Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators: Name Institution Date Course
Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators: Name Institution Date Course
Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators: Name Institution Date Course
Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators
profession and hope you will gain insights and knowledge that will promote nursing practice and
Let us begin this presentation by acknowledging what the National Database of Nursing
Quality Indicators (NDNQI) is. NDNQI is a database with quarterly and annually reported
processes, outcomes and structure indicators that can be used in the analysis of patient care. This
database was established in 1998 by American Nurses Association and is used by 1100 care
facilities currently in the United States of America to provide information concerning unit level
performance. Nursing sensitive indicators can be affected by nursing care directly and they
determine the effects of nursing and patient care. Over the years, nursing sensitive indicators
have been integrated as a valid and reliable tool because of its ability to inform decision-making,
Nursing sensitive indicators reflect outcomes, structure and process of nursing care.
Examples of structural indicators include; nursing staff supply, nursing staff skills level and
interventions. On the other hand, outcome indicators reflect the results influence by quantity and
quality of nursing care hence it is important for one to familiarise him/herself with them because
of the critical nature of information in the provision of patient care which is the most important
objective for professionals and care facilities. Aspects that may influence care therefore need to
receive more attention during different care adjustments and facility implementations.
Falls is the chosen quality indicator and is a major health hazard especially amongst
adults above 60 years of age. Globally, approximately 37.3 million falls happen each year that
are lethal enough to cause medical attention. A fall may lead to fractures, lacerations and internal
bleeding which requires the use of healthcare facilities because of their constant and direct
interactions during patient care. A nurse may have the ability to implement strategies and
ideologies that will have direct impact on patients and thus influencing the likely chance of falls.
Some measures that can be executed include; patient education on falls, identification of patients
with greater risks of falls and providing more attention and educating patients on the precautions
that should be looked into alongside installation of bed alarms. Falls make patients incur extra
costs by prolonging their stay in the facility thus making the knowledge of this indication
To get more understanding and information on the ways through our facility get and
collect data on falls, I conducted an interview with one of the facility’s Quality Improvement
Practitioners where I got a detailed explanation of the entire process. First, when a patient falls at
a care facility, the nurse first ensures that the patient is in a stable state. Through an online
reporting database, a registered nurse is required to send a report that includes the patient’s
health condition and age. This report informs the quality improvement practitioner to prompt a
comprehensive review of the patient chart. For instance, the Jacobi health institution uses Epic to
document patient interventions. Certified Nursing Assistants, Licensed Practical Nurses and
Registered nurses then key in interventions such as hourly rounding, patient orientation, MORSE
Fall scale for fall risk assessments, bedside sitter and assistance needs and ambulation abilities
into Epic which is a an electronic health system and the data is kept available for analysis when
required. After the professional reviews data in the chart, the fall is then reported to the state
Moreover, an interdisciplinary meeting is held every Wednesday and is led by the Quality
Improvement Practitioner. An analysis of the falls that may have occurred during the week is
undertaken in the meeting to evaluate the reasons that may have caused the falls and the possible
solutions for the prevention of future occurrence of other falls. The varying views from different
interdisciplinary members that are directly involved in patient care are considered for the
determination of an effective course of action. Nurses perform a critical role in the reporting of
accurate data by ensuring that the information shared via Epic fully depicts the occurrence of a
fall. The interaction between nurses and patients is more as compared to other professionals
hence the actions taken are influenced positively by their input. For example, some patients may
have been administered drugs with side effects like dizziness that may cause falls when the
affected patients aren’t monitored more often. As nurses therefore, ensuring the safety of patients
Nurses play the most crucial role in the prevention of falls by ensuring strategies meant to
prevent falls are executed in healthcare facilities. Nurses lead the frontline in ensuring patients
and their families or guardians realize the possible assistance required as well as the side effects
of drugs. They also ensure proper documentation of different falls and occurrences within a
healthcare facility because the data is essential for the determination of a course of action. In
addition, properly documented falls and occurrences ensures a healthcare facility make positive
progress that will result in the improvement of patient care quality and outcomes. Our
involvement as nurses makes it possible for the reduction of falls therefore providing better
Thank you very much for engaging in this training. I hope this presentation has been
educative and you have improved your understanding on NSQI and NDNQI. Feel free to ask or
raise relevant questions and concerns. I wish you great professional growths in nursing as a