History S2 Scheeme of Work 2023
History S2 Scheeme of Work 2023
History S2 Scheeme of Work 2023
Term: I
Week/ Unit title lesson title and Learning objective and Teaching method, Reference Obser
Date evaluation key unit competence techniques and
Week 6: Unit 3: Causes LESSON:1. Causes of Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
31/10- and course of genocide against understanding: - Explain debate and citizenship
04/11/20 the 1994 the Tutsi. the representation Student book
22 genocide causes of genocide against about the topic
against the theTutsi. -Internet
Tutsi. - Describe how genocide
was planned, executed and
stopped. -Textbooks of
Skills: - Analyse the Rwandan
causes of the genocide History
against the Tutsi.
Attitudes and values:
- Appreciate the role
played by RPF/RPA to stop
genocide against the Tutsi.
Week/ Unit title Lesson title and Learning objective Teaching method, Reference Observatio
Date evaluation and key unit techniques and n
competence evaluation
Week 1: Unit 4: Kingdoms of LESSON :2. Political, social Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
09- East and Central and economic organisation understanding: - debate and citizenship
13/1/2 Africa. of Buganda and Kongo Explain the factors representation Student
023 kingdoms. behind the rise of the about the topic book
Buganda and Kongo -Internet
kingdoms. -Textbooks
-Identify the causes of Rwandan
for the decline of History
Buganda and Kongo
Skills: - Analyse the
factors causing the
downfall of Buganda
and Kongo kingdoms.
Attitudes and
values: -understand
the factors for the rise
of Buganda and
Kongo kingdoms.
Key Unit
SUMMATIVE Competence: To be
EVALUATION able to describe the
procedures: Written
origin, rise,
organisation and
decline of kingdoms
in East and Central
Africa: case study of
Buganda and Kongo
Week 3: Unit 5: Long LESSON:1. Rise and Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
23- distance trade. organisation understanding: debate and citizenship
27/1/2 of long distance trade. -Describe its representation Student
023 organization. about the topic book
- Explain effects and -Internet
reasons for its -Textbooks
decline. of Rwandan
Skills: - Balance its History
organisation with the
Week 4: 2. Reasons for oganisation of Trans- Group discussion, History and
30/01- the decline of Saharan trade. debate and citizenship
03/2/2 long distance - Examine the effects representation Student
023 trade. and the reasons for about the topic book
the decline of long -Internet
3. Effects of distance trade. -Textbooks
long distance Attitudes and of Rwandan
trade. values: History
Appreciate the
organisation of long
distance trade.
Week 5: Unit 6: Ngoni LESSON :1- Origin of the Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
06- migration Ngoni and different understanding: - debate and citizenship
10/2/2 Ngoni groups Identify different representation Student
023 groups of the Ngoni. about the topic book
- Describe the -Internet
reasons for Ngoni -Textbooks
migration. of Rwandan
- Discuss the effects History
of Ngoni migration.
Skills: -Examine the
Week 6: 2. Reasons effects both positive
13- for Ngoni and negative of the
17/2/2 migration. Ngoni migrations in
023 3.Consequen East and Central
ces of Africa.
Ngoni Attitudes and
migration values: - Appreciate
the origin and the
reasons for the Ngoni
- Recognise the effects
of the Ngoni
Week 7: Unit 7: Exploration LESSON: 1. Different Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
20- of Africa. European understanding:- debate and citizenship
24/2/2 explorers and Identify representation Student
023 their routes. different about the topic book
Europeans who -Internet
2.Different explored Africa. -Textbooks
causes of - Explain different of Rwandan
exploration. causes and History
effects of
Attitudes and
values: - Appreciate
the reasons for
resistances so as to
acquire the spirit of Evaluation
patriotism. test
EVALUATION Competence: To be
able to analyse the
reactions of Africans
to colonial conquest.
Week General review
10 :13-
Term: III
Week/Date Unit title Lesson title Learning objectives Teaching method, Reference Observatio
and evaluation and key unit techniques and n
competence evaluation
Week1: Unit 10: LESSON:1. Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
17- Industrial Political, understanding: debate and citizenship
21/4/2023 revolution. economic and - Describe the factors representation about Student book
social situation that led to the the topic -Internet
in industrial revolution. -Textbooks of
England before - Discuss the effects of Rwandan
the industrial industrial revolution History
revolution. in Europe and the rest
of the world.
Week 6: Unit 12: LESSON:1. Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
22- Rights, duties Duties of citizen understanding: - debate and citizenship
26/5/2023 and toward Explain the concepts representation about Student book
obligations. his/her nation. of rights, the topic -Internet
2.Obligations of duties and obligations -Textbooks of
the state in the Rwandan
towards family, community History
its population. and nation.
3.How duties - Identify the
and obligations of the
obligations are state towards its
balanced in population.
Rwanda - Describe the balance
duties and obligations.
Skills: - Examine the
role of rights, duties
and obligations in
society and nation
Attitudes and values:
- Acquire the spirit of
- Develop the spirit of
being law abiding.
procedures: Written
EVALUATION Competence: To be
able to analyse how
rights are balanced by
obligations and duties
and relate this to the
situation in Rwanda.
Week 7: Unit 13: LESSON:1. Knowledge and Group discussion, History and
29/5- State and Definition of understanding: debate and citizenship
02/6/2023 government. state -explain the role and representation about Student book
And functions of the state the topic -Internet
government. and government. -Textbooks of
2.Difference -Explain the concepts Rwandan
between state of History
and the State and
government. government.
- Identify the
3.Types of state difference
and between state and
basic forms of government.
Skills: - Analyse the
4.Organs, role definition of state and
and government and
functions of the compare them.
state and Attitudes and values:
government -Appreciate the
importance of state
and government in
order to determine the
Rwandan identity.
procedures: Written
Competence: To be
able to explain the
interdependency and
unity in diversity
Unit 15: LESSON:1. Group discussion, History and
Social Social cohesion Knowledge and debate and citizenship
cohesion and Factors understanding: representation about Student book
influencing - Explain the the topic -Internet
social cohesion. factors -Textbooks of
2. Challenges to influencing Rwandan
Social social cohesion. History
cohesion : - Identify
Discrimination, challenges to
Exclusion, social cohesion
Stigma, Skills: - Examine the
prejudice, etc. importance of social
cohesion in Rwanda
and other societies.
Attitudes and values
- Appreciate the
importance of social
cohesion in Rwandan
- Judge factors
influencing social
cohesion and interpret
its challenges.
Knowledge and
understanding: -
Describe how mutual
Week 10: Unit 18: LESSON:1. trust between parents
19- Family and Conflict and and children promotes
23/0/6/20 Personal misunderstandi effective
23 Values ng between communication.
parents and
children. Skills: - Assess family
2.Importance of and personal values
parents-child and show how they
dialogues are inter-related.
about their - Evaluate negative
differences and social norms/practices
developing related to sexuality
respect for and marriage and
each other’s indicate their
rights to have contributions in the
different society.
Attitudes and values:
- Acknowledge the
importance of parents
and personal values.
EVALUATION Competence:
procedures: Written
Examine the concept
of Human Rights
related to sexual and
reproductive health
(from unit overview)