenomena,
which has been studied independently (Howarth 2014; IQ Analytics 2014). For
example, pulling together smoking habits from Facebook profiles and associating
this with youth diabetes statistics, might erroneous speak of causal relationship that
could be mediated by another factor, for example unemployment or heredity or the
family’s economic status. Selection bias can come from all possible sources and
most importantly due to differential devise use amongst different countries, ages
and socioeconomic groups. Kate Crawford principle research in Microsoft and
Visiting professor of MIT, gives brilliant accounts on the hidden biases in big data
in Harvard Business Review blog (Crawford 2013). Given the sensitivity of public
services that can bear life threatening and legal implications, treating information
with utmost rigor is fundamental. Thus, we need to outline and progress the con-
versations on regulatory and other interventions to address data analysis difficulties
that could result in invalid conclusions and unsound public health policies
(Microsoft 2014).
Privacy and civil liberties are the two sides of the same coin. User profiling is the
process of collecting information about a user in order to construct their profile. The
information in a user profile may include various attributes of a user such as
2.3 Governmental Challenges 35
Given the scarcity of data analysts talent in the market, the public sector will have a
hard time attracting such talent as permanent stuff. In the UK, for example, public
sector organizations are obliged to recruit below market going rates to justify
Human Resource (HR) expenses (PageGroup 2014). In addition, the once upon the
time job security and fringe benefits of working for the public sector increasingly
disappear, making public sector organizations even less attractive. With large
organizations such as banks, insurances, large online retailers and consultancies
competing for such resources, governments will have a hard time attracting and
keeping such talent. On the other hand, governments could use University talent.
36 2 Big Data and Analytics for Government Innovation
A resource much underutilized particularly in Europe, despite the depth and breadth
of skills relevant to the public sector (Campos 2008).
On the other hand, there is always training as an option to up skilling public
sector staff. In February 2014, for example, the UK government announcement that
£150,000 of government funding would be dedicated to Open data training of more
than 150 Public Sector employees (Gangadharan 2013).
Barcelona embarked on the smart city journey 10 years ago in an informal fashion
resulting in many smart city projects now dispersed in various departments across
the city, currently being collated under a single program. The 22@ Barcelona region,
once in need of redevelopment, has been transformed into a living test site for
piloting new technologies (Department for Business Innovation and Skills 2013).
Xavies Trias, mayor of Barcelona since 2011, has recognized the importance of
digital technologies for the future prosperity of the city. In his words in outlining his
commitment states that Barcelona “…should not waste the opportunity we have to
apply these new technologies to improving people’s quality of life, by generating a
new “economy of urban innovation” based around smart cities. This is another of
our future commitments” (Department for Business Innovation and Skills 2013).
To progress this agenda he formed Urban Habitat, a government wide man-
agement structure to promote collaboration across water, energy, human services
and environment agencies. Whereas, housing and urban planning were also
grouped together. To further cement cross agency collaboration, the Smart City
Personal Management Office, oversaw all projects with a smart city aspect. While
there are over 100 projects with a smart city angle, 13 are highlighted as strategic
for the smart future of Barcelona, tackling the necessary infrastructure to support
smart city applications, kit out city assets with intelligent sensors, and define smart
city public services. To this end, the telecommunications network is revamped to
integrate fiber optic networks, and Wi-Fi networking, public and a centralized
management system enabling the interoperability and prioritization of mobility,
public transport and urban infrastructure, applying concepts such as priority and
intermodality to make more efficient and sustainable mobility in cities. This is
underpinned with intelligent data project collating information from smart assets
and public service organizations with the view to opening these up to the public.
New public services are progressed such as energy projects relating to the urban
lighting of Barcelona, creating microgrids to create local generation and con-
sumption of green energy, telemanagement of irrigation urban green spaces and
electric car mobility options, as well as, smart parking options to enable speedy
parking avoiding unnecessary city traffic. Citizens will have contactless and mobile
apps to use city services. Some projects focus more generally on a mentality change
around smart city agendas. The O-Government project, for example, seeks to gain
support for Open Government, strategy and roadmaps and improve transparency,
2.4 Case Studies 37
With the view to establish the city’s reputation as a smart city, Barcelona also
drives the Smart City Protocol initiative which seeks to connect global cities in pilot
projects to address common challenges (Bain and Sentilo 2014). Barcelona is a
small cosmopolitan city with the vision to grow and an exemplar for smart city
development that remains open, transparent, and democratic through an exchange
of all capital resources from capital and infrastructure to knowledge and talent.
While for most, smart city applications are still considered a nice-to-have feature
in our city life, crisis management is the acid test for any smart application. All
emergency services share a common requirement, when it comes to information
management. They need to accurately analyze life critical, real-time information
from diverse sources, in order to deploy and manage emergency service workflows
(Gangadharan 2013).
During the Haiti earthquake in 2010, emergency services needed to be dispatched
to the area to support the government cope with the circumstances. InStedd, a com-
pany specializing in technology design for emergency services such as natural
disasters and diseases, offered support to the emergency services and people. Within
48 h the company has set up the telecoms infrastructure and gain buy in for setting up
an emergency response number. The company offered a message-integrated com-
munications from two mobile network companies; incoming aid requests were
received in Haitian Creole. These were routed to Riff/EIS for analysis (Alehegn 2010).
Riff has the capability to automatically extract features, classify data and tag data
and their metadata (e.g. source and target geo-location, time, route of transmission)
and before it can process it via algorithms. The analytics module can detect rela-
tionships between these extracted features within a collaborative space or across
different collaborative spaces. Riff can also combine information from GeoChat, a
collaboration tool geolocating human comments, observations and reports to make
information richer and relevant. Riff then shared information with Crowdflower
another workflow provider, handling the distribution of tasks to a bilingual volunteer
workforce for translation, tagging, and geocoding. Information was then forwarded
to Ushahidi, a website initially developed to map reports of violence in Kenya now
turned a global crowdsourcing platform with humanitarian goals. ‘Ushahidians’, as a
community of interest helped to map, accurately geotag information to provide
accurate coordinates to the search and rescue team on the ground (Meier 2012).
Governments will have to find their feet and strike the right balance between
progress and the challenges of the big data era and redefine its relationship to the
public and to private capital in a world of global competition. Smart city has
become perhaps a pillar of competitive advantage for those who can grasp the
opportunity, while others will lag behind. As to these issues, in what follows we
point out some key factors for an effective application and exploitation of big data
and analytics in public sector digitalization, particularly, for smart cities and service
oriented initiatives.
Each country will have to access the readiness of its cities to become and its
positioning in a smart cities global landscape. The European Smart Cities initia-
tives, audits cities on the basis of the six factors shown in Table 2.1 (Vienna
University of Technology 2014).
Smart city strategy at a national level is likely to be faced with budgetary
tensions between rural and urban development and a nation should have a vision
and a view of how to engage its people and private investors in the conversation.
Moreover, both local and central governments will have a ‘good cop, bad cop’ role
to play between role modeling the opening up information and effecting transpar-
ency and ensuring that information is safeguarded from abuse by involved parties.
In addition, smart cities will divulge responsibility for city services to machines,
partnerships with private companies and the public and this requires not only
educated citizens but also a change in mentality about civic responsibility from all
these parties.
40 2 Big Data and Analytics for Government Innovation
Like most sociotechnical changes, to realize the benefits of big data and smart city
initiatives we need to change the way we do things. In particular, these technologies
require the diverse stakeholders collaborate. Government agencies and departments
have been traditionally separated by internal rivalries and financial competition
developing into an embedded silo mentality and culture. Information has been seen
as power and it has been hoarded to make people indispensable in the face of
downsizing, cost cutting, and other modernization attempts. Davenport and Prusak
highlighted such issue as far back as 1997 (Davenport and Prusak 1997).
Focus on efficiency and years of recruiting people and managers focusing on
cost cutting exercises have stripped the public sector from innovative human
resources and know-how and practices (Parker 2014). Public sector practices in
terms of renewing their staff and policies about paying their staff at the low end of
market prices makes it difficult for them to attract human talent, or indeed to
manage external associates who recruit such talent.
The public sector will need to rethink its internal recruitment processes to
employ smart people who will focus on creating successful partnerships with the
private sector and the public. If governments are to show the way of developing
smarter cities, they should orient themselves to attracting people with high quali-
fications, affinity to life-long learning, social and ethnic plurality, creativity, flexi-
bility, cosmopolitanism and open-mindedness. In addition, managing successful
collaborations will require new managerial skills. High partnering skills involve:
The key aspirations of open government are the engagement of the public in the
political processes and their involvement in self-service public services. This will
require heightened levels of interest, knowledge, and maturity from the public, as
well as new modes of participation by governments. One means to achieve the
former is education. A United Nations review of such program in the US, showed
that such program had changed both people’s engagement levels and feeling of
adequacy to engage in the political process, but not people’s respect for different
political viewpoints, social cohesion and trust (United Nations Publication 2010).
Online participation in democratic processes can provide an affordable ways to
consult governments and take part in decision making in ways that it was not
possible before. Relevant initiatives spring up slowly in different countries. In
January 2014, California, for example, institutionalized the California Report Card,
mobile-friendly web-based platform that encourages citizens to engage in the
deliberative process via chat rooms where they would enter their own suggestions
but also rate others’ suggestions (Newsom and Goldberg 2014).
2.6 Summary
This chapter discussed the impact of big data in the context of public service
provision and new opportunities for public service organization and structure that
may transform the role of governments in societies. We started our analysis by
discussing developments in public service provision, which treats citizens as
prosumers (proactive consumers) of public service delivery, moves towards direct
online democracy, and finally, to active engagement and a global smart megacities
competition for resources and talent.
In this context, governments seek to gain an advantage by utilizing a) new
sources of data, such as Crowdsourcing, Internet of Things, b) engage public talent,
c) institutionalize private–public partnerships and d) seeks for new models of value-
for-money public provision. Despite its potential, the adoption of big data and
analytics are not without challenges, particularly for central governments. Of par-
ticular interest are the challenges regarding data ownership, data quality, privacy,
civil liberties, and equality, as well as public sector’s ability to attract big data
analyst talent.
We showcased two case studies demonstrating how new forms of public service
provision. Barcelona Smart City provides an example par excellence of collabora-
tion between the private and public sector for regional redevelopment. Haiti’s
emergency support during the 2010 earthquake disaster demonstrates how big data
in the hands of passionate volunteers can organize and support with life-critical
emergency services, providing a life example as to what can be achieved through
the blend of human intuition and available big data integration and advanced
analytics. Like most sociotechnical changes, challenges reside in the social sphere of
technology acceptance and use, as well as with the regulation of such technology,
hence our recommendations are directed towards auditing readiness for Smart City
development, reskilling public servants with partnership management skills,
developing public’s mentality of civic participation and updating legal frameworks
to cope with developments in the big data area.
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Big Data and Education: Massive
Digital Education Systems 3
This chapter discusses how massive digital education systems like MOOCs,
facilitate the distance learning aspects of formal education institutions and enable
a peer-to-peer learning. It discusses how MOOCs open new income streams for
traditional institutions through employment recruiting services, syndication, and
sponsoring, as well as by advertising income, selling student information to
potential employers or advertisers. To this end, this chapter first explains
MOOC educational models (peer-to-peer and institutional) and the role that big
data and analytics are playing in this context, highlighting institutional
advantages, opportunities and challenges. It then explains two cases studies
where big data and analytics played essential roles in the design and delivery of
the curricula.
3.1 Introduction
Distance learning has always been designed for those who did not have access to
formal learning institutions. Open Universities around the world have made such
markets their primary focus. Pedagogical material was adapted to reach students
with different socioeconomic backgrounds, learning habits, and studying patterns,
at remote areas or even close to home but limited in free time or incompatible
working schedules with those of institutions. Originally distance learning programs
employed a variety of audiovisual, information dissemination means, such as
television programs, CDs and the like but there was still lacking student-tutor and
peer-group interaction. It was really online social platforms that could re-instill the
social aspect of learning (Marques 2013).
Over the past 20 years, an academic revolution has taken place, unprecedented in
their global scope and diversity of institutions and people they affect, due to
advancements in information and communications technologies (ICTs) (Executive
2014; Yuan and Powell 2013). Education is a key factor to economic development
for nations and social mobility for the individual. Two factors have accentuated the
need for global demand in education. The skills currently required to compete in a
global environment are changing due to shifts in the economic model and com-
petition from emerging developing markets. ICT’s have given nations and insti-
tutions the opportunity to resource highly skilled people anywhere in the world and
individuals the opportunity to move up socially. This journey is not without
challenges. Developing countries for example have low digital technology pene-
tration. Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America/Caribbean constitute just
17.2 % of the world’s Internet users (Miniwatts Marketing Group 2014). Basic
technology education and affordability hold people back from developing necessary
technological skills. On the other hand, initiatives such as Negroponte’s One
Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project which sought to provide each child in the
development world with a low-budget computer slowly change this dynamic.
The use of ICT technologies in education has come under different guises.
Guri-Rosenblit (2010) mentions more than 20 different relevant terms, each
connoting slight different implementations of a fundamentally same thing
ICT-enabled distance learning:
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have recently come to be added to this
long list of different implementations of ICT-enabled distance learning. While
MOOCs facilitated the distance learning aspects of formal education institutions,
they also introduced an even more fundamental educational change; they opened up
participation to education by enabling a peer-to-peer learning. They offer the
possibility to thousands of people to voluntarily share knowledge with each other
3.1 Introduction 49
Open Future
Source Learn
cMOOC Udacity
Open Coursera
An influence
Directly related
Fig. 3.1 MOOCs and open education timeline. adapted from Yuan and Powell (2013)
50 3 Big Data and Education: Massive Digital Education Systems
I also suspect, in this country and throughout the world, a lot of really bright, precocious
high school students will find this a great playground. […] there will probably be a lot of
uses that will really surprise us and that we can’t really predict (Goldberg 2001).
Indeed, open courseware was a stepping stone to a much larger scale change.
Since then we have a proliferation of MOOC platforms and a number of highly
regarded institutions that have embarked on the very same journey. Coursera
(2014), for example, established in 2013 is a partnership between Stanford
University and 61 well-regarded universities. EdX (2014) is established by
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Udacity (2014),
Peer 2 Peer (P2P) University, and FutureLearn (the UK Open University’s
MOOC platform) are other related platforms are just but a few other offshoots of
institution-led MOOCs.
However a number of community-based, open learning platforms have started to
pop-up with significant differences in their pedagogic approach and philosophy.
Peer 2 Peer University (2014), for example, is a grassroots initiative. It creates a
model for lifelong learning by facilitating learners to interrogate Internet material to
co-create their curriculum and in doing so taking responsibility for their own and
their teams learning.
According to the website of Peer 2 Peer University, openness, community and
peer learning are the key drivers and nothing falls beyond the agency of the learner.
Even the technology and process of learning can be open to change should the
learners wish to. The idea is to leave behind the hierarchical and role separation of
academics and students. Materials such as readings, videos and panel discussions
seek to provoke discovery, rather than transmit knowledge. They are designed in
self-contained modules to be consumed on demand, rather than follow a discipline.
Their motto stir away from institutional conventions, to create an environment of
“No judgment” where you “Put in what you want” and “Take what you can” an
environment where educators and learners accept that they will experiment and in
doing so “[they] will take risks. [they] will learn together. Things will be messy.
Things will be fun.” (Berger et al. 2014).
Other courses, such as learning a programming language might need more
direction and structure from experts, but emphasis is still on interaction, self-
learning responsibility and self-pacing. Udemy (2014) is another online learning
platform, hosting a variety of courses, from practical ones such as photography,
languages, and test preparation to more academic ones, such as philosophy,
humanities and science. Courses are not free, but affordable. Udemy hosts 16,000
such courses and engages 3million students. It keeps 50 % of revenues from each
course in exchange for marketing and technical support through the platform.
The differences between MOOCs business models are significant and so is the
invest interest in them, as Fig. 3.2 suggests, presenting the funding models of the
key MOOCs players in the market nowadays.
MOOCs are in search for business model validity and sustainability. For
Coursera for example, the business principles resemble those of Amazon. Create a
3.1 Introduction 51
Andreessen Horowitz
Bill & Melind
New Enterprise Gates Foundation
Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers
Pearson MIT
Google University of
Fig. 3.2 MOOCs platforms and investor interests. Adapted from (Davidson 2014)
University led MOOCs, also characterized as xMOOCs, represent the latest inno-
vation in formal education. Accredited institutions are now accepting MOOCs as
part of a degree, yet a wholly free online degree is not in effect. Tuition fees are
52 3 Big Data and Education: Massive Digital Education Systems
driven down because, while students still have to pay to certify for their degree,
they don’t pay for the operational costs of running the academic process, such as
supervision expenses, classroom and facilities maintenance and the like. When
MOOCs are able to provide free accredited online degrees, the University business
model will have fundamentally changed (Dellarocas 2013).
A feasible economic option for universities is virtualizing traditional teaching, by
recording of live lectures and presentations. Nothing new here e-Lectures are then
delivered over the Web using a Learning Management System (LMS). While
attendance levels may drop, student performance is not necessarily compromised
(Ottmann 2013). In addition, reaching student populations around the globe is not
only flattering for academics. but also a great way to decrease their face to face
teaching load. MOOCs are certainly attractive to both academics and university
management due to their ability to attract venture capital and grant money, often
linked to academic reward systems. Another source of potential income is advertising.
This is perhaps the reason why prestigious institutions have joined forces to offer their
modules and degrees from a single platform. The likes of Harvard, MIT, Cornell,
Berkeley, and others founded the non-profit edX to offer the option to “…take great
courses from the world’s best universities” or to “Take the world’s best courses online
for free” (Ottmann 2013). After all, there seems to be a gap in the market for low cost
educational provision. According to Laurillard et al. (2010), professor of learning
with digital technologies at the Institute of Education, University of London, student
loans are higher than credit card loans in the US, while 40 % of student debt will never
be repaid in the UK, and by 2025 demand will double to approximately 200 million
students per year as emerging economies demand access to higher education.
Perhaps this also indicates a deeper shift away from government budgets to more
self-sustainable forms of funding or to better links between tertiary education and
private capital, or even perhaps a shift in the mission and student reach of uni-
versities to exploit new technologies in order to educate the global population and,
in that way, create common worldviews.
The same process of student-expert can be observed in MOOCs with more
practical content where professionals or experts provide training and skills
development to novices. Many of the courses in Coursera (2014), are of this type.
This section seeks to understand the role of big data in this new field of education. It
should be evident to the reader by now that cMOOCs make use of mashing dis-
parate sources of open information, whether big or small, to discover and create
new knowledge. But what is the role big data in xMOOCs?
Much like any other business, MOOCs need to develop market strategies for
attracting new students. Hence, big data can help with the market analytics within
the academic sphere. Indeed, such market research services for academic institu-
tions has now reserved its own term: Academic analytics (García and Secades
2013). Academic Analytics utilizes large data sets, statistical techniques, and pre-
dictive modeling to offer business intelligence to academic institutions to improve
on their customer experience. For example, education systems, especially MOOCs
with varying degrees of student engagement and completion rate, will require a
3.3 The Role of Big Data and Analytics 55
According to Global Industry Analysts (Report and asp 2014), the global e-learning
market will reach $107 billion by 2015. Inevitably institutions want to leverage
their operations to capture market share. MOOCs open new income streams for
traditional institutions by not only relying on state education subsidies and student
tuition, but through employment recruiting services, syndication, and sponsoring, as
well as by advertising income, selling student information to potential employers or
advertisers (Report and asp 2014).
56 3 Big Data and Education: Massive Digital Education Systems
A key issue that all educational systems have to solve in society today is young
people’s motivation to learn. Like many other fields, education may need to seek
outside their conventional boundaries for solutions. One area of interest for moti-
vating and maintaining student engagement may come from gamification, which
utilized sound game theory and game mechanics, as also mentioned in chapter one.
It is a potentially powerful method for driving user engagement, and not very far
from educational simulations (see for example, virtonomics (2014)).
may not be feasible at all ages or at least a different kind of socialization and
upbringing must precede it for primary and high school students to be able to
engage at that level, and national curricula mandate must be able to open up to
become compatible. Even in adult education context, people may find themselves in
the midst of difficult group dynamics such as conflict, different levels of commit-
ment. Certain skills need to be developed such as conflict resolution, team building,
and creative thinking.
Moreover, even web search is biased. The topology of the Web allows us to see
only few of the billion documents on a topic, and even when they find less popular
information they need the critical skills to evaluate it (Barabási 2003). Boyd (2010)
emphasized that information brokers, such as Google, filter information without
necessarily taking a critical point of view, and hoped that social media can play a
mediating role to balance this out (Kop 2011).
A new perspective seems to emerge, seeking the integration of instruction-led
modes of learning with more social forms of peer to peer learning to provide a more
holistic experience (see Fig. 3.3) (Crosslin 2014). Such solution might be a safer
option, but lacks imagination and still recycles old notions of educating.
Perhaps educators need to look into other aspects of social life to design
educational products. We also need to start differentiating MOOCs based on their
audience and purpose, which might be a vicious cycle as people have not decided
on the business model for MOOCs.
xMOOC Instructivist modules that are hevily instructor - centered.
Designed for direct reified knowledge transfer.
Fig. 3.3 Integrating cMOOC and xMOOC best practices. Adapted from Crosslin (2014)
60 3 Big Data and Education: Massive Digital Education Systems
HarvardX was formally launched in October 2012 and is co-hosted in EdX platform
along with MIT, Duke University and other institutions. Since its launch it had
1,331,043 registrants in 195 countries with various degrees of certification attain-
ment (Harvard University 2014). In its first year alone, over 500,000 students have
registered for HarvardX courses, which is larger than the number of Harvard
graduates in its 377-year history. Aside US that accounts for 36 % of enrolments,
the rest of its student cohort comes from 204 different countries. Amongst them,
Nigeria is the most enrolled country of Africa, Spain is the first in Europe, India is
the highest-enrolled country in Asia with almost 50,000 students, and Brazil in
South America. A potential barrier to global participation in enrolment may be
language as most students from global HarvardX enrolment comes from English-
speaking countries (Harvard University 2014). In China, for example, only 23,548
students enrolled in spite of its huge population of 1.3 billion. Interestingly certi-
fication attainment data do not follow the pattern of enrolment. Despite of
accounting for less than 2 % of enrolment each, Burkina Faso, Greece, and Georgia
are the countries with the highest rates of certificate attainment, indicating perhaps
differences in the culture, educational structure and conditions or personal moti-
vations for attending the course. However, certification is more likely among
registrants who enroll near the launch dates, but viewing likelihood is stable
through the run of the courses, indicating perhaps a premeditation on achieving a
particular educational goal (Harvard University 2014).
It is important also to note that the median age of students is 28 and most of them
already have a Bachelors or a Master’s degree. So HarvardX course seems to act as
an educational ‘top-up’, rather than a university substitute, and appeal more to the
already educated, mature university students as opposed to the uneducated masses
its proponents have been advertising.
The ultimate question is “Do MOOCs work?” Harvard representatives answer the
question with a poignant clarification: “Work for what?” (Summary et al. 2013). So
far, the presumption that MOOCs will enhance, replace and disrupt existing models
of higher education, was based on the assumption that students will utilize MOOCS
as a substitute for conventional education. They haven’t. MOOCs seem to be open,
virtual spaces for learning experimentation. For example, registrant activity within
courses is diverse. Certification attainment is one possible learning pathway and
there is an indication that they might benefit from synchronous course schedules and
the cohorts that they build. Most, simply watch videos or read text. Some registrants
3.6 Case Studies 61
dip into a couple of sessions in the first two weeks and then abandon it either to
register to other courses or sign up properly on a later instance of the course. Others
focus on self-assessment to test themselves (Summary et al. 2013).
MOOCs success was allegedly based on their adherence to well-established
educational and learning models. For these models to be relevant, however to the
new context, similar motivations, interactions, norms, expectations, should be
present; something not necessarily true when comparing MOOCs to conventional
education settings. For example, open enrolment periods and unrestricted use of
course resources raise important questions for analysis and design. Perhaps, we
need to examine MOOCs in their own right and not as substitute of universities or
other institutions. To this end, new metrics, far beyond grades and course certifi-
cation, would be necessary to capture the diversity of usage patterns and goals
(Summary et al. 2013).
The second case study we discuss in this Chapter is the one of Livemocha,
which is a free online language learning community, providing instructional
materials in 38 languages and a platform for speakers to interact with and help each
other learn new languages. It has approximately 12 million registered members
from 196 countries, with over 400,000 users visiting the site daily (Livemocha
2014). It was founded in 2007, by Shirish Nadkarni and Krishnan Seshadrinathan
and is based on the idea that you best learn a language when you interact with
native speakers. By 2010, it was announced as one of the top 50 websites by,
the New York Times and the Financial Times, and Time magazine (2010).
Livemocha’s online social language learning platform has followed a classic
disruptive innovation path through business model innovation, to transfer online the
process of learning a foreign language in a foreign country. The business model was
simple. Engage native speakers who want to learn another language for free and are
willing to help others to learn their own language; hence, native speakers alternate
between being students and tutors. Offer a platform of tools and techniques (such as
flashcards, quizzes) to help students with learning and memorizing. Maintain fair
access and reciprocity in the community with the exchange of virtual tokens and
rules often enjoyed by time banks and reciprocal feedback on both student per-
formance and the quality of the reviewer (Gartner 2013).
base, still providing free courses, which helped it grow its community base to 5
million users by January 2010. Finally, the community engaged accredited teachers
on a pay as you go basis, where registered accredited teachers got paid for every
interaction they had with a student. Dedicated students were given access to the
premier content using their virtual tokens (Gartner 2013).
Institutions willing to consider MOOCs at the current stage have to keep envi-
sioning the possibilities of MOOCs not as a single business model, but as a set of
business models centered around the notions of global online access, free or rela-
tively low fee, edification. The use of the term edification as opposed to education is
used here to connote both engagements in education: (i) those for obtaining formal
qualifications for employability purposes, and (ii) those for continuous development
through the pursuit of personal interests. With this in mind, interested institutional
parties should keep the following in mind during their search for a positioning in
the MOOC market.
3.8 Summary
While MOOCs facilitated the distance learning aspects of formal education insti-
tutions, they also introduced an even more fundamental educational change; they
opened up participation to education by enabling a peer-to-peer learning. MOOCs
open new income streams for traditional institutions by not only relying on state
education subsidies and student tuition, but though employment recruiting services,
syndication, and sponsoring, as well as by advertising income, selling student
information to potential employers or advertisers. Big data analytics can enable the
personalization of the online learning process that was missing in previous online
instruction methods and facilitate this to happen at a global scale. Used as a ped-
agogical tool in learning analytics, big data along with educational data mining and
3.8 Summary 63
teaching analytics can all be seen as three aspects of the same solution to raising the
education standards of the youth without necessarily increasing the number of
educators required, thus making institutions more cost efficient. Utilizing existing
knowledge and education models relating to student effort and success, institutions
can use big data technologies to monitor students’ interaction with the system,
alerting administrators when student engagement patterns change in order to initiate
communication with the student, or indeed send a predetermined default email
communication. Big data in the form of learning analytics focus on capturing
student behavior and correlating it to achieving learning objectives, educational
data mining seek to design predictive analytics models for student attainment while
teaching analytics helps educator translate such findings into better course design
and student support procedures and interventions.
The reality however is quite different, MOOCs platforms do not share some of
the basic assumptions about student motivation and institutional norms, expecta-
tions, and obligations, so preexisting educational models are not a good fit for their
analysis. Moreover, as the Livemocha case suggested, MOOCs could utilize
gamification or other learning from online communities and worlds to ensure
continuous engagement and commitment.
Barabási, A.-L.: Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for
Business, Science, and Everyday Life (2003)
Berger, R.: Why should I take this MOOC anyway?,
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Boyd, D.: Streams of content, limited attention: The flow of Information through social media.
Educ. Rev. 45, 26–36 (2010)
Campbell, B.J.P., Deblois, P.B., Oblinger, D.G.: Academic Analytics A New Tool for A New Era.
Educ. Rev. 42(4), 40–57 (2007)
Charlton, P., Mavrikis, M.: The Potential of Learning Analytics and Big data. Ariadne. (2013)
Coursera, Accessed 16 Nov 2014
Crosslin, M.: Designing a Dual Layer cMOOC/xMOOC,
05/04/designing-a-dual-layer-cmoocxmooc/ (2014). Accessed 16 Nov 2014
Crowley, J.: cMOOCs: Putting Collaboration First,
08/15/cMOOCs-Putting-Collaboration-First.aspx?Page=1, (2013). Accessed 16 Nov 2014
Davidson, C.: Major Players in the MOOC Universe,
Players-in-the-MOOC/138817/. Accessed 16 Nov 2014
Dellarocas, C.: Money Models for MOOCs. Commun. ACM 56, 25–28 (2013)
edX, Accessed 16 Nov 2014
Executive Office of the President of USA: Big data: Seizing Opportunities., Washington, D.C.
Fournier, H., Kop, R., Sitlia, H.: The value of learning analytics to networked learning on a
personal learning environment. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Learning
Analytics and Knowledge—LAK’11. p. 104 (2011)
García, O.A., Secades, V.A.: Big data and learning analytics: A potential way to optimize
elearning technological tools. Proceedings of the International Conference e-Learning 2013.
pp. 313−317 (2013)
Gartner: Business Model Innovation Examples in Education (2013)
64 3 Big Data and Education: Massive Digital Education Systems
This chapter outlines the concept of ‘big data driven business model’ and utilizes
it to describe a set of businesses that rely on big data to achieve their key value
proposition and to substantially augment their value proposition to differentiate
themselves in order to gain competitive advantage. It describes the impact of big
data on each of the elements as identified in the Business model canvas. Also the
chapter discusses the potential of big data for mass customization and
personalization of product and services, as a value proposition in its own right,
on B2B and B2C logistics as well as for customer relationship management and
customer service. It also touches upon how big data has facilitated a shift in our
conceptions of utility as opposed to resources as the basis for socio-economic
value creation. Also, the chapter explores this issue a bit further by
understanding the implications of big data on partnerships, monetization, and
the opportunities and challenges it raises for accounting, budgeting and
performance metrics. In conclusion, the chapter acknowledges the synergistic
potential with other emerging technologies such as 3D printing, Robots, Drones,
self-driving cars, and the like.
4.1 Introduction
The focus of this chapter merits a more specific definition of the term Business
Model. Business models are a natural fit with IT-related business innovations.
Although rooted in transaction cost economics, it was really an Information
Communication Technology (ICT) related phenomenon. ICT made it feasible and
cost effective for businesses to collaborate with value networks in order to compete
(Don et al. 2000; Amit and Zott 2001). Bundling of product and services became
very popular during the 90s blurring the boundaries between industries.
So, what is a business model? Among the diverse available definitions (Amit and
Zott 2001), a business model can be seen as outlining the architectural logic of
business elements, such as a business structure, business processes, infrastructure, and
systems as well as finance options, i.e. how they all fit together to coordinate value
creation. It describes who buys the company’s products and services and why, how a
company organizes and which resources they utilize in order to finance, produce and
deliver their offerings, what they pay for doing so and how they get their money in.
Much like any model (Baden-Fuller and Morgan 2010), business models are
abstractions of real life and in this particular case, business models have been used
to describe various business phenomena. According to (Osterwalder et al. 2005)
people have used the term loosely to describe all real world businesses (e.g. the
capitalist model), or particular types of business with common characteristics (e.g.
the auction model), or a very particular real world business model (e.g. the Apple
model). Furthermore, according to (Osterwalder and Pigneur 2010), business
models comprise nine fundamental elements illustrated in Table 4.1.
While in the past, organizations relied on managers intuition to fill in the gaps of
scarce incomplete, poor information to make business decisions, the proliferation of
data generated every day through social media, cloud computing, and mobile
phones and soon the Internet of Things (IoTs) give managers a new headache, more
information that what they know what to do about. This combination of digital
intensity, connectivity, and big data provides a context of networked abundance
(Bharadwaj et al. 2013).
The purpose of this brief introduction of the concept was twofold. First it was
necessary in order to clarify how we are going to use the term in this chapter. We
are going to use the term ‘big data driven business models’, describing a set of
businesses which rely on big data to achieve their key value proposition and to
substantially augment their value proposition to differentiate themselves in order to
gain competitive advantage. Second, it would be useful to establish on the outset
the scope of this chapter. Most big data driven business models are currently
augmentations of existing value propositions (Hagen et al. 2013). Big data driven
business models are currently in development. Most businesses have introduced big
data in their projects portfolio on the basis of efficiency, which by default means
doing the same thing, with less money, and even fewer on effectiveness, i.e. doing
things better (Hagen et al. 2013). It will be some time before true visionaries
introduce business models whose unique selling point will rely on big data, and
Table 4.1 Nine fundamental elements of business models (Osterwalder and Pigneur 2010)
1 The customer segments the company serves
2 The value propositions that offer a solution to its customers
3 The channels through which the company communicates, distributes, and fulfils its sales
4 The customer relationships the company established and maintained with customers
5 The revenue streams accruing to the company from its customers
6 Key resources or assets required
7 Key activities, i.e. the tasks, processes and behaviors required
8 Key partnerships, which undertake responsibility for some of the above
9 Cost structure, i.e. the cost of maintaining and developing all of the above.
4.1 Introduction 67
Table 4.3 Industries using big data to transform business models and improve performance in
many areas
Retail Manufacturing
Customer relationship Fraud detection and Product Process and quality
management prevention research analysis
Store location and layout Supply chain Engineering Distribution
optimization analytics optimization
Dynamic pricing Predictive
Financial services Media and telecommunication
Algorithmic trading Fraud detection Network optimization Churn prevention
Risk analysis Portfolio analysis Customer scoring Fraud prevention
Advertising and public relations Energy
Demand signaling Sentiment analysis Smart grid Operational modeling
Targeted advertising Customer acquisition Exploration Power-line sensors
Government Healthcare and life sciences
Market governance Econometrics Pharmacogenomic Pharmaceutical
Weapon systems and Health Bioinformatics Clinical outcomes
counterterrorism informatics research
Adapted from Hagen et al. (2013)
68 4 Big Data Driven Business Models
Big data has given the notion of ‘mass customization’ a new lease of life. Big data
can give companies the ability to target each customer individually based on their
preferences and purchasing habits, by integrating personal information about
website browsing, purchase histories, physical position, response to incentives, as
well as demographic information such as work history, group membership and
people’s views and opinions based on social influence and sentiment data. This data
enable ever finer targeting of content, offers, products and services, which can
deliver real and substantial returns, by increasing the probability of a final purchase
(Offsey 2014).
While mass customization is now enabled by big data, two even more disruptive
advancements can be facilities by new technologies. Making customizable products,
which can self-customize to suit the preference of their users. As products come with
embedded intelligence and machine-to-machine collaboration capabilities, they will
be able to undertake responsibility for serving their users. For example, a self-driving
car could double up as personal assistant modifying appointment schedules.
While big data is discussed primarily as a business tool, there is no reason why
big data cannot be utilized by consumers themselves to search and procure products
and services. Cognitive Code for example has invented advanced conversational
artificial intelligence that can interact in natural language with human beings while
interact in code with machines providing outputs and feedback in natural language
(Introducing SILVIA 2014). The perfect personal assistant for the electronic age! It
is a pity that companies such as Cognitive Code still orient their business model to
companies, such as call centers, as opposed to the public. Yet, I doubt it will take
long for consumer electronics giants, such as iPhone to build in such a capability.
There are four big data ‘things’ that companies can sell for profit: raw big databases,
big data analytics services, big data experts, and big data technologies.
According to Forbes et al. (2014), many companies are geared towards selling
their customer data as a means to complement company revenues. While this may
bare a reputational risk for small companies, large organizations such as mobile
companies, banks, and airlines that collect huge amounts of information about our
whereabouts and shopping patterns are unfazed by such risks. However, raw data is
not of much use unless you analyze for a purpose. Banks are moving away from
selling raw data to developing higher value big data analytics services by recruiting
big data analytics experts to mine, analyze and synthesize data into consultancy
Big data consultancy has become the must have service for Business Intelligence
consultancy providers. With big data analytics being harnessed in every aspect of
business activity, from strategy development to Human Resources (HR), and with
70 4 Big Data Driven Business Models
big data analysts being a scarce resource, the opportunity for consultancy work is
high. In fact, it would be impossible for a consultancy company to survive, without
offering big data consultancy services. Hence, all prestigious consultancy companies
as well as smaller boutique ones, offer clients big data analytics services.
Another big data business is related to data scientist recruitment services.
Recruiting businesses cannot shy away from the need to recruit and deploy data
scientist talent. Yet, big data analysts are currently a scarce resource. So new
business models are developing to serve the needs of companies. Kaggle (2014) for
example, uses a hackathon type competition model for undertaking predictive
modeling to data science projects but also doubles as a learning community for
those who want to attain data science expertise.
sudden economic developments. Big data technology and analytics can keep an eye
and keep track of developments in any of the critical risk factors that can
compromise the going concern of the organization from a variety of sources (e.g.,
social media, blogs, weather forecasts, news sites, stock trackers, and the like). It
can then alert and instigate risk management scenarios, such are fulfilling an order
via another country or route adding to the company’s resilience and flexibility.
Profiling customers utilizing big data capabilities to increase sales have been at the
forefront of adopting the new technologies. But how about customer service? With
so much information about customers, surely companies can improve customer
service to increase customer intimacy and loyalty. One of the key challenges for
customer service operators has been the lack of comprehensive customer infor-
mation at their fingertips. Unavailable data on the front line make customer service
representatives unable or slow to respond to customer issues and requests and offer
alternative options. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) projects have
made big investments towards addressing the matter, yet they have been costly,
high maintenance projects. Moreover, standardized siloed supply chain operations
made dealing with exception cases an operational nightmare, with such cases falling
usually between two stools or requiring expensive dedicated teams to handle them
Big data technologies, such as Hadoop, can relate isolated data silos via hyper-
fast in-memory analytics platforms, providing representatives with real-time
information to assist customers. However, how companies relate this to improve
customer service as opposed to sales is not yet clear. Big data customer relationship
projects are lagging behind, but this is expected. Customer relationship projects are
considered costly compared to their revenue generating potentials and tend to be
instigated later in the maturity lifecycle when the market begins to plateau and
companies seek to maximize value elicited from business assets.
Banks are likely to be the first to jump into this bandwagon, not only because
they have budget to do so, but also because they need to rebuild the trust of the
disenchanted public following the global financial crisis. Trends towards rebuilding
strong personal relationship can be seen in retail banks’ advertising themes.
Banorte, a Mexican bank, focuses strongly on its 13 million customer base and
capitalizes on new big data technologies to design banking services. Big data
enabled marketing automation can help the bank service individual customer needs
while keep the costs of marketing, creating a personalized experience at a return on
investment. Also, harnessing the power of automated personalized customer
service, requires business process reengineering throughout the entire organization
and rethinking of the customer journey (Wagle 2014).
72 4 Big Data Driven Business Models
Big data will also expand the use of automated call centers using natural
language recognition patterns and response, thus, making Artificial Intelligence
(AI) becoming increasingly more sociable in terms of responding to customer
queries using voice. Hence, companies with large call centers are likely to adopt
this next-generation AI enabled and big data informed speech solutions to drive
costs down as part of big data oriented business models.
Of course, the regulatory environment for such currencies is still uncertain and
the risks currently not assessed in a systematic way. According to White & Case
(Duplat and Vercauteren 2014), the internet environment where virtual money is
held and traded is still risky, when trading platform or digital wallet could be
hacked, making owners lose their virtual money and systems reliability, particularly
with regard to the risk of fraud, actually not properly assessed. In addition, fluc-
tuations in the virtual currency exchange rate can result in substantial financial
losses, and there is no legal guarantee that virtual currency can be exchanged at any
time for its original value. Finally, virtual currency is not legal tender: no-one is
obliged to accept payment with virtual currency. While such fears are currently
4.6 The Impact of Big Data on Revenue Stream 73
justified, the future of Bitcoin payments depends on people’s acceptance and there
are strong proponents for its future.
According to professor Campell Harvey of Duke University (Card 2014),
Bitcoin, like all cryptocurrency, bears fewer risks than debit or credit card fraud and
hacking, and minimal cost of transacting compared to traditional methods adopted
by traditional institutions. Cryptocurrency relies on the power of computers to
enable real time exchange of ownership, verification of ownership, as well as the
ability to algorithmically design conditional contracts (Card 2014). In addition,
cryptocurrency-based transactions require triangulation of data to ensure security,
privacy, and trust without using centralized institutions. All of the above issues will
require the number crunching and user profiling power of big data analytics, which
will have a big role to play in analyzing the huge amounts of data that Bitcoin and
cryptocurrency systems will be generating. Companies will be able to issue and
guarantee their own currencies, which can then be spent in associated providers.
Accordingly, one can only imagine the power of retail suppliers such as Amazon
and Google. For example, Google Ventures has put money into Ripple, the open
currency exchange called Ripple, which allows users can trade any currency
without requiring any broker or third-party to facilitate the trades.
Crowdsourcing platform to devise best practice in tackling refugee issues, such as,
e.g., learning a new language in order to absorb new culture, finding jobs, and
gaining access to information and vital social services. Also, using gamification,
SpigitEngage platform allows the grassroots ideas to rise to the top avoiding status
quo bureaucratic barriers and gate keeping (Spigitengage 2014).
The above issues have also big implications about management structures and
managers. If the end to end decision making process can be coordinated by big data
algorithms, and so is the monitoring the implementation processes as well as the
dynamic allocation of people and resources, what is the purpose of expensive
organizational structures? This may seem farfetched from today’s reality where
formal organizations are still the dominant work organization structure, but flexing
the boundaries has already started and the trend seem irreversible.
Another resource impacted by big data is the capital itself, i.e. the financing of
business ventures. Social media and big data have enabled the merging of sales and
financing through crowdfunding. A quick study of Kickstarter projects and asso-
ciated pledges will demonstrate that most people effectively pre-buy the product or
service (Jeffries 2013). In that sense, consumers act as financiers of their wanted
products, and at the same time as early adopters of it. Take for example, Coolest
Cooler (a portable cooler, integrating a cooler, a blender for outdoor party occa-
sion), the most funded Kickstarter project who reached financing heights of more
than $13 million. More than 57,000 out of its 62,642 backers were people who
wished to pre-purchase the product, creating the market and the revenue for the
company way ahead of its production (Grepper 2014).
Finally, big data not only pose enormous challenges and technology investments
to access, process, and analyze the massive amounts of data, but requires companies
to also make corresponding changes on business processes to capitalise on it. For
example, Apple capitalised on market and supply chain data when they improved
supply chain management practices to become twice as fast as the average company
in the electronics market (Bharadwaj 2013).
Further developments in advanced predictive big data analytics are likely to lead
to the development of complex decision making scenarios based on a variety of
stress tests, in multiple market conditions, against, numerous key performance
indicators (KPIs). Such business simulations, can be used to design and redesign
supply chain operations (Groves et al. 2014). For example, by simulating different
market and competitor scenarios, big data can assess business agility and resilience
of a given supply chain. Price volatility in the commodities and currency fluctua-
tions has made long-term procurement a risky business. For example, organizations
buffer themselves from the risks of late delivery and inability to fulfill orders by
planning for a minimum safety stock, while price competition on scarce resources
and raw material often leads to bidding for more quantities to ensure sufficient
orders. Allegedly such risks can be reduced by big data analytics by improving
price predictions or bid efficiency. The Internet of Things (IoTs) will also improve
the quality of information about the location of physical things in the supply chain.
Yan et al. (2014) envision a Cloud of things supply chain solution to facilitate
resource sharing and participant collaboration in the whole supply chain life cycle,
where supply chain condition perception, heterogeneous network access conver-
gence, and resource “servitization” co-exist.
With crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and big data-driven supply chain join ventures
dismantling the traditional boundaries of organizations, the definition and bound-
aries of cost economies change dramatically. On the other hand, as data, infor-
mation and knowledge become the focal point for collaboration at all levels,
accounting for intellectual property rights, data, and intangible assets will likely to
become a focal point (Viscusi and Batini 2014).
More than 20 % of large companies already class data as an asset on their balance
sheets. Data valuation is likely to become a key accounting skill in the future.
Valuing data to date have been impossible as intangible assets tend to get hidden in
existing reporting and governance systems once developed for the industrial age.
Even when visible, data usually gets an arbitrary valuation. Calculating depreciation
is difficult, and information velocity makes such calculations even more difficult and
unreliable. In addition, like in most assets, the value of data depends on its utili-
zation. To move towards a costing model of data resources, new methodologies need
to be developed and agreed amongst accounting and finance professionals that
determine key assumptions about what data is of value (Chua 2013).
What matters from an accounting point of view is to assess the monetary value
or profit an organization creates out of the internet of everything and big data. To do
so, management accountants should combine internal financial data and perfor-
mance analysis with overall economic performance metrics. They should also be
able to compare these to some referent organizational groups within the sector. In
addition, these will be affect by political, economic social and technological
influences on their industry and on the business. Yet, nowadays all these
76 4 Big Data Driven Business Models
The big data era is an open minefield for all who are willing to unlearn their old ways
and experiment with new ones. According to McKinsey, some sectors or indeed
some players maybe more advantaged over others to making such moves (Gobble
2013). For example, companies those have invested deeply in IT and have large data
pools to exploit as well as those in information industries, who have the expertise to
perform sophisticated analytic techniques, are likely to be the first to create business
value. On the other side of the spectrum, public sector organizations are in need for
radical change and can more readily open up their information resources to leverage
the value of public services to citizens. They are more likely as well to find large
pools of volunteers willing to help with crowdsourcing projects.
Mature sectors characterized by a large number of competing organizations are
likely to stay behind, due to ego-driven leadership, strategic myopia, technophobia,
and conflicting views about the future of the industry and sector infighting (EY
2014). Are however such sectors that could most benefit from sharing company
information, identifying new market opportunities and adopting ‘collaborate-to-
compete’ networking partnerships. The extent to which sector leaders and associa-
tions are ready to invest in these opportunities will define the future of their industry.
Companies should be able to reflect on whether and how they can create new
business models based on big data. The Internet of Things (IoTs) will intensify
information abundance and raise more points for reflection, such as, e.g., how do
we convert the data generated or captured by IoTs into knowledge to provide a
more convenient environment to people. To be able to devise new business models,
companies should open up to new ideas and make sure they can quickly assimilate
them wherever these come from, (grassroots initiatives, open innovation competi-
tions). They should also be prepared to modify or fundamentally change their
internal structures to deploy new products and services. This requires a ‘u-turn’ in
mentality and culture for most organizations (Tsai et al. 2014). Tsai et al. (2014)
identify a number of IoTs applications that will change existing sectors and ser-
vices. These have been loosely categorized into: (1) smart cities, (2) smart envi-
ronment, (3) smart water, (4) smart metering, (5) security and emergencies, (6)
retail, (7) logistics, (8) industrial control, (10) smart agriculture, (11) smart animal
farming, (12) domotic and home automation, and (13) eHealth. IoTs also opens up
4.10 Organizational Advantages and Opportunities 77
the possibilities for businesses to think of services that utilize big data analytics to
(a) better inform ‘human’ processes, (b) automate ‘human’ processes, and to (c)
coordinate with other ‘things’, thus, creating end-to-end automated services.
There are a number of challenges with respect to redesigning a big data driven
business model. Technology assessment capability, technology maturity levels,
evolving legal frameworks around privacy and intellectual property, data analyst
talent scarcity, technology investment capability, internal data availability and
quality, interoperability, security issues, limited business process understanding and
associated metrics, data hoarding and old fashioned hierarchical leadership: these
are just few of the barriers to big data driven approaches to business model rede-
sign. These barriers have been referred to also in previous sections and chapters. In
this section, it would be appropriate to refer to challenges with respect to adopting a
big data driven business model innovation (Osterwalder et al. 2005).
The big data innovation era suggest that managers need to think “laterally” outside
the box. Many established organizations have promoted to director positions good
administrators who can maintain order and efficiency. For many small and medium
organizations the top management team is burdened with the day-to-day operation
of the business, leaving little time, “headspace” and energy to renew their skills,
network and keep up with developments outside their immediate field. Management
structures often lack both the personal creativity and innovation skills and the right
attitude to foster creativity and innovation required to envision new big-data based
business models.
Big data demands inductive reasoning, a skill much underused in modern society
and (Malle 2013) a fundamental element of the big data disruption. Knowledge
from big data is produced by “agnostic” statistics, lacking a causal framework to
explain it. Induction allows us to generalize a phenomenon, even if it is observed
only once. For managers who are used to seek the certainty of reliability, repeat-
ability, standardization, risk assessment, to base business decisions on non-
repeatable, inductive observations will be a fundamental paradigmatic change.
Inductive reasoning is developed through constant interaction with data examined
through various lenses to develop into interpretation patterns (i.e. reasoning heu-
ristics) (Malle 2013).
78 4 Big Data Driven Business Models
Speed is a core factor for the creation of value through from big data. Big data is
going to speed up decision making, requiring operations to leverage to match the
rate of change. Can today’s established organizations respond with operational
agility to such fast-changing, data-driven decisions? Though modularizing the
business architecture into Lego-like, component-based, architecture seems ideal, in
reality one needs to ponder the feasibility. Consider, for example, human resources.
Does the new configuration require staff upskilling? Does it require putting new
processes or policies in place? Will people require training? What about the con-
tractual agreements or job descriptions? If a business is using contracting staff or
temporary staff, can it source the right people timely? Can the business maintains
commitment of getting the job done? In addition, contractual agreements and
relationships with suppliers and channels can complicate making changes to
operating models (Bürgi et al. 2004).
According to Bürgi et al. (2004) one mitigating strategy is to create a business
model portfolio based on market scenarios which organizations can switch as
conditions change. While this could be a solution, it does not take into consider-
ation the reality of a turbulent environment, characterised by ambiguity about the
factors that will affect the business model. Hence, it is impossible to foresee them
and factor them in drafting job descriptions or contractual agreements. Perhaps big
data will not only change how we develop business models but also our definition
of what business models are, what are the elements of their architecture and what is
necessary for strategy.
4.12 Summary
This chapter has discussed business models as the architectural logic that identify
how business elements (such as a business structure, business processes, infra-
structure, and systems) fit together to coordinate value creation (Osterwalder et al.
2005). It then went on to describe the impact of big data on each of the elements as
identified in the Business model canvas proposed by Osterwalder and Pigneur
(2010). In particular, it has discussed the new impetus that big data and IoTs
technologies give to mass customization and personalization of product and ser-
vices. Furthermore, the chapter has investigated big data as a value proposition in
its own right and how an industry may be created around the sales of big data and
big data analytics technology, analytics consultancy and data scientist recruitment.
The chapter has also touched upon big data solutions for B2B and B2C logistics as
well as for customer relationship management and customer service.
Furthermore, the chapter has analyzed the impact of big data on revenues, as it
has facilitated new forms of value creation from the emergence of new currencies,
in combination with social media and cryptocurrencies. Then, it has been also
described how big data has emphasized the value of ‘utility from’ (as opposed to
4.12 Summary 79
‘ownership of’) capital resources. It has also been explained how this shifts the
emphasis away from the organization as an entity towards an understanding of the
organization as an a dynamic process of value creation. Also, the chapter has
explored this a bit further by understanding the implications of key partnerships in
the big data era and the spanning of organizational boundaries. It has also discussed
the monetization implications; the opportunities and challenges it raises for
accounting, budgeting and performance metrics. With these in mind, the chapter
has highlighted some of the advantages, opportunities challenges and threats around
business model innovation, relating them more to the readiness of organizations to
assume such an undertaking, rather than describing the many possible big data
driven business models to evolve in the future.
Finally, the chapter concludes acknowledging that while so far big data has been
used to improve existing business models, far more futuristic scenarios will emerge
in combination with other emerging technologies.
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Part II
Big Data Governance
The aim of this chapter is to help readers gain an overview of the topic of ‘Big
Data Governance’ to find easily the information it offers. Over the past few
years, many organizations have begun their adventure with big data. While many
are only experimenting with new technologies and innovations to improve their
competitive advantage, few are truly thinking ahead for long-term success and
even fewer will truly succeed in gaining such competitive advantage. The reason
is simple: you cannot compete on analytics alone. After all, what do analytics
analyze? Information needs to be trusted in order to be acted upon, but how that
could be accomplished? That is the traditional role of data and information
governance, which also the case of big data has to create trusted high quality
information to make big data analytics more effective, which brings us to the
subject of this chapter. Thus, this chapter reviews the common definitions of big
data governance and its core components. Then the chapter focuses on common
big data maturation models. The next section is the organizational benefits and
challenges of governing big data, followed by three case studies to establishing a
business case for big data governance.
‘Big Data’ is less about size and more about quality. Indeed, data comes from a
variety of sources such as RFID tags, social media, GPS signals, traffic flow sensors,
satellite imagery, broadcast audio streams, banking transactions, digital pictures, the
content of web pages, online videos, telemetry from automobiles, financial market
data, the list goes on. From organizational perspectives, as organizations have
grown, the data associated with them also grew exponentially and today there are
many complexities related to their data resulting in a great challenge; to give them a
single consistent view of their data.
Most of the big organizations have data in multiple applications and in different
formats. The mobile revolution, which business firms are experimenting nowadays,
has completely changed how they capture the data and build intelligent systems.
Big data tends to be operational in nature and are characterized by ‘3 Vs’—large
volumes, high velocity and a variety of formats such as structured, unstructured and
semi-structured (Bertot and Choi 2013; Kruger and Foster 2013; Michael and
Miller 2013; Sathi 2012; Steele and Nash 2012; Zicari 2012). Figure 5.1 shows big
data’s three dimensions. These three dimensions and related characteristics are a
useful lens through which we can understand the nature of data and how it can be
interpreted. Also, Table 5.1 illustrates the measures of scale of data.
Big data challenges are therefore multifaceted and characterized by a combi-
nation of the so-called ‘3 Vs’ (shown in Fig. 5.1 and also mentioned in the Preface),
that make it difficult to extract information and business insight. Furthermore and in
addition to those three characteristics, when big data is processed and stored, other
dimensions such as governance, ethics, security, and policies come into play (Cline
2014; Franks 2012; Hurwitz et al. 2013; Jee and Kim 2013; Michael and Miller
2013; Raghupathi and Raghupathi 2014; Russom 2008; Warden 2011; Webb
2006). Considering governance, there are currently various definitions available for
data and information governance. For example, Data Governance Institute (DGI)
(2014) defines Data Governance as
Data Variety
Data Velocity Data Volume • Table
• Real time • Megabyte • Data base
• Near real time • GigaByte • Photo, Web,
• Periodic • Terabyte Audio
• Batch • Petabyte • Social, Video,
As for big data governance, Soares (2013) defines it in a clear and compre-
hensive manner as follows (p. 4):
Big data governance is part of a broader information governance program that formulates
policy relating to the optimization, privacy, and monetization of big data by aligning the
objectives of multiple functions (Soares 2013)
He then explains the main parts of the definition in greater detail to illustrate
different aspects of ‘big data governance’ as described in Table 5.2. Also, summary
of the main parts of big data governance is shown in Fig. 5.2, where the role of
information governance is highlighted, likewise.
After explaining the key aspects of big data governance, we are now moving to
the big data framework. Effectively managing big data requires skill sets and
technologies different from those used to manage “regular” data. It may also require
a change in business processes.
Companies need to start with a big data governance program to ensure there is
clarity on data access, integration, usage, management and ownership of big data.
Therefore, it is important for organizations to expand the scope of their existing
data governance program to include big data or, if one does not exist, to establish a
data governance program to support your existing enterprise data and your big data.
A high-level framework for big data governance adapted from Soares (2012, 2013)
is shown in Fig. 5.3. This high-level framework includes three key dimensions: big
data types, information governance disciplines, and industries and functions, which
will be discussed in what follows.
utility smart meter readings, RFID readings and GPS signals. Biometric data refers
to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her anatomical or
behavioral characteristics or traits such as fingerprint, a face, an outline of a hand,
an ear shape, a voice pattern, DNA or even body odor. Big transaction data can be
referred to as healthcare claims, telecommunications call detail records, and utility
billing records. Finally, human generated data can be considered as call center
agents’ notes, voice recordings, email, paper documents, surveys, and electronic
medical records.
5.1 Introduction to Big Data Governance 87
Optimization Privacy
Policy Monetization
Alignment of
Information Big Data
Governance Multiple
Fig. 5.2 Summary of the key components of big data governance. Adapted from Soares (2013)
It can be said that information governance is the glue that drives value and
moderates risk for big data exploitation in organizations. It enables an organization
to leverage information as a competitive asset.
Information governance, in essence, is the set of principles, policies and pro-
cesses by which an organization ensures that information is protected and aligned
with its needs and objectives (Bonenfant et al. 2012; Eisenhauer and Young 2012;
Newman and Logan 2008; Santovena 2013; Steele and Nash 2012; Tsai et al. 2011;
Big Data Now 2012; Oracle 2011). Information is an organizational asset that
includes both data and the context by which that data has meaning (Soares 2013).
Eisenhauer, the chair of Data Governance Society (DGS) and Rick Young the
managing director of 3Sage consulting company consider the information gover-
nance framework as a pyramid with corporate strategy at the top and IT infra-
structure (i.e. data capture and storage) such as enterprise platforms (CRM, ERP,
Portal), data base management and network systems at the bottom (Fig. 5.4).
88 5 Big Data Governance
Corporate Strategy
What does the organization want to achive?
Corporate Information Strategy
What information do we need to achieve our goal and what do
we intend to do with such information?
Information Governance
How to protect and align the information in accordance with our
business requirements?
IT infrastructure
How can we create, manage and configure enterprise platform
to support our business?
lifecycle Metadata
Master data Privacy
process Data quality
5.1 Introduction to Big Data Governance 89
what data to archive and what data to delete. With IT budgets continuing to be under
pressure, over managing information is a gross waste of capital resources. Conse-
quently, the program needs to expand the retention schedule to include big data
based on regulations and business requirements (Morabito 2014a). Therefore, the
big data governance program needs to influence compression and archiving policies,
tools and best practices to reduce storage costs and to improve performance.
However, while Soares (2012) considers all the above areas as core disciplines
of information governance, Ballard et al. (2014) divides the key areas into two
categories of ‘Core Disciplines’ and ‘Supporting Disciplines’. In this classification,
the core disciplines include areas such as: information security and privacy,
information lifecycle Management and data quality management, which highly
overlaps with Soares’s definition of these key aspects. The supporting disciplines
(shown in Table 5.3), however, include domains such as classification and meta-
data, audit information logging and reporting, and data architecture.
Considering now big data analytics, they are determined by use cases that are
specific to a given industry or function. Such industries can be customer service,
insurance, retail, healthcare, marketing, risk management, information security,
information technology, and human resources.
5.1 Introduction to Big Data Governance 91
Healthcare Industry
Telecommunications Industry
Fig. 5.6 Different business use cases of big data analytics. Adapted from Soares (2012)
Figure 5.6 illustrates two different use cases in the areas of healthcare and
telecommunication. The figure shows how big data analytics differ from one
industry to another.
Many data governance maturity models are in use, but they all share one key
characteristic (Krishnan 2013; NASCIO 2009; Newman and Logan 2008; Sathi
2012; Oracle 2011): the organization’s climb to the top level is challenging, and
sustaining that level will be even more challenging in the case of big data. This
section focuses on some of these models in order to introduce the reader with
some of the key concepts underlying the big data evolution topic. Reviewing and
evaluating maturity models should occur early in the process in order to form an
understanding of the end state. Furthermore, it must be noted that the delivery
process is an ongoing enterprise operating discipline, which fits under the greater
umbrella of enterprise architecture (Hurwitz et al. 2013; Russom 2008, 2013).
The first maturity model is The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI) maturity
model. TDWI explains that the many goals and tasks related to data governance can
be refined down to four main imperatives or requirements, which in turn group into
92 5 Big Data Governance
Imperative 1/ Organizational
• Maintain a Cross-Functional Team and Process
Imperative 2/ Organizational
• Align with Data-Intense Business Initiatives
Imperative 3/ Technical
• Govern Data Usage via Technical Implementations
Imperative 4/ Technical
• Automate DG Process via Technical Implementations
Fig. 5.7 Four imperatives of data governance. Adapted from Russom (2008, 2013)
data quality and project scope (TDWI Blog Contributors 2014). Companies in the
Chasm, on the other hand, struggle with the politics, logistics, and dynamics of
delivering an enterprise BI environment (TDWI Blog Contributors 2014). Although
each organization must customize it according to its own situation and needs, the
maturity model can ultimately help with preparation and provides an objective
yardstick for evaluating the current state of an initiative.
Sathi (2012), by taking a different approach with regard to the TDWI one, intro-
duces the analytics business maturity model (with five levels of maturity) and
explains that this model allows organizations to specify current and target levels of
maturity and what can be achieved in each phase. The stages are as follows: ad hoc,
foundational, competitive, differentiating and breakaway (Fig. 5.9).
At the ad hoc stage the company is generally falling behind other companies in
the corresponding sector information. This stage is an initial phase in which the
company starts to develop the capability to gather consistent information from its
key functional areas. Beyond basic reporting is not available or possible and time-
consuming, manual efforts are generally required to gather the information needed
for day-to-day business decisions.
Considering the foundational stage, the company is still unable to gather key
information and falling behind the majority of its competitors. Indeed, information
94 5 Big Data Governance
Ad hoc
Fig. 5.9 Analytics business maturity model. Adapted from Sathi (2012)
Gartner maturity model (Fig. 5.10) makes the point that enterprise information
management (EIM) is not a single project per se. Rather, it is a long-term program
that evolves over time. Gartner developed the maturity model to give insight and
provide guidance to organizations that are serious about managing information as a
strategic asset (NASCIO 2009; Newman and Logan 2008).
While this maturity model shows the steps in the maturity process and appli-
cation of big data governance, it also presents action items for each level of maturity
(Table 5.6). Gartner’s EIM concept presents an integrated approach to managing
information assets and has five major goals including: unified content, integrated
master data domains, seamless information flows, metadata management and
semantic reconciliation, and data integration across the IT portfolio.
Fig. 5.10 Gartner maturity model. Adapted from Morabito (2014c) and NASCIO (2008, 2009)
96 5 Big Data Governance
Table 5.6 Action items related to each stage of maturity in Gartner maturity model
Level of maturity Features (Action items)
Unaware • Strategic choices are made without adequate information
• Lack of information architecture, principles, rules and procedures for
sharing information
• Lack of information governance, privacy, security and accountability
Aware • Recognizing the value of information
• Starting to realize the risks associated with not accurately managing
information and information sharing
Reactive • Business understands the value of information as an organizational asset
• Information is shared on cross-functional projects
• Taking steps towards cross-departmental data sharing
Proactive • Governance roles and structure becomes formalized
• Data governance is incorporated with systems development
Managed • Policies are developed for achieving consistency and accepted
throughout the organization
• Governance organization is in place to address concerns related to cross-
functional information management and sharing
Effective • Top management sees competitive advantage to be gained by properly
exploiting information assets
• EIM strategies link to risk management and productivity targets
Adapted from NASCIO (2009)
Data governance has gained such importance that IBM has formed a Data Governance
Council to define and issue master data quality policies (Mohanty et al. 2013). One of
the initiatives from this council is the ‘data governance maturity model’ based on the
Software Engineering Institute (SEI)) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) (Fig. 5.11).
IBM data governance council explains that there are currently eleven data
governance domains, which reside within four major categories: Outcomes, Ena-
blers, Core Disciplines, and Supporting Disciplines (Table 5.7 (NASCIO 2009)).
Accordingly, business outcomes require enablers and enablers that are supported
through core and supporting disciplines (see also the above discussion on infor-
mation governance core disciplines).
Initial Managed Defined Optimizing
• Process Poorly • Process • Process • Proces • Focus on
controlled and characterized characterized quantitatively continuous
reactive for projects for the measured and process
and is organization controlled improvement
managable and is
Fig. 5.11 IBM Data Governance Council maturity model. Adapted from NASCIO (2008, 2009)
5.2 Big Data Maturity Models 97
Table 5.7 The four major groups in IBM data governance council maturity model
Outcomes Core disciplines
• Data risk management and compliance • Data quality management
• Value creation • Information life-cycle management
• Information security and privacy
Enablers Supporting disciplines
• Organizational structures and awareness • Data architecture
• Policy • Classification and metadata
• Stewardship • Audit information logging and reporting
Adapted from NASCIO (2009)
As described earlier, maturity models and frameworks are necessary tools for the
data governance program. The maturity models describe the relevant milestones in the
process of big data governance. While such frameworks present concepts and the
relationships among the concepts, a methodology is needed by which organizations can
move from one level to another and travel up the maturity model. Having introduced
some of these models here, it should be said that there are several other maturity models
such MDM Institute Data Governance Maturity Levels, Oracle Data Governance
Maturity Model (NASCIO 2008, 2009) and so on that can also be looked at. This sub-
section attempted to introduce the readers with some of the key concepts of maturity
models in the area of big data/ information governance. Maturity models provide a
measure for enterprises to measure their success in managing data and recognizing
information as an enterprise asset. As for these issues, in what follows, a discussion is
provided on the organizational challenges and benefit related to big data governance.
While big data can yield exceptionally useful and valuable information, they also
present new challenges with regard to how much data to store, how much this will cost,
whether the data will be secure, and how long it must be maintained (Ballard et al.
2014; Michael and Miller 2013; Russom 2013; Santovena 2013; Soares 2013; Zicari
2012). For example, inaccurate, incomplete or fraudulently manipulated data pose
increasing risk as enterprises become more dependent on the data to drive decision-
making and assess results (Craig 2011; Fischer 2013; Hurwitz et al. 2013; Jee and Kim
2013). Whether it is a SAP ERP system or a big data database, top management must
think about how bad data can and will get into their system. Richard Neale who is a
business intelligence industry veteran points to the importance of attention to data
quality and explains (Interview: The Need For Big Data Governance 2014):
There’s no silver bullet, no shortcut to fantastic business insight just because you’re using a
new technology. It may sound boring, but you have to pay attention to data quality, and cut
bad data off at the source using a “data quality firewall” approach to your big data
repository. (Interview: The Need For Big Data Governance 2014)
98 5 Big Data Governance
He then refers to the newer, less-structured data such as social media feeds that
complicate the notion of “data quality”. Other commonly cited barriers organiza-
tions must overcome to implement data governance policies and procedures
(NASCIO 2008) are as follows:
Data quality (see dimensions in Table 5.8) is just one of the key components of
the information governance program. Data quality is about how good is the data?
How broad is the coverage? How fine is the sampling resolution? How well
understood are the sampling biases? A good process will, naturally, make bad
decisions if based upon bad data.
Another issue is compliance and security, as also noted in the previous sections.
Big data governance helps organizations to protect their sensitive and strategic
information such as intellectual property, business plans and product designs, key
performance indicators, sales figures, financial metrics and production metrics used
to make critical decisions. The following list was also presented in as the key reasons that data governance projects fail
(NASCIO 2008; Oklahoma 2013):
• Cultural barriers
• Lack of top management support
• Underestimating the amount of work involved in data governance projects
• Lack of understanding that business definitions vary
• Trying to move too fast from no-data governance to enterprise-wide data-governance
(1) to increase their revenue and/or value by improving the quality of data,
(2) to manage data complexity by addressing data integration issues, reducing data
redundancy and reducing organizational and/or systems complexity, and
(3) to ensure survival through attention to risks by supporting privacy, formalizing
internal checks-and-balances and avoiding data disasters.
Based on 2,583 responses from 461 respondents with respect to ‘big data
management’, Russom (2013) reports that the vast majority of them consider big
data management (BDM) an opportunity (89 %). Conventional wisdom today says
that big data enable data exploration and predictive analytics to discover new facts
about customers, markets, partners, costs, and operations (Russom 2013). A tiny
minority of the respondents to the survey reported by Russom, however, consider
BDM a problem (11 %). Undoubtedly, big data offers technical challenges due to
their size, speed, and diversity. According to the survey, for example, data volume
alone is a showstopper for a few organizations. To determine the most compelling
reasons for big data management the survey asked respondents: “If your organi-
zation were to successfully manage and leverage big data, which business and
technology tasks would improve?”. At the top of the list, survey respondents
selected data analytics (61 %) more than any other answer. According to survey
respondents, common analytic applications can benefit from BDM, including fraud
detection (21 %) and risk quantification (16 %). Respondents also mentioned that
BDM delivers value to the business. This is borne out in the ranking of survey
responses, which place near the top of the list business value from big data (33 %)
100 5 Big Data Governance
and numerous and accurate business insights (34 %). Similar benefits of BDM
include business optimization (28 %), addressing new business requirements
(22 %), and understanding business change (22 %).
According to the survey reported by Russom (2013), big data’s large data
samples and diverse range of data sources can lead to broader data sourcing for
analytics (32 %), more data for data warehousing (24 %), and improved data
staging for data warehousing (23 %). Finally, according to the survey sales and
marketing activities improve with BDM. These include the recognition of sales and
market opportunities (28 %), definitions of churn and other customer behaviors
(18 %), better targeted social influencer marketing (16 %), and understanding
consumer behavior via clickstreams (16 %), as well as related analytic applications
such as customer-base segmentation (27 %) and sentiment analytics and trending
(24 %) (Russom 2013).
This section discusses three sample examples to establishing a business case for big
data governance: (1) quantify the financial impact of big data governance on
patients’ privacy, (2) the value of big data quality, and (3) the impact of data quality
and master data on big data initiatives (Soares 2012).
Case 1: Quantify the financial impact of big data governance on patients’ privacy
A major health insurer had over 50 unencrypted hard drives stolen from a call
centre facility, which had been closed. The stolen drives contained big transaction
data including sensitive information such as patient names, social security numbers,
date of births and diagnosis codes.
Point of Attention: One advantage that a big data governance program gives
is that of adhering to the privacy, security, financial standards and legal
The insurer reached a settlement for $1.5 million with the United States
Department of Health and Human Services. Furthermore, the insurer spent more
than $17 million to notify the more than one million members who were affected. In
order to prevent recurrent of a similar event the health insurer implemented data
encryption on all types of big and small data, including 1,000 servers, 6,000
workstations and 136,000 volumes of backup tapes (Soares 2013).
Table 5.9 The business benefits from using sentiment analysis and sound product master data
A. New product line value at list price $10,000,000
B. Discount at the end of the season 70 %
C. Start of the season discount 30 %
D. Difference in discounting levels (B − C) 40 %
E. Gross profit benefit as a result of better market trends analytics A × D $4,000,000
Adapted from Soares (2013)
that might be abandoned. There are several examples of poor geospatial data
governance that have had an intense business impact. An oil company used
incorrect geospatial coordinates to drill a well at the exact location of an abandoned
well. Because of this inaccuracy, the crew had to reposition the rig and start work
all over again which resulted in losses of millions of euros.
In another instance, the Exploration and Production (E&P) teams used incorrect
navigational coordinates to drill a hole in an adjacent field that belonged to another
Case 3: the impact of data quality and master data on big data initiatives
A popular global retailer was experiencing reduction in product profit margins due to
increased promotional activity (Soares 2013). To address this business concern, the
retailer decided to collect and analyze product feedback from customers in social media
websites such as, e.g., twitter to determine the pricing strategy for new products.
If the sentiment analysis (Morabito 2014b) was not very promising during the
product launch, the retailer would decide to update its pricing in the master product
catalog and offer discount of 30 %.
This would replace its usual strategy of selling merchandise at the end of season
at the discount of 70 %. As a result, the retailer was able to improve its profit
margin (see Table 5.9).
earlier, are one of the widespread areas in the field of improving organizational
performance as well as process management capabilities.
As with many other organizational initiatives, successful implementation of big
data governance requires an enterprise perspective (NASCIO 2008, 2009). A sys-
temic perspective on information governance is therefore needed to fully exploit the
benefits coming from big data, in order to assure that organizations can answer
these key questions (Big Data Governance 2014):
Other key questions could be: How do we verify the authenticity of the informa-
tion? Can we verify how the information will be used? What options do we have as for
the decisions to be taken? What is the context for each decision? How will organi-
zations protect all of their sources, processes, and decisions from theft and corruption?
Without a clear framework for big data governance and use, none of the above
questions can be properly answered. Furthermore, businesses run the risk of becoming
paralyzed under a chaotic mixture of data, much of which has become obsolete and
past its expiration date. Indeed, big data governance helps the business to get a clear
understanding of what the organization wishes to achieve from its data sources. Data
governance frameworks helps organizations govern appropriate use of and access to
critical information such as customer information, financial details and unstructured
content, measuring and reporting information quality and risk to enhance value and
mitigate exposures. Without data governance, it becomes difficult for organizations to
maintain their competitive edge. The implemented technology may function exactly
as designed, but the information deriving from the technology may be suspect.
5.7 Summary
This chapter attempted to introduce the readers with several guiding principles for data
governance in a big data environment. Indeed, organizations need to take the right step
in time to get the best out of enterprise data and big data. Without data governance, the
data will be inconsistent, unreliable and unrepeatable. Data governance helps ensure
that metrics are defined consistently within the organization. Clearly documented
standards and definitions mean everybody can understand precisely what everybody
5.7 Summary 103
else is talking about. Data governance provides confidence in key decisions, limit
organizational costs and prevent analysis and reporting issues. Data governance
encourages the measurement of successes and failures.
Furthermore, maturity models provide a framework for organizations to measure
their success in managing data and information as an enterprise asset. Thus, data
governance maturity models can be used and looked at as references in commu-
nication, awareness building, and the marketing of data governance. Big data
governance is more than standards, reporting, and prioritization of projects; it is a
business function providing structure for maintaining high data standards and
securing against the risks of data theft or loss. Within ‘Big Data’ projects, privacy
and regulatory controls play a pivotal role.
Finally, big data governance is not static; it must evolve over time to meet the
changing objectives of the organization. Indeed, with the inclusion of big data, e.g.,
in decision-making or operations, changes may be bigger and, hence, governance
has to be more comprehensive.
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Warden, P.: Big Data Glossary. O’Reilly Media Inc., Sebastopol (2011)
Webb, P., et al.: Attempting to define IT governance: wisdom or folly? In: HICSS’06, pp. 1–10
Zicari, R.V: Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities. This is Big Data (2012)
Big Data and Digital Business
Evaluation 6
The advances in data and processing technology has radically changed the way
today’s digital business operates. Big data technology provides analytics tools
that allow digital businesses to identify useful insights about their customers and
create products to meet their customer’s requirements. However, digital
businesses working with big data technology face various challenges including
the data acquisition, the storage space and the evaluation of the data as well as
the right choices of the big data applications and the infrastructures. This review
will explore digital business evaluation using big data and the advantages as well
as the challenges of big data technology in digital business.
6.1 Introduction
Sinanc 2013; Muhtaroglu et al. 2013). Facebook with 1.3 billion active accounts, every
month received about 140 billion photos with 125 billion friend connections in 70
languages (Wikipedia 2014). Twitter with 271 million monthly active users processes
around 500 million tweets every day (Wikipedia 2014).
These digital businesses have radically changed the way data are used in a digital
world. Over the past years we have seen a great increase in the number of digital
business, around 571 new websites are deployed every minute. However, a big
question remains on how digital businesses use bid data to evaluate and enhance
their productivity. To understand this problem, we will briefly explore the concept
of digital business evaluation using big data. The advantages and challenges of big
data technology in digital business and finally we will provide some case studies
and recommendations for institutions.
Some of the challenges in today digital services are the economic uncertainty, and
the increase on innovation in services or products and new business models. Most
digital business, regardless of the market type, begins with some elements of
research including customer acquisition, products and services development, part-
nerships and merging. In current big data driven competitive market, it is critical to
proactively restructure the business model to push revenue by evaluating all the key
structures of the digital business (Rajpurohit 2013).
Most efficient digital businesses have technology and research procedures in place
that use big data analytics to evaluate their business models by identifying the best
opportunities and excluding the wrong ones easily and quickly. Nevertheless, to
achieve this type of intelligent business innovative technique, it is necessary to
develop a research process that uses concept based factors to allow big data analysis
find opportunities that are relevant to the business’s priorities. For example, a digital
business may want to develop a new service that will target a set of customers in the
market. With real time big data, researchers are capable of identifying patterns that
can estimate whether or not a new service or product are financially viable, which will
make the decision-making efficient and effective (Rajpurohit 2013; Gopalkrishnan
and Steier 2012).
Taking the above issues into account, the analytics searches to identify oppor-
tunities and drive revenue are often iterative and interactive as shown in Fig. 6.1.
This process generally includes six steps (Rajpurohit 2013), that are known and
applied in traditional intelligence activities, but require different application policies
and protocols due to the characteristics of big data:
Fig. 6.1 Big data analytics process. Adapted from Rajpurohit (2013)
• Selection of data: After defining the goals, it is very important to select the right
data required for the analysis. Since big data are made up of references to a
variety of information, selecting the relevant data allow the analytics processes
to be focused and efficient.
• Processing data: this step is designed to enhance data reliability by defining
missing data, identifying and removing no relevant data or outliers. Since big data
come from many different sources, this step also include the data transformation,
which compiles all the data to one consistent format that can be easily analyzed
by later steps. The complexity of this step often depends on the size and the
variety of the data and the nature of the research. Thus, a good processing step
will simplify later processes of the analysis.
• Data Mining: at this stage, the data is processed to extract meaningful signals
based on the goals of the analysis. Consequently, the complexity of this step
depends on the nature of the business and the goals of the analysis. Most data
mining operations include computational algorithms such as classification,
clustering or regression, to mention a few, which are capable of extracting
patterns that would otherwise remain undiscovered using traditional assessment
methods. A suitable data mining method is the selection based on the business
goals. The performance of the data mining methods generally improves as they
process more data.
• Evaluation and patters interpretation: this consists of evaluating the results of
the analysis. Depending on the goals originated at the first step, the resulting
patterns are evaluated to extract meaningful insights that can enhance the
business performance.
108 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
Business evaluation with big data gives a powerful analysis tool to digital
businesses managers allowing them to understand the market and customer’s needs
in terms of products or services, thus, providing them better decision-making tools.
In the next sections we will discuss the organizational advantages and challenges of
big data application in the digital businesses.
Most digital companies are dealing with a variety of new data, which arrives from
many different sources (see Fig. 6.2). Companies, which can adapt the big data
technology into their day to day operations have significant advantages over those
without any big data technology capability (Muhtaroglu et al. 2013). Big data
resources present a great opportunity for digital business models, as we have seen
with Google, eBay, Amazon, Facebook and Netflix, Borders and many other
Big Data
Fig. 6.2 Big data and analytics configuration for business value (Mithas and Lucas 2010)
6.3 Organizational Advantages and Opportunities 109
businesses (Mithas and Lucas 2010). Therefore, the big data technology is often
used in digital business for two main reasons, as follows:
(1) The first reason for big data technology is to provide analytics tools (as seen in
Sect. 6.2) that allow a company to gain useful insights about their business and
guide the management in high-level decision making process.
(2) The second purpose of this technology is to provide tools for customer’s
satisfaction. Big data allow the development of different application platforms
and real-time services and products that leverage a variety of data in order to
satisfy consumer needs and provided value to the business such as efficient,
intelligent service and many others.
The customer value proposition focuses on how products and services offered by a
company satisfy customer’s needs with regard to competitors’ offering. With the
application of big data technology in digital business, a variety of innovative
products and services can be delivered to add more value or solve customer’s
challenging problems. Recently many innovative applications have been built off
the back of smart use of big data to fulfill customer’s needs, replacing the use of
traditional data models. Examples of those applications are the price comparison
applications, which enable customers to view pricing information on products from
different sources. Many studies have shown that, with these applications customers
can save around 10 % on every shopping they made on digital market (Manyika
et al. 2011). RedLaser is one of the applications that give customers the power to
shop around by scanning the bar code of a product with their smart phone devices
and receive price comparisons for the products and other related products. Other
customer value proposition applications are provided by digital businesses
including eBay and Amazon. They provide tools that allow customers to search a
product from a large number of sellers. These services provide transparency,
producing “buy” or “sale” opportunities for customers and businesses (Manyika
et al. 2011). The application also offers more information about the products
including customer’s reviews and quality of the products.
110 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
Also, the big data technology has added great value to digital entertainments
companies such as, e.g., Netflix, whose digital business model is to provide films,
TV entertainment. To establish itself in the digital market, Netflix was able to
design an application that offers consumers searchable films from a large set of
movies and TV series. The service also provided more information about the films
including customer’s reviews and suggestion on related films. The big data appli-
cations have, thus, helped Netflix to provide innovative and efficient services to its
clients and increased its revenue to 4.3 billion US dollars with more than 50 million
subscribers in 2014 (Wikipedia 2014). Considering all these applications of the big
data technology, the customer value propositions of digital business are expected to
improve further in near future.
Delivering the right products or services to the right customer groups can signifi-
cantly increase the profitability. Equally, delivering products or services to wrong
customer groups will turn them away from an organization to its competitors.
With the success of modern technology, the Internet usage has dramatically
increased; digital market is becoming more demanding and sophisticated. In this
complex market customers are demanding more from their services providers and
with an excessive competition, digital businesses that are unable to fulfill theses
expectations are swiftly left behind by the competition. Understanding your
customers, products and services have never been more important in digital business.
Customer segmentation based on big data applications allows digital businesses
understand key characteristics and behaviors of their customers, enabling them to
design and deliver products and services, which are more likely to be relevant to a
target customer segments. Complete relevance can lead to greater conversion rates,
which eventually will lead to more profitability (Experian Hitwise 2010).
In a large group of customers there are different type of customers and each type
can have many characteristics that define them. Using segmentation based on the
big data information analytics allows a digital service to group these individuals by
similar characteristics. Simple examples of this are dividing your customer group
into female and male customers or young and old customers; or more complex such
as developing a search engine to locate a group of individuals who have express
some interests in your new products. With the customer segmentation tools based on
big data technology, digital businesses can have a greater flexibility in developing
products or services depending on a specific demand of the target segment or the
most profitable customers groups.
The big data applications in customer segmentation are very wide and depending
on how niche a digital business want each segment to be. However, there are four
main types of data in the big data including demographics, lifestyle, behavior and
value, that can be used to perform the customer segmentation (Experian Hitwise
6.3 Organizational Advantages and Opportunities 111
6.3.3 Channels
Channels constitute different ways on how a digital business gets in contact with its
clienteles and provides them value propositions. The big data driven applications of
digital businesses collect information and reach customers through many different
channels. These channels can be used as mediums to deliver products as well as
collecting information from customers. Furthermore, the applications are generally
delivered through two main channels, web based applications and/or mobile
applications. The web based applications for desktop and notebook users can be
delivered through the product website such as, e.g., eBay and Amazon, which offer
services that allow customers to search products from a large number of merchants
and provide customers reviews for more transparency. Whereas the mobile appli-
cations can be delivered using stores like Google play (2014) and Apple Store
(2014). The increase in mobile applications will allow more innovations and
efficient delivering of big data driven applications through marketing channels
(Manyika et al. 2011).
The customer relationship is defined as the relationship a digital business builds and
preserves with its clienteles (Manyika et al. 2011). With the growth of competitions
and technology such as Internet and mobile applications, a digital business lives or
112 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
dies based on how it build relationship with the customers. In the past, digital
business often relied on broadcast mediums to build and maintain relationship with
customers, while today’s technology allows customers to connect and interact with
each other around the world, which has dramatically changed the customer’s
relationship in digital market. To succeed in today digital market, companies need
network systems beyond traditional marketing and sales advertising messages.
The big data applications provide a network tools that take advantage of the
customers interaction with the technology to create and manage relationships with
customers or clients that goes beyond simple marketing and sales promotional
offers. As discussed above, these applications may include automated systems that
can recognize some characteristics of a group of customers and provide information
associated to transactions. For example, a tool in an online retail business may
recommend or suggest products an individual customer may be looking for based
on information of the customer’s previous purchases (Manyika et al. 2011).
These applications may also offer products information and customer’s feedback
on individual products, which enable businesses to become a part of their cus-
tomer’s conversations (Rogers 2011). Figure 6.3 shows a summary of few
advantages of big data in digital business.
Products and
Advantages of Big
Personalize Data in Digital Improve
Customers Business Capabilities
Minimize Risks Decision-
The increased diffusion and adoption of smart phones technology and social net-
works have changed the way digital businesses operate. To be a major player in the
digital market, many digital businesses have adopted big data technologies. Indeed,
taking advantage of the customer’s interaction with the technology and with each
other on a global scale, digital businesses have managed to target customers with
the right products and services. This has provided them with a better understanding
of their customers, products, hence made them more efficient and increased their
profitability (Experian Hitwise 2010; Rogers 2011).
However, digital businesses working with big data technology face various
challenges, including the acquisition of the data, the storage space, the right choices
of the big data applications and the infrastructures. Businesses using big data
technology need to understand both the needs of the technology and customer’s,
because choosing a big data application without knowing its advantages may result
in a waste of resources (Rogers 2011). Digital businesses need to understand their
clienteles and identify their businesses goals before adopting any big data appli-
cations. Whether you are an online retails or provide digital technology, having
knowledge about your customer’s behavior and coming up with new ways to add
values in your products or services are the key drivers to succeed in today’s digital
market (Rogers 2011).
Addressing challenges presented by big data technology will be difficult con-
sidering the volume of the ever-increasing data and its variety. Currently available
big data tools, analysis methods, technology architecture and management are not
fully capable in dealing with the complexity of the big data (Katal and Wazid
2013). In what follows, some of the main challenges in the big data application in
digital business are briefly discussed.
Key resources refer to data, infrastructures, analytics and skilled people a digital
business needs in order to provide value to its clienteles through big data appli-
cations (Morabito 2014). The data access and management can be a great obstacle
for many digital businesses. Due to the high volume of data and privacy laws, a
majority of digital businesses do not have the right platforms for data collection and
management across the enterprise. Moreover, the success of big data technology
relies on its capability of assessing data in a timely manner. However, designing
tools for storing and managing real time data is very complex and require time and
money. Therefore, digital companies might need to develop partnerships with other
companies to share the costs associated with data acquisition. This form of data
collection, however, may threaten the culture of competitiveness and secrecy (Katal
and Wazid 2013). Other strategies to mitigate costs related to the increase in volume
of data, is to use cloud technology. However, uploading terabytes of data in real
114 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
time will require a large amount of time (Katal and Wazid 2013). Accordingly,
storing and accessing large data in timely manner as well as reducing the processing
time remain some of the biggest challenges in big data technology (see again
Fig. 6.1, showing the processing involved in big data analysis).
Furthermore, a company might also face challenges in identifying the right data
and defining advantages the data have to offer. Because data related business models
are often different to the traditional business revenue models, as discussed above.
This type of analysis will require more sophisticated analytics tools and highly skilled
people with statistics and computing knowledge and capabilities, which in turn, is one
of the biggest challenges of big data projects. There is a shortage of qualified skilled
people capable of understanding and interpreting raw data using technology to find
some meaningful business insights (Davenport and Patil 2012).
The big data applications also require a more sophisticated technology landscape
due the growing nature of different data sources (Morabito 2014). Therefore,
leveraging big data requires strong collaboration with more innovative technology
services that can help to develop the right IT infrastructures capable of adapting in
efficient manner to the changes occurring in the technology landscape. Consequently,
many digital businesses actually require assistance from companies offering plat-
forms and infrastructures solutions. Because big data technology needs continuous
maintenance and development of different infrastructures and platforms, especially
when the number of customer’s increases and the volumes of the data get even
bigger. In addition to companies offering platforms and infrastructures, several
middle class servers have developed and employed together with existing computing
platforms like Hadoop (Katal and Wazid 2013), an open source project by Apache
Software Foundation. The aim of this project is to provide a reliable and efficient
share storage capacities with robust analytics systems. This will significantly
improve the processing of data, which is considered to be one of the big issues in big
data analysis (Katal and Wazid 2013).
Privacy and security have become some of the biggest challenges in the big data
technology (Morabito 2014). Digital businesses dealing with big data applications
are required by the law to protect the privacy and the security of its customer’s data
as well as setting clear boundaries of some personal information. With the increased
in the data volume and the consequent risk of cyber attacks, it is becoming pro-
gressively difficult for digital businesses to protect data privacy (Katal and Wazid
2013). For example the United States (US) based digital company eBay, which has
128 million active customers had its customers database hacked between late
February and March 2014 (Kelion 2014). The database included users name, email
address, date of birth and phone number. This personal information can be used to
steal customer’s identities and even access other systems. Thus privacy and security
are major concerns when dealing with sensitive information.
6.4 Organizational Challenges 115
The cost structure aims to define to the costs of all the projects incurred by a digital
business, including the investment in customer value propositions, and other
business activities such as marketing, infrastructures and building partnerships with
others companies (Muhtaroglu et al. 2013). The biggest cost of the big data tech-
nology comes from the infrastructure and data management tools. Companies such
as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM have spent over $15 billion on software companies
specializing in data analytics and management (Cukier 2010). In 2010, big data
analytics and management firms were reported to be worth more than $100 billion
and this value is estimated to grow by 10 % every year due to the increased demand
of more efficient data management and analytics tools (Cukier 2010).
The availability of the cloud based infrastructures and application stores have
significantly decreased the financial resources requirement to enter the big data
technology (Muhtaroglu et al. 2013; Morabito 2014). Some businesses, like, e.g.,
eBay and Amazon, may develop in-house infrastructures and applications. These
applications need be developed with real time processing features. With these
applications and infrastructures, the businesses may also need to continually invest
and improve their big data services with innovations to create new solutions to
customers growing problems and maintain their place in the vast and competitive
Challenges for
Security Digital Data
Business complexity
Complex IT
Fig. 6.4 Big data challenges in digital business. Adapted from Muhtaroglu et al. (2013), Morabito
116 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
market. Figure 6.4 summarizes some challenges of the big data application in
digital business explored in previous sections.
To illustrate how big data are being used in industry, two examples of digital
businesses using big data are discussed in the following sections. The examples aim
at highlighting the key challenges facing the organizations and to discuss the way
they are using big data solutions to overcome these challenges. The two organi-
zations considered within the case studies are Facebook and Netflix, both highly
successful digital businesses and both facing complex data challenges.
This section will analyze two organizations that are pioneers in the digital business
domain: Facebook and Netflix. Particular attention will be paid to the way they use
big data technologies to evaluate business performance and adjust their strategies
Facebook is one the most relevant and diffused social media platform, which
allows users to connect to friends and family using a webpage called a profile. The
majority of the content on Facebook is user generated, from user comments, likes,
photos and videos. The profile acts as a medium from which to interact with other
members’ profiles. New content is generated and members further add to this new
content with comments likes and other interactions. For Facebook this in effect
leads to a virtuous circle of new content by users.
The platform is a social platform, where other social media sites offer specific
activities, i.e. Twitter for status updates or news, Instagram for photos and MySpace
for music. Facebook has content from all these media on the same site, which is
generated by both members and third party distributors such as music companies
and retailers. The website is the largest social media network on the planet primarily
because of this wide ranging appeal (note: anyone over the age of 13 can join
Looking a little deeper at the company, one can see it is also one of the largest
data hosts on the planet. From pictures to video, albums to chat messages the
website host users most treasured data. The website is a maze of data generated
daily by users; thus, these data are the companies greatest asset but also its greatest
challenge. Indeed, Facebook is dependent on the data generated by its users to
generate income; thus, Facebook is a company, which generates income through
selling advertising to its customers while they are using the site. The reason why
this model is different with regard to other digital businesses is because Facebook
can direct adverts, which are specific to the users preferences and demographic
information. This information is a key advantage that Facebook has over its
competitors, there is a value to the information it has on its users which competitors
do not have and is valued by advertisers. The challenge is analyzing this data using
big data methods to effectively target users and provide them with relevant
6.5 Cases Studies 117
Facebook has 1.3 billion monthly users worldwide, some 830 million of them
using the site on a daily bases. Also, the users generate 4.5 billion activities
including updating photos, video and sharing comments and messages.
In recent estimates Facebook has been shown to produce over 4.5 billion pieces
of content and over 750 Terabytes each day. This large volume of data makes the
process of analysis very cumbersome. Further Facebook has indicated its users use
7 petabytes of photo storage on its website each month with data centers that have a
capacity of 100 petabytes. This excess capacity is a necessity as content on the site
is always increasing.
Point of Attention: The problem with having big data is that the vast
majority of data never gets used. A recent article surveying big data issues
noted that only about 0.5 % of all data is ever analyzed (Barrenchea et al.
2013). Thus, the vast majority or 99.5 % of data is not used as part of the
analytics processing. This means storage space is allocated for this data but
may not be required for viewing by the users or as part of customer analytics.
As there is a vast amount of information, which the company process each day,
Facebook has developed tools to manage how the data are processed and analyzed
to bring users more relevant information. These tools also provide users with more
relevant social media content, including articles and statuses; for example, the
algorithms implemented provide users with targeted advertising content.
Thus, Facebook uses big data analytics to direct advertising most relevant to its
user base. The advertising is based on geo locations as well as age, sex and other
demographic factors. This means that there is a unique set of adverts presented to
each user of the Facebook system. The advertising on Facebook helped the com-
pany bring in $7.8 billion in revenue during 2013 (Wikipedia 2014). Furthermore,
Facebook tweaks its algorithms on an on-going basis and one example is the tweak
of its advertising delivery formula. This has allowed it to move from generating
only a small proportion of its income from mobile advertising in 2012 to now
generating over 60 % of its revenue from mobile devices. As the site grows,
predictions say that more and more content will be generated from mobile devices.
Thus, mobile devices have helped increase revenue growth at Facebook but this
was only after changing the advertising algorithms and making content more
location specific, this in turn allowed Facebook to charge more for the advertising.
Considering now the infrastructure, Facebook opened a Prineville data center,
which is 62 k square feet in size. It houses over 500 cold storage racks, which can
hold 2 Terabyte of data. The standard data storage rack in the data center facility
uses about 8 kW of power. Facebook also has more than 100 petabytes data
capacity in this facility. However, Facebook has also admitted that it only uses
about 7 petabytes for storage photo in its facilities each month. This means there is
a lot of redundancy built for future growth. To empower this capacity, Facebook
switched on more secure offline storage facilities (cold storage) at its Prineville data
118 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
center, for storing pictures and other user media on hard disks. As well as using
existing data storage technologies Facebook has also worked with vendors to create
cheap storage vaults that keeps files on Blu-ray discs. Each vault contains about
10,000 discs with each containing around 100 Gigabyte storage space, a single one
of these cabinets has room for one petabyte, which is 1,000 Terabyte of data.
Though this technology is still in development it has the potential to change how
data is stored and further reduce storage costs.
Facebook has data in two forms. Flash data are stored on flash drives and are
quickly accessible (for example the login data for user or the most recently
uploaded articles). These data are easier to analyze because the upload times for
performing analytics is relatively quick. The second type of data is long standing
‘cold’ data which are rarely accessed (for example a photo album from a few year
earlier which has not been access since upload). The majority of data will fall into
the ‘cold’ form meaning that whilst they are valuable customer data, they may not
be accessed, but need to be retained in the likelihood the customer attempts to
access them in the future.
Finally, Facebook has a number of analytics tools to analyze and manage data.
Facebook manages its server data using the hadoop 2.0 platform and it has
developed a Hive tool which is a software fork sits on top of the Apach Hadoop
infrastructure to support the processing of data. Figure 6.5 shows a sample diagram
illustrating how the Facebook hive platform fits within the Hadoop software stack.
Hive provides an SQL-like interface to query data stored on Apache hadoop
platform. The Apache Hive is considered the standard for SQL queries over a
petabyte. It is a comprehensive and compliant engine that offers a powerful set of
tools for analysts and developers to access Hadoop data. Facebook initially
developed the Hive platform but other vendors now use it and have further
developed the tool. For example, Amazon web services maintains a software fork of
Hive that is included in Amazon MapReduce on Amazons Web Services, which in
turn are used by amazons web services and cloud client (including Netflix, whose
case is discussed in what follows).
MapReduce YARN
(cluster resource management &
(cluster resource management)
data processing)
(Redundant, reliable storage) (Redundant, reliable storage)
Fig. 6.5 Big data Hadoop structure. Adapted from Mayer (2013)
6.5 Cases Studies 119
The second case study of this Section considers Netflix one of the largest
streaming sites on the planet, working in 40 countries, and providing a streaming
service for movies, TV shows and factual content. The service offers access to
premium content based on a monthly subscription fee (Wikipedia 2014).
Netflix faces similar big data issues to the ones seen above for the case of
Facebook; however, the company has adopted slightly different approaches to how
it deals with these challenges. The volumes of data and complexity of analytics are
both equally challenging but the main difference is that Netflix data are not user
generated but rather videos licensed by the digital rights owners. Netflix then
provides a service in which allows users to stream the videos in exchange for a
monthly fee. The Netflix business model is based upon customers using the service
and paying the monthly subscription fee for a continued use of the service.
Point of Attention: Big data and analytics driven business models require a
careful attention to sourcing, computing, and data storage strategies for their
effective implementation and valuation in digital business competitive
The primary motivation for Netflix is to ensure customer have access to content
which would ensure they continue to be customers of Netflix. It has often been
compared to a pay per view TV station; however, unlike, television stations Netflix
customers are a part of a continuous loop of feedback with users using their
membership fees, actual viewing as well as content ratings to provide feedback to
Netflix. This instantaneous feedback allows the organization to always be in step
with its customer’s needs and demands. Big data analytics have helped in this
analysis process and supported the creation of new content such as the “House of
Cards” and “Orange is the new black” drama television series, content which is
only available on Netflix, which in turn has got more people using the service.
Furthermore, Netflix estimates that 75 % of viewers are from recommendations
from its customer recommendation engine (Vanderbilt 2013). The recommendation
engine is pivotal to how Netflix retains customers. As the business model is based
on customer continuing to use the service and continuing to pay the monthly
subscription fees. The recommendation engine has been created with using a
number of mathematical techniques to improve the performance of the recom-
mendation system. The goal is to primarily increase the likelihood someone
watches content provided by the recommendation engine.
120 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
Thus, the key data problem for Netflix is twofold: first, using the customers
viewing information and rating to provide users with appropriate recommendations
for viewing; then, ensuring the quality of the customer experience when the cus-
tomer is viewing content. In order to meet the requirements for streaming such a
large data capacity Netflix had two options to stream content to customers:
1. Build out the own data center to service clients streaming needs or
2. Use a cloud service from a third party to meet client requirements.
Box 1
• Data Size: There are 80 clusters with over 2,500 nodes (May 2014).
• Challenge: To maintain service and high quality of videos and
customer data, while also creating agility for development of new
tools for Netflix’s technology teams.
• Solution: An open source Apache data platform called Cassandra,
this allows Netflix to create and manage large data and minimize the
chance of failures and outages to customers.
without having employees in that region. An example is the Amazon web service
server Netflix had planned to use in Brazil for its South American and Central
American customers. Indeed, Netflix found there was no performance advantage to
using servers in Brazil. One advantage of the cloud service is that it could be
switched off relatively quickly and moved to a new location. And this is exactly
what happened in the case of Brazil. Because there was not advantage in using the
server in Brazil to serve those customers, Netflix reverted to serving them from the
United States (US) East Coast as the traffic would have been via Miami in any case.
For its European customer Netflix began serving them through Ireland, in the
Amazon web service server centers in Dublin. There were slightly higher costs to
6.5 Cases Studies 121
perform this operation in Dublin as compared to the east coast US but the company
chose this approach as it reduced latency for streaming because of geographic
proximity. Another key component in cloud computing is disaster recovery in the
event a server is knocked out but act of nature. Having multiple data centers aids to
have contingency plans in the event a single data center is knocked out.
Furthermore, as the cloud brings a number of challenges to managing data in a
geographically distributed environment Netflix has developed new tools to manage
this highly complex environment. In particular, Netflix uses a tool called Cassandra,
which is an open source SQL database; this tool was initially created by Facebook
and now is under the open source Apache license. It scales across multiple data
centers all over the world. This tool is optimized for random write/reads, which
makes real-time queries efficient. The example in the box 1 shows how Netflix
manages the large data and it holds how the analytic tools help they have developed
help to manage complex challenges inherent in big data.
Big data and big data analytics require not a single methodology or approach for
their use in digital business evaluation. What seen in both the above case studies is
the way in which the approaches change to meet the needs of each company. In
particular, there is no perfect fit in terms of the hardware or software. The challenge
is identifying the most appropriate technique for the organization and this would
vary from one organization to another. In what follows recommendations are
provided for these issues.
6.6.1 Hardware
When we speak about big data, the first suggestion for holding this vast influx of
data is cloud computing. Though in the case study this is not necessarily the right
approach for companies such as Facebook whose intrinsic value comes from having
direct access to user data. The two options open to digital businesses is to decide on
whether to use the traditional data center model in which the organization owns and
runs data centers or to use cloud based services. The choice for organizations is
usually determined by the organizational strategy and cost.
Another challenge when dealing with big data is finding the right balance
between processing power and data storage. Getting the right balance is important
as it ensures the right mix of hardware components can be identified and acquired.
Key to this process is benchmarking the activities that would be commonly
expected from the data center.
122 6 Big Data and Digital Business Evaluation
6.6.2 Software
The main framework used for data management is currently Hadoop. This is an
Apache software infrastructure used by Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and many other
digital businesses. The key advantage of this tool is that many of its components are
open source. Key Hadoop users such as Facebook (Hive) and Netflix (Cassandra)
have developed add-ons to Hadoop framework, which adds further value to Hadoop
Key to the evaluation of how digital businesses should use big data is under-
standing how its customers utilize the data and then creating solutions, which fit
these specific requirements. In the case studies we see how hardware and software
vary though the data are seemingly similar. This is because key to the big data
agenda is flexibility in how digital businesses organize and utilize their data for
maximum business gain. This gain is only possible when companies understand
their data and implement strategies to effectively monetize it without alienating
customers. In conclusion data can be used to create information and information to
create knowledge, and knowledge for a digital business is money.
6.7 Summary
This chapter discussed how big data and analytics can be used to evaluate business
performance. It described six steps that summarize this process: Goals, Selection of
Data, Processing Data, Data Mining, Evaluation and Visualization & Feedback. It
then presented an analysis of the advantages and opportunities of using big data and
analytics, identifying customer value proposition, customer segmentation, channel
diversity, and better customer relationship as the most important ones. On the other
hand, it also analyzed the challenges that organizations are facing when they want
to adopt these technologies and create organizational advantage and highlights the
importance of having skilled people in this area that is relatively new and thus the
talent supply is scarce. Privacy and Security and the relatively high costs were also
identified as challenges. Finally, this chapter closes with the analysis of two case
studies: Facebook and Netflix, to demonstrate how these organizations have used
big data and analytics to evaluate and shape their business models.
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Cukier, K.: A special report on managing information: data, data everywhere. http://www. (2010). Accessed 16 Nov 2014
Davenport, T.H., Patil, D.J.: Data scientist: the sexiest job of the 21st century. Harvard Bus. Rev.
90, 70–76 (2012)
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Managing Change for Big Data Driven
Innovation 7
Big data is now becoming a key organizational asset, which represents a strategic
basis for business competition. This development is making organizations to
consider new innovative techniques on maximizing the potentials of big data as
well as the challenges it creates. Yet, the success of many organizations demands
new skills as well as new perspectives on how the epoch of big data could
advance the speed of business processes. With the growth of big data, new
analytics tools have evolved together with new progressive business models. In
this chapter, we explore the innovative capabilities of the growing big data
phenomenon by discussing issues concerning its methodologies, its impact on
organizations business models, novel tools for analytics including challenges
encountered by many business organizations. Our findings are substantiated by
describing the real-life cases of Adobe and Hewlett Packard organizations.
Numerous organizations are hunting down better approaches to always innovate and
optimize their practices, products, and services in today’s competitive business
environment (Piatetsky-Shapiro 2013). Traditionally, innovation is seen as a factor
of consistent research and improvement processes using manual conventional pro-
cedures (Gobble 2013). Due to the rise of big data, organizations are gradually
depending on accumulated computerized data acquired from different sources such
as their suppliers, customers and shareholders for recognizing innovative products
and service systems (Sagiroglu and Sinanc 2013). Although access to information for
many business organizations seems like a ‘walk in the park’, there exist enormous
challenges of identifying valuable information, analyzing, adapting, or applying it
for the development of productive business performance (Yan 2013).
The big data age has produced innovative principles for business management. In
previous eras of technological innovation, business pioneers learnt that the smallest
well-organized scale was a crucial factor of competitive success (Cui et al. 2014).
Similarly, competitive profits are possible to be accumulated by organization’s
collecting more and enhanced data but also utilize such data at an efficient scale
(Bjelland and Wood 2008).
Be it as it may, in what follows we critically reflect on the five techniques shown
in Fig. 7.1 (i.e., integration of data platforms, testing through experimentation,
real-time customization, generating data-driven models, and algorithmic and
Big Data
Fig. 7.1 The big data innovation techniques. Adapted from Davenport and Dyché (2013)
7.2 Big Data—The Key Innovative Techniques 127
automated-controlled analysis), in order to identify how big data may further assist
business organizations in developing innovative strategies, which are adaptable to
the rapidly changing models occurring in today’s highly extrinsic technological era.
With the advent of big data, there arise a novel potential for a different sort of
decision making using controlled experiments. Currently, organizations are testing
hypotheses and analyzing results to inform their business operational processes.
Testing through experimentation are helping administrators differentiate causality
from correlation, therefore decreasing the inconsistency of results and improving
product performance (Mithas et al. 2013).
For example, many online business organizations are continuous testers; by
apportioning a quota of their web page views to undertake experiments that iden-
tifies the elements that motivates the active engagement of end-users (Cui et al.
2014; Davenport and Dyché 2013; Parmar et al. 2014). In addition, businesses
marketing their products physically also make use of experiments in order to
influence their marketing strategies. For example, fast food merchants McDonalds,
has equipped some of their outlets with devices that collect data about customer
interactions, ordering patterns as well as in-store consumer traffic. The importance
of these huge datasets is that experts are able to model the effect of variations on
restaurant designs, menus sales and productivity (Kelly et al. 2014; Qubole 2014).
In this section, we describe how organizations are innovatively using big data by
making real-time customization conceivable. Organizations are now able to monitor
the behavior of customers from click streams on the Internet, modify their inclina-
tions, and most importantly model their possible actions in real time. Furthermore,
they are learning to ascertain when customers are close to making a buying decision
and then pre-empt the transaction process to a finishing point by bundling desired
products combined with a reward offer. Real-time custom analysis can also increase
procurements of products by the most valuable customers of a business organization
(Drake et al. 2014).
As an innovative driver, big data real-time customization is relatively obvious in
retail sectors due to the size and value of data available from online procurements,
interactions on online social networks (OSNs) and more lately, location-specific
smart phone communications. Nevertheless, other sectors can also gain from
this novel system of Big-Data application, owing to the growth of sophisticated
analytical tools for distributing customers into more insightful micro-segments
(De Fortuny et al. 2013).
The growth of big data has enhanced the creation of innovative groups of businesses
that have accepted data-driven business models. Several of these businesses perform
inter-dependent roles in value chains generating valuable consumable data formed
7.2 Big Data—The Key Innovative Techniques 129
by business transactions (Economics 2013; Eisenhardt and Martin 2000; Fan and
Bifet 2012). For example, a transport business organization recognized that during
their daily business operations, enormous volumes of information on product
deliveries are being collected. In order to maximize this opportunity, the organiza-
tion created a division that trades the data to complement business and economic
predictions (Kelly et al. 2014).
Another good example of the development of new models is an organization that got
so many insights from analyzing data as part of a manufacturing improvement, which
prompted a decision to build a business to do similar work for other organizations
(Hartmann et al. 2014). Currently the business combines supply-chain data for many
manufacturing customers and sells software tools to improve their performance. Out-
standingly, the newly developed service business now overtakes the income generated
by the organizations parent manufacturing business (Provost and Fawcett 2013).
As also discussed in previous chapters (see, e.g., Chap. 6), big data increase the
development and implementation for algorithmic and automated-controlled analysis.
In some manufacturing organizations, algorithms are used to analyze sensor data from
lines of production, in this manner, the wastage of raw materials are limited, production
outcomes are increased and then costly human involvements are avoided (Mithas et al.
2013). This type of data is usually analyzed by groups of computers to enhance
production and diminish downtimes through the process of imputing their results to
real-time tasks. Products such as photocopying machines used to aircrafts can now
create streams of data capable of tracking their usage. In some situations, manufac-
turers are able to analyze the inward data and then automatically repair software
malfunctions. Besides, computer hardware merchants are collecting and analyzing
such data to plan pre-emptive maintenance before customers’ operations are inter-
rupted by system failures. As a means of innovation, such automatic-controlled data is
also utilized to make necessary changes in product design (Elmqvist and Irani 2013).
The key point is value-added performance, improved risk assessment, as well as
the capability to uncover useful insights that would otherwise remain unknown.
Recently, more business organizations are participating in this decision-making
industrial revolution due to the massive reduction in price of sensors, communi-
cations devices and analytic software (Özcan et al. 2014).
A lot has been stated about the emergent significance of big data as a tool for
business innovation. But how are these types of data utilized to drive innovation?
How does it affect the in-house tactical initiatives of business managers and
executives? Is big data beginning to influence C-Level decisions?
130 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
In order to be a source of business advantage, big data systems need to build new
types of processing to data-sets targeted at stirring innovative impact through the
formation of ground-breaking business models, goods or services (see, e.g., the
discussion in Chap. 4).
As of the time of putting this book together, big data driving income generation,
optimization and business benefit which is getting the attention of C-Level executives.
It covers many areas from direct advertising, to scam detection as well as transaction
optimization. For example, in the financial sector, banks emphasize on performing
analyses on in-house and customer transactions aimed at detecting scams; likewise
retail outlets are modifying their inventories based on previously aggregated insights
made possible by big data. A key strategy in getting measurable value from big data is
actually analytics; this usually attracts the curiosity of C-Level executives who seek to
drive a competitive edge in the global economy (Economics 2013).
In a survey lead by a technology research organization, Economist Intelligence
Unit discovered that senior executives require big data for their workforces due to
the perceived belief that the use of analytics tools will enhancement productivity
within the organization (Manyika et al. 2013). Thus, business organization CIOs are
now playing the role of software evangelists for big data analytics solutions. They
are also making sure that the CEOs and other C-Level executives realize that
insights derived from big data can be the key edge to drive a competitive advantage
which results to the targeting of innovative markets, fraud reduction, better-
informed business decisions etc. (Lohr 2012; Taylor and Labarre 2006).
The explosion of big data implies that predictive analytics is gaining wider
acceptance for operational use. For example, SAP’s vice-president of product
7.3 Big Data: Influence on C-Level Innovative Decision Process 131
marketing analytics, James Fisher, predicts that advanced analytics market will be
worth about $3bn by the year 2016. He highlighted that many SAP customers make
use of the organization’s predictive analytics platform—Hana, to improve profit and
reduce expenses (Bell 2013; Fan and Bifet 2012). Although in the environment of
customer relationship management (CRM), predictive analytics is at an experi-
mental phase which explains the reason organizations whose business model are
technologically driven, are in the forefront with applying predictive analytics to
CRM (Huo et al. 2014). In what follows examples of businesses using big data
analytics are discussed.
Bigpoint, a games development organization, are utilizing predictive analytics to
monetize players and upsurge their revenue by an estimated 10 and 30 % a year
(Bell 2013). The predictive model of the organization allows them to make clever
real-time decisions about a player’s actions. For instance, it acts as trigger for the
predictive system to analyze prior gaming behavior when a player’s ‘ship’ is
damaged. If applicable, a custom-made context-related note offers the player a new
‘ship’ for a minimal fee (Yan 2013).
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has framed a predictive analytics
platform called ‘Adept’ keeping in mind the end goal to build debt collection and
risk estimation. Adept incorporates analytics into the debt administration process
with a specific end goal to development debt gathering interruptions for deferred tax
payments on a yearly premise. HMRC’s systems are integrated with ‘Adept’
utilizing predictive modelling techniques to inform a comprehensive risk and
behavior-driven collection tactics. Remarkably the technology also recognizes
diverse types of debtor categories and then targets its communications to these
categories through particular attributes. By March 2015, it is estimated that HMRC
will have the capacity to collect an extra £3bn of debt (HM Revenue and Customs
In the financial services sector, predictive analytics is used to improve the
methods of debt collection. Various organizations are attempting to identify that a
certain type of customers responds undesirably to payment prompts, while some
will make timely payments without reminders; others tend delay payment when
prompted. By means of recognizing these behavioral tendencies, business organi-
zations are able to enhance their processes as well as effective customer relations.
In the retail segment, Tesco is building on its reputation for new technologies to
enhance CRM. Tesco has started a scheme, which offers suggestions to customers
about products related to their purchases in real time. A ‘loyalty card’ is injected
into a device attached to a shopping trolley, through which personalized sugges-
tions are presented to the customer during the final buying process. For instance, a
customer may place an electronic shaving clipper in the shopping trolley: as a result
he receives a 2-for-1 offer related to the item, such as batteries for clippers. With the
availability of data related to the customer’s identity as well as their purchases,
Tesco is making an effort to forecast their next actions and then provide inter-
vention mechanisms showing related offers.
132 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
In order to fully explore the existent and prospective capabilities of the big data
boom, business organizations need to enforce certain modifications to their in-house
operational procedures by considering the three kinds of stakes described in what
follows (see also what discussed in Chap. 6).
To get a clearer meaning of the concepts mentioned above, the following sec-
tions presents a guideline for business organizations to follow if they are keen on
modifying their operational procedures in order to develop innovative products
from the insights derived from big data’s analytics.
Firstly, however, let us consider a basic aspect of starting any business
organization: goals. This is the best place for organizations to start the big data
embedding process; clarifying out their goals. Examples of some useful goal-oriented
statements are; “we will integrate cutting-edge analytics and insights as the critical
component of all major decisions” or “we will adopt big data systems as a
new-fangled way of undertaking our marketing strategies”. A well-defined goal by
C-Level executives is a vital prerequisite for the kind of organizational change big
data offers. Additionally, C-Level executives also need to answer these sorts of
questions e.g., “How far are we ready to go”? “How will our business performance
improve through big data”? “What do we need to focus on”?
Many organizations are possess opportunities for complex analytics, still, very little
of them have the capabilities to further improve their trajectory by accurately
defining priorities and selecting the right angle of entry. With the organization’s
goals well defined, executives can work on developing a horizontal analytics
capability. They learn how to overcome internal struggle and create the skill to
utilize big data throughout the organization (Yan 2013).
Organizations do not easily change and the value of analytics may not be
obvious to everybody. Therefore, a continuous work in helping employees and
customers change their daily behaviors as well as continuing in the new innovative
path without lapsing is necessary. Business organizations need to clearly define the
owners and sponsors for analytics initiatives. By providing adequate inducements
for behaviors that are analytics-driven, they will ensure that big data is integrated
into processes for making key decisions (Russom 2013).
A good example of an incentivized approach for adopting analytics is Nordstrom;
Nordstrom, a leader in the retail space when it comes to enhancing the online
shopping experience raised the obligation for analytics to an upper managerial level
in its organization in order to make analytical tools and insights extensively
accessible including integrated analytics-driven goals into its vital tactical initiatives.
Leaders of big data need to create an organizational ‘home’ for their progressive
analytics proficiency, which can be supervised by a principal analytics officer. The
process of creating an organizational ‘home’ embroils some important design
134 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
choices (Demchenko 2013). An organization has to define its approach for the
deployment of big data. Furthermore, the collection and ownership of data across
corporate functions has to be assigned and a well-structured plan to generate
insights must be implemented (Yan 2013). The technological infrastructure, privacy
policy and access rights must be hosted and maintained by the organization.
However these tasks seem quite burdensome to achieve, hence we present four
models organizations need to adopt in order to comply with the needed changes for
big data optimization.
As business organizations are already delving into the world of big data, the com-
plexities we have discussed necessitate the need for analytics capabilities to be
anchored in the organization in order to create substantial insights (Meeker and Hong
2014). Currently, many organizations executives are carting beyond competitors,
while others are making intense efforts to keep up with pace. Nevertheless, the first
step needed is the benchmarking of the organization and determination of the
organization’s present situation in big data analytics, compared with that of rivals.
This process will further assist the organization in deciding the essential investment
needed to advance their relative position. In circumstances were an organization is
considerably behind the rivalry, a rapid innovative platform is often compulsory to
create and withstand change. This begins by testing hypotheses in order to study
where and how cutting-edge analytics is most expected to benefit the organization
(Computer Research Association 2011).
signs of patients in real time for the sustenance of individualization and respon-
siveness (Groves et al. 2013). In Korea, HomePlus, a retail chain business, has
made computer-generated stores in physical surroundings such as subway stations.
Today, consumers can scan items on supermarket shelves with their smartphones
and then get the products brought to their homes within a short period of time
(Lavalle et al. 2011).
Data as a business asset has the capacity of motivating new business models
through commerce, distributing acquired knowledge and engendering creativeness
(Wielki 2013). Through this means, the process of trading data can encourage
bigger union between businesses. The Marine Institute of Ireland is an example of
an organization making accessible data it collects on ecological situations, con-
tamination levels and marine life open to external bodies. Their collected data is
utilized to advance the safety of the public and increase economic activity by
refining the accuracy of flood forecast as well as allowing well-organized seafood
and shipping procedures (Bollier and Firestone 2010; Chen et al. 2012). Likewise, a
huge community-based traffic and navigation application called Waze facilitates
traffic and information about maps to be swapped among linked users to develop
their daily commute in real-time (Obeng-Odoom 2009). The volume of data rises
proportionately to the participation of its users, hence, refining the quality of data as
users outwit traffic and boost routes.
The internal data within business organizations can be converted into self-standing
businesses themselves (Computer Research Association 2011; Ji et al. 2012; Meeker
and Hong 2014). Transforming such capabilities into distinct novel businesses can
be fruitful when the capabilities of the particular data can be explored across various
market situations, especially where new developing economic environments are
evolving to exploit new prospects. For example, IBM computerized its in-house
transportation booking system and expenditure reporting methods, which reduced
their managerial budgets up to 75 %. With this success, they further advanced the
system into a distinct internal business known as the Global Expense Reporting
Solutions for IBM customers (Parmar et al. 2014). Citigroup did a comparable
demonstration as they created models to reveal market inadequacies that stalled their
customers’ ability to make the best utilization of payment systems. It refined and
extended its models into a set of particular customer benefits under the standard of
Citidirect BeMobile (Parmar et al. 2014).
7.6 New Big Data Tools to Drive Innovation 137
1010data’s database provides support for parallel processing with its own query
language that supports a subsection of SQL functions comprising graph and time-
series analyses. 1010data also possesses the capabilities to deal with semi-structured
data and machine data. Additionally, the platform owners offers a whole stack
which comprises of data-visualization tools, data integration, monitoring and
reporting and many other innovative analytic functions e.g. machine learning and
statistical analysis (Saleem 2014).
The private-cloud method of 1010data helps their customers in managing and
scaling infrastructure easily. Other features include the capability for a central data
management and application programming interfaces (APIs) which are integrated
with back-end systems access controls. As a custom services provider 1010data
creates private-cloud applications aimed at meeting customer needs, which is highly
in contrast to cloud provider—Amazon, which conveys low-cost services to tens of
thousands of customers (Batty 2013; Bughin et al. 2010).
138 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
7.6.4 Cloudera
The big data tool—Cloudera, provides support for Hadoop in order to ensure
enterprise-grade performance, data-access control, security and reliability. In
addition, Cloudera offers exclusive software components such as Cloudera Navi-
gator, Cloudera Manager as well as mechanisms for backup and recovery (Batty
2013; Groves et al. 2013; Russom 2011). This tool is massively rich with open-
source components such as, Cloudera Search, best controlled by Cloudera Manager
to deliver and monitor workloads. Another software component, Cloudera Navi-
gator enables the provision of access control and auditing. Cloudera big data
software is gradually growing to become a “heavy weight” for data analytics.
(Wanderman-milne and Li 2014). Furthermore, it provides reference hardware
configurations for leading Hadoop software distributors. It is also a hugely parallel
processing columnar analytical database management system aimed for swift
analysis of large structured datasets. HP Vertica Analytics competes with the
similar tools such as IBM PureData and Pivotal Greenplum; it is designed to match
legacy enterprise data warehouse settings such as Teradata (Özcan et al. 2014).
Accompanied with the development and release of the Vertica 7, HP integrated
“FlexZone” intended allow their users search data in huge datasets beforehand and
then the database scheme is defined with related analyses.
Based on the above highlighted new tools of big data, we can state that the
progression of big data is relatively proportionate to the innovative development of
the tools required for its analysis. The growth rate of big data is at an alarming rate
which motivates business organizations to start innovating how to collect, store,
organize, and analyze it. For a rapid progressive change to occur within the business
processes of organizations, innovation must be at the fore. Frankly, there can be no
innovation without adequate information (big data), combined with the right ana-
lytical tools and accurate interpretation from analyzed datasets.
7.7 Models of Big Data Change 139
As the size and velocity of data grows from gigabytes to terabytes and petabytes,
the sorts of data generated by various software applications (Web and Mobile
Based) becomes more dynamic to deal with than traditional data structures.
Therefore, traditional database structures are now faced with the challenge to
gather, store, explore, share, analyze, and visualize data. As a result many business
organizations are now adopting new data models to manage big data challenges
such as NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database, e.g. Cassandra, HBase (Couchbase
2013; Morabito 2014). In addition, they employ a distributed computing infra-
structure such as Hadoop. NoSQL databases are referred as key-value stores that are
distributed, highly scalable and most importantly non-relational.
In this section, we present rational descriptions of the data models of collecting
and storing big data from a technological perspective. Thereafter, we focus on
explaining how business organization models are changing due to the technological
advances in the data models of big data (Jinbao and Wang 2012).
In this section we continue and extend the discussion in Chap. 4, examining the
model that guides business organizations in adopting and utilizing the innovative
data processing model of big data as well as innovative analytics to build a sus-
tainable competitive edge. Although within the context of the big data business
models, many business organizations are changing their processes quite carefully
due to few uncertainties about the starting process. In addition, some concerns are
also about the multitude of new technological innovations needed to be deployed in
order start a successful journey with big data (Parmar et al. 2014).
Conversely, other organizations are innovatively changing their processes at a
more rapid pace for the integration of big data analytical systems into their current
business models with the sole aim of improving their decision-making competences.
In order to get a good grasp at big data business model, the next sections
describes what is popularly known as the “Big Data Business Model Maturity” (see
Fig. 7.2) (El-Darwicheet al. 2014; Schmarzo 2012). This model provides a clear
insight on how business organizations can take advantage of the changing data
storage model in order to push the big data opportunity in a global business eco-
system (EY 2014).
Data Monetization
Business Optimization
Business Insights
Business Monitoring
highlight market performance areas and sends automated alerts with relevant
information to concerned entities. One of the benefits of the business monitoring
phase is the leveraging of benchmarks retrieved from the innovative big data
storage model, which also includes indices such as product performance and
customer satisfaction for the accurate identification of less and more-performing
market areas or segments (Drake et al. 2014; De Fortuny et al. 2013; Serenko et al.
2. Business Insights: In the business insights phase, the storage model of big data)
is fully utilized. This is executed by way of making logical meaning of the “sche-
malessly” gathered data using statistics, predictive analytics and data mining in order
to discover substantial and executable market insights (Fayyad and Uthurusamy
2002). Consequently, the results of the insights analyzed are then integrated into their
existing business processes. This situation is quite similar to the concept of an
“intelligent” dashboard such as Facebook’s insights and Google Analytics but in this
case, instead of only displaying tables and graphs of data, materials and relevant
insights are uncovered. Additionally, the insights provide specific and executable
recommendations. At the later part of this chapter, a real life case study on the
utilization of big data is presented which demonstrates how the Business Model of big
data has brought innovative changes to business organization with the aid of business
insights. Nevertheless, below are some few instances of the impact of the business
insight phase on businesses:
7.7 Models of Big Data Change 141
• In marketing, the business insights could help in identifying, e.g., that certain
in-flight promotion activities are more effective than others, combined with
detailed recommendations on how much is expended on marketing in order to
shift to the more efficient activities (Eisenhardt and Martin 2000).
• In manufacturing, the business or market insights could, e.g., also help in finding
observations that some machines used for manufacturing are operating beyond
the bounds of their control coupled with a well-selected maintenance timetable
which may include part replacement for each problematic machine (Economics
• In the area of customer sales support the business insights phase has the
capabilities, e.g., of detecting observations that select “Special Card holders”
procurement activities have reduced below a particular threshold of regular
activity and then an automated alert can be sent to customers through the
monitoring phase with email information about a reduction coupon.
Thus, the business insights phase is arguably the core of big data’s business
model due to its direct connection with the data itself combined with its extensible
integration capabilities with other phases (Miluzzo 2014).
3. Business Optimization: In the business optimization phase, organizations
normally utilize embedded analytics systems in order to improve various compo-
nents of their business processes in an automated manner. For most organizations
involved with big data modeling, this is the phase where some components of
business operations can experience a massive turn-over (Gobble 2013).
Some good examples of business optimization includes:
4. Data Monetization: This phase involves the process where business orga-
nizations attempt to package their data with analytics insights for sales transactions
with other organizations. They achieve this by integrating analytics directly into
their products in order to produce “smart” products to upscale their customer
relationships and radically re-develop customer satisfaction (Kelly et al. 2014).
An example of this phase is a smartphone application whereby insights about
product performance, customer purchasing behaviors and trends of markets are sold
to marketers and promoters. For instance, the application “MapMyRun” (see
Fig. 7.3) could collate data from their smartphone application with users and
product insights in order to sell to sports wears manufacturers, retailers of sporting
goods, healthcare providers and insurance organizations.
142 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
Globally, many energy organizations are migrating into the “Home Energy Opti-
mization” business by providing recommendations on replacing appliances using
predictive maintenance data gathered from accurate insights (Lavalle et al. 2011;
Morabito 2014). In addition, they recommend the particular brands to buy through
decisions centered on the performance of dissimilar appliances as compared to
consumer usage patterns, weather data and ecological circumstances e.g. energy
costs and situations of local water supply.
Secondly, retailers are also migrating into the “Shopping Optimization” occu-
pation by endorsing some particular products given a customer’s existing pur-
chasing patterns as compared with other customers alike (Manyika et al. 2013).
7.7 Models of Big Data Change 143
Thirdly, major airlines migrating their business processes into the “Travel
Delight” business which exceeds the offering of rebates on air travel based on the
travelling behaviors, frequencies and preferences of customers; but also
re-searching on economically viable deals on rental cars, hotels, local tourist sites,
shows, and shopping in the areas of interest.
We suggest there are three fundamental issue areas that need to be addressed in
dealing with big data: storage issues, management issues, and processing issues. It
is worth noting that each of these represents a large set of technical research
challenges in its own right, likewise.
The amount of information has blasted each time a new storage medium that has
been invented. What is different the most recent explosion—mainly because of
online social networking—is that current storage medium is not suitable to face it.
Besides, information is continuously made by everybody and everything (e.g.,
gadgets, and so on.), and not just, as to this point, by experts, for example,
researcher, columnists, scholars, etc. (Wielki 2013).
Current disk technology cut-off points are around 4 TB for every disk. In this
way, 1 EB would oblige 25,000 disks. Regardless of the possibility that an Exabyte
of information could be transformed on a single computer system, it would be not
able to directly attach the vital number of disks. Access to that information would
overpower current communication networks. Expecting that a 1 GB for every
second system has a compelling feasible exchange rate of 80 %, the acceptable data
transmission is around 100 MB (Russom 2013). Thus, exchanging an Exabyte
would take around 2,800 h, in the event that we accept that a maintained exchange
could be maintained. It would take more time to transmit the information from an
accumulation or capacity point to a processing point than it would to transform it.
Two results show themselves in this situation. First and foremost, process the
information “set up” and transmit just the resultant data. Consequently, “bring
the code to the information”, in contrast to the conventional technique for “bring the
information to the code” (Kaisler et al. 2013). Secondly, perform triage on the
information and transmit just that information which is critical to downstream
analysis. Notwithstanding, integrity and source metadata ought to be transmitted
alongside the actual data (Computer Research Association 2011). Also, with the
growing challenges of transmitting and storing the massive volume of data,
the reliability of results derived from downstream analysis needs to undergo
effective validation processes in order to produce accurate insights.
144 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
Management is the most challenging issue in dealing with big data. This issue initially
surfaced 10 years prior in the UK eScience activities where data was circulated
geologically by numerous elements. Determining issues of access, metadata, usage,
overhauling, and influence have ended up being significant hindrances. Dissimilar
to the accumulation of data by manual systems, where thorough conventions are
regularly followed with a specific end goal to guarantee correctness and validity,
computerized data gathering is significantly looser. The wealth of advanced data
representation precludes a tailored technique for data gathering (Kwon et al. 2014).
Data capability frequently centers more on missing data than attempting to vali-
date every item. Information is regularly fine-grained, for example, clickstream or
metering information. Given the volume, it is unrealistic to accept each data item:
new methodologies to data validation are required. The wellsprings of this data vary
—both transiently and spatially, by organization, as well as system for accumulation.
People help advanced data in mediums convenient to them: such as reports, drawings,
pictures, sound and multimedia recordings, models, programming practices, client
interface outlines, and so on—with or without sufficient metadata depicting what,
when, where, who, why and how it was gathered and its provenance. Still, these
categories of data are promptly accessible for assessment and analysis (Kwon et al.
Table 7.1 Summary of differences between big data analytics and traditional data analytics
(Dandawate 2013; Yan 2013)
Big data analytics Traditional data analytics
Data structures An ecosystem appropriate for semi- An ecosystem appropriate
structured and un-structured data for structured data only
The volume unit is usually in terabyte or The volume unit is usually
petabyte in megabyte/gigabyte
Population used Data analysis of unknown population Data analysis of known
for analysis samples population samples
Technologies NoSQL approach to data Relational database models
adopted Uses Hadoop framework SQL approach
Parallel data processing Batch processing of static
Research and Collaborative working ecosystem Individuals can work
development independently
Traditional data are normally collected in a structured manner while big data takes an unstructured
7.8 Big Data Change Key Issues 145
actionable information (Kaisler et al. 2013). Traditional data processing systems are
unfit for absorbing the vast volumes of big data and cannot be executed in seconds
or a couple of minutes (see Table 7.1 for a comparison between big data analytics
and Traditional Data Analytics). There are relatively few available guidelines to
achieve expansive amounts of insights from semi- or unstructured data (Jacobs
2009). Unfortunately, this issue cannot be tackled by dimensional modeling and
online analytical processing (OLAP). To enhance a faster processing time, some
technical considerations which are calculated into the systems design, e.g. the
degree of the ratio of the speed of sequential disk reads to the speed of random
memory access. However, we aim to elucidate more on this issue in the following
section as we delve into the organizational challenges and opportunities of big data.
Big Data comes from various data generating sources such as, e.g., scientific
experiments and simulations, which are capable of producing petabytes of data on a
daily basis. A huge volume of these data are relatively irrelevant and therefore can
be filtered by orders of scale. These challenges requires urgent research in the
science of data reduction that can logically process raw data into a size that users
can deal with without losing useful insights. Likewise, online analysis methods
capable of processing such streaming data at real time are also needed to solve these
challenges. The organizational challenges discussed are concerning data acquisi-
tion, information extraction, Data Integration, Aggregation, and Representation.
One of the major organizational challenges is associated with the process of data
collection and processing. For instance, if a sensor analysis results vary consider-
ably from others: it is probably because the sensor is damaged, nevertheless there is
also an uncertainty if the artifact that deserves attention (Madden 2012). Addi-
tionally, the data collected by these sensors are mostly spatially and temporally
correlated (El Abbadi 2011).
Another enormous challenge is to automatically create the appropriate metadata
to portray the type of data recorded as well as how it is recorded and measured. For
instance, in experimental analysis, extensive insight in regards to particular
exploratory conditions and methods may be required to have the capacity to
translate the results accurately, and it is vital that such metadata be recorded with
observational data (Hampton et al. 2013). Metadata procurement frameworks can
minimize the human load in recording metadata. An alternate imperative issue here
is information provenance. Recording data about the information at its introduction
to the world is not valuable unless this data might be deciphered and helped along
through the data analysis pipeline. For example, a processing blunder at one stage
146 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
can render ensuing analysis futile; with suitable provenance, we can undoubtedly
distinguish all subsequent data processing that relies on this stage. Hence, research
is needed into producing suitable metadata and into data frameworks that convey
the provenance of data and its metadata through data analysis systems.
Recurrently, the data collected exists in a format, which may be unready for
analysis. Let us consider the gathering of health records electronically, which
involves transcribed notations from numerous doctors, organized data from sensors
and measurements and image data such as X-rays. Such data cannot be left in this
form and efficiently analyzed. Reasonably, a data extraction process is needed to
draw out the essential information from the underlying sources and then present it
appropriate for analysis (Sagiroglu and Sinanc 2013).
The process of achieving this goal is an on-going technical challenge. The myth
that “Big data is always accurate” is essentially far from the truth. For instance,
hospital patients may decide to protect unsafe behavior and then medical personnel
may occasionally misdiagnose an illness. In addition, patients may also incorrectly
remember the name of a drug which could lead to misplaced information about their
medical records (Yan 2013). Current work on data cleaning accepts well-recog-
nized restrictions on well-understood error models; for many evolving big data
fields these do not exist (Blohm 2011; Williams et al. 2014).
With the surge of big data, capturing and tossing it into an archive is insufficient.
Let us consider for instance the data acquired from a scope of scientific investi-
gations. In the event that we simply have a bundle of data sets in a storehouse, it is
unlikely that anyone will ever have the capacity to discover, let alone reuse the data.
For many organizations, the availability of satisfactory metadata offers hope on
better analytics, although, a few reliability challenges may be faced due to incon-
sistencies with results derived from repeated analytics (Russom 2013; Wielki
Moreover, the process of data analysis is significantly challenging, considering
that the greater part of data integration, aggregation and representation needs to
occur in a totally automated way in order to enable an efficient and extensive scale
analysis. This process requires variations in the structure of data and semantics to be
communicated in structures that are machine justifiable, and afterward mechanically
resolvable. In this regard, an extra research work is needed to accomplish a com-
puterized-fault free uniqueness determination in data structuring (Dandawate 2013).
7.10 Case Studies 147
Point of Attention: The impact of Storage and Processing hugely affects the
reliability of insights derived from big data, consequently impacting on real
time decisions made by business organizations. Therefore, organizations have
to improve the storage and processing capacity of their systems to prevent
making flawed critical business decisions.
Using the testing and experimentation big data innovative technique previously
discussed, the data query speeds of HP has been enhanced from a 2 h average with
traditional relational databases to only 88.23 s using in-memory computing
(De Fortuny et al. 2013; Jain 2011; Prophet 2013). The implication of these out-
standing results is that the employees of HP will never encounter the normal
fluctuations in processing times, which differs depending on the storage location of
the data. This has a positive effect on employee satisfaction as well as motivation
towards meeting market demands and customers’ varying desires. Employees’
motivation to fulfill market demands could be related to the efficient performance of
the system enabling them to meet various organizational goals are targets. Fur-
thermore, data can now be processed and accessible automatically due to in-built
analytics, dashboards and reporting tools, empowering employees to rapidly take
7.10 Case Studies 149
remedial actions and grab prospects. By means of improved insights into economic,
inventory and supply-chain data, HP is now able to respond to technical and
business concerns more swiftly while effectively managing risk and predicting
future customer demands just like Adobe. In today’s era of big data, the goal for an
insightful-driven analytics is to develop transforming data processes and enabling
novel capabilities for business innovation (Prophet 2013).
As earlier mentioned, organizations are now integrating the dataset of each in-house
business units in order to pool resources that provides useful insights from large
data-sets. Some of the innovative techniques we mentioned such as, integration of
data, testing through experimentation, real-time customization, algorithmic and
automated-controlled analysis and generating data-driven models need to work a
relatively inter-connected fashion for a revolutionary innovation to occur. Never-
theless, there are gaps for improvement especially in the extraction and interpre-
tation process of big data. A more efficient method of accurate big data analytics
needs to be developed because major decisions are now being made from this
Consequently, managing effectively change for big data driven innovation,
C-Level employees are now being influenced by insights gathered from big data.
This was not the case before; Big Data is now making non-technical employees
becoming relatively technical (Davenport and Patil 2012). In addition to these
discoveries, we have learnt that the distinctive advantage of big data as compared to
many other technological advances is the predictive analytical insights it offers.
With the right tools and skilled persons, the impact of big data is far-reaching
beyond what we can ever imagine. However, business organizations have a lot of
technical and non-technical modifications to make on their existing models if they
are keen to optimizing the gains of big data. Thus, adopting an incentivized
approach which will ensure that employees are encouraged to integrate big data to
their daily operations is a strategic change absolutely imperative.
From this we can understand, that the adaptation to big data and analytics must be
a culture for every employee and not only the ones that are technically savvy. Moving
along, we identified certain methodologies, which existing business organizations are
using to actively introduce new products and services. From the examples provided
on IBM, a startling discovery on how a unique business system can be developed
from the key business process of an organization was identified. This means that a
business organization has the capability of reducing its in-house managerial budgets
if the innovative methodologies discussed are implemented. The actual and potential
benefits provided by big data and analytics come with severe challenges for a
business. We explained the complex issues surrounding data acquisition, information
extraction and data aggregation as well as possible remediation techniques. So far the
capabilities of big data by far outweigh the obvious challenges encountered by many
150 7 Managing Change for Big Data Driven Innovation
organizations. The world of business is now experiencing a radical change not only
with scale but most importantly speed. Therefore, we highly recommend that
on-going research work and action at organizational level in this field should focus on
novel approaches for reducing errors during big data extraction and analytics pro-
cesses. This would increase the reliability of gathered insights and then lessen the
risks associated with devastating decisions made due to a faulted computerized data
structuring system.
7.12 Summary
This chapter has discussed how big data has become a key organizational asset,
which represents a strategic basis for business competition. The radical develop-
ment illustrated in previous sections is now influencing business organizations to
consider new innovative techniques on maximizing the potentials of big data. We
highlighted that the success of many organizations demands new skills as well as
new perspectives on how the epoch of big data could advance the speed of business
processes. One important factor of this technological process is the new analytics
tools that have evolved together with new progressive business models. In this
chapter, we explored the innovative capabilities of the growing big data phenom-
enon and addressed various issues concerning its methodologies for changes. Our
findings are substantiated by describing the real-life cases of Adobe and Hewlett
Packard organizations, which are globally considered as one of the biggest drivers
of big data analytics.
We have addressed various issues concerning big data’s innovation techniques
and modeling strategies adopted by many large business organizations. Without a
doubt, it is clearly seen that big data is now integrated into the business processes of
most organizations not because of the buzz it attracts but for its innovative capa-
bilities to completely transform any business landscape. Although there the inno-
vative techniques of big data are ever evolving, we were able to cover five
significant ones, which are paving way for the development of new products and
services for many organizations. We gave illustrations on Adobe and HP organi-
zations that have increased the velocity of their decision making processes as well
as improving consumer-buying behaviors through the integrated dashboard pro-
cessing analytics capabilities of big data.
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Part III
Innovation Practices
Big Data and Analytics Innovation
Practices 8
This chapter focuses on examples of data intensive innovations in practice,
providing fact-sheets of 10 interesting ideas in the field of big data and analytics
worldwide in 2014. The genesis of the selected ideas lies mostly in innovative
research projects that have developed successfully, becoming start-ups and spin-
offs and reaching the market, where they are currently applied. For each
innovation we provide an introduction to the main characteristics of the solution,
information about its developer coupled with technology and market readiness
indicators that can help in assessing the time-to-market, as well as some
indicators of user value in terms of perception, such as the user experience aspect
and the so called “Wow” effect.
8.1 Introduction
The key concept at the core of Sociometric Solution is the “human cue”: each
person spreads around many cues that can be captured through voice and position in
space, offering behavioral signals ready to be interpreted. The company that has
turned into practice an MIT research stream, adopts the approach of a three-stepped
The Sociometric Badges are small sensor-rich tools that employees wear for a
certain time, allowing the collection and tracking of a vast amount of data related to
a set of human cues. Tracking includes tone of voice, time spent speaking versus
listening, connections and exchanges among individuals, movement and routes
around the offices. All data collected in this way is analyzed in order to understand
the human dynamics in the organization, through quantitative and objective data
representing, as much as possible, the reality. The kind of insights offered by
Sociometric enable the testing of hypotheses on layout, organization and team
structure that analytics intensive companies usually perform on their websites and
digital platforms, allowing to modify organizations in order to increase effective
communication and interaction between employees. As technology improves and
the data accumulate, it becomes progressively easier to make those experiments.
8.2.1 Developer
social signaling (Pentland 2008), describing how we can harness the intelligence of
our social network to become better managers, workers, and communicators.
In Table 8.1 there is a synthetic representation of some of the drivers of
competitiveness with a focus on a time-to-market relevant characteristics. The
measures are intended to describe the readiness of the technology, of the company,
of the market (both demand and offer side) and of the complementary infrastructure.
In particular, year of foundation and number of products are included as a proxy of
the stability of the company. Furthermore, the presence of clients substitutes a
measure of the product readiness; while the presence of strong incumbent com-
panies as partners in the development phase is another indicator of solidity.
The dimension of the market and its growth, combined with the presence of
competitors, indicate a certain level of readiness of the demand, which signals a
higher likeliness of a fast rate of diffusion of the product. Finally, the presence of
the enabling infrastructure is a complement and, thus, dependent on the readiness of
the technology itself, since whenever it is ready it can be effectively deployed only
if the infrastructure is ready as well. As appears from the table, Sociometric
Solutions is increasing its presence through different projects in a growing number
of companies.
8.2.2 Applications
The value behind such kinds of innovation lies mainly in an increased understanding
of companies’ employees behavioral patterns. The company’s research has supported
the importance of face-to-face interactions and communication, and building larger
networks among peers. One finding from the firm’s research was that simple physical
changes such as having larger tables in a cafeteria facilitated more interaction and
collaboration among colleagues than smaller tables. Another finding emphasized the
importance of group breaks and office spaces, which facilitate such breaks as having
an important effect on employee morale and efficacy. While Sociometric Solutions
collects full data through its sensors, it anonymizes the data in its customer reports,
only plotting broader patterns and connections to productivity rather than individual
tracking and performance (Sociometric Solution 2014).
160 8 Big Data and Analytics Innovation Practices
Table 8.2 shows the set of drivers used to capture the concept of User Value. In
this case the potential user is the employee in the company conducting the
assessment, therefore a good user interface and user experience is crucial for
increasing engagement and adoption.
The application is simple and does not require much learning. The impact is
intended as a measure of how much the use of this innovation changes the estab-
lished processes for the user, therefore impacting on their willingness to change it.
The “Wow” effect is intended as the level of attraction and positive impact on the
user, which in this case is “Medium” due also to the sensitive characteristics of the
8.3 Invenio
Invenio is a process mining software that is able to design the organization processes
by reading the structured and unstructured information of a given company (Invenio
2014). Invenio processes application log files, documents, email messages, and
social signals to optimize an organization business processes. Its force resides in the
quality and efficacy of the graphic representation of the processes, even the hidden
ones, underlying companies operations. Through the interactive visualization it is
possible to dive deep into specific processes, test changes and modify directly
issuing new maps and workflows.
8.3.1 Developer
Invenio is a Malta based company, founded in 2012 with the goal of empowering
companies to better understand and map operative processes. The founding team
includes an Italian entrepreneur, who was fascinated by the prospect to understand
in detail working flows. Thanks to his 20 years experience in IT consulting he could
apply precious expertise to enhance working processes understanding.
In Table 8.3 the representation of the drivers of competitiveness on a time-to-
market basis shows, in synthesis, an advanced development of the technology
behind Invenio and a growing demand of the market.
8.3 Invenio 161
8.3.2 Applications
The application matches and confronts event data (i.e. observed behavior) and
process models (specific input or discovered automatically). This technology can be
applied to any type of operational processes. Also, potential applications can be
found where dynamic behaviors need to be related to process models, returning a
decision tree, a collection of clusters, or frequent patterns.
In Table 8.4 the drivers show a very high level of User Value. The design of the
application is simple and easy to grasp. The impact on established processes is low,
as the analysis does not require specific data collection and happens automatically.
Feedback from users has been very positive and is likely to foster a snowball effect
in adoption.
8.4 Evolv
Evolv, named one of the world’s top 10 most innovative companies in big data, is a
workforce science platform that analyzes employee performance data and provides
information for HR decision-making (Evolv 2014). Leveraging big data, it helps
solve workforce performance issues for the C-suite by using a configurable cloud
services platform. Evolv’s patented technology platform unifies and supplements
existing data from current systems, then using them to identify fact-based work-
force insights that can drive measurable ROI (Evolv 2014). Thus, Evolv exploits
data-driven methodology to help companies discover the core reasons behind
workforce performance, enabling executives to make better operational business
162 8 Big Data and Analytics Innovation Practices
8.4.1 Developer
8.4.2 Applications
Evolv helps employers better understand employees and job candidates by com-
paring their skills, work experience, and personalities. However, Evolv takes it to a
deeper level, crunching more than 500 million data points on gas prices, unem-
ployment rates, and social media usage to help clients such as, e.g., like Xerox
predict, for example, when an employee is most likely to leave his job (Fast
Company 2014b). Some insights Evolv’s data scientists have discovered are, for
example, people with two social media accounts perform much higher than those
with either more or less of two, and in many careers, such as call-center work,
employees with criminal backgrounds perform better than those with clean records
(Lawrence 2014).
Table 8.6 shows an extremely high level of User Value. The application design
is simple and well-conceived, and the functionalities are straightforward and easy to
The impact on established processes is high as it requires a change of mindset
and culture, although in the end the result is a simplification of an existing process.
Feedback from users has been very positive, and the reception of Evolv has been
enthusiastic at all the conventions and competitions it has taken part in, winning the
company a widespread support and a number of awards.
8.5.1 Developer
Formerly a fund manager, Clare Flynn Levy is founder and CEO at Essentia
Analytics. She is an entrepreneur specialized in hedge-fund and financial software,
behavioral finance and financial analysis. Essentia Analytics is at the nexus of
Behavioral Finance and Data Science, developed by leading neuroscientists,
software engineers and ex-fund managers (Essentia Analytics 2014). The result is a
simple, accurate, continuous feedback loop, the same sort that professional athletes
use to achieve excellence. Essentia Analytics, which is headquartered in London,
was founded in 2013. The software was launched in March 2014.
In Table 8.7 competitiveness appears to be high on time-to-market drivers. The
company is growing and the technology is developing and integrating with more
partner technologies. The hedge fund sector is interested, especially in design-
intensive companies and for advanced decision making activity.
8.5.2 Applications
(Man Group), Talisman Global Asset Management, and Union Investment, despite
being less than 2 years old.
Table 8.8 suggests a high level of perception for the User Value, but with the
caveat of expectations on the application results.
Ayasdi is a solution using a visual approach to take the guesswork out of big data
(Ayasdi Core 2014). Indeed, users of Ayasdi, such as, e.g., companies like Merck
and Citigroup, deposit related data into its platform to generate a 3D map that
uncovers new trends (Fast Company 2014b). The mathematic technique it adopts is
called topological data analysis, which analyzes the shape of complex data,
identifying clusters and their statistical significance that, finally, deliver a more
accurate “big picture” of the data, representing, for example, clusters of patients or
customers. Thus, the Ayasdi’s tools allow for automated discovery instead of the
previous model of having people type in search-style queries, which works only if a
person knows the right question to ask, as pointed out by Gurjeet Singh, co-founder
and chief executive of Ayasdi (Lohr 2013).
8.6.1 Developer
The data analysis start-up has been founded with the expertise of Gunnar Carlsson,
a professor of mathematics at Stanford University. Dr. Carlsson was the principal
investigator on research projects that were financed, from 2000 to 2008, with
$10 million from the National Science Foundation and the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (Lohr 2013). In 2008, when Dr. Carlsson and
the other co-founders decided to attempt to commercialize the research they
received $1.25 million as a Small Business Innovation Research grant, for “high-
risk, high-payoff research” (Lohr 2013). The prototype technology has been
developed 2 years later and in 2013 it has its commercial launch. Ayasdi is not the
only big data start-up in Silicon Valley, but while most of the others are focused on
producing software to more efficiently manage data and handle queries, Ayasdi
focused and produced a new important technique of mathematical analysis.
166 8 Big Data and Analytics Innovation Practices
In Table 8.9 time-to-market drivers show a ready and on the market company
facing a growing demand. The company development is continuing. Competitors
are few and exhibit a more traditional approach. The infrastructure is ready as there
is no need for anything other than a PC and an Internet connection.
8.6.2 Applications
Ayasdi’s work has revealed genetic traits of cancer survivors and tracked the source
of an E. coli outbreak to name some of its applications (Fast Company 2014b).
Then, it created a visualization to help the Institute for the Study of War, a
Washington, D.C.-based think tank, to map terrorist behavior in and around
Baghdad during a campaign to free some imprisoned Al Qaeda members (Fast
Company 2014b). Ayasdi’s technology has also been used to investigate cross-
species databases to accelerate biomedical discovery and treatment and it has been
reported to be extremely good at detecting patterns and presenting them (Lohr
2013). As said above, Ayasdi has about 20 customers including Merck, the Food
and Drug Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture, and several
unnamed large corporations. They are using the company’s technology mostly for
drug discovery, oil and gas exploration, and financial-market research.
Table 8.10 shows a good level of perceived User Value, based on a great user
interface and user experience, a very high level of novelty and “Wow” effect.
Feedback from users has been very positive.
Cogito’s systems aim to constantly collect and interpret the social signals underlying
telephone conversations, video chats, and smartphone behavior (Cogito Dialog
2014). The underlying algorithms have been developed based on clinical studies and
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients. The system automatically tracks and
analyzes facial expressions, body posture, acoustic features, linguistic patterns and
higher-level behavior descriptors (for example, attention and fidgeting), in real-time.
Cogito Dialog helps people interact on the phone by giving the accounts a real-time
visualization of how they and the customer sound as they are speaking. This
feedback promotes active listening, leading to more caring and empathetic
communications. Dialog can monitor large populations for specific behavior patterns
such as pain or engagement and inform managers as those patterns are recognized
(Cogito Dialog 2014).
8.7.1 Developer
8.7.2 Applications
8.8 Tracx
Tracx is a software indexing social media and delivering the most relevant, high
impact audiences and conversations about a brand (Tracx 2014). The platform allows
marketers to sort through streams of social media data and drill down to provide
geographic, demographic, and psychographic insights and to monitor performance
against competitors while planning, monitoring, engaging, and measuring influencers
from a centralized dashboard. The technology analyzes masses of data across all
social media and channels, providing insights into customer, competitor, and
influencer behaviors. It delivers the most relevant, high impact audiences and
conversations by capturing a 360° view of activity around a brand, product, or
ecosystem (Tracx 2014).
8.8 Tracx 169
8.8.1 Developer
Established in 2008, the Tracx team is made of social enthusiasts and technology
experts united in the desire to build the most compelling social media management
system. Since going live, Tracx has conquered the trust of some of the biggest
brands in the world including Microsoft, Johnnie Walker, BMW and Coca Cola.
In Table 8.13 the time-to-market competitiveness appears to be high, with a solid
company, facing some competition but with a large market to tap, showing no need
for additional enabling infrastructure as it is provided as a cloud solution.
8.8.2 Applications
The key to the startup’s value proposition is its data engine. To give its customers a
more accurate, real time view of audience segmentation across marketing, sales,
and customer relations, Tracx goes beyond “listening and monitoring” platforms
(Empson 2012). The platform satisfies different use cases, such as competitive
benchmarking, audience analysis and segmentation, influencers’ identification and
management. Part of its value and growth are also due to its development, in part
through local partnerships, of solutions also in languages other than English.
As shown in Table 8.14, the User Value is quite high, with positive feedback
from users. The impact on existing processes is not too high as it blends easily with
existing processes and systems. Bringing big data to social CRM can have a big
effect on how deep marketers are able to go in planning the best ways to reach and
engage their customers.
8.9 Kahuna
Kahuna’s engine provides real-time analytics, creating people profiles, which reflect
individual’s behavior and preferences across mobile and tablet (Kahuna 2014a).
People are automatically divided into subgroups based on defined criteria and
presented in clear visual images. Kahuna allows sending out personalized push
notifications without requiring spreadsheets, data analysis or SQL. Marketers can
use specific, highly targeted rules for engagement. Analytics solutions, typically,
offer dashboards that show what is going on, but the user is still needed to figure out
what to do about the analysis, which actually involves manually building marketing
campaigns through other email/push/notification systems. When the number of
campaigns increases this becomes a huge burden. Kahuna prompts marketing
campaigns automatically, checking every day to see who has fallen into “dormant”,
or signed up as s “newbie”, or has become active. Then, Kahuna automatically
activates a campaign as needed as soon as a user changes state, whether that is a
push notification, email, or any other means (Dunlap 2013).
8.9.1 Developer
Kahuna was founded in 2012, funded by Sequoia Capital, by Adam Marchick, its
CEO (Kahuna 2014b), who started coding when he was 16, building GPS tracking
systems in Matlab. The first start-up he joined had a $3B IPO (iBeam Broadcasting)
(Kahuna 2014b). For the first 7 years of his career, Adam Marchick held
Engineering and Product roles at Oracle (Siebel), Facebook and Jarna (Mobile
Apps). He received his BS in Computer Science from Stanford University, then
went back to get his MBA at the Stanford some years later. Jacob Taylor, the CTO,
started his first funded programming project at age 14, prototyping his dream of a
massively multiplayer online role playing game. He spent several years helping
startups with their technology needs and building innovative technologies. He
received his BS in Computer Science and Engineering and his MS in Artificial
Intelligence from University of California, Los Angeles.
In Table 8.15 the time-to-market drivers show a very promising company, also
given the relevance of its funding partner (Sequoia Capital). Enabling infrastructure
takes a little to get ready, but once it gets running, it just gathers results and
improves. Since most clients don’t have a lot of extra bandwidth to maintain
campaigns, Kahuna is found to be a great ROI of time invested to returns, and
anyone from an entry level marketing manager to engineer can do it.
8.9 Kahuna 171
8.9.2 Applications
Successful mobile-focused companies engage with their users at every stage of the
mobile lifecycle, where an important step is tailoring the communication to each
user’s current engagement state with the brand (Kahuna 2014c). There are different
types of notification-push campaigns that can be carried out, e.g., to inform new
users about the benefits of creating an account or signing in through an app or else
encouraging them to make their first purchase by targeting new users who have
shown purchase intent (such as, e.g., adding an item to their shopping cart) but have
not yet completed their purchase. In this case it is worth to send personalized
notifications based on previous user behavior and areas of interest to dormant users,
that were active in the past, making sure segmentation so that dormant users do not
receive a notification about a feature they have already tried (Marchick 2014).
These are just few examples of the possible applications, with the fundamental
purpose of making sure the app delights its users. Customized push notifications
that add real value to users’ lives are one of the way in which to drive higher app
adoption. Table 8.16 shows a good User Value, with very positive feedback from
the first adopters. The impact on existing processes is positive in terms of time-
saving and, even if there is no “Wow” effect, the value resides in simplification and
reduction of unwanted expenses.
8.10 RetailNext
RetailNext is leader in Applied big data for brick-and-mortar retail, delivering real-
time analytics that enable retailers and manufacturers to collect, analyze, and
visualize in-store data (RetailNext 2014a). The solution uses video analytics, Wi-Fi
detection, on-shelf sensors, data from point-of-sale systems and other sources to
automatically inform retailers about how people engage with their stores (Retailnext
2014d). RetailNext platform is highly scalable and easily integrates with promo-
tional calendars, staffing systems, and even weather services to analyze how internal
and external factors impact customer shopping patterns, thus, allowing retailers to
identify opportunities for growth, implement changes, and measure achievements
(Retailnext 2014c).
8.10.1 Developer
8.10.2 Applications
RetailNext is tracking over 500 million shoppers per year, collecting data from
nearly 100,000 in-store sensors across locations in 33 countries. Companies that use
RetailNext include Bloomingdales, American Apparel, Brookstone, Montblanc,
Ulta and Family Dollar. In 2013 RetailNext acquired Nearbuy, the in-store, opt-in
data tracking service, which offers shoppers free Wi-Fi in return for letting retailers
track where the customer is browsing physically and online as they traverse the
store (Shieber 2014). As reported by Perez et al. (2013), actually the company
focuses on crunching retailers’ so-called “big data” from different sources such as,
e.g., video surveillance, passive Wi-Fi tracking, point-of-sale systems, workforce
management tools, credit card transactions, weather data.
In Table 8.18 the User Value is high, with very good feedback on user interface
and experience, and a minimal process impact (it’s actually an improvement and
streamlining of existing procedures). The “Wow” effect is not very high, as in most
innovations focused on cost reduction and simplification.
8.11 Evrythng
Evrythng (2014a) is among the British startups attempting to change the face of
retail, considering the ambitious company’s plan to give every single object in the
world a unique web-addressable URL (Hern 2014). Furthermore, as pointed out by
Hern (2014). Evrythng offers also a way to solve specific “smart” issues, such as the
fact that smart fridges don’t work without smart food, and smart food won’t be sold
without smart fridges. Indeed, if manufacturers start placing unique RFID chips in
individual products to enable promotions as well as analytics, smart fridges could
take advantage of that, for example, to advise owners when food is about to go off.
8.11.1 Developer
in 2005 (Evrythng 2014b). Andy Hobsbawm, Chief Marketing Officer, has been
listed among the 100 top digital influencers by Wired UK and has been a weekly
columnist about the new economy for the Financial Times, a member of
GartnerG2’s first advisory board on online advertising and spoken at numerous
conferences, including TED (Evrythng 2014b).
Dom Guinard got his Ph.D. from ETH Zurich, where he worked on laying down
the foundations of the Web of Things. He also worked 4 years for SAP on the
software aspects of the next generation platform for integrating real-world services
with business systems. Early in 2012, his Ph.D. research was granted the ETH
Medal (Evrythng 2014b). Vlad Trifa is a recognized expert in the interconnection of
networked embedded devices (sensor networks, robots, mobile phones, RFID, etc.)
with higher-level applications using Web technologies. He also worked as a
researcher in urban and mobile computing at the Senseable City Lab at MIT in USA
and Singapore and in human-robot interaction and neurosciences the ATR Inter-
national Research Center in Kyoto (Japan) (Evrythng 2014b).
In Table 8.19 the representation shows a longer time-to-market, if we consider
the absence of a true ecosystem and the lack of enabling infrastructure. However
growing, there is some doubt about the market dimensions, as the implementation
of sensors is only useful from the perspective of a network.
8.11.2 Applications
8.12 Summary
This chapter has discussed examples of big data and analytics solutions in practice,
providing fact sheets of 10 of the most interesting ones available worldwide in
2014. The evolution trends are going to concern a further focus on convergence of
mobile services and social sensing, that is an increased exploitation of advanced
analytics for behavioral analysis from intensive data streams as well as from big
Businesses and organizations from all sectors began to gain critical insights from
the structured data collected through various enterprise systems and analyzed by
commercial relational database management systems. However, over the past several
years, web intelligence, web analytics, web 2.0, and the ability to mine unstructured
user generated contents have ushered in a new data-driven era, leading to unprece-
dented intelligence on consumer opinion, customer needs, and recognizing new
business opportunities. By highlighting several applications such as e-commerce,
market intelligence, retail and sentiment analysis and by mapping important initiatives
of the current big data and analytics landscape, we hope to contribute to future sources
of value.
Ayasdi Core: (2014). Accessed 11 Nov 2014
Cogito Dialog: (2014). Accessed 12 Nov 2014
Crunchbase: (2014). Accessed 18 Nov 2014
Dunlap, S.: What differentiates Kahuna mobile analytics from other mobile analytics companies? http://
companies (2013). Accessed 18 Nov 2014
Empson, R.: Tracx secures $4.4 million to bring big data to social media management.
management/ (2012). Accessed 18 Nov 2014
Essentia Analytics: (2014). Accessed 11 Nov 2014
Evolv: (2014). Accessed 11 Nov 2014
Evrythng: (2014a). Accessed 11 Nov 2014
Evrythng: (2014b). Accessed 18 Nov 2014
Fast Company:
with-predictive-data-on-employees (2014a). Accessed 18 Nov 2014
176 8 Big Data and Analytics Innovation Practices
The book has discussed and presented challenges, benefits, and experiences in
big data and analytics to a composite audience of practitioners and scholars. In
this chapter conclusive remarks are provided as well as key advices for strategic
actions as a result of the issues discussed and analyzed in this volume.
In this book we have discussed the key issues and impacts of big data and analytics
to a composite audience of practitioners and scholars. In particular, we have
focused the attention on their main strategic and organizational challenges and
benefits. Thus, we have first framed big data and analytics to question how they can
be utilized for achieving competitive advantage (Chap. 1). However, business is
only one of the domains impacted by big data and analytics, other areas concern the
public sector (Chap. 2) and education (Chap. 3), whose challenges have been
consequently investigated. No matter the context and the sector, big data and
analytics ask for a new understanding of the potential use of the actual information
growth to design appropriate business models (discussed in Chap. 4). Furthermore,
we have pointed out what needed at organizational level for improved big data
governance (Chap. 5), business oriented evaluation (Chap. 6), and managing
change for big data driven innovation (Chap. 7).
The different facets considered can be summarized in the key areas we have
identified in 2014 (Morabito 2014a) as representative of a digital business inno-
vative organization (see Fig. 9.1). In the case of big data we consider “business” in
a more general sense as “an activity that someone is engaged in” or “work that has
to be done or matters that have to be attended to” (Oxford Dictionaries 2014), thus,
encompassing both private and public organizations. Consequently, to be innova-
tive by exploiting big data and analytics in their digital business they need to take
into account:
Fig. 9.2 Big Data management challenges. Adapted from Morabito (2014a), Pospiech and Felden
Taking these issues into account, as also discussed in Morabito (2014b), big data
and analytics are key components of the digital asset of today’s organizations (as
shown in Fig. 9.3). Indeed, business decisions and actions rely on the digital asset
of an organization, although requiring different types of orientation in managing the
Decisions Actions
Δ (Services)
Process Change
Orientation Orientation
(Outer Context)
Integration DIGITAL
Orientation IS Organizational Absorptive Capacity
Data Integration
Analytics Information
Orientation Orientation
Δ (Data)
Fig. 9.3 A framework for managing digital asset. Adapted from Morabito (2014b)
180 9 Conclusion
Francalanci, C., Morabito, V.: IS integration and business performance: the mediation effect of
organizational absorptive capacity in SMEs. J. Inf. Technol. 23, 297–312 (2008)
Morabito, V.: Business Technology Organization—Managing Digital Information Technology for
Value Creation—The SIGMA Approach. Springer, Berlin (2013)
Morabito, V.: Trends and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation. Springer, Berlin (2014a)
Morabito, V.: Big data. In: Trends and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation, pp. 3–21.
Springer, New York (2014b)
Oxford Dictionaries: business. Accessed
16 Nov 2014
Pospiech, M., Felden, C.: Big data—a state-of-the-art. In: AMCIS 2012
A Cognitive code, 69
Academic analytics, 54 Competitive advantage, 4
Adobe, 125, 147–150 Coolest cooler, 74
Airbnb, 72 Cornerstone, 162
Amazon, 12, 15, 108, 109, 111, 115, 118, 120, Coursera, 50–52, 58
122 Course Resource Appraisal Model (CRAM),
Amazon web service, 120 56
Apple, 8 Crowdflower, 38
Applied big data, 172 Crowdfunded, 9
Artificial Intelligence (AI), 72 Crowdfunding, 10, 74, 75, 8 Crowdreporting, 26, 27
Crowdsourced, 9
Crowdsourcing, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 38, 39, 42,
B 67, 70, 73, 75, 76
22@ Barcelona, 36 Customer Relationship Management (CRM),
Banorte, 71 71
Barcelona, 23, 36–38, 42
Behavior, 110, 111, 113
Behavioral finance, 164 D
Big data driven business models, 66, 79 3D printer, 10
Big data governance, 83 3Sage, 87
Big data management (BDM), 99 Data analysts, 35
Bitcoin, 68, 72, 73 DataFlux, 94, 95
Business model, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 77–79 Data governance, 84, 87, 94, 95–97
Business process integration, 89 Data mining, 107, 122
Data ownership, 23, 31, 33, 42
Data quality, 34, 39, 86, 89, 98
C Data science, 164
California Report Card, 41 Data scientists, 12
Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 95 The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI), 91
Center of Excellence (CoE), 134 Deep thunder, 68
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), 130 Demographics, 110, 111
Chief Information Officers (CIOs), 130 Distance learning, 47, 48, 62
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), 130
Citidirect BeMobile, 136, 24 E
Cloud computing, 31, 32, 120, 121 eBay, 108, 109, 111, 114, 115, 123
Cloudera, 138 e-commerce, 4
CMOOCs, 52–54, 58, 62 e-government, 23, 32
Cognitive city, 27 Edification, 62
F Learning analytics, 55–57
Facebook, 26, 30, 34, 76, 85, 106, 108, 116– Learning Management System (LMS), 52
119, 121, 122, 126, 140, 170 Lending, 127
Financial markets, 127 Lifestyle, 110
FutureLearn, 50, 51 LinkedIn, 6, 85
Livemocha, 61, 63
Gamification, 6, 57, 61, 63 M
Gartner maturity model, 95, 96 MapMyRun, 141, 142
Google, 11, 12, 15, 73, 76, 105, 108, 111, 123, Marine Institute of Ireland, 136
126, 134, 140 Master data integration, 89
Google ventures, 73 McKinsey Global Institute, 27, 32
GPS, 83, 86 Megacities, 25
Greece, 25, 31 Metadata management, 89
Grid computing, 32 Meteorological Assimilation
Groupon, 5, 10, 14, 15, 19 Data Ingest System (MADIS), 27
Microsoft, 115
Money management, 127
H MySpace, 116
Hadoop, 34, 71, 114, 118, 122, 123, 132, 137–
Haiti, 23, 38, 42 N
HarvardX, 60 Neighborhood planning, 30
Health informatics, 33 Netflix, 108, 110, 116, 118–123
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Network intelligence, 158
(HMRC), 131 NoSQL, 132, 139, 151
Hewlett Packard, 125, 150
Human metric identification, 158
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), 48
I Open Courseware, 49
IBM, 11, 68, 95–97, 115, 136, 138, 149 Open government, 23, 24, 31, 36
Information governance, 85, 87 Open innovation, 9
Information lifecycle management, 86, 89 Open Universities, 47
Innocentive, 9 Oracle, 115, 170, 172
Instagram, 116 Ownership of, 79
InStedd, 38
Intellectual property (IP), 9
Internet of Everything, 27, 28 P
Internet of things (IoTs), 8, 27, 66, 75, 76 PartyX, 25
iPhone, 8 Peer 2 Peer University, 50
IT service delivery, 32 Pharmaceuticals, 5, 15–18
Predictive analytics, 30, 33
Privacy, 34
K Privacy and security, 114, 122
Kaggle, 70 Profiling, 34, 35, 41
Kearney, A.T., 6 Prosumers, 42
Index 183
Public–Private Partnerships, 31 T
Public service management, 31 Topological data analysis, 165
Twitter, 26, 85, 116, 123
Real-estate, 127 U
RedLaser, 109 Udacity, 50, 51, 58
RFID, 83, 86, 173, 174 Udemy, 50
Riff, 38 Urban Habitat, 36
Ripple, 73 Ushahidi, 38
Rolls-Royce, 135 Utility from, 78
S V, 26 Virtonomics, 57
Security and privacy, 89 Virtualization, 32
Sequoia Capital, 170 Visualization, 108, 122
Servitization, 75
Skype, 5, 14
Smart city, 26, 28, 29, 36–40 W
Smart City Personal Management Waze, 136
Office, 36 Weather underground, 27
Smart grid technology, 33
Social entrepreneurs, 9
Social sensing technologies, 158 X
Social signals, 160, 167 Xerox, 163
Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 95 xMOOCs, 51–55, 57, 62
SpigitEngage, 73
SQL, 170