ATMC PY Student Handbook 2022-2023 V1.3 28092022

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Professional Year Program

November 2022 – v1.3

ATMC Education Group Pty Ltd – ABN: 86 607 713 182 | RTO No: 22158 | CRICOS: 03013D
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction of PY programs at ATMC............................................................................................................... 4
1. Purpose of the Program ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.The PY Program Duration and Timeframe .................................................................................................. 4
The Professional Year Timeframe ..................................................................................................................... 5
The Program Structure and Assessment........................................................................................................... 6
1. Coursework ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Coursework structure ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Coursework assessment ...................................................................................................................... 7
2. Internship Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Internship Rationale ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Internship Source ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Duration and Intensity ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.4 Internship Requirement ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Remote and Regional Internship Placement ...................................................................................... 10
ATMC Rules and Regulations .............................................................................................................................. 11
1. Change of personal details ................................................................................................................... 11
2. Fee instalment payments......................................................................................................................... 11
3. Refund Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 12
4. Student Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Student Rights & Responsibilities....................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Breach of Conduct ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Procedures for other breaches to the Code of Conduct ...................................................................... 15
5. Attendance requirements and intervention strategies ........................................................................................... 16
5.1 Attendance requirements ................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Coursework attendance intervention strategies (Make Up Class Procedure) ..................................... 17
5.3 Leave of absence on compassionate and/or compelling circumstances ............................................. 18
5.4 Cohort transfer ................................................................................................................................... 18
6.Deferrals/Transfer ....................................................................................................................................... 19
7. Withdrawal (student’s cancellation of enrolment) ................................................................................................. 19
8.Enrolment“AtRisk”issues .......................................................................................................................... 20
9.Warning Issuance and Academic Intervention .......................................................................................... 20
10. Re-Enrolment ......................................................................................................................................... 21
11. Complaints andAppeal........................................................................................................................... 22
12. Student feedback ...................................................................................................................................... 25
13. Student support services ............................................................................................................................... 25
1. ImportantWebsites .................................................................................................................................... 27
2. Important CampusInformation................................................................................................................. 28
3. Useful Contact Details .......................................................................................................................... 28
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Appendix 1:ATMC PY Study Periods ........................................................................................................... 29
Appendix 2: Additional information for ACS Students ..................................................................................... 30
2.1 ACS PY Online Orientation ................................................................................................................ 30
2.2 ACS networking events ...................................................................................................................... 30
2.3 ACS Professional Environment (PE) Online Course........................................................................... 30
2.4 SFIA (Skills Framework for the Information Age) ................................................................................ 30

Appendix 3: Internship Overall Journey .......................................................................................................... 31
Appendix 4: ACS Online Components ......................................................................................................... 32
GENERAL................................................................................................................................................ 32
ACS ONLINE ORIENTATION................................................................................................................... 32
PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTS (PE) ONLINE COURSE ................................................................. 33
.................................................................................................................................................................... 36

List of Abbreviations
ABN: Australian Business Number
EAW: Entry and Advancement in the Australian
ACN: Australian Company Number
ACS: Australian Computer Society
GP: General Practitioner
APYP: Accounting Professional Year Program
IELTS: International English Language Testing System
AQF: Australian Qualification Framework
ICT: Information Communication Technology
ATMC: Australian Technical and Management
LMS: Learning Management System (Moodle)
PE: Professional Environment
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
PY: Professional Year
CPW: Communication and Performance in the
SFIA: Skills Framework for the Information Age
Australian Workplace

Introduction of PY programs at ATMC

The Professional Year (PY) Program is a gazetted Department of Home Affairs program intended to equip Australian IT and
Accounting graduates with the required skills to operate effectively within the Australian workplace upon graduation of the program.
The PY Program is developed to give international ICT and Accounting graduates from Australian universities the employability
skills and pre-employment training they need to start their career. The program is solely delivered in English using an Australian
context, and it consists of a workplace readiness program and an internship placement to provide pathway from full-time study to
employment in Australia. The program is designed to assist international student graduates to enhance employment opportunities
in their chosen career, and it may provide eligibility for migration points towards permanent residency.
ATMC offers PY programs for individuals who have previously graduated from Australian universities with a Bachelor's or Master's
degree in ICT or in Accounting.

The PY program is developed for:

• ICT graduates - Australian Computer Society (ACS)
• Accounting graduates - Accounting PYP: Overseen by the three professional accounting bodies - Certified Public Accountants
(CPA) Australia, Institute of Public Accountants (IPA), and Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ).

The PY Program at ATMC covers a period of 44 - 52 weeks, which is divided into two phases: 32 weeks
of coursework (250 hours), and 12 weeks (250 hours) of an industry-related internship.

Entry and
Program Communication and Advanceme Verification of
Pre-Enrolment Performance in the nt in the all paperwork
Orientation Australian Australian
marking and
and graduation
Interview grading period Internship
(Mandatory) Workplace (CPW) Workplace requirements
Week 1 - 32 Week 33-34 Week 35-47 Week 48-49

Note – Mandatory ACS Online Orientation the Note- ACS PE Online Course (13 weeks)
second Monday of the month after the will run after week 32 /33 classes end, in
commencement date (opened for 1 week – 30 parallel with the internship.
to 90 mins to complete)

The Professional Year Timeframe
Internship Starts
(Subject to successful
Week 33 completion of all face-to-face
Trainer’s delivery)
marking and

Internship (12 weeks)
K (+PE Online for ACS
(32 weeks) Host
CompanyVetting and
Vetting 33- Interns – 13 weeks)
and Site Inspection
Site Inspection 34

Pre -enrolment Week 1

Session and (or Week 35 of
PY program)

Week 22 Week 6
(or Week 41 of
Placement PY program)
Week 1 process
Classes start Week 32
Class Week 9
Completion (or Week 44 of
PY program)
Week 20

Internship Team starts

contacting Students
(Students to inform
Internship Placement
choice) Week 12
(or Week 47 of
PY program)
Week 0 Internship progress
Week 2 monitoring checkpoints Internship
Week 6 refer to ATMC Completion
Week 12 Professional Year Submit Logbook
** ATMC makes sure that all site inspections are conducted before internship starts. Internship Management

Based on the requirements of the Department of Home Affairs, the PY program must be completed over a period of 12 months.
The time frame of at least 44 weeks of formal engagement has been set for the Professional Year Program at ATMC, which

• Minimum of 250 hours of facilitated training (32 weeks)

• At least 250 hours of internship placement over a period of 12 weeks. It is recommended a minimum engagement of 21
hours per week over 3 days per week.

Other requirements:

• All PY students are required to attend all scheduled formal learning (face‐to‐face classes and all set internship training
days) of the program. The 100% attendance requirement is compulsory and non‐negotiable.

• Leave is only allowed on scheduled holidays as outlined within the course planner. Under compelling or compassionate
circumstances, students may apply for leave of absence. For more information, please refer to the ATMC PY Attendance
& Leave Policy within this handbook, the LMS (Student Portal) or the ATMC PY website.
• All formal face-to-face learning must be successfully completed prior to internship commencement (and Professional
Environment Online Course for ACS students). This is to ensure that you have developed your employability skills prior
to undertaking your internship.
• Failure to successfully complete all coursework prior to internship commencement will affect your internship placement,
and in turn alter your completion/graduation day.
• Leave will not be granted during internship placement.

The Program Structure and Assessment
The Professional Year program at ATMC is a full-time course which extends over a period of 44-52 weeks. This includes
face-to-face coursework of 32 weeks, and a Professional Internship of 12 weeks (Please see Appendix 1, pg. 29, for ATMC
PY Study Periods and Modules).

All formal learning components of the program consist of a 1:25 trainer-students ratio face-to-face delivery and are designed to
improve students’ employability skills for the Australian professional work environment.

1.1 Coursework structure

The 32-week coursework of the Professional Year Program is divided into 2 major components (CPW and EAW) which are delivered

over 8 Study Periods:

(i) Communication and Performance in the Australian Workplace, and

(ii) Entry and Advancement in the Australian Workplace.

The following chart illustrates the modules covered within the coursework:

1.2 Coursework assessment • Students who do not achieve a Competent grading for
Assessments in the coursework are competency-based. all Study Periods will not be able to graduate from the
Students must achieve a satisfactory result from assessments program.
to be deemed “Competent” for each study module.
• For text-based assessment, students are required to
upload their assessment submission directly to the LMS.
Students have up to three (3) attempts to achieve a
‘Competent’ assessment judgement for all assessment • All participants are expected to submit their assessments by
submissions. Failing to achieve a ‘Competent’ judgement will the due date. In rare circumstances a participant may be
result in a ‘Not Yet Competent’ outcome. granted an extension of 1 week (7 days) for the submission
of their assessment, or before the next calendar class,
Assessments must be submitted by the due date. Failure to
whichever is sooner. The timely submission of an
submit assessments by the due date will also result in a ‘Not
assessment or the appropriate negotiation of 1 week (7 days)
Yet Competent' outcome for that assessment. Students having
extension is the responsibility of the participant and the PY
any difficulties with assessment work or in meeting assessment
Trainer, to be managed in class.
submission deadlines are required to discuss their
circumstances with their PY trainers and seek support if • If participants do not submit their outstanding assessment
required. within the granted 7 days extension, assessment submission
will be locked, and participants will be required to attend a
Students must achieve a Competent grading for all 8 Study
mandatory Re-Assessment Class (RAC).
Periods before progressing to the internship component of the
program. Students who do not meet the assessment grading • Group projects or team-based assessment tasks require full
requirements of the program may experience delays in and equitable participation and contribution of all groups and
commencing internship and/or graduation. team members.
• Students are expected to submit their own original work, and
must not plagiarise (please refer to the Student Code of
Conduct, The ATMC PY assessment Policy and ATMC PY
Academic Misconduct Policy on Moodle/Student's Portal for
more details).
• PY trainer will complete a Coursework Completion Form for
• PY trainers are required to inform students of all
assessment requirements and will set and advise each student at the end of coursework. This form will
students of the due dates for all assessment submissions. summarise the assessment grading for all study modules and
both primary components. It also provides summary feedback
• Students will access assessment resources on the LMS to the student. Students will receive the Coursework
(Moodle) and will upload assessment submission to the Completion Form from the PY trainer and must add
LMS. Students are required to submit assessments as per comments and sign to acknowledge the final assessment
instructions and by the due date. outcome and feedback.
• PY trainers must use the Marking Guide as the standards • PY trainers are the first point of intervention to
to mark and moderate assessments. implement action regarding a student not achieving
• All assessments must be based on the criteria of validity, competency.
reliability, flexibility, and fairness (see the PY Student
• PY trainers are responsible for communicating to the
Assessment Policy and Procedure for further details).
Academic Manager all issues arising from assessments, and to
• PY trainers will assess and judge each assessment as nominate students for Re-Assessment Class on a monthly
either Competent (C), or Not Yet Competent (NYC), and basis.
record the grade in the LMS (Moodle), along with suitably
• An authorised PY staff member will verify that the correct
detailed and relevant feedback.
procedures have been fulfilled to ensure that all
• PY trainers will provide grading and feedback within one assessments and feedback have been entered accordingly.
week from the submission date.

MISSED OR LATE SUBMISSION OF ASSESSMENTS • If an assessment is graded as NYS, a student has a
• Students are responsible for submitting assessments by maximum of 3 (three) attempts.
the due date. If a student fails to submit an assessment by • If after 3 attempts the student’s submission is still graded
the due date, they must inform their trainer. as NYS, they will be required to attend a mandatory RAC
• In exceptional cases, students may request consideration • No Coursework Attendance will be granted to participants
for a 1-week (7 days) extension. They will need to discuss during RAC.
their circumstances with their trainer prior to the • All ATMC PY participants who have been identified as
assessment due date. Approval of an extension will be at needing to attend a RAC, will be required to pay all
the discretion of the trainer. associated ATMC PY fees for RAC arrangements as
• Alternative arrangements for assessment will only be follows:
approved in exceptional instances and where the student • AUD$110 (Inc. GST) per outstanding assessment.
can satisfy the trainers of a valid and verifiable reason • Capped at AUD$220 (Inc. GST) for up to 3 outstanding
(e.g.: by submitting a medical certificate to both Trainer assessments.
and PY Student Support). • No more than 3 outstanding assessments per RAC can be
allocated to and attempted by any ATMC PY participant.
• In a situation where PY participants are granted approved leave of
absence for a period of 2 weeks or more where they will be absent

for an entire study module (2 consecutive weeks), participants COURSE MATERIALS
will be required to repeat the whole module and related • All participants are provided with a Study period specific Learner
assessment tasks. This may require a transfer to a different Guide (LG). This is an interactive document for students to
cohort by completing the ATMC PY Course variation form (fees complete throughout their study sessions.
apply). • All participants are provided with a detailed Assessment Pack
giving a thorough overview of the assessments criteria,
• For extension requests that are longer than a week where requirements, reasonable adjustments, assessment conditions
participants have maintained satisfactory class attendance for and details on how to conduct the assessment tasks.
the entire study module, they will be required to attend a • During the class, PY Trainers will engage students through an
mandatory RAC. interactive PPT presentation highlighting the key concepts and
• Extensions will only be granted in extenuating circumstances learning outcomes for the session.
and will only be considered on medical, compassionate, or • The class delivery will incorporate various types of media
other serious grounds. All requests must be accompanied by including, and not limited to, videos, articles, case studies,
supporting documentation. It is the participant’s responsibility to interactive quiz platforms, web-based self-evaluation tool.
ensure all relevant supporting documentation is forwarded
along with the extension request. Extensions will be calculated
on the information contained within the supporting
• No extension may exceed 7 calendar days from the original
due date.
• Submitting a request for an extension does not automatically
mean that the extension will be granted.
• If a participant is not meeting the required level of commitment
for completing assessment tasks, ATMC PY has the right to re-
assess the participant’s suitability for continued study.
• A participant may appeal a decision to refuse an extension by
following ATMC PY Appeals and Complaints Policy.

• ATMC PY provide assessments that meet the followings:
• Assessments are conducted by assessors that have a current
training and assessment qualification, relevant and appropriate
competencies and current industry experience
• Assessments meet the requirements and criteria of the relevant
professional association/governing body PY Program
• Assessments are conducted in accordance with the principles
of assessment and the rules of evidence
• Assessments meet workplace and regulatory requirements
• Assessments are systematically validated
• Assessments meet participants’ specific learning needs
• Assessments have been developed in consultation with
• Assessments are retained securely in accordance with ATMC
PY Records Management Policy.
• Assessment methods used to gather evidence of participant
competency may include but are not limited to the following:
 Demonstration
 Presentation
 Oral Questioning
 Discussion
 Interview
 Scenario
 Problem solving
 Role-play
 Simulation exercises
 Case studies
 Written test
 Quiz
 Short answer question
 Report
 Workplace Document
 Research
 Projects

• The result of an assessment task can be either Satisfactory • If an informal moderation on the assessment result is not
(S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). Students can resolved with the PY Academic Manager, students may
only commence their internship if they have submit an internal appeal relating to the trainer’s
achieved 'Competent' outcomes for both primary decisions on their assessments or re-assessments. In this
components. instance, the Operations and Compliance Manager will
investigate and mediate the internal appeal based on the
• If a student does not agree with their trainer’s assessment
PY Student Complaints and Appeals policy.
grading, they may request the PY Academic Manager to
arrange an informal moderation by a different trainer. The
PY Academic Manager may, at their discretion, choose
another trainer and arrange a moderation of the
assessment, or may reject the request.

o Depending on the evidence presented, the PY
• Although students can discuss with their friends or trainers Academic/Compliance Manager shall decide
about academic matters relating to their assignments, the whether the student should repeat the unit and
work that students submit must be their own. Solution or apply for a Course Variation, or resubmit the
ideas taken from someone else is called assessment and pay the RAC submission fees,
‘plagiarism’, whether wholly, or partially. or have the breach dealt with under other
provisions of P01 Student Code of Behaviour,
• In order to detect cheating or plagiarism in student’s written or fail the assessment altogether;
work, it is advisable that the relevant web tools
is utilised. For instance, the following web can detect • The student’s result will be marked as “Not Yet Satisfactory”
plagiarism: until after the investigation and/or authenticated results are
• The trainer will take notes of the form of plagiarism or
confiscate student’s notes (for assessment in classroom): • Where more than one instance of cheating is noted, ATMC
PY reserves the right to issue immediate notice of
o If plagiarism is determined during coursework or enrolment cancellation.
during the ACS online component, a warning
email will be sent to the student to formally notify • Students have the right to appeal within 20 working days of
them of the failure and that any further breaches ATMC PY’s intention of enrolment cancellation.
will result in the student being expelled; • Students’ enrolment suspension or cancellation due to breach of
conduct will not be implemented until after the appeal process is
o Students found cheating during assessment, or finalised.
who have submitted plagiarised work, will be
given an opportunity to explain their case; • All Academic misconducts are recorded, managed and
resolved according to the ATMC PY Academic
Misconduct Policy.
Should a student fail to do so, their internship
2.1 Internship Rationale commencement date will be delayed, graduation date
The Professional Year (PY) Internship component extended, and, in some extreme circumstances, the
provides a practical work experience for the participants in program enrolment may be at risk of being cancelled.
the PY Program wishing to develop professional skills
specific to the Australian workplace or business
environment. The Internship component of the PY program aims to
utilise the skills and knowledge learned during the face-to-
2.2 Internship Source face coursework (CPW and EAW) in a practical work
• ATMC will source and manage internships on behalf of situation. Internship must be deemed suitable by ATMC
ATMC’s enrolled students. Students are not required to
source their own internship placements.

• If students would like to nominate their existing before the internship placement can take place.
employment relevant to their qualifications and in their ATMC has the right to reject employment/internships if they
field of expertise (ICT or Accounting related) as do not meet the minimum requirements outlined by the
internship, they must apply and get approved by Governing Bodies.

• Between the 8th and 16th week of delivery (mid- For further details about ATMC PY Internship procedure,
program) an Internship Information Session will be pathways, and policy, please refer to PY3.0 ATMC PY
conducted by ATMC PY Internship Team. Following Internship Framework (available on Moodle and on ATMC
the session, the Internship Information Pack will be PY Website)
distributed to all students.

• At week 20, students will be allocated an Internship

Placement Consultant (IPC) who will assist students 2.5 Remote and Regional
through the internship placement process. Internship Placement
• Local location is defined to be within 100km from ATMC’s
• At week 20, students will be required to select and registered PY campus.
commit to an internship pathway plan to ensure that
students will commence and complete their internship • Remote location is defined to be outside 100km from
on time as per scheduled course plan. ATMC’s registered campus but still within the same state
• IT Students (ACS ONLY) may be given the opportunity • Regional location is defined to be location in a different
to provide host company leads to ATMC PY Internship region or state.
Team. Due to the extensive vetting and selection
process required, ACS and ATMC require students to
• It can be considered for student to complete their
submit company details and lead documents to the
internship placement in remote or regional location,
ATMC PY Internship Team by week 22 of the program.
subject to approval from ATMC PY.
• If a student’s pathway selection is altered after week
20, ATMC has the rights to reject or if accepted, Note: this is only applied to internship component,
students may be required to pay additional resourcing student course component is still required in local
fees. location
2.3 Duration and Intensity Note: Students are required to complete their
The following minimums are required during an internship: internship placement in the state they are enrolled in,
and any variation will need to be discussed with
• Minimum of 250 hours of work experience; ATMC for approval and next steps.
• 12 weeks; 3 days per week;
• ATMC PY is not required to source an internship
• Minimum 7 hours per day.
Placement in remote or regional location. Students
NOTE: Some variance may be possible under seeking to undertake the internship component in remote
special circumstances. or regional location must nominate their own paid
2.4 Internship Requirement
• All students must commence their internship as per the For further remote and regional internship guidelines, please
scheduled internship start and end date. refer to PY3.0 ATMC PY Internship Framework and Information
and Instructions for Remote and Regional Internship, available
• For ACS students, you must participate in the ACS PE on Moodle and ATMC PY Website.
online program whilst completing the internship
component (must be onshore for the whole duration of
the ACS PE online course)

• Students must complete their course component

including all their assessments, and achieve a
competency outcome, before they can commence their
internship component.
ATMC Rules and Regulations

Alternatively, you can notify ATMC PY Student Support*

It is important to advise ATMC of any changes to your
by lodging a ticket via the Ticketing system* regarding
personal details within 7 days from the date of the change
any change of your personal details, as well as updates
(for example your address, phone number, email address or
to your visa, skills assessment, IELTS, and passport to
bank details). Since our primary way of contact is via your
ensure your personal records are up to date.
email or mobile phone, it is particularly important for you to
inform us immediately if there are any changes to these details.
You will be bel to update your details directly by logging in to
ATMC PY Student Portal.
Please note that your personal details are also used by the
Department of Home Affairs on completion of your PY program,
so it is important you ensure your details are up to date.

Students have two payment options for the PY year program. They are:

Option 1 Option 2 for ACS students Option 2 for APYP students

Full payment of fee* upfront prior Direct debit payment: the total tuition Direct debit payment: the total tuition
to the commencement of PY fees divided into 8 instalments. 1st fees divided into 5 instalments. 1st
program. payment to be paid upon the payment to be paid upon the
registration into ATMC PY Program registration into ATMC PY Program and
and 7 instalments to be paid monthly, 4 instalments to be paid monthly, as per
as per schedule on signed and agreed schedule on signed and agreed Direct
Direct Debit Request Form. Debit Request Form.

Following receipt of your initial instalment, monthly instalments will be deducted by way of direct debit from your designated
payment account.

Payment for ATMC Professional Year program is to be made to the following account:


BANK: Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB: 033 364
ACCOUNT: 599 334
NOTE: Failure to pay an invoice by the due date, or the need to administer multiple attempts to collect payment, will result in
a late fee of $50 being applied, or enrolment cancellation, or removal from the program.
Requests to change your bank details or direct debit dates should be sent at least three (3) days before your payment is
due and should be directed to your PY Student Support * and to the Finance team with:
• Your student ID
• Changed Debit/ Credit card number

• Expiry date

PY finance team at [email protected].

(*) Lodging tickets to the Ticketing system at:

Full Refund Withdrawals
ATMC Professional Year will provide full refund of tuition fees
within 28 days of receipt of written notice of cancellation where: • Participants wishing to withdraw from a program
must submit the applicable ATMC PY
• ATMC Professional Year is unable to offer the Professional Withdrawal Form, attaching documentary
Year program and where a suitable alternative cannot be evidence.
provided, or the course ceases to be provided after it starts.
• ATMC Professional Year will make no refund of
• ATMC Professional Year refuses the application for enrolment. any fees if written notice of withdrawal is
received more than 28 days after the
• Less the admin fees of AUD$400.00 (Inc. GST), when written commencement of either module of the
notice of cancellation is received 28 days or less prior to program.
commencement of the Professional Year program.
• Applicants who withdraw after 28 days from the
Partial Refund commencement of the program are liable for all
A refund of tuition fees will be provided within 28 days of receipt of tuition fees.
written notice of cancellation, less the amounts to be retained by • Additional information on Fees and withdrawals
ATMC Professional Year as detailed below: can be viewed on PY 1.7 ATMC PY Fees and
• A non-refundable amount equal to 50% of the total tuition fee Charges, Refunds and Withdrawal Policy,
if written cancellation is received within 28 days from the available on Moodle and ATMC PY Website
commencement of the program.

No Refund

ATMC Professional Year will make no refund of any fees if written

notice of withdrawal is received more than 28 days after the
commencement of either module of the program. The student is
liable to pay full fee/all remaining instalments.

Note: Any outstanding payment will be debited upon withdrawal,

if the student has entered into a direct debit agreement - monthly
instalments will continue until the above sums are settled.

4.1 Student Rights & Responsibilities
All students have the rights to: • Refrain from using mobile phones, pagers or any
other electronic devices that may disrupt classes;
• Be treated fairly and with respect by college staff and
other students; • Keep the shared common area tidy and clean after use;
Attend scheduled classes and arrive on time, and
• Learn in an environment free of discrimination
complete all assessments within the required timeframe;
and harassment;
• Present themselves as an English speaker and should
• Learn in a supportive and stimulating environment in
always be encouraged to speak English in class;
which to pursue their goals;
• Do all assessment tasks and examinations honestly,
• Have access to counselling and learning support if
and not engage in plagiarism, collusion or cheating;
• Have access to student common area, library, and • Follow college safety practices, including wearing
resource centre; approved clothing and protective equipment where
applicable, and follow both written and verbal directions
• Privacy concerning records that contain given by college staff;
personal information, subject to statutory
requirements; • Not to behave in a way that would offend,
embarrass or threaten others;
• Be given information about assessment procedures at
the beginning of the subject/competency/module and • Comply with all lawful regulations, rules or procedures
progressive results as they occur; of the college that pertain to them;

• Lodge a complaint without fear of retaliation or • Pay all fees and charges levied by the college
victimization; within the required timeframe;

• Have Principles of Natural Justice applied during any • Attend all meetings called by the college to discuss
investigation process concerning a breach of the academic or course progress;
Student Code of Conduct. • Meet or carry out all activities in relation to maintaining
• Be reasonably protected if ATMC operations cease course progress or academic performance;
due to insolvency, changes in regulation, or legal • Attend all scheduled face-to-face classes, and set internship
transgressions. training days;
All students have responsibilities to: • Adhere to all internship placement training
• Treat other students and college staff with respect plan and agreements.
and fairness;
ATMC will ensure the code above is posted within the PY
• Follow any reasonable direction from a member of Student Handbook and the LMS.
college staff;
• Demonstrate ethical and honest behaviour at all times. The Head of PY & OCM must, prior to implementation,
When reasonably requested or as otherwise required, approve any disciplinary actions arising from breaches of the
provide complete and timely information to staff that is code of conduct.
true and accurate to the best of their knowledge Any decision by the Head of PY & OCM in relation to
Refrain from swearing, drinking and eating in student discipline can be appealed using the ATMC PY
classrooms and other learning areas (water only Student Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure
allowed); (available on Moodle/Student's Portal).
• Behave responsibly by not littering, harassing fellow
students or staff, damaging, stealing, modifying or
misusing college or other students’ property;
• Behave responsibly by not possessing or being under
the influence of drugs and alcohol;

4.2 Breach of Conduct
Unsatisfactory attendance of the PY Program Plagiarism
• A student’s attendance is deemed to be ‘unsatisfactory’ if • Plagiarism is a very serious form of academic misconduct,
they have been absent from one or more classes or and as such has its own policy and warning procedure.
scheduled internship days without approved leave or
without providing a compassionate and compelling • Please refer to the PY Student Code of Conduct and ATMC
reason supported by documentary evidence. PY Academic Misconduct Policy on Moodle/Student's Portal
and ATMC PY Website.
• Failure to provide evidence supporting an absence may
result in warning issuance. Please refer to ATMC PY
Warning Issuance Policy, available on Moodle and
ATMC PY Website.

• Unsatisfactory attendance that does not meet the set

delivery requirements is a breach of policy. For more
details regarding attendance requirements, please refer to
the ATMC PY Attendance and Leave Policy available on
Moodle and ATMC PY Website.

• For ACS students: Extensive guidance is provided to In fact, students must complete an assignment cover
students regarding plagiarism; what it is and how it can be sheet to submit with each assignment, which
avoided, both in the ACS Online Orientation and in the PE declares the work to be all their own with the
Orientation Week, at the beginning of the PE Online Course. following declaration:
Therefore, plagiarism is not tolerated in the PE Online • “I declare that the assignment is based on my own
Course, just as it is not tolerated in the professional work and that all material previously written or
workplace. This is one measure that the ACS has put in published in any source by any other person has
place to ensure that students do not intentionally or been duly acknowledged in the assignment. I have
unintentionally commit plagiarism. not submitted this work, or a significant part thereof,
previously as part of any academic program.”

When the students commit extreme violence or are suspected of possession, distribution or consumption of
drugs and/or alcohol:
• If a student is found to be, or is suspected of possessing, • In cases of extreme breach of conduct, ATMC PY
distributing, consuming or being affected by drugs and/or reserves the right to issue immediate notice of enrolment
alcohol, ATMC will take appropriate action based on the cancellation and to remove the student from its
severity of the student’s breach of the Code of Conduct. premises;
• If the student behaves in the above described manner, the • Information about the abuse of drugs/alcohol is a private
student will be asked to leave ATMC’s premises, and the matter will only be shared between students, their
trainer in charge, or the Academic Manager, must complete parents/guardians and a supporting community agency.
an incident form to record all the necessary information (e.g. However, at the discretion of the Head of PY &
date, time, people involved, nature of the incident etc.). Operation and Compliance Manager, and with the
• The student will also be issued a warning letter for breaching student’s consent, the information may be provided to
the Student Code of Conduct. Three warnings can lead to staff who have direct responsibility for the student;
the cancellation of the student’s enrolment. In cases of • ATMC’s staff have a duty of care to pass on information
severe breaches of the Code of Conduct, Academic to a member of management if they have knowledge
Manager reserves the right to refuse entry to ATMC about illicit drug use by students, irrespective of whether
premises students who pose unacceptable risks to other the use:
ATMC students or staff members.
- is confirmed, suspected or likely to occur; and
• If the student displays any signs of violence ATMC reserve
the right to remove the student from the campus and call the - occurs on or outside ATMC’s premises.
nearest police station to report the incident;
Note: Under this duty of care, ATMC’s staff cannot promise
unconditional confidentiality to students.

4.3 Procedures for other breaches to the Code of Conduct
• Except for the case of plagiarism, for other breaches of the to cancel their enrolment. This letter will inform the student
code of conduct, a member of ATMC’s PY Program staff will of their right to access ATMC’s complaints and appeals
contact the student to arrange a meeting in order to discuss policy and respond within 20 workings days.
the issue or behaviour and determine how the issue might • Failure to attend scheduled meetings may result in ATMC
be rectified. This meeting and its outcomes will be deciding to suspend or cancel a student’s enrolment.
documented in the warning letter. This letter will be issued
to inform the student of the disciplinary action to be taken • Failure to have any reasonable grounds or exceptional
as discussed in the meeting. circumstances when found to have disobeyed signage or
deliberately disregarded notices causing damage or
• Where there is a second breach of the Student Code of misuse of ATMC’s property may result in the student being
Conduct, the student will be invited to attend a personal liable for associated costs and removed from the program.
interview with the Academic Manager to further discuss the
breaches. This meeting and its outcomes will be • At any stage of this procedure, if they do not agree with a
documented in the Academic Intervention register and decision, students are advised to refer to the ATMC PY
warning letter . This letter will be issued to inform the Student Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.
student of the disciplinary action to be taken as discussed
• All ATMC PY students need to read and acknowledge
in the meeting.
the following documents (which are available on ATMC
• Should a third breach of the Student Code of Conduct occur, PY website) before being able to proceed with PY
the student will be sent a notification of the intention studies:
- Academic Misconduct Policy
- Student Code of Conduct
- Complaints and Appeal Policy

5.1 Attendance requirements
All PY students are required to attend all scheduled formal Breakdown of Daily Class Delivery:
learning (face‐to‐face classes, and all set internship training 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Teaching period
days) of the program. The100% attendance requirement 11:00 AM- 11:15 AM Morning break
is compulsory and non‐negotiable.
11:15 AM - 1:15 PM Teaching period
Students are strongly encouraged to arrive on time and
stay for the entire duration of the class. 1:15 PM -1:45 PM Lunch break
Late arrival and/or 30 minutes early departure from
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM Teaching period
scheduled class time without justifiable reason(s) will be 3:45 PM- 4:00 PM Afternoon break
included in the calculation of the total number of days/hours 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Teaching period
Students must sign the attendance sheet for each class and
this attendance sheet will be maintained by the trainers and Attendance will be recorded using the following criteria:
submitted to the ATMC PY administrative officer for
Attendance will be recorded by the class trainer using the
provided Class Attendance Roll Template and in the Student
Management System.
Attendance will be taken at the start of each Teaching period
in the Daily Class.
Attendance record will be amended to “A” for participants
who join the Teaching period within 30 minutes before the
end of class.
Leave is not permitted unless is a scheduled holiday/campus
closure as specified in the student’s Course Plan.
Under compelling or compassionate circumstances,
supported by documentary evidence, participants may apply
for leave of absence, using the ATMC Course Variation
Form. ATMC PY gives no guarantees that leave will be
granted, and applications will be considered on a case-by-
case basis.

Additional information about attendance requirements is

provided in the ATMC PY Attendance and Leave Policy
available on Moodle and ATMC PY Website.

5.2 Coursework attendance intervention strategies (Make Up Class Procedure)
Primary consideration is given to supporting students in completing the program in the most expedient manner. This
includes ensuring the completion of all parts of the classwork and meeting the minimum attendance requirement 250 hours
for classwork.
• If a student misses scheduled classes, their course plan is • If student fails to attend scheduled make-up classes
adjusted to allow course completion: without a compassionate and compelling reason
o Where a student takes leave that is unapproved supported by documentary evidence, PY Student
(is “absent”) – the student may be required to Support Team may reschedule the make up class
extend their completion date. This may require a and the ATMC PY Administration fees of AUD$125
class transfer. (Inc. GST) will apply.
• To commence the program extension process,
o Where a student takes leave that involves travel students are advised that they must apply for a
outside of Australia – the student will be required
“Course Variation Request” to allow PY student
to extend their completion date. This may require
support team to organise their classes and monitor
a class transfer.
their attendance accordingly.
o Where a student takes leave that is approved on • If students fall below the required attendance
compassionate or compelling circumstances requirement as a result of repeated missed classes,
(“approved leave”) – the student may be offered ATMC PY will send notifications and warnings based
additional classes on other days of the week on the extent of their absence (as per ATMC PY
(“make-up” classes) to prevent or reduce the need Warning Issuance Policy). Students will be notified
for an extension. This may not require a Class to attend a mandatory intervention meeting with the
Transfer. Academic Manager and the Operations and
o In a situation where PY participants are granted Compliance Manager. An intervention plan is
approved leave of absence for a period of 2 weeks discussed and agreed with the participants and copy
or more where they will be absent for an entire of the documents will be sent to all parties and kept
study module (2 consecutive weeks), participants in participants’ files.
will be required to repeat the whole module and • If a student does not respond to previous emails or
related assessment tasks. This may require a formal notifications as advised by the PY SS team,
transfer to a different cohort by completing the the participant will receive a formal course
ATMC PY Course variation form (fees apply). cancelation letter informing them of ATMC PY’s
intention to cancel their enrolment.
• Make Up classes may only be offered if: • Students have up to 20 working days to submit an
o They are provided for classes missed that appeal (as per the ATMC PY Complaints and Appeals
were the result of approved leave. Policy and Procedure).
o If participant’s attendance is falling below • For possible grounds for students to make an appeal
program requirements. against enrolment cancellation due to unsatisfactory
o They provide academic value in attendance, please refer to the ATMC Professional
contributing to the completion of required Year Attendance and Leave Policy & Procedure on
classwork. Moodle/Student's Portal for more details.
o The number of make up classes should not • All student appeals against enrolment cancellation
compromise the integrity of the program due to unsatisfactory attendance will be registered,
(generally limited to a total of 2 instances, investigated and determined in accordance with the
dependent upon individual circumstances). ATMC PY Complaints and Appeals Policy and
• Where make up classes are offered – the following is • If a student appeals against their enrolment being
observed: cancelled, their enrolment will be maintained, and
o The student is required to notify PY Student the student will be expected to maintain
Support (SS) team at satisfactory attendance and to meet all program
[email protected], and their trainer requirements throughout any appeal process.
regarding their absence with a reason for • If a student makes no appeal within 20 working
absence. days of receiving an Intention to Cancel letter, or if
o PY Student Support team will request the student the appeal is unsuccessful or if participants
to provide supporting documents if they have not withdraw their appeal, the Intention to Cancel will
been provided. be converted to cancellation of enrolment, effective
o If a student fails to attend any PY class and is immediately.
unable to provide a compassionate and compelling • If the appeal is successful, participants may be
reason supported by documentary evidence to advised to apply for Course Extension for the
justify the absence, PY Student Support Team will missed classes. OCM and AM will decide if their
issue a warning as per ATMC PY Warning enrolment is transferred to a later cohort.
Issuance Policy and the PY Administration fees
of AUD$75.00 (Inc. GST) to arrange a make-up
class will apply.

5.3 Leave of absence on compassionate and/or compelling circumstances
Students may apply for a Suspension/Leave Request for a In determining whether or not compassionate and compelling
specified period if they experience compassionate and/or circumstances exist as sufficient grounds to explain a student’s
compelling circumstances which make it impossible for them absence, ATMC Professional Year accepts that documentary
to attend regular classes and/or attend their internship evidence will vary with regard to the specific circumstances, but
placement. could include:
Such circumstances include, but are not limited to:
• a relevant death certificate;
• serious illness or injury, where a verified medical certificate
states that the student was unable to attend on the • a police incident report;
commencement date and/or for a significant time through • a social worker’s report;
the course;
• a psychologist’s report;
• bereavement of close family members such as parents,
siblings or grandparents (a death certificate must be • appropriate medical evidence.
provided, even if retrospectively);
ATMC Professional Year may seek confirmation and/or further
• the student giving birth or a student’s partner giving birth, information from the certificate issuer.
thus preventing commencement on the start date or
attendance for some time through the course (with Certificates not written in English must be translated into
supporting documentation); English by approved NAATI translators.
• major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home When assessing applications for leave on the grounds of
country requiring emergency travel to their home country for compassionate and compelling circumstances, copies of
the time of their absence; supporting documents will be saved in Student Management
• a traumatic experience or critical incident which could System maintaining confidentiality of sensitive information,
include but is not limited to: together with a record of the decision and the basis for the
o witnessing or involvement in an accident; or
If a student’s absence has been caused by either a
o witnessing or being the victim of a crime critical incident or other compassionate and compelling
circumstances, an ATMC Professional Year Team Member will
o and which has impacted on the student’s
initiate the response and support procedures for critical
ability to commence classes on the start date
incident/compassionate and compelling circumstances.
and/or attend scheduled classes (these cases should
be supported by police or psychologists’ reports). To determine whether or not compassionate and compelling
circumstances exist as sufficient grounds to support a
student’s absence, ATMC Professional Year will not accept
certificates from homeopaths, non-registered traditional
medical practitioners, herbalists, or other non-accredited

Please refer to the ATMC Professional Year Attendance and

Leave Policy & Procedure on Moodle/Student's Portal and
ATMC PY Website for further details.

5.4 Cohort transfer

If a students’ leave application is successfully granted and/or successfully appeals against cancellation of enrolment, they are
expected to apply for make-up classes to ensure that they meet set attendance requirements. This will result in transfer of their
enrolment to a later cohort to enable them to resume and complete their course.
Students whose programs are extended by deferral and cohort transfer, at the discretion of ATMC, may be reassigned to a new
class to ensure that all units of study are undertaken. Requirements for class allocation are as follows:
• Students will not be allocated to classes where their allocation would result in class capacity exceeding 25 students.
• Students should not be allocated to classes wherein a unit of study is already underway.

All changes of cohort will be recorded within the Student Management System (and reported to ACS PY for ACS PYear
students). Variable fees may incur and are subject to change (please refer to ATMC PY Fees Charges, Refund and
Withdrawal Policy).

Prior to taking leave of absence, students are required to lodge Students are liable to pay up to 50% of the fee before
their request for transfer/deferral. This is a requirement, and no proceeding.
leave will be approved unless this request has been assessed.
Students will be invoiced upon submission of this request,
Student wishing to defer and transfer their study must notify
and their request will not be approved until payment to ATMC
ATMC in writing by completing the Course Variation Form
has been confirmed.
together with providing valid documentation to justify their
reason(s) for transfer/deferral.
For further details on payments and administration costs,
Students may be eligible for up to 28 days leave based on refer to the ATMC PY Fees Charges, Refund and
compassionate and/or Compelling circumstances. Withdrawal Policy).
The Course Variation Form can be obtained from the ATMC PY Submission of deferral request does not guarantee that leave
Department or downloaded directly from the Student Portal will be granted.
ATMC will provide a written response to either approving or
The Course Variation Form must be lodged at least 2 weeks declining the transfer/deferral request. For ACS students, the
prior to approved deferred commencement date for it to be decision is subject to ACS approval.
deemed as a valid request.
Students who take leave prior to the approval are directly in
Submission of application must be made in person or lodged breach of program policy and will incur penalties outlined
via Ticketing system at: within the policy.

If a student applies for and is granted a withdrawal from the The refund amount will be determined by the date of the
course, the student will have their enrolment cancelled and will withdrawal and may be subject to change according to the
be entitled to fee refunds/liabilities based on the date of ATMC PY Fees Charges, Refund and Withdrawal Policy.
withdrawal and their option of fee payment. (Please refer to the
Refund policy) All refunds will be made to the original payment account.

Students wishing to cancel their enrolment prior to course If a student enrols into the course on a bridging visa and is
commencement must notify ATMC PY Admissions Team subsequently informed that his/her application for a
and Student Support Team in writing. ATMC PY will Temporary Graduate visa (or other substantive visa with full
provide the Withdrawal form to the student to complete work & study rights) has been refused, it is the student’s
and return. Withdrawal form is also available on ATMC PY responsibility to immediately inform ATMC. If their visa
Website. applications have been rejected, students will be removed from
the program, and will be subject to refunds as per the Refund
The Withdrawal Form can be obtained from the ATMC PY
Department or also downloaded directly from the LMS
(Moodle). Students need to include their reason for
If a student's enrolment is cancelled for non-compliance with
withdrawal and provide supporting evidence where
course requirements (such as unsatisfactory attendance, or
unsatisfactory academic performance) and/or ATMC
Once their application has been submitted, ATMC PY will start Professional Year requirements (such as non- payment of fees,
to process the cancellation of the student’s enrolment. breach of student code of conduct), the student will not be
entitled to any fee refund and will remain liable for unpaid fees.
Refunds will be calculated and processed in line with the
current ATMC PY Fees Charges, Refund and
Withdrawal Policy. Please refer to the ATMC Professional Year Terms and
Conditions, Transfer and Deferral Policy and ATMC PY Fees
Withdrawal and refund applications will be registered, Charges, Refund and Withdrawal Policy available on
processed and determined within the following time frame: Moodle/Student's Portal and ATMC PY Website.
• Decision of withdrawal within 10 working days (2 weeks);
• Refunds considered within 10 working days (2 weeks)
from the withdrawal approval date;
• Refund payment within 28 days from receiving the
notification of withdrawal.

ATMC PY staff will work hard to ensure that you are given • complete internship placement and meet the
every possibility to satisfactorily complete the PY program minimum requirements as set out by the
and graduate on time. To ensure that you will not be at Professional governing bodies and DHA.
risk of failing, you must:
For ACS students:
• Maintain 100% attendance requirement. This means
attend all scheduled face‐to‐face classes and make up • Must attend a minimum of six (6) CPD hours through
classes. attending registered ACS events;
• successfully complete all assessments within the • Remain in Australia during the PE Online
submission due date. • Satisfactorily complete your PE online course
• display a professional attitude during your coursework and
internship components of the program.

Should you become an “at risk” student, you will receive formal • If students’ breach of conduct is viewed by ATMC PY
notification(s) as per the Student Code of Conduct policy to program as ‘extreme’ as it causes harm to others or the
support you to get back on track. students themselves, ATMC reserves the right to issue
• In the first instance, a letter will be sent to you via email. immediate notification of enrolment cancellation.
The email will outline the reason why you have become an • A third warning letter which is the Intention to
“at risk” student. You will be required to read and Cancel the Enrolment will be issued to the
acknowledge the letter. This is to ensure that you participant if found to have breached the student
understand what is required from you. code of conduct or not meeting the program
• Should the unsatisfactory behaviour continue, a second requirements again. The third warning issuance will
warning letter will be issued. You will be asked to attend be recorded on the student file in RTOM and the
a mandatory Academic Intervention meeting with the internal ATMC PY Register
PY Academic Manager. This meeting must be attended • The reason for the third warning is outlined in the letter
by a minimum of two staff members: Student Support informing the participant of their rights to appeal within
Team Leader, PY Trainer, IPC or other appropriate ATMC 20 working days from the receipt of the intention to
staff member. At this meeting a discussion is held cancel notification, including the process instructions.
regarding the reason for the warning, attendance and Participants are required to appeal the decision to
academic progress difficulties faced by the participant. An cancel the enrolment via the PY Ticketing System.
Intervention Plan will be discussed, agreed by all parties
and documented (RTOM and SP). The implications of • Decision to cancel student’s enrolment will not become
receiving a third warning will also be discussed. effective until the students’ appeal process is finalised.
• Appeals are processed, managed and documented
according to the ATMC PY Complaints and Appeals
Policy and Procedure.

If a participant wishes to re-enrol in the PY Program, the student is required to apply for re-enrolment informing PY Admissions
Team and Student Support Team in writing.
Payment must be made upon submission of the Enrolment Application Form and may be subject to change according to the
ATMC PY Fees Charges, Refund and Withdrawal Policy:

• Where coursework was successfully completed, but where no additional internship placement costs
are incurred
• Where coursework was successfully completed, and where internship placement costs are included
• Where coursework was not yet successfully completed, and where internship placement costs are
included – meeting must be booked to review each case

• ATMC will forward the form to relevant regulatory bodies o If the PE Online Course is repeated, the student
(ACS) for processing. may incur a re-enrolment fee unless otherwise
• For ACS re-enrolment, ACS will make every effort to place
the student in the next available online course. Online o If the student is previously removed due to
courses are subject to capacity requirements, availability, Academic Misconduct, he/she is only allowed to
and internship placement status: re-enrol in the PE Online Course ONCE. No
further attempts will be permitted.
o ACS will determine final re-enrolment fees based
on the provided Re-Enrolment Form. ATMC PY • For APYP re-enrolment, ATMC will process and decide on
will be notified by ACS upon final processing. behalf of the relevant regulatory governing bodies.
o If a fail grade is noted for any student in an ACS
component, ACS will notify ATMC PY of the
result and determine an action plan.

ATMC has an appropriate internal complaints and Students can make complaints if they are concerned with
appeals process that meets the following requirements: diverse aspects of their course including training delivery and
assessment, student amenities, discrimination, sexual
• process is in place for lodging a formal complaint or harassment and other issues that may arise.
appeal if the matter cannot be resolved informally, which
requires a written record of the complaint or appeal to be All complaints, either informal and formal, are treated seriously
kept; and in a timely manner.

• each complainant or appellant has an opportunity to If students are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint,
formally present his or her case at minimal or no cost to students are encouraged to register a formal appeal. Appeals
him or herself; may result from the student not being satisfied with one or
more of the following:
• each party may be accompanied and assisted by a
• Disagreement with the outcome of an assessment or
support person at any relevant meetings;
course progress;
• the complainant or appellant is given a written statement
of the outcome, including details of the reasons for the • Appeals against discipline actions due to a breach of the
outcome; and code of conduct (including attendance);
• Appeals against decisions arising from complaints;
• the process commences within 10 working days of the
formal lodgement of the complaint or appeal and all • Appeals against rejection of applications for leave, refund,
reasonable measures must be taken to finalise the or withdrawal.
process as soon as practicable. Note: A student's enrolment must be maintained whilst an
If the student is not satisfied with the result or conduct of the appeal is in progress and the outcome has not been determined.
internal complaints and appeals process, ATMC will advise
To lodge a formal complaint or appeal application, students
the student of his or her right to access the external appeals
need to submit the ATMC PY Complaints and Appeals Form to
process at minimal or no cost.
[email protected] or lodge a ticket via the
ATMC will make arrangements for a person or body Ticketing system . The form can
independent of and external to ATMC to hear complaints or be downloaded from the LMS (Moodle) or obtained from the
appeals arising from the ATMC’s internal complaints and ATMC PY Website.
appeals process or refer students to an existing body where
that body is appropriate for the complaint or appeal. Please refer to the ATMC Professional Year Student
Complaints and Appeals policy and procedure on Moodle/
If the student chooses to access the ATMC’s complaints and Student's Portal and ATMC PY Website for further details.
appeals processes as per this standard, ATMC will maintain
the student’s enrolment while the complaints and appeals
process is ongoing.
If the internal or any external complaints and appeals process
results in a decision that supports the student, ATMC will
immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and
preventative action required and advise the student of the
outcome in writing.
For Internal Complaints and Appeals Process:
The student will have an opportunity to formally present their
case, in writing or in person.
The student may be accompanied and assisted by a support
person at any relevant meetings.
A student’s enrolment must be maintained whilst an internal
complaint or appeal is in progress and the outcome has not
been determined.
The College will encourage the parties to approach a complaint
or appeal with an open view, and to attempt to resolve
problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a
complaint or appeal cannot be resolved through discussion and
conciliation, we acknowledge the need for an appropriate
external and independent agent to review the process
implemented by the College.
If there is any matter arising from a student complaint or appeal
that is a systemic issue which requires improvement action this
will be reported to the ATMC management and reviewed as
part of the continuous improvement process.
Nothing in this procedure inhibits student’s rights to pursue
other legal remedies. Students are entitled to resolve any
dispute by exercising their rights to other legal remedies.

Beginning of
Appeal Step 1 (Initiation)

The appeal process is

Complaints Step 1 initiated by a student
(Complaint) completing the student
Student must complete and Complaints and appeals
submit a written complaint to Form.
[email protected] The appeal resolution phase
.au. must commence within 10
working days of the internal
appeal being lodge in
Appeal Step 2 (Resolution)

After a student makes an

Complaints Step 2 (PY Beginning of Appeal internal appeal, ATMC will
Response) appoint a person or group of
PY Student Support will staff to hear the appeal and
send an acknowledgement propose a final resolution.
letter and investigate the This person or group of staff
nature of the compliant to Complaints Step 6 must not be the same as any
support the student for an (Implementation) person or body that heard the
informal resolution. original complaint.
Alternatively, SS Team will If the result of the complaint is A maximum time of 30
arrange a meeting at a time favorable to ATMC PY, the calendar days from the
convenient to both the student will be informed of the commencement of the appeal
complainant and the PY outcome in writing by the case resolution phase will be
Manager. This must be officer. allowed for the appeal
scheduled within 10 working resolution unless all parties
days from the receipt of the If a student is dissatisfied with agree in writing to extend this
complaint. the outcome of the formal time.
complaint process then they
may institute an internal
appeals process by completing
the Complaints and Appeals
Complaints Step 3 Form.
(Investigation and
Resolution Process)
A resolution meeting is
scheduled. At this meeting the
complaints can be raised and
a resolution attempted Appeal Step 3 (Outcome)

The appeal will be investigated

accordingly and escalated to
the Head of PY when required.
Complaints Step 5 The recorded outcome of the
Complaints Step 4 (Result) assessment appeal will be the
(Decision) If the result of the complaint most favourable result for the
At the end of resolution is favourable to the student, student from either the original
phase the PY Manager will ATMC will immediately assessment or the
reached to a decision to the implement any decision, reassessment.
complaint or appeal. The and/ or corrective/ The official outcome letter of
decision will be preventative action.The the internal appeal and reasons
communicated to the student student will be advise in for the outcome will be signed
in writing by the case officer. writing of this outcome. by the PY Manager and sent to
The reasons and decision will Following the resolution the student by the case officer.
be documented by the PY phase, the College must There are no further avenues
Staff and placed in the implement the decision as within the College for appeals
student's file conveyed to the student after the internal appeal proves
has been completed, however
an external appeal process is

If the complaint is not resolved internally, the student will be informed of their access to an independent body external to ATMC
(ACS) to hear the complaint or appeal. There is no cost for this process. Confidentiality will be respected and maintained at all
times within the constraints of being able to fully investigate the grievance. This is subject to any legal requirements for disclosure
and consistent with the principal of natural justice.
The purpose of the external appeals process is to consider whether the College has followed its student complaint and appeals
procedure, not to make a decision in place of the College.

EXAMPLE: if a student appeals against his or her subject results and goes through the College internal appeals process, the
external appeals process (if accessed) would look at the way in which the internal appeal was conducted. The external appeals
process would not make a determination as to what the subject result should be.

• For ACS students at ATMC: The external appeals procedure will be determined by the independent mediator and all parties will be
notified by ACS of the steps, actions and outcomes.
• If the complaint is directly related to ACS, its staff or trainers
(either in relation to ACS Online Orientation or the PE Online component) or student has exhausted the formal grievance process and
an outcome has been provided, if they are not satisfied with said outcome, they can escalate a completed ACS Complaints and Appeals
Form to ACS.
• The stages involved will include:
o Completed ACS Complaints and Appeals form sent to
[email protected].
o Resolution of the complaint by the PYP in accordance with the guidance in AS/NZS 10002:2014, Guidelines for complaint
management in organisations;
o Mediation between ACS and the student and PYP, if required;
o Use of an independent arbiter where the mediation process does not produce a satisfactory outcome.
• Following the receipt of the outcome of the external appeal the College must immediately implement the decision and convey the
outcome to the student.

ATMC considers students as partners and co-creators of • The Mid-Program Survey and End of Program Survey are
learning experience. Therefore, to continuously improve the designed to evaluate:
quality of the PY program and delivery of educational
o their overall satisfaction;
services, PY students will be asked to provide feedback on
course content, course delivery and assessment, their o the quality of infrastructure and administrative
internship experience, and student support services. matters;

The purpose of student feedback is to: o the quality of orientation;

(a) provide insights on how the Professional Year program at o course content and delivery
ATMC works from a student's perspective;
o relevance and workload quality of learning
(b) provide feedback in relation to course design, content, materials;
delivery and assessment as well as the internship relevance; o assessment and feedback;
(c) provide ATMC PY with a student evaluation of resource o academic support; and
o learning resources.
(d) help to continuously improve the quality of teaching and
learning experience, as well as foster mutual understanding of • The Destination Survey: Sixth months after the completion
beneficial relationships between students and ATMC. of the PY Program, the Professional Year students (now
graduates) should be invited to complete a survey
The survey will be conducted and distributed to PY students evaluating the relevance of the PY Program to their
at three different stages of the PY program: the mid- employment experience.
program, the end of coursework and the end of program

The feedback is anonymous, consistent, transparent and

conducted in a professional manner.

All ATMC Professional Year Students are supported COMPUTERS & PRINTERS
by the student services team at both of Computers and printers are available to our students on
our ATMC Campuses in Sydney and Melbourne. Campus. Students are expected to comply with the ATMC PY
WELFARE & STUDENT SUPPORT BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy. Please refer to
Appendix 5, pg. 34, for guidelines to get access to computers
Our staff are very friendly and ready to help at all times during and printers.
the Professional Year Program. We can provide timely
assistance with all wellbeing and welfare concerns affecting a STUDENT PORTAL, LMS AND INTERNET
student’s study and provide a range of support services as Student Portal, LMS and internet are available to students to
required, following individual consultations with the student. provide ready access to information, important documents, and
All welfare concerns are assisted on the Campus for enquiries learning and assessment resources. Students are provided with
such as accommodation, consulting services, disability support, both an ATMC network and portal account with login details.
health and wellbeing, social activities and access STUDENT LOUNGE & KITCHEN
to local international student events. We guide and assist
students as much as possible with enquiries in these key areas. Each campus is equipped with a student lounge and kitchen area
We utilise social media and on-campus promotions for where students can comfortably eat, rest and socialise.
communicating to students about upcoming events and matters Refrigerator, microwave, and hot and cold filter taps are also
of interest to them. provided.
The admission and administration officers ensure the The first point of call at every campus is the student services
enrolment process is easy and efficient for students. They will team who deal with all individual enquiries to immediately assist
answer enquiries regarding eligibility for the program, and work students on the day with matters such as timetable queries,
with migration agents to complete the enrolment process. The printing queries, teaching locations etc. They can also assist
admissions team interview students to ensure suitability of the with most administrative aspects relating to the course including
program before enrolment. This process ensures that students attendance monitoring, leave application, transfer, fee
understand the program (including the internship component) enquiries, and progress tracking.
and the requirements for enrolment. You can see Student Support Officers in person at Melbourne/
Sydney campus or contact them by email at
Pre- Enrolment Interview Session [email protected]. You can also lodge a ticket
The interview session is a mandatory component that via the Ticketing system at
students must complete before they begin the program.
The session provides the student with detailed information
about the entire program and the support that is available.

Student Assistance Program (SAP)
ATMC provides you with a 24 hr / 7 day a week student assistance program (SAP) at no cost to you as a student. A Student
Assistance Program is a professional and confidential counselling service provided by AccessEAP.

AccessEAP is an independent supplier which has been selected by the College to provide this service. With the focus on maintaining the
mental wellbeing of students. AccessEAP can assist when personal, family or study issues are impacting on your quality of life. Through
access to professionally qualified and experienced counsellors over the phone or face to face, you have the opportunity to identify problems
and find ways of resolving them.


• Decision making
• Goal setting
• Depression
• Stress
• Study life effectiveness
• Exam stress
• Anxiety
• Relationships and family problems
• Grief and Loss
• Conflict with others
• Addiction

Phone number: 1800 959 192

For more Information

e: [email protected]


The PY Academic Manager and/or the Operations and The service is strictly confidential and completely between
Compliance Manager can meet students on a strictly students and counsellors. Students can arrange to receive the
service via phone, text, face-to-face, or chat online. Students
confidential basis to discuss any matters in private, including
that require counselling or mental health services can access
academic progress, academic intervention, complaints and
directly the service without a formal referral from ATMC.
appeals. They can also refer students to counselling or
mental health services.
An ongoing social activities program runs throughout each If you are unwell, you should make an appointment with a
semester and provides opportunities for you to enjoy a range general practitioner (GP). A GP is a doctor, usually located
of activities outside study. These events are a great way to within a medical centre. Most medical centres are open from
meet other students and make new friends. Details of 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and from 8am to 12noon
activities, events and workshops are posted around the on Saturdays. Some medical centres operate seven days a
campus as well as sent out in emails throughout the semester. week and offer an after-hours service (24 hours, seven days).
Check online and in specific medical centres to schedule
You can also find information on the student portal, ATMC
appointments and discover open times.
social, or through our social media channels, such as
Instagram and Facebook. If you cannot see a doctor at a Medical Centre, you can visit the
Emergency/Outpatient section of a hospital. You may
ATMC uses Facebook to connect you with: experience long delays. Consultation fees vary between
medical centres, and you will usually have to pay at the time of
• important information treatment.
• other international students You can claim part of this fee back from your Overseas Student
• events on and off campus Health Cover (OSHC) or other insurance provider.

Visit and ‘like’ the page. Telephone numbers and addresses of medical centres and
hospitals can be found in local telephone directories or online.
An Allianz representative is on campus during the semester to
assist with information and health cover claims.
If you become unwell during your time in Australia, you should
visit a medical centre. In an emergency, or after hours, you

1. Important Websites should visit a Hospital Emergency/Outpatient Department.

For life-threatening situations, please call an ambulance. Dial
ACS – 000 (or 112 from a mobile phone) to be taken to the
nearest public hospital. There are many hospitals around the
ACS online – CBD and surrounding suburbs.
Department of Home Affairs –

Beyond Blue Support Service -

Ombudsman -

2. Important CampusInformation
Prepare yourself in case of emergency
• Know the location of emergency exits in your building.
• Plan an escape route from your office/classroom to each exit.
• Familiarise yourself with the location of any break glass fire alarms in your building.
• Familiarise yourself with the names and locations of your building warden and nearest floor wardens.
• Familiarise yourself with the identity and location of the first aid officers and first aid kits.

3. Useful Contact Details

PY Student Helpline: +61 4 8880 5001 - Seven days a week from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm AEST
PY ticketing system:

E: [email protected]

A: (Melbourne) Level 10, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000

A: (Sydney)Level 9, 540 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

A: (Sydney)Level 1, 432 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

2. PY General Enquiries
E: [email protected]

3. PY Internship Team
Internship Team main inbox:
[email protected]

Melbourne: [email protected]
Sydney: [email protected]

Appendix 1: ATMC PY Study Periods
Each study period runs for 4 weeks and is comprised of 2 modules of 2 weeks each. Each PY class is from 9am to 5.30pm.

Start Topics

Week 0 PY Online Orientation Module (Mandatory) – to be completed in Moodle prior to

course commencement
Week 1-2 AES - Australian Employment Standards
Week 3-4 Study Period A PBM - Performance in Business Meetings
Week 5-6 ACN - Address Customer Needs
Week 7-8 Study Period B AWC - Australian Workplace Communication
Week 9-10 PS – Presentation Skills
Week 11-12 Study Period C APS - Applied Presentations Skills
Week 13-14 PBW - Professional Business Writing
Week 15-16 Study Period D RS - Research Skills
Week 17-18 AWHS - Australian Workplace Health and Safety
Week 19-20 Study Period E AWCL - Australian Workplace Compliance and Legislations
Week 21-22 CI - Collaboration and Innovation
Week 23-24 Study Period F PWP - Professional Work Performance
Week 25-26 WREM - Workplace Relationships and Effective Management
Week 27-28 Study Period G
PE - Preparation for Employment
Week 29-30 IJP - Interviews and Job-hunting Preparation
Weeks 31- 32 Study Period H IJS - Interviews and Job-hunting Skills


Week 35 - 47 INTERNSHIP
Weeks 49 Graduation

2.1 ACS PY Online Orientation
All ACS PY students are required to complete a compulsory Details of the ACS online orientation program will be mailed to you
online orientation program as part of the course requirement. upon successful enrolment into the PY program. You will be given
You will receive an ACS orientation email – for the orientation access to: and asked to
that will start from the second Monday of the month following complete the online introduction to the PY program within a 5
enrolment. (five) day period. It is important that you complete this course
requirement as soon as you receive notification of your ability to
Online orientation will provide you with the requirements of the access the learning portal.
course, what types of platforms you will be expected to access
whilst in your course and the types of assistance offered by the Duration: 1 week (30‐90 minutes to complete)
ACS to help you complete the program successfully. Course remains visible to students, for reference, for one calendar

2.2 ACS networking events

Please note that you will not graduate from the program unless
As an ATMC PY student, you are automatically provided you can demonstrate you have fulfilled all program requirements.
membership to the Australian Computer Society (ACS), the Given that there are very few events in the months of December
association that represents IT professionals. During your PY and January due to the holiday period, it is important to plan for
program, you are required to attend at least 3 ACS networking the events you intend to attend well in advance.
events or 1 PY day conference to attain a minimum of 6 CPD
hours (Continuing Professional Development hours). These professional development events should be considered an
excellent opportunity to network with your IT peers and senior IT
Please visit ACS website for further managers and developers. You should use these events as the
information. chance to find out who is hiring within the IT space, in what kind of
These networking events do not necessarily have to be within industries and in what types of businesses. Remember, a great
your home state, but you must ensure you enrol for the event number of jobs are not advertised but rather filled through words
through the ACS website and write a short report on what you of mouth within business networking events such as those held by
learned from attending the event. the ACS.

2.3 ACS Professional Environment (PE) Online Course

All ACS students must undertake the online ACS PE that • Submit all assignments on time;
runs at the same time as your internship (after week 32 of
• Attend and submit three ACS event reports as directly
your course). You must be based in Australia for the entirety
by the ACS tutor.
of the PE Online Course.

The ACS Education Team will be informed on a weekly basis

To successfully complete PE online course, you must:
in regard to student participation and possible course issues
• Allocate 8-10 hours of study per week; such as student progress, academic misconduct, and non-
• Actively participate in weekly discussion forums and compliance.
• Complete all weekly quizzes;

2.4 SFIA (Skills Framework for the Information Age)

Whilst undertaking the PE Online Course, one area of career As a PY student at ATMC, you will be given the opportunity
development that you will be exposed to during this time is an to undertake a self-evaluation using this framework which
introduction to the Skills Framework for the Information Age help you to align your internship experience to help develop
(SFIA). SFIA is a capabilities framework that is used in over your own professional development and future workforce
100 countries to map IT professionals’ skill sets at particular development plans.

Course week 1
BEFORE • PY students will be informed about internship requirements including but not limited to internship
INTERNSHIP placement (arranged by ATMC/Internship partners)
Course week 8-16
The Internship information session will be conducted by the Internship Team between the 8th and 16th week
of delivery (mid-program). Student attendance will be tracked. Students will be provided with the Internship
Information Pack after the session.
Course week 20
• Student will be allocated an Internship Placement Consultant (IPC)
• Students must inform ATMC of their internship placement choice - either the student has an
existing related job (Own Employment) or internship will be sourced by ATMC/Internship
partners (Provider Placed)
• IT Students (ACS Only) may be given the opportunity to provide host company leads to the
ATMC Internship Team (Student-Generated Leads). ACS and ATMC require students to submit
company details and lead documents prior to pre-placement interviews.
Course Week 20-22
• For students requiring Internship Placement (Seeking Students), you will be required to provide
your updated resume and organised a pre-placement interview with your assigned IPC. This is
an opportunity for the IPC to meet with the student, understand their skill sets, work experience
and preference for internship placement.

• For students who are nominating their Own Employment (OE) or submitted a Student-Generated
Lead (SGL) (for ACS students only), your IPC will provide you with document requirements and
criteria to assess if your job or generated lead is suitable for the Internship component of the PY
Course week 22 to course week 30
Seeking Students:
• IPC will commence to shortlist your resume to potential internship opportunities with ATMC Host
• Once student is successful for interview selection by host company, IPC will arrange interview
• Once student is successful for acceptance of internship, ATMC will proceed to arrange required
documentations for placement.
• If students are unsuccessful, they would be provided feedback and coaching to ensure success
for the next interview opportunity
• Students are provided up to 3 interviews for internship placement
For Own Employment (OE) students and Student generated Lead (SGL):
• IPC will vet and assess student provided internship documents
• IPC will conduct a site inspection including WH&S checklist

Course Week 30 – Week 33

• Internship documents are finalised and signed off
• Student will receive a written confirmation of internship placement and approval for
INTERNSHIP commencement
PROGRESS • Student will be provided Internship Logbook to be completed during the duration of their
MONITORING internship placement
STEPS NOTE: Internship can only commence once student has completed their in-class course
Course Week 35 - Week 41 (Internship Week 1 – Week 6)
 On the 1st day of internship, interns will receive an induction by their HC that must be completed
prior to commencement of internship.
• Students to start using their logbook and completing daily journey entry.
• For all Internship types, the IPC will conduct monitoring calls/emails on week 0 (prior to internship
commencement), week 2 and week 6.
• Week 6 IPC will conduct a mid-internship site visit or phone calls (for ATMC Placed and Student-
Generated Lead Internships only) to the relevant supervisor to verify the interns’ workplace performance,
relevant tasks and progress. For Own Employment Internships, the mid-internship site visit or phone calls
will be conducted with the student only.
• During week 6 of internship, student and supervisor are to complete the mid-performance review
together to discuss progress and performance feedback. A copy of the mid-performance is available
within the student internship logbook.
Course Week 42 – Week 47 (Internship Week 7 – Week 12)
• Continuation of maintain daily journal entry within internship logbook
• IPC to conduct Week 12 final internship monitoring phone call to the relevant supervisor and student to
verify the intern’s workplace performance, relevant task progression. Student to submit completed
internship logbook on their final day of internship placement to ATMC.
• OE students to submit payslips covering the whole 12 weeks period of the Internship Component.

Appendix 4: ACS Online Components
Online Orientations and PE Online Courses are regularly The ACS Online Orientation and Professional Environments
scheduled to accommodate the continuous intake of PY (PE) online components of the Professional Year are imperative
Participants. to the success of the overall program.



Commencement • Students participate online from the second Monday of every month following
processed ACS enrolment (with exception of public holidays).
• Timeline is based on the date enrolment data is submitted to ACS, not when the student
commenced their PY Program.

Lead ACS PY Coordinator

Delivery Organisation ACS; combining students from multiple provider organisations
Delivery Mode • Online
• Duration: 30-90 minutes to complete
• Course remains visible to students for reference for one calendar year
Communication Students are emailed:
• At the time of ACS enrolment (Program Welcome)
• Upon course commencement, they are sent a reminder
• If incomplete, warnings are sent every 7-10 days
• Providers are copied on warning emails if incomplete beyond 2-3 weeks
Content • Overview of PY Program, ACS, and their ACS membership
• Outline of PE Online course structure and requirements: ACS events, networking, and
internship placement requirements
• Required reading of the Academic Misconduct Policy
• Outline of student leave policy and required ACS Transfer Form
Outcomes Understand the role/function of ACS and PYP Providers
• Understand the importance of undertaking the internship at the same time as the PE online
• Preview ACS LEARN website and functionality
• Importance of attending ACS Events
• Adherence to the ACS Code of Conduct and Professionalism
ATMC Involvement • Completion of the Orientation Program is compulsory and should be finalised within one
week of the course opening. Participant completion is monitored by ACS. Warnings are
sent to students who do not complete the required work. These warnings are resent every
7-10 days until the student completes the course.
• ATMC will be copied on subsequent warnings if students are nonresponsive beyond the
initial 2-3 weeks. If a student fails to complete the Online Orientation after one month,
ATMC will be responsible for follow-up and ensure that the course is completed by the

Commencement • Delivered in conjunction with the planned internship dates provided by ATMC at the time of
• Students must be placed in an internship no later than 19 days after the PE online course
• Students must be located in Australia for the entirety of the PE online course.
Lead • Assigned Online Tutor
• ACS Lead Tutor
• ACS PY Coordinator
Delivery Organisation ACS; combining students from multiple provider organisations
Delivery Mode • Online
• Duration: 13 weeks
• Activities include discussion forums, quizzes, journals, event reports, and three major
Communication Students are emailed:
• 1 week prior to course commencement
• If required, official warnings are sent as requested by tutor
• Online Tutor communicates with students through ACS LEARN and SMS
• ATMC is copied on all official warning emails and notices
Orientation Week: Course Overview and Job Application Activity
Week 1: Introduction to ICT Professionalism
Week 2: Introduction to SFIA and Self-Assessment of Generic Business Skills
Week 3: Introduction to Ethics and Professionalism Part 1 - Solving Ethical Dilemmas Skills
Week 4: Introduction to Ethics and Professionalism Part 2 - IT Governance and Legal
Week 5: Project Management Part 1 - Introduction to Project Management and Scope
Content Week 6: Project Management Part 2 - Introduction to Risk Management
Week 7: Risk Management Plan Part 1 - Identify Risks in Current Project
Week 8: Risk Management Plan Part 2 - Build Risk Management Plan for Current Project
Week 9: Professional Development Part 1 - Identify Skills Gap and Finalise SFIA Skill Sets
Week 10: Professional Development Part 2 - Produce Career and PD Plan
Week 11: SFIA Based Skills Mentoring Part 1
Week 12: SFIA Based Skills Mentoring Part 2
Assessment Finalisation Period: Two weeks following course completion
Outcomes • Student mentoring and professional development
• Understanding of Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) including introduction,
self-assessment, generic and business skills
PYP Involvement • Students are monitored by their online tutor throughout the course. ACS allows three
official warnings sent by email to each student (PYP cc’d). If the student is unsuccessful in
improving their performance following these warnings, they will be removed from the PE
Online Course.
• In instances of plagiarism, ACS holds firm to one official warning. PYPs will be copied on
these communications. If any subsequent plagiarism is discovered, the student may be
removed from the course.
• Though the course is offered online, students are not allowed to leave the country during
this period unless approved and pre-arranged by the PYP and ACS. Transfer fees may
• Online Tutors have two (2) weeks from the completion of the course to finalise grades. This
marking time is notated in the PYP monthly cohort report and should be considered when
determining graduation ceremonies and completion dates. No ACS transcripts will be
guaranteed during this two-week period. Please address this early in the program, as this
may have a direct effect on when students can receive their final grades and transcripts for
graduation purposes.

Appendix 5 – System Access Guidelines
1. Systems Accounts

Wi-Fi PY Moodle
Melbourne campus:
▪ URL:
▪ Login credentials: same as ▪ Username:
PY Moodle [email protected]
▪ Password: Atmc@DDMMYYYY
Sydney campus:
(student’s Date of Birth in the above format)
▪ Login credentials: same as MS Teams
PY Moodle  URL:

 Login credentials: same as PY Moodle

2. Supports
Academic & Classwork
▪ Your Tutor (Trainer / Assessor) – As allocated

Network, user accounts, IT equipment

▪ IT Helpdesk –

Program Administration issues

▪ Student Support– Ticketing system:
▪ Student Support Team main inbox: [email protected]


 Internship Team main inbox: [email protected]

 Melbourne: [email protected]
 Sydney: [email protected]

Health & wellbeing + All Escalated issues

▪ PY Student Support: [email protected]

Level 2 and 5, 399 Lonsdale Street,Melbourne,VIC 3000

432 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Level 9, 540 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Australian Technical and Management College Pty. Ltd. as trustee for Australian Technical and Management College Trust
ABN:73 130 044 745
ATMC Education Group Pty Ltd – ABN: 86 607 713 182
Telephone: + 61 2 8072 7924 Email: [email protected] Website:
RTO No: 22158 CRICOS: 03013D


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