Implementing Rules and Regulations of THE National Mock Board Examination 2023
Implementing Rules and Regulations of THE National Mock Board Examination 2023
Implementing Rules and Regulations of THE National Mock Board Examination 2023
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Prepared/ Federation
Ver # Date Approved By Noted By
Updated By Name & Year
Kristyl Joy D. Matthew U. Roel E. Banyuhay
1 05/30/2013
Pereye Gopez Hermosilla 2013-2014
Adrianne B. Asser S. Siwag
2 05/29/2014 Nicole C.
Harve Tamayo 2014-2015
Berlin C. Rushnell B. Nilo M. Siklab
3 05/29/2015
Taguba III De Vera Burgos 2015-2016
Francoise Asser S. Siuala
4 05/26/2016 Dylan
Dale C. Fua Tamayo 2016-2017
I. Tabamo
Reynaldo D.
John Michael Francis J. Hugyaw
5 05/13/2017 Lamorena,
R. Mujer Ricamora 2017-2018
Vyrsace Lyka Mark David Jeffrey R. Sevanza
6 05/16/2018
S. Toledo C. Fuellas Ebio 2018-2019
Bryle Jake S. Jessica Mae Jeffrey R. Selante
7 05/29/2019
Rodado P. Estandarte Ebio 2019-2020
Kyle Nance Penielle O. Conrad Allan Sughimla
8 10/31/2020
L. Delgado Robles M. Alviz 2020-2021
Ro-Anne L. Axl Rome P. Conrad Allan Siklahon
9 12/11/2021
Lozada Flores M. Alviz 2021-2022
Christine Joy Yssabelle N. Conrad Allan Abansayon
10 10/31/2022
T. Balobalo Callañga M. Alviz 2022-2023
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IRR 1.1 The National Mock Board Examination (NMBE) is an annual event
of the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of
Accountants, in cooperation with its partner institutions and all
the regional councils, which aims to uphold academic excellence
to a more advanced level and prepare the examinees for their
actual CPA Licensure Examination. It is an event for which
different aspirants from different regions are gathered to test
their knowledge and skills in answering six (6) CPALE subjects.
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IRR 4.1 The registration period will start on March 4, 2023 (Saturday)
and will end on April 15, 2023 (Saturday). Only pre-registered
examinees are allowed to take the examination.
IRR 4.2 No walk-ins shall be allowed to take the National Mock Board
Examination 2023.
IRR 4.3 Each examinee must pre-register and should submit the
following to their respective Local Chapters:
a. Pre-registration Form (pro-forma to be provided). The
format will be included in the packet which contains the
personal information and requirements tracker of the
b. Photocopy of school ID with 3 signatures below. The same ID
must be presented at the start of every examination day and
is to be checked by the attending proctor.
c. Data Privacy Consent Form (pro-forma to be provided).
d. Video Consent Form (pro-forma to be provided).
e. Parental/Guardian Consent and Student Undertaking Form
(pro-forma to be provided).
f. Scanned copy of official receipts. Examinees are required to
pay a registration fee which will be utilized to support the
expenses needed by NMBE. The Local Chapter will release an
official receipt to acknowledge the payments of each
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IRR 4.5 Each Local Chapter should submit a masterlist (proforma to be
provided) to their respective Regional Councils for the purpose of
consolidation. This masterlist and all PDF files should be packed
into one folder, named after their Local Chapter, and should be
submitted on each Local Chapter’s Google Drive to be sent by
their Regional Vice President for Academics.
IRR 4.6 For JPIA alumni who wish to take the National Mock Board
Examination in preparation for the upcoming CPALE 2023, they
are authorized to join and required to submit the stated
requirements above, membership card during their federation or
any proof of evidence that they are JPIA alumni, to their Alma
Mater to be counted as part of the Local Chapter.
IRR 4.7 All Local Chapters should strictly follow the given deadline as to
the pre-registration to sufficiently supply the number of materials
needed for the examinees per region.
IRR 4.8 Each Regional Vice President for Academics should submit the
following to the National Council:
a. The Regional Council must send a letter of confirmation via,
as to the number of pre-registered examinees on or before
April 16, 2023, to the National Vice President for Academics
and must deposit the collection remitted on or before April
20, 2023.
b. Masterlist (pro-forma to be provided). This will serve as the
final list of examinees from his/her respective Regional
Councils. This should be aligned with the Local Chapter
c. Local Chapter Requirements. All Local Chapter folders should
be found in their respective Regional Council folder.
Examinees who opt to pass incomplete requirements should
not be included in the masterlist.
IRR 4.9 The requirements stated in IRR 4.8 must be packed down to one
file (.zip or .rar) and shall be uploaded to the Official Regional
Folder of each Regional Council under NMBE folder which has
been provided by the National Vice President for Academics via
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email to all Regional Vice President for Academics, on or before
April 16, 2023 (Sunday). The filename for the compressed file and
folder name to be used for uploading the requirements shall be:
Example: Region 10 & CARAGA
6:00 AM – 7:30 AM Registration
7:30 AM – 7:50 AM General Instructions / Filling out of Forms
7:50 AM – 10:20 AM Exam 1: Management Services
10:20 AM – 10:30 AM Short Break
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM Exam 2: Financial Accounting and Reporting
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch Break
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM Exam 3: Auditing
7:30 AM – 10:00 AM Exam 4: Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting
10:00 AM – 10:10 AM Short Break
10:10 AM – 12:40 PM Exam 5: Taxation
12:40 PM – 1:40 PM Lunch Break
1:40 PM – 4:40 PM Exam 6: Regulatory Framework and Business Transaction
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IRR 6.1 Examinees are expected to report at the testing center at least by
5:30 AM on the first day and 6:30 AM on the second day of the
examination to verify their room and seat number, confirmation
of their registration and inspection of calculators.
IRR 6.2 Be punctual. Examinees who failed to be at the venue once the
exam starts are considered late. Latecomers are not allowed to
take the examination of the subject they failed to attend on time
IRR 6.3 Examinees are required to wear the following attire every
examination day:
a. Male Examinees - White polo shirt with collar (without any
seal, logo, or mark) and decent pants or slacks.
b. Female Examinees - White blouse or shirt with collar (without
any seal, logo, or mark) and decent pants/slacks/skirt.
IRR 6.4 Each examinee should bring the following on the examination
day. Borrowing from a seatmate is strictly not allowed.
a. Notice of Admission
b. Official Receipt
c. School ID
d. Two (2) or more pencils (No. 2)
e. Eraser
f. One (1) piece long brown envelope
g. One (1) piece transparent plastic envelope (for keeping your
valuables and other allowed items.)
h. Ball pens with BLACK ink only
IRR 6.5 Personal belongings must be placed in a transparent plastic
envelope/container and must be placed near the proctor’s table
while the examination is going on.
IRR 6.6 Examinees should observe proper behavior during examination
proper. Talking, loitering and/or asking to seatmates and in the
hallways are strictly prohibited. Any questions/clarifications must
be addressed directly to the proctor.
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IRR 6.7 Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials
containing coded data/information /formula are PROHIBITED
inside the examination premises/rooms.
IRR 6.8 Any examinee caught cheating will be disqualified in taking the
entire mock board examination.
IRR 6.9 Examinees are not allowed to leave the room every after each
board subject, unless allowed by the proctor. Once an examinee
left the room, they are not allowed to go inside until all other
examinees are done.
IRR 6.10 Examinees and examination personnel shall bring their own
meals (pre-packed meal/snack and drink) to be eaten during
breaks, on their assigned seats.
IRR 6.11 Windows will be opened to improve ventilation during breaks.
IRR 6.12 During the examination proper, the following shall be strictly
a. Any examinee who needs to use the restroom shall be
accompanied by a room watcher/proctor, always
maintaining social distancing measures. Only one examinee
at a time shall be allowed to go to the restroom. Proper hand
hygiene shall be observed particularly every after use of the
restrooms; and
b. Protective facemasks and handkerchiefs/tissue shall be
inspected by room watchers/proctors before the start of
every subject and, if necessary, during the conduct of
examination to ensure that they are not used to conceal
codigos. The inspection shall be done one at a time, while the
rest of the examinees are seated. Examinees must show all
the angles of their facemasks and handkerchiefs to the room
watcher/proctor for inspection.
IRR 6.13 Only basic calculators are allowed. A basic calculator is one
which only contains the keys for the basic functions (+, -, x and /).
It may also have the memory keys (M+, M-, MR and MC).
Calculators with TAX functions are also allowed. Proctors are
expected to inspect the examinees’ calculators before the
examination starts.
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IRR 6.14 Personal belongings brought by an examinee shall be for his/her
own account. The NFJPIA will not be answerable for any item or
personal belonging that might be lost during the exam without
fault or negligence on its part.
IRR 6.15 Read carefully and follow the instructions on your Notice of
Admission and Examinees Guide.
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c. FAILED RATING – if the examinee fails to obtain at least a
general average of seventy-five percent (75%) and a rating of
at least sixty-five percent (65%) in each of the subjects,
he/she shall be considered as failed in the entire NMBE.
IRR 8.2 The Academics Department shall furnish a Summary Report to
the participating examinees and their respective institutions that
contains the following information but are not limited to: (1) the
examinee's overall average percentage, (2) the average
percentage per subject, (3)the standing of the local chapter, and
(4) the national standing of a local chapter.
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IRR 11.1 It shall be the primary duty of the National Vice President for
Academics and the Federation to effectively enforce the
provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations. The
National Executive Officers also have the sole right to interpret
the contents of this Implementing Rules & Regulations and their
decision will be binding and irrevocable.
IRR 11.2 The National Council Adviser or his duly designated
representative shall act as legal adviser to the National Vice
President for Academics and the National Executive Officers and
shall render legal assistance as may be necessary in carrying
out the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations.
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YSSABELLE N. CALLAÑGA National Vice President for
National Council President
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National Secretary General
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