Big Brother Donnie Yen

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Big Brother Donnie Yen

For our film review, we have chosen a Chinese film entitled “Big Brother” which is
directed by Ka-Wai Kam and was released in 2018. It has some slices of action and drama,
and bits of comedy as well. It starred Donnie Yen, Joe Chen, Kang Yu and other minor casts.
We picked this film because of its portrayal of change, representation of education’s essential
role and more importantly, of how the film taught us how to create a family around us. The
film also depicted pictures of virtue ethics and how it affects an individual in achieving
something valuable. It presented, although not in words, the process of finding a purpose in
life, a grasp for moral living, habit integrated from the good and the way to flourishing.
Big Brother movie is about Henry Chen Xia (Donnie Yen) who used to be a
delinquent student at Tak Chi Secondary School. He caused untold damage, including ending
a school mate’s career as a pianist. Despite his bad attitude, the school principal did not give
up on him but encouraged him to do better in America when his aunt and her American
husband took him to the USA with them. There he joined the US Navy/army and did so well
but he came to realize the impunity of war. He left the army rather disillusioned and went
around the world to find himself and his mojo back. The past school principal (the person
who does not gave up on him) of Tak Chi Secondary School was the one who raised an idea
to be a teacher there. The school was under a threat to be closed down due to the rising
number of delinquency problems among students. Henry Chen then become a Homeroom
and a General Knowledge teacher of classroom F 6E. Every time his class starts he came
always prepared to get the attention of his students who are troublemakers. There he met his
5 students in his class who were the regular troublemakers. From that time he studied very
closely the profiles of these 5 students and find their reasons why they act like that (being
troublemakers) in school. Henry Chen then helps each one of them to so that they can focus
in their studies. He uses different styles or ways in teaching to make it livelier inside the
classroom. In the end Henry Chen makes the school turns upside down that bring a big
change to the whole school. Students are not troublemakers anymore. Teachers also uses
Henry Chen's technique in teaching and that is to know their students in order to understand
The movie is connected to virtue of ethics because it shows us a lot of good moral
messages. Here we can see that students become naughty do not mean that they want to
because teachers and parents have an important role in helping them determine their future.
Even if the film is quite predictable and cliché, it's entertaining because of thrilling
action scenes and the funny things Mr. Chan did in the movie. It is a great film which shows
us the understandable perspectives of each character, teaches good morals, and especially
after entering the end of the film, we can see an unexpected plot twist about the original
purpose of why Mr. Chen or Henry Chen decided to become a teacher.
If we're going to follow each scenes in the movie, each of the characters made their
own decisions that really results to something at the end. The moment that Mr. Chen's
principal suggested to send him to the military school. After becoming a soldier, he then
contemplates and decided to go back where he started and decides to become a teacher. And
as the movie goes by, Mr. Chen really did something to change each of the characters lives.
From knowing his students, to knowing their parents, and changing the views of the school
system itself. The changes he made didn't just affect the characters but also the whole
scenario of the movie. Though there's a part of the movie where one of his students
committed suicide that made Mr. Chen to decide to go, but then because of what he did to his
students, resulted them to really pursue their studies and prove to the school that Mr. Chen
deserves to be back. There you can ask, what if the principal didn’t suggest about the military
school? Will non of this happened? Does these students will stay as some troublemakers?
Will the school be able to continue its service? You see how those decisions really affect each
characters actions and even in the way of thinking, the movie really portrays how decisions
does its domino effect to each and everyone’s life
From the way we see it, concretely or indistinctly, every film taught us virtue ethics.
Films gave us view of experiences, glimpses of challenges and hope, and handful of values as
well. “Big Brother”, the film in particular, tells us that finding a purpose in life is greatly
dependent to the things we experience. It also brings inspiration for us, as future educators, to
create bond, treat students as our family and help them in times of needs. On prime concern,
it tell us to seek for true happiness not from the worldly things that feed us with temporary
smiles but from the things we do, we acquire and we prosper in accordance to ourselves as
virtuous individuals.

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