The Contemporary World
The Contemporary World
The Contemporary World
1. With the use of your online research through newspaper and journal reading,
construct at least two (2) definitions in your own words of each of the hereunder
theories of globalization.
1.1. Liberalism
This is about thinking that various governments can live in peace as long as we
understand each other, and it is critical in globalization to be able to safeguard people's
equal rights because we need something to encourage free commerce and marketization
in today's generation. Liberalism aspires to assist many people, not just a select few.
Under this political and social worldview, individual rights, civic liberties, democracy,
and free capitalism are all emphasized.
1.2. Realism
Realism is a globalization theory that holds that each state must be aware of the current
condition and acts of the others. As a result, the state will have a notion of how to
develop in areas such as various materials, military emphasis, and other things that
other states have or lack that they may be inspired by and better.
Highlights the importance of preserving a country's culture and economy as well as the
role of state, its interests and power.
1.3. Marxism
It looks at how capitalism affects labor, productivity, and economic progress, and
proposes a worker revolution to overthrow capitalism and replace it with communism.
Marxism views that the political and social relationships of the states can be determined
and be influenced based on productive relations to one another.
It is a political and economic idea which divides people into groups wherein the two
main classes are the working class and the ruling class.
1.4. Constructivism
People create their own definitions or representations of things based on their own
experiences, according to this notion. It's just a question of transforming one's vision of
something into one's own produced knowledge rather than relying on information from
others, and it allows us to view globalization in unique and own ways.
According to this view, states should share historically and socially formed ideas and
knowledge with one another. Constructivism can be effective for helping each other since
it communicates created knowledge rather than just tangible variables, allowing states to
grow and deepen their social interactions.
1.5. Postmodernism
According to this theory, the media has a significant impact on globalization in society
and even the entire globe since it can reach a large number of people in various nations.
It is more about individual choice, which leads to increased understanding of the varied
cultures of other countries via social media and generates global chances.
2. Fill out the table matrix provided below by comparing and differentiating
how these essential characteristics were best observed in the identified
theories of globalization