Zephan Mastronarde - Careers Exploration

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Rio Americano HS - CTE

Name: Zephan Mastronarde

Date Started: 03/08/2023
Class: Engineering 2 Period 3
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvMex7
●Self Assessment
● https://www.how-to-study.com/learning-styl

Take the learning style assessment and take a

screenshot of the results and place on the next
●Learning Style Reflection
● Place a screenshot of your learning style

● What did you learn about yourself?

● I learned that the site uses an old version
● How does that relate to our current situation
with online learning?
● Websites need to update to HTTPS
Interest Inventory

go to https://www.sanjuan.edu/domain/8674
● And login to Naviance

● to tell you what career to choose. Rather it should be used as one step in a
process of career exploration and planning. It is designed only to aid you in
learning more about potential careers.”
= Interest Inventory (cont)

What did it say about Your Career Interest Profile? Copy & paste those results here.

Conventional (20)
Realistic (20)
Investigative (11)
Enterprising (8)

Artistic (7)
Realistic (5)
Social (3)
Enterprising (1)

Primary Interest Area: Artistic

People with artistic interests like work activities that deal with the artistic side of things, such as forms,
designs, and patterns. They like self-expression in their work. They prefer settings where work can be
done without following a clear set of rules.
Explore Career Cluster

Career Cluster‘s

What Career Cluster did you pick ?

Information Technology

What specific Career Group did you pick?

Programming and Software development

What Occupation in that Career Group did you pick?

Computer Programming
Explore Career Cluster (cont)

What Work Value does it rank What Abilities does it rank as

as the highest and briefly explain the two (2) highest?
what it means in your own
words? A= Written Comprehension, Oral
A= Investigative. Studying and
solving math/science problems.
What Occupational
Education and
Training does it
require? (Doctoral, Masters,
Bachelors, 2 yr, certification, etc.)

A=4yr college

What Skills does it rank as the

two (2) highest? What Knowledge does it rank
as the two (2) highest?
A= Programming
A= Computers and electronics,
Explore Career Cluster (Cont)

Career Cluster‘s

Under the BLS tab what does it say:

Number of Calif Employment in 2021 = 23,960

Number of Projected Calif Employment in 2014 =
Hourly Wages in 2021 = $55.16
Turnover Rate =
Average length of time Occupation = full time
Average Age of Workers in this job =

CONCLUSION: So do you think the career you choose will be a good

match and is something that you can do? Explain why you think they way
you do. It seems like a good match, although the industry is declining
ONET Online Explore Career Cluster

Go to this website to answer below: http://online.onetcenter.org/

Using the Career or Occupation that selected yesterday type it into Occupation Search and see what information NET
provides you about it.

Pick an Occupation that falls under that search that YOU picked. Now answer the following questions:

1-What specific Occupation did you pick and why?

Computer programmers, because it sounds interesting
2-What Occupational Education and/or Training does it require? (Doctoral, Masters, Bachelors, 2
yr, certification, etc.) Bachelor's degree

3-What other background studies does it possibly require and are they interesting to you?

4-What three Interest areas does it require and are these applicable to you?
Investigative, conventional; yes

5-What top three Work Styles does it require and are these applicable to you?
Attention to detail, Analytical thinking, integrity; yes
Day 4 = ONET Online Explore Career Cluster (Cont)

Under Wages & Employment Trends what does it say:
Median Wages = 44.71/hr; 93,000/yr
Employment = 174,000
Projected Growth = -2%
Projected Job Openings = 9,600
Top Industries = Professional, Scientific, Technical Services Information
Average Age of Workers in this job =

7-Select a State to explore: CA

What is the National Median Pay Yearly= $93,000
What is the State Median Pay Yearly= $105,080
Which one is higher and what does that tell you? CA was higher, likely because costs of living are higher, and
we’re home to the silicon valley.

BONUS: 20 pts - Watch one of the Career Videos. Explain in 2-3 sentences what you have learned
from this video.

CONCLUSION: So do you think this occupation is something you could see yourself doing for the
next 20+ years or not? Explain why you think they way you do. Yes, if the industry stops declining. But
if it continues to decline, I will probably find another career.
Day 4 = Select A College


you think you want to study or get Why did you pick College #1?
your degree in?
Go to this website to answer

Pick two (2) colleges

under the colleges tab and
compare them
Why did you pick College #2?
Select A College (Cont)

College #1 College #2
Name: Name:

Type of School (2 yr/ 4 yr/ Type of School (2 yr/ 4 yr/

Technical) : Technical) :
Location/Address: Location/Address:

Number Students Number Students

Enrolled: Enrolled:
Setting: Setting:

Website: Website:

Average ACT scores: Average ACT scores:

Average SAT scores: Average SAT scores:

Over all GPA after 1 yr Over all GPA after 1 yr

enrollment: enrollment:
Graduation rate: Graduation rate:

Undergrad Undergrad
student-to-faculty student-to-faculty
ratio: ratio:
Average cost of in Average cost of in
state tuition state tuition
Average cost of Average cost of
on-campus room and on-campus room and
board: board:

What did you learn from the Reality Check?

A= The links on this slideshow need to be updated

What Career Cluster did you pick from OSCAR and why?
A= IT, because it sounds interesting

What specific career did you pick from ONET and why?
A= Computer Programmer, because I enjoy programming

What Education Level, Certification/License, Mentoring, etc.. does your career choice require?
A= 4yr college

What college/post secondary school did you select for your career choice and why did you pick
this school?
A= The link was broken

In conclusions what will you have to do to reach your career choice?

A= Go to college

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