Nutrition For Injury Recovery and Rehabilitation

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s are receiving
How to make sure your patient
optimal fueling

fter an injury occurs, patients total requirements) for 10 days can reduce
trust that an athletic trainer is muscle protein synthesis by 20 percent,
working quickly to design a thus impacting rate of complete recovery.
comprehensive rehabilitation plan that
will produce a complete recovery in the 2. Manage Surgery Side Effects:
shortest time frame possible. Research Early nutrition is key to the recovery pro-
continues to emerge as to how nutrition cess, but postoperative nausea can pres-
fits into this recovery plan. ent a barrier. Nauseous athletes should
Optimal nutrition can play a key role try bland foods (banana, rice, applesauce,
in controlling inflammation, providing toast), smaller and more frequent meals
key nutrients for rebuilding injured tissue, and nutrient-dense liquids (smoothies).
minimizing muscle atrophy and support- Constipation is also common after sur-
ing strength preservation and gain. The gery. Increasing fluid and fiber intake
following will help you integrate nutrition often improves these symptoms. If this is
into your rehabilitation programs and start not effective, athletes might try adding a
discussions with patients about when and small amount of prune juice to their day.
how nutrition can make an impact. Postsurgical antibiotics are critical for
preventing infection, but unfortunately
THE FIRST 48 HOURS they also kill some of beneficial gut bacte-
Depending on the severity of the injury, rial involved in our digestive and immune
there could be a lot of action in the first health. Restore the beneficial bacteria
48 hours – from briefing parents and learn- by including prebiotic and probiotic rich
ing how to ambulate to scheduling imag- foods. Probiotics are live, good bacteria
ing and preparing for surgery. If you can that contribute to a healthy gut environ-
only impart a few nutrition sound bites to ment. Probiotic rich foods include yogurt,
your athletes, let it be these five: kombucha, sauerkraut, miso soup and
kimchi. Prebiotics are plant fiber that feed
1. Fuel the Healing Process: Under- the good, probiotic bacteria. Prebiotic rich
fueling during this period is common due foods include jicama, onion, garlic, aspar-
to busyness of adapting to an unexpected agus, oats, wheat, barley and mushrooms.
situation and the misconception that
Photo © iStock/Arx0nt

because an athlete is not training, they do 3. Battle Anabolic Resistance with

not need to fuel. Trauma or surgery may Protein and Leucine: Immobilization
require up to 20 percent more calories. 2 decreases the ability of myofibrillar pro-
Additionally, crutching requires two to teins to respond to amino acid stimuli.
three times more energy than walking. This phenomenon is called anabolic resis-
Insufficient energy intake (80 percent of tance, which makes the muscle building

14 | NATAnews | JULY 2018

TIME MEAL/ACTIVITY ITEMS Process: It is very easy for athletes to
under-fuel, and this is probably the most
8 a.m. Breakfast Oatmeal with peanut butter, banana, chia
seeds, milk common way athletes negatively impact
the healing process. It’s becoming more
8:15 a.m. Rehab Pre-Fuel 15 grams of gelatin mixed with 8 ounces of orange juice
common for athletes to reduce carbo-
9:15 a.m. Rehab Water
hydrate intake in order to control body
11 a.m. Rehab Fuel High-protein milk, tart cherry juice weight, but whole grains provide many
Noon Lunch Turkey sandwich on wheat bread with tomato and nutrients that fuel and support rehabil-
spinach; Greek yogurt with raspberries and cashew itation and healing. Now that the dust
granola; water
has settled, if an athlete is struggling
3 p.m. Snack Smoothie made with milk, mango, pineapple, spinach with how much and what to eat, it’s time
6 p.m. Dinner Grilled chicken topped with avocado, zucchini, brown to refer to a board certified specialist in
rice, water sports dietetics (CSSD) so he/she can
9 p.m. Snack High-fiber cereal with milk, blueberries receive individualized nutrition recom-
mendations and feel confident in his/her
process more difficult. In order to over- acids that can be used to build muscle while recovery plan.
come this, researchers have established catching some Zzzs.
higher protein recommendations (1.6- 2. Continue to Focus on Protein and
2.5 g/kg/d) and emphasize consuming 4. Control Inflammation by Making Leucine: Ensure that protein is consumed
leucine-rich foods.6 The amino acid leucine Simple Fat Swaps: Anti-inflammatory every three hours during the day, after
has been named “the anabolic trigger” as fats are found in olive oil, avocado, fish, flax, rehabilitation sessions and before bed.
it has the power to stimulate muscle pro- nuts and seeds. Pro-inflammatory fats are
tein synthesis faster than other amino found in fried and greasy foods, processed 3. Monitor Alcohol Intake: Excessive
acids. Leucine from food sources may meats (pepperoni, salami, bologna, hot alcohol intake has been shown to exacer-
have the ability to aid in injury recovery. dogs) and vegetable oils. During the initial bate muscle loss during immobilization,
Leucine rich foods include cheese (Swiss, inflammatory stage of healing, swapping a impair muscle building and contribute to
fontina, provolone, Colby, mozzarella), greasy hamburger for a turkey burger with inflammation. In addition, alcohol opens
meat (pork chops, chicken), fish (tuna, avocado would support healing. Instead of up the door for evening and weekend
trout, salmon), nuts and seeds (soybeans, snacking on fried potato chips, encourage re-injury. Athletic trainers often have
pumpkin, peanuts, almonds) and tempeh. your athlete to grab some almonds and great relationships with their patients
For best results, consume 20 to 35 grams dried tart cherries to help control their and a great ability to start conversations
of leucine-rich protein every three hours inflammation and move him/her closer to about alcohol intake.
during the day and before bed. Casein- meeting his/her rehab goals.
rich foods (milk and dairy products) before 4. Consider Injury Specific Nutrition
bed provide a competitive healing edge as 5. Speaking of Fruits and Vegetables: Interventions:
they take longer to digest and are slowly Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables Concussion: Early nutrition is key in
released into the blood stream. This pro- also help control inflammation, which concussion recovery. As soon as the
vides a slow and steady supply of amino can speed healing. Some of the highest decision has been made to remove the
sources of antioxidants include goji ber- athlete from play, provide a protein
ries, blueberries, tart cherries, dark choc- rich snack (granola bar with 10 to 20
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY TART olate, pecans, artichoke, elderberries, grams of protein, shelf-stable choc-
CHERRY SMOOTHIE kidney beans, cranberries, blackberries olate milk). A study completed with
BY DANA ANGELO WHITE, and green tea. Pineapple, turmeric, garlic military personnel showed that when
MS, RD, ATC and ginger have also been shown to have patients received at least 50 percent of
beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. their total energy expenditure and 1 to
INGREDIENTS An athlete may try to start his/her their 1.5g/kg protein, outcomes were better
3/4 cup tart cherry juice morning with a cup of green tea, cooking up than when they received less calories.7
1 cup frozen pineapple a curry (turmeric) dish for dinner or whip- Bonus: Omega 3s may also play a role
1/2 cup baby spinach ping up an anti-inflammatory smoothie for in building muscle mass and strength
1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt a snack (see Anti-Inflammatory Tart Cherry as the athlete returns to full partic-
Smoothie recipe). ipation. 9,10 Encourage the athlete to
PREPARATION increase their intake of Omega 3-rich
1. Place tart cherry juice in a CONTINUED RECOVERY foods (salmon, mackerel, flaxseeds).
blender, followed by pineapple, After your patients have integrated the pre- Many athletes consider taking a fish
spinach, and yogurt. vious tips into their lifestyles, and the inflam- oil supplement at this time. Consult a
2. Blend until smooth. matory stage of healing has come to an end, CSSD to determine an optimal fish oil
you may want to reinforce these four facts: dose and source for your athlete. | 15


an individualized fueling plan, refer them to a
Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.
PROTEIN Milk Stewed meats Fried
Visit to find
Kefir Pulled pork/chicken Crunchy
Greek Yogurt Eggs Breaded a sports dietitian in your area.
Cottage Cheese Tofu Poultry with skin
Nut butters Flaky fish About the Author: Katie Knappenberger MS, RD,
Dry non-fat milk Ground beef or turkey
CSSD, ATC, is the director of performance nutri-
powder Soft meatballs w/ gravy
Condensed milk Soft cheese tion at Northwestern University where her mission
Hummus is to empower athletes to use food to fuel athletic
Refried beans and academic success while laying the foundation
FRUITS AND Fresh, frozen or Ripe bananas Unripe for a lifetime of health.
VEGETABLES canned fruits/veg- Canned fruit Crunchy
gies blended until All vegetables cooked Tough skins or
smooth without any until soft and beyond fork membranes
chunks tender References
Smoothies 1. Sports Nutrition: A Practice Manual for
Juice Professionals, 6th Edition
WHOLE Cream of wheat Soft bread Hard crusts 2. Tipton, Kevin D. “Nutritional Support for
GRAINS Oatmeal Pancakes Chewy breads/ Exercise-Induced Injuries.” Sports Medicine,
Grits Waffles grains vol. 45, no. S1, 2015, pp. 93–104., doi:10.1007/
French toast s40279-015-0398-4.
Rice, pasta, quinoa, bar- 3. Nutrition and Traumatic Brain Injury: Improving Acute
ley cooked until tender and Subacute Health Outcomes in Military Personnel
HEALTHY Avocados Seeds or nuts 4. Tipton, Kevin D. “Dietary Strategies to Attenuate
FATS Olive oil Muscle Loss during Recovery from Injury.”
Nut butters Nutritional Coaching Strategy to Modulate
Coconut oil Training Efficiency Nestlé Nutrition
Institute Workshop Series, 2013, pp. 51–61.,
Bone Injury: Athletes who are recover- of vitamin C one hour before training. 8 5. Jones SW, Hill RJ, Krasney PA, O’Conner B, Peirce
ing from a fracture should aim for 1,500 This can be achieved by combining two N, Greenhaff PL: Disuse atrophy and exercise
rehabilitation in humans profoundly affects the
milligrams of calcium each day. At this food grade gelatin packets with 8 ounces
expression of genes associated with the regulation of
recommendation, an athlete could con- of vitamin C-rich juice. Copper is also a skeletal muscle mass. FASEB J 2004;18:1025–1027.
sume the following in one day: 8 ounces of key nutrient for tendon health and can 6. Benjamin T. Wall, James P. Morton & Luc J. C.
milk, 6 ounces of yogurt, half cup of kale, 4 be found in cashews and kale. (See the van Loon (2014): Strategies to maintain skeletal
ounces of salmon, 1 ounce of cheese and Sample Meal Plan on p. 15) muscle mass in the injured athlete: Nutritional
considerations and exercise mimetics, European
half a cup of broccoli. If vitamin D levels Journal of Sport Science, DOI:10.1080/174613
are not already optimized, now is a good Oro-Facial Injury/Surgery: Oro-facial 91.2014.936326
time to ask about ordering labs and correct injuries may require the athlete to 7. Pillsbury, Laura, et al. Nutrition and Traumatic
any deficiency that arises. Vitamin K2 also alter the texture of their foods to make Brain Injury: Improving Acute and Subacute
Health Outcomes in Military Personnel. National
plays a critical role in bone healing. When them easier to eat. Under-fueling and
Academies Press, 2011.
vitamin K2 is activated, it allows osteo- weight loss is common with these inju- 8. Shaw, Gregory, et al. “Vitamin C Enriched
calcin to draw calcium into the bones. ries as it is easy to accidentally eliminate Gelatin Supplementation before Intermittent
Food sources of vitamin K2 include hard food groups and nutrients that are key for Activity Augments Collagen Synthesis.” The
cheeses made with whole milk, egg yolk, healing. Use the Oro-Facial Injury Food American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol.
105, no. 1, 2016, pp. 136–143., doi:10.3945/
chicken and beef. Athletes should also Recommendations chart above to coach ajcn.116.138594.
ensure adequate intake of phosphorus athletes to eat from each group. 9. Smith, Gordon I., et al. “Omega-3
(milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts, oatmeal, sar- Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Augment
dines) and magnesium (peanuts, tofu, Most athletic trainers have witnessed what the Muscle Protein Anabolic Response to
Hyperinsulinaemiaâ Hyperaminoacidaemia
broccoli, spinach, Swiss chard, nuts, happens when an athlete does not fuel in line
in Healthy Young and Middle-Aged Men and
seeds, edamame). with his/her rehabilitation goals. Our hope is Women.” Clinical Science, vol. 121, no. 6, 2011,
that you can use the information presented pp. 267–278., doi:10.1042/cs20100597.
Tendon and Ligament Injury: It in this article to show your patients why nutri- 10. Boit, Mariasole Da, et al. “Sex Differences in the
has recently been shown that the fol- tion is key during injury recovery and motivate Effect of Fish-Oil Supplementation on the Adaptive
Response to Resistance Exercise Training in Older
lowing protocol may positively impact them to make small changes in their fueling to People: a Randomized Controlled Trial.” The
tendon and ligament health: Consume make a big impact on their return to play. If American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 105, no. 1,
15 grams of gelatin and 50 milligrams your athletes need more nutrition support or 2016, pp. 151–158., doi:10.3945/ajcn.116.140780.

16 | NATAnews | JULY 2018

v ital to athletic performance. Not
Proper nutrition is assist in overall health, certain
only will eating we so aid in injury recovery.
micronutrients can


Essential for bone health and growth, calcium also helps Iron plays a role in transferring oxygen from the lungs to
reduce the risk of stress fractures. Don’t forget about tissue and is critical for respiration and energy metabolism.
vitamin D – it is needed to maintain calcium levels in the body, Because iron influences endurance and performance, it is
develop healthy bones and the function of skeletal muscles. an important micronutrient to athletes.
Stress fractures, sprains, VITAMIN D: Extreme fatigue, decreased Animal products such as
tears and broken bones Fatty fish, egg yolk, sundried energy, inability to finish meats, fish and eggs; lentils;
mushrooms, fortified milk, activity and overall decline tofu; quinoa; nuts and
FOODS HIGH IN CALCIUM: yogurt, margarine, cereals in athletic performance seeds; and some
Dairy products and fruit juices fortified cereals

Electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium and chloride, are Vitamin C plays a major role in tissue growth and repair,
vital for maintenance of hydration, generating energy and wound healing and bone maintenance and repair.
contracting muscles, and are lost through sweat. Consuming adequate vitamin C will aid athletes in staying
healthy and ready for game day.
headache, extreme fatigue Mixed nuts, pretzels, lunch Coughing, sneezing, aches, IN VITAMIN C:
and muscle soreness meat, sauces, sports drinks, sore muscles and decline in Oranges, strawberries,
potatoes and most athletic performance broccoli, peppers, kale, Brussel
fruit and vegetables sprouts, tomatoes, spinach
and other fruits and vegetables

Sources: SCAN, Clinical Sports Nutrition, National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, Sports Dietitians Australia, National Research Council

Contributors: Jennifer Doane, MS, RDN, CSSD, ATC, and Allison Vinciguerra, MS
Infographic provided by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association

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