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ATLAS-210x/215x: Installation Operation and Maintenance

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Libero adattamento e revisione del manuale originale di IK2NUQ

Your new Atlas transceiver is very simple to install and operate. It required little more than
connection to a 12-14 volt DC source, an antenna, and plugging in a microphone. However, the
following notes are important, so please read them carefully before turning on the rig.

(1) Polarity of the 12-14 volt DC supply is extremely important. Reverse polarity will quickly
(and silently) destroy most of the transistors. You need not be concerned about accidental reverse
connection if:

(a) You are using the Atlas DC cable with fuse or circuit breaker, or
(b) the Atlas plug-in mobile kit. These are automatically protected by a heavy duty diode
which will blow the fuse or trip the circuit breaker if the wrong polarity is applied. But, if
you are not using either of the above, and are making your own connections, be extremely
careful about polarity.

The negative battery terminal must connect to the transceiver chassis. This is done by plugging the
male banana plug into the female jack labeled ,”NEG. GND" on the back of the transceiver.

The positive battery terminal must connect to the two male banana plugs protruding from the back
of the transceiver and labeled "+12/14V". The two banana jacks that will be used for the positive
connection must be connected in parallel,, as illustrated on page 12 of the Instruction Manual.

(2) It is very important that the antenna used with your Atlas transceiver presents a fairly close
52 ohm non-reactive load. If the SWR is as high as 2:1 power will be down 50%, and will decrease
sharply if SWR becomes greater. The easiest way to determine if the antenna is loading the rig is to
simply whistle into the Mic. and see how many amperes the P.A. qill draw. Or, you can switch to
"CW" mode on the function switch and turn the Mic Gain (Carrier Insertion) up to full clockwise
position. The meter on the transceiver reads 0 to 16 amps, on transmit. If you can load to 12 amps,
or more, (typically 14 amps.) the antenna is OK.

If not, there is a matching problem related directly to how few amps, you can draw. Run the tuning
dial up and down the band and you can quickly tell at what frequency the antenna loads the best.
This will be particularly true on the lower bands, and with mobile antennas due to their restricted
bandwidth. If the loading peaks at some frequency other than the one where you wish to operate,
you'll know which way to prune the antenna.

CAUTION: Be careful to limit the length of time you run full power. Make the tests as quickly as
possible, and don't let the heat sink get very warm. Refer to page 19 in the instruction manual.

(3) Antenna matching can often times be quite deceptive. Older tube type transmitters with Pi
matching networks are able to compensate for considerable mismatch. This may seem an
advantage, but it is really only a cover up for an antenna problem which ought to be corrected. If the
feed line is not matched to the antenna, efficiency and performance are bound to suffer. With the
broad banded, non-adjustable solid state amplifiers, such as is employed in your Atlas transceiver,
the burden is placed directly on the antenna system. Either it looks fairly close to 52 ohms, non-
reactive, or the rig will try to reject it. An SWR of 1.4 will work quite well, 1.2 is good, and
anything less than that is all the better. You can work out with a 2:1 ratio, but not as well. It will
soon become apparent that if the antenna is well matched, the rig will run full power input, as
indicated by the ammeter. Both power output and antenna radiation will them be maximum, and
signal reports will be outstanding.

(4) If you encounter a loading problem; that is, if you cannot get the whistle or CW power up to
12 amps or better, take the following steps:

(a) Tune up and down the band to see if the antenna will load better at some other
(b) Check the rig on another antenna, or an another band. This will let you know if the
rig is working OK.
(c) A 52 ohm dummy load is always a handy device to have around the shack. The Atlas
"DL-200" is available at a very reasonable price. The ammeter on the Atlas will tell
you how much input you're running. Again, if you can run it up to 12 amps, or more
into a dummy load, you know that the transmitter is functioning properly, and if the
antenna will not load fully, there is an antenna matching problem.

(5) If you happen to have an antenna that will not load the Atlas very well on the frequency you
want, and it is not possible or convenient to adjust the antenna, an Antenna Tuner, or "Matchbox"
can be useful. But remember that if you are feeding the antenna with coax, cable, and there is a
mismatch, the antenna tuner is really only a "make do" system. The best thing to do is to correct the
mismatch at the antenna. About the only exception to this is if you are using a non-resonant wire
antenna, or feeding an antenna with open wire balanced feedline. The antenna tuner is then serving
as a "Matchbox" to convert the antenna feedline so it will match the unbalanced coaxial cable from
that point, looking back toward the transmitter, we have the same requirement: the coax, line must
look like 52 ohms, non-reactive in order to work most efficiently.

(6) If any problems arise with your Atlas transceiver, please ask your dealer for assistance, or
contact our Customer Service Dept. at (714) 433-9591. Your new rig is fully guaranteed to provide
many hours of the most satisfying operating pleasure.

417 Via del Monte
Oceanside, CA 92054
(714) 433-1983 (714) 433-9591 - Customer Service
1-1 Introduction 7
General Specifications 8
Receiver Specifications 9
Transmitter Specifications 9
Model 220-CS Power Supply Console Specifications 10
Model 200-PS Portable AC Supply 11
Rechargeable Battery pack 11
2-1 Introduction 12
2-2 General Information 12
2-22 Mobile Installations 16
2-28 Fixed Station Installations 21
2-29 Antennas 21
2-33 Fixed Station Antennas 22
Section 3 OPERATION 23
3-1 Introduction 23
3-2 Controls 23
3-3 Power Supply On/Off, Mobile Operation 23
3-4 Power Supply On/Off, 220-CS/200-PS 23
3-5 Function Switch 23
3-6 A.F.Gain 23
3-7 R.F.Gain 23
3-8 Band Selector and Tuning Dial, Model 210X 24
3-9 Band Selector and Tuning Dial, Model 215X 24
3-10 Dial Set 25
3-11 Carrier Balance 25
3-12 S-Meter Zero 25
3-13 Crystal Calibrator 25
3-14 Proper tuning of Single Sideband Signals 25
3-15 Voice Transmission 25
3-16 Modulation Level 25
3-17 ALC 26
3-18 CW Transmission 26
3-19 Heat Sink 26
4-1 Introduction 27
4-2 Receiver Input Circuit 27
4-3 Sensitivity 27
4-4 Selectivity 28
4-5 Oscillator Switching 28
4-6 Transmitter Broadband Circuitry 32
4-7 Receiver Broadband Circuitry 32
4-8 Alignment and Troubleshooting 32
4-9 Voltage Charts 32
4-10 Signal Frequency Ranges and Local Oscillator Frequencies 33
4-11 PC-100C - First Mixer/First I.F. Amplifier 34
4-12 S-Meter Amp. 36
4-13 PC-300D - Receiver Audio, Oscillator Switch 40
4-14 SWR Protect 43
4-15 PC-400C VFO Board and Tuning Circuits 46
4-16 PC-600 Carrier Oscillator, Buffer Amplifier 49
4-17 PC-800C/1200 Receiver Input Tuning 51
4-18 PC-820 100 kHz Crystal Calibrator 54
4-19 PC-900C Transmitter Input Tuning 55
4-20 PC-1010/1020 Low Pass Filters 58
4-21 PC-1100A SWR Bridge, Antenna Relay 61
Section 5 ACCESSORIES 62
5-1 Model PC-120 Noise Blanker 62
5-2 Model l0x Crystal Oscillator 64
5-4 Model VX-5 VOX 67
5-5 Model DD-6 Digital Dial 67
1-1 Atlas Model 21 Ox Illustrated with Optional 220-CS AC Console 7
2-1 Remote CW Transmit Switch for Atlas Transceivers 15
2-2 Linear Amplifier connections for Atlas Transceivers 18
2-3 Deluxe Plug-In Mobile Mounting Kit Installation 18
2-4 Mobile Bracket Kit Installation 19
2-5 D.C. Power Connections 20
2-6 Model 220-CS/200-PS Schematic Diagram 22
3-1 Front Panel of ATLAS 210x 24
3-2 Rear Panel of ATLAS 210x/215x 24
4-1 ATLAS 210x/215x Modular Design and Plug-in P.C. Boards 29
4-2 ATLAS 210x/215x Block Diagram 30
4-3 Crystal Ladder Filter Selectivity Characteristics 31
4-4 PC-100C Schematic Diagram 36
4-5 PC-200C Schematic Diagram 39
4-6 PC-300C Schematic Diagram 42
4-7 PC-500D/520A Schematic Diagram 45
4-8A Model 210x PC-400C Schematic Diagram 48
4-8B Model 215x PC-400C Schematic (tuning section only) 48
4-9 PC-600 Schematic Diagram 50
4-10A Model 210x PC-800C/1200 Schismatic Diagram 52
4-10B Model 215x PC-8000/1200 Schematic Diagram 53
4-11 PC-820 Crystal Calibrator Schematic Diagram 54
4-12 PC-9000 Transmitter Input Tuning Schematic Diagram 56-57
4-13 PC-1010/1020 low Pass Filter Schematic Diagram 59-60
4-14 PC-1100A SWR Bridge, Antenna Relay Schismatic Diagram 61
5-1 PC-120 Noise Blanker Schematic Diagram 63
5-2 Model l0x Crystal Oscillator 64
5-3 Model 10X Crystal Oscillator Schematic Diagram 65
5-4 Model MT-1 Transformer installation 66
5-5 Model DD-6 Digital Dial 67
5-6 Model 210x/215x Chassis Wiring 69

Service Bulletins 71
Mobile installation Atlas radio plug-in mounting kit 91
Figure 1-1. Atlas Model 210x Illustrated with Optional 220-CS AC Console


The Atlas 210x Transceiver is designed for single sideband and CW communications in the 10, 15,
20, 40, and 80 meter amateur radio bands. The Atlas 215x covers 15, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meters.
They employ all solid state circuitry, with modular construction. The conservative 200 watt power
input rating will provide world wide communications from fixed, portable or mobile installations.
Atlas Radio, Inc., is licensed by Southcom International, Inc. of Escondido, California,
manufacturers of military and commercial radio equipment. With this agreement. Atlas Radio is
able to bring the most advanced state-of-the-art circuit designs to the amateur radio market. Les
Earnshaw, founder and Director of R&D at Southcom International, is considered to be one of the
foremost solid state engineers in the world, effectively proved by the rapid growth of Southcom
International in the military and commercial radio markets of the United States, as well as many
other countries.

The high performance and reliability of the Atlas transceiver is enhanced by the finest
craftsmanship, and a most thorough quality control program. Our staff is made up of highly skilled
assembly workers, technicians, and engineers, many of whom are active radio hams. Our service
department, if and when needed, is dedicated to making every Atlas owner a satisfied customer.
Speaking for all the gang at Atlas Radio, we wish you many hours of operating pleasure with your
Atlas transceiver.

73 Herb Johnson W6QKI President


BAND COVERAGE: Note: The Model l0x will not operate on the
ATLAS 21 Ox: Covers 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 28.0 MHz band.
meter bands, with internal VFO ranges as
3500 4000 kHz
7000 7500 kHz All solid state, 4 IC's, 18 transistors, 31 diodes.
14000 14500 kHz Single conversion, 5520 kHz I.F.
28400 29400 kHz Includes plug-in circuit boards for ease of
NOTE: The 10 meter band on the 210x may be maintenance.
easily owner adjusted to cover any 1000 kHz PLUG-IN DESIGN
portion of the band. Transceiver plugs into the Deluxe Mobile
ATLAS 215x: Covers 160, 80, 40, 20, and 15 Mounting Bracket, or into the optional 220-CS
meter bands, with internal VFO ranges as power supply console, making transfer or
follows: removal a simple operation. All connectors are
1800 2100 kHz standard: SO-239 antenna jack, 1/4 in. phone
3500 4000 kHz
jacks for Mic., CW key, external speaker or
7000 7500 kHz
14000 14500 kHz headphones, and linear amplified control.
Operates directly from a 12 to 14 volt D.C.
Highly stable VFO common to both receive and source with negative ground (standard
transmit modes. automotive system). Current drain is 300 to 500
FREQUENCY READOUT ma. in receive mode, 16 amps. peak in transmit
Dial scale calibrated in 5 kHz increments on all mode. Atlas model 220-CS power supply
bands except 10 meters, where increments are console and the model 200-PS portable supply
10 kHz. Tuning knob skirt provides 1 kHz
are available for AC operation.
increments on all bands except 10 meters, where
increments are 2 kHz
EXTERNAL FREQUENCY CTRL Tuning Dial, Dial Set, Function Switch, Band
Rear socket provides for plug-in of external Switch, A.F. Gain, R.F. Gain, Mic Gain,
VFO or crystal oscillator accessory for separate Sideband Selector, Calibrator On-Off, Dial
control of transmit and receive frequencies, or Light Dimmer, ALC Control.
for network and MARS operation. FINISH
Black vinyl covered aluminum cabinet and
When the model lOx external crystal oscillator bottom cover, anodized aluminum panel.
accessory is used, frequency ranges are as listed WEIGHT
in the following charts: 6 Ibs. 14 oz. (3.1 Kg) net, 8 Ibs. 6 oz. (3.8 Kg)
1800 3000 kHz (Model 215x only) shipping weight.
3000 5200 kHz DIMENSIONS
5800 10000 kHz
9'/2 in. (24.1 cm) wide, 3'/2 in (8.9 cm) high,
13800 14900 kHz
20600 21600 kHz 9Vi in. (24.1 cm) deep overall.


 CIRCUIT DESIGN: Front end design provides exceptional immunity to overload and cross
modulation, matching or out performing the best vacuum tube designs. Signals are
converted directly to the 5520 kHz I.F. without pre amplification. Converter and product
detector are double balanced diode rings. IC's are employed in I.F. and AF stages.
 SENSITIVITY: requires less than 0.4 microvolts for a 10 db signal-plus-noise to noise ratio
on 160, 80, 40, and 20 meter bands; 0.4 microvolts on 15 meters; and 0.6 microvolts on 10
 SELECTIVITY: Crystal Ladder Filter, 8 poles. Bandwidth: 2.7 kHz @ 6 db, 4.3 kHz @
60db,9.2 kHz @ 120 db. Ultimate rejection more than 130db. Shape Factor 1.6.
 IMAGE REJECTION: More than 60 db.
 INTERNAL SPURIOUS: less than equivalent 1 microvolt signal.
 AGC CHACTERISTICS: Audio output constant within 4 db with signal variation from 5
microvolts to more than 3 volts.
 OVERALL GAIN: Requires less than 1 microvolt signal for 0.5 watts audio output. (CW
carrier, 1000 Hertz heterdyne).
 AUDIO FIDELITY: 300 to 3000 Hertz, plus or minus 3 db.
 INTERNAL SPEAKER: 3 in., 3.2 ohm, .68 oz. magnet. Rear jack permits plug in of
external speaker or headphones. Headphones of 500 to 600 ohms are recommended.
Headphones of a higher impedance may be used, but will require a higher A.F. Gain setting.
Lower impedance headphones will require a lower A.F. Gain setting. When transceiver is
plugged into the AC power supply console, internal speaker is disconnected automatically,
and front facing speaker on console becomes operative.
 METER: Reads "S" units from 1 to 9, plus 10 to 50db.
 CALIBRATOR: Provides 100 kHz check points for accurate dial setting


 CIRCUIT DESIGN: Broadband design eliminates transmitter tuning. Single conversion

from I.F. to output frequency produces minimum spurious and mixing products. 2 section
low-pass filters on each band provide harmonic suppression equal to commercial standards.
Includes ALC and infinite SWR protection.
 FREQUENCY CONTROL: Internal VFO automatically transmits on exactly the same
frequency that is being received. Rear socket provides for plug-in of external VFO or crystal
oscillator accessory for separate control of transmit and receive frequencies, or for network
and MARS operation.
 POWER RATING: 200 watts P.E.P. input, and CW input, (with 50 ohm resistive load and
13.6 volt D.C. supply) on 160, 80, 40, 20,and 15 meter bands; 120W on 10 meter band.
Power output: 80 minimum P.E.P. and CW on 160, 80, 40, 20, and 15 meter bands; 50 watts
minimum on 10 meter band.
 RTTY/SSTV POWER RATING: Approximately 90 watts P.E.P input (dependent directly
on ventilation of heat sink).
 EMISSION: SSB: Lower sideband on 40, 80, and 160 meters. Upper sideband on 20, 15,
and 10 meters with Sideband Selector switch in NORM position. Opposite with switch in
OPP position. CW: offset frequency.
 UNWANTED SIDEBAND: More than 60 db down at 1000 Hertz AF input.
 CARRIER SUPPRESSION: More than 50 db down.
 THIRD ORDER DISTORTION: Approximately 30 db below peak power.
 HARMONIC OUTPUT: More than 35 db below peak power.
 SUPRIOUS AND IMAGE OUTPUT: More than 40 db below peak power
 CW KEYING: Manual send-receive. Semi-break-in with CW accessory installed in AC
power supply console.
 TRANSMIT CONTROL: Press to talk with Mic. button, or manual transmit with Function
Switch on front panel. Automatic voice control when VOX accessory is installed in AC
power supply console.
 MICROPHONE: Dynamic or crystal. Plug requirement: standard % in. diam. 3 circuit
phone plug.
 AUDIO FIDELITY: 300 to 3000 Hertz, plus or minus 3 db.
 METER: Reads power amplifier collector current, 0-16 amperes.
 LINEAR AMPLIFIER CONTROL: Rear jack provides for keying of linear, and ALC
control from linear.


 INPUT VOLTAGE: 110 or 220 volts AC, 50-60 Hz.

 INPUT POWER: 10 watt average, receive. 250 watt transmit peak.
 OUTPUT: Low current line: 13.6 volts regulated, Vi amp. High current line: 13 volts at 16
 SPEAKER: 3x5 in. oval, 1.1 oz. magnet, 3.2 ohm voice coil.
 FINISH: Textured Vinyl bonded to aluminum, durable and scratch resistant.
 PLUG-IN DESIGN: Transceiver plugs directly into power supply console, automatically
makes connections for antenna and front facing speaker. Mic. jack and headphone jack are
brought out to front panel.
 ACCESSORIES: Space under transceiver permits addition of VOX unit. Space in rear
permits addition of semi-break-in CW.
 DIMENSIONS: 15-1/2 in. (39.4 cm) wide. 5-5/8 in. (14.3 cm) high. 9-1/2 in. (24.1 cm)
 WEIGHT: 17 Ibs. (7.7 Kg) less transceiver. 20 Ibs. (9.1 Kg) shipping weight.


 INPUT VOLTAGE: 110 or 220 volts AC, 50-60 Hertz.

 INPUT POWER: 10 watt average, receive. 250 watt transmit peak.
 OUTPUT: Low current line: 13.6 volts regulated, Vi amp. High current line: 12.5 volts at
16 amps.
 INCLUDES: On-Off switch, Fuses, AC cord, and D.C. Cable with connector for
 DIMENSION: 5-1/4 in. (13.3 cm) wide, 3-1/2 in. (8.9 cm) high, 6-1/2 in. (16.5 cm) deep.
 WEIGHT: 7 Ibs. 4 oz. (3.3 Kg) less transceiver. 10 Ibs. (4.5 Kg) shipping weight.


Globe Battery Division, Globe-Union Inc., P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201, manufactures a
"GEL-CELL" rechargeable Battery Pack, Model GC1400 which will operate the Atlas transceivers
for a number of hours, with operating time determined by receive-transmit ratio, and modulation
level. The battery has an Amphere-Hour rating of 7.5 A.H. It comes in a simulated leather case with
shoulder strap, and includes an AC charger.

Your Atlas dealer may handle Globe products. Also, it is anticipated that Atlas Radio may have the
GC1400 pack available for Atlas dealers. Otherwise, you may contact Globe directly for reference
to a Globe dealer.


2-1. INTRODUCTION This section provides instructions for mobile, portable, or fixed station
installations of the Atlas 210x/215x transceivers.


2-3. D.C. POWER. The Atlas transceiver is designed to operate on a power source of 12-14 volts
D.C. Power can be delivered to the transceiver via the Deluxe Mounting Kit (DMK), D.C. Cable
(DCC), Cigarette Lighter Cable (CLC), Portable Battery Pack, 220-CS AC Console, or 200-PS
Portable AC Supply.

2-4. AUTOMOTIVE D.C. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. The D.C. electrical systems in

automobiles may at times generate high voltage transients (spikes of voltage superimposed on the
12-14 volt D.C. system). These transients may be caused by faulty brushes in the starter motor,
alternator or generator, or loose wiring, and can represent a possible hazard to the semiconductors
in the transceiver. For this reason, we strongly urge that you read the following notes and follow
them carefully.
(a) Clean the battery terminals and clamps, and tighten the clamps securely.
(b) Tighten battery cable terminals where they attach to the engine.
(c) Inspect battery cables and terminals for corrosion or wear. Replace them if they look
(d) Check battery condition frequently, especially when it approaches its warranty age limit.
Use a protective silicone grease on the terminals to inhibit corrosion.
(e) Check the alternator and regulator connections for tightness. Check primary ignition wiring,
horn wiring, lights, etc.
(f) Measure the charging voltage from the alternator with the engine running at about twice
idling speed. Voltage at the battery terminals should measure 13 volts minimum, 14.5 volts
maximum. Consult your auto-electric service shop if correction is required.

2-5. DELUXE MOUNTING KIT (DMK). The Deluxe Mobile Mounting Kit is a plug-in unit
designed for easy removal of the Atlas transceivers. All D.C. power connections are made to the
DMK and all necessary hook-up cables, including the D.C. battery cable with polarity protection,
circuit breaker, and hardware, are part of the kit.

2-6. D.C. CABLE (DCC). The D.C. Cable (DCC) is designed with built-in polarity protection and
overload protection. This cable is available from Atlas dealers and can be used with the Mobile
Bracket Kit (MBK) or a portable battery pack.

2-7. CIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLE (CLC). The Cigarette Lighter Cable is designed for use in
those instances when D.C. power is required, and the transceiver has not been installed in the
automobile using the DMK or MBK kits. The cable has a special cigarette lighter plug on one end,
and a transceiver power plug on the other. Polarity and overload protection is included with the

2-8. PORTABLE BATTERY PACK. The 7.5 ampere hour Portable Battery Pack provides 12
volts D.C. power via portable rechargeable batteries. Connections from the battery pack to the
transceiver are made with the battery pack cable. All necessary plugs arc provided.

2-9. 220-CS AC CONSOLE. The 220-CS AC Consoles are available through Atlas dealers, and
provide all the D.C. power required for the Atlas transceivers The 220-CS operates from either 110
volts AC or 220 volts AC, selected by changing fuses. A Microphone jack, Headphone jack, and
antenna connector are also provided on the console.

2-10. 200-PS PORTABLE AC SUPPLY. The model 200-PS AC Supply is designed for portable
and utility service where the weight and size of the deluxe AC console is not desired. It's compact
size and lightweight make it ideal for the traveler, and yet it will do a completely adequate job in
full time duty at the home station. It has a slightly smaller power transformer than the AC console,
which reduces D.C. input power about 5 percent, but peak power with voice modulation is the same
as with the larger transformer. Also, the 200-PS does not contain a speaker, so the one built into the
transceiver is used. The 200-PS operates on either 110 volts AC or 220 volts AC, selected by
changing fuses. It is anticipated that a plastic or simulated leather carrying case will be available
from Atlas Radio for the 200-PS supply as well as for the transceiver in the near future.

2-11. TRANSMISSION LINE IMPEDANCE MATCHING. Proper impedance match between

the coaxial feed line and the antenna system is considerably more important with the broad banded
solid state amplifier than with tube type transmitters, which generally have a Pi-type matching
network. The SWR should be as low as it can be in order to permit full power operation. As SWR
increases, power output from the Atlas transceiver decreases approximately as indicated in the
following table.
1.0 100 watts
1.1 98 watts
High SWR will not damage the Atlas transceiver.
1.2 95 watts
You may feel free to operate regardless of the
1.3 90 watts
SWR. Only power input and output will suffer.
1.5 80 watts
Reflected voltage will not cause damage.
2.0 50 watts
3.0 20 watts

2-12. AMMETER READINGS. The ammeter on the Atlas transceiver provides an excellent
indicator of impedance match. In CW transmit mode, the Mic. Gain control becomes the Carrier
Insertion control. With a close match you will be able to run the ammeter up to 12 amps or more
(with supply voltage of 13.6 VDC or 117/230 VAC).
2-13. INFINITE SWR PROTECTION. The Atlas transceiver has a built-in reflectometer which
automatically reduces transmitter drive as SWR increases. This makes the power transistors nearly
immune to damage from mismatched loads.

2-14. SWR MEASUREMENTS. A bridge for measuring Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) is very
useful and strongly recommended for checking impedance match. Use the following procedures.

(a) Switch the bridge to "Forward" or "Sensitivity position.

(b) Set the sensitivity control on the bridge to maximum clockwise position.
(c) Set Mic. Gain on Atlas transceiver to minimum.
(d) Set the transceiver Function Switch to CW mode.

 Advance Mic. Gain until meter on bridge reads just full scale. (Mic. Gain is Carrier Insertion
control in CW mode).
 Switch bridge to "SWR" or "Reflected" position for the SWR reading.
 Tune the transceiver up and down in frequency until you locate minimum SWR. This will
indicate the resonant frequency of the antenna, and also the SWR at that frequency.
 Switch the transceiver back to REC. mode. See Caution note, next page.


2-15. MICROPHONE CONNECTIONS. The microphone may be either a dynamic or crystal

type. A low impedance Mic. will work, but will require higher setting of the Mic. Gain control, and
may require closer speaking. If a dynamic Mic. is selected, it should preferably be the high
impedance type. The choice of microphones is important for good speech quality, and deserves
careful consideration. Select a high quality Mic. with smooth response from 300 to 3000 Hertz or
more. An excellent choice is the Shure 404C hand Mic. The plug required for the Mic. connector is
a standard 1/4 inch diameter, 3 conductor type. The tip connection is the keying circuit for press-to-
talk, the ring connection is for the shielded Mic. lead, and the sleeve or barrel is the common
ground terminal.

2-16. VOICE OPERATED TRANSMISSION (VOX). Most press-to talk microphones arc short
circuited when the button is not pressed, if the VOX accessory is installed in the AC console, this
feature must be disabled. Refer to instructions that come with the Mic. Open the case and locate the
switch contacts that short the Mic circuit when the button is not pressed, either disconnect the leads,
or bend the contact so they do not make.

2-17. CW KEY. A jack on back of the transceiver is provided for insertion of a standard 1/4 inch
diameter 2 conductor phone plug. Connect the CW key to this plug with a 2 conductor cable. The
sleeve connection goes to chassis ground. Keying potential is less than 10 volts, positive, and draws
less than 5 mill amperes. Any of the electronic keyers presently on the market will operate


The Atlas transceivers have a function switch which provides for switching into the CW Transmit
mode. However, it requires switching from the RLC. to TRANS., and then to the CW position. This
procedure is rather awkward, and the circuit shown below (Figure 2-1) provides a more convenient

Figure 2-1. Remote CW Transmit Switch for ATLAS Transceivers

The remote switch can be a double pole, single throw toggle switch, and may be installed on a
bracket or in a small utility box along with the two diodes. Other parts required are two phone
plugs, a 9 pin Noval plug, a 4 conductor cable, and a single insulated conductor.
The remote switch unit may be secured near the CW key, or possibly attached to one side of the key
base, permitting quick and easy switching to the CW Transmit mode.

Operation of the circuit is as follows:

When the switch is closed, the single conductor wire coming from the Mic Jack is grounded
through the 1N4005 diode, and the switch to pin 4 or the EXT. OSC. socket. This causes the relays
in the transceiver to close, placing the transceiver in transmit mode. At the same time, the lead
coming from pin 9 is grounded through the 1N4148 diode, thus disabling the Mic. Amp., and
preventing voice modulation of the CW signal. The other circuit of the 2 pole switch connects the
+13 volt line from pin 8 to the +CW lead going to pin 1 of the EXT. OSC. socket. This causes the
carrier oscillator frequency (NORM. SB only) to move about 800 cycles up into the filter passband,
thus providing automatic off-set frequency during CW transmission.

2-19. EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SOCKET. This socket is a 9 pin Noval installed on the back
of the transceiver, and is for plug in of the Atlas Model 210x Crystal Oscillator accessory, Model
206 External VFO, or the Model DD-6B-C Digital Dials. Jumper wires are factory installed on this
socket, and must be removed if any of these accessories are to be used.

2-20. AUXILIARY SOCKET. This socket is also a 9 pin Noval, and is for control of a Linear
Amplifier or VX-5 or VX-5M CW Semi-break in.

2-21. LINEAR AMPLIFIER CONNECTIONS. Figure 2-2 illustrates how to connect a linear
amplifier to the Atlas transceivers. ALC output from the linear may be connected to Pin 4 on the
AUX. socket plug. The ALC control voltage from the linear MUST be positive going. Most linears
with an ALC output circuit are negative going. If this is the case with your linear, and you wish to
utilize ALC control from the linear, it will be necessary that you modify the linear ALC circuit.
This will usually consist of reversing one or two diodes in order to generate a positive voltage
control instead of negative. In view of this requirement, you may choose to use the ALC system of
the Atlas transceiver alone. Most linears will operate to the full legal power limit with little or no



This kit includes:
a) 6'/2 foot D.C. power cable
b) 25 Amp. Circuit Breaker
c) Black anodized aluminum plug-in housing
d) Two 9-inch and two 12-inch cadmium plated steel mounting bars;
e) 3 inch wide rear bracket
f) Package of screws and terminal lugs.

Refer to Figure 2-3 for typical transmission hump and under dash mounting arrangements.

1. The rear bracket(s)) should be angled as straight back as possible in order to give good support
for pushing and pulling the transceiver in and out of the mount.

2. The mounting brackets must be cut and bent to suit the installation, each being unique. Try
different positioning and select the one for best ease of operation, and least interference with
automobile controls. Then carefully measure each bracket for length and angle of bend on its toot.
Bend as required. After bending the brackets, they may be painted with flat black to match the
anodized aluminum parts, if desired.

3. Remove the acorn nut and hex nut. Slip bracket over screw, and replace only the acorn nut.

4. Secure brackets to car with No. 14 sheet metal screws. Tighten screws and nuts securely. No. 10
screws are also furnished in case the No. 14 screws are too large.

5. Antenna connection is made by standard coax connector to the coax jack on the rear of the
Deluxe Mounting Kit.

6. An external speaker may be connected as follows: Locate the speaker plug on the back of the
mobile mount, just above the Mic. plug. Clip out the wire jumper going from the tip lug to the ring
lug. This will disconnect the internal speaker. Connect the external speaker from the tip lug to the
ground lug. Impedance should be 4 ohms.

7. Black anodizing provides a very durable finish, much better than paint. However, the anodized
surface is an electrical insulation. In order to ensure electrical bonding between the transceiver and
the car chassis, shake proof washers must be used under all screw heads. They will cut through the
anodizing. Scraping the anodizing off around the junction points on the rear bracket(s) is also
recommended. Poor grounding may lead to transmitter instability, which will cause a regenerative
or self oscillating condition. If there is any question of adequate grounding, connect a copper braid
or strap from the antenna bracket on the mobile mount to the nearest chassis ground, either the
bulkhead or transmission hump.

8. The power cable should be run from the mobile mount through the bulkhead into the engine
compartment. It should then be connected to the positive and negative terminals as close to the
battery as possible. The best way to connect directly to the battery terminal posts is by drilling and
tapping for a 10-32 or 10-24 machine screw. The red lead goes to the positive terminal, and the
brown to the negative. (Or the white is positive and the black is negative.)

9. The 25 ampere circuit breaker supplied with the kit should be installed in series with the positive
lead. It is best to mount it close to the battery end of the cable, at some convenient place on the side
of a metal panel or bracket. Sheet metal screws are supplied for this purpose. It is not important that
the metal case of the circuit breaker be grounded, since there are no connections made to the case.
Cut the positive red power lead, install No. 10 terminal lugs, and secure firmly to the circuit breaker
with washers and nuts. Solder the terminal lugs.

NOTICE: The advantage of connecting directly to the battery posts is that loose battery clamps
will then not affect the transceiver connections, and the danger of intermittent voltage spikes is
reduced. If drilling and tapping the battery posts is not practical, then connect the leads to the
engine end of the heavy battery cables. The negative cable will usually be found going to a
grounding bolt on the engine block, and the positive cable usually goes to a bolt on the starter
solenoid. Use proper terminal lugs at these points for connecting the leads. Battery clamps and
terminals should be cleaned and tightened periodically. Anti-corrosion grease is a good
recommendation. All other electrical connections under the hood: alternator, regulator, ignition
coil, etc., should also be checked and tightened.
Figure 2-2. Linear Amplifier Connections to ATLAS Transceiver

Figure 2-3. Deluxe Plug-in Mobile Mounting Kit Installation

2-24. MOBILE BRACKET KIT (MBK). This kit includes: One 9-inch and two 12-inch cadmium
plated steel mounting bars with screws. Figure 2-4 illustrates how the transceiver can be hung under
the dash, or mounted over the transmission hump. Each installation is different, so this must be left
to the individual. Consult your dealer or friends with mobile experience if need be. The brackets can
be cut easily and bent as required. The smaller No. 6x3/4 inch screws are for attaching the brackets
to the sides or bottom of the transceiver. They will replace the No. 4x1/4 inch screws that came in
the transceiver, thus allowing for the 1/8 inch thickness of the bracket. The No. 6 screws will make
the brackets more secure than the original No. 4's would. The No. 14 screws are for securing the
brackets to the under side of the dash, or to the transmission hump. No. 10 screws are also furnished
in case the No. 14 screws are too large.

Figure 2-4. Mobile Bracket Kit Installation

2-25. INSTALLING D.C. POWER CABLE. The power cable should be run from the transceiver,
through the bulkhead, and connected as close to the battery as is practical. The best way is to
connect directly to the battery posts. Drill and tap into the lead terminal posts for 10-32 machine
screws, and secure No. 10 terminal lugs under these screw heads. The advantage of doing this is
that even if the battery clamps work loose, it will not affect the transceiver connections, and the
danger of intermittent transient voltage spikes will be reduced.
If drilling and tapping the battery posts is not practical, then connect the leads to the engine end of
the battery cables. The negative cable will usually be found going to a bolt on the engine block,
while the positive cable usually goes to a bolt on the starter solenoid. Use proper terminal lugs at
these points for connecting the leads. The red lead goes to positive and the brown lead to negative.
(If power cable has black and white leads, the black is negative, and the white is positive). A
protective diode is built into the transceiver plug, and will open if polarity is inadvertently
connected wrong. As discussed in paragraph 2-4, the battery clamps should be cleaned and
tightened. All electrical connections should likewise be checked and tightened.

2-26 INSTALLATION OF 25 AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER. The 25 ampere circuit breaker
supplied with the kit should be installed in series with the positive lead. It is best to mount it close
to the battery end of the cable, at some convenient place on the side of a metal panel or bracket.
Short metal screws are supplied for this purpose. It is not important that the metal case of the circuit
breaker be grounded, since there are no connections made to the case. Cut the positive red (or
white) power lead, install No. 10 terminal lugs, and secure firmly to the circuit breaker with
washers and nuts. Solder the terminal lugs.

2-27. OTHER D.C. INSTALLATIONS. In the event that you have not purchased the DMK,
MBK, or DCC kits, your transceiver comes with two banana jacks for the positive battery lead, and
are to be connected in parallel as shown in Figure 2-5. The banana plug connects to the negative
battery lead. The battery leads should be of No. 10 or No. 12 gauge stranded wire of the automotive
type. A 20 amp. fuse or circuit breaker should be installed in the positive lead. Figure 2-5 illustrates
the proper connections required between the battery and the Atlas transceiver.

CAUTION it is extremely important that proper polarity be observed. the positive battery lead
must go to the two terminals clearly marked on back of the transceiver. the negative battery lead
must go to the transceiver chassis ground, and the banana plug is for this purpose. even momentary
connection of the wrong polarity will destroy the transistors, and void the atlas warranty.

Figure 2-5. D.C. Power Connections

2-28. FIXED STATION INSTALLATIONS. In fixed station installations, the use of the 220-CS
eliminates the necessity for making D.C. power connections. The only requirement is that the Atlas
Transceiver be firmly seated in the console. When installing the transceiver in the console, always
make sure that the unit is pushed all the way into the console. This will insure that all power, Mic,
and speaker connections are firmly made.


2-30. MOBILE ANTENNAS. The mobile antenna generally requires more critical adjustment than
the home station antenna. This is because it operates over a more narrow bandwidth, and must
therefore be adjusted very accurately for resonance. Also, the base impedance is seldom very close
to 52 ohms. With the tube type transmitters, the Pi matching network will adjust to fairly low
impedances, but with a broadband solid state transmitter, such as is used in the Atlas transceivers, a
close impedance match is necessary in order to operate at full power. Various claims about
impedance are made by manufacturers of mobile antennas, but unfortunately our tests on all the
most popular brands indicate that your chances of coming up with a close match are less than 1 to
10. Average base impedance is 18 to 23 ohms. Therefore, some method of transforming the antenna
base impedance to 52 ohms is required. (See Section 5-3 for Model MT-1 Broadband Transformer.)

2-31. CAPACITYMATCHINGMETHOD. This is one method for impedance matching to the

mobile antenna which works quite well. A capacitor is connected from the antenna base to ground.
This capacitor is part of an L network which transforms the base impedance from a low value up to
52 ohms. The small amount of "1" required is actually "borrowed" from the lower part of the
loading coil. The capacity value must be determined experimentally, and will vary from band to
band, as well as from installation to installation. On 75 meters, the capacity will generally need to
be in the 1000 to 1500 Pf range. On 40 meters, 300 to 400 Pf and on 20 meters about 200 Pf. A
variable capacitor can be useful to determine what value is required or a collection of silver mica
capacitors, some 100 pf's, 200's, 470's, and a 1000 pf can be paralleled in various combinations until
the SWR comes down to a low figure. Once you know how much capacity your antenna needs, it is
best to make up the permanent capacitor by paralleling two or more silver micas. This will divide
the R.F. current and reduce the chances of overheating a single capacitor with too much current.
Follow the procedure described in paragraph 2-14 when tuning the antenna.

2-32. NOISE SUPPRESSION. The subject of noise suppressing automotive ignition and alternator
noise is beyond the scope of this manual, so it will only be mentioned briefly. Many cars will create
very little interference in the IIF bands covered by the Atlas transceiver. Almost all cars now use
resistance type ignition wire, and will probably create very little ignition noise. More likely the high
pitched whine from the alternator will cause more trouble. Refer to the various amateur radio
handbooks available from your dealer for information on noise suppression. It will usually be found
in the mobile sections. Estes Engineering Co., 930 Marine Dr., Port Angeles, Wash. 98362,
manufactures an excellent line of suppression kits which can help cure the more stubborn cases. It is
quite likely that your dealer sells the Estes Engineering line also.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the transceiver mounting brackets are well grounded to the
transmission hump or bulkhead.

2.33. FIXED STATION ANTENNAS. On 10, 15, and 20 meters a doublet and most beam
antennas will match quite well across the entire band. On 40 meters a doublet tuned for phone band
center will match quite well across the band. On 75 meters the average doublet will have a
bandwidth of about 100 kc for SWR of 1.5 or less. To work the entire band with full efficiency will
require an antenna tuner. On 160 meters an antenna tuner, or at least some kind of matching system
will be essential, since even at resonance it is unlikely that the feed point will be near 52 ohms. In
any case, it is always best to optimize the antenna system for the frequency where you do most of
your operating.

2.34. ANTENNA TUNER OR. "MATCH BOX." An antenna tuner can be a very useful device to
compensate for antenna mismatch. This may be especially true if you happen to have a favorite
antenna that has been working just fine with the old tube rig, and now you discover the new solid
state rig doesn't like the old antenna. Refer to the antenna handbooks for helpful data, or ask your
dealer about antenna tuners now on the market.

Figure 2-6. Model 220-CS / 200-PS Schematic


3-1. INTRODUCTION This section provided instructions for operating the ATLAS 210x/215x
transceiver and identifies operating controls, indicators, and connections. Front panel controls and
indicators are shown and described in Figure 3-1. Rear panel controls and connections are shown
and described in Figure 3-2.


3-3. POWER SUPPLY ON/OFF, MOBILE OPERATION. The Function Switch has an OFF
position which turns off the DC supply to the low current circuits. The high current circuits (Driver
and Power Amplifier) remain connected to the DC supply line, but are automatically biased off
when the low current line is turned off.

3-4. POWER SUPPLY ON/OFF, 220-CS/200PS. The 220-CS/200-PS supplies have an ON/OFF
toggle switch which turns off the AC supply line. This switch should be used rather than the
Function Switch OFF position.

3-5. FUNCTION SWITCH. The first position is the OFF position and is used for mobile
operation. The REC. position places the transceiver in receive mode. Press-to-talk and VOX circuits
are operative in this position. TRANS position switches the transceiver into transmit mode in the
event a Mic. without a press-to-talk switch is used, or if you wish to hold-in transmit mode without
having to hold the push-to-talk button down. The CW position is also transmit mode except that the
Mic. Gain control now becomes a Carrier Insertion control and carrier frequency has been shifted
about 800 Hertz. (See CW Transmission)

3-6. A.F. GAIN. The A. F. GAIN control is used to control audio volume in receive mode.

3-7. R.F. GAIN. The purpose of the R.F. Gain control is to permit decreasing the between speech
noise level, thus providing more pleasing reception. The AGC system in the ATLAS transceiver has
a tremendous dynamic signal range. With full R.F. Gain, sensitivity will automatically return to
maximum in the absence of a signal, accompanied by a natural increase in background noise.
You may find it annoying to hear the noise level increase every time the person being received
pauses between words or sentences. There are really only two conditions when the R.F. Gain
control needs to be on full. One is when you are scanning the band and want to hear weak as well as
strong signals. But, a lot of the time you can turn the R.F. Gain down a bit, increase the A.F. Gain
correspondingly, and realize more pleasing reception.

Figure 3-1. Front Panel of ATLAS 210x

Figure 3-2. Rear Panel of ATLAS 210x/215x

3-8. BAND SELECTOR AND TUNING DIAL, MODEL 21 Ox. The numbers on the band
selector read in Mega Hertz for the respective bands: 3.5 for the 80 meter band, 7.0 for 40 meters,
etc. The 0 to 500 dial scale is used on all bands. The 0 to 500 dial scale reads directly on the 7, 14,
and 21 MHz bands. On the 3.5 MHz band, the dial scale reading is additive. The 10 meter band is
calibrated directly above the dial scale and reads from 28.4 to 29.4 MHz. The increment markings
on the tuning knob skirt are 1 kHz apart on the lower bands, and 2 kHz apart on 10 meters.

3-9. BAND SELECTOR AND TUNING DIAL, MODEL 215x. The number on the band selector
reads in Megahertz, the same as on Model 210x, except that it has the 1.8 MHz band instead of the
28.4 MHz. The 0 to 500 scale reads directly in Kilohertz on the 7, 14, and 21 MHz bands. On the
3.5 MHz bands, the dial scale is additive.

3-10. DIAL SET. This panel control is for adjusting dial calibration to exact reading at a 100 kHz

3-11. CARRIER BALANCE. A trim pot is located on the PC-100C plug-in board on the right side
of the transceiver. Next to the trim pot is a capacity trimmer which is the phase control. These
trimmers should be adjusted for minimum carrier on the lowest frequency band. Connect a dummy
load to the transceiver, and measure output voltage in TRANS mode with MIC. GAIN at minimum.
It should null down to a level of 0.10 to 0.15 volts RMS. Other bands will give a false reading due
to oscillator feed through which is not suppressed as much as the carrier.

3-12. S-METER ZERO. This is a trim pot located on the PC-200C plug-in board. The PC-200C
PC board is located under the dial drum. It can be reached with a Philips screwdriver from the top,
just behind the dial light switch. Disconnect the antenna and adjust the trim pot for meter 0.

3-13. CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR. The 100 kHz calibrator should be checked every 6 months or
so against a frequency standard such as WWV. Aging will cause it to gradually change frequency,
especially during the first few months. The calibrator is mounted on the back side of the aluminum
partition, under the shield, behind the dial drum. A capacitor trimmer in the upper left hand comer is
for frequency adjustment. A test lead may be run from terminal 1 of PC-100C to the antenna
terminal on a general coverage receiver which is tuned to one of the WWV frequencies: 2.5, 5,10 or
15 MHz. Adjust the trimmer for zero beat when WWV interrupts their tone modulation.

3-14. PROPER TUNING OF SINGLE SIDEBAND SIGNALS. Precise tuning of a single

sideband signal is very important. Try to tune exactly to the frequency where the voice sounds
normal. Avoid the habit of tuning so the voice is pitched higher than normal, and sounds like
Donald Duck. This is an unfortunate habit practiced by many operators. If you tune for an unnatural
high pitch you will then be off frequency when you transmit. Chances are that the other station will
then shift to your frequency while you are talking, and gradually you will move up or down the
band. Sooner of later one of you will accuse the other of drifting . . . So, take the extra care to tune
for a natural sounding voice, and you will then be enjoying the very best quality in voice

315. VOICE TRANSMISSION. Normal operation is with the Function Switch in the REC.
position. Pressing the Mic. button switches the transceiver into transmit mode. Or, if the VOX
accessory is installed in the 220-CS console, speaking into the Mic. will switch the rig into transmit
mode. A TRANS. position is also provided on the Function Switch for locking in the transmit
mode, or in case the Mic. does not have a press-to-talk switch.

3-16. MODULATION LEVEL. Modulation level is adjusted with the Mic. Gain control. When
the transceiver is coupled into a proper 52 ohm load, voice peaks will be reaching about 16 amps.,
although the ammeter cannot respond quickly enough to show these peaks. Adjust Mic. Gain for
average readings of 5 to 7 amps. Do not run the gain above this level, or you will flat-top and distort
the transmitted audio, as well as cause splatter up and down the band. ALC will help reduce this
danger, but it is still possible to over-modulate, so Mic. Gain must be carefully adjusted.

3-17. ALC. The ALC control is located on the front panel of the transceiver, and is concentric with
the MIC. GAIN control. It is the inner ring with a black set screw indicating its position. ALC is the
abbreviation for "Automatic Level Control," and refers to transmitter modulation level. It aids in
preventing over-modulation which causes flat-topping of the power output stages, distortion and
splattering outside the channel. Full counterclockwise setting of this control provides no ALC,
while full clockwise setting is maximum ALC. Normally, a setting around 12 o'clock will be
satisfactory. Some variations between bands may be noted. By having the ALC control on the front
panel, you can utilize its advantage most effectively. Too little control will make it easier to over-
modulate, while too much control will limit output power. Try various settings and ask for signal
reports until you become familiar with its effect. If you have a panoramic scanner, this is, of course,
the best way to monitor your output signal.

3-18. CW TRANSMISSION. The Function Switch has a CW position which switches the
transceiver into CW transmit mode. A jack on the back is provided for insertion of a standard 1/4
inch diameter 2 conductor phone plug coming from the CW key. Keying is accomplished by bias
cutoff of the I.F. Amplifier. The keying circuit operates at less than 10 volts positive to ground, and
draws less than 5 milliamps., so any of the electronic keyers will work ok.
In CW transmit mode, the carrier frequency is automatically shifted approximately 800 Hertz. This
makes it possible for one transceiver to QSO another transceiver on CW without having to
constantly tune the dial back and forth. On 160, 80, and 40 meters the transmit frequency is shifted
lower than the receive frequency, while on 20 meters it is shifted higher. The sideband Selector
switch must be in the "NORM" position for CW operation. Send-receive changeover must be made
with the Function Switch, and it may be a bit inconvenient to pass through the TRANS position
every time. The serious CW operator will want to install the semi-break-in accessory kit in the 220-
CS console. This item installs in back of the power supply, and includes a side tone oscillator with
volume, pitch, and delay controls. Refer to paragraph 2-18 for alternate switching method. In CW
mode the Mic. Gain control becomes a Carrier Insertion control. With key down, advance this
control clockwise until the meter reads 12 amps. This will be 200 watts input power (at nominal
supply voltage), and output will be about 90 watts. (On 10 meters the meter will read 8 to 9 amps.,
or approximately 120 watts input.) For Novice Class operation, insert 5.5 amps of carrier for 75
watt legal power limit. For RTTY/SSTV operation, the input should be controlled for a meter
reading of 6.5 amps for 90 watts input. Heat sink temperature is always the limiting factor on power
input, and should be monitored from time to time. Refer to paragraph 3-18.

3-19. HEAT SINK. Adequate ventilation for the heat sink is particularly important in CW
operation, since average power input is higher than in SSB transmission. Keep a check on heat sink
temperature, and if it is running uncomfortably hot to the touch, back down on carrier insertion, or
make the transmission shorter.

CAUTION: the greatest dancer to the power output transistors is overheating. The black anodized
heat sink is designed to cool the transistors adequately under normal operating conditions, but as
with any electronic or mechanical device, it is up to the operator to maintain normal conditions,
and not abuse the equipment. The maximum safe temperature of the heat sink near the output
transistors is about 150 dec. f. this is a temperature that will be too hot for your fingers to hold, so
a good test is to put your fingers on the fins closest to the transistors. if you can hold on without a
lot of discomfort, you're ok. Overheating may be caused by: (a) modulating too heavily, (b) making
lengthy transmissions with short receiving periods, or (c) restriction of air circulation around the
heat sink. if the air temperature is high, such as on a hot da y, or in a hot parked car, cooling
capacity will be reduced. a good rule is to check the heat sink from time to time, and make certain
you're not running too hot. Back off on modulation level, or shorten transmission time. under
abnormal conditions, a small fan may be directed at the heat sink. This is an excellent idea if sstv or
rtty transmission is contemplated.


4-1. INTRODUCTION. The Atlas transceiver employs several unique features in its circuit design
which lead to exceptional performance. Most of the circuitry is directly descended from similar
equipment manufactured for military and commercial markets by Southcom International, Inc., of
Escondido, California. Les Earnshaw, ex ZL1AAX is President and Director of R&D of this
company. Operating under license from Southcom, Atlas Radio has access to the very latest state-
of-the-art circuit designs which have been tested, proved, and type accepted for military and
commercial use. Figure 4-1 illustrates the modular design and plug-in P.C. boards of the Atlas

4.2. RECEIVER INPUT CIRCUIT. Referring to the block diagram illustrated in Figure 4-2,
notice that there is no pre amplification of the signal. After passing through input tuning circuits, the
signal is coupled directly into a double balanced diode ring mixer where it is heterodyned to the
5520 kHz I.F. . Thus, the overload and cross modulation problems commonly encountered with an
R.F. Amplifier stage are largely eliminated. This has always been somewhat of a problem with
vacuum tube R.F. Amplifiers, and a much more serious problem with transistor or F.E.T.
Amplifiers. With its advanced front end design, the Atlas transceiver will continue receiving signals
in the presence of extremely strong adjacent channel stations that would overload, cross modulate,
or desensitize other receivers.

4-3. SENSITIVITY. As with most new developments in technology, it may be difficult to accept
the fact that a proper receiver can exhibit good sensitivity without a stage, or more, of R.F.
amplification prior to frequency conversion. The fact is that the Atlas is at least as sensitive as the
best of the tube or solid state receivers having R.F. Amplifiers. This is due largely to the very low
noise figure of the double balanced diode ring mixer, followed by a low noise I.F. Amplifier.
Sensitivity is rated at 0.3 microvolts for a signal-plus-noise to noise ratio of 10 dB. Typical
measurements will read 0.15 to 0.2 microvolts.
4-4. SELECTIVITY. Following the low noise first I.F. Amplifier, the signal passes through the
crystal ladder filter, a highly sophisticated package designed especially for the Atlas transceiver by
Network Sciences, Inc., of Phoenix, Arizona. Here is where superior selectivity has been tailored to
take full advantage of the extremely wide range of signal levels that the front end design is capable
of handling. A 6 dB bandwidth of 2700 Hertz was carefully selected to provide audio response from
300 to 3000 Hertz in both receive and transmit modes. While occupying slightly more bandwidth
than a 1200 or 2400 Hertz filter, it has been convincingly proven that transmission and reception of
the audio frequencies between 2400 and 3000 Hertz provides a substantial improvement in weak
signal readability. At the same tune, the improved fidelity of voice communications is readily
noticeable, and helps account for the report of "broadcast quality" from the Atlas. The 6 db
bandwidth of 2700 Hertz is backed up by a 6 to 60 db bandwidth ratio of only 1.6 (shape factor),
and ultimate rejection greater than 130 dh. It is this extremely steep skirt selectivity, illustrated in
Figure 4-3, which will reject strong adjacent channel signals.

4-5. OSCILLATOR SWITCHING. The unique method of changing from receive to transmit
mode by switching the carrier oscillator and VFO is illustrated in the block diagram, Figure 4-2.
This new development is responsible for great simplification of the transceiver circuit, leading to
fewer components, lower cost, and great reliability.

In receive mode the first mixer heterodynes the antenna signal with VFO injection. In transmit
mode the first mixer functions as a balanced modulator with carrier oscillator injection and Mic.
amp. input. In both modes the first mixer output is at the intermediate frequency (I.F.) of 5520 kHz.
In receive mode the second mixer functions as a product detector with carrier oscillator injection. Its
output couples audio frequencies to the receiver audio system. In transmit mode the second mixer
heterodynes the I.F. signal with VFO injection. Its output is now at the transmit frequency, and is
coupled through tuned circuits to preamplifiers, driver stage, and power output amplifier. Oscillator
switching is accomplished with four F.E.T.'s, resulting in very low inter coupling between

Figure 4-1. ATLAS 210x/215x Modular design and plug in PC Boards

Figure 4-3. Crystal Ladder Filter Selectivity Characteristics
4-6. TRANSMITTER BROADBAND CIRCUITRY. The amplifier stages of the transmitter
provide full power output over the 1.8 to 21.4 MHz range, about 60% power at 29.7 MHz, and
require no tuning. Tuned circuits between the second mixer and transmitter amplifier module select
the desired mixer product and reject the unwanted products. These tuned circuits are band switched
and provide full coverage of each band. They are double tuned and over coupled, requiring no
further adjustment after being factory set. Harmonic output from the Power Amplifier is suppressed
by a band switched two section low pass filter. This filter is connected between the Power
Amplifier output and antenna terminal. The low pass filters and Power Amplifier are both designed
for a 50 ohm load. It is important that the load be quite close to 50 ohms, non-reactive, in order to
operate at full rated power.

4-7. RECEIVER BROADBAND CIRCUITRY. The receiver input filters are band switched, and
provide full band coverage without need for a panel peaking control. In addition, the signal passes
through the low pass transmitter filter, suppressing possible interference from strong local VHF

4-8. ALIGNMENT AND TROUBLESHOOTING. The overall chassis schematic diagram is

Figure 4-15, and is placed at the end of this section to facilitate the technician in matching the P.C.
board schematics to the overall schematic. The individual P.C. board schematic diagrams arc shown
in Figures 4-4 through 4-14. Voltage measurements and parts list are located adjacent to the P.C.
board schematics.

4-9. VOLTAGE CHARTS. All voltage measurements must be made with a meter having at least
10 mega ohms input resistance. All D.C. voltages are designated by the + (positive) symbol.
Voltage figures not having the + symbol are RMS values of an AC voltage. Refer to the following
notes when making any voltage measurements.

1. RMS voltage measured with R.F. probe, and bandswitch in 7 MHz position.
2. Approximate RMS voltage with Mic. Jack input of .03 volts at 1000 Hz. Mic. Gain at
maximum clockwise.
3. RMS voltage with R.F. probe, CW mode, Mic. Gain at Maximum clockwise.
4. Full R.F. Gain, no signal input.


Atlas Radio, Models 210x and 215x:

Band. MHz Operating Range, kHz VFO Injection Frequency, kHz

1.8* 1,800 - 2,100 7,320 - 7,620
3.5 3,500 - 4,000 9,020 - 9,520
7.0 7,000 - 7,500 12,520 - 13,020
14 14,000 - 14,500 8,480 - 8,980
21 21,000 - 21,500 15,480 - 15,980
28.4* 28,400 - 29,400 22,880 - 23,880
(a) Normal Frequency ranges with internal VFO
*1.8 MHz band, model 215x only. 28.4 MHz band, model 210x only.

VFO trimmers are reached by removing the transceiver top cover. Adjustment of a trimmer for
lower or higher frequency will move the entire band down or up, and will came the dial Male to
read less accurately. Special frequency ranges with accurate dial calibration are available from Atlas

Band. MHz Low Frequency Limit, kHz. High Frequency Limit, kHz
1.8* 1,750 2,150
3.5 3,300 4,150
7.0 6,900 7,700
14 13,800 14,700
21 20,800 21,700
28.4* 27,800 30,000
(b) Extended frequency limits by adjustment of VFO trimmers.
* 1.8 MHz band, model 215x only. 28.4 MHz band, model 210x only.

Band. MHz Frequency Range, kHz, with Crystal Oscillator

1.8* 1,700 - 3,000
3.5 3,000 - 5,200
7.0 5,800 - 10,000
14 13,800 - 14,900
21 20,600 - 21,600
* 1.8 MHz band, model 215x only

Note: The Model 10x will not operate on the 28.0 MHz band. (c) Extended frequency ranges when
using Model 10x external crystal oscillator accessory.

4-11. PC-100C - FIRST MIXER/FIRST I.F. AMPLIFIER. In the receive mode, the R.F. signal
is coupled from terminal 1 of PC-100C to the primary of the trifllar toroid transformer LI 01,
through capacitors C101 and C110, to the double balanced diode ring mixer, D101 through D104.
The VFO oscillator signal is coupled through R105 — C109 to the center tap of the secondary
windings of L101, then through C101 and C110 to the First Mixer. The two signals are heterodyned
and the difference frequency is the 5520 kHz I.F. signal. The output of the First Mixer is coupled
through the trifllar toroid transformer L102, through a tuned circuit consisting of C104 through Cl
07 and LI 03, to the base of the First I.F. Amplifier Q101. The tuned circuit is tuned to the L.F.
frequency of 5520 kHz. The signal is amplified by Q101 and then connected through terminal 13 of
PC-100C to the crystal ladder filter, which then goes to terminal 3 at PC-200C.

In the transmit mode, the transmit audio input is coupled from terminal 7 of PC-100C through LI 04
to the First Mixer, which now operates as a balanced modulator. The carrier oscillator injection is
through terminal 4 of PC-100C and is coupled to the balanced modulator through R105, C109,
C110, and C101. The output of the balanced modulator (D101 through D104) is a double sideband,
suppressed carrier signal. R101 is used to balance out the carrier, and C103 is used for phase
balance. The double sideband signal is at the I.F. frequency of 5520 kHz, and is tuned by the tuned
circuit consisting of C104 through C107 and L103. Q101 is the Transmit I.F. Amplifier, and its
output is coupled to the Crystal Ladder Filter in the same manner as in the receive mode. Diode
D105 is used to short the receiver input circuit in transmit mode, thus preventing stray transmitter
energy from entering the mixer circuit. Diodes D106, 107 and 108 permit R.F. Gain control of
Q101 during Receive mode, while maintaining fixed gain in Transmit mode. RL101 switches the
+13 volt line for Transmit mode, and also switches the meter circuit from receive to transmit

One of the primary advantages of the double balanced diode ring mixer is that both signal and
oscillator injection frequencies are essentially balanced out and do not appear in the output circuit.
Only the sum and difference frequencies are present at the output. Also, the oscillator is balanced
out from the antenna input terminal, eliminating the risk of oscillator radiation.

C101,108,109,110,112 01 MF 100VDisc R101 Car. Bal. Trim Pot. 100 Ohms

C102 22pF10% Disc R102 10K 10% 1/4Watt
C 103 Car. Phase Bal. 10-80 pF Trimmer R103,110 4.7K 10% 1/4Watt
C104,107 001 MF 20% Disc R104 330 10% 1/4Watt
C105 100 pF 10% Disc R105 47 10% '/4Watt
C106 91 pF 5% Disc R106,107 1K 10% 1/4Watt
C111 0.1 MF 50V Disc R108 180 10% 1/4Watt
C113 15 MF 20V Electrolytic R109 820 10% 1/4Watt
D101,102,103 1N4148 Silicon Diode RL101 3p2t 12 vdc Relay
D104,107,108 1N4148 Silicon Diode L101.102 Trifilar Toroid XFMR
D105,106 BA-182 Silicon Diode L103 Shielded I.F. Coil
Q101 2N3866 1st I.F. Amp. L104,105 200 uH RFC
1 (0) (0)
2 Gnd. Gnd.
3 Gnd. Gnd.
4 0.6 (1) 1.15 (1)
5 Gnd. Gnd.
6 Gnd. Gnd.
7 0 0.33 (2)
8 Gnd. Gnd.
9 N.C. N.C.


10 +13 +13
11 +13 +13
12 Gnd. Gnd.
13 +11.8 +10.2
14 +7.3 (4) +8.5 (4)
15 +3.0 +3.0
16 +3.0 +3.0
17 +13 +12.6
18 +13 +12.6


19 +3 +12.6
20 +13
21 +3 +13
22 +12.6
Q101 I.F. Amp.
Base +4.0 (6) +5.1
Collector +12.2 (6) +9.4
Emitter +3.4 (6) +4.4

Figure 4-4. PC-100C Schematic Diagram

4-12. PC-200C Second I.F. Amplifier, Second Mixer, Mic. Amp., S-Meter Amp. In receive
mode, the I.F. signal from the 8 pole Crystal Ladder Filter is coupled through terminal 3 of PC-
200C to the Integrated Circuit Q201, which is the Second I.F. Amplifier. The signal is amplified
and coupled through the tuned circuit that consists of R203, C205 and L201, which is tuned to the
I.F. frequency of 5520 kHz; through R204 to the Trifilar Toroid Transformer L202, to the input of
the double balanced diode ring Second Mixer Stage consisting of D201 through D204. In the
receive mode, this mixer acts as a product detector by hetrodyning the carrier oscillator injection
and I.F. input to the audio output frequency. The audio output is coupled through C206 and the
Trifilar Toroid Transformer L203, through the RF choke L204 to terminal 5 of PC-200C.

From terminal 5, the audio signal is coupled direct to terminal 20 of PC-300C. In transmit mode,
the double sideband signal from PC-100C is passed through the Crystal Ladder Filter which
removes the unwanted sideband. The resultant single sideband signal is coupled through terminal 3
of PC-200C to the Second Mixer in the same manner as in the receive mode.

The VFO injection frequency is through terminal 7 of PC-200C through C208 to the center tap of
the Trifilar Toroid Transformer L203. The heterodyning action of the Second Mixer produces the
RF transmit frequency which is coupled through the primary winding of L203 to terminal 9 of PC-
200C. Q202, which is an integrated Circuit, acts as a 3 stage Mic. Amplifier and also the S-Metcr


Second I.F. Amp., Second Mixer, Mic Amp. S-Meter Amp.

C201,202,203,206, .01 MF l00VDisc Q201 MC1350PI.C.

C207,208,211 .01 MF l00VDisc Q202 CA3086I.C.
C204 100 MF 20VDisc R201 180 10% '/4 Watt
C205 130pF5% SM R202.210 2.2K 10% 1/4Watt
C209.220 0.1 MF 50V Disc R203 3.9K 10% '/4 Watt
C210 6.8 MF 35V Electrolytic R204.205 47 10% 1/4 Watt
C212,218 2.2 MF 50V Electrolytic R206.213,221 470 10% '/4 Watt
C213,215,219 .001 20% Disc R207,212 5.6K 10% '/4 Watt
C214 15 MF 25V Electrolytic R208 68 10% 1/4 Watt
C216.217 22 MF 16V Electrolytic R209.217 1K 10% '/4Watt
C221 .0022 MF 10% Mylar R211 27K 10% '/4 Watt
D201,202,203, 1N4148 Silicon Diode R214 150K 10% 1/4 Watt
D204,206,207 1N4148 Silicon Diode R215 100K 10% '/4 Watt
D205 1N4740 10V Zener Diode R216.219 10K 10% 1/4 Watt
L201 Shielded I.F. XFMR R218 39K 10% 1/4 Watt
L202,203 Trifilar Toroid XFMR R220 100 10% 1/4 Watt
L204 200 uH RFC R222 1K S-Meter Trim Pot.
L205 0.6 uH I.F. Trap



1 +13 +13
2 Gnd. Gnd.
3 +3.6 +3.3
4 Gnd. Gnd. -
5 • •
6 Gnd. Gnd.
7 0.551 (1) 0.53 (1)
8 Gnd. Gnd.
9 0 0.27 (3)
10 Gnd. Gnd.
11 0 0.05 (21)
12 Gnd. Gnd.
13 • 0.33 (21
14 • +6
15 Gnd. Gnd.
16 9 0.06 (2)
17 0 0
18 Gnd. Gnd.
19 +3.5 +3.5
20 +2.6 +2.6
21 +10 +10
22 +2.6 +2.6
Q201,I.C. I.F.Amp.
Term. 1-2-8 +10.4 +10.1
3-7 Gnd. Gnd.
4 +0.39 +0.37
5 +0.45 +0.43
6 +0.38 +0.36
Q202, I.C. Mic. Amp.
Term. 1-5 • +5.3
2-4-14 • +4.2
3 • +3.5
6 • +2.1
7 e +1.5
8 0 +5.3
9 +3.4 +3.4
10 +2.7 +2.7
11 +9.8 +9.8
12 e +0.95
14 • +0.25

Figure 4-5. PC-200C Schematic Diagram

4-13. PC-300C Receiver Audio, Oscillator Switch. The audio output from PC-200C is coupled
through terminal 20 of PC-300C, through C303 to pin 12 of the Integrated Circuit Q301, which is
the A.F. Amplifier. The output of Q301 is coupled through C302 to terminal 22 of PC-300C to the
AF GAIN control on the front panel, then back through terminal 12 of PC-300C to the input of the
AF Power Amplifier Q302. The signal is further amplified and coupled through C320 to terminal
15 of PC-300C to the speaker. Q302 delivers 2 watts of audio to the 3.2 ohm speaker.
The output of Q301 is also coupled through C309 to D301 and D302, the AGC rectifiers. AGC is
then coupled through L301 to the input of Q301B which is the AGC Amplifier. The AGC output is
fed from pin 7 of Q301B through terminal 17 of PC-300C to terminal 19 of PC-200C where it is
coupled through R202 to the Second I.F. Amplifier. AGC attack and decay time are controlled by
C310, R312, and R311.

ALC voltage from the SWR bridge is coupled through D303 to Q301B, controlling I.F. gain similar
to AGC in receive mode. This same circuit also carries the high SWR, or infinite SWR protection
system. High values of reflected voltage from the SWR bridge will reduce I.F. gain, resulting in
reduced transmitter drive. SWR figure of 6 or more will practically cutoff the transmitter drive
through this circuit. Q303, 304, 305 and 306 are the F.E.T. Oscillator switches, which connect the
VFO and Carrier Oscillator (BFO) to the two mixer stages in proper relationship for receive and
transmit functions. The switching is controlled by the "T" line on terminal 1, which is grounded in
receive mode and goes +13 in transmit mode.


Receiver Audio, Oscillator Switch

C301,304,307,308,314, .01 100V Disc L301 33uHRFC

C323,324,325,326 .01 100V Disc R301.307.313 5.6K 10% ¼ Watt
C302,317 1 MF 50V Disc R302 27K 10% ¼ Watt
C303 22 MF 100V Disc R303.310,311,324 1K 10% ¼ Watt
C305 47 MF 6.3V Elect R321,327,328 1K 10% ¼ Watt
C306, 319 15 MF 20V Elect R305,315,316 470 10% ¼ Watt
C309,310, 321 2.2 MF 50V Elect R306.314 100K 10% ¼ Watt
C311,315 47 MF 16V Elect R308 1.5K 10% ¼ Watt
C312 6.8 MF 35V Elect R309,317,318. 2.2K 10% ¼ Watt
C313 75 MF 15V Elect R312. 1M 10% ¼ Watt
C318 22 MF 16V Elect R319,320,322,323,325,326 6.8K 10% ¼ Watt
C320 250 MF 20V Elect Q301A CA3086 AF Amp
C322 47 MF 100V Myl Q301B CA3086 AGC Amp
C327 5-30 pF Trimmer Q302 LM380N AF Out
D301,302,303, 304 1N4148 Diode Q305,306 2N3819 FET
D 305,306 1N4148 Diode
D307.308 BA-182 Diode


1 Gnd. +13
2 +13 +13
3 Gnd. Gnd.
4 .0.58(11) 1.18(1))
5 Gnd. Gnd.
6 .0.58(11) 1.22(1)
7 Gnd. Gnd.
8 .55(1) .0.53(1))
9 Gnd. Gnd
10 .58111 .0.55(1)
11 Gnd. Gnd.
12 0 0
13 +13 0
14 Gnd. Gnd.
15 2VAC Max. 0
16 Gnd. Gnd.
17 +4.2 +4.2
18 0 Varies.ALC
19 +10 +10
20 0 0
21 Gnd. Gnd
22 0 0


Q301. I.C. A.F. Amp.
Term. 1-5 +6.7 —
2-4 +2.2 —
3 +1.5 —
6 +4.2 —
7 +3.5 —
8 +9.8 —
12 +1.9 —
13 +1.2 —
14 +12 —
Q302. I.C. A.F. Amp.
Term. 1 +7 +0.6
2-3-4-5-7 9-10-11-12-13 All Grounded
6 0
8 +5.2 +1.8
14 +13 +13

Gate +0.7 +9
Source +8.8 +8
Drain +8.8 +8
Gale +9.8
Source +8.8 +8
Drain +8.8 +8
Gate +94
Source +8.8 +8
Drain +8.8 +8
Gate +0.7 +9
Source +8.8 +8
Drain +8.8 +8

NOTE: RMS voltage measured with R.F. probe, and band switch in 7 MHz position.

Figure 4-6. PC-300C Schematic Diagram

4-14. PC-500D/520A Pre-Amplifier, Driver, Power Amplifier, SWR Protect

The R.F. output from PC-200C is coupled through the Transmitter Input Tuning circuit (PC-900) to
the input connection on PC-520A. From the input connection, the signal is coupled through C504 to
the base of the Pre-Amplifier Q501, where it is amplified and coupled through C501 to the base of
Q502 for further amplification. From Q502, the signal is coupled through the Toroid inter stage
transformer T501 to the base of the Driver Q503 on PC-500D. The output of the Driver is coupled
through the Ferrite Core Driver Transformer T502 to the base inputs of Q504 and Q505, which are
the Power Amplifiers. The outputs to the Power Amplifiers are coupled through the Ferrite Core
Output Transformer T503 to the output connection on PC-500D. From this connection, the output
signal passes through relay RL1, through the Low Pass Filters PC-100/1020 to the 50 ohm antenna

Q506 is a bias regulator for the output stage. Trim pot R515 is used to adjust resting current
collector to approximately 1/2 amp. Diodes D501 and 502 regulate the bias circuit, and are
thermally connected to the heat sink in order to sense temperature increase. Thus, bias voltage
automatically increases with temperature, preventing thermal runaway of the output transistors.

Reflected voltage which is generated by a mismatch in the antenna system is rectified by D1102 and
D1103 on PC-1100A in a doubler circuit, filtered, and then connected to Q507, the SWR protect
circuit. There it is used to reduce the gain of the first pre-amplifier, thus reducing drive to the power
output amplifier. The trimpot R522 is adjusted so that Standing Wave Ratios greater than 2 to 2.5
will drastically reduce R.F. drive.

Pre-Amplifier, Driver, Power Amplifier, SWR Protect

C501,502,504,507,510,518, .01 MF l00VDisc R503.514 470 10% ¼ Watt

519,520,521 .01 MF l00VDisc R504, 513 180 10% ¼ Watt
C503.509 0.1 MF 50V Disc R505,506. 47 10% ¼ Watt
C505 37-250 pF Trimmer R507.508 1.5K 10% ¼ Watt
0506,512,517 0.1 MF100V Mylar R509 270 10% ¼ Watt
C508,516,522 15MF 100V Elect R510 470 10% ¼ Watt
C511 2.2 MF 50V Elect R512, 519 1.1 10% ¼ Watt
C513.514 330 pF 5%SM R515 1K Bias Adjust
C515 100 pF 5% SM R516 560 10% ¼ Watt
T501 Toroid Interstage Transformer R517 . 10 10% 2 Watt
T502. Ferrite Core Driver Transformer R518, 520 4.7 10% ¼ Watt
T503 Ferrite Core Output Transformer R521 220 10% ¼ Watt
L501 33uH RFC R522 2.5K Trim Pot
L502 1.4uH RFC R523.R524 1K 10% ¼ Watt
L503 0.6 uH RFC Q501 MPS6514Pre-Amp
L504. 3 Ferrite Beads, RFC Q502 2N3866 Amplifier
L505 1.5 uH RFC and Meter Q503 RCA 40582 Driver
L506 7.6 uH Toroid, RFC Q504.505 CTCCD2545 Power Amplifier
D501,502,503 SI-05 Regulator Diode Q506 2N5490 Bias Regulator
R501 2.7K 10% ¼ Watt Q507 2N3646
R502 10 10% ¼ Watt



Base 0 +3.5
Collector 0 +10.2
Emitter 0 +2.8
Base 0 +2.4
Collector 0 +12.6
Emitter 0 +1.5
Base +1.3
Collector +15 +13
Emitter +.1
Q604, Q506
Base +.4 +.7
Collector +16 +13
Base +1.2
Collector +13
Emitter +.03 +.7

Figure 4-7. PC-500D / PC520A Schematic Diagram

4-15. PC-400C VFO Circuit Board and Tuning Circuits

PC-400C contains the VFO Oscillator Q401, F.E.T. Buffer 0402, and Output Amplifier 0403. The
output of the VFO Oscillator is coupled through C408 to pin 3 of the external oscillator socket,
through the jumper to pin 2, then direct to terminal 13 of PC-300C. From terminal 13 of PC-300C,
the VFO signal is fed to the F.E.T. Oscillator Switch. Voltage regulation for the VFO circuits is
provided by Q1 and D2 on the main chassis.



3500 - 4000 9020 - 9520
7000 - 7500 12520 - 13020
14000 - 14500 8480 - 8980
21000 - 21500 15480 - 15980
28400 - 29400 22880 - 23880



1800 - 2100 7320 - 7620
3500 - 4000 9020 - 9520
7000 - 7500 12520 - 13020
14000 - 14500 8480 - 8980
21000 - 21500 15480 - 15980


C401, 402, 406 .01 MF l00v Disc R401, 412 27 10% ¼ Watt
C407, 408 .01 MF l00v Disc R402, 403 10K 10% ¼ Watt
C403 300pF 5% SM R404, 409 470 10% ¼ Watt
C404 430pF 5% SM R405 680 10% ¼ Watt
C405 l00pF 10% Disc R406 15K 10% ¼ Watt
C409 001 MF 20% Disc R407 4.7K 10% ¼ Watt
C410 5pF 5% Disc R408 820 10% ¼ Watt
L402 1uh RFC R410 2.7K 10% ¼ Watt
L403 33 uh RFC R411 10 10% ¼ Watt
Q401 2N706 Osc. Stage R413 100 10% ¼ Watt
Q402 MPS6514 Buffer
Q403 2N3866 Output Amp

C411, 416, 419, 422, 423 3-12pF Trimmer C428, 433,436,440, 441 3-12pF Trimmer
C412,413,414 l0pF 10% Disc C429 15pF 5% Disc
C415,420,421,447 4.7pF 10% Disc C430, 438, 439 22pF 5% Disc
C417 22pF 5% Disc C431,434,435 4.7pF 10% Disc
C418.424 20pF 5% Disc C432,437,442,443 10pF 10% Disc
C425 27pF 5% Disc C444 0.8pF Dial Set
C426 0.8pF Dial Set C445A 4pF Main Tuning
C427A 4pF Main Tuning C445B 8pF Main Tuning
C427B 8pF Main Tuning C446 27pF 5% Disc



Base +4 +4
Collector +4.5 +4.5
Emitter +3.5 +3.5
Base +5.2 +5.2
Collector +6 +6
Emitter +9.2 +9.2
Base +4.3 +4.3
Collector +6 +6
Emitter +3.6 +3.6

Figure 4-8A. Model 210/215x PC-400C VFO Schematic diagram and 210x Tuning Section

Figure 4-8B. Model 215x VFO Tuning Section Schematic

4-16. PC 600 Carrier Oscillator, Buffer Amplifier

PC-600 consists of those components necessary to generate the normal carrier frequency of 5520
kHz, and the opposite sideband frequency of 5523.3 kHz. Crystal X602 is the Normal sideband
crystal, and X601 is the opposite sideband crystal. Q601 is the Carrier Oscillator, and Q602 the
Buffer Amplifier. The output of the Buffer Amplifier is coupled through C612 to terminal 6 of PC-
300C. From terminal 6, on PC-300C, the carrier frequency is fed direct to the F.E.T. Oscillator


Carrier Oscillator Buffer Amplifier

C601 22 pF 10% Disc R601 4.7K 10% ¼ Watt

C602.603 5-30 pF Trimmer R602.604 15K 10% ¼ Watt
C604 10pF 10% Disc R603.613 1K 10% ¼ Watt
C605,606.607,611.612 .01 MF 100V Disc R605 220 10% ¼ Watt
C608 200 pF 5% SM R606 22K 10% ¼ Watt
C609 100pF5% SM R607 10K 10% ¼ Watt
C610 15 pF 10% Disc R608.611 82 10% ¼ Watt
C613 510pF5%Disc R609,610 33K 10% ¼ Watt
D601 BA-182 Diode R612 470 10% ¼ Watt
D602 1N4148 Diode L601 1.4 uH inductor
Q601,602 2N706 Transistor X601 5523.3 kHz OPP. SB Xtal
X602 5520 kHz Norm. SB Xtal


Base +2.8 +2.8 +2.8
Collector +9.3 +9.3 +9.3
Emitter +3.2 +3.2 +2.5
Base +6 +6 +.75
Collector +1.2 +4.5 +3.7
Emitter 0 0 0

Figure 4-9. PC -600 Carrier Oscillator Schematic

4-17. PC-800C/1200 Receiver Input Tuning PC-800C contains those components necessary for
receiver input tuning. The transformers are band switched and provide for full coverage of each
band. The transformers have iron cores that are factory adjusted, and should not require further
tuning. The coupling capacitors in each transformer are selected to give the amount of over
coupling required for full band coverage, and eliminate the need for a front panel peaking control.


Receiver Input Tuning

C801 240 pF 10% Disc L801 7.2 uH Toroid

Q802,803 1800 pF 10% Mylar L802 803 1.25 uH Toroid
C804 120pF 10% Disc L804 3.6 uH Toroid
C805.806 820 pF 10% Disc L805 806 65 uH Toroid
C807 l0pF 10% Disc L807 808 1.4 uH Tuned
C808,809,810,811 91 pF5% Disc L809.810.811.812 .65 uH Tuned
C812,813 47 pF 10% Disc L1201.1202 .6 uH Tuned 5520 kHz
C814 180 pF5% SM L1203 .6uH Tuned 11.8 Mhz
Q1201,1202 .0022 MF 10% Mylar L1204 11.8Mhz
C1203.1210 470pF5% SM L1210 17.8 MHz
C1211 200 pF5% SM


Receiver Input Tuning

C815 360 pF5% SM L813 16.5 uH RFC

C816.817 3300 pF 10% Mylar L814.815 1.7uH RFC
C818 240 pF 10% Disc L816 7.2 uH Toroid
C819.820 1800 pF 10% Mylar L817, 818 1.25 uH Toroid
C821 120 pF 10% Disc L819 3.6 uH Toroid
C822,823 820 pF 10% Disc L820 821 62 uH Toroid
C824 10 pF 10% Disc L822 823 1.4 uH Tuned
C825,826,827,828 91 pF 5% Disc L824 825 .65 uH Tuned
C829 180 pF 5% SM LI 205,1206,1207 .6 uH Tuned 5520 kHz
C 1205,1206,1207 .0022 MF 10% Mylar L1208 .6 uH Tuned 11.8 MHz
C1208.1209 470pF5% SM L1209 11.8 MHz

Figure 4-10A. Model 210x PC-810C/PC-1200 Receiver input tuning schematic
Figure 4-10B. Model 215x PC-810C/PC-1200 Receiver input tuning schematic
4-18. PC-820 100 kHz Crystal Calibrator. The 100 kHz crystal calibrator circuit is assembled on
PC-820. Its schematic diagram is shown in Figure 4-11A. It is actuated by the function switch in the
"CAL" position. Frequency is adjusted by trimmer C821 against a known standard such as WWV.
Harmonics of the 100 kHz calibrator may be coupled out of the transceiver from the antenna
connector into another receiver which is tuned to WWV or another known standard. C821 should
then be adjusted to zero beat with the standard signal. Output from PC-820 is coupled through C824
to the input terminal of PC-800C, and its harmonics will be received at the 100 kHz increments on
each band.

PC-820 VOLTAGE CHART, Function Switch in "CAL." position.

Q821 Q822
Base -2.5 Base -3.4
Collector +4 Collector +6
Emitter 0 Emitter 0


C821 5-30 pF Trimmer

C822 300 pF 5% Silver Mica
C823 01 MF l00vDisc
C824 2.2 pF 10% Disc
R821.823 100K 10% ¼ Watt
R822.824 10K 10% ¼ Watt
Q821.822 MPS 3693 Transistor
X821 100 kHz Xtal

Figure 4-11. PC-820 Crystal calibrator schematic

4-19. PC-900C Transmitter Input Tuning. PC-900C contains those components necessary for
transmitter input tuning. The transmitter input circuit selects the desired mixer products and rejects
the unwanted products. These tuned circuits are band switched and provide full coverage of each
band. The tuned circuits are double tuned and over coupled. Trimmer capacitors are located on the
board for fine tuning the circuits. These trimmers are factory set and require no further adjustments.


Transmitter Input Tuning

C901 240 pF 10% Disc L901 7.2 uH Toroid

C902,903 1800 pF 10% Myl L902.903 1.25 uH Toroid
C904 120pF 10% Disc L904 3.6 uH Toroid
C905.906 820 pF 10% Disc L905.906 .62 uH Toroid
C907 2.2 pF 10% Disc L907,908,909,910 2 uH Toroid
C908.911 39pF 5% Disc L911,912 1 uH Toroid
C909,910,913,914,916,917 4-40 pF Trimmer L913.914 0.6 uH Tuned
C912.915 1 pF.25% Disc R901.902 47 10% ¼ Watt
C918.919 .0022 MF 10% Myl R903.904 6.8K 10% ¼ Watt


Transmitter Input Tuning

C920.923 1500 pF 10% Myl L915,916,917 3 uH Toroid

C921.922 2200 pF 10% Myl L918 Bifilar Toroid
C924 240 pF 10% Disc L919 7.2 uH Toroid
C925.926 1800 pF 10% Myl L920.921.922 1.25 uH Toroid
C927 120 pF 10% Disc L923.924 .62 uH Toroid
C928.929 820 pF 10% Disc L925.926.927.928 2 uH Toroid
C930 2.2 pF 10% Disc L929.930 0.6 uH Tuned
C931.934 39 pF 5% Disc L931 33 uH RFC
C932,933,936,937 4-40 pF Trimmer R905,906,907,908,909 6.8K 10% ¼ Watt
C935 1 pF .25% Disc R910 2.2K 10% ¼ Watt
C938.939 .0022 10% Myl
C940 39 pF 5% Disc

Figure 4-12A. PC-900C Model 210x Transmitter input tuning schematic

Figure 4-12B. PC-900C Model 215x Transmitter input tuning schematic

4-20. PC-1010/1020 Low Pass Filters. PC-1010/1020 is a band switched two section low pass
filter. The filter is connected between the output of the Power Amplifier (PC-500D) and the antenna
connector to suppress harmonics 30 dB or more. The filters are designed for a 50 ohm load and it is
important that the load be quite close to 50 ohms, non-reactive. The low pass filter is also used
during receiving operations to suppress possible interference from strong local VHF signals.


MODEL210x MODEL 215x

Component Freq. Cutoff Band Component Freq. Cutoff
C1001 820 pF 5% SM FC I 1 C1016 2200 pF 5% SM FC 1
C1002 1300 5200 kHz C1017 2200 2500 kHz
C1003 820 C1018 2200
L1001-1002 1.8 uH Toroidal L1011-1012 2.9 uH Toroidal
C1004 430 pF 5% SM FC 2 2 C1019 820 pF 5% SM FC 2
C1005 680 10,000 kHz C1020 1300 5200 kHz
C1006 430 C1021 820
L1003-1004 .95 uH Toroidal L1013-1014 1.8 uH Toroidal
C1007 180pF 5% SM FC 3 3 C1022 430 pF 5% SM FC3
C1008 330 20,000 kHz C1023 680 10,000 kHz
C1009 220 C1024 430
L1005-1006 .48 uH Toroidal L1014-1016 .95 uH Toroidal
C1010 68pF 5% SM FC 4 4 C1025 180 pF 5% SM FC 4
C1011 270 25,000 kHz C1026 330 20,000 kHz
C1012 180 C1027 220
L1007-1008 .32 uH Toroidal L1017-1018 .48 uH Toroidal
C1013 100 pF 5% SM FC 5 5 C1028 100 Pf 5% SM PC 5
C1014 180 35,000 kHz C1029 270 25,000 kHz
C1015 100 C1030 180
L1009-1010 .24 uH Toroidal L1019-1020 .32 uH Toroidal

Figure 4-13A. PC-1010 Model 210x Low pass filter schematic

Figure 4-13A. PC-1020 Model 215x Low pass filter schematic

4-21. PC-1100A SWR Bridge, Antenna Relay Circuitry. The relay, RL1101, switches the
antenna circuit from the PC-800C receiver input filters over to the PC-500D power amplifier
output. The other pole of this relay connects to the AUX. rear socket, and is intended for switching
a Linear Amplifier, as described in Section 2-21. The reflectometer, or SWR circuit, provides a
forward going voltage for ALC, (Automatic Level Control), which increases directly as transmitter
output increases. This positive voltage connects to the ALC potentiometer on the front panel,
concentric with the MIC. GAIN control, and thence to terminal 18 of PC-300C where the ALC
voltage is amplified and then used to control I.F. gain on PC-200C. The capacity trimmer, C1107,
is the bridge null adjustment. It is adjusted by measuring reflected voltage output at the terminal
which goes to PC-500D with a VTVM on its lowest scale. Use a dummy load which is known to be
50 ohms, nonreactive, set the band switch to the highest band, and insert a small amount of carrier
in CW transmit mode, just enough to get a voltage reading. Then adjust the trimmer, C1107, for
minimum voltage.


C1101,1104,1105, .01 MF l00VDisc RL1101 DPDT 12VDC Relay

1106, 1109, 1110 .01 MF l00VDisc R1101, 103 1K 10% 1/4 Watt
C1102, 1103 .01 MF 25VDisc R1102 150 10% ¼ Watt
C1107 4-40pF Trimmer D1101 1N34A Germ Diode
C1108 200 pF 5% SM D1102,1103 1N4148 Si Diode
L1101 Bifilar Toroid
L1102 200 uH RFC

Figure 4-14. PC-1100A SWR Bridge, Antenna Relay Schematic


5-1. NOISE BLANKER MODEL PC-120. The Noise Blanker is a plug-in accessory which
replaces the standard PC-100C R.F. board in Atlas transceivers. If Noise Blanker is owner or dealer
installed, a threshold control which is attached to the PC-120B by a 3 wire cable, must be installed
on the front panel.

CAUTION: The Carrier Balance controls have been factory set. Do not alter the 500 ohm trim pot
or mica trimmer. They are located in the upper right hand corner of the PC-120B. Handle with

CIRCUIT DESIGN: The PC-120B noise blanker is designed specifically to blank out pulse type
noise; the same as all other noise blankers. Pulse type noises, such as ignition noise will be
effectively silenced, while other more continuous type noise signals will not be silenced or reduced
as well. The PC-120B works on the same principle as the famous Lamb noise silencer. Noise pluses
are amplified separately by Q103, rectified into DC pulses which are amplified by Q104, and then
applied to Q105, the blanking switch. Q105 switches off Q102, the second I.F. amplifier, whenever
a sharp noise pulse comes through from the antennae circuit. The threshold control, R120. is located
on the front panel, and controls the gain of Q103. A second threshold control, R128, is a trimpot
located on the PC-120B circuit board, and is factory adjusted so that noise pulses will switch Q105
completely, but not excessively.


a) When the threshold control is in full counterclockwise position the noise blanker is OFF.

b) Advancing the control clockwise will increase the gain of Q103 until noise pulses will begin
to control Q105. At this point the audible noise level will drop sharply.

c) If the threshold control is advanced beyond this point, no further reduction in noise will be
obtained, if the character of the noise is made up entirely of sharp pulses, it will be
practically eliminated. If parts of the noise are continuous, they will still be audible. In other
words, the degree of noise reduction will be directly related to what percentage of the noise
is pulse type, and what percentage is of a continuous nature.

d) CROSS MODULATION may result from higher settings of the threshold control. This is
likely particularly on the lower frequency bands when a great many very strong signals are
being received on a full size antennae system. Turning the threshold control down to the
threshold level will eliminate this condition, while still retaining the pulse blanking action.

Figure 5-1. Noise Blanker Model PC-120 Schematic

5-2 MODEL 10X CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR The Model lOx oscillator provides for added
versatility with the Atlas transceivers by crystal controlling the operating frequency. Vernier
frequency adjustment is provided and a switch selects either crystal or VFO control. A ten position
switch allows selection of up to ten crystal frequencies.


Band Range
160M 1800 - 3000 kHz
75M 3000 - 5200 kHz
40M 5800 - 10,000 kHz
20M 13,800 - 14,900 kHz
15M 20,600 - 21,600 kHz

Note: The Model l0x will not operate on the 28 MHz band.

INSTALLATION: A 9 pin Noval socket on the back of the Atlas transceiver is labeled EXT. OSC.
The lOx plugs into this socket. It will be necessary to remove the two jumper wires plugged in
between pins 2 and 3; and pins 5 and 6. Once the wires have been removed, the transceiver VFO
will not function unless the lOx is plugged in and switched to its VFO position, or the dummy
jumper, which is furnished with the lOx , is inserted in the EXT. OSC. socket.

CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE 10X: The crystal sockets in the lOx are designed for
type HC6U crystals with standard .050 inch diameter pins. Crystals must be ordered for oscillation
at parallel resonance with 20 pF shunt capacity. A frequency tolerance of .0025 per cent at 25
degrees Centigrade is adequate.

Note: The sideband selector switch on the Atlas transceiver changes carrier frequency from 5520
kHz in NORM. position, to 5523.3 in OPP. position. The Norm. position produces lower sideband
operation on 160, 75, and 40 meters, which is normal operation on those amateur bands. On 20 and
15 meters, the transceiver circuitry automatically produces upper sideband in the NORM. position,
which is normal for these bands.

Figure 5-2. Model l0x


For operation on lower sideband (LSB):

Bands 160, 75, 40 meters,
(Sideband Selector in NORM. position.) Crystal Frequency equals Signal Frequency plus
5520 kHz. Example: 4020 + 5520 = 9540
Bands 20 and 15 meters,
(Sideband Selector in OPP. position.) Crystal Frequency equals Signal Frequency minus
5523.3 kHz Example: 14,370 - 5523.3 = 8846.7 kHz
For operation on upper sideband (USB):
Bands 160, 75, 40 meters,
(Sideband Selector in OPP. position.) Crystal Frequency equals Signal Frequency plus
5523.3 kHz Example: 4020 + 5523.3 = 9543.3
Bands 20 and 15 meters,
(Sideband Selector in NORM. position.) Crystal Frequency equals Signal Frequency minus
5520 kHz Example: 14,370 - 5520 = 8850 kHz

Figure 5-3. Model l0x Crystal Oscillator

5-3. Model MT-1

The MT-1 transformer is designed to provide a proper impedance match between the HF (High
Frequency) mobile antennae and the 50 to 53.5 ohm coaxial feedline. It is particularly useful when
the HF Transceiver is one of the new solid state, broad banded designs which requires a close match
to a 50 to 53.5 ohm non-reactive load. Practically none of the mobile antennas currently on the
market will match the coaxial feedline closely enough to provide a proper load for the broad banded
amplifier. With the Atlas MT-1 transformer a tap selection will be found which will provide SWR
readings of 1.4 or less when using the common type mobile antennas, such as those manufactured
by Nutronics, Swan, and HyGain.

Figure 5-4. MT-1 Transformer Installation

5-4. Model VX-5 VOX

The Model VX-5 is the VOX accessory that is installed in the lower section of the Model 220-CS
Console. Controls for VOX Gain, Anti-VOX, and Delay are brought out to the console front panel.
AC consoles may be ordered with VOX installed, or can be easily owner or dealer installed.

5-5. Model DD-6B Digital Dial with built-in Frequency Counter Capability
In addition to being a digital dial, the DD-6B will also function as a sensitive frequency counter
from 100 Hz to 40 MHz, for general use around the ham shack or lab. Input terminals and selector
switch for this function are located on the rear panel.

 DIGITAL HOLD provides frequency memory which holds the digital display. This allows
you to tune to other frequencies while retaining the frequency reading you expect to return
 Another new feature now provides for correct reading on opposite sideband, as well as the
normally used sideband.
 All L.E.D. Dot Matrix 6 digit display reads within 100 Hz (just 1/10 kHz) of your actual
operating frequency.
 Bright display clearly visible under high ambient light.
 Reads on both Receive and Transmit.
 Measures 1 3/8 high x 5 3/8 wide x 5 7/8 deep.


In addition to operating with all Atlas transceivers, the DD-6B can be made to operate with Swan
models 350C, 500C, 500CX, 700CX, 270, 270B, 300B, 600R, and 600T.


The DD-6C model is the same in all respects as the DD-6B, except that it is modified to operate
with the Drake R4 series as well as the earlier Swan models 350, 400, and 500.
Instructions furnished with both models of the Digital Dial give complete information on the minor
modifications required for use with Swan and Drake units. DD6-B or DD-6C

Figure 5-5. Model DD-6


PC-100C First I.F. Amplifier, First Mixer Printed Circuit Board

or PC-120 Optional Noise Blanker, 1st I FAmp, 1st Mixer
PC-200C Second I.F. Amplifier, Second Mixer, S-Meter Amplifier,
Mic Amplifier Printed Circuit Board
PC-300C Receiver Audio, Osc. Switch Printed Circuit Board
PC-400C VFO Printed Circuit Board
PC-500D SWR Protect, Pre-Amp, Driver, Power Amplifier Printed Circuit Board
PC-600 Carrier Osc. Printed Circuit Board
PC-800C/1200 Receiver Input Tuning Printed Circuit Board
PC-820 100 kHz Crystal Calibrator Printed Circuit Board
PC-900C Transmitter Input Tuning Printed Circuit Board
PC-1010/1020 Low Pass Filters Printed Circuit Board
PC-1100A SWR Bridge, Antenna Relay Printed Circuit Board
J1 3 Conductor, Closed Circuit, Enclosed A.F. Output Jack
J2 3 Conductor, Open Circuit, Enclosed Mic. Jack
J3 Banana Jack
J4 9 Pin Mica Tube Socket
J5 Coaxial Receptacle
J6 9 Pin Mica Tube Socket
J7 2 Conductor, Closed Circuit, Enclosed CW Key Jack
P1,P2 Banana Plugs
M1 S-Units/P.A. Amps 500 uA Meter
FL1 5520.3-5523.0 8 Pole Crystal Ladder Filter
S1,S2 SPDT Slide Switch
S3 1 Section, 5 Position Switch
S4 5 Section, 5 Position Switch
L1,L2,L3 14V Lamps
E1 4 Ohm Speaker

C1 470PF 5% SM R1 47K 10% ¼ W

C2,3,5 .01 MF 100V Disc R2,8,15 1K 10% ¼ W
C4 .22 MF 100V Mylar R3 3.3K 10% ¼ W
C6 .I MF 50V Disc R4 10K A.F. Gain Pot.
C7 1000 MF 25V Electro R5 .4.7K 10% ¼ W
D1 1N4148 Silicon Diode R6 10K, R.F. Gain Pot.
D2 1N5221 2.4V Zener Diode R7 470 10% ½ W
L1 .1uH Toroid R9 10 5% 1W
Q1 78L06AC I.C. Volt. Reg. R10 27 5% 1W
R11,12 10K ALC Mic.Gain Dual Pot
R13 10K 10% ¼ W
R14 10K 10% ¼ W

Phone: (714) 433-1983 417 Via Del Monte Oceanside,
TWX: 910-322-1397 Ca. 92054

Service Bulletins

To From: Service Manager

Subject: Atlas Radio, Inc.
Service Bulletins
Date: April 4, 1977

Enclosed you will find several instructions on the various adjustments and alignment procedures for
the Atlas 210X/215X. We feel that these should be very helpful in dealing with some problems that
may be encountered by your customers. As always, if you ever have any questions regarding these
instructions or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Customer Service Manager

Atlas Service Bulletins


 Transmitter Input Filter Adjustment Filter Roll-Off

 Adjustment Procedure VFO Dial Alignment ALC Adjustment

 Receiver Input Filter Adjustment

 Carrier Null (Suppression) Adjustment

 Power Amplifier Bias Adjustment

 S-Meter Adjustment Procedure

 High-SWR Protection Circuit Adjustment for 210X

 Modifying the Atlas 210 for Amplitude Modulation (AM) Transmission

 How to Convert the Atlas 210X for Citizen's Band Reception

 Atlas Transceivers, Mobile Installation Notes Model

 200-PS Portable Supply


Equipment Required
1 Audio Signal Generator
2 Dummy Load Wattmeter
3 PC Board Right Angle Adaptor
4 Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS'
5 200 ohm Resistor

1 Remove top cover of transceiver.
2 Remove PC-100 (or PC-120) Board from edge connector and reinsert, using PC Board
Right Angle Adapter. This allows access to PC-900 Trimmer Capacitors.
CAUTION: Be sure to reinsert PC-100 (or PC-120) such that pin one makes to pin one, etc.
Reversal of the board will cause severe damage to chassis wiring.
3 Connect Dummy Load Wattmeter to antenna output connector.
4 Connect power to transceiver using power supply extender cable.
5 Connect audio signal generator to mike input receptacle and adjust to 1500 cycles at .03
6 Place band switch in lowest band (see note two).
7 Jumper C90l on PC-900 board, using 200 ohm resistor, (see note three)
8 Tune transceiver to center of band.
9 Place function switch in Trans and advance mike gain control fully clockwise.
10 Adjust C902 for maximum indication on Wattmeter.
11 Place function switch in REC.
12 Remove jumper resistor from C90l and jumper C902.
13 Place function switch in Trans and adjust C90l for maximum indication on wattmeter.
14 Place function switch in REC. The lowest band is now properly adjusted.
15 Using the above procedure, adjust each pair of trimmers in turn for their appropriate band,
(see note one)

Note 1:
The jumper resistor need only be used on 7 MHz band and below.

Note 2;
Later model sets use fixed components on 7 MHz bands and below and tuning is only needed on 14
MHz band and above.

Note 3:
The correct pair of trimmers can be located easily, by tracing the connections from the band switch
section nearest the PC-900 Board.


Equipment Needed

1 Audio Signal Generator with output adjustable to .03 VAC

2 Dummy Load Wattmeter
3 Power Supply Jumper Cable, or 200PS


1 Remove bottom cover plate of transceiver.

2 Connect power, using jumper cable.
3 Connect output of Audio Generator torn Mike Input receptacle.
4 Set Side Band selector switch to Norm.
5 Set Band switch to lowest band.
6 Set Audio Generator to 1500 CPS at .03 VAC.
7 Place transceiver in Xmit, and advance Mic Gain setting until output is 40 W.
8 Without disturbing Mike Gain setting, readjust Audio Generator to 300 CPS at .03 VAC.
9 Adjust C603* (located on Carrier Osc. board) until output reads 10 W.
10 Switch Sideband selector switch to Opp and adjust C602* until output reads 10 W.
11 Reset Audio Generator to 1500 CPS at .03 V AC and check that output reads 40 W in both
Norm and Opp positions of sideband selector switch.
12 Repeat steps 6 through 12 as necessary.
Roll-off will now be set correctly.

* Early operating manuals designate these as C607 and C608, respectively

73, Clint Call W60FT

Customer Service Mgr.


Equipment Required

1 Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS

2 DD-6 Digital Dial or Signal Generator


1 Remove top cover of transceiver to permit access to VFO trimmer capacitors, which are
located along the right side of the dial drum.
NOTE: On earlier sets the trimmer capacitors are reached through holes in the VFO cover
plate under the bottom cover of the transceiver.
2 Connect power to transceiver using power supply extender cable.
3 Rotate tuning know until dial indicates exactly 200 * and set Dial Set to center position.
4 Place function switch in Rec. and connect DD-6 Digital Dial.
5 Place band switch in desired band and adjust corresponding trimmer capacitor** until DD-6
indicates exactly as dial indication

On model 215 and 2l5X, the 160 meter band (1.8 MHz should be aligned with the dial set at 1800.
The frequency is normally printed adjacent to the trimmer capacitor; if it is not the lowest frequency
band trimmer is located nearest the front panel and the next higher band trimmer just behind it, etc.
NOTE: If using RF signal generator in lieu of DD-6, adjust trimmer capacitor to zero-beat with
signal generator.

Clint Call W60FT
Customer Service Mgr.


Equipment Required

1 Audio Signal Generator

2 Dummy Load
4 Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS


1 Remove the top cover of the transceiver.

2 Remove the shield which is fastened to the metal bracket which supports the receiver input
tuning coils and to the rear lip of the chassis. (This permits access to the ALC trimmer
capacitor which is located in the now exposed groove, just to the right of center.)
3 Connect the dummy load to the antenna connector.
4 Connect the Audio Signal Generator to the mike input receptacle and adjust it for 1500
cycles at .03 VAC.
5 Connect power to the transceiver using power supply extender cable..
6 Place the band switch in the highest band.
7 Connect the +DC probe of the VTVM to the accessible lead of the 1000 ohm resistor which
is to the right and forward of the ALC trimmer capacitor and set the VTVM on its most
sensitive scale.
8 Place the function switch in Trans and advance the mike gain control until the VTVM reads
about mid-scale.
9 Adjust the ALC trimmer capacitor until a minimum reading is obtained on the VTVM. The
ALC circuit will now be properly adjusted.

Clint Call W60FT
Customer Service Mgr.


Equipment Required

1 RF Signal Generator
2 Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS
3 Plastic Hex tuning wand


1 Remove top cover of transceiver.

2 Connect power to transceiver using extender cable.
3 Connect output of RF Signal Generator to antenna connector.
4 Place band switch in lowest band.
5 Tune transceiver to center of band.
6 Place function switch in Rec.
7 Advance RF gain control fully clockwise.
8 Set output of RF Signal Generator to 10 uv and tune for greatest indication on S-meter.
9 Adjust top, then bottom slug of appropriate receiver input coil for greatest S-meter

NOTE: Receiver input coils are located behind and under the dial drum. The lowest band is farthest
to the left and the highest band is furthest to the right. Later sets use fixed tuning for 40 meters and
below requiring tuning on 20 meters and above only.

Clint Call W60FT
Customer Service Mgr.


Equipment Required

Dummy Load
Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS


1 Remove top cover of transceiver.

2 Connect dummy load to antenna connector.
3 Connect power to transceiver using extender cable.
4 Place band switch in lowest band.
5 Place function switch in TRANS, (do not connect mike to input.)
6 Measure RF output at center lead of antenna connector; if output is greater than .1 VAC
proceed with step #7.
7 Carefully adjust C103 and R101 alternately for lowest reading on VTVM. C103 is located at
the upper rear of the PC-100 board and R101 is just forward of C103 and L102 (toroid).
(On the PC-120 board R101 is forward and above C103).

NOTE: IF the lowest reading obtainable is greater than .2 VAC mixer diodes D101 through D104
should be replaced.

Clint Call W60FT
Customer Service Mgr.


Equipment Required

1 Dummy Load
2 Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS.


1 Connect dummy load to antenna connector.

2 Connect power to transceiver using extender cable.
3 Place band switch in lowest band.
4 Place function switch in CW.
5 Advance Mike Gain Control fully clockwise for about 10 seconds to allow finals to reach
normal operating temperature.
6 Turn Mike Gain Control full CCW. Place function switch in Transmit.
7 Adjust Bias adjust R515 for a reading of 1/4 to 1/2 amp on amperometer.

Note 1: Bias adjust R5l5 is a screwdriver adjustment which can be reached through the small hole
in the center, left of the heat sink.

CAUTION: Bias settings in excess of 1/2 amp will cause distortion and may result in damage to
the final PA transistors

Note 2: Carrier null adjustment should be performed before attempting to adjust PA bias.

Clint Call W60FT
Customer Service Mgr.


Equipment Needed

1 RF Signal Generator
2 Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS


1 Remove top cover of transceiver to permit access to S-meter adjust R220.

2 Connect power using extender cable.
3 Place function switch in REC and band switch in 3.5 MHz (80 meter) position.
4 Connect output of RF signal generator to antenna connector of transceiver and adjust sig.
generator to 3.7 MHz at 30 uv output.
5 Advance RF gain control fully clockwise.
6 Tune transceiver for greatest deflection of S-meter.
7 Adjust R220 for a reading of S9. S-meter will now indicate correctly.

NOTE; S-meter adjust R220 is located just behind the front panel dimmer switch, under and just to
the left of the dial drum, on the PC-200 board.

The SWR adjust is a subminiature potentiometer located on the far left side of the PA circuitry.

Clint Call W60FT
Customer Service Mgr.


Equipment Required

1 Audio Signal Generator

2 Power Supply Extender Cable or 200PS


1 Perform ALC adjustment procedure and bias adjustment.

2 remove the two bolts from the top sides of the PA heat sink and open the heat sink case to
permit access to the power amplifier circuitry.
3 Connect power to transceiver using power supply extender cable.
4 Connect audio signal generator to mike input receptacle and adjust for 1500 cycles at .03 V
5 Place band switch in 20 meter band (14 MHz).
6 Place function switch in Trans. NOTE: Leave antenna open circuited.
7 Advance mike gain control fully clockwise.
8 Advance SWR adjust until ammeter on front panel indicates 6 amps.
The SWR Protect Circuit is now correctly adjusted

Clint Call W60FT
Customer Service Mgr.


This fairly simple operation will provide for carrier insertion in transmit mode with the Atlas
transceiver« and permits AM transceivers to copy voice transmissions from the Atlas. Carrier
output will be 10 to 15 watts, and will be very clear provided the Mic. Gain la not turned up to the
point of over modulation. Reception of an AM signal with the Atlas will still require tuning his
carrier for zero beat, but this is a relatively small inconvenience, and the modification described
here does make it possible for an AM station to work the Atlas.

The original Atlas circuit has an ALC (Automatic Level Control) concentric with the Mic. Gain
control. The ALC control has a knurled aluminum knob. ALC is a convenience which helps prevent
over modulation, but is not really a necessity, and may be dispensed with if AM transmission is

First remove the cabinet and locate the dual potentiometers that are the Mic. Gain and ALC
controls. The rear section is the Mic. Gain, and front section is ALC control.

Step 1 - Locate the blue and white/green wires that go to the center and upper lugs, respectively, of
the front control. Unsolder these wires and tape the ends individually so they will not short circuit
with anything. They will no longer be used, and can be tucked away into the chassis a corner.

Step 2 - Connect a 10K ¼ watt resistor from the center lug down to terminal #7 of the PC-100 edge
connector. This will require splicing an extension wire to the resistor. Solder the splice and then
cover the entire wire and resistor with a plastic sleeving, as illustrated, to prevent short circuiting.

Step 3 - Connect a second 10K ¼ watt resistor from the upper lug down to terminal #22 of the PC-
100 edge connector. This will also require splicing and soldering an extension wire to the resistor.
Put plastic sleeving over the entire resistor and wire leads, as illustrated, to prevent shorts. Use
caution when soldering to all terminals. Do a neat and careful job, and inspect for shorts or solder
bridges to other terminals or to the chassis.

Step 4 - A 10K or 15K resistor will be found going from the Function switch to the upper lug on the
rear section of the dual not. (Mic. Gain). Unsolder or cut the resistor loose at the potentiometer lug.
Shorten the resistor lead by 3/8 to 1/2 inch, and splice a IN4148 or 1N914 silicon diode to the
resistor. Observe polarity as illustrated, with the cathode end, black band pointing upward. Solder
the splice carefully with a small iron, using just enough heat to make a good solder job. Place a
piece of plastic sleeving over both the diode and resistor to prevent shorts. Then solder the top end
of the diode to the upper lug, where the resistor formerly went. Be sure the cathode end, black band,
is connected to the potentiometer lug, as illustrated.

Step 5 - Adjustment Procedure. It will be necessary to make a minor adjustment of the carrier
frequency on both "NORM" and "OPP" sidebands. "NORM" on the sideband selector switch is the
one normally used in the amateur bands, being Lower Sideband (LSB) on 160, 75, and 40 meters,
and Upper Sideband (USB) on 20, 15, and 10 meters.
The trimmers that adjust carrier frequency are located on PC-600 alongside the speaker, and are
accessible from the bottom side of the transceiver, as illustrated,

(a) Connect the transceiver to a dummy load, or if none is available connect to a properly
matched antenna for the band to be used. Before turning the set on, move the band switch to
the desired band, set Sideband selector to "NORM" position, and turn both Mic. Gain and
Carrier Insertion (formerly ALC) to full counterclockwise position, (CCW).

(b) Switch to "TRANS" mode with the Function switch. Do not go to the "CW" position,
just to "TRANS". Not« that the ammeter reading i» very «mall, about 1/4 amp. If it reads
more than 1/2 amp. (half of the first increment), the P.A. Bias needs adjustment. This is
done with a small screwdriver through the adjusting hole on back of the heat sink below the
driver transistor. Set it for about 1/4 amp. resting current. Carrier insertion must be at
minimum, CCW.

(c) Now advance the Carrier Insertion control until the ammeter reads 3 amps. If you
cannot reach 3 amps, with the control, adjust the NORM carrier freq. trimmer until you can.
Move the trimmer slowly, and in the direction that increases the ammeter reading

If you can reach 3 amps before the control is fully clockwise, adjust the carrier freq
trimmer for a lower ammeter reading until you can just make 3 amps, at full clockwise
setting of the carrier insertion control.

(d) Repeat step (c) on the "OPP" sideband.

Step 6 - Modulation Control. Advance the Mic. Gain until the amperometer kicks upward slightly
when speaking, to 4 amps., or so. Modulating heavier than this will produce reports of distortion on
the signal.

CAUTION: Do not insert more than 3 amp of carrier, as indicated on the ammeter. More than this
will cause excessive heating of the P.A. output transistors, and can lead to their failure. Watch the
heat sink temperature, and be sure it does not get so hot that you can't hold your hand on it.


Step 1 - Remove the transceiver's upper cabinet. Turn the tuning knob counter clockwise until the
dial drum will not turn any further. Note that it stops right at the low frequency end of the dial scale.
Remember that the new dial scale should be adjusted to this same position.

Step 2 - Now, using a 5/64 in. Allen wrench, loosen the dial drum set screw, and remove the dial
drum. Remove the tape from the ends of the original dial scale, and peel the scale from the drum.
Take the new dial scale and practice applying it to the dial drum. Hold the drum down on a flat
surface, and begin by holding one end of the new scale on one end of the drum, and smoothly
rotating the rest of the scale against the drum until it is all on. After you get the idea, then peel off
the backing paper on the new dial scale, and apply it to the drum. Finally, apply short pieces of
masking tape, or scotch tape to the ends, similar to what the original dial had. This is to keep the
ends from coming loose.

Step 3 - Replace the dial drum in the set. Position it as before, so that in the full low frequency
position the low end of the scale lines up with the index line on the dial window. Then tighten the
set screw carefully» just tight enough to hold the drum securely. Caution: Over tightening can crack
the plastic hub.

Step 4 - Frequency Calibration: A signal of known frequency will be convenient. For example, an
AM signal on channel 23 may be used. Set the dial to channel 23, which is at 27.255 MHz, and
adjust the 28.5 trimmer on top of the VFO for zero beat. If the Atlas Digital Dial is used, simply
adjust the 28.5 trimmer for correct dial calibration.

Step 5 - Receiver input tuning t A plastic hexagon alignment tool, (1/10 in. across flats) is required.
OC #8606, or equivalent. Locate the 10 meter input transformer, (see Fig. 1). This transformer has
an upper and a lower core. Screw the upper core 1 turn clockwise, and the lower core 1 turn
counterclockwise. Then, using either a signal generator connected to the Ant. jack, or a signal being
received by an antenna, adjust the two cores for maxima S-meter reading. An AM signal with a
steady carrier is best. If no signal is present, the antenna noise level is often high enough for tuning
purposes. Adjust the cores for maximum noise. This is satisfactory even if there is no S-meter

Step 6 - Transmitter input tuning

(A) Early 210x: The 10 meter trimmers are located at the bottom of the tuning board. See
Fig. 2). A right angle adaptor for the PC-100 (or PC-120 noise blanker model) ping in card
will be required in order to reach these trimmers. Remove the card, and plug it bade in using
the adaptor, as illustrated. Be sure the relay is facing up.
(B) Later 210x: The 10 meter trimmers are located at the top of the tuning board, (See
Fig» 3), and can be reached without removing the plug in card, and without the need for a
right angle adaptor.
(C) A Dummy Load is recommended for tuning. If one is not available, use an antenna
with 50 ohm coaxial feed lines. It must be closely matched to 50 ohm, with low SWR, or it
will not work well with the Atlas transceiver.
(D) Tuning Procedure: Set the tuning dial to approx band center. Be sure that the
sideband selector switch, located under the A.F.Gain control is in the NORM position. (Note
that NORM position is Upper Sideband, and OPP is Lower Sideband). The CW mode doss
not function In OPP position, so for tuning the sideband switch mist be in the NORM

Move the function switch to "CW" node, and advance the Mic. Gain control to about 12 o’clock
Then screw the 10 meter trimmers (Fig. 2 or 3), clockwise until the s-meter on the transceiver panel
moves upward. It will normally be idling at about 1/4 amp. until there is transmit power. If turning
the trimmers has produced a reading of acre than 6 or 7 amps., quickly turn the Mic. Gain control
down for a reading of about 3 amps. Then, adjust both trimmer again for maximum reading. If it
goes over 6 or 7 amps. again, quickly turn down the Mic. Gain for a reading of about 3 amps.
Continue this procedure until you have found the peak position on both trimmer. The reason for
holding the amperometer reading down below 6 or 7 amps, is to avoid excessive heat dissipation in
the power transistors. They can draw 3 amps collector current for lengthy periods with no harm, but
if the current is allowed to run up over 7 or 8 asps, they will heat up rapidly. In any case, limit
tuning time in CW node to a 2 or 3 minute maxims. Never turn the Mic. Gain control up to full
power for more than 5 or 6 seconds at a time, Just long enough to see what the maximum collector
current (power input) will be.

CAPTION: Observe the notes on Modulation Level and Heat Sink Temperature which are in the
Atlas manual.


There are a number of important details to observe when making your mobile installation.

(1) The transceiver must have a direct ground connection to the car body. This must be done
through the mounting brackets. Do not rely on the DC cable running to the battery, or on the coaxial
cable going to the antenna.

If you are installing the Atlas plug-in mobile mount, the mounting brackets will provide a good
ground through the screws that secure the brackets to the transmission hump or firewall. Use the
large 1/4 inch screws, and make certain that they are tight. Also, make certain that all the screws in
the plug-in mounting assembly are tight, and that internal tooth shake proof washers are in place
under the screw heads and nuts. The black anodized finish is actually a very good insulation, and it
is important that the shake proof washers cut through the anodizing to make electrical contact. If
there is any doubt, connect a piece of copper braid from the antenna bracket to the mounting

If you are installing the transceiver using the Atlas bracket kit, (not the plug-in model), it will be
best to use a piece of copper braid from a mounting screw on the transceiver to one of the mounting
brackets. This will, serve as a backup ground connection in the event a good ground is not being
secured between the brackets and the transceiver.

(2) At the antenna mount it is very important that the coaxial cable be grounded securely to the
auto body or frame. If you are cowl mounting the antenna, one of the mounting screws for the ball
mount will normally give a good ground connection to the body.

If you are using a rear bumper mount, make certain that the bumper is electrically connected to the
frame of the car. Some of the late model cars have rubber mounting parts, and the bumper may not
be connected electrically. If this is the case, run the coax shield braid back to the body, and ground
it with a good sized sheet metal screw, or nut and bolt.

(3) Impedance matching to the antenna. Practically all the common mobile antennas on the
market have a base impedance in the 15 to 25 ohm range when installed on an automobile. For this
reason, we recommend the Atlas model MT-1 matching transformer, in order to run full power.
Large motor homes are generally an exception, and do not require the transformer. Their larger
ground area increases the base impedance to nearly 50 ohms. The same is true on marine

(4) Information on mobile noise suppression is available from the factory, if required.

If you have any problems or questions about your mobile installation, please contact us.


This kit includes:

(a) Black anodized housing

(b) Two 9 in. and two 1 2 in. cadmium plated steel moulting bars
(c) 3 in. wide rear bracket
(d) 6/2 ft. of 12 gauge 2 conductor power cable
(e) 25 amp. circuit breaker
(f) Package of screws and terminal lugs

NOTICE 1: The Atlas transceivers operate only with negative ground systems, which has been the
standard for all automobiles for several years. If there is any doubt, be sure to check. A protective
diode is built into the mobile mount, and will trip the circuit breaker if wrong polarity is ever

Refer to the illustrations for typical transmission hump and under dash mounting arrangement

STEP 1 The rear bracket(s) should be angled as straight back as possible in order to give good
support for pushing and pulling the transceiver in and out of mount.

STEP 2 The mounting brackets must be cut and bent to suit the7 installation, each case being
unique. Try different positions and select the one for best ease of operation, and least interference
with automotive controls. Then carefully measure and cut each bracket. Bend as required. After
bending the brackets, they may be painted with flat black to match the anodized aluminium parts if

STEP 3 Remove the acorn nut and hex nut. Slip bracket over screw and replace only the acorn nut.

STEP 4 Secure brackets to car with No. 14 sheet metal screws. Use shake proof washers under
screw heads. Tighten all screws and nuts securely. No. 10 screws are also furnished in case the No.
14 screws are too large.

STEP 5 Connect the 52 ohm antenna coax, as illustrated.

STEP 6 A separate speaker may be connected as follows: Locate the speaker plug on the back of the
mobile mount, just above the Mic. plug. Clip out the wire jumper going from the tip lug to the ring
lug. This will disconnect the internal speaker. Connect the external speaker from the tip lug to the
ground lug. impedance should be 4 ohms.

NOTICE 2: Black anodizing provides a very durable finish, much better than paint. However, the
anodized surface is an electrical insulation. In order to ensure electrical bonding between the
transceiver and the car chassis, shake proof washers must be used under all screw heads. They will
cut through the anodizing. Scraping the anodizing off around the junction points on the rear
bracket(s) is also recommended.

Poor grounding may lead to transmitter instability, which will cause a regenerative or self
oscillating condition. If there is any question of adequate grounding, connect a copper braid or strap
from the antenna bracket on the mobile mount to the nearest chassis ground, either the bulkhead or
transmission hump.

NOTICE 3: When inserting the transceiver into the mobile mount, push it firmly all the way in to
make certain that the connectors seat properly. If the mic. button will not key the transmitter it is
quite likely that the rig is not pushed in far enough.

INSTALLING THE D.C. POWER CABLE: The power cable should be run from the mobile mount
through the. bulkhead into the engine compartment. It should then be connected to positive and
negative terminals as close to the battery as possible. The best way to connect directly to the battery
terminal posts is by drilling and tapping for a 10-32 or 10-24 machine screw. The red lead goes to
the positive terminal, and brown to negative. (Or white is positive and black is negative).

The advantage of connecting directly to the battery posts is that loose battery clamps will then not
affect the transceiver connections, and the danger of intermittent voltage spikes is reduced.
If drilling and tapping the battery posts is not practical, then connect the leads to the engine end of
the heavy battery cables. The negative cable will usually be found going to a grounding bolt on the
engine block, and the positive cable usually goes to a bolt on the starter solenoid. Use proper
terminal lugs at these points for connecting the leads.

Battery clamps and terminals should be cleaned and tightened periodically. Anti-corrosion grease is
a good recommendation. All other electrical connections under the hood: alternator, regulator,
ignition coil. etc. should also be checked and tightened.

INSTALLATION OF 25 AMP. CIRCUIT BREAKER: The 25 ampere circuit breaker supplied with
the kit should be installed in series with the positive lead. It is best to mount it close to the battery
end of the cable, at some convenient place on the side of a metal panel or bracket. Sheet metal
screws are supplied for this purpose. It is not important that the metal case of the circuit breaker be
grounded, since there are no connections made to the case. Cut the positive red power lead, install
No. 10 terminal lugs, and secure firmly to the circuit breaker with washers and nuts. Solder the
terminal lugs.


Handbooks for data on this subject.

Important note on polarity

On Cables with Black and White Conductors.

Black is Negative (Ground).
White is Positive.
On Cables with Red and Brown Conductors.
Red is Positive.
Brown is Negative (Ground).

Circuit Breaker Installation: Recommended location is near the battery end c the cable. Connect in
series with Positive Conductor. Secure the circuit breaker with sheet metal mounting screws. The
case may be grounded or ungrounded/ Not Important.


Bonding — Each one of these 15 items play an important part in the reduction ignition noise in
your vehicle. Be sure to use inside-outside lock washer- above and below bonding straps at each
bonding point.

1. Bond motor to frame both front sides.

2. Bond fender to fender skirt to frame both sides in motor compartment
3. Bond across both hood hinges to fenders or firewall.
4. Bond radiator shell to fenders on both sides.
5. Bond cover plate over power brake fluid compartment. On late model cars this is a large
dish type cover.
6. Bond cover plate over heater and air conditioning motor compartments If cover plate is
plastic, install copper screen shield over it ai bond to firewall. Copper screening is available
at any lumber or hardware store.
7. Bond air cleaner.
8. Bond coil bracket to coil case by inserting inside-outside lock T between mounting bracket
and coil case.
9. Bond firewall to fenders both sides.
10. Bond coax feed line at antenna base to firewall.
11. Bond rear body both sides to frame.
12. Bond gas tank flange both ends to frame.
13. Bond tail pipes at centre section to frame.
14. Bond coax line to frame 1/2 way between antenna base and transceiver

Capacitors — Install capacitors per information contained in the Champion Booklet, except, install
.002 ceramic capacitor in series with 6 ohm resistor from field connection of regulator to ground.

Ignition Cables — Remove ignition cables supplied by manufacturer with the vehicle and install
Whitaker solid wire cables. These cables have the suppression unit built into the rubber head that
plugs on the spark plug. These will give you much better ignition life and better noise suppression.
These cables are available at most auto supply houses. If you have trouble locate the cables, contact
Ernest Scroggin, W0SJE, you will be supplied with the nearest dealer.

Noise suppression falls into three categories. Bonding is the most important factor with ignition
suppression cables of the proper type as the second phase. Any further noise can be reduced by the
proper capacitor filtering as outline in the Champion Booklet. Copies of "Giving Two-Way Radio
Its Voice/' publish by Champion Spark Plug Company are available through W0SJE.
This is a report copied out of the Worldradio News, January 1975

ATLAS RADIO, INC. 417 Via Del Monte Oceanside, California 92054 (714)433-1983


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