The integumentary system is considered an organ because it is made up of different tissues. Actually, it
contains all four of the primary tissues; epithelium, connective, muscle and nervous. The integument is
comprised of: 1) the cutaneous membrane (skin); and 2) associated structures (hair, glands and nails).
The most superficial portion of the integumentary system is comprised of stratified squamous
(keratinized) epithelial tissue which makes the epidermis (epi - above or upon). Deep to this is a
combination pf areolar and dense irregular connective tissue that makes up most of the dermis. The
associated structures include exocrine glands (sebaceous and sweat), hair and hair follicles, and finger
and toe nails.
When examining models, drawings or slides of the skin, keep in mind that the epithelium will always be
superficial and the connective tissue will always be deep. Review the characteristics of epithelial and
connective tissue and see how these qualities apply when examining the skin and its function. Examine
the accessory structures of the skin (hair, glands and nails) remembering that they are all derived from
epithelial tissue but originate in the dermis portion of the skin.
Hints and Tips: As usual, epi- means above, upon or on top. Sometimes a source of confusion is the
naming of the apocrine sweat gland; the ‘apo’ part means apical or top portion, such that it infers the
secretion is made by cleaving off the top of the cell. However, it is believed that this type of gland
actually secretes by means of merocrine mode. It is interesting to note that the integumentary system is
really an organ system, containing all four of the primary tissue types.
A. The Epidermis – The most superficial layer of the skin is made of epithelial tissue. It is classified as
stratified squamous keratinized (dry) epithelium. The epidermis has either 4 (thin skin) or 5 (thick skin)
distinct layers or ‘strata’ that can be identified. Below is a description of each of the possible layers, from
the deepest layer to the most superficial.
1. Stratum Basale (Germinativa) – composed essentially of a single row of cells that make the deepest
layer of the epidermis. Roughly the cells in this layer are about 80-90% keratinocytes and 10-20%
melanocytes. The keratinocytes have mitotic potential which means they can divide and rapidly reproduce
in order to continue replacing themselves. These are the ‘stem cell’ of the bulk of the epidermis – the
name germinativa means ‘to germinate’, like a seed beginning to grow. These cells are sitting directly on
the basement membrane, which is attached to connective tissue directly deep to it. The melanocytes
located in this layer are the cells that produce the dark pigmented molecule melanin. When melanin
granules are released into the tissue in response to UVA light stimulation, the skin becomes darker. The
melanin provides protection to the nucleus (where the DNA resides) of keratinocytes against UVA
irradiation; to prevent UVA related cellular damage.
2. Stratum Spinosum – can be several cell layers thick. Mostly spindly keratinocytes with some scattered
Langerhans cells that provide immunological protection. The term spinosum means ‘spiny’; the spiny
appearance of the cells in this area is somewhat due to the histological preparation. Some cells are
beginning to die here, due to distance away from nutrients and oxygen in the blood supply of the dermis.
4. Stratum Lucidum - a thin translucent band of a few cells, this layer is only found in thick skin, that is,
the skin found on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. There is a lot of keratin here in this layer.
Cells in this layer are dead, as they are too far away from the capillaries in the underlying connective
5. Stratum Corneum - the most superficial (external) layer of the epidermis, it is many cell layers thick
and is cornified (horn-like) because it is a thoroughly keratinized layer, filled with dead cells that provide
a substantially protective and waterproof barrier. This stratum is thickest in thick skin (palms and soles)
and the cellular attachments of epithelium can keep 20 to 30 cell layers remaining in the stratum corneum.
1) Keratinocytes represent about 80 to 90% of all cells found in the epidermis. They start as the stem cell
in the stratum basale of the epidermis and can be referred to as "basal cells". These cells make keratin, a
tough lipoprotein that acts as a sealing and waterproof agent for skin. The main
function of keratinocytes is creating a protective barrier against environmental
elements, such as pathogens (bacteria, fungi and viruses), heat, UVA radiation and
water loss. If pathogens begin to invade the superficial epidermis, keratinocytes
react by producing pro-inflammatory mediators, particularly chemokines which
attract leukocytes to the site of invasion. Go leukocytes.
Structural proteins like keratin, and antimicrobial agents contribute to the important barrier function of
this cell in the skin. Keratinized epithelial tissue means it is waterproofed (dry) and this cornification
provides a significant physical barrier, especially in thick skin (palms and soles). The fully cornified
keratinocytes that form the outermost layer are constantly shed and replaced by new cells.
2) Melanocytes make up about 10% of the cells in the epidermis. These cells make melanin, a dark
brown pigment which is primarily responsible for skin color. *There are actually
two main types of melanin. Melanocytes (from Greek melas meaning ‘dark or
black’) are located mostly in the stratum basale of the epidermis. After
synthesizing melanin, it is packed into a little container called a melanosome (an
organelle) and transported along its arm-like structures (dendrites) so that they can
reach and release its melanin to the keratinocytes, which take up the melanin for
protection against ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation.
3) Merkel cells (Merkel-Ranvier) are tactile discs that act as receptors nerve ending
found in the epidermis, especially sensitive to light touch. The cellular portion is
usually associated with a sensory nerve ending for tactile information, but also may
play a role resolving fine spatial detail of touch. Other free-nerve endings exist in the
dermis and are sensitive to pain, triggered by chemical changes in the tissue.
4) Langerhans cells are the defense cells of the epidermis. They are a type of immune
cell that can phagocytose an invader. They are most
prominent in the stratum spinosum, but can be found in all
layers of the epidermis and can also wiggle into the
papillary layer of the dermis. Langerhans are dendritic cells that can take up and
process microbial antigens to become antigen-presenting cells – quite an
accomplishment in the world of defense cells.
C. The Dermis
The dermis of the skin is the connective tissue portion of the cutaneous membrane. The dermis is divided
into two regions or layers, the superficial papillary layer and the deep reticular layer. A different type of
connective tissue is predominant in each of these layers.
The Papillary Layer: This region is immediately deep to the stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
of the epidermis and is composed of areolar connective tissue. The underside of the epidermal ridges of
the epidermis (also known as fingerprints) interlocks with the dermal papillae of the papillary region,
assisting in the holding together of these two tissues. It is about 1/5 of the total thickness of the dermis.
The other basic elements of the papillary layer are:
a. A network of blood vessels and capillaries here called the papillary plexus. The rich blood supply in
this areolar connective tissue enables the epidermis above it to be well supplied with nutrients and
oxygen, at least the basal end of that epithelial tissue.
b. Free nerve endings are located here. These detect basic sensations of hot and cold and general pain.
c. Meissner's (tactile) corpuscles are sensory nerve receptors for the detection of light touch. They are
nestled in the dermal papillae in the papillary layer of dermis. The close proximity to the epidermis allows
for detection of distention of the surface of the skin.
The Reticular Layer: This region is made of tough dense irregular connective tissue. Contains more of
the same as in papillary layer. It accounts for approximately 4/5 of the total thickness of the dermis and
deep to this tissue is the hypodermis. The abundance of collagen fibers ‘irregularly’ arranged allow for
distention of this tissue in multiple directions. It turns out that the fibers are methodically arranged - as
evident by lines of tension/cleavage that are seen in the dermatomes of the body, yielding directionality
and creases in the skin.
a. A larger network of blood vessels located here called the cutaneous plexus. This blood supply often
sits deep in the reticular layer and even in the hypodermis region too. This vascular bed is to supply all of
the associated structures found in the reticular layer of the dermis.
b. Bundles of collagen fibers (crisscrossing)
c. More free nerve endings are located here, including those responsible for deeper pain sensation.
d. Pacinian (lamellated) corpuscles are located deep in the reticular layer of dermis and are
mechanoreceptors for the detection of deep pressure. This is in contrast to the Meissner’s corpuscles
which are for light touch.
e. Numerous cell types may be found in this region, including: Fibroblasts; Adipocytes; Macrophages
Mast cells (histiocytes), and Leukocytes.
D. Hypodermis
The hypodermis can also be referred to as the subcutaneous layer and also superficial fascia. These are
three different names for the same region. This layer is deep to the reticular layer of the dermis and
consists mostly of adipose tissue with a very good blood supply. One of its main functions is to stabilize
the skin and for protection and insulation.
1. Hair – This fluffy stuff on the surface of your skin grows from a hair matrix in the hair papilla that has
a good blood supply enclosed in the region of the hair bulb and sheath. Hair has an inner layer, an outer
layer a protective cuticle. The hair is housed in a hair follicle, which is like another protective shell for the
hair. There are several additional structures that are associated with the hair and the hair follicle. Here are
the main structures associated with hair:
a. Arrector pili is smooth muscle associated with a hair follicle. It is attached to the hair follicle and when
it contracts, it stands the hair erect, when you are cold, afraid or angry, often resulting in ‘goose bumps’.
b. Nerve plexus around base of hair, detects movement of the hair, also painful when hair is pulled out.
c. Sebaceous glands - make the oily substance sebum, to keep hair supple and conditioned.
The actual hair has 3 layers: The medulla, cortex and cuticle.
The medulla (from ‘marrow’ in Latin) is the innermost layer of the hair and is composed
of large cells. Represented as green in the drawing to the right. These cells form a shaft
through the middle of the hair. Different amounts of medulla may be present in a hair.
The cortex (from Latin ‘bark of a tree’ or outer husk) is the layer between the cuticle and
medulla and contains keratin and pigment (melanin or trichosiderin). Represented as
blue the drawing to the right. It represents the bulk and strength of hair. This intervening
layer of the hair is made of spindle shaped cells and the pigment granules that give color
to the hair. Ovoid bodies of large pigment granules may be found here, and cortical fusi
(small bubble-like structures) are also in the cortex. The cuticle (Latin diminutive for
skin), is the outermost layer of the hair. Represented as red in the drawing to the right. It
is transparent and protects the inner layers. A healthy cuticle gives a shiny appearance
for hair and unhealthy cuticle gives lifeless look. It is basically made of keratin. The
cuticle is really a series of overlapping scales and is very resistant to chemical
Hair thickness is anywhere between 1/1500 to 1/450 inches (17 to 181 microns) thick. Hair color is the
biggest factor in thickness. Flaxen hair is the finest (1/1500 to 1/500 inches, 17 to 51 microns) and black
hair the coarsest (1/450 to 1/140 inches, 56 to 181 microns). Note: There are several significant problems
with using hair characteristics in criminal cases – most notably that hair is not uniform! Hair from the
same person may not be exactly the same! This is why a minimum of 12 hair samples are taken at
different places on a person’s head. Even This Is Not Enough! This is because different parts on the same
hair can look very different.
Hair Follicles – act as a protective covering for the living growing hair bulb and root. It is basically
composed of an inner medulla and outer cortex and an external & internal root sheath.
2. Sudoriferous Glands – these are sweat glands, numerous on face, scalp, chest, and feet. There are two
types of sweat glands: Merocrine and Apocrine.
a. Merocrine (or eccrine) – these produce watery sweat, primarily functions in thermoregulation,
specifically for cooling the body down. They also contain lysozyme, an antimicrobial agent. The highest
density of these glands is found on palms, soles and forehead. On the palms and soles the sweart works in
concert with thick epidermal ridges, better known as finger prints and foot prints, where they increase the
friction for better grip. These glands are by far the most numerous type of sweat gland in the body.
b. Apocrine – these glands are located in specific regions of the body, such as axillary areas, in the genital
and anal regions and breasts. They produce more vicious type of sweat that is lipid rich and also contains
chemical signal molecules called pheromones. These are odorless chemical signals that travel from one
individual to another and can have an effect on behavior. For example, the ‘musk-like’ pheromones that
are related to sexual attraction between individuals. Oxytocin is thought to be another pheromone released
into the external environment by one individual and can have an effect on another individual especially
common in bonding situations. For example, in the mother-child bonding of early infancy, close
friendships, team sports and combat. In this capacity, apocrine sweat glands can be considered ‘scent’
glands for humans, though people are not consciously aware of the fragrance of the pheromones.
The structure of sudoriferous glands, whether merocrine or apocrine, is simple coiled tubular. The mode
of secretion is merocrine for all sudoriferous glands too. This mode involves packing the material to be
secreted into vesicles in the cytoplasm of the cells. These vesicles then fuse with the plasma membrane of
the cell and release the contents of the vesicles to the outside by way of exocytosis (exo meaning out and
cytosis meaning of the cell).
3. Sebaceous Glands. These glands make an oily, waxy material called sebum (meaning fat or tallow in
Latin). They are exocrine glands located in the dermis of the skin to lubricate and waterproof the surface
of the skin and hair. They occur in the greatest number on the face and scalp and are associated with hair
follicles. They are essentially found on all parts of the skin, except the palms of the hands and soles of
the feet. In addition, sebaceous glands are also found in hairless areas (or glabrous regions, meaning
smooth), such as the skin of the eyelids, nose, penis, labia minora and nipples. Sebaceous glands within
the eyelids are known as meibomian or tarsal glands; these are associated with eyelashes and contribute to
maintaining the lubrication of the eyes with the oily secretion added to the lacrimal solution.
The structure of a sebaceous gland is compound acinar, with ducts leading directly to the hairs, also
depositing sebum to the surface of the skin. The mode of secretion is holocrine, this process involves the
cells of the secretory portion of the glans filling with so many vesicles that it causes the cells to rupture or
burst, and as they disintegrate they release the sebum and the remnants cellular debris with the secreted
There is a difference between sebaceous glands, which have ducts that are connected to hair follicles, and
sebaceous follicles, which are typically larger glands that are independent of hair follicles. One or more
sebaceous gland may surround each hair follicle.
4. Ceruminous Glands. These glands are found in the external auditory (ear) canal and they produce
earwax or cerumen. They are actually a modified type of sudoriferous (sweat) gland. Often located deep
in the subcutaneous tissue of the external auditory canal, the structure of ceruminous glands are simple
coiled tubular. Earwax or cerumen is made by the mixing sticky lipid rich secretion with sebum and dead
epidermal cells to produce cerumen. The main role of cerumen is to keep the eardrum (tympanic
membrane) pliable and to maintain the lubrication and waterproofing of the external auditory canal. It
also contains antimicrobial agents that kill bacteria, preventing colonization by microbes; otherwise they
might set up a campsite in your cozy ear canal. Cerumen also serves as a sticky barrier trapping foreign
particles like dust, fungal spores, etc., by coating the guard hairs of the ear.
5. Fingernails and Toenails. Finger nails in the body are made of heavily keratinized material that grows
from the nail root and creates a visible nail bed. Finger and toenails are basically made up of dead
epidermal skin cells, and can be thought of as a specialized modification of the stratum corneum of the
epidermis. They are predominantly made of keratinocytes, which also make keratin, the lipoprotein found
in nails that make them tough.
The nail matrix is where the nails grows and is deep to the surface and so it receives oxygen and
nutrients to remain healthy. The matrix becomes the nail plate and nail bed and as cells are continuously
made they push older cells forward, compressing and flattening them until they become translucent (allow
light to pass through). This is why you can see vascular tissue deep to the nail as a pink-ish color below
the surface of the nail. EMTs or paramedics may use the blanch test on a fingernail bed to test peripheral
perfusion. The nail is briefly squeezed to turn the nail bed white, then the pressure released and the
normal pink should be restored within a few seconds. A delay in the return of a pink color may indicate
shock or dehydration.
The little moons of finger and toe nails are called the lunula (meaning small moon) and represents the
crescent-shaped visible part of nail matrix at the base of the visible nail. The eponychium and the cuticle
are actually separate structures, and both help to create a protective seal at the proximal end of the nail.
The eponychium is the fold of skin cells that makes the cuticle – which is an almost invisible layer of
non-living skin cells that cover the proximal nail.
The hyponychium is also known as the "quick" of the nail. When you cut or bend your finger nail back
too close to the quick, it can be painful! The hyponychium is located on the underside of the free edge and
is essentially the junction of where the epidermis beneath the nail plate meets the skin of the fingertip.
Here a seal forms to protect the nail bed and keep the nail body attached to the nail bed.
The free edge or free margin (margo liber) or distal edge is the anterior margin of the nail plate
corresponding to the abrasive or cutting edge of the nail. The lateral margin (margo lateralis) lies beneath
the nail wall on the sides of the nail and the lateral nail fold or groove (sulcus matricis unguis) are the
cutaneous slits into which the lateral margins are embedded.
The rate of nail growth is related to the length of the distal phalanx (bone of the digits). For example, the
nail of the index finger grows faster than the little finger; and fingernails grow up to four times faster than
toenails. On average, nails grow at a rate of 3 mm (0.12 in) a month.
Nail are not an impermeable barrier, but as it turns out are actually more permeable than skin. Nails are
often composed of up to 10% water. What this means is that harmful and medicinal substances applied to
the nails can penetrate into the body. Water and other substances including pesticides and other toxins can
enter via nails, so it is worth being aware of what your nails are exposed to.
Skin Color
The color of the skin is related to three different pigmented molecules: 1) Melanin; 2) Hemoglobin; and
3) Carotene. As we have already seen, melanocytes are one of four basic cell types found in the
epidermis. Melanocytes make melanin, a dark brown molecule that is deposited in the epidermis of the
skin. The melanocytes in the epidermis respond to ultraviolet radiation A (UVA) from the sun by making
more melanin, which acts to protect the nucleus of living cells against damage from UVA rays.
Please Note: The sun’s rays also contain ultraviolet radiation B (UVB), and it is UVB that is responsible
for making vitamin D in the epidermis from a precursor molecule derived from cholesterol. Without
exposure of the skin to UVB rays your body cannot make its own vitamin D. If you do not know how
vitally important vitamin D is to your health, I strongly suggest you find out. It is also worth noting that it
is the UVA that can create what is called “photo-damage” to your skin. You can think of the A for Aging
and the B for Beneficial. According to what you may have learned, what time of the day should you be
sure to avoid sun exposure, to be safe from danger? From 10am to 2pm, right? It turns out the only time to
maximize UVB exposure is between the hours of, yes, 10am and 2pm. Hmph! So that advice seems
contrary to good health. Furthermore, the use of toxic carcinogenic chemicals in sun block, such as the
ingredient oxybenzone, act to block UVB, not A! In addition to blocking the good ray, it also introduces a
steady stream of estrogen mimickers into the body.
Hemoglobin (Hb) is a pigmented molecule found in erythrocytes (red blood cells) of the blood. When
oxygen gas (O2) is bound to Hb, its color is bright red. When Hb has low O2 levels a purple color will
result and it virtually no O2 is bound to Hb, then a blue color of the blood prevails. Therefore, the level of
oxygenation of the blood will contribute the overall color of an individual’s skin. An easy example to
think of if it you are asked to dig in the garden on a hot day, your completion will become redder,
indication 2 things: an increased supply of blood to the skin (to cool down) and richly oxygenated blood,
because you are outside using your body!
Finally, carotene is an orange-yellow pigments found in certain foods (like carrots, pumpkin and sweet
potato) and the consumption of food containing carotene will contribute to an orangey-yellow of the skin.
It tends to collect more in the stratum corneum.