The outrigger and belt truss system is commonly used as one of the structural systems to effectively control the excessive
drift due to lateral load and minimize the risk of structural and non-structural damage. However, this prominent structural
system has a demerit of excessive stressing to structural and nonstructural members during construction due to differential
column shortening. In this paper, several potential construction methods managing the outrigger to perimeter column joints
experiencing differential column shortening are discussed. These methods include fixed joint without any adjustment, delayed
joint, delayed joint with shim plate adjustment, and outrigger damper (or lock-up-device) installed joint. Based on our research
through computer analysis, large scale laboratory test, shake table test and real installation of the apparatus to a high-rise
project, the building with outrigger damper or lock-up-device system has many advantages in terms of building performance,
construction convenience, quality control and cost reduction.
1. Introduction induced moment, shear and crack will increase with time
due to the effects of creep and shrinkage. As the creep
As cities continue to grow and land values continue to strain depends on the magnitude of the load, the higher is
rise, the buildings are getting taller and slimmer to the load applied to the column, the more is the shortening.
maximize rentable space. To make possible for this There have been some efforts and studies regarding this
slender structure, many structural systems for high-rise issue including delayed joints and adjustable joint method
building have been conceived and designed. Among through shim plate adjustment. In this paper, a more
them, the outrigger structural system has proven to be an sophisticated and engineered method to handle this issue
efficient lateral stiffness system for high-rise building in using damper or lock-up device as well as other
reducing lateral drift under wind or seismic loading. conventionally available constructional methods will be
However, this magnificent structural system has a demerit discussed.
of excessive stressing to structural and nonstructural
members during construction due to differential column 2. Outrigger Structural System
shortening. Columns under various magnitudes of load
are not uncommon in tall buildings. Resulting from For medium high-rise buildings, the concrete core is
differential loads, uneven shortening of two adjacent usually the only main structural element resisting lateral
vertical members will induce moment, shear and crack in loading as is often the case. Sometimes this core system
the connecting slab or beams. The magnitude of this involves moment-connected frames or trussed bracing at
the core to enhance the lateral resisting capacity. However,
Note.-Discussion open until May 1, 2011. This manuscript for this the braced core system alone cannot provide enough
paper was submitted for review and possible publication on August lateral stiffness for the building to keep the wind drift
21, 2009; approved on December 13, 2010.
within the acceptable limit when the building is taller
*Corresponding author than approximately 150 m.
Tel: +82-31-250-1162; Fax: +82-31-250-1131 Outrigger structural system is one of the efficient
E-mail: kimdy@dwconst.co.kr structural systems for high-rise buildings in resisting
318 Kidong Park et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 10(4), 317-324, 2010
lateral loading, and it consists of a central core and cracks in partition walls and slabs. The adverse effects of
horizontal cantilever outrigger trusses or girders attaching differential column shortening increase as the height of
the core to the perimeter columns. It effectively reduces building is increased. To compensate for the adverse
the lateral deflections and moments in the core compared effects of differential column shortening in high-rise
to the core system described above by increasing the buildings, construction methods have been developed.
effective depth of the building due to the induced tension
in the windward columns and compression in the leeward 3. Conventional Construction Methods
columns (Smith, 1991). Therefore, outrigger structural Managing the Issues from Differential
system can couple the core and perimeter columns Column Shortening
enabling buildings to utilize its entire building width as
shown in Fig. 1. To deal with issues from the outrigger to perimeter
With the outrigger structural system the lateral loading column joints experiencing differential column shortening,
is mainly resisted by the core and significant portion of three methods including fixed joint without any adjustment,
the loading is transferred to the perimeter columns as a delayed joint, delayed joint with shim plate adjustment
form of axial loads – compression and tension in the are conventionally used.
columns. Previous studies have indicated that the outrigger
and belt truss system can provide additional lateral 3.1. Fixed joint without adjustment
stiffness up to 25 to 30 percents (Taranath, 1988) or Fixing the outrigger to perimeter column joints in the
lateral drift decrease about 25 to 32 percent (Iyengar, construction stage can be efficient for some cases since
1995). the outrigger system shares the overturning moment from
Belt truss is often used to tie all peripheral columns the beginning without other remedies to the joint.
around the structure since every peripheral columns A representative project employed this method is Burj
cannot be directly connected to outriggers. By doing that, Dubai. In the Burj Dubai project, the wall thicknesses and
it helps other columns to take part in restraining the column sizes were determined to minimize the effects of
outriggers. long-term differential shortenings such as creep and
Other benefits of the outrigger and belt truss system shrinkage on the individual elements which compose the
besides the reduction of core moment and roof drift are structure (Baker, 2008). For example, for the case of
listed as below (Gamaliel, 2008). creep the perimeter columns were sized carefully such
• Equalize the differential shortening of exterior that the self-weight gravity stress on the perimeter
columns resulting from temperature and imbalanced columns matched the stress on the interior corridor walls.
axial loading. Five sets of outriggers, distributed up the building, tie all
• Reduce net tension and uplift force at the foundation the vertical load carrying elements together, further ensuring
level. uniform gravity stresses; hence, reducing differential
• Eliminate the need for moment-connected frames at creep movements. For the case of the shrinkage, the ratios
the façade. of volume to surface were considered to ensure the
Even though the outrigger and belt truss system has columns and walls will generally shorten at the same rate
many structural advantages as described above, this due to concrete shrinkage. This method can be reasonable
system has a significant defect due to differential column for the concrete structure with the development of
shortening such as elastic axial deformation, creep and technology in the field of concrete material and
shrinkage which is hard to be correctly estimated. The differential column shortening estimation. However, the
differential column shortening induces additional forces possibility of failure always exists and it depends chiefly
in the horizontal members such as outriggers, thus, on the structural ability of structural engineers.
causing structural and non-structural problems such as But it cannot be reasonable for the concrete and steel
deformation of exterior cladding and pipe lines, and (or SRC) combined structural system. For the concrete
A Comparison Study of Conventional Construction Methods and Outrigger Damper System 319
Figure 2. Typical construction sequence of outrigger connection by Shim Plate Correction Method.
and steel combined structural system, minimizing the induce a vertical separation between the outrigger tip and
creep and shrinkage is essentially impossible due to the the column to relocate shims.
inheriting difference in the material properties; therefore, Shim Plate Correction Method is often used for
the structure should be designed larger and stronger to adjustable joints for many civil and architectural structures
withstand the elastic and non-elastic differential shortening. as well as high-rise buildings with outriggers. However,
Even though the technology in the field of estimating this method also has several issues to be solved. These
differential column shortening has been greatly enhanced, issues are listed as shown below.
it still is not good enough to be in the great accuracy,
therefore, the structural members will be over-designed Direct Disadvantages
with great redundancy. It is the countermarch to the social • If controlling the gap fails, additional stresses in the
demand which reducing the structural material with structural members may develop.
engineering technology for green environment and saving • Keeping the joint gap in a specified range such as
cost. 1~2 mm via shim plate replacements is essentially
3.2. Delayed joint (Chung, 2002) - For the Shim Plate Adjustment Method, tens of steel
Delayed joint methods are widely used in the field of shim plates with different thickness are required. These
civil and architectural engineering as well as high-rise shims are required to be machined flat and in true bearing
building with outrigger system. With this method, the with adjacent shims. However, machining the steel shim
outrigger and perimeter columns are not coupled in the plates with thickness of less than 10 mm to true fit is
construction stage and the connections will be fixed after really difficult. Therefore, it is estimated that the
the completion of the construction. Since the building is accumulated gaps in between the shim plates itself could
designed to resist lateral loading solely by the core, the be greater than 5mm. Constructional tolerance due to
design is less risky with comparatively simple engineering, structural welding also make irregular steel surface and
however, the climbing of the construction cost due to this results in adding additional compressive displacement
increased structural materials is not avoidable. of piled shim plates. The contractor also needs to prepare
an assortment of tapered shims to accommodate the
3.3. Adjustable joint (Shim Plate Adjustment Method) tolerance of construction and fabrication (such as
(Chung, 2002) nonparallel bearing surface). The tapered shim is not only
Figure 2 shows the design philosophy of the typical hard to be manufactured but also negative to keep
adjustable connection links between an outrigger and uniform gap along the entire bearing surface.
perimeter steel members. This method will hereafter be
referred to as the Shim Plate Adjustment Method. • Extra man power and devices are required during the
As shown in Fig. 2, the bearing surfaces of the construction for continuous measuring and monitoring
outrigger and the perimeter truss/column system will be process and shim plate replacements.
separated by a nominal gap (<1 mm or 2 mm). The gap - Due to the uncertainty of the shortening amount it is
shall be monitored during construction. When the gap has usually required to monitor either the shim gaps or the
decreased, shims shall be relocated such that the induced forces every day. Therefore, the measuring and
separation between bearing surfaces should be kept in a monitoring system shall be installed and relevant technician
specified range during the course of construction. In the and workers need to be arranged at the construction site.
event that the gap has closed under calm wind, an oil jack These people will also perform the shim plate revision
shall be inserted at the locations shown in the Fig. 2 to task. As mentioned earlier, the 1~2 mm gaps are easily
320 Kidong Park et al. / International Journal of Steel Structures, 10(4), 317-324, 2010
Figure 3. Displacement-load curve comparison between shim-plated link and outrigger dampened link.
closed during the construction due to differential due to the difference of joint gap condition. This may
shortenings. In the event that the gap has closed, the lead to excessive cracks on the concrete core. The shim
contractor shall insert oil jack(s) to induce a vertical plated joints can be modeled as hook and gap nonlinear
separation between the outrigger tip and the column such link elements in SAP2000 as shown in Fig. 3, however,
that shims can be removed and the nominal gap can be there is uncertainty about the effective stiffness of the
restored at the upper and lower point. If oil jacks cannot hook & gap links. This uncertainty will be studied further
be easily inserted and removed due to its joint detail, the through shake table test with manufactured shim plate
oils jacks are required to be installed temporarily during link model. The difference in structural properties between
the construction. the shim plate link and outrigger damper link is clearly
illustrated by the displacement-load curve in Fig. 3.
• The response of the building with adjustable joints
should be obviously different with that of the final Indirect Disadvantages
staged building after construction with fixed joint • The size of outrigger to perimeter column joint
condition. structure become larger.
- Based on our preliminary analysis using SAP2000 - As discussed in direct disadvantage part, oil jack(s)
Nonlinear computer model (CSI, 2001), the high-rise are required to be installed or inserted to the joint
building with shim-plated outrigger joint is not expected structure. This procedure causes the necessity of brackets
to couple the core and perimeter columns. If there are at the both side of outrigger tip. It even leads to wider and
outrigger systems at the multiple floors, this shim plated larger joint structure compared to the joint structure with
joints may spoil the integrated response of the building outrigger damper as shown in Fig. 4.
A Comparison Study of Conventional Construction Methods and Outrigger Damper System 321
Songdo NEATT comprises of 68 stories with a height of Therefore, the adjustment joint was originally designed
+305 m from level to the top of the roof and is currently to NEATT’s outrigger connections so that both the core
under construction. The structural system is composed of the walls and the outrigger could resist wind load during
perimeter column, corner mega column, core wall, outrigger construction, successfully securing the building’s structural
and belt truss system as illustrated in Fig. 7 (Chung, 2008). stability against wind or earthquake load during
As with other high-rise buildings, NEATT’s core wall construction. However, due to the pre-described problems
functions as a major structural element that resists gravity in Section 3.3, Daewoo Outrigger Damper System is
and lateral load. To resist lateral load efficiently, NEATT proposed to be installed to the outrigger to perimeter
uses core walls with the outrigger and belt truss system. column/belt truss joints to automatically adjust differential
The 3-D frame and elevation of the outrigger and belt column shortening during construction and resist vertical
truss are shown in Fig. 7. It is calculated that the outrigger axial loading at the outrigger joints induced by severe
and belt system takes 30% of the total overturning wind load such as typhoons (Fig. 9).
moment applied to the building as shown in Fig. 8. It is
clearly indicated that the overturning moment resisted by 5.2. Application of outrigger dampers to songdo
the core is significantly reduced at the locations of the NEATT
outrigger floors at 34th and 65th floor. The outrigger dampers to Songdo NEATT were designed
Song-do Northeast Asia Trade Tower (NEATT) has to withstand design wind and seismic load specified in
total of 14 joints connecting outriggers to perimeter trusses Korean Building Code. Considering the temporary life
and columns. Like typical other high-rise building, the span of the apparatus which is less than 2 years, the safety
Songdo NEATT is expected to sustains a large amount of factor of the apparatus is approximately two. For the
differential column shortening between the core walls and design of the outrigger dampers, Songdo NEATT was
perimeter columns/belt trusses, and consequently, additional tested in a Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel at the Daewoo
stress is induced in the outrigger. A typical solution to this E&C’s wind tunnel laboratory in Suwon, South Korea.
problem is the application of a delayed joint to the After manufacturing the apparatus, the performance
outrigger. However, if the delayed joint is applied, the test was carried out in the factory of Unison, Inc located
core wall will be the only element that resists lateral loads in Cheon-an with 30 mega Newton LRB (Lead-Rubber-
such as wind and earthquake during construction. Bearing) tester and 2 mega Newton fatigue tester as
shown in Fig. 10. The performance tests can be with this proposed Outrigger Damper System, the differential
categorized as 1) Dynamic Displacement-Load Test, 2) column shortening during the course of construction will
Pseudo-static Displacement-Load Test, and 3) Endurance be automatically handled without any extra stress to the
Test. The purpose of Dynamic Displacement-Load Test is structural members and the building with the Outrigger
to verify if the damper system successfully resists Damper system is expected to show better performance
dynamic loading such as typhoon and earthquake with than the same building with Shim Plate Adjustment
limited hydraulic jack ram displacement (2 mm). Method. Furthermore, this outrigger damper can be
The purpose of the Pseudo-Static loading test was to designed as damping devices to reduce the amount of
verify if excessive loading is applied to the system or not structural materials.
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speed of 0.001 mm/sec which is equivalent to design References
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