Reflection CPU Accredited Activities

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Life is all about experiences.

And unlike material things, experiences stay with us no matter

where we go. Finding ways to make the most of our life experiences is a challenge that we face every
day. As human beings, we like to put a value on the things we pursue. We like to feel that what we are
doing has a meaning. This purpose is important to our well-being, as it’s from those experiences in life
that we learn and grow. Pursuing what we love brings us invaluable life lessons about ourselves and the
world around us.
What is there more to love than traveling? Traveling is a unique experience as it's the best way to
unplug from the pushes and pulls of daily life. It helps us to forget about our problems, frustrations, and
fears at home. During our journey, we experience life in different ways. We explore new places, cultures,
cuisines, traditions, and ways of living. We could never experience these things at home. This is why
travel is such a unique and invaluable life experience. Traveling often involves stepping out of our
comfort zone and experiencing new things. These new experiences are different from our daily routine
activities and help us grow on a personal level. Each travel journey brings unique situations and
challenges to overcome. For example, when you are traveling solo you may be challenged to become
more responsible and independent. By dealing with these situations, you will discover your own
strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, etc. This self-awareness is important to your personal growth and
discovering who you really are.
This are some of the key takeaways that I learned from attending the CPU accredited webinar. As
our speaker have mentioned a lot of times, she experiences life through travelling, and I really admire
that. Not only that she is earning money by doing so, but she is also enjoying her life at the same time.
Basically, traveling is many experiences in one. The life experiences we gain from traveling cannot be
compared to most things we experience while staying at home. So get out and explore! It is generally
easier to meet people when we find ourselves in the same ‘unknown’ situation. We are in a new
environment and are more open to sharing experiences, tips, and advice on where to go, what to do, etc.
This makes starting a conversation with other travelers particularly easy. Our openness to meeting new
people will make us more sociable. In addition, we have the opportunity to practice our language skills
while traveling. Whether we are meeting fellow travelers or engaging with the locals, we will often be
forced to communicate in a different language than our mother tongue. However, if we don’t speak a
common language, we are in for a real challenge. It takes a lot of patience, careful communication, and
listening skills to make sure we are understood well. With the kind f field that we have now in Human
Resource, we can associate different experiences when travelling to our assets in our career. When
interacting with fellow travelers and locals, we are subconsciously networking. Being in a new place
requires interactions, whether it to ask for directions, to check into our accommodation, or to engage with
a local guide during a day activity. Networking is a skill that we pick up naturally while traveling, even if
we are not intending it. These connections we make along the road might be useful in the future. They
may open doors to new job opportunities or long-lasting business relations.

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