Phase Test Chap 1,2
Phase Test Chap 1,2
Phase Test Chap 1,2
Times allowed: 15 Minutes Marks: 10
NOTE: Section-A is compulsory and comprises pages 1-2. All parts of this section are to be
answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 15 minutes and
handover to the Center superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead
Q.1 Encircle the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D. All parts carry equal marks.
Q.2 Attempt any FIVE parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks. (5 X 3 = 15)
i. What is the purpose of operating system in a computer.
ii. What is Graphical User Interface (GUI).
iii. Differentiate between multiprogramming and time-sharing operating system.
iv. Why multiprocessing operating system have been developed.
v. Why memory management is required in a computer.
vi. Why protection system is required in a computer.
vii. What is thread.
Q.3 Attempt any FIVE parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks. (5 X 3 = 15)
i. Name of different phases of SDLC.
ii. What are the objective of SDLC.
iii. Give some activities of planning phase.
iv. Differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements.
v. Design phase is considered as the “architectural” phase of SDLC. Give reasons.
vi. Explain flowchart symbols.
vii. Give main activities of the implementation phase.
SECTION–D (Marks 10)
Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks (5 X 2 = 10)
Q.4 Describe the following types of operating system. (05)
a) Real-time operating system
b) Parallel processing operating system
c) Embedded operating system
Q.5 Describe the five states of process with diagram. (05)
Q.6 Who are stakeholders of SDLC? Describe their responsibilities. (05)