Grade 9 Long Test 3rd Quarter
Grade 9 Long Test 3rd Quarter
Grade 9 Long Test 3rd Quarter
DIRECTIONS: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 8. Which of the following choices best represents a way
1. Without the natural greenhouse effect, the Earth, on to mitigate (to lessen, to diminish) carbon dioxide
average, would be: emissions?
A. much warmer. A. Drive more cars
B. much colder. B. Burn more coal
C. about the same temperature. C. Cut down more trees
D. We don’t know. D. Use solar electricity
2. The Earth’s temperature remains stable when: 9. Which of the following is NOT a way to adapt to
A. the Earth reflects the same amount of energy as it climate change?
absorbs. A. Reduce use of fossil fuels
B. the amount of solar energy absorbed by Earth is B. Build dams or levies the protect shoreline from
doubled. flooding
C. the amount of radiation increases and albedo C. Plant different crops that can better stand a
decreases. changing climate
D. the amount of radiation decreases and the albedo D. Wear light colored clothes on hot days
increases. 10. The difference between weather and climate is:
3. To know what climate was like in the far past, scientists A. weather is what we expect based on years of data
most often use: while climate is what is happening right now.
A. thermometer readings from thousands of years B weather includes more variables like moisture and
ago. wind while climate just focuses on temperature.
B: natural records such as tree rings and ice cores. C. weather is predictable but climate is not.
C. computer models of the past. D. weather is a day-to-day event while climate is a
D. written records from thousands of years ago. consistent pattern many years.
4: How do we know that atmospheric carbon dioxide 11. Over the last 50 years, carbon dioxide in the air has
(CO2) concentrations have increased over the past 50 increased which has led to
years? A. higher global temperatures.
A. From recent temperature readings B. cooler global temperatures.
B. From tree rings C. more earthquakes and volcanoes.
C: From direct measurements of the atmosphere D. None of the above.
D. From growth of ice sheets 12. Which of the following is a major cause of global
5. Earth’s atmosphere is made up of: climate change?
A. primarily nitrogen and less than 1% carbon dioxide. A. nuclear power plants
B. only heat-trapping (or greenhouse) gases. B. driving cars
C. primarily oxygen and less than 1% methane. C. littering
D. carbon dioxide and methane, with less than 10% of D. ozone in the upper atmosphere
it being nitrogen and oxygen. 13. When coal or oil is burned for electricity, it makes:
6: To stabilize carbon dioxide concentrations in the A. albedo.
atmosphere, carbon dioxide emissions from human B. carbon dioxide.
activities must C. radiation.
A. be kept at current levels. D. ozone.
B. be increased. 14. A friend who lives in another state calls you and says
C. be reduced. that it has snowed in her city for the first time in a
D. be measured. hundred
7. If global carbon emissions are kept constant at current years. She says that this proves global warming is not
levels, then global temperature would: happening.
A. the answer cannot be known. A. True. The snow proves that global warming is not
B. stay about the same. happening.
C. decrease. B. False. The snow does not prove that global
D. increase. warming is not happening
15. What is a volcano? B. A volcano that forms when two tectonic plates
A. A hole in the ground where hot water comes out collide
B. A mountain that has been eroded by wind and C. A volcano with a wide, shallow crater
water D. A small, steep-sided volcano made up of volcanic
C. A mountain that has a vent through which ash and cinders
magma, ash, and gas can escape 23. What is a hotspot volcano?
D. A type of soil that is rich in nutrients A. A volcano that forms along the boundary
16. What is magma? between two tectonic plates
A. Molten rock beneath the Earth's surface B. A volcano that forms at the center of a mid-ocean
B. The solidified remains of volcanic ash ridge
C. A type of rock that forms when lava cools quickly C. A volcano that forms in the middle of a tectonic
D. The process of volcanic ash settling on the ground plate
17. What is lava? D. A volcano that forms when two tectonic plates
A. Molten rock that has erupted from a volcano collide
B. A type of sedimentary rock formed from volcanic 24.Which of the following is NOT a potential hazard
ash associated with volcanic eruptions?
C. A type of metamorphic rock formed from heat A. Lava flows
and pressure B. Pyroclastic flows
D. The process of magma cooling and solidifying C. Mudslides
beneath the Earth's surface D. Hurricanes
18. What is pyroclastic flow? 25. What should you do before a volcanic eruption?
A. A type of lava that flows quickly and explosively A. Stay indoors and close all windows and doors
B. A cloud of volcanic gas and ash that flows down B. Prepare an emergency kit and evacuation plan
the side of a volcano C. Go outside and explore the area around the
C. The process of magma cooling and solidifying volcano
beneath the Earth's surface D. Ignore any warnings or evacuation orders
D. The eruption of lava from multiple vents on a
19. What is a caldera?
A. A large, bowl-shaped depression in the ground
caused by a volcanic eruption
B. A type of lava that flows quickly and explosively
C. A type of volcanic rock formed from solidified lava
D. The process of magma cooling and solidifying
beneath the Earth's surface
20. What is a stratovolcano?
A. A volcano that erupts frequently but with low
B. A volcano with a wide, shallow crater
C. A volcano with a tall, conical shape and steep
D. A volcano that forms when two tectonic plates
21. What is a shield volcano?
A. A volcano with a tall, conical shape and steep
B. A volcano that forms when two tectonic plates
C. A volcano with a wide, shallow crater
D. A volcano with a broad, gently sloping shape
22. What is a cinder cone volcano?
A. A volcano with a tall, conical shape and steep
10 D
11 A
12 B
13 B
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. D
25. B