Instructions: Statutory Audit." Comment. Examples

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[Time Duration 24 Hours] [Max.

Marks 20]

Take Home Internal Assessment 1

Programme: B. Com. LLB (Sec A and B)
Auditing Practice and Secretarial Practice
1. This paper comprises of five questions.
2. All the questions are compulsory.
3. Please ensure that your submission strictly adheres to JGU plagiarism/
Similarity guidelines.
4. You are required to hand write your answers. No typed answers are allowed.

Q 1) “An auditor is responsible for expressing opinion on the financial statements in a

statutory audit.” Comment. [4 Marks]
Q 2) “Verification is something more than valuation of assets and liabilities.” Explain with
examples. [4 Marks]
Q 3) Briefly discuss the importance of working papers. [4 Marks]

Q 4) Is it necessary for an Auditor to make notes in the course of the conduct of an audit.
[4 Marks]
Q 5) What is internal check? What are the essentials of an efficient system of internal check?
What is the position of an Auditor in relation to such system? [4 marks]

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