Journal of A Residence in Chile - Maria Graham
Journal of A Residence in Chile - Maria Graham
Journal of A Residence in Chile - Maria Graham
Seccion y
Registro Seaco
Registro Notis.
The Introduction to the present volume is, perhaps, its most im-
state, or among the papers of the actors in the scene. During the
few wretched days that elapsed between the defeat of the Patriots at
Rancagua and their crossing the Andes, the whole of the public
papers and documents that could be collected were burnt, in order
to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Spaniards, who
might have persecuted those families who remained in their country,
and whose names might have been found among those of the Patriots.
Hence until 1817, no records are to be traced even in the hands of
government; and until the middle of 1818 nothing whatever was
printed in Chile; so that a few years hence all remembrance of the
early period of the revolution in that country may be lost.
It was the writer's good fortune while in Chile, to become
actors or
spectators in the great event, were kind enough to allow
her to write down, from their verbal account, the main particulars
which she has detailed. What Was related by those still Royalists,
agreed in all facts with what was told by the patriots, and all with
the clear and spirited narratives of the Supreme Director, O'Higgins ;
whose liberality and politeness on this, as on every other point, to-
wards the writer, deserve her warmest acknowledgements. From
1818 to 1821 ample accounts were published in the gazettes of every
public occurrence, and every document was during that period laid
before the people. But sometime in the year 1821, it became
evident that the political speculations of the Protector of Peru, and
been able to supply the deficiencies entirely ; but she trusts that the
leading marks she has been able to set up will be found sufficient
to induce others, more capable of the task, to fill up the outline
Page 113. — Fort at Valparaiso, in which several English Officers are buried.
142. — A Peruvian Double Vase, which being half filled with water and moved
from side to side, produces a whistling sound. These jars were buried
with the dead, and, are now occasionally found on breaking open the
tombs in Peru; the specimen from which this cut was taken was
V. View over the Plain of Santiago from the Top of the Cuesta de Prado 197
VI. Salta de Agua 213
VII. Country-house in Chile. This is that of M. de Salinas . . . 241
VIII. Lake of Aculeo ......... 247
pear incredible; and, had not a few soldiers, better mounted than
the rest, pushed on to the valley of Copiapo, and obtained supplies
from the hospitable natives, which they sent back to meet their
gold and silver, which had led them to seek the country through
burning deserts and over snowy mountains, soon led to disputes be-
tween the inhabitants and the soldiers, which Almagro revenged on
the former severely, and thus laid the foundation for that opposition
on the partof the natives which still lays waste some of the best
provinces of the state. On reaching the southern side of the Cacha-
poal the Spanish army met several of the Indian tribes, and par-
ticularly the Promaucians, ready to oppose their further progress;
and though Almagro was on the whole victorious, he considered the
worth of the conquest as insufficient to reward the toils of the
conquerors, and in the year 1538 returned with his army to Peru,
where, after having possessed Cuzco for a short time, he was put
to death by order of Francisco Pizarro, in the seventy-fifth year of
his age.
Pedro de Valdivia was the Spanish leader deputed by
1540 with 200 Spaniards and a large body of Peruvians, taking the
same road as
Almagro ; but as it was the summer time, the soldiers
had nothing to fear from the cold, which had proved so fatal to
the European soldiers to join them, their bits and stirrups and spurs
were made of
gold. This little company was however attacked by
the people of Copiapo, and Monroy and Miranda only escaped.
They were carried to the ulman or governor of the valley, who had
condemned them to death ; but the intercession of his wife saved
them ; benefit which they repaid with the basest ingratitude. She
the opportunity to escape, but first needlessly stabbed her son, and
then fled to Cuzco.
That city was then governed by Castro, the successor of Pizarro,
who granted the assistance desired by Valdivia; and Monroy led a
small body of recruits by land to Copiapo, while a considerable force
conveyed by sea, under Juan Baptista Pastene, a noble Genoese.
Meantime Valdivia had obtained possession of the rich gold mines
of the valley of Quillota; and, sensible that nothing effectual could
be done without a communication by sea with Peru, "had begun to
build a vessel at the mouth of the river of Aconcagua, which rises
near the Cumbre pass of the Andes, traverses the whole
valley of
Quillota, and falls into the dangerous bay of Concon, between the
harbours of Valparaiso and Quintero, neither of which receive any
considerable rivers.
Onreceiving the reinforcement from Castro, Valdivia imme-
diately ordered Pastene to explore the coast of Chile, as far as the
straits of Magellan ; and then despatched him to Peru for fresh
succours, as the natives became daily more enterprising, and had
colony, and levelled its walls to the ground. Francis Aquirre was
immediately sent thither, and rebuilt the town in a more convenient
situation in 1549; and Yaldivia having returned with a considerable
number of new adventurers, the northern part of Chile was, after
nine years of incessant and excessive fatigue on the part of the
the short period of its existence, was the richest city in Chile ; Villa-
rica, on the banks of the lake Lauquen; Valdivia on the Callacalla
which commands the most beautiful and commodious harbour of the
Pacific :
Angol, or the City of the Frontiers ; and had built the fort-
resses of Puren, Tucapel, and Arauco, the two latter of which were
quickly destroyed by the Cacique Caupolican, who by the assistance
of Lautaro, a young hero of his nation, overcame the Spaniards in a
ment. The next year Ruiz Gamboa was sent to take possession of
Chiloe, and founded the city of Castro and the port of Chacao.
Meantime, the long continuance of the war in so important a
province as Chile, and the consideration of the great inconvenience
of applying to Peru in all cases of civil and criminal jurisdiction,
induced Philip II. to establish a court of audience at Conception ;
but the court, arrogating to itself military as well as civil authority,
was soon discovered to be worse than useless, and was therefore
Every Spaniard that was found outside of the fortresses was slain,
and the cities of Osorno, Valdivia, Villarica, Imperial, Canete, Angol,
among the most inveterate enemies of the Spaniards, but the Indians
have improved in the arts of civil life by their means. The fortunate
cacique died in 1603, the year after the taking of Osorno, the last
place that he reduced.
To prevent a recurrence of these disasters, a body of 2,000 regular
prince could be supplied, lay in the quantity of the precious metals im-
supply more difficult. The wars and the cruelties of the Spaniards
had destroyed so many of the Indians, that there were scarcely any
left to labour in the mines ; and though a bai-gain was made with the
Dutch to supply African negroes for the purpose, the number of
these, in Chile at least, was never great. The first viceroys and
governors had been men of enterprise and talents ; and although the
character of Valdivia is not free from the imputation of cruelty, yet
the building of towns, establishing something like lawful tribunals,
and a disposition to win over, if possible, the natives, which form the
principal object both of his government and that of some of his imme-
diate successors, were highly beneficial. But before the accession of
Philip V. the wants of a needy court had set up the high offices of the
Indies to sale. The viceroys no longer sought to distinguish them-
selves by arms or policy ; and they jealously guarded commerce from
the intrusion of strangers only that they themselves might become
the sole monopolists. The instructions sent by the court of Ver-
sailles Marsin, the ambassador at Madrid, in 1701, contain the
years, was one of these ; and Frezier, whose Voyage to the South
Sea can never be sufficiently commended for its accuracy, was
another. But the consequences of this French commerce, as exclu-
sive as that of the Spaniards themselves, were far from beneficial to
Spain or the colonies. The French traders were formed into two
companies, which interfered with the rights of the Spanish merchants,
and excluded all others; and in 1709 we find the following remark-
able passage in the memorial on the state of Spain, transmitted by
the French minister, A melot, from Madrid : — The riches of Peru
and Mexico, those inexhaustible of wealth, are almost lost
to Spain.
Not only are complaints made against the French mer-
chants for
ruining the trade of Cadiz and Seville, in spite of the
regulations of the French court against those who infringe the
established rules ; but the enormous abuses of the administration
of the viceroys continue in full force. Avarice and pillage are un-
punished ; fortresses and garrisons are neglected; all things seem
to portend a fatal revolution. At this period the viceroys were
recalled; and an attempt was made to restrain the enormous profits
arising from their offices. Chile was then under the viceroyalty of
Peru, and the captains-general often, if not always, nominated by the
viceroys; so that the same system of extortion went on, in order to
furnish means for the same system of bribery, in a subordinate
terestedness as
private fortune, the same regard to public utility,
the land, than any other. Many of the original settlers were men
who were carried there by the desire of liberty of conscience, who
took with them that sturdy and independent spirit which resists
I am aware that the subdivision of property maybe carried to a mischievous length,
asis now, or will shortly be, the case in France by the operation of the Agrarian law.
But in Chile the enormous estates are mischievous, because it is impossible that any one
proprietor in the present state of the country, or perhaps in any state, should attempt the
improvement of a twentieth part of his land.
America can assume a national character, even now that the yoke of
capital; and of these a part had been already gained over to the
cause of
independence by Don Bernardo O'Higgins, then bearing a
colonel's commission, and stationed at Chilian, his native town.
This officer was the son of Don Ambrosio O'Higgins, Marquis of
Osorno, who sent him early to Europe, where he remained some
years, five of which were spent in England, at the academy of
Mr. Hill, at Richmond, in Surrey, where he had not only learned the
language perfectly, but a good deal of the free and independent spirit
of the nation.
The conditions on which Torre was made
captain-general were,
that he should not acknowledge the French regency, but reserve the
province of Chile for king Ferdinand, adhering meantime to the
principles and constitution of the junta. But some bolder patriots
ventured to hint at a more complete independence, and the Marquis,
with his natural timidity, at first endeavoured to silence these whis-
pers, and afterwards sent the authors of them, among whom was the
poet Dr. Vera, prisoners to Lima. Mean time the principal persons
of the country had resolved on a complete change in the form of
May 5th, 1810. The viceroy, Cisneros, unable to resist the public voice at Buenos
Ayres, bad called together the first junta of government to resist the French claims on
that province, and to establish a provisional government. In 1811, Artigas began to dis-
tinguish himself; — there has been scarcely a three months' cessation of civil- war in that
wide province since.
of all the crimes and wretchedness attendant oil foreign and domestic
strife. He imbibed indeed a
spirit of enthusiasm, and a knowledge
of the partisan or guerilla warfare which harrassed the French, and,
even more than the victories of Wellington, drove them out of
leon, —to profit by what had been done by others, and to possess the
country, and raise his family to a rank hitherto unequalled there.
The influence of his family was great. Don Ignacio, no longer
a member of the actual
government, yet possessed great weight;
Juan Jose was already second commander of the chief body of the
troops ; the sister, Donna Xaviera, a lady of great beauty and address,
both by her first and second marriage was connected with some of
the principal families of Chile; and the younger brother, a singu-
gained him many partisans among the higher classes. But the
command of the army while subject to the congress, and while that
command was divided with the colonel of the artillery and other
officers not of his family or faction, did not satisfy his ambition : he
therefore began to sound the opinions of the various parties which
a time of revolution is sure to form. To the patriots he pretended
thorough zeal for their cause mingled with hints of the slow pro-
gress of the congress; to the royalists he promised to restore the
ancient order of things ; and his own party were to see a council
established with Don Ignacio at their head, and the three sons in
command of the horse, foot, and artillery of the state. These
schemes were not so quietly agitated but that reports and rumours
of them got abroad ; but so frankly did Jose Miguel carry himself,
story told by the family, who undoubtedly loved Jose Miguel with a warmth honourable
to him,
although even his friends confess that he had no steadiness and little principle
even in private life.
put himself at the head of the troops, and advanced as far as the
Maule, in order to reduce Conception; but Rosas was still there,
and, having heard of the march of the army, he went out to meet it.
On reaching Carrera's head-quarters on the banks of the river,
his prudent representations induced the young general to withdraw,
and for this time to spare the effusion of blood. He therefore re-
turned to the capital on the 1.2th of March, 1813, and resumed the
reins of government. The sixteen months of his power had been of
little use to the country. His profuseness to the soldiers increased
their numbers indeed, but it was at an expense so new a state was ill
able to bear ; and of many useful projects he had formed, not one was
The means which were resorted to in order to procure horses and other necessaries
for the army rather resembled the lawless actions of a freebooter than those of the head
of a regular government, — for private property was in no case respected.
Supreme Director of the state, Don Henriquez Lastra *, a man of
unquestioned probity and great good sense, though slow in business,
then governor of Valparaiso and head of marine, and sending an order
to Jose Miguel Carrera to place the command of the army in the hands
of Don Bernardo O'Higgins. This order was for some time evaded,
but at length complied with about the period when the brothers,
Jose Miguel and Luis, were taken prisoners by the royalists and con-
fined in Chilian. Meantime the patriots had recovered most of the
territory north of the Biobio, and particularly the town of Concep-
tion. O'Higgins found the army in a sad state of want, the military
chest exhausted, and daily parties were deserting j ; so that he did not
refuse to negotiate with the new Spanish general, Gaenza, who had
been deputed from the vice-court of Peru, on the death of Pareja.
The British captain, Hillier, of His Majesty's ship Phoebe, became
guarantee for the performance of the conditions of the peace, the arti-
cles of which were signed at Lircae near Talca, on the 3d of May, 1814.
It was stipulated that Chile should acknowledge the sovereignty of
Ferdinand, at least until his restoration : and, meantime, govern her-
self by congress, and enjoy a free trade. Gaenza was bound to give
up the Carreras, and with his army to evacuate Chile. But while
the commissioners repaired to Lima to submit these articles to the
consideration of the viceroy, a new change of affairs placed the
Carreras once more at the head of the government.
The escape
of the brothers from Chilian is said to have been
managed by a royalist lady, who delivered them from prison, and
gave them horses and money to convey them to Santiago. They
disguised themselves as peasants ; and early in August arrived at the
city, where they went from house to house, and from barrack to
Juan Jose Carrera had married Donna Ana Maria de Cotapos, a most beautiful
woman, and niece to Don Henriquez Lastra. There had been a family dispute, owing
to which Juan Jose had gone to Mendoza while Jose Miguel and Luis remained with
the army.
f The army was so destitute of weapons that the yokes of the oxen were taken and used
as clubs. O'Higgins caused a large wooden cannon to be made and bound it round with
hide, but it burst after the fourth discharge.
barrack where they were known ; and having prepared their party,
and won over most of the soldiers, they deposed Lastra, and Jose
Miguel once more became the chief of the state*. The first object
of the brothers was to seize the treasury, which contained 800,000
dollars; they then gave way to all the imprudence of their charac-
ters, and their government became insufferably oppressive.
While these things were going on in Chile, the terms of the con-
vention of Lucae had reached Lima, where Abascal was on the point
of signing them, when the regiment of Talavera, with Marco at its
head, arrived from Spain, and volunteered to go alone and overrun
Chile ; on which the viceroy changed his determination, and sent a
strong body of troops f under General Osorio, who sailed from Callao
on the 18th of
July, landed at Talcahuana on the 12th of August,
and marched immediately towards Santiago. The incapacity of a
weak and distracted government, says Gibbon, may often assume
the appearance and produce the effects of a treasonable corres-
city with 900, when he met Carrera at the head of a very superior
force, on the plain of Maypu, at a place called the Espejo, and sus-
tained a decided defeat. After which he appealed both to the versatile
Carrera and to those who had sent to invite him to leave the army,
His colleagues were Don M. Munnos Orroa and Don Jose Urive.
f The regiment of Talavera alone was 700 strong.
put down, but by no means must they allow the Spaniards to regain
their ancient dominion. The proposal was approved, Jose Miguel
Carrera returned to the city, O'Higgins marched to Rancagua, where
the enemy had arrived, and Juan Jose at the head of a large body of
troops was to follow and join him. But O'Higgins was disappointed,
the troops of Carrera never arrived. He was surrounded in Ran-
cagua, and for thirty-six hours a fight continued from street to street,
and from house to house, the Spaniards giving no quarter. About
noon of the second
day, Osorio sent a deputation to O'Higgins, offer-
ing him personal safety, and even royal favour, if he would surrender.
This he indignantly refused, saying, he would not accept even of
Heaven from the king, and that though he gave quarter he desired
none. In an hour afterwards the town was on fire in several places. *
They covered us, said the general -j-, with black and red, death
and fire. So I took my banner, and I caused them to sew a black
stripe across it; and the fire having now reached the very house
from which we were fighting, and our ammunition being all
On joining Carrera, O'Higgins represented to him, that as Osorio
had lost many men, if all the troops were united they had still enough
to overcome him, and save the capital. But a panic seems to have
seized the whole body of government. Carrera hastily gave orders
for the demolition of several of the public works, particularly the
In June, 1818, in memory of the sufferings of Santa Cruze de Triano, or Rancagua,
it received the title of the very faithful and national city; also permission to bear as
arms, a red shield surrounded with laurel, a phoenix rising from the flames with the
tree of liberty in its
right claw, and the motto, Rancagua rises from its ashes, for its
patriotism rendered it immortal.
f I once heard Don Bernardo O'Higgins relate, with the greatest simplicity, the history
of this action; I am sure he used the words in English as I have given them. It was
on this occasion that the patriots loaded their
guns with dollars.-
powder mills all the public papers and acts of the new government
were burned and, taking with him the remains of the public money,
he began a disorderly retreat towards Mendoza on the first of October,
1814, and Osorio entered the city on the fifth of the same month,
and, re-establishing the chamber of royal audience, appointed himself
captain-general, and exercised his functions by punishing with se-
verity the most distinguished patriots, many of whom were exiled to
Juan Fernandez.
Mean time, some of those who had been most inimical to the royal
sought safety in flight, and accompanied the 600 troops who
followed Carrera across the Andes. The season was particularly
backward; the snows had not yet melted ; and of the 2000 persons
who left the city, many, especially among the women and children,
perished from cold and hunger in the Cumbre. It was too early for
horses or any beast of burden to travel: so that these wretched
fugitives performed the long and painful journey on foot, laden with
the necessary provisions for the passage.
On their arrival at Mendoza, the Carreras instantly claimed a right
to the government of the town ; a claim evidently inconsistent with
their fugitive situation, and which San Martin*, who then governed
that town under the junta of Buenos Ayres, certainly would not
attend to, but which had the effect of beginning that rooted dislike
to them which at length brought about the death of the three brothers.
the people had learned in some measure to know their power: they
also had learned, that unless they turned their attention to the marine,
and formed a naval force, they could never be safe from the invasion
of troops from Lima, or even from Spain. Hitherto they had pos-
sessed only two or three miserable gun-boats and launches, which had
I have never been able to ascertain
exactly either the place of his birth Or his true
parentage. He was in Spain attached to the military police, and is a very different person
from the brave general San Martin, for whom many persons have mistaken him.
E 2
general that could again reduce Chile under the Spanish yoke.
Besides the wish for independence, and for deliverance from their
double thraldom, (for such it was, being bound both to the king of
Spain. The state of the country itself was deplorable. The effects
of civil war are at all times shocking to humanity. This had been
both a civil war and a foreign one. Natives of the country had fought
on either side, and foreign soldiers and generals were engaged;
hence there were the petty and private hatred and malice of the
first, and the want of sympathy with the sufferers of the last. Many
of the dismissed soldiers had formed bands of thieves and murderers,
and infested the thickets everywhere to be found between Santiago
and Conception ; nor was the road to Valparaiso exempt from the
same. The regiments of Chilian and Talavera were employed in
detachments which took it in turn to scour the country, and, if pos-
sible, seize and bring tothe city the persons of the robbers ; — a most
harassing employment for them, and one which but ill answered its
purpose. In any other country and climate famine would probably
have been the consequence of these misfortunes; but Chile, as if
general Don Jose de San Martin. Besides the Chilenos who had fled
after the action of Rancagua, and many others on that side of the
Andes, there were some troops from Buenos Ayres, particularly two
negro regiments, which were placed under the immediate orders of
General O'Higgins. General Saleres also commanded a considerable
body of troops; and the whole number of the army of the Andes
amounted to about 4000 men.
While San Martin was preparing all things at Mendoza for his
army pursued the way of San Juan de los Patos, with such complete
secrecy, that the whole had crossed the mountains and reached the
plain of Chacabuco before the enemy knew that they had left Mendoza.
It was on the 4th February, 1817, while every body was expecting to
hear of invasion in the south, that unwelcome intelligence was re-
ceived in Santiago, that a party of the patriots bad surprised the
guard of the Andes about fifteen leagues from the villa of Santa
Rosa, and that only thirteen men had escaped to bring the news.
The guard of los Patos also brought intelligence that the enemy had
been seen in that pass. The city was instantly in the greatest
agitation: Marco the governor, together with the Cabildo, ordered
and counter-ordered, appointed officers and changed them, and even
then seemed preparing for flight. On the 5th Col. Quintan ilia * was
despatched from the city, to reinforce the troops already stationed in
Aconcagua, Santa Rosa, and on the roads. He found on the 6th
that most of the forces under Major Atero had retired to the heights
of Chacabuco, leaving behind their ammunition and baggage, so
hasty had been their retreat. On the 7th there was some skirmishing
between the outposts near Curimon, in which the royalists were
worsted; but it was not till the 12th that the great action of Cha-
cabuco was fought, an action of infinite importance, not only to Chile,
but to the whole of South America. Bolivar had been driven out
The same who, with persevering loyalty, still (1823) holds Chile for the king of Spain.
of Terra Firma, and had taken refuge in Jamaica, the Buenos Ayrians
had just suffered a signal defeat at Tucuman ; and had Marco's troops
gained the victory, the communication between the royalist armies
would have been open, and the most mischievous consequences must
have ensued.
General O'Higgins happened early on the morning of the twelfth
to be looking over the plain from the summit of a rock, he perceived,
and pretty justly estimated the number of the enemy at 3000. * San
Martin was determined not to think them so numerous; but O'Hig-
gins, certain of what he saw, persuaded Soler to join in his represent-
ation, and then begged permission, though his was not the division
appointed to attack, to meet the enemy in a certain favorable situation :
several refusals could not make him yield the point, and at length he
rather extorted permission than gained assent, and made the attack at
three o'clock in the afternoon. The patriots were once so hardly beset,
being but the handful of O'Higgins's own division, that they sent for
assistance, but did not wait for it, and before help arrived it was un-
necessary. O'Higgins charged and broke the first line : every one
fled, and the patriots remained masters, not of the field only, but f
the baggage, ammunition, &c.; and the royalists fell back in every
direction, under their leaders Maroto and Eloriaga.
When the loss of the battle was known in Santiago, the confusion
beyond description ; every one escaped as he could, loaded with
what he could carry, and the chief among the first. Some made
their way by the Cuesta de Prado, others by the defiles of the Espejo,
and some by the road of Melipilla : all crowded towards the sea.
On the evening of the 13th, the confusion was transferred to Val-
paraiso, where, when some officers of rank arrived, they could scarcely
find room in the crowded vessels. The magistrates had all embarked;
1000 horse, 1100 foot, 360 hussars, and artillery men for their four field-pieces, be-
sides servants, &c.
The greater part of this account of the battle of Chacabuco is from an interesting
paper written by an old Spaniard, called Relacion de los acontecimientos de la per-
dida del reyno de Chilethe rest from the verbal account of the director Don B.
See Appendix. Manifesto del Gubrerno. The English merchants had effectually
assisted the patriots by supplying them regularly with arms and accoutrements. As
official paper of the royalist government of 1816, alleges as a recent reason for not allow-
ing strangers to enter the ports, even to trade in copper, that Don Juan Diego Ber-
nard had supplied the patriots with ninety-eight pair of pistols.
such good service by conveying intelligence along the coast were his,
and he now, with incredible pains, had begun to form a little squadron,
goods, their money, and their credit, so that by the fifth of April,
the Chileno army under generals San Martin and Belcarce, and
colonels Las Heras, Freire, and others, again interrupted Osorio on
his way to Santiago. At one day's march from that city, the battle
of Maypu was fought, on the plain to the south, called the Espejo,
and never was action more decisive. Of Osorio's army 2000 were
Afterwards Governor of Callao.
j- On this occasion all the public papers, orders, documents, accounts, &c. were burnt,
that private families might not be subjected to Osorio's revenge.
mm whew . i
tragical event which took place nearly at the same period at Men-
doza. The attempt of the Carreras to seize on that town, on their
retreat from Chile in 1814, had neither been forgotten nor forgiven
by San Martin, who then governed it; and the restless and ambi-
tious spirit of Jose Miguel, had involved his brothers too deeplj' in
his projects, to render it safe for them to cross the path of their
enemy. Nevertheless, Juan Jose, and Luis, after many various ad-
tary governor. The young and lovely wife of Juan Jose, accom-
panied her husband, and sold every thing of value belonging to her,
to provide him even with common necessaries in the prison : it will
vantage; and on the price obtained for it she and her husband
subsisted almost until his untimely death. Meantime a commis-
sion had been sitting to take cognizance of the crimes of the Carreras.
o o
Captain O'Brian, having headed the boarders, who had taken pos-
session of the deck of the Esmeralda, was shot by a man from below,
whose life he had just spared. This sad event, by which Chile lost an
active and intelligent officer, together with the confusion occasioned
dated the first regulations for the rank of officers, and the first naval
ship of war, new named the San Martin, and hoisted the Chileno
A singular piece of good fortune befell the Chilenos at this junc-
ture. The Spanish government had fitted out nine transports,
under the convoy of the fifty-gun frigate, the Maria Isabella, in
which were embarked upwards of 2000 troops, under Don Fausto
del Hoyo, destined to reinforce the viceroy of Peru. The crew of
one of the
transports, the Trinidad, or rather the soldiers on board,
rose on the officers, seized the
ship, and carried her into Buenos
Ayres, where they joined the patriots, and gave information of the
force of the rest, and their destination to the south of Chile. A
courier immediately despatched across the Andes : the govern-
pieces, four one pounders, and three other guns of the same calibre.
But with these it could do little or nothing to annoy the ships. The
Maria Isabella and the transports were in a dreadful state — one-
third of the crews and soldiers having died on the passage, partly
because too many men had been put on board in proportion to the
purpose, and she was got off the day after. This was a real subject
of triumph for the people of Chile. They had not only reduced
the enemy's power, but they had gained a ship for their own squadron
second to none of her class, an admirable sailer, and provided amply
with all kinds of stores. Meantime the Buenos Ayres brig of
war, Intrepid, had come round the Horn to assist the Chileno
squadron, but did not arrive until the 11th of November, on which
day, one of the transports, on her way to Lima, was captured ;
and before the ships reached Valparaiso, the Helena, another be-
longing to the same convoy, was seized. Of the nine that sailed
from Cadiz, one, the Trinidad, went to Buenos Ayres, seven were
captured by the Chilenos, and one was never heard of. Never
had a fleet been so welcome to Chile as was the return of the
squadron from the south on the 17th of November: it gave a
prospect of hastening the plans which had long been meditated for
carrying the war out of the country. But the government, though
gratified with this first success, and proud of the number of ships
raised within seven months, still bitterly felt the want of competent
officers. Their hopes were anxiously turned towards England, whence
indeed the Galvarino* had lately arrived, and had been received
into the service. Besides her commander, Captain Spry, she brought
out Captain Guise, of the English navy, who was not without hopes
rival of one of the ablest officers that even England had ever pro-
one of those singular coincidences which not the fondest cal-
culation for the benefit of Chile could have anticipated, the agents of
the government of that country, who had been instructed, if possible,
to procure the assistance of some able commander, (Sir EI. Popham,
was once
named,) were fortunate enough to find Lord Cochrane at
liberty to devote himself entirely to the cause of South American
independence — A cause to which he could honestly give his talents
and his time, without violating those principles of regulated freedom,
from which he had never departed.
The state of the Chilian navy required a man of prudence as well
courage, of temper as well as firmness, and in no one man did
Formerly the Hecate, an English 18-gun brig of war. Captains Guise and Spry
bought her, and brought her to Chile on speculation. She was purchased from them by
the government of Chile, after being refused at Buenos Ayres.
already in Chile, who, rather than see one so superior to them all at
their head, or perhaps afraid lest he should lead them into danger,
year 1818, the most eventful in the history of the country since its
discovery. It will be necessary to go back a few months, in order to
notice the state of the civil government.
On the first appointment of the director, all power, legislative as
well as executive, devolved necessarily on him. No monarch is ever
so absolute, for the moment, as a military chief just successful, es-
cause for gratitude towards Lord Cochrane, I should probably do
If I had less
justice to him, but to speak of him as he should be spoken of, would require not only
an abler pen, but feelings more free from that sensitiveness that makes a friend modest in
parish, where every head of a family, or man who had means of living
by his own industry, provided he was not actually accused of any crime
before a court of justice, was competent to enter his assent or dissent,
in presence of the curate, judge, and scrivener: the majority of votes
determined the adoption of the provisional constitution, and on the
23d of October it was solemnly sworn to. On the same day, agree-
ably to one of its articles, the director named a senate, to advise with
and assist him, whose province it was to make and modify laws and
regulations, and superintend the business of the state ; but the whole
executive power remained with the director, and no secretary or em-
Projecto de Constitucion provisoria para el estado de Chile, 1818.
repairing of the old public works, and the forming new, particularly the
canal of Maypu, which conveys the waters of that river along a high
level, for the purpose of irrigating an immense plain, formerly barren,
and the resort only of robbers, but with water capable of every kind
of improvement. * These works had the advantage of giving employ-
ment to the numerous prisoners of war, whose subsistence would
otherwise have been a heavy burden upon the state, and whose treat-
ment was such when not so employed as humanity would gladly
draw a veil over. But the Spaniards had given terrible examples, —
110 wonder if the nations
they had oppressed sometimes retaliated.
General San Martin meantime had visited Buenos Ayres, but
chiefly resided at Mendoza; he was augmenting the army, for the
purpose of invading Peru, so soon as the troops and money could be
ready, by means of the Chileno squadron ; and he was believed, not
without reason, to be the real director of all the affairs of Chile. The
ascendency this man had acquired is singular; his courage is more
than doubtful, and his talents are not above mediocrity. But he has
a handsome person; an imposing air; a versatile manner, accom-
modating itself to all tastes, from that of a finished courtier to a
country clown ; and a great power of feigning. He is one of those
of whom Bacon says, There be that can pack the cards, and yet
cannot play well: so there are some that are good in canvasses
and factions, that are otherwise weak men. His secretary, Mon-
teagudo, has many qualities in common with him; but the fail-
ings of the master are carried to a greater length, and certainly he
is superior even to San Martin in unfeeling cruelty. But his acute-
ness is
astonishing; he is "perfect in men's humours, — and so
leads them by their own foibles : his eloquence was of great service to
the good cause, though on many occasions his proclamations and state
papers savour too much of that bombastic turn which the Spaniards
in general are reproached with, and which is, indeed, very conspi-
euous on the western side of the Atlantic. The plain simple good
"*• The sale of the land and of the water on this plain has more than paid the expense,
and is beginning to be a profitable concern to the government.
practise any thing like a crooked policy; but he was taught to con-
sider it as a necessary evil in civil government, and therefore always
patriot army early in the revolution ; and, having been among the
fugitives in 1814, had been so reduced as to serve as a boy in a
pulperia, drinlcing-house, in Mendoza, for a maintenance, but rejoined
the army of the Andes in 1817, and reappeared in his proper station.
Zenteno has read a little more than is usual among his countrymen,
and thinks that little much : like San Martin, he dignifies, scepticism
in religion, laxity in morals, and coldness of heart, if not cruelty, with
the name of philosophy ; and, while he could show creditable sensi-
bility for the fate of a worm, would think the death or torture of a
political opponent a matter of congratulation. His manner is cold ;
but, as he is always grave and sententious, and possesses much of the
cunning and quickness commonly attributed to his former profession,
he passes for clever.
Such were the principal persons with whom Lord Cochrane had
to deal on his arrival in Chile.
O'Higgins was sincere ; and of San
Martin it may be said, that, like Lord Angelo,
Jf partly
A due sincerity governed his deeds,.
Till he did look on —
cipally manned with natives, many of whom were wild from the
mountains : the whole squadron might have on board 300 foreign
seamen, including officers; so that there was ground for anxiety on
more than one account
concerning the expedition. But the very
first trial was sufficient to prove that the navy of Chile would in a
short time have the dominion of the Pacific.
The squadron had fallen in with several vessels ; and from the
information obtained from them, the admiral had determined to
cruize off Lima until the 21st of February, to intercept the San An-
tonio, which was bound for Cadiz with a considerable treasure on
board; and then, on the 23d, the last day of the Carnival, to run into
the bay with the Lautaro, and attack the ships and forts during the
confusion usually occasioned by that festival, f The San Martin
There were also the Galvarino, Araucano, and Pueyrredon.
j- The reason (said to be so by some) for running in with only two ships, and those
ships lost sight of each other: it continued for four days, so that
the plan for the 23d was frustrated. On the 26th it cleared a little,
and the San Martin took the Victoria, laden with provisions from
Chiloe to Lima; but the fogs which are so common on the coast of
Peru still rendered it impossible for the squadron to act until the 29th,
when a heavy firing was heard, which the admiral imagined was one of
his ships engaging the enemy ; he therefore stood towards the bay of
Callao. The San Martin, Lautaro, and Chacabuco, who each imagined
the admiral in action, steered the same way; and, just as the fog cleared
away for a moment, they discovered one another. That moment of
light had also discovered
o a strange
o sail among
them 7; the O'PIiggins
tenant and 20 men, one 24 pounder, and two pedreros. The admi-
ral learned from the gun-boat, that the firing heard in the morning
was in honour of the
viceroy, who was visiting the forts and ships.
Lord Cochrane, sure that some of his ships had been seen, determined
to run into Callao, both to try his ship's company, and to endeavour
the Lautaro followed him closely. They found the enemy's ships
arranged in a half-moon of two ranks, the rear rank so disposed as
to cover the intervals between the ships of the front rank; the mer
chant vessels were stationed in the rear, and the neutrals were
anchored on the The O'PIiggins had neutral colours* : but it
was of little consequence. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the
Esmeralda began to fire on the two ships; her fire was immediately
followed by that of the whole line of Spanish ships, and of the
batteries. Unfortunately Captain Guise was severely wounded early,
and his ship retired from action. Neither the San Martin nor
under English colours, was, that they had information that two English ships were
expected in Lima.
The O'Higgins and Lautaro had both been painted to resemble ships of War of the
United States.
Chacabuco came
support the O'Higgins, whether from a doubt as
Lord Cochrane's little son walked the deck during the whole time with his father,
holding by his hand; a man being killed at the quarter-deck guns, he said to his,father,
The ball is not made for little Tom yet, papa !
aware of it, was to be carried into execution : the boats were sent into
the harbour first with fire-ship, and the large ships were to follow,
cover, and support them ; but, by some inexplicable fatality, none but
the O'Higgins joined, and thus the scheme was rendered nugatory.
By this time the squadron was in want of water and other necessaries,
and therefore on the 25th it sailed to Huaura to procure them.
Here, after two days' amicable intercourse with the natives, the
officers suddenly found the water refused, and the people forbidden
to bring them provisions ; upon which a party was landed from the
ships, which marched to the little towns of Huacho and Huaura, and
took them on the 30th without difficulty, thereby securing a good
watering place and market for provisions. While the squadron was
at Huaura, Admiral Blanco arrived there in the Galvarino. This
officer hoisted his flag:
on board the San Martin as second in com-
fired upon, and his lordship therefore landed some troops and his
marines, and the town was almost instantly taken, together with the
schooner Sacramento, three brass eighteen pound guns, two field
San Martin, - 60
Chacabuco, 24
This little force had completely blockaded the port of Callao, whose
batteries are tremendous, and where there were lying the
II Venganza. 42 guns
Esmeralda, - 44
Sebastian a, - 28
|| § Resolution, - - 36
|| § Cleopatra - 28
§ La Focha, - 20
[| Brig Maypu, - 18
|| Pezuela, - - 22
Potrillo, - - 18
j Name unknown, - 18
Schooner, 1 long 24 pounder, 20 culverins
§ Ship Guarmey, - 18
§ San Fernando - 26
§ San Antonio, - 18*
besides 28 gun vessels. Two hundred thousand dollars belonging to
the Philippine company had been taken, besides smaller prizes, and
many towns on the coast freed from the Spanish yoke.
Thus the viceroy found himself in the most humiliating situation,
convoys both by sea and land, and attacked his forts and vessels even
in their strongest hold.
On the return of the squadron to Chile, among other compliments
The vessels marked thus § are merchant ships, but hired and armed for the king's
service; those marked thus || are ready for sea.
around horror and death, he fires into their ships, and their fear
arises to such a height, that they make use of forbidden means,
firing red-hot shot from all the castles. After having harassed them
severely, he returns, serenely victorious, to the rest of his squa-
dron, &c.
Meantime, one of the frigates bespoken in
New York, had
arrived in Chile. * Both had reached Buenos
Ayres. It appears
that by the terms of a treaty with Spain, America was bound not to
furnish the patriots of South America with armed vessels; there-
fore, on the application of the Buenos Ayrian government for two
frigates for Chile, two vessels, the Horatii and the Curiatii, were
fitted out completely in every thing but arms and ammunition ;
which, however, followed the frigates in the ship Sachem, and
arrived a few days after them at Buenos Ayres. The scarcity of
specie at that city prevented the full purchase'money from being paid ;
on which the Curiatii alone hoisted the Chilian
flag, after receiving
her guns and her complement of marines ; and the Horatii sailed for
Rio Janeiro, where she was bought by the government f, the part of
the purchase money already advanced being thus forfeited.
On the return of Blanco's division of the squadron, the supreme
director came to Valparaiso to receive them, and also to inspect the
23d May, 1819.
f She is now in the Imperial service, and called Maria da Gloria.
ship which had been partly promised to Captain Guise. On the
arrival of the O'Higgins, however, on the 16th of June, Captain
Forster, the senior officer, was appointed to her, and she was named
Independencia or Nuestra Senora del Carmen. Some other slight
changes took place in the squadron, and every exertion was made to
refit and victual it, in order to resume the blockade of Callao.
While the navy was thus harassing the enemy's coast, the army of
the south, under General Belcarse, was gradually gaining ground.
The war there was, however, carried on in a more desperate manner.
The royalist Benevedeis, in particular, had rendered his name odious
the gold and silver becomes totally valueless. This applies particu-
larly, where the precious metals are the chief products of the country.
Yet even the reformed governments of South America, lay so heavy
a duty on the
exportation of gold and silver, that it would amount
h 2
to a
prohibition, did not all nations combine to smuggle it away. In
countries like these, where there are no manufactures, and little raw
yet the officers entering into the service, naval or military, were
never incommoded on account of their form of
worship, or even re-
quested to change it.
The rainy season, with strong gales from the northward, was now
set in, but the equipment of the ships went on with zeal, so that by
the 11th of September, the squadron was ready to put to sea: a loan
of 2000 dollars had been requested from the merchants of Valparaiso ;
they refused, however, any thing like a forced contribution, but in-
stantly subscribed 4393 dollars, a fourth of which was from the English
merchants, as a free gift to forward the expedition, which was now
to adopt more active measures than on the former occasion. Lord
Coquimbo, to complete their water and other stores. They had with
them two transports, chiefly employed in conveying mortars and rockets,
with which it was intended to annoy the enemy. On the 28th of
September, the squadron arrived off Callao, and began immediately
to construct their rocket and mortar rafts, and to prepare the ships
purpose; but the shells produced some effect and a constant dis-
charge of them was kept up. Meanwhile the forts and shipping
firing incessantly on the brigs and rafts, and red-hot shot was
used; but the damage done by it was trifling considering the cir-
cumstances, amounting to little more than the wounding the Arau-
cano's foremast, and breaking one of her anchors f ; the Galvarino
lost Lieutenant Bealy and some men. On the three following nights
feint attacks were made which annoyed the enemy as appeared par-
ticularly from an attempt made by their ships to escape from the bay
on the
night of the third : by the fifth every thing was ready for an-
other serious attack. The brigs, as before, towed the rafts into their
See Gazette, July 3. 1819.
f Stores were so scarce in the squadron, that the mast was fished with an anchor
stock from the Lautaro, and an axe was borrowed from the O'Higgins.
proceeding. *
The Spanish frigate, Prueba, having been reported off the bay, the
squadron immediately chased her, but she escaped, and most of the
ships sailed towards Pisco, in order to obtain stores, particularly
spirits for the ship's companies, leaving the Araucano to look out
at Callao, At Pisco, the troops from the squadron were landed and
placed under Colonel Charles, of the marines, a brave and excellent
officer, who deserved a better fate than to be killed at the taking of
paltry a fortress.f Major Miller was also severely wounded, and
the patriots lost 10 men. The end, however, was answered, and the
stores procured.
ships to the admiral. During this action the Lautaro and brigs
which had remained outside of the Puna, were alarmed at the firing,
concluding it was from the Prueba, and had prepared to sail in case the
action had been unfavourable to the admiral ; but they were relieved
guns, the fires of which cross each other f'rotn every point. Under
the Spanish flag, however, Lord Cochrane ran in so close to the place
that the health boat boarded him, and from the officer he learned the
state of the ports and of the garrison, and immediately returned to
of the small vessels, and the O'FIiggins was ordered to keep out of
sight till the next day. At sunset, the troops were landed at the
Englishman's bay, Lord Cochrane accompanying them, and, as they
marched, rowing along the beach with four boys in his gig, exposed
to the enemy's fire, to direct the march. The first fort to be attacked
was that of the
Englishman, situated on a promontory and defended
by a strong palisade, headed by six guns which swept the beach. The
soldiers, two abreast, continued to march along close to the palisade,
which appeared impracticable, when a Chileno midshipman perceived
one of the pales to be rotten at the bottom ; he seized it; it gave
way, but finding it still impossible to enter, on account of his large
hat, he took it off, threw it over the palisade, got through himself,
and quickly enlarging the opening, the rest followed him and attacked
the fort so vigorously that it was carried in a few minutes. The mo-
ment this position was secured, the troops proceeded to the fort of
the Corral, the strongest and most important of all, without paying
attention to some smaller batteries behind. It was also speedily
reduced, and of course all the southern batteries, Avanzada, Barros,
Amargos, and Chorocomayo followed. The Colonel, Don Fausto del
Hoyo, with what remained of his regiment (the Cantabrian), was
taken. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded was great, that of
the patriots was only 6 killed and 18 wounded.
Next morning
O the O'Higgins
Do arrived,' and those on board suffered
the most lively alarm from a trifling circumstance. Knowing the
extreme danger of the meditated attack, they had obtained a promise
from the admiral, that if all was well, he would hoist two flags of
any kind on the outer flag-staff. As they approached they saw but
one, and that one Lord Cochrane's boat's ensign, the Chile colours.
His Lordship had but that one with him and could get no other.
They began to fear he had been taken, and that the flag was hoisted
as a decoy. Meantime, the troops in the northern forts, perceiving
the frigate, hoped she was a Spaniard and made their private signal,
which she answered and continued advancing, when a boat boarded
her. All was safe, the admiral well. The Spanish flag was instantly
hauled down, the patriot ensign hoisted in its place, and the troops no
* <(
Port of Valdivia, February 5th, 1820.
Resolving to profit by the advantages gained last night, by our brave officers and men,
1 ordered the Montezuma to pass forts Niebla and Mancera this morning, in company with
the brig Intrepid, and they both anchored under the guns of the Corral without other
danger than that from two balls which touched the Intrepid. The troops embarked im-
mediately in the two vessels, with the intention of entering the river, and taking possession
of the enemy's head-quarters in the battery del Piojo; but we had hardly made sail, when
the O'Higgins hove in sight abreast of the Morro de Gonzalo at the mouth of the port,
and the garrison abandoned the works, flying precipitately.
This unexpected retreat of the enemy having caused me to change my plans, the
Montezuma and Intrepid were ordered to approach as near the shore as possible, and the
troops were landed at the Niebla, until the tide should permit the boats to convey them to
Valdivia. By this operation, the 100 guns of the castles, forts, and batteries of the ene-
mies of Liberty and Independence are turned against themselves. &c. &c. &c.
between friends and oppressors, have assisted in the maintenance of good order. Those
who had fled from their houses are beginning to return, and I hope that the governor,
whom the people will name to-morrow, will secure order and tranquillity. To this end
I have circulated proclamations, assuring the inhabitants, that they will not be molested
in the slightest manner, and that the troops shall not interfere in any way, in civil matters.
Want of time prevents my enclosing a copy of these papers. &c. &c. &c.
To Don Jose Ignacio Zenteno, Minister at War and of Marine.
In another letter, Lord Cochrane says: —
At first it was my
intention to have destroyed the fortifications, and to have taken the
artillery and stores on board; but I could not resolve to leave without defence the safest
and most beautiful harbour I have seen in the Pacific, and whose fortifications must
doubtless have cost more than a million of dollars.
talent*; by it, the enemy was deprived of his last hold of Chile,
and what is of still greater consequence, the Chilenos learned to
place confidence in themselves and their officers, and to have the
moral as well as the physical courage necessary for all great achieve-
pled not to say, that Lord Cochrane deserved to lose his head for
daring, unbidden, to attack such a place, and for endangering the
patriot soldiers, by exposing them to such hazard.
But the time was not yet arrived for any effectual attack on Lord
Cochrane. The government felt his value, or rather the absolute
necessity of the state required his services, and the clamours of the
envious and ungrateful were for once stifled, f
Unconscious of these cabals, and encouraged by his success at Val-
divia, Lord Cochrane naturally turned his attention to Chiloe, where
A force of 2000 men, with 100 guns, had been overcome by 350, aided by the pre-
sence and name of their great chief.
f On the 2d of March, the people of Coquimbo sent a congratulatory address to the
director and the admiral on the taking of Valdivia.
On the 14th of August, the government voted medals to the captors of Valdivia, to be
suspended by a tricoloured ribbon; to Lord Cochrane, Captain Carter, Major Miller,
Major Beauchef, and Major Vicente, gold medals; and silver medals to 23 others.
The decree says of the capture of Valdivia, It was the happy result, of the devising of
the best arranged plan, and of the most daring and valorous execution. And it
concludes, by conferring on Lord Cochrane, an qstate from the confiscated lands of Con-
ception, of not less than 4000 quadras in superficies.
This estate Lord Cochrane begged leave to return, that it might be sold for the pay-
ment of the sailors of the squadron. This offer was not accepted.
i 2
60 introduction.
the Spaniards had still a strong position, under an able and deter-
mined officer, Colonel Quintan ilia. The account of that expedition
is best given in His Lordship's own letter addressed to the Minister
of Marine: —
The unfortunate circumstance, of the running ashore of the brig
Intrepid, on the day I last had the honour of addressing Your Excel-
lency, and her total loss in this port without either wind or storm,
owing to her being quite rotten, deprived me of the greater part of
the force and means for taking Chiloe. Nevertheless, I determined
to proceed with the schooner Montezuma, and the transport Dolores,
evening of the 17th. The soldiers, with the marines of the O'Hig-
gins and Intrepid, took possession of the three outer batteries which
defend the port, dislodging about thirty foot and sixty horse; but
having afterwards lost their way, owing to the darkness of the night,
in roads almost impassable, they halted till dawn, by which time
the militia headed by the friars, armed with lances or whatever wea-
pons they could get, had assembled in such numbers in the fort of
Aguy, that it rendered the taking of that strong hold with so small
attacking force impossible. The brave Col. Miller being severely
wounded, Captain Erezcano of Buenos Ayres, agreeably to my in-
structions not to engage the troops farther, caused them to retreat
and go on board.
Having re-embarked them, I resolved to return to Valdivia, con-
ceiving that the securing that place and expelling the enemy from
the province were more important objects than even the establishing
garrison in Chiloe.
I ought to add, that the outer defence of San Carlos was entirely
The instructions of the Viceroy Pezuela to the governor of Valdivia, found in the
public office of the place, urge him strongly to maintain himself there; not only as pre-
serving a footing in Chile, but as preventing the government from making the threatened
attack on Peru, by diverting a considerable part of the forces. (See Gazette of the 22d
and 29th of April, 1820.)
f On this occasion it was that Lord Cochrane offered the estate to be sold to pay the
The discontent broke out in the San Martin and Araucana early in
May but it was not until the middle of July that the only proper
and just remedy was applied, that of paying the people and officers,
which immediately restored tranquillity, and nothing of any moment
occurred before the sailing of the troops for Peru.
While the arms of Chile were thus successful, the civil government
was, improving. Some sort of order had been introduced
at least,
into the financial
department ; and, although the custom-house
regulations were still, in great part, formed upon the ancient narrow
Spanish system, there was a considerable improvement even in them.
A college had been instituted in Santiago, and other works of utility
had been carried into effect. A public library was founded, a theatre
was built, and the director had even intended to have erected a tele-
graph ; but the prejudices of the people, and especially the priests,
against such a miraculous mode of communication, were too strong,
and a telegraph must wait, at least, twenty years before it can be
admitted in Chile.
But the army destined for Peru was now (August, 1820,) assembled
at Valparaiso, and the name of Exercito Libertadore (liberating
army) was resounded in all parts. The director had come to Val-
paraiso to be present at the sailing of the squadron; and he and
General San Martin, who was appointed captain-general of the liber-
See Appendix.
toms, your situation, and your wishes. You will be your own
legislators, and, consequently, you will constitute a nation as free
and as independent as ourselves.
In another of a later date, he says —
occupy a free town, unless invited by the lawful magistrates;
and the peninsular parties and opinions that preceded the times of
See Appendix.
provisions. The army was in want of recruits and horses, and as the
ships were scantily victualled, it was of importance to secure the
spirits and other stores known to be at Pisco: but this proposal of
his lordship's appeared too hazardous to the captain-general, and the
attack on the place was postponed till next morning. On the 8th,
therefore, the first division of the troops was landed under General
Las Heras, with two pieces of artillery, and formed into two squares,
each of 1000 men, on the burning beach of Paraca, where they con-
perately, telling Chile in so many words, that a little nation had no business to attempt a
great operation; and saying something about the law of nations, as if that law was not
the same for little as well as great nations. The answer written by Zenteno, told him,
that the Esmeralda had been taken, and that the addition of force gained by it gave Chile
quite enough ships to maintain the blockade. Gazette, Feb. 24. 1821. See Appendix.
they found that the Spaniards had conveyed the stores, and
away all
had sent the slaves and cattle into the interior, they
themselves had
retired to lea, leaving nothing behind but jars of the brandy of the
country, generally called Pisco: this was divided between the fleet
and the army, and was most acceptable to the sailors, as they were in
great want of spirits or wine. The next day the rest of the troops
landed, and head-quarters were fixed at Pisco, whence regular bul-
letins were issued, containing rather pompous details of the feats of
the great expedition ; and several proclamations relative to the good
order and discipline of the troops. In these bulletins, the real
failures or oversights in the marching, ordering, or commanding the
troops were corrected for the public eye. The foraging parties
brought in horses and cattle sufficient for the army, but the fleet con-
tinued without adequate supplies.
During the fifty days that the head-quarters of the army were at
Pisco, Colonel Arenales occupied lea, Palque, Nazca, and Acari,
taking a quantity of military stores, and revolutionising the country
as he marched : but the captain-general remained completely in-
active. Indeed, from the 26th of September to the 4tli of October,
he was carrying on a negotiation with the viceroy, an armistice
The same who afterwards employed in conjunction with Paroissien, in libelling
people about supplying them, and they were treated by him with
military rigour; thus the people were worn out, and harassed till
they looked upon both parties alike as oppressors, and lost the taste
for national independence introduced by the violation of civil liberty.
The General's conduct appears to have been guided by an idea, that
only event that marked the interval was the death of the auditor, General Jonte,
on the 22d: the whole army mourned three days for him: this man had been one of the
agents for Chile in England. He was one of those who mistake cunning for wisdom, and
scrupled not to employ any petty means of obtaining the information he wanted, and of
which he made use either for himself or his employers, well knowing how to dole it out.
Such men, as they begin by the petty tricks of espionage, are apt to contract a love for
the thing itself. Hence, not only public papers, but private letters, are violated; and
I have seen an account of cattle opened, examined, and sealed up again, with wily
cautiousness, in order to see if the very cow-keepers wrote politics. As for Jontej his
curiosity had become a passion almost insatiable, and the meannesses which he would
have started from on other accounts, were practised daily by him for its gratification. It
was believed, that he had been commissioned to offer Peru, Chile, and, I think, the
Buenos Ayrian provinces as a sovereignty, first to a prince of the blood-royal of England,
and next to a Bourbon prince. If so, it could have been only with a view of inducing
those powers to stand by in neutrality, in hopes of a rich possession, while the Spanish
American colonies were struggling for their freedom. The petty scheme was worthy of
its authors, who certainly never meant to realise such plans, but merely to bribe England
and France to abstain from assisting Old Spain: the cunning was childish and useless, and
it marks the weakness of the employers of Jonte.
enemy, dreading, lest she should be attacked, had supplied her and
the block-ships with additional men, so that she had about 370 on
board of the best sailors and marines that could be procured, and
they had slept at quarters for six weeks. On the fifth of November,
the purpose for which the necessary preparations for the enterprise
had been made was first communicated to the officers and ships'
companies; when the following address was read to them : —
been offered in Lima to those who shall capture any vessel of the
Chilian The moment of glory approaches: I trust
that the Chilenos will fight as they have done hitherto, and that
the English will do as they always have done, both in their own
Independencia, volunteered for the service, but 240 only were accepted;
and at eight o'clock in the evening all the boats, fourteen in number,
assembled alongside of the O'PIiggins, with their crews dressed in
white, and each armed with a cutlass and pistol. The first division
of boats was intrusted to Captain Crosbie, the second to Captain
Guise; and, at 10 o'clock, Lord Cochrane, having given a few orders
enjoining strict silence and the exclusive use of swords, got into his
boat and pulled directly for Callao. They were first challenged by
one of the
gun-boats astern of the Esmeralda, when Lord Cochrane,
rising in the boat and drawing his sword, said in an under tone,
Silencio o Muerte! and was obeyed. He demanded the sign
and countersign of the night. Victoria—Gloria; a good omen,
and they passed on unmolested. In a few minutes the boats were
alongside of the frigate, the starboard and larboard side being boarded
at once. Lord Cochrane was the first man on board, and was shot
immediately, through the flesh of the right-thigh just above the
knee; but, having first seized the sentinel who fired at him by the
heel and thrown him overboard, he seated himself on the hammock-
netting and continued to give his orders. Meantime the Spaniards
had retreated to the forecastle, and seemed resolved to defend their
post. Twice did Captains Guise and Crosbie charge along the gang-
The sum of 50,000 dollars having been offered by the Spaniards for a Chileno frigate,
the same sum was levied on them on the fall of Lima, as if for the captors of the Esme-
ralda; but the money was appropriated by San Martin, and neither that nor the value of
the vessel ever paid.
ways at the head of their divisions and were repulsed; and it was
not until the third attack that they carried it. The marines, to a man,
had fallen in their place on the quarter-deck.
The fight was renewed on the main-deck, but it was, in comparison,
feebly sustained, most of the people having now taken refuge in the
hold, and the ship at length surrendered.
Lord Cochrane now ordered the boats to be manned, that he might
pursue his plan of taking out the Maypu and some other vessels ; but
the men were busy plundering, and the darkness and confusion ren-
dered it impossible to enforce the order. Besides, the castles had
begun a heavy fire upon the frigate ; and, although she had hoisted
the same lights with the neutral ships, the Hyperion, English frigate *,
and the Macedonia, United States' ship of war, the firing continued;
so that to prevent her
being damaged, her sails were set and her chain
cables cut, and she was anchored out of gun-shot, with two of the
The Hyperion and Macedonia had hoisted lights, to distinguish them as neutrals.
A midshipman of the Hyperion was standing on the gangway looking on, and seeing
Lord Cochrane's noble bearing, clapped his hands in congratulation, and exclaimed, Well
and Englishty done ! Captain S. reprimanded him, ordered liim below, and threatened
to put him under arrest! Had Lord Cochrane been an enemy, a generous man would
have felt with the midshipman; — but a neutral and a countryman !—The Macedonia
behaved very differently.
f See the English .Gazettes, of Aug. 1801, for the taking of the Spanish zebeck by
the Speedy, in 1801; and from that time to Basque Roads, a series of exploits, of which
every Englishman is proud.
witnessed so bold a
design so ably executed. But who ever pos-
sessed, like him, the quick eye to perceive every advantage; the
resolute spirit to undertake; and, above all, the perfect self-posses-
sion, in every situation, that is necessary to accomplish great actions!
The secrecy with which this blow was planned, and the suddenness
of the execution, secure to Lord Cochrane the double praise of the
politician and the warrior. For the helmet of Pluto, says Lord
Bacon, which maketh the politic man to go invisible, is secrecy in
the council and celerity in the execution ; there is no secrecy com-
parable to celerity; like the motion of a bullet in the air, which
flyeth so swift as it outruns the eye.
Coriolanus, when his country was ungrateful, went and commanded
the armies of her enemies and revenged himself. Alcibiades fled to
a tyrant's court, and
disgraced the land he had left by his excesses;
and most of those who have been obliged to teach them other
tongues, and to become no strangers to strange eyes, have followed
either the one example or the other. But Lord Cochrane, when he
left his beloved home, refused the splendid offers of a court, because
he could not fight against the principles of his country, but went to
a remote and feeble nation and
employed his talents in assisting the
sacred cause of national independence. And though, as all things
sublunary are imperfect, Chile is still far from enjoying all the ad-
vantages that she should derive from that blessing for which he
fought, — his part was done : the fleets of the oppressors were driven
from the shores of the Pacific; and some principles established, and
some seeds of future
good were sown, that will immortalise him as a
benefactor to mankind as well as a hero things too often, alas !
widely different. But to return to our narrative.
On the morning of the 6th, a horrible massacre was committed
English ships ; and, as the people could not distinguish between the
English and North Americans, they fell on the boats' crews that had
gone as usual to the market-place for fresh beef and vegetables, and
butchered the greater part of them. As soon as this was reported
at the castle, the governor sent out troops to protect the strangers,
and the few that escaped owed their lives to this precaution. The
admiral procured an exchange of prisoners on this occasion.
The same evening the Araucano carried the
C? news to Ancon,7 where
it was received in the most enthusiastic by the army. On
the 8th the O'Higgins and Esmeralda also arrived at Ancon, where
again the army cheered the admiral, and were full of hopes that they
should now attack the town. Guayaquil had declared itself inde-
pendent; the Numantian regiment had joined the liberating force.
The enemy's best ship was taken, and the moral effect of these
events, not to speak of the daily, though slight advantages gained by
several officers, were calculated not only to elevate the patriots and
to encourage their secret friends to declare themselves, but to dispirit
the enemy. But though every thing seemed to court him to action,
San Martin could by no means be induced to change his cautious
The province of Truxillo was declared free on the 29th of December by the Governor,
the Marques de Torre Tagle.
f The enemy's loss was 58 killed, 18 wounded, 343 prisoners, including 28 officers,
two pieces of artillery, 300 muskets, the banners, ammunition, &c.; the rout was so
complete,, that O'Reilly fled with only three lancers, the battle having lasted forty minutes.
Arenales lost one officer and five men killed, and twelve wounded.
third of them died of fever during the many months they continued
Meantime Don Tomas Guido and Colonel Luzuriago were de-
puted to Guayaquil to return the compliments paid to the liberating
chiefs by Escobedo, the chief of that city, who had offered all the
assistance of the rich province of which it is the capital, towards the
accomplishment of their designs. Other views were also in San
Martin's contemplation : the extraordinary successes of Bolivar in
the north had given rise to the idea that his indefatigable zeal might
lead him to the provinces of Peru. But it was by no means the wish
of San Martin that such an expedition should be so far successful
as to
deprive him of any part of the empire he had now begun to
contemplate for himself. His deputies, therefore, represented that
on the fall of Lima, Guayaquil would become the
principal port of
great empire, that the establishment of the docks and arsenals
which San Martin's navy would require, must enrich not only the
individuals actually concerned in them, but the whole city ; whereas,
if Guayaquil were subdued by Bolivar, it would be considered only
as a
conquered province, and of scarcely any importance to the
immense state of Columbia. The existing government was therefore
states of South America, took place between San Martin and the
ing army, edicts were published calling upon slaves to join the army,
and promising to pay their masters; and flattering proclamations
addressed to the European Spaniards.
Since the departure of the expedition from Chile, the director and
senate had been uniformly engaged in endeavours to increase the
l 2
revenue: but
they wanted the principles of political economy, and
were never able to effect
more than
temporary supplies. They were
more successful in the other branches of government: the laws
A figure of the Virgin was placed in a conspicuous situation; the patriot flag was
presented to her, she shook her head; — a Spanish flag was brought, the arms of the
figure instantly embraced it;. and the omen was of course accepted by the multitude.
French commodore, to know why they had come into the Pacific.
The answer calmed all their fears. In a very polite letter, M. Jurien
assured the government of Chile, that the only object of ITis Most
Christian Majesty for sending ships thither, was to form his young
naval officers, and survey those seas.
Meanwhile, the blockade of Callao was carried on vigorously by
Lord Cochrane ; on the 2d of December, 16 gun-boats came out of
the bay to attack the OTIiggins and Esmeralda, but after an action
of upwards of an hour they were obliged to retire, with loss. A
similar attempt was made, with the like success on the 26th, but
nothing farther occurred till the beginning of 1821, except the taking
of several prizes, chiefly laden with provisions. The month of Ja-
nuary was employed in a similar manner; the squadron keeping up
a close blockade, and detachments of the army under Arenales, &c.
that there was always some ground for complaints, and always too
objection to the ship being called Cochrane, but they thought her
new name
ought to have some reference to her captors, and not to
enemy's own guns upon the castles. The officers and crew of the San
Martin volunteered with three cheers for the service, and everything
appointed for the execution of this spirited project, when, just as
it was to be carried into effect, Captain Guise declared he could not
serve unless he had his own officers back;
Captain Spry declared he
should stand by Captain Guise, and the whole squadron was in com-
motion. On the 23d, these two officers resigned their commissions
in the navy of Chile ; and on the 1st and 2d of March, a court-mar-
tial was held on the officers of the Valdivia, when, Michael, the sur-
geon, and Trew, the purser, were dismissed the service ; the lieu-
tenants, Bell and Freeman, with Kenyon, the assistant-surgeon, dis-
missed their ship ; and Captain Spry was also dismissed his ship and
That wretched place, after having been forced to maintain the patriot
army for fifty days, had again fallen into the hands of the Spaniards
who had severely punished the defection of the inhabitants. It was
retaken by 500 patriots, under Colonel Miller, on the 22d of March,
who collected the first day 300 horses for the use of the army, and as
many oxen, sheep, and mules. Lord Cochrane, who had accompanied
this little expedition, hoisted his flag on the 18th on board the San
Martin, leaving the O'Higgins and Valdivia to protect the troops at
Pisco, and returned to Callao, where he again attacked the gun-boats
with effect. Meanwhile General Arenales had obtained another
decided advantage over General Ricaforte and 2000 men.
Early in May a vigorous attack was made on Arica* ; but the land-
ing-place being strongly fortified, the troops disembarked a little to
the northward, and after the town had been bombarded for five days
the Spaniards left it; and a considerable booty, besides 120,000
dollars in money was collected. These successes of the patriots
induced the new viceroy to propose an armistice for three weeks to
General San Martin, who gladly accepted it as the forerunner, it was
spirit by the squadron, that the viceroy found the city was no longer
tenable for want of provisions. The people had become clamorous,
and all hope of assistance from Spain was abandoned; therefore, on
the 6th of July, Lacerna evacuated Lima, and the liberating force
eagerly expected by the inhabitants to take immediate posses-
sion. Nevertheless, to the astonishment of both Peruvians and
Chilenos as well as that of the neutrals in the harbour, San Martin's
army made not the slightest movement towards the town until the
9th, when a small detachment was sent thither. * In the interval,
as all the troops were withdrawn and the government broken up, it
apprehended that serious disorders would take place in the city;
and Captain Basil Hall of his Britannic Majesty's ship Conway, sent
to offer the services of his seamen and marines to the cabildo, in
order to maintain tranquillity and to protect both the public and
private property. The general himself arrived at Callao in the
schooner Sacramento, on the 6th or 7th; and having waited till one
detachment of his army was safely quartered in Lima, and a solemn
deputation from the city to invite him to take possession had been
sent to him, he landed and went thither quietly on the evening of
the 10th.
The first days were employed in publishing flattering proclam-
ations, and in those acts of self-praise and congratulation which
every general or army occupying a new territory is in the habit of
indulging in, but which San Martin carried farther than any com-
mander whose manifestoes I ever had occasion to see. Although he
Among other patriotic papers printed at the time, there was a sort of comedy, repre-
senting the men and women of Lima all on the high road, looking anxiously for the
excercito libertador, and lamenting the dilatoriness which keeps it from blessing their sight.
had passed the time since his arrival on the coast of Pern in total
inactivity, and although the capital had been reduced by famine
occasioned by the exertions of the squadron, aided by the civil dis-
sensions naturally arising from great private distress, yet he takes on
himself the style and title of a conqueror, and, to read his official
papers, one might think he had won the city by hard fighting.
Callao, however, held out, though it was reduced to still greater
straits by the occupation of Lima. The squadron continued to
attack the forts and gun-boats on every opportunity; and on the
24th, Lord Cochrane, having observed an opening in the chain which
secured the vessels, sent in Captain Crosbie with the small boats of
the squadron that night, who brought out the San Fernando, Milagro,
and Resolution, ships of war, besides several boats and launches, and
burned two other vessels. A few days before, the squadron had
suffered a severe loss in the San Martin which was wrecked at the
Chorillas, having gone thither with corn to be sold to the poor at a
low rate on the 15th
July, and was totally lost on the 16th. *
But the exultation and ferment occasioned by the attainment of the
grand prize for which all the exertions of Chile had been made,
occupied all tongues and all eyes. On the 28th the independence of
Peru was solemnly sworn to ; but an incident happened that very
night, which, like the sitting of Mordecai the Jew in the king's gate,
poisoned the enjoyment of San Martin. Being at the theatre with
Lord Cochrane, the people received them with the loudest acclam-
ations : they gave San Martin all the epithets and titles that could
This was prize corn belonging to the squadron, who cheerfully gave it up at the sug-
gestion of San Martin, who took all the credit of the timely supply, while it was literally
given by the ships. See the Gazettes and Proclamations of that date.
f Bishop Burnet's history of his own times.
that his jealousy of Lord Cochrane was increased to that fury which
afterwards broke out, in great measure by this circumstance.
On the 29th, the most solemn masses were performed in thanks-
giving for the deliverance of Lima from the Spaniards; and San Martin,
professed unbeliever, not content with a decent acquiescence in
the rites at which he was necessarily present, distinguished himself
by a zeal for all holy things, an energy of worship, and, above all, by
excessive veneration for the tutelar Saint Rosa -f, which I think
rather prejudiced than favoured his cause, even among the clergy
themselves. But at this present juncture all means were to be re-
sorted to to conciliate all men ; the clergy were particularly courted.
A letter was written to the bishop to entreat him to use his good
offices to keep the people quiet, and to show them the benefits of the
new order of things. The Spaniards were flattered and assured of
personal protection, and those who chose to remain were promised
also the enjoyment of their whole property upon their soliciting or
M 2
former promises*, he tells the Peruvians that his ten years' experience
of revolutions had proved to him the dangers of assembling con-
gresses while the enemy still had footing in the country; and that
therefore, till the Spanish forces were entirely driven out, he should
direct the affairs of Peru, though he sighed for a private station.
He named Garcia del Rio his minister for foreign affairs, Bernardo
will; and it was not long before that will displayed itself in acts
for which nothing can account but the intoxication occasioned by
absolute power.
No time was lost in transmitting the tidings of these transactions
to the director of Chile; and perhaps San Martin thought, that by
sending him the four flags which Osorio had taken at Rancagua, and
which were found in the cathedral at Lima, he made up for that
breach of his oaths of fidelity to Chile and its government, which he
had now virtually committed by declaring himself an independent
chief, f
Nor was this the
only injury he meditated against the country he
had left. The
squadron had now been a year in constant activity ;
scantily supplied at first with rigging and sails, and provisioned only
for a few weeks, nothing could have maintained it, but the good
conduct of the officers generally, and the activity and vigilance of
its commander. Sometimes making use of the powers given him to
commute custom-house duties into
supplies for the fleet; or, accord-
SeeAppendix, for San Martin's proclamation before the squadron sailed from Chile.
f This seems indeed to have produced great effect on the director, who, in his circular
letter published in me Gazette on the 25th August, 1821, congratulating the country on the
success of the
army and squadron, and on the acquisition of a sister republic, dwells at great
length on the restoration of the flags in question. On the 30th of September they were
sent in solemn procession, under an escort, to Rancagua, and delivered to the municipality,
with a proclamation from the director. On the 2d of October, the anniversary of the
unfortunate rout of Rancagua, they were conveyed to the altar of N. S. da Carmen, the
protectress of the arms of Chile, and consecrated. The city presented a scene of festivity
for several days.
supplies and provisions, (so that the crew of the Lautaro was abso-
lutely starved out, and obliged to abandon her,) in hopes of forcing
the officers and men to go over
to him.
The day following, Lord Cochrane wrote a letter to the protector,
in which he asks him, What will the world say, if the protector of
Peru shall violate, by his very first act, the obligations of San
Martin ; even although gratitude may be a private and not a
public virtue? What will it say, if the protector refuses to pay the
expenses of the expedition that has placed him in his present
elevated station ?—and what will be said if he refuses to reward the
seamen, who have so materially contributed to his success ? Not-
withstanding this letter, and others still more urgent to the same
effect, nothing was done. The ships were left so destitute of sails,
rigging, and stores, that their safety was endangered ; the provisions
scanty, and consisted solely of old charqui * ; the men had no
spirits, and their clothes now were in the most wretched condition.
The admiral more than once represented that they were on the point
of mutiny: he himself remained on board to tranquillise them ; for
they now began to suspect that there had never been an intention
of paying them, and they threatened to seize the ships, and pay
themselves, by taking whatever vessels they found on the coasts.
On the fifteenth of August, however, alarmed by the representations
of Lord Cochrane, the protector renewed his promises of paying
the squadron as soon as he should raise money sufficient, having
allotted a fifth of the customs for that purpose. That fifth, however,
was to be divided with the
army; and the sailors were too well
accustomed to the nature of divisions with the army, not to be still
further irritated by a promise that seemed but a mockery of their
But before I proceed with the affairs of the squadron, it will be
necessary to return to those of the army for the last time, because as
San Martin had now declared himself independent, and the liberating
ships and a brig from within the booms, such a scheme would
have been hopeless ; but he had fallen back with his army under
the walls of Lima, and Canterac, profiting by the circumstance,
made a forced march, and on the 10th of September, reached the
of battle. The brave General Las Heras and Lord Cochrane were
He kept his word, and retired to Chile, where he lived in retirement till San Martin
fled thither in Oct. 1823, when Las Heras retired to Buenos Ayres.
paign had been bestowed on its soldiers; its general had thrown off
his allegiance to the country to which both army and navy had
sworn to be faithful, and now wished to buy that fleet of its officers,
which was, in the first place, not theirs to dispose of, and which
they were bound to maintain for the Chilian government. San Mar-
tin had promised not only to pay but to reward the fleet; but he had
failed to do either, and now denied his engagement to that purpose.
He had also claimed for his own use several of the prizes made by
the squadron.
Alarmed by the advance of Canterac's troops, San Martin had sent
all the money and bullion from the mint and treasury at Lima to
Ancon, and shipped it on board the transports, by way of safety.
Martin, after having gotten the old Spaniards into his power, exacted from them
one-half of their property as a means of securing the rest; when they attempted to remove
transport the remainder, it was seized, and the persons of the Spaniards were, with few
exceptions, imprisoned or murdered.
f A great number of Spanish fugitives, with their property, having taken refuge in the
vessels, Lord Lynedoch and St. Patrick, which were detained on that account, Lord
Cochrane permitted them to ransom themselves, applying the money to the supply of the
squadron. One or two, who preferred trusting to San Martin, were afterwards cruelly
treated, and deprived of all their property.
Besides this treasure, there were other public monies, with consider-
able sums
belonging to individuals; and also, on board the Sacra-
mento, the protector's own private property in gold and silver, the
latter of* which was in such quantity that the vessel threw out her
ballast to make room for it; and the coined gold had loaded four
mules, not to speak of gold bullion.*
As soon as Lord Cochrane knew that so much public property was
on board the
transports, he sailed for Ancon, where the Lautaro was
then lying with the transports, and seized the whole of the money,
appear the better causeand then Lord Cochrane agreed,
that on condition of receiving necessaries for
the ships, and particu-
larly anchors *, some portion of the bullion should be restored ; but
as the stores, &c. were refused, the
money, amounting to 285,000
dollars was detained, and distributed as above stated ; regular ac-
being kept, and all being placed to the credit of the Chileno
government. The scheme for revenge was more successful. At
midnight, on the 26th of September, the very day on which the Pro-
tector had desired the admiral to make what use he pleased of the
shore enjoying themselves after receiving their pay, were either bribed
or threatened into
compliance. Nay, the faithful officers were put
into the guard-house for attempting to induce them to return to their
former ships. Thus the squadron, in bad repair and scantily sup-
plied, was half unmanned. Yet, under these circumstances, now that
Callao had surrendered, San Martin peremptorily ordered Lord
Two that had been cut from the Esmeralda when she was taken, and one lost by the
O'Higgins in an attack on Callao, were then in San Martin's possession, — he refused
-J- The same who had been dismissed his sfyip by sentence of a court-martial, and had
afterwards deserted.
Cochrane to leave the coast of Peru, with all the vessels under his
command*; on which order, communicated through Monteagudo,
Lord Cochrane wrote the following letter to that minister, which I
insert because it corroborates facts which might otherwise appear in-
credible; —
On board the O'Higgins, Callao Bay, 28th Sept. 1821.
I should have felt extremely
had the letter you have ad-
dressed to me, by order of His Excellency the Protector of Peru,
contained the commands of the Supreme Chief to depart from the
ports under his dominion, without assigning his motives ; and I
should have been distressed indeed, had these motives been founded
in reason, or on facts; but when I find that the order originates in
the groundless imputation, that I had declined to do what I had no
power to effect, I console myself that His Excellency the Protector
will be ultimately satisfied that no blame rests with me ; at all events,
I have the gratification of a mind unconscious of wrong, and glad-
dened by the cheering conviction, that, however facts may be dis-
torted through the refracting medium of sycophantic breath, yet
mankind who live in the clear expanse, view things in their proper
colours, and will do me the justice I deserve.
You address your argumentative letters to me, as if I required to
be convinced of your good intentions. No, Sir, it is the seamen who
are to be
persuaded ; it is they who give no faith to professions after
they have once been disappointed. They care not whence the sup-
plies of the squadron come, whether from the pockets of the Spaniards,
in captured cattle and Pisco, as they have done, or from the treasury
of their employers ; they are men of few words, but decisive acts ;
they say, that for their labour they have a right to pay and food, and
that they will work no longer than while they are paid and fed.
San Martin issued orders, knowing the state of the ships, that, at the ports of Peru
where they might touch, all supplies, even wood and water, should be refused.
f This letter was communicated to me at a time when I could not ask the admiral if it
quite correct; but I have reason to believe it is so, with the exception of such verba!
inaccuracies as may have occurred in translating it from the Spanish.
iv 2
This, Sir, is uncourtly language, unfit for the ear of high authority.—
Moreover, they urge that they have had no pay, whilst their fellow
labourers, the soldiers, have had two-thirds of their wages ; that they
are starved, or living on stinking charqui, whilst the troops are
fully fedon beef and mutton ; that they have had no grog, whilst
the others have had money and opportunity to obtain that beloved
beverage, and all else they desired. Such, Sir, are the rough grounds
on which an
English seaman founds his opinion, and rests his rude
argument. He expects an equivalent for the fulfilment of his contract,
and when, on his part, it is performed with fidelity, he is boisterous
as the element on which he lives, if
pay-day is past, and his rights
are withheld. It is of no use, therefore, for you to make up an
account upon the correctness of which I can make no remark.
provisions ; but all wonder will cease if you refer to my letters, and to
your own order, to supply twenty-days' provisions thirty-days ago.
As to your assertion regarding the gratuitous supply of Pisco, I have
to inform you that the charge for it was 1900 dollars, as appears by
though without effect, to restrain their violence and allay their fears.
You add, that it was impossible to pay the clamorous crews. How
then is it true (and the fact is indisputable), that they are now paid
out of the very money then lying unemployed at your disposal ? I
shall only add, that promise of sharing 20 per cent, of the customs
with the soldiers did not satisfy the minds of the sailors, knowing
the nature of the divisions already made. My warning you that they
were no
longer to be trifled with was (bunded on a long acquaintance
with their character and disposition ; and facts have proved, and may
yet more fully prove, the truth of what I have told you.
Why, Sir, is the word immediate put into your order to go forth
from this port? Would it not have been more decorous to have
been less peremptory, knowing, as you do know, that the delay of
payment had unmanned the ships ;• that the total disregard of all my
applications had left the squadron destitute of provisions, and that
the men were enticed away by persons acting under the authority of
the government of Peru ? That you yourself have given me no
answer to an official letter, dated the 23d,
calling upon you to put a
stop to such unjustifiable proceedings ? Was it not enough to land
the supplies brought by the Montezuma, whilst the squadron for
which they were meant was in absolute want, without the insult of
since the 20th of August, 1820, which shall ever be devoted to the
country I serve. And I assure you that no abatement of my zeal
towards His Excellency the Protector's service took place until the
5th day of August, the day on which I was made acquainted with Plis
nature, took place between Lord Cochrane and San Martin. His
Lordship continued the payment of the officers and crews, and now
that Callao had fallen, the great object for Chile being the taking or
destroying the two Spanish frigates Prueba and Venganza, the last of
the ships of that nation that remained in the Pacific ; he prepared to
follow them to the northward, and accordingly sailed for that purpose
on the sixth of October. *
It is now time to return to the domestic affairs of Chile. Bene-
vidies still kept up an active and cruel warfare in the south; and
Jose Miguel Garrera, improved by the experience of eight years,
and thirsting fpr revenge on the destroyers of his brothers, was at the
The squadron consisted now of O'Higgins, Captain Crosbie; Valdivia, Captain
Cobbet; Independence, Captain Wilkinson ; Lautaro, Captain Worcester; and the San
head of a small but determined army, and had fought his way across
the continent of South America, making alliances with the Indians
and keeping correspondence with Benevidies by their means
up a
as well as with discontented persons in Chile.
had met with various success, but upon the whole had lost ground.
The patriot commanders, of whom Freire was certainly the most
distinguished, had gradually closed in upon him, and though he
had incited the Indians to commit great ravages, and to burn the
farms and carry off the produce of the southern provinces, he re-
ceived no such aid from them as could prevent his final destruction,
unless he received assistance from abroad, which the superiority of
the Chileno squadron rendered almost hopeless.
On the 31st of August, Carrera's army, reduced by its very victories,
and now consisting only of 500 soldiers, but embarrassed with a
number of women and other followers, was completely routed.
Carrera himself, his second in command Don Jose Maria Benevente,
with twenty-three other officers, were taken at the Punta del Medano,
and carried to Mendoza, where he and several of his principal officers
were shot in the public market-place, by, in my opinion, a piece of
the most unjustifiable cruelty and false policy. I refer to Mr. Yates's
paper in the Appendix for the reason of Benevente's safety, and the
particulars of the death of Jose Miguel; the gazettes in which these
things were announced to the public, breathe a fierce and atrocious
spirit of revenge, disgraceful to the leaders of the nation and to the age.
Don Jose Miguel Carrera was only 35 years of age. His person
remarkably handsome, and his countenance beautiful and pre-
possessing. I have heard that his eyes seemed even to possess a power
of fascination over those he addressed. Among all who have arisen
to notice in the struggle for South American independence, he was
undoubtedly the most amiable, his genius was versatile, his ima-
gination lively, and his powers great, where he chose to apply
them. I have heard that while at Montevideo, he wished to print
papers for distribution, and not having the means to do so,
he shut himself up for weeks, and actually constructed a press, and
printed his manifesto himself. His spirit was gay and cheerful, and
his body indefatigable; but he had little prudence and no reserve, so
that he was as little to be trusted with the plans of others as de-
keeping himself at the head of any of the newly freed states of South
America. His love of pleasure led him into expenses which swal-
lowed up the means of either bribing or paying followers, and his
careless, easy nature prevented his securing those who might be
dangerous to him.
After his death, his principal followers and some of his nearer
connexions were put in close confinement, others were banished,
and some escaped to the woods and mountains, where they lived
precariously till they were either able to get to some friendly place,
or till the act of oblivion of
September, 1822, allowed them to return
to their houses.
The fortune of Chile was thus delivered from the dangers arising
from that powerful and active family. The father had died shortly
after the execution of his other two sons, and now the last and
greatest of his house was gone. Of those bearing the same name,
Don Carlos, a quiet citizen, lived at his farm at Vina a la Mai-, near
ception, and had been a foot soldier in the first army of the patriots;
having been made prisoner by the royalists, he entered their army,
and was taken soon after by Makenna, who sent him to head-quarters
on the banks of the Maule, to be tried as a deserter : thence he
escaped, by setting fire to the hut in which he was confined, and
returned to the royalists, when he soon distinguished himself by his
talents, and bore an honourable rank in the army of Osorio at the
battle of Maypu. There he was again taken prisoner, and was con-
demned to death as a deserter, in company with many others : he fell
among the dead, but did not die as was supposed; and in a romantic
way he sent to request an interview with San Martin, who appointed
to meet him in the plapa alone, and the signal of recognition to be three
they had eaten and drunk, march them into his court-yard, while he
stood at the window to see them shot. Some to whom he had pro-
mised safety he delivered over to the Indians, whose cruel customs
The mechero is the aparatus for striking fire to light the segars, which every person
in Chile carries with him.
with regard to prisoners of war he well knew ; and they were horribly
murdered. When General Prieto wrote to inform him of the fall
of Lima, and the hopelessness of his further perseverance in warfare,
he answered, that he would struggle against Chile with his last
soldier, even although it should be acknowledged by the king and
the nation. He fitted out a privateer to cruize against every flag,
and so to provide himself with food and ammunition ; and at length,
on the 1st of
February, 1822, finding he could hold out no longer,
he attempted to escape to some of the Spanish ports in a small boat,
but being obliged to put into Topocalma for water, he was recognised,
seized, and sent to Santiago, where, on the 21st, he was tried and
sentenced to death.
On the 23d he dragged from prison, tied to the tail of a mule,
and then hanged in the palace square: his head and hands were cut
off, to be exposed in the towns he had ravaged in the south, and such
indignities offered to his remains as appeared more like the revenge
of savages than the punishment of a just government in the
nineteenth century.
However, though the director gave way to this execution, he forbid
any of the followers of Benevideis to be punished with death, as the
continental part of Chile was now free from enemies; and there only
remained the troops under Quintanilla, who still held out in Chiloe.
It is difficult to imagine on what grounds a report was spread about
this time, that when Lord Cochrane sailed in pursuit of the enemy's
frigates towards the northern ports, he would never return to Chile. *
Possibly it might arise from the knowledge of the dreadful state of
his ships, in which
other commander would probably have ven-
tured to sea; and that
some hoped, while many dreaded, that they
would never again be heard of. However that may be, San Martin
made use of the period of his absence to endeavour to ruin him in
Judging by themselves, the propagators of the reports pretended to imagine, that
having sent his family home in order that his children might be educated in England, the
admiral meant to seize on such Spanish property on the coast as would enrich him, and so
render him careless of the country he had engaged to serve. But they little knew him.
the opinion of the government of Chile; and sent his worthy depu-
ties, Colonel Paroissien (who owed every thing to Lord Cochrane)
and Garcia del Rio, to Chile, with a string of accusations, some of
them of the most ridiculous nature, and others, though of a deeper
colour, equally false and impossible witli regard to His Lordship.
Cowardice, cruelty, and treachery, the vices of his own character,
San Martin did not venture to impute to him, so he charged him
with dishonesty and avarice ; and adduced as proofs, the demands
His Lordship had made in behalf of the seamen of the squadron,
and for supplies to the ships. * But the government did not
appear to believe the charges, though the dread of coming to hos-
tilities with San Martin kept them quiet for the present. Docu-
ments, in fact, existed in the public offices at Santiago which dis-
proved the whole of the direct charges against the Admiral. But the
latter part of the memorial presented by Paroissien and Del Rio,
of all kinds abounds there, and there were many excellent artificers.
The government countenanced and encouraged all his proceedings.
Public entertainments were given by both parties, and the most
friendly intercourse was kept up.
The expenses of all the repairs, as well as of revictualling the ships,
defrayed by His Lordship, out of money that he had on board
belonging to himself and the squadron : they willingly applied it in
that way, trusting to be reimbursed by the government of Chile ; and
they were too eager to accomplish their object of lowering the last
Spanish flags flying in the Pacific to brook any delay.
The artificers wrought so diligently, that by the 20th of November
the ships were ready for sea. On Lord Cochrane's departure, the
people of Guayaquil complimented him with a poem in his honour,
illuminated with gold letters, and placed under a glass in an ebony
frame. His Lordship returned the compliment by an address to the
The reception that the squadron of Chile has met with from you,
not only shows the generous sentiments of your hearts, but proves, if
such proof were necessary, that a people capable of asserting its inde-
manufactures; and compare them with the just and liberal notions
you now entertain on these matters. Did you not, accustomed to
the blind habits of Spanish monopoly, believe, that it would be a
only for your benefit ? and you kept officers, seamen, and ships, for
your own commerce, without needing that of other nations. Now
you perceive the truth ; and an enlightened government is ready not
only to follow the public opinion in the promotion of your riches,
happiness, and strength, but to assist it by the glorious privilege of
disseminating, by means of the press, the just opinions of great and
wise men on political matters, without fear of the Inquisition, the
stake, or the faggot.
It is very gratifying to me to observe the change that has taken
and all the various productions of this beautiful and rich province,
cultivated by the 9999, must ultimately come to the hands of
the monopolist as the only purchaser of what they have to sell,
and the only seller of all they must necessarily buy! Show that
the inevitable consequence of the want of competition will be,
that he will buy (and let him deny it if he can) the produce of the
country at the lowest possible rate, and he will sell his mer-
chandise to his 9999 fellow-citizens as dear as possible; so that
not only will his 9999 countrymen be injured, but the lands will
of foreign and domestic goods for the convenience and the luxury
of the town ; then smuggling will cease, and the returns to the
port and bay for the objects of his search. On the 19th, the ships
anchored in the bay of Fonseca to procure water, and to repair the
The water first discovered proving too brackish for use, the boats
despatched in search of springs, and, on the 21st, they dis-
covered good water eight miles from the first anchorage; on the
25th the ships removed thither, calling the place Christmas Bay.
They set about burning the woods to make a road to the water, and
got it both abundant and good. Meantime the O'Higgins had got
two new pumps prepared, but the water had risen to such a height
in the hold, that the people were baling at all the hatchways; and
though by the 26th her pumps were refitted, the after-hold and
bread-room were obliged to be cleared, and the provisions were
stowed in the hammock nettings. During all this time of difficulty
and distress, the admiral was first in all exertions to relieve the ship
and people, and the last in every thing like self-accommodation.
On one occasion, when every body had given up all for lost, and the
to act, and inspired courage and spirit that brought about the means
ofsafety. But the crew were so exhausted with their incessant labour
of pumping and baling, that thirty men were borrowed from the
Valdivia, and twenty from the Independencia, to assist at the pumps ;
and having at length cleared the ship, on the 28th the squadron left
Fonseca bay.
On the 6th January, 1822, Lord Cochrane put into the bay of
Tehuantepee, taken by the Buccaneers, 1687. There were only 180 of them; they
marched 12 miles over-land; took the city, which had a population of 6000 Spaniards and
40,000 negroes and Indians, well fortified, and an abbey also very strong. The Buccaneers
took the market-place, with the cannon of the walls; carried the abbey, sword in hand ;
kept possession and plundered for three days; and then retired in good order to the
time, the meanness of the governor; and having ascertained that the
two frigates had sailed for Guayaquil.
Lord Cochrane therefore began his voyage southward, which was
incomparably more irksome than that to the northward had been ;
for, in addition to the frequent and sudden gusts of wind on that
coast, the water was so scarce that they had to watch the thunder
showers and catch the rain as it fell in sails ; and this was all they had
for the ships' companies. Captain Crosbie told me he had often sat
in the quarter-boat with his wide hat on, to catch a good drink in
the brim of it, when it was so hot that a draught of cold water was
thought of as the highest luxury. All this time the leak in the
O'Higgins rather increased than lessened; and, to aggravate their
misfortunes, on the 10th the Valdivia discovered a most dangerous
leak under her fore-chains, and began to make three feet water per
hour. On the 13th they thrummed a sail and passed it under her;
but the weather being boisterous, they found it impeded their course,
and on the 16th took off the sail and frapping.
The Independencia being in good repair was ordered to remain on
this coast, to survey and also to watch the Spanish vessels that might
be hovering there. She put into the bay of San Jose for the purpose
of watering, salting beef, and making candles ; after which she pro-
ceeded with her survey, and did not arrive at Valparaiso till the 29th
of June.
In the meantime one of her lieutenants, two of her marines, and
rane, which, though his activity and spirit might have justified, his
lours, taking a bond that she should not be given up to any other
government whatever, without the express consent of Chile, under a
penalty of 8,000 dollars. But these South American governments
seem to
laugh at contracts. This was shortly broken, and the penalty
has never been paid ; so that the officers and men of the squadron,
which pursued them at their own expense, having paid for the re-
ships, but have literally been defrauded of the sums they spent in their
pursuit. The causes and consequences of this public dishonesty will
appear from some facts which will be hereafter stated.
The squadron put in at Guambacho, a little bay south of Guaya-
board one. The ships then proceeded ; and on the 25th of April
p 2
templated ; and, among other bribes, fitted well enough indeed to the
semi-barbarous taste of his employer, he talked to Lord Cochrane of
a diamond star of the Order of Merit which had been prepared for
him, and which, as well as a kind letter from San Martin, had been
withheld on the receipt of a letter which he had addressed the day
before, which was that of his arrival, to the minister of war. Lord
Cochrane's answer to all this was—That he could not and would not
Rio and Paroissien had laid their file of accusations against Lord
Cochrane before the government of Chile, and had demanded signal
vengeance on him in their employer's name. It sets the character
and conduct of San Martin in a light so odious as to gain full credit to
the idea, that he was the instigator of two attempts to assassinate the
admiral about this time, made by persons who contrived to get on
board the ship by stealth. One of these was an Englishman, who had
been for some time confined in the prison at Callao for murder of
an atrocious kind, and who was
suddenly liberated, no one knew how
why. This wretch, on being detected lurking about the ship, could
give no account of himself or his business; and it was only known
that he was protected by San Martin. That Monteagudo should be
the willing agent in a scheme for trepanning Lord Cochrane for the
crowded into her that she could scarcely contain them every night,
and every thing was done to prevent a fate similar to that of the
Esmeralda ; but Plis Lordship is said to have sent word he did not
mean to take her, otherwise he would do it in
spite of all precautions,
and that in midday too.
Ministry of Marine,
Santiago cle Chile, 4th June, 1822.
Most Excellent Sir,
The arrival of Your Excellency in the city of Valparaiso with the
squadron under your command, has given the greatest pleasure to
His Excellency the supreme director ; and in those feelings of gra-
titude which the glory acquired by Your Excellency during the late
protracted campaign has excited, you will find the proof of that high
consideration which your heroic services so justly deserve.
Among those who have a distinguished claim are the chiefs and
officers, who, faithful to their duty, have remained on board the
vessels of war of this State, a list of whom Your Excellency has ho-
noured me by enclosing. These gentlemen will, most assuredly,
receive the recompense so justly due to their praiseworthy constancy.
Please to accept the assurance of my highest esteem.
To His Excellency the Vice Admiral and Commander-
in-chief of the Squadron, the Eight Honourable
the Lord Cochrane.
Ministry of Marine,
Santiago de Chile, 19th June, 1822.
Most Excellent Sir,
HisExcellency the Supreme Director, being desirous of making
public demonstration of the high services that the squadron has
rendered to the nation, has resolved, that a medal be struck for the
officers and crews of the squadron, with an inscription expressive of
Lord Cochrane had now been two years half at the head of
and a
the naval force of Chile ; he had taken, destroyed,or forced to sur-
render every Spanish Vessel in the Pacific ; he had cleared the western
coast of South America of pirates. He had reduced the most im-
portant fortresses of the common enemy of the patriots, either by
storm, or by blockade ; he had protected the commerce, both of the
native and neutral powers ; and had added lustre even to the cause
of independence, by exploits worthy of his own great name, and a
firmness and humanity which had as yet been wanting in the noble
April 28th,
//is Majesty's ship Doris, Valparaiso harbour, Sunday night,
1822.—Many days have passed, and I have been unable and unwilling
to resume my journal. To-day the newness of the place, and all the
other circumstances of our arrival, have drawn my thoughts to take
some interest in the things around me. I can conceive nothing
glorious than the sight of the Andes this morning on ap-
proaching the land at day-break; starting, as it were, from the
ocean itself, their summits of eternal snow shone in all the majesty
of light long before the lower earth was illuminated, when suddenly
the sun appeared from behind them and
they were lost; and we
sailed on for hours before we descried the land.
On anchoring here to-day, the first object I saw was the Chile
State's brig Galvarino, formerly the British brig of war Hecate,
The United States' ships Franklin and Constellation are also here.
As Commodore Stewart saw the Doris
soon as
approach the harbour
with her colours half-mast high, he came to offer every assistance
and accommodation the ship might require ; and hearing that I was on
board he returned, bringing Mrs. Stewart to call on me, and to offer
me a cabin in the Franklin, in case I preferred it to
remaining here,
until I could procure a room on shore.
delayed the sailing of his frigate, the Constellation, in order that she
might carry letters from the Doris round Cape Horn, and would
delay it still farther if I wished to avail myself of the opportunity to
return home immediately. I was grateful, but declined the offer. I
feel that I have neither health nor spirits for such a voyage just yet.
ships, and their flags joined and mingled with those of England and
of Chile ; and their musicians played together the hymns fit for the
burial of the pure in heart; and the procession was long, and joined
by many who thought of those far off, and perhaps now no more ;
and by many from respect to our country: and I believe, indeed I
know, that all was done that the pious feelings of our nature towards
the departed demand ; and if such things could soothe such a grief
as mine
they were not wanting.
But my mind has bowed before him in whose hand are the issues
of life and death. And I know that I cannot stay long behind,
square, at one end of which a door opens into a little dark bedroom,
The royal, religious, and military order of the Merced was instituted by the king
Don Jayme el Conquistador, for the purpose of redeeming captives.
mrnm mkeu '
browsing for mules or horses. Now most of the shrubs are leafless,
and it is totally without grass. But the milky tribe of trees and
shrubs are still green enough to please the eye. A few of them, as
the lobelia, retain here and there an orange or a crimson flower;
and there are several sorts of parasitic plants, whose exquisitely beau-
tiful blossoms adorn the naked branches of the deciduous shrubs, and
whose bright green leaves, and vivid red and yellow blossoms shame
the sober grey of the neighbouring olives, whose fruit is now ripen-
ing. The red soil of my hill is crossed here and there by great ridges
of white half marble, half sparry stone; and all its sides bear deep
marks of winter torrents ; in the beds of these I have found pieces of
green stone of a soft soapy appearance, and lumps of quartz and coarse
granite. One of these water-courses was once worked for gold, but
the quantity found was so inconsiderable, that the proprietor was
pillars, which the Chileno architects fancy they have carved hand-
somely; I found under it two of the most beautiful boys I ever saw,
and very pretty young woman the grandchildren of the old lady.
They all got up from the bench eager to receive me, and show me
kindness. One of the hoys ran to fetch his mother, the other went
to gather a bunch of roses for me, and the daughter Joanita, taking
me into the house
gave me some beautiful carnations. From the
garden we entered immediately into the common sittingroom,
where, according to custom, one low latticed window afforded but a
scanty light. By the window, a long bench covered with a sort of
coarse Turkey
carpet made here, runs nearly the length of the room,
and before this a wooden platform, called the estrada, raised about
six inches from the ground, and about five feet broad, is covered
with the same sort of carpet, the rest of the floor being bare brick.
A row of high-backed chairs occupies the opposite side of the room.
On a table in a corner, under a glass case, I saw a little religious
although bent with age she has no other sign of infirmity; her walk
is quick and light, and her grey eyes sparkle with intelligence. She
wears her silver hair, according to the custom of* the country, un-
covered, and hanging down behind in one large braid; her linen
shift is gathered up pretty high on her bosom, and its sleeves are
visible near the wrist: she has a petticoat of white woollen stuff, and
her gown of coloured woollen is like a close jacket, with a full-plaited
hours for letting the water into them are regulated with reference to
the convenience of the neighbours, through whose grounds the com-
mon stream
passes. One part of every chacra is an arboleda, or
orchard, however small, and few are without their little flower plot,
where most of the common garden flowers of England are cultivated.
The lupine both perennial and annual is native here. The native
bulbous roots surpass most of ours in beauty, yet the strangers are
treated with unjust preference. Roses, sweetpeas, carnations, and
jasmine are deservedly prized ; mignonette and sweetbriar are scarce,
and honeysuckle is not to be procured. The scabious is called here
the widow's flower, and the children gathered their hands full of
it for me.
being put on green, contracts and hardens as it dries, and makes the
most secure of all bands. The flooring of both cart and coach con-
sists of hide; the cart is tilted with canes and straw neatly wattled ;
the coach is commonly of painted canvass, nailed over a slight frame
with seats on the sides, and the entrance behind. The coach is
commonly drawn by a mule, though oxen are often used for the pur-
pose; and always for the carts, yoked as for the plough. Oxen will
travel hence to Santiago, upwards of ninety miles, with a loaded
waggon in three days. These animals are as fine here, as I ever saw
them in any part of the world; and the mules particularly good.
It is needless to say anything of the horses, whose beauty, temper,
and spirit, are unrivalled, notwithstanding their small size.
11 th May.—This morning, tempted by the exceeding fineness of
the weather, and the sweet feeling of the air, I set out to follow the
little water-course that irrigates my garden, towards its source.
After skirting the hill for about a furlong, always looking down on
a fertile
valley, and now and then gaining a peep at the bay and
shipping between the fruit trees, I heard the sound of falling water,
and on turning sharp round the corner of a rock, I found myself in
quebrada, or ravine, full of great blocks of granite, from which
bright plentiful stream had washed the red clay as it leaped down
from ledge to ledge, and fell into a little bed of sand glistening with
particles of mica that looked like fairy gold. Just at this spot, where
myrtle bushes nearly choaked the approach, a wooden trough detained
part of the rivulet in its fall, and led it to the course cut in the hill
for the benefit of the cultivated lands on this side; the rest of the
stream runs to theSantiago road, where meeting several smaller
rills, it waters the opposite side of the valley, and finds its way to the
But this
valley, like all those in the immediate neighbourhood of
Valparaiso, wants trees. The shrubs, however, are beautiful, and mixed
here and there with the Chilian aloe (Pourretia Coarctala), and the
Friday, May 17///.—Three days of half fog, half rain, have given
notice of the breaking up of the dry season, and my landlord has
accordingly sent people to prepare the roof for the coming wet
weather. This has given me an opportunity of being initiated in all
the mysteries of Chileno masonry, or architecture, or whatever title
may give to the manner of building here. The poorest peasants
live in what I conceive to be the original hut of every country, a
little less carefully constructed here, where the climate is so fine and
the temperature so equal, that, provided the roof is sufficient during
the rains, the walls are of little consequence. These huts are made
of stakes stuck in the ground, and fastened together with transverse
This is theonly rivulet near Valparaiso: the old maps and travels, therefore, which
represent the port as standing at the mouth of a river are wrong. Valparaiso is midway
between the mouths of the Acoucagua and of the Maypu.
R 2
pieces of wood, either with soga or twine, made from the hemp of
the country, with the bark of a water tree not unlike the poplar, or
with thongs. Some have only a thick wattled wall of myrtle, or
broom ; others have the chinks in the wattling filled in with clay,
and whitewashed either with lime, — which the natives knew how to
prepare from beds of shells found in the country before the invasion
of the Spaniards,—or with a kind of white ochre, which is very fine,
and is found in pretty large beds in different parts of the country.
The roofs are more solidly constructed, having usually over the
which is spread over the coarser plaister, both without and within
the houses.
The brick buildings, and such huts as are plaistered within and
without over the wattled work, and tiled, are called houses; the
others arecalled, generally, ranchos. The word rancho is, however,
also applied to the whole group of buildings that form the farm-
steading of a Chilian peasant. Every thing here is so far back with
regard to the conveniences and improvements of civilised life, that if
we did not recollect the state of the
Highlands of Scotland seventy
years ago, it would be scarcely credible that the country could have
been occupied for three centuries by so polished and enlightened a
opening of the port, retail shops for all sorts of European goods are
nearly as common at Valparaiso as in any town of the same size in
England. But the people of the country are still in the habit of
spinning, weaving, dying, and making every article for themselves in
their own houses, except hats and shoes. The distaff and spindle,
the reel, the loom, particularly the latter, are all of the simplest and
grossest construction ; and the same loom, made of a few cross sticks,
serves to weave the linen shirt or drawers, the woollen jacket and
through the woods: the hair is usually braided in one large braid
hanging down behind, and a coloured handkerchief is tied over the
head, above which a straw hat is fastened with black cord. In some
districts black felt hats are used ; in others, high caps.
When the
Chileno rides, which he does on every possible occasion, he uses as
a cloak, the
poncho, which is the native South American garb : it
is a piece of square cloth, with a slit in the centre, just large enough
to admit the head, and is peculiarly convenient for riding, as it
leaves the arms quite free, while it protects the body completely.
A pair of coarse cloth gaiters very loose, drawn far up over the
knee, and tied with coloured listing, defend the legs ; and a huge
pair of spurs, with rowels often three inches in diameter, complete
the equipment of an equestrian. These spurs are sometimes of
copper, but the true pride of a Chileno is to have the stirrups,
and the ornaments of his bridle, of silver. The bridles are usually
made of plaited thongs, very neatly wrought; the reins terminate
in a bunch of cords also of plaited thongs, which serves as a whip.
The bit is simple, but very severe. The saddle is a wooden frame
placed over eight or nine folds of cloth, carpet, or sheepskin; and
over that frame are thrown other skins, dressed and
dyed either blue,
brown, or black; above all, the better sort use a well-dressed soft
leather saddle-cloth, and the whole is fastened on with a stamped
leather band, laced with thongs instead of a buckle. Some go to
great expense in their saddle-cloths, carpets, skins, &c.; but the
material is in all nearly the same, and a saddled horse looks as if be
had a burden of carpets on his back. To the saddle is usually fas-
tened the laza or cord of plaited hide, which the Spanish American
his own shooting. They are somewhat larger than the partridges in
England, but I think quite as good, when properly dressed, or rather
plucked ; but the cooks here have a habit of scalding the feathers
off, which hurts the flavour of the bird. There are several kinds of
birds here good to eat, but neither quail nor pheasant. They have
plenty of enemies: from the condor, through every variety of the
eagle, vulture, hawk, and owl, down to the ugly, dull, green parrot
of Chile, which never looks tolerably well, except on the wing, and
then the under part, of purple and yellow, is handsome. The face
is peculiarly ugly : his parrot's beak being set in so close as to be to
other parrots what the pug dog is to a greyhound. They are great foes
to the little singing birds, whose notes as well as plumage resemble
Pigeons are not very common; but they thrive well, and are made
pets of: — in short, this delightful climate seems favourable to the
production of all that is necessary for the use and sustenance of man.
Monday, May 20th.—This is but a sad day. The Doris sailed early,
and I feel again alone in the world ; in her are gone the only relation,
the only acquaintance I have in this wide country. In parting between
friends, those who go have always less to feel than those who re-
main. The former have the exertion of moving;,
<D 7 the charms of
novelty, or at least variety of situation, and the advantage that new
objects do not awaken associations connected with the subjects of
regret. Whereas the stationary person sees in each object a
English and foreigners, persuade me that there are yet many kindly
hearts around me, and check the regrets I might otherwise indulge
in. Yet I cannot forget that I am a widow, unprotected, and in a
foreign land; separated from all my natural friends by distant and
dangerous ways, whether I return by sea or land !
22d. —We have news from Peru, for the first time since my arrival,
I think. A body of General San Martin's army has been sur-
ships into patriot ports, where they have been forced to surrender;
and it is said that San Martin has offered most flattering terms of
reconciliation to Lord Cochrane. If I understand matters aright,
it may be possible for His Lordship to listen to them, for the sake
of'the cause ; but, personally, he will surely never repose the slight-
est confidence in him.
23d.—To-day, for the first time since I came home, I rode to the
port; and had leisure to observe the shops, markets, and wharf, if
one may give that name to the platform before the custom-house.
very artificial compared to the simple grace of the Chileno girls who
employ her, would make no bad companion to Hogarth's French
dancing-master leading out the Antinous to dance. The English
shops are more numerous than any. Hardware, pottery*, and cot-
ton and woollen cloths, form of course the staple articles. It is
amusing to observe the ingenuity with which the Birmingham artists
have accommodated themselves to the coarse transatlantic tastes.
The framed saints, the tinsel snuff-boxes, the gaudy furniture, make
one smile when contrasted with the decent and elegant simplicity
of these things in Europe. The Germans furnish most of the glass
in common use : it is of bad quality to be sure; but it, as well as
the lit tie German mirrors, which are chiefly brought to hang up as
votive offerings in the chapels, answers all the purposes of Chileno
A great deal of
coarse china ware is brought by the English traders directly across
the Pacific. A few silks, crapes, and stuffs, with Indian muslins, also come here; but
most of the fine articles go at once to Santiago.
being out of town in the Almendral, and the carcases are brought
into the butchers' houses on horseback or in carts. The beef, mutton,
and pork, are all excellent; but the clumsy method of cutting it up
spoils it to the English eye and taste. A few Englishmen, however,
have set up butcheries, where they also corn meat; and one of them
has lately made mould candles as fine as any made in England, which
is a real benefit to the country. The common candles, with thick
wicks and unrefined and unbleached tallow, are, indeed, disgusting
and wasteful.
The fish-market is indifferently supplied, I think chiefly from indo-
lence, for the fish is both excellent and abundant. One of the most
delicate is kind of smelt; another, called the congrio, is as good as
the best salmon trout, which it resembles in taste; but the flesh is
white, the fish itself long, very flat towards the tail, and covered with
abeautiful red-and-white marbled skin. There are excellent mullet,
which the natives dry as the Devonshire fishers do the whiting to
make buclchorn; besides a number of others whose names, either
English or native, I know not. There is one which, if eaten quite
fresh, is as good as the john doree, to which it bears great external
5 2
they are excellent in their way ; but then the backward state of hor-
ticulture, as of every thing else, renders them much worse than they
might be. Here fruit will grow in spite of neglect; and, though this
is not the season for green or fresh fruits, the apples, pears, and
grapes, the dried peaches, cherriesjy and figs, and the abundance of
oranges and limes, as well as quinces, prove that culture alone is
wanting to bring almost every fruit to perfection. As to the kitchen
vegetables, the first and best are the potatoes, natives of the soil, of
the very first quality. Cabbages of every kind; lettuces, inferior only
to those of Lambeth ; a few turnips and carrots, just beginning to
See Frezier, for a better catalogue of the fishes.
fA single cherry plant was brought into Chile about the year 1590, whence all those of
Chile and Juan Fernandez have sprung.
prove the repast. But the greatest comfort to the market people is
a fountain of excellent water which falls from a hideous lion's mouth
in the wall of the government house, or rather of the little fort which
the governor inhabits, into a rude granite basin. There is no want
of water about Valparaiso; but it is clumsily managed, as far as
relates to domestic comfort and to watering the shipping in the
harbour. The most convenient watering-place is supplied by a pretty
abundant stream that is led close to the beach; but it passes by and
medicines, inscribed all over with the celestial signs, oddly inter-
mixed with packets of patent medicines from London, dried herbs,
and filthy gallipots, there are fishes' heads and snakes' skins; in
one corner a great condor tearing the flesh from the bones of a
all thy faults, I love thee still, Cowper said at home, and Lord
Byron at Calais. For my part, I believe if they had either of them
been in Valparaiso, they would have forgotten that there were any
faults at all in England. It is very pretty and very charming to read
of delicious climates, and myrtle groves, and innocent and simple
people who haveTew wants ; but as man is born a social and an im-
provable, if not a perfectable animal, it is really very disagreeable to
perform the retrograde steps to a state that counteracts the blessings
of climate, and places less comfort in a palace in Chile than in a
labourer's hut in Scotland. Well did the Spirit say, It is not good
for man to live alone. While I had another to communicate with,
I used to see the fairest side of every
picture ; now I suspect myself
of that growing selfishness, that looks with coldness or dislike on all
not conformable to my own tastes and ideas, and that sees but the
sad realities of things. The poetry of life is not over; but I begin to
feel that Crabbe's pictures are truer than Lord Byron's.
Monday, May 21th.—Tempted by the fineness of the day, and a
desire to see wild trees again (for there are none but fruit trees in the
immediate neighbourhood of Valparaiso), I determined to take a
country ride, and to treat my maid with the same. The difficulty
was in mounting her, as I had but one side-saddle; however she
having a back and sides like an ill-made chair, covered with coloured
velvet; and we went boldly up the Sorra or Sierra, that backs the
town, by the Santiago road for a few miles, and then turned into a
delightful valley called the Caxon de las Palmas, being part of the
large estate of the same name depending on the Merced. For the
first half mile we descended a steep hill, not richer in herbs or shrubs
are more
respected by the natives, who do not cut the leaves, or at
least do not so completely strip the trees of them as they do the
barren plants. Perhaps, however, the accident of a palm growing
within the limit of the fields may account for this, and that the
tapped for the saccharine juice in the East Indies. I mean to suggest
to some of my friends to try whether this tree, like the true cocoa-nut
yields the toddy from which the best East Indian arrack is distilled.
Pedro Ordonez de Cevallos says the Indians call it Maguey, and
make honey, wine, vinegar, cloth, cord, and thatch from it. *
After stopping some time at the first group of palms, we rode
along the Caxon by the wood-cutters' paths, till stopped by the
thickets, following the course of the stream ; which sometimes flowed
through a smooth valley, and sometimes between mountains so steep
that the sun had not reached the bottom by noon-day, and the shrubs
sparkling with white dew. On our return, we met the first
flock of sheep I had seen here. They are rather small; the fleeces
appear fine and thick; they fetch at present from two to three, or
even four reals, when
very fine ; but just now the price of the whole
sheep would not exceed seven reals. I am happy to say, that during
my ride I saw several fields newly brought into cultivation : it is
painful to see the waste of fertile land here; but the country wants
Is this the honey which Cabeza de Vacca found among the Guaranies in such plenty
when he crossed from St. Catherine's to Assumption over-land ? The bread made of pine
flour may have been plentiful, but not very agreeable. The nut fresh is larger, but like
the pine-nut of Italy: there are two kinds; one like the chocolate-nut, the other longer,
paler, and shining; both produced in great abundance in the Cordillera de los Andes.
The Chilian Agave is also described under the name of Magueyand, in the northern
provinces, its juices are converted into a kind of treacle and a fermented drink. The fibres
of the leaves make good canvass and cordage. I suspect this is the true Maguey.
May 30th.—I dined to-day in the port, with my very kind friends,
Mr.Hogan, the American consul, and his wife and daughters; and met
Captain Guise, lately of the Chileno naval service, together with his
followers Dr. and Mr. .
Captain Guise was exceedingly polite
to me, and appears to be a good-natured gentlemanlike man. I have no
of his own
ship and his own actions, without rule or subordination.
But the government wisely foresaw that danger; and the English
naval code adopted, and rigid subordination established; the
nently felt.
By letters from Lima received this day, it appears that Lord Coch-
rane had not gone on shore in Peru *; that he lies in Callao
with his guns shotted ; and that we may soon expect him here.
I had an opportunity to-day of observing how carelessly even sen-
sible men make their observations in foreign countries, and on
See page 108. of the Introduction to this part of the Journal, for the reasons of this,
h Frezier gives an excellent plate and description of it. See likewise the Appendix.
T 2
and taste to adorn the first walks of literature, gave up the greatest
fame to do the greatest good, by forming the minds of the young,
and leading them to proper objects of pursuit. I am proud to belong
to the sexand nation, which will furnish names to engage the rever-
ence and affection of our fellow-creatures as long as virtue and liter-
ature continue to be cultivated. As long
there are parents to
teach and children to be taught, nomother will hear with
father, no
indifference the names of Barbauld, Trimmer, or Edgeworth. Even
here, in this distant clime, they will be revered. The first stone is
laid; schools are established, and their works are preparing to form
and enlighten the children of another language and another hemi-
Friday, May 31st.—To-day I indulged myself with a walk which
I had been wishing to take for some days, to an obscure portion of the
Almendral, called the Rincona, or nook, I suppose because it is in a
little corner formed by two projecting hills. My object in going thi-
ther was to see the manufactory of coarse pottery, which I supposed
to be established there, because I was told that the ollas, or jars, for
cooking and carrying water, the earthen lamps, and the earthen
brassiers, were all made there. On quitting the straight street of the
Almendral, a little beyond the rivulet that divides it from my hill, I
turned into a lane, the middle of which is channelled by a little
stream which falls from the hills behind the Rincona, and after being
subdivided and led through many a garden and field, finds its way
much diminished to the sand of the Almendral where it is lost.
hour, no machinery, not even the potter's wheel, none of the aids to
industry which I had conceived almost indispensable to a trade so
artificial as that of making earthenware. At the door of one of the
poorest huts, formed merely of branches and covered with long grass,
having a hide for a door, sat a family of manufacturers. They were
seated on sheep-skins spread under the shade of a little penthouse
formed of green boughs, at their work. A mass of clay ready tern-
pered * lay before them, and each person according to age and abi-
lity was forming jars, plates, or dishes. The work-people were all
women, and I believe that no man condescends to employ himself in
this way, that is, in making the small ware: the large wine jars, & c.
of Melipilla are made by men. As the shortest way of learning is to
mix at once with those we wish to learn from, I seated myself on the
sheep-skin and began to work too, imitating as I could a little girl who
making a simple saucer. The old woman who seemed the chief
directress, looked at me very gravely, and then took my work and
showed me how to begin it anew, and work its shape aright. All this,
to be sure, I might have guessed at; but the secret I wanted to learn,
whence the clay has been dug, or rather scraped with the hands,
serve for this purpose.
The wood chiefly used for these simple fur-
naces is the espinella or
small thorn, not at all the same as the espina
or common firewood of the
country, which is the mimosa, whose
flowers are highly aromatic. The espinella has more the appear-
ance of a thorny coronilla. It is said to make the most ardent fire
of any of the native woods. The pottery here is only for the most
ordinary utensils; but I have seen some jars from Melipilla and
Penco which in shape and workmanship might pass for Etruscan.
These are sometimes sold for as high prices as fifty dollars, and are
used for holding water. They are ornamented with streaks, and vari-
patterns, in white and red clay, where the ground is black ; and
where it is red or brown, with black and white. Some of the red jars
have these ornaments of a shining substance that looks like gold
dust, which is, I believe, clay having pyrites of iron ; and many
have grotesque heads, with imitations of human arms for handles,
and ornaments indented on them; but, excepting in the forming of
the heads and arms, I do not recollect any Chileno vase with raised
decorations. *
On the Peruvian vases procured from the tombs, there are many and various patterns
in relief; but I have not seen any modern Peruvian pottery.
place for the man and wife, or rather for the wife, for I believe the
pass the greater part of every night, according to the custom
of the country, sleeping, wrapped up in their ponchos, in the
and its unchecked powers. Oh ! what, when the busy longing after
immortality is gratified, can have power to bring the spirit down to
earth ? Not, surely, a lingering fondness for its ancient dwelling; —
no, it must be love, which feels like an immortal sentiment for some
kindred and congenial spirit that could prompt us to hover near till
that spirit joined us in our flight to eternity. I firmly believe that
no communication can take
place between those once gone, and the
habitants of earth. But will not the
happier friend be conscious of
the feelings and regrets of those he has left; may he not watch over
them and welcome them at last to his own state ? There is nothing
inequality awakens consciousness; and I roused myself to my
daily task of study, and of writing down the occurrences of the day.
I have often thought a collection of faithful journals might furnish
better food to a moral philosopher for his speculations, than all the
formal disquisitions that ever were written. There are days of hurry
and happy occupation, that leave also a hurry of spirits, that per-
mits but the shortest and most concise entries; others there are,
where idleness and the self-importance we all feel, more or less, in
writing a journal, swell the pages with laborious trifling; and some,
again, where a few short sentences tell of a state of mind that it
requires courage indeed to exhibit to another eye. A copied journal
is less characteristic: it may be equally true, it may give a better,
because a more rational and careful account of countries visited;
and the copying it, may awaken associations and lead the writer to
modesty, and there are feelings for others which will blot out many
yet the journal is true; true to nature, true to facts, and
true to a better feeling than often dictates the momentary lines of
Captain Graham was a very young midshipman in the Thetis when Lord Cochrane
was an elder one. Sir A. Cochrane was the captain.
declaring their office perpetual and hereditary, the whole power had
been left in the single hands of the director: if he had had a spark of
ceeding three months, while the executive power still remains in the
hands of the director. *
If sucli assembly should honestly do its duty, nothing could be
wiser than this measure. But chosen by the executive, and therefore
biassed not unnaturally in its favour, it appears to me, that every pos-
sible difficulty lies in the way of obtaining through that assembly an
effective representative government; and it might have been wiser,
and certainly, as the government is constituted, as legal, to have
issued a decree for electing representatives for the towns at once.
See Gazeta Ministeriel de Chile, No. 44. torn. iii.
u 2
single accountable chief from each department would answer every end.
Here, where so few have received an education fit to become
legislators, the lawyers and the clergy must bear an undue propor-
tion to the rest. For the maritime town of Valparaiso a priest is
elected; and the merchants, who will fill up the other places with
perhaps three or four soldiers, while there is no representative for the
navy, are men whose views have become contracted by their hitherto
confined speculations, and from whom, however well-intentioned, it
would be vain to expect any very enlightened proceedings.
I am interested in the character of the people, and wish well
to the good cause of independence. Let the South American
colonies once secure that, and civil liberty, and all its attendant bless-
ings, will come in time.
But I have been writing away the rainy morning, and indulging
in thoughts too much akin to those of Milton's conceited inhabit-
ants of Pandemonium. What have I to do with states or
ments, who am living in a foreign land by sufferance, and who can
tell from experience
June 6th. —
To-day the feast of the Corpus Domini was celebrated;
and I went to the Iglesia Matriz with my friend Mrs. Campbell to
hear her brother Don Mariano de Escalada preach. We went at
9 o'clock : she had put off her French or English dress, and adopted
the Spanish costume ; I did so also, so far as to wear a mantilla
instead of a bonnet, such being the custom on going to church.
A boy followed us with missals, and a carpet to kneel on. The
church, like all other buildings here, appears mean from without;
but within it is large and decently decorated: to be sure the Virgin
was in white satin, with a
hoop and silver fringes, surrounded with
looking-glasses, and supported on either hand by St. Peter and
St. Paul; the former in a lace cassock, and the latter in a robe
formed of the same block which composes his own gracious person-
age. As there was to be a procession, and as the governor was
to be a
principal person in the ceremonies preceding it, we waited
his arrival for the beginning of the service until 11 o'clock; so that
I had plenty of time to look at the church, the saints, and the ladies,
who were, generally speaking, very pretty, and becomingly dressed
with their mantillas and braided hair. At length the great man
arrived, and it was whispered that he had been transacting business
with the admiral, and transmitting to him, and the captains, and other
officers, the thanks of the government for their services.* But the
whispers died away, and the young preacher began. The sermon
was of course occasional; it
spoke in good language of the moral
freedom conferred by the Christian dispensation, and thence the
step was not far to political freedom : but the argument was so
decorously managed, that it could offend none; and yet so strongly
urged that it might persuade many. I was highly pleased with it,
and sorry to see it succeeded by the ceremony of kissing the reliquary,
which seemed as little to the taste of Zenteno as might be, by the
look of ineffable disdain he bestowed on the poor priest who pre-
sented it. The procession was now arranged ; and my friend and I,
to escape joining it, hurried out of church, and took a stand to see it
at some distance. As I saw the mean little train appeal-,—for mean
it was, though composed of all the municipal and military dignitaries
that could be collected, — I could not help thinking of the splendid
show which three years ago I saw on the day of the Corpus Domini
in Rome, and thinking how, in both cases, the form of godliness
denied the power thereof, and as I knelt to the symbols of religion,
how widely different was that faith which worships God in spirit and
in truth.
There was a
pretty part of the show, however, on the water : about
150 little boats and canoes, dressed with the national colours, and
firing rockets every now and then, rowed round the bay, and stopped
at every church, and before every fishing cove, to sing a hymn, or
repairing the ships : there is still enough for him to do. While the
royalists under Quintanilla continue to bold Chiloe, there will always
be a shelter and receptacle for reinforcements from Spain; and
often entreated me
and take matee with her; but my dread of
to go
using the bombilla, or tube which passes round to every body for the
purpose of sucking it up, had hitherto deterred me. However, I
resolved to get over my prejudice, and accordingly walked to her
house this evening. It is built, I should think, something on the plan
of the semi-Moorish houses which the Spaniards introduced into this
Along the wall by the estrada, a covered bench runs the whole
length of the room; and there I was invited to sit, and the matee
was called for.
A relation of the lady then went to the lower end of the estrada,
and sat on theedge of it, before a large chafingdish of lighted
charcoal, on which was a copper-pot full of boiling water. The
matee cups were then handed to the matee maker, who, after putting
in the proper ingredients, poured the boiling water over them, ap-
plied the bombilla to her lips, and then handed it to me ; but it was
long ere 1 could venture to taste the boiling liquor, which is harsher
than tea, but still very pleasant. As soon as I had finished my cup,
it was instantly replenished and handed to another person, and so
on till all were served; two
cups and tubes having gone round the
whole circle. Soon after the matee, sugar-biscuits were handed
round, and then cold water, which concluded the visit. The people
I went to see were of the better class of shopkeepers, dignified by
the name of merchants ; and holding a small landed estate under one
of the mayorasgos near the chacra where I reside. Their man-
ners are decent; and there is a
grace and kindliness in the women
that might adorn the most polished drawing-rooms, and which pre-
vents the want of education from being
o so disgusting
o o
as in our own
florets of lily of the valley, and very fragrant. Both these parasites
are considered by the natives as emollients, and are applied to
I soon found
myself beyond my own knowledge of plants, and
therefore took large handful to a neighbour, reputed to be skilful
And, first, the culen, whose virtues I have mentioned before, and
which I now learned also charm
against witchcraft. The litri,
was a
the leaves of which blister the hands, nay, soacrid is the plant, that
persons but passing by, have their faces swelled by it, and it is dan-
gerous to sleep in its shade. Nevertheless, a drink made from its
berries, is considered wholesome: the wood is hard as iron, and is
used for plough-shares. The algarobilla, a pretty small acacia, yields
a black
dye, and common writing-ink is made from it. Quilo, a small
flowering trailing shrub, the flower is greenish-white, succeeded by a
berry, or rather seed, enclosed in a fleshy cup, divided into five seg-
ments, and exposing the seed; the whole berry is of the size of a
currant, and of a pleasant sub-acid taste : the roots, when boiled, are
used to restore grey hair to its original colour. The floripondio,
(.Datura Arboreal) whose beautiful funnel-shaped flower, milk white,
ten inches long and four broad, smells sweet as the sun goes down.
See Faithful Shepherdess, Act II., for these, and the next thirty-seven lines, for a
delightful descriptive catalogue of some of Our English simples.
yields the finest ashes, and in the greatest quantities of any plant
here. Yerva Mora is a variety of solanum, a specific for complaints
in the eyes : there is a beautiful azure-blue variety, with deeply-in-
dented leaves. * Manzanilla, so called from its smelling of apples,
is a strong bitter, like camomile, and is used in the same manner. It
looks like camomile with the outer florets stripped off: the true
camomile is called Manzanilla de Caslilla. The maravilla or shrubby
sunflower, grows abundantly on all the hills around, and affords ex-
cellent browsing for the cattle. Mayu f, whose pods furnish a dark
powder that makes excellent writing-ink. Pimentella, a kind of sage,
with splendid flowers but dull grey leaves, used for rheumatic pains.
The quillo quilloe, or white lychnis and tornatilla, a mallow, are
also used in medicine; and I saw in the house bundles of dried
Cachanlangue, or lesser herb-centaury, which I was assured was a
sovereign remedy in spitting blood. Besides all these useful plants,
I had gathered the Flor de Soldado, (scarlet celsia,) the Barba de
Such as Smith, in his botany, calls lyrate. See No. 59. in the plates of the leaves,
f Belongs to Linnteus's natural order, Lomentacea.
x 2
Wednesday, June 19th. — These few last days I have been less
alone. My friend Miss H. is staying with me, and we have had many
pleasant walks together; and I have become acquainted with several
of the Chileno naval officers. Captain Foster, who was the senior
captain, has given up his command, and, it is said, has tendered his
resignation to the supreme government: he very kindly came the
other day to superintend the putting up a stove in my little sitting
room. I have hitherto used an open brasier, but, though very com-
fortable, the fumes of the. charcoal must be hurtful; but with a stove,
they pass off through the funnel. Several houses have now English
stoves and grates, but the burning of coal is not yet very general.
English coal is of course dear, and the coal from the province of
Conception, which resembles the Scotch coal, is not yet worked to
a sufficient extent to
supply the market.
Of the officers actually belonging to the squadron, I have seen
gnomical presages are not false, endowed with no small share of his
selfishness, owes every thing, education and promotion, both in the
English navy and this, to Lord Cochrane, and has the reputation of
being an excellent seaman : I find him polite, intelligent, and com-
municative. But the person who seems peculiarly to possess the
information concerning all I want to know, is the physician of the
Bishop Home, speaking of Dr. Johnson, says, that
to refuse to acknowledge the
merit of such a man on account of the coarseness of his
behaviour, what is it but to
throw away the pine-apple, and to allege for a reason the roughness of its coat ?
f Mr. Thompson has been solemnly declared a free citizen of Chile by the government.
peach, cherry, and plum, with all the wild flowers of the neigh-
bourhood, some of which grow almost into the little stream that
through the grounds, and others twine up the stems of the fruit
trees now beginning to blossom. I wish, however, all this was more
neatly kept. Even Eve weeded her garden, and Adam was com-
manded to dress as well as to dig the ground. They showed us a
beautiful green spot, in a recess formed by two hills, where the
young and pretty Lady Cochrane used to bring her parties to dine,
and enjoy the country scenery. Her gaiety and liveliness seemed to
have produced a strong impression on the natives, who talk of her
with admiration and regret. On returning to the house we passed
through the more private garden, and I saw, for the first time, the
lucuma (Achrces Lucumo), a fruit rare here, but sufficiently abundant
in Coquimbo, and which flourishes well in Quillota. The seed,
which resembles a chesnut, is enveloped in a pulp, like the med-
lar in substance, and of an agreeable sweetish flavour. There is
also the chirimoya, (an Anonna, *) so famous in Peru; it is a better
kind of custard apple, and the trees bear a strong resemblance to
One of the coadunatse of Linnseus's natural method.
Among the little girls were two fishermen's children with laver,
another sort of sea-weed, and several kinds of shell-fish for sale,
some of which I had never seen before
and upon my saying so, my
young companion and I were asked to come some day to eat of them
dressed in the country fashion. It was too late to-day to prepare
any ; but we were so earnestly pressed to come back after our
intended walk to the Quebrada, farther on, and partake of the family
dinner, that I, loving to see all things, readily consented; and
accordingly returned at two o'clock to the flower-garden house.
We found the mother sitting alone on the estrada, supported by
her cushions, with a small low round table before her, on which was
not good after the first day. The native bakers usually put suet or
lard into it, that it tastes like cake; a few French bakers, how-
ever, make excellent bread; but that we had to-day was of the coun-
try, and assimilated well with the melted marrow. After this apetizer,
my countrymen would call it, a large dish of charqui-can was
placed before us. It consists of fresh beef very much boiled, with
pieces of charqui or dried beef, slices of dried tongue, and pumkin,
cabbage, potatoes, and other vegetables, in the same dish. Our host-
ess immediately
began eating from the dish with her fingers, and
invited us to do the same ; but one of her daughters brought us each
plate and fork, saying she knew that such was our custom. How-
ever, the old lady persisted in putting delicate pieces on our plates
with her thumb and finger. The dish was good, and well cooked.
It was succeeded by a fowl which was torn to pieces with the hands;
and then came another fowl cut up, and laid on sippets strewed with
chopped herbs ; and then giblets ; and then soup ; and, lastly, a bowl
of milk, and a plate of Harina de Yalli, that is, flour made from a small
and delicate kind of maize. Each being served with a cup of the
milk, we stirred the flour into it; and I thought it excellent from its
resemblance to milk brose. Our drink was the wine of the country;
and on
going out to the veranda after dinner, apples and oranges
were offered to
us. As it was not yet time for the old lady to take
her siesta, I took the opportunity of asking her concerning the belief
of the people of the country as to witches. There is something
in her appearance, when surrounded by her five tall daughters, that
irresistibly put me in mind of the weird sisters, and I felt half inclined
to ask what they were that look'd not like th' inhabitants of earth,
and yet were on it. If I had done so, instead of asking the simple
question I did, my hostess could not have looked more shocked:
she crossed herself, took up the scapulary of the Merced, which she
kissed*; and then said, There have been such things as witches,
This scapulary is a bit of cloth or silk, on one side of which is embroidered a white
cross, on a red ground; and on the other, the arms of Arragon: this is hung round the
Spanish, though some of the materials for both are aboriginal Ame-
ricans : no bad type, I fancy, of the character of the nation.
24i!/r, St. John's day. — The balmy nucca drop* of the midnight,
between the eve of St. John and this
day, seems to-have fallen here:
all is gayand idle, every body walking about in holyday-clothes. I
sorry, however, to find that the time of the Spaniards is talked
of with some little lingering regret. The present government, by
suppressing a great many of the religious shows, has certainly re-
neck, and put me in mind of the Brahminee thread. On the day of the Assumption, those
who have joined that Hermandad, or society, pay two reals, and one more monthly, for the
right of burial in the consecrated ground of the Merced. The scapulary is the receipt the
holy brothers give for the money received.
The drop which falls from heaven, and stops the plague in Egypt. Persons under
the influence of witchcraft are freed by it, Sic. &c. See all oriental tales, and though
among the latest, yet the loveliest, Paradise and the Peri.
lieved the people from a heavy tax, but then it has curtailed their
accustomed amusements; and in a climate such as this, where con-
stant labour is not necessary to support life, some consideration
among a thousand others, the greatest, in every sense, was that cele-
brated on the day of the Ascension, when the doge, proceeding in the
Bucentaur to the open sea, solemnly espoused the Adriatic, in com-
memoration of the triumphant return of the Doge Urseoli on the
day of the Ascension, after having subjected the whole of the Adriatic
to Venice. * It may be said, that to engraft the sacred feelings of
patriotism thus upon the stock of superstition, only fosters the latter ;
and that the enlightened policy of this age, ought to be superior to
the temporising spirit which such a union demands. But the people
are, perhaps, nowhere sufficiently enlightened to be altogether in-
See the Origine delle Feste Veneziane, by one whom I am proud to have seen and
known, whose knowledge, as displayed in her work, is the least of her merits, but whose
truly patriotic feeling for her ruined country must find an echo in every breast. Need I
add the name of Justina Renier Michiele ?
religion over the most useful, and therefore the most favoured class
of Chileno citizens.
June 25lit. — I went with
party to the Lagunilla, a small fresh-
water lake formed from the waters of several little streams, and
divided from the sea only by a bank of sand : the road into the
valley of the lake is good, but the steepest I ever recollect riding.
On leaving Valparaiso, from which the lake is three leagues distant,
we found ourselves on a
high table land, whence we enjoyed a mag-
nificent view of the central Andes on one hand, and the coast with
all its harbours and the other. The little bay of the Lagunilla
bays on
is said not to be safe for
ships, who always make it in coming from
the southward. At the bottom of the valley we found a Rancho, which
just now looks poor and miserable : but it is the poor time of year;
the provisions laid for the season are nearly exhausted, that is, all
but mere necessaries.
Everything in the shape of luxury is gone;
and the peasant waits, not impatiently however, (for the Chilenos are
good-humoured and gay,) for the return of the season that brings his
apples to render his bread more palatable, and the green boughs to
refresh his sheds and his hedges, which, since the crop was taken off
his garden-ground, have gradually disappeared to feed his fire. We
had sent a mule laden with provisions to the spot, and some of our
party had shot some partridges, which were dressed at the Rancho.
Our tablecloth was spread in a pleasant green place, and we dined
within hearing of the little rill that murmurs down the valley, ren-
dering it green and fertile. A few fruit trees grew among the huge
blocks of stone, that in its winter fury it has washed from the neigh-
going into Valparaiso from Brazil; she saluted Lord Cochrane's flag
as she entered. His Lordship himself is still in Santiago; the
world says, occupied in endeavouring to obtain from the justice of
the government the arrears of pay and prize money for the squadron.
Some of his friends, I think injudiciously, and I am confident untruly,
talk of him as interfering with the new government regulations to be
made. Others, perhaps better informed, represent his business to be
the refutation of the absurd charges brought against him by San
Martin.* These charges have proceeded from the basest motives :
envy of his reputation, jealousy of his actions, and fear of his re-
sentment; besides the unwise anger occasioned by his esteeming it
more honourable to show marks of
open displeasure, than to en-
See p. 99. of the Introduction.
stances, I should say that there was even a little affectation in his
great admiration for everything English. However, the people of
Valparaiso are indebted to him for considerable improvements in the
roads and streets ; and a plan for a new market-place, as soon as
the funds will permit, is to be carried into execution. These things
seem little to
Europeans. But they forget that this Valparaiso, one
of the greatest ports on this side of the vast continent of South Ame-
rica, is little more in appearance than an English fishing town.
Sidmoutii is a capital city in comparison. From the governor's house
I went to the jail, a strong uncomfortable building now empty. The
prisoners are transferred to the hospital of San Juan de Dios ; and
I am ashamed to say the Spanish prisoners from Lima, sent by San
Martin, are there also, along with thecommon felons. The Spaniards
were in so wretched a condition on their arrival, that the English
Aikin's translation of the life of Agricola.
subscription; and one of the merchants daily sees their food dis-
29tlx.— The Independencia, one of the Chileno squadron, came in
to-day. She left by Lord Cochrane on the coast to the north-
ward, for the purposes of surveying, aiding the cause of indepen-
dence, and procuring provisions.* The Araucana had been left with
her, but while she was detached on a particular service to the Bay
of Lorero, the captain and others being on shore on duty, the mas-
ter, gunner, and boatswain mutinied, seized the ship, and having
landed all the Chilenos, and such English as would not join them, at
Dolores, they, with sixteen men, sailed, and have not since been heard
of. Forty-seven of the crew, under the captain, are preserved to
the service ; and it is remarkable that there was not a Chileno among
the deserters.
The Independencia has brought some good surveys, and in some
cases has been of
use to the
good cause, by encouraging the coast
towns to declare their adherence to the independent governments, in
All the orders to procure provisions for the Chile squadron, most particularly enjoin
that they shall be duly paid for; or in case of its not being possible to do so, to use force
only with regard to public property under Spanish colours, carefully respecting all private
claims. (See orders to Araucana, &c.) Such has been the constant practice of the squa-
dron, while under Lord Cochrane.
heart. His companions saj, that, with the word Spain on his lips, he
died in the cart and then fell. These are
things to make the heart
ache; and the more painfully, as that the evil comes not from the
ordinary course of nature, wherein men's sufferings and trials come
proportioned to their strength, or from that high hand which is mer-
ciful as powerful; but from man — man who preys upon his fellows;
and who to cruelty adds hypocrisy, and commits his crimes in the
sacred name of virtue. * The story of these prisoners combines all
that is base and cruel, and cowardly; but when was a cruel man
brave! f
It is the festival of Nuestra Senora del Pilar La Avogada de los
Marineros. How could I do otherwise than observe it ? I went to
robes with black crosses and enormous hats, smoking and talking
We all remember the exclamation of Madame Roland, in passing the statue of
Liberty : Oh Liberte! que de crimes on commet en ton nom.
f See p. 88. of the Introduction.
politics. The exile of the bishop ; the probable effect of the expect-
ed assembly on church affairs ; and some murmuring at the choice
of the provincial of the church of San Domingo, Don Celidon Mar-
whispering, in which I now and then heard the words Viuda Inglez,
they resumed their politics; and then, having finished their segars,
walked out. Meantime I had observed several elderly fat women
running about, and mixing various liquors, and carrying them into
several inner apartments; some of these liquors I tasted. Little
spirits or wine was called for; but several kinds of sherbet, the best
of which is Luca, were in great request. The Luca, is an infusion
of Culen, Canela wild cinnamon, with a little syrup, and is said to
be as wholesome as it is pleasant. The house shortly began to fill.
Company after company of young men arrived, and were shown into
different rooms, and I then found out where I was. Some parties
called for dinners of so many dishes, others for wine; some for
sweet drinks and cakes, and music ; and all for segars. Some good-
looking girls now made their appearance, and with guitars entered
the rooms where music had been ordered. Soon we heard the sound
of singing and dancing, and I was quite satisfied that every body was
happy and merry, and left the place, persuaded that the evening
would be still gayer, and that the dances I had often seen among the
Every rude nation gambles ; every very refined people does the
same. The savage has in the intervals of hunting and making war
too much leisure ; life stagnates, he must have a stimulus — he gam-
bles. The gentleman of civilised society needs not hunt for his sub-
mercial speculations and war are only gambling on a larger scale. In-
tellectual pleasures alone supply sufficient stimulus to exertion and
excitement to curiosity, on which gambling to see the end principally
depends, and leave man the richer and better for the exercise. Seve-
ral games are played here so like the games of Europe, and of the
East, that they must of course have been imported by the Spaniards.
The sort of golf played on horseback in Persia, is played in the same
manner here.* Cards, dice, and billiards, are seen within doors;
bowls and skittles, and flying kites, which is equally the sport of the
old and young, are exercised in the open air. One kind of bowls is
new to me. The space of playing is always under a shed. A frame
of wood being laid down, a floor of clay, about 30 feet long by from
15 to 18 feet broad, is very nicely laid, the frame-work rising about
six inches, or from that to a foot, round the whole; a ring fixed on
pivot and turning with the slightest touch, is placed about one-third
from the upper end of the floor; the player seats himself on the frame
at the opposite end, and endeavours to send his bowl through the
bay. Here and there was a shrine at which she stopped, and a chaunt
This is said to have been an Aboriginal game : till the arrival of the Spaniards, it was
played on foot; but since the horse was introduced, every thing is done on horseback in this
sung. Then, having thus visited San Josef, Santa Dolores, and
Santa Geltrudes, she was carried back at sunset to her own altar, and
the Ave Maria Stella was sung. The paltry decoration of the saints
here discovers, by daylight, the hideousness of the superstition : the
looking glasses and the toys are coarse and inelegant. Now, night
had come on, all this was hid, Ave Maria Stella brought back
Italy and that magic power, which even in her decrepitude throws
lustre over her, to my mind. How many a balmy evening I have
listened with delight to the voices singing Ave Maria in the modu-
lated tones of Italy, while Rome herself was hushed at the mo-
ment into religious, awful silence : all save the chaunt mingled with
the noise of the fountains. Of all the characters of the Virgin I love
this best: —
From the beautiful translation of a
Portuguese hymn, by my lamented friend Dr.
machinery, lie was acquitted, although the sentence was sent back
more than once for revisal. However, before he was liberated, he
was forced to pay an immense fine; and his wife and children were
detained as hostages for his banishing himself to Panama, or some
place not nearer. He took refuge on board the Alacrity, and then
went into the Doris, where he won the esteem and regard of every
person on board both ships. San Martin has vulgarly been said
to drink: I believe this is not true; but he is an opium eater, and
his starts of passion are so frequent and violent, that no man feels his
head safe. Every thing is given to the soldiers, therefore his govern-
ment is popular with them ; but it is precarious, and it is thought not
lay on the bosoms of the hills. This salute was in honour of Lord
Cochrane, who had gone on board that frigate on his return from
Santiago. His Lordship rode down to my house in the evening to
tea. He tells me he has leave of absence for four months, with the
schooner Montezuma at his disposal, and that he means to go to visit
the estate in Conception decreed to him by the government long
ago ; but from which he has, as yet, derived no advantage, although
it is one of the most fertile of that fertile province. The truth is, it
is so near the Indians' frontier, and so exposed to their depredations,
that it has lain for some years unoccupied, and the produce has been
only in part gathered in. The bringing such an estate again into
cultivation would be a public much more than a private benefit. The
See De Foe's New Voyage round the World.
only arrived in these seas this year.. It was with no small delight
that I set my foot on the deck of the first steam-vessel that ever
paraiso filled with vessels from Europe, and from Asia, and from
states not yet in existence, and our stately vessel gliding smooth and
swiftly through them without a sail, against the wind and waves, car-
rying on her decks a stronger artillery than he ever commanded, and
bearing on board a hero whose name, even in Peru and Chile, was to
surpass, not only his own, but those of his more famed companions,
the Pizarros.
The cruel policy of Spain with regard to these countries always
repressed any attempt at establishing a coasting trade, although the
shores of Chile abound with harbours most commodious for the pur-
sery for the seamen of Chile, but also the cultivation of many fertile
tracts along the coast. The nearness of the mountains to the shore,
and their very abrupt descent, prevent the existence of very large
rivers or such as are navigable for any extent, but the mouths of the
smaller streams form little harbours, whence the produce of their
astonishingly fertile banks being floated down from the interior might
be embarked with convenience. Yet I do not know one, where any
thing approaching to a coasting trade is encouraged. Hence, the coal
of Conception, though abundant and good, and worked within 300
miles, is dearer in Valparaiso than that brought from England.
Hence, too, the tracts of alluvial soil, washed from the nearer hills by
the winter rains, and kept fruitful by the fresh lakes which are formed
every where by those rains collecting in the valleys, are left uncul-
tivated, though fit for the production of every vegetable; and now
these tracts only contribute to the summer grazing of the cattle;
whereas, if applied to the culture of the more nourishing and pro-
ductive vegetables, sheep, concerning which the greatest difficulty
here is winter fodder, might be encouraged to any extent; and the
wool, which is of excellent quality, would become a valuable article
of trade. But who will grow turnip or beet, when he must pay as
much for the harbour dues of a boat to carry it to market as the
whole culture has cost ? Or who will feed sheep when the wool, if
dyed or manufactured, pays a duty on exportation higher than the
price of cloths imported into the country ? I particularly recollect
that at Coquimbo, in the Copper-mine country, Don Felipe de Solar
paid more in duty upon some copper vessels that he was exporting
than the price of equally good and weighty articles imported from
the little harbours and creeks of the shore passed rapidly along,
as we
and by situation on board the first vessel that has brought to these
seas the most
complete triumph of the genius of man over the ob-
stacles presented by brute matter. I trust the time is not far distant,
when the Rising Star will not be the only steam-vessel on the coast,
and that the wise and benevolent views with which she was brought
out will be fulfilled. * Nothing can be better adapted for packets on
these coasts. The regular winds which now force ships out as far as
Juan Fernandez, in order to make a reasonable passage from Lima
to Valparaiso, are never so strong as to hinder the working of a
pendence of the states should go to war with Spain, who can say
whether, availing themselves of not having made that acknowledge-
ment, they might not be disposed to seize on some part of them as
provinces de jure belonging to the mother-country; and I confess
that a French invasion (for I will not think England so wicked)
would be a most fearful misfortune to these rising states, and one
from which nothing but a naval force could defend them.
I had as much conversation with Zenteno as my yet imperfect
santly away; and we sat down to a table which Europe and America
equally supplied with luxuries; and amused ourselves, perhaps un-
All the materials for two smaller steam-vesselswere carried to
Valparaiso ; but I find
that instead of constructing them properly their arrival, the machinery has been left in
the warehouse which first received it, and the timber applied to the building a ministerial
trader, by which Zenteno and his partner have made, large sums. —1824.
fitting, as this was the first time the machinery had been fairly
tried in these seas ; and was stopped just as we were
our voyage
ing to the engines went through the foresail. Then the wind and
weather increased, and the furniture began to roll about; and at last,
in the morning, we found ourselves farther than ever from our place
of destination. However, breakfast gave us courage; and it was
determined to persevere a few hours longer: but the weather grew
worse and worse; the sky became blacker and blacker,
party, and we shortly after had a scene that I at least shall never
forget. His Lordship's secretary, Mr. Bennet, arrived from Santiago,
whither he had been on business, and brought with him Col. Don
Fausto del Hoyo. This gentleman had been taken prisoner by
Lord Cochrane at Valdivia ; and His Lordship had obtained from
the government a promise of generous treatment for the Colonel.
However, after the Admiral sailed, the same unjust and cruel restric-
tions were laid on him, as on all the other prisoners of war of every
rank. He was thrust into a dark dungeon, and there detained with-
out fire, without light, without books, as if the cruel treatment of
met his generous conqueror, nor the gentle and modest manner in
which they were received and put an end to by His Lordship. After
this had passed, I did not wonder that, notwithstanding our disap-
European models and European practice; but the talent for the
imitative arts is said to be inherent in all, or almost all the Quitehos ;
fectly is he her ape. But sculpture is not the ape, but the perfecter
of nature; so I hear with distrust all these splendid accounts of the
pictures and sculpture bjr native hands that adorn the churches of
Quito and Lima. Such as I have seen here, in the ceiling of the
Merced for instance, are well for the place; and are evidently the
work of some of the Spanish monks, who have decorated their
churches with as much of splendour in the taste of Europe as their
circumstances would permit. The likenesses I have seen are cer-
tainly a degree better than the portraits of China, but they are equally
stiff; and though the Madonas have an air of grace something like
those ancient ones painted before the revival of art, they are ill
drawn, and, above every thing, the extremities are hardly defined
at all. I do not believe that there is a single painter, native or
seeing them run out, fall upon their knees, and pray to all the saints.
Here, in the country, the peasants leave off work, pull off their hats,
beat their breasts, and cry Misericordia, and all leave their houses.
One of the shocks to-day lasted nearly a minute; it was accompanied
by a loud noise, like the sudden escape of vapour from a close place.
It is said that earthquakes are most frequent about the beginning of
the rainy season. Some however, I know not on what data, have
fixed on the months of October and November as most liable to
try seat, having leave of absence for four months ; and in the next,
the ships of the Chileno squadron are in no state to go to sea; and
as the officers and seamen have not been
paid, it is scarcely possible
for the government to think of employing them.
22d. — The wet weather continues, though with hours of sunshine
occasionally. I have been delighted with reading the first new books
I have seen in Chile; Lord Byron's Foscari, Cain, and Sardana-
my actual situation so far from home, surely must touch every heart.
But who that has never left their sweet home except on an expedi-
tion of pleasure, can feel like me this passage —
You never
to be
pursued, and a statement of* the wants of the country ; con-
eluding with a resignation of his authority.
The whole memorial does the Director the highest credit, except-
ing the resignation. This constituent, or, as it is called, preparative
convention, surely is not comeptent to accept it. Indeed, the mem-
bers appear to be aware of it, for they have insisted on his resuming
his authority; and after a long and learned speech from the vice-pre-
sident about the Romans, and the Carthageniaus, and the Phenicians,
deputation waited on the Director, and conferring his office anew
upon him, paid him those compliments so justly due, on account of
his past administration. I think this transaction a mistake on both
sides ; the preparative convention, chosen by the Director himself, was
not the proper assembly into whose hands he could resign the au-
day growth, and there are not many hands destined to pluck the
golden bough; but it is always worth while to be cheerful, and I en-
joyed the day more than I thought three months ago I could have
enjoyed any thing.
August 2d. — Mr'. Hogan brought Judge Prevost, the American
consul-general, who acts also in a sort of ministerial capacity, to visit
me. He is of the family of Prevost of Geneva, which has, although
Professor Prevost.
with ships of war, or of trade, for these hundred years to come, and
that she should hire the former, and employ foreign carriers in lieu
of the latter; the interest of the nation which would in such case
be the gainer is so palpable, that I wonder it did not make the
companions along the coast in his whale boat to this place, subsisting
on shell-fish and seals. He returned to North America, where he
had a wife and family, and employed the greater part of his property
in fitting out a whaler, with which he hoped to redeem his past
losses, and on board of which he once more entered the Pacific.
But at the end of long cruize he put into Valparaiso without a
they were all accordingly secured. Their fate is not yet determined.
The expedition headed by Beauchef, that was to have gone to Chiloe
under the protection of the Lautaro, has, on this and other accounts,
but chiefly for want of provisions, been now so long delayed that
there are no hopes of its proceeding this season ; and Quintanilla has
way; miles of new fences are rising, thickets are disappearing, corn
busy on one of the hills digging for bulbous roots, which abound here.
I immediately joined them, and proceeded on foot towards their
house, which is near the river; not too
near, however, because the
winter floods often encroach largely
the neighbouring plain.
Mr. Miers came to Chile with a large apparatus for rolling cop-
per, with dies for stamping metal, and other machinery, which
adapted only for a country in a much higher state of advance.
He has, however, converted some of his apparatus into excellent
flour mills, and has likewise set up some circular saws for the pur-
But there were no oxen in Chile before the Spaniards.
green thing finds root, and which are high enough to exclude the view
of every other object; on the other hand, a tremendous surf, which
permits not the approach of boat or canoe, beats unceasingly. Half-
way between Concon and Quintero, the great lake of Quintero com-
municates with the sea. In mild weather it only drains through the
sand ; at other times it breaks through its bar, and the ford is not
ing of the Rising Sun, the New Moon, Venus, Hunter, Eolus, and
Lucifer, having tried in vain to water at Valparaiso, put into Quin-
tero, where he erected a half-moon battery, and sent his mariners
ashore to protect his people while wooding and watering. He calls
Quintero a port second to none for shelter, safety, fish, and water.
After him, our countryman Cavendish, and I think some of the buc-
caneers, attempted to settle here ; but the jealousy of the Spaniards
expelled them.
Looking from the house, just where the eye rests upon the grace-
ful sweep of the bay, backed by the cordillera, a beautiful fresh-water
lake seems to repose within its grassy banks. Little hills rise from
it in every direction partially covered with brushwood, partly shaded
pursuits, clear and animated ; and if ever I met with genius, I should
say it was pre-eminent in Lord Cochrane.
After dinner we walked to the garden, which lies in a beautiful
sheltered spot, nearly a league from the house. At the entrance lay
several agricultural implements, brought by His Lordship for the
dezvous, from the mountains and thickets where they were born.
All the tenants of an estate assemble on such an occasion ; and the
young girls are not backward to dress themselves gaily, and appear
at the corral. When the day of the rodeo is appointed, the men,
being all mounted, divide; and each troop has a chief, under whose
orders it advances, keeps close, separates, or falls back, according
to the nature of the ground, — none is too rough, no hill too bold,
Lord Cochrane last sailed from hence. But a few hundreds were
brought together to-day; however, 'tis but the first, and as it is not
the regular season, probably there will be nearly the whole in a few
dressed for the public: the skin, however, belongs to the estate, and
instantly cut up into thongs to make lazas, halters, and all man-
ner of useful
Having spent the forenoon in riding to see the cattle, and plant-
ing fruit trees and strawberries in the garden, Mrs. Miers and I took
leave after dinner, and returned to Concon by way of old Quintero
House, most picturesquely situated near the lake, of which we had
seen the seaward end in x-iding along the beach. Some of the
scenery is very pretty, particularly about the house itself; but as we
coasted the lake towards the ocean, the vegetation began to give way
to sand, and we soon found ourselves going cautiously along a
Captain F. S., and two other gentlemen, who had kindly ridden
from Valparaiso to escort me home. I was really sorry to leave my
kind hosts, who are so superior in knowledge and x-ational curiosity
to any family I have seen for a
long time, that I have enjoyed
my visit more than I can say. We wei'e three hours in reaching
my house, for the road, in many places, does not admit of fast riding;
but a fine sunset, a beautiful view, and agreeable companions, made
only ninety miles, I must take beds as well as clothes, because the inns,
with the exception of that at the first stage, Casablanca, are not
provided with such things. Then I must have mules for my baggage;
my own peon serves as a guide, and I mean to be part of three days
on. the road.
While in town, I met Captain Morgell, late of the Chile States
brig AranzafU, which sunk as they were endeavouring to heave her
down to repair. He left Guayaquil twenty-eight days ago; at which
time the place was actually in possession of Bolivar, who was making
common cause with San Martin, and had
promised to send him 4000
men to aid in the final reduction of Peru. The people of Guayaquil,
influenced by agents from Lima, had been behaving very ill to the
Chile States vessels of war, and even threatened to fire on the
Aranzafu and Mercedes. But they have been kept quiet by Bolivar,
who, though he hates, and is jealous of foreigners, knows, that in the
present state of South America, it is impossible to do without them.
August 22(1. — I began my journey to Santiago. My companion
was the Honourable Frederick de Boos,
midshipman belonging to His
Majesty's ship Alacrity; and I took with me my maid and my peon,
with three baggage mules. We were escorted to the first post-house,
about twelve miles from Valparaiso, by a party of friends, male and
female, who had breakfasted with us. Instead of ascending the
heights of the port by the broad carriage road which Chile owes to
the father of the present Director, we followed the old rugged path,
which, being shorter, is still used by the woodcutters' mules, and
sometimes by the common baggage cattle. This by-way is ex-
tremely rugged, being every where cut through by the winter rains;
which, collecting on the flat grounds above, pour down the hill, fur-
rowing deep channels in the soft red soil. Having once gained the
height, an immense plain, called the Llanos de la Penuela, extended
itself before us, with hills beyond, over whose tops the snowy Andes
appeared. Numerous streams, but none very lai'ge, cross this plain,
and herds of cattle were grazing on it; but it wants trees. At the
end of the plain there is a second post-house; beyond which we en-
tered a winding road, through a hilly ridge that separates the Llanos
de la Pehuela from those of Casablanca. The pastoral and pictur-
esque appearance of this pass reminded us of Devonshire,—the same
grassy hills, and small shaded streams, and groups of cattle. Beyond
the pass, a strait and perfectly flat road of about twelve miles leads
to Casablanca. The plain on either side is nearly covered with es-
pinella, or mimosa, whose fragrant sessile flowers just coming into
blossom perfume the whole atmosphere; and the earth is almost
minute geraniums. But it is yet too early for the most beautiful
part of the Flora of Chile.
Casablanca is a mean little town, with one church, a governor, and
several justices, and sends a member to the convention. It is famous
for its butter and other products of the dairy ; but derives its chief
importance from being the only town on the road between the port
and the city, and also the place at which the produce, whether for
home consumption or exportation, from several neighbouring districts
is collected, before it proceeds either to the city or to Valparaiso.
One long street and a square constitute the town, but the greater
part of the population of the parish resides in the farms in the neigh-
bourhood. The square is not unlike a village green; the little
church stands on one side, two inns and a few cottages and gardens
of Chile for the first time the use of brooms sweep their houses ; a
reaching the height, its woody glens, and the snowy mountains beyond,
formed a very beautiful picture; the sky was serene, and the tempera-
ture delightful. In short, it might have been Italy, but that it wanted
the tower and the temple to show that man inhabited it: but here all
is too new ; and one half expects to see a savage start from the nearest
belongs ; it lies under part of the ridge that forms the Cuesta de
Prado, and has little remarkable to recommend it. The post-house
is kept by a most civil and attentive old lady, who gave us very good
mutton and excellent claret for dinner, and a clean room to sleep in :
the floor is mud; and in different corners posts are stuck so as to
form bed-places, on which we placed our matrasses, and slept
-longs from the junction of the old and the new roads of the Cuesta
de Prado. Looking to one side, the long valleys we had passed
stretched out into a distance doubled by the morning mist, through
which the surrounding hills shone in every variety of tint; on the
other hand, lies the beautiful plain of Santiago, through which the
The application of the word Monte arose, it seems, in the plains of Buenos Ayres,
which are so flat, that wherever there is a grove, the distant effect is in truth that of a hill.
pilla ; but the lake of Pudaguel does not communicate with the Mapo-
cho, it is fed by the streams of Colinas and Lampa. The Mapocho,
much diminished by the canals taken from it for irrigation, does dis-
appear somewhere in the plain of Maypu ; and the water of the beau-
tiful fountain from San Miguel, being of the same sweet, light, and
clear quality as that of the Mapocho, is called by that name until it
joins the white and turbid Maypu. It is such accidents as these which
the poetical Greeks delighted to adorn with the rich fabulous imagery
which spreads a charm over all they deigned to sing of. How much
more beautiful is the
scenery round the banks of Pudaguel, than the
dirty washing-place that marks the fountain of Arethusa in Syracuse!
And yet, when I stood there actually hearing and seeing vulgar Sici-
Hans, surrounded by mean squalid houses and with nothing more
sacred than a broken plaster image of the Virgin, my imagination,
rock with marble, and restored the palaces, and the statues, and the
luxury of that fountain which once deserved the praise or the re-
proach of being the most luxurious spot of a luxurious city. Here
Pudaguel sinks in lonely beauty unsung, and therefore unhonoured.
The view from the pass of Pudaguel is most beautiful. Looking
across the river, whose
steep banks are adorned with large trees, the
plain of Santiago stretches to the mountains, at whose foot the city
with its spires of dazzling whiteness extends, and distinguishes this
from the other fine views in Chile, in which the want of human
habitation throws a
melancholy over the face of nature.
Three miles beyond Pudaguel, we met Don Jose Antonio de Cota-
pos, whose family had kindly invited me to stay in their house while
I was at Santiago; and though I had declined it, fancying I should
be more at liberty in an English inn, my intentions were overruled,
when I was met a few miles farther on by M. Prevost, who told me
the ladies would be hurt if I did not go to their house, at any rate in
the first instance. This was hardly settled, before I saw two car-
riages with Madame de Cotapos and three of her remarkably pretty
daughters, who had come to meet me and carry me into the city.
The latter I declined, not liking, dusty as I was, to enter their carriage.
I therefore rode on, and was received most kindly by Doha Merce-
dita, a fourth daughter, whose grace and politeness equals her beauty.
After a little rest, and having refreshed myself by dressing, I was
called to dinner; where I found all the family assembled, and several
other gentlemen, who were invited to meet me, and do honour to the
feast of reception. The dinner was larger than would be thought
consistent with good taste ; but every thing was well dressed, though
with a good deal of oil and garlic. Fish came among the last things.
All the dishes were carved on the table, and it is difficult to resist the
pressing invitations of every moment to eat of every thing. The
greatest kindness is shown by taking things from your own plate and
putting it on that of your friend; and no scruple is made of helping
any dish before you with the spoon or knife you have been eating
with, or even tasting or eating from the general dish without the
intervention of a
plate. In the intervals between the courses, bread
and butter and olives were
Judging from what I saw to-day, I should say that the Chilenos are
great eaters, especially of sweet things ; but that they drink very little.
After dinner we took coffee ; and, as it was late, every thing passed
as in an
English house, except the retiring of most of the family to
prayers at the Ave Maria. In the evening, a few friends and rela-
tions of the family arrived, and the young people amused themselves
with music and dancing. The elder ones conversed over a chafing-
dish, and had a thick coverlet spread over it and their knees, which
answers the double
purpose of confining the heat to the legs, and
preventing the fumes of the charcoal from making the head ache. It
is but lately that the ladies of Chile have learned to sit on chairs,
instead of squatting on the estradas. Now, in lieu of the estrada,
there are usually long carpets placed on each side of the room, with
two rows of chairs as close together as the knees of the opposite
ties will permit, so that the feet of both meet on the carpet. The
graver people place themselves with their backs to the wall, the
young ladies opposite; and as the young men drop in to join the
tertulla, or evening meeting, they place themselves behind the ladies ;
and all conversation, general or particular, is carried on without cere-
over, and the friends had retired, the gates were shut carefully, the
family went to their principal meal — a hot supper; and, as I never
eat at night, I retired to my room highly pleased with the gen-
sitting room, and one or two smaller public rooms; behind this band
of building there is a second quadrangle laid out in flower-plots,
shaded with fruit trees, and of which a pleasant veranda makes part.
Here the young people of the family often sit, and either receive
visits or pursue their domestic occupations. Round this court or
pateo, the private apartments of the family are arranged ; and behind
them there is a smaller court, where the kitchen, offices, and servants'
apartments placed, and through which, as in most houses in San-
tiago, a plentiful stream of water is always running.
This disposition of the houses, though pleasant enough to the in-
habitants, is ugly without, and gives a mean, dull air to the streets,
which are wide and well paved, having a footpath flagged with slabs
of granite and porphyry ; and through most of them a small stream
is constantly running, which, with a little more attention from the
police, might make it the cleanest city in the world: it is not very
dirty; and when I recollect Rio Janeiro and Bahia, I am ready to
call it absolutely clean.
The house of Cotapos is handsomely, not elegantly furnished.
Good mirrors, handsome carpets, a piano by Broadwood, and a rea-
sonable collection of chairs, tables, and beds, not just of the forms of
modern Paris or London, but such, I dare say, as were fashionable
there little more than a century ago, look exceedingly well on this
side of the Horn. It is only the dining-room that I feel disposed to
broth, and most a matee. The ladies all visited me on their way to
mass; and on this occasion they had left off their usual French style
of dress, and were in black, with the Mantilla and all that makes a
people. On every feast-day they assemble at this place,
and seem to enjoy themselves very much in lounging, eating sweet
puffs fried on the spot in oil, and drinking various liquors, but espe-
cially chicha, while they listen to a not disagreeable music played on
the harp, guitar, tambourine, and triangle, accompanied by women's
voices, singing of love and patriotism. The musicians are placed in
waggons covered with reeds, or regularly thatched, where they sit
playing to draw custom to little tables, placed around with cakes,
liquors, flowers, which those attracted by the songs buy for them-
selves or the lasses they wish to treat. Some of the flowers, such
as carnations and ranunculuses, are
extravagantly dear : half a dollar is
frequently asked for a single one, and a yellow ranunculus, with petals
tipped with crimson and a green centre, is worth at least a dollar, in
order to make a present of. Men, women, and children, are passion-
ately fond of the Chinganas. The whole plain is covered with parties
on foot, on horseback, in caleches, and even in carts ; and,
although for
the fashionables, the Almeida is most in vogue, yet there is no want
of genteel company at the Chinganas *: every body seemed equally
See Frezier.
blue as black, good teeth, and as for their complexion, — the red
and white. Nature's own pure and cunning hand never laid on
finer, — but, alas! liberal not lavish is kind nature's handand these
pretty creatures have generally harsh rough voices, and about the
throats of some there is that fulness that denotes that goitres are
not uncommon.
D I) 2
private houses, the lower stories of which are shops, and under the
arcade are booths something in the style of the bazars of modern
London. On moonlight nights this arcade is exceedingly gay. It
is the fashion then for ladies to go shopping on foot; and as every
booth has its light, the scene is extremely pretty ; the fourth side
is filled up by mean houses, one of the best of which is the Eng-
lish inn. We passed several other public buildings which are, gene-
rally speaking, handsome, the Doric order being almost universally
adopted; yet the streets have a mean air, owing to the dead walls of
the private houses.
After dinner, Mr. de lioos and I walked to the Tacama and the Al-
meida. The Tacama is strong mound of masonry built to defend
the city from the floods of the Mapocho, which, though now a mere
rivulet stealing its way in a narrow channel in the midst of a wide
bed of pebbles, is twice a year an ungovernable flood. The winter
rains and the melting of the snows being the seasons when it rolls its
mighty flood across the plain, and but for the Tacama would over-
flow the greater part of the city. The Almeida is within the
Tacama: it is a charming walk, bordered with rows of willow trees,
and commanding delightful views. From thence we followed a
narrow street to the fort on the little rock of Santa Lucia, which
should be the citadel of Santiago. It rises in the midst of, it, or
nearly so, and commands it, and there are now in fact two little
batteries on its opposite extremities. As we went we could not but
admire the huge blocks of granite that nature seems to have disposed
bridge all lit up by the rays of the setting sun, which on the city, the
plains, and the Prado produced such effects as poets and painters have
described. But what pen or pencil can impart a thousandth part of
the sublime beauty of sunset on the Andes ? I gazed on it
till the place became
Religion, and my heart ran o'er
In secret worship.
What had St. Isidore's bell to do, to awaken one from such contem-
plation to look on his petty church under a huge dark cloud, whence
issued a long and solemn procession of monks and priests performing
the first of a nine days' prayer to their patron Isidore, and jointly with
Saint James, patron of the city, for rain ?
I wish that superstition had not gone farther than assigning a guar-
dian to each country, city, and individual; there is something so
why not St. Iago her James, the mirror of knighthood, and Isidore,
the husbandman ? I entered into conversation with a woman on the
rock, who told me that dry weather is considered as unwholesome
here, and that people's bodies dried up like the earth without rain,
therefore there was much need of the interference of the saints to
keep sickness as well as dearth from the city. She said also that
fever and pains in the throat came from the dry weather. If this
is not prejudice, it is curious.
We came home to dress for the palace, where we went accompa-
nied by Judge Prevost, Madame Cotapos and her second daughter,
whispered to me that the torment hers had occasioned was such that
she had been obliged to slip a little cotton wool into them to save
her feet. Luckily she did not understand me, as I could not help
muttering Peter Pindar's words, I took the liberty to boil my peas.
Mariquita performs her vow, however, without reservation of any kind.
On arriving at the palace, we walked in with less bustle and attend-
ance than I have seen in most
private houses : the rooms are hand-
somely but plainly furnished ; English cast-iron grates ; Scotch car-
pets ; some French china, and time-pieces, little or nothing that
looked Spanish, still less Chileno. The Director's mother Dona
Isabella, and his sister Dona Rosa, received us not only politely but
kindly. The Director's reception was exceedingly flattering both to
me and my
young friend De Roos. Ilis Excellency had passed se-
veral years in England, great part of which time he spent at an aca-
grounds, bring their wives and families with them; and should a
battle take place and become desperate, the women usually take
part in it. Should they lose it, it is not uncommon for the
men to
put to death their wives and children to prevent them
from falling into the hands of the enemy, and indeed till now
it was
only anticipating, by a few minutes, the fate of these wretched
creatures ; for quarter was neither given nor taken on either
side, the Indians in the Spanish ranks continuing their own war
customs in spite of their partial civilisation. The Director now
gives a reward for all persons, especially women and children, saved
on these occasions. The children are to be educated and employed
hereafter mediators between their nations and Chile, and, to this
end, is taken that they should not forget their native tongue.
The Director was kind enough to talk to them in the Araucanian
tongue, that I might hear the language, which is soft and sweet;
perhaps it owed something to the young voices of the children. One
of them pleased me especially : she is a little Maria, the daughter of a
Cacique, who, with his wife and all the elder part of his family, was
killed in a late battle. Dona Rosa takes a particular charge of the
little female prisoners, and acts the part of a kind mother to them.
I was charmed with the humane and generous manner in which she
spoke of them. As to Dona Isabella, she appears to live 011 her son's
fame and greatness, and looks at him with the eyes of maternal love,
and gathers every compliment to him with eagerness. He is modest
and simple, and plain in his manners, arrogating nothing to himself;
or, if he has done much, ascribing it to the influence of that love of
considering the general state of things, he had yet been able to grant,
without disturbing the public tranquillity ; and he seemed a little
inclined to censure those Protestants who wished prematurely to force
upon him the building a chapel, and the public institution of Pro-
lately established here, and in other towns in Chile, which are cer-
tainly numerous in proportion to the population.
Several other persons now joined the party, among whom was
a Colonel Cruz; whom the Director
particularly introduced as the
intended new governor of Talcahuana, and recommended me to his at-
tention during the journey I mean to make shortly to the southward.
The military men who came in afterwards were some of them French-
men, but they did not appear to me to be of the most polished of their
spencer and white skirt, a soft of dress much worn here. The Chileno
men are an
uglier coarser race, as far as I have seen, than the women,
who are beautiful, and, what is more, lady-like: they have a natural
However, the young ladies, and all who would be thought so, are
leaving off these ugly habits fast.
At about ten o'clock we left the
palace, and found our young
people at home still engaged in their minuets. I sat with them a short
time, and then came to my alto to write the journal of this my second
day in Santiago, with which I am very well pleased.
21th. — Visited Dona Mercedes de Solar, whose father, Juan
Henriques Rosalis, was one of the members of the first junta of the
revolutionary government in 1810. She is a very pretty, and very
polished woman; seems well acquainted with French authors, and
speaks French extremely well. I found her sitting in the bed-
room, which, as I have noticed, is often used as a drawing-room ;
she was surrounded by some lovely children, and had with her
pretty nieces ; books and needlework were on a small French
table by her, and before her was a large chafingdish of well-burnt
charcoal. The dish was of massy silver, beautifully embossed, set in
a frame of
curiously inlaid wood; and there was a wrought silver
spoon to stir the coals with. I have seen several of the same kind
before; but it seemed here in keeping with the rest of the room,
and the persons. The stately French bed, the open piano, the guitai-,
the ormoulu time-piece, the ladies, the children, the books, the work,
and the flowers in French porcelain, with the rich Chilian brassiere,
into which perfume is now and then cast, made a charming picture,
which, lighted as it was from a high window behind me, I heartily
wished in proper hands to copy. I would not have changed the
purple pelisse of the mothei', setting off her white and rather full
throat, or even the pale looks of little Vicente, for all the inventions
of all the painters that ever tricked out intei'iors with fullest effect.
I have a particular interest in Vicente, besides his being a clever
child. He came with me in the Doris from Rio, whither he had
is, I believe, an illiberal feeling, but I cannot help it; there are some
things, which, like faith, do not depend upon the will, and this is
one of them.
Perhaps I envied the French authors their place on
Madame Solar's table, and would have liked to have seen the Rape
pulled off their hats, and stood as if doing homage. Then came a
dark blue caleche, with glories and holy ghosts painted on it, and
a manwithin dressed in white satin, embroidered with silver and
coloured silk. In front sat a man with a gilt lanthorn ; behind,
people with umbrellas. I asked what it was, and was told it was the
Padre Eterno. The expression sounds indecent to a protestant;
it is holy to a Spaniard, who must think that such indeed is the Host
on its way to a dying person ; — such in fact was the procession
I saw. This was the only thing that happened before the disappoint-
ments occasioned by St. Austin began. The first of these occurred
when I went with Mr. de Roos to see the Lancasterian
school; we
found the boys all gone to Mass in honour of St. Austin, and the
school shut: we proceeded to the national printing-office; the doors
were shut, and the
printers at Mass. Thence we went to the chamber
of the Consulada, hoping to be present at a session of the convention :
but the members were at Mass. Then despairing of seeing any
been the festival of their saint; and what with that and the vigil,
the lady abbess and her nuns were so fatigued, having been singing
all day and part of the night, that they could not receive us. The
note containing this disagreeable
o o news reached us when we were all
dressed andready for walking ; so we went to visit the ladies Godoy,
in whose house Judge Prevost lives. These ladies are near relations
of Madame Cotapos, and are extremely lively and agreeable. We
sat chatting in the inner pateo or garden, which looks like every
thing romancers and travellers tell us is Moorish ; and had matee
brought to us by some pretty little Indian girls, very nicely dressed ;
and then we adjourned to the house, which has lately assumed in
its fire-places, and other comforts, a very European air. We had
a little music here, and then walked home ;
my friends as usual with-
out hats or veils, and in their satin shoes.
In the Intervals between the disappointments occasioned by St.
Austin, I went into the large and handsome church formerly belong-
ing to the Jesuits, where the troops were assembled to hear Mass;
and their military music joined to the solemn organ had a fine effect.
I also went into the cathedral, having put on a mantilla for the pur-
The Chimba is famous for an excellent brewery, and for curing bacon.
height above the knoll where we first saw the Salta, and where there
isa little
village. Here I dismounted, and by tiie assistance of two
of my friends, stepped across one of the water-channels to have a per-
feet view of the work, and of the fall below. We had not descended,
perceptibly, since we left Santiago ; yet, though we had climbed the
steep cliff of the fall, we found ourselves still on the plain of the city;
having between it and us a very high hill, whose base is uneven, so
that the north side rests below the fall, and the south side above it.
On either side, the country appears to the eye perfectly level. The
river Mapocho flows from the Andes through the upper plain; the
dower one is without anatural stream, but the land is evidently better
than that above. The Caciques observing this, cut channels through
the granite rock, from the Mapocho to the edge of the precipice, and
made use of the natural fall of the ground to throw a considerable
stream from the river into the vale below : this is divided into numer-
Half way between the Salta and the city, we stopped at a quinta
belonging to the brother of Madame Cotapos, or, as I ought properly
to call her, Doha Mercedes de
Cotapos. This gentleman, Don Hen-
riquez Lastra, the ex-director of Chile, is at present entirely removed
from public life, and devotes himself to the cultivation of his farm or
hacienda, and to making various experiments for the improvement of
the wines of the country. He has succeeded in making a wine little
if at all inferior to champaign ; and his ordinary wine, in which he has
pursued the Madeira method, is like the best vino Unto of TenerifFe.
In general the wines here are sweet and heavy. His fields appear to
me to be in excellent order; and all about the farm looks more like
European farming than any thing I had seen in this country. Don
Henriquez was not at home when we arrived, but we were most
kindly welcomed by his lady, who is of the family of Izquierda de
Xara Quemada. She was in the midst of her eight fine children,
instructing some, and working for others. The house is small, but
building is going on sufficient to double its size ; and the prin-
cipal rooms are to be built with chimneys, and English grates are to
supersede brasseros : these steps towards improvement are great in
this country, which has hitherto remained, of all' others, the most
backward, partly from political, partly from moral and physical causes
peculiar to itself. The ex-director soon came in : he appeared to be
plain sensible man, of simple but courteous manners; and, very
soon, in his conversation I discerned a polish that here must have
been acquired from books, and a strength that the circumstances
of an active life engaged in such a revolution as has taken place
may well have produced. Yet I should think him a slow man, and,
perhaps, not gifted with that readiness and presence of mind calcu-
lated to meet extraordinary occurrences which are absolutely neces-
sary for public men at such a time. The present study of Don
Henriquez is small, and might excite a smile in a London or Parisian
statesman, accustomed to all the luxuries of labour; but the new
house will give room to a larger library, directed by the same good
sense that has hitherto
preferred useful to o namental learning.
The luncheon at Don Henriquez's was all the produce of the farm.
Sausages as good as those of Bologna; bread of his own wheat, as
white as that made of the Sicilian grain; butter that the dairies of
England might have been proud of; and of the wines I have spoken
already. I was delighted with the visit in every way ; the hospitality
of the house, and the improvements going on, which must all tend to
the good of the country.
Soon after we reached home, I received a magnificent present of
fruit and flowers from Dona Rosa O'EIiggins. The fruit was water-
melons, lucumas, oranges, and sweet limes, no others being as yet in
season ; and the flowers, of all the finest and rarest. They were ar-
ranged on trays, covered with embroidered napkins, and borne on
the heads of servants in the full dress of the palace livery ; one out
of livery entering first to pay me a compliment from the lady. At
night the young ladies Cotapos, and their brother, Don Jose Antonio,
danced for me the cuando, a national dance. It is performed by two
persons, and begins slowly like a minuet; it then quickens according
to the music and the
song, which represent a sort of loving quarrel
and final agreement; the skill of the dancer consisting in holding his
ordinary verses being love verses, which she does not choose to sing,
being proper for the gentleman to sing to his partner. But there are
several songs to the cuando ; and in the country where Sancho
Panfa's language is spoken, it is to be supposed that some are
burlesque. *
First Cuando.
There is another of this class, of which I have not caught the Spanish words; but the
lover asks the lady, when, when she will call his mother hers, and his sister hers: the
first lines, however, are the same.
Second Ciiando.
Cuando, cuando,
Cuando yo me muere.
No me lloren los parientes,
Lloren me lasAlembiques,
Donde sacan
A la plata me remito,
Le demas es boberia,
Andar con la boca seca,
E la bariga vacia.
These are both favourites with the Chinganas, and used to be not unacceptable to all
classes, till within these very few years. But the opening the ports of South America,
by permitting a free intercourse with strangers, has rendered the taste of the higher ranks
more nice.
On the 20th of September, 1819, the national hymn, of which the following is the
first and chorus, was
verse published by authority of government, and ordered to be sung
at the theatre before every play. There are ten verses, all good; but it is too long.
Ciudadanos, — el amor Sagrado
De la Patria os convoca a la lid:
L<iberta(l es el eco de alarm a
La divisa triumfar o morir.
El cadalso, o la antigua cadena,
Os presenta el soberbio Espanol:
Arrancad el punal al tirano,
Quebrantad ese cuello feroz.
Coro. — Dulce Patria, recibe los votos
Con que, Chile en tus aras juro,
Que o la tumba serais de los libres,
O el asilo contra la opresion, &c.
building, like the cell of a temple, of the same order, presents itself;
and there the treasury, and mint, and assay office are situated. The
f f 2
great advantage to the people. I have often been struck with the
inconvenience of the want of small coin here. There is nothing in
circulation under the value of quartillo, or quarter of a real, which,
if the dollar be worth four shillings and sixpence, is more than three
half-pence ; and quartillos are not coined here, and are so scarce, that
I have only seen three since April: consequently we may call the
smallest common coin the medio, or near threepence halfpenny; a
sum for which, at the
price of bread and beef here, a whole family
may be fed. What then is the single labourer to do ? This evil,
great as it is, has occasioned a greater. In order to accommodate
purchasers with a quantity under the value of a medio, or quartillo,
the owners of pulperias (a kind of huckster's shops) give in exchange
for dollars or reals promissory notes: but these notes, even where
the article bought is half a dollar, and the note for half, the pulperia
man will not discount in cash, but in
goods ; so that he makes sure
of the poor man's whole coin, besides the chance that a peasant, who
does not read or write, may lose or destroy the note itself. Many
and rapid fortunes have been made by these notes, and the loss to
the poor has amounted to more than any one of the government
direct taxes. This has not been overlooked by some of the great
merchants connected with the minister here; and a number of retail
shops have been set up at their expense, though under the names of
inferioragents. And this is probably one of the reasons for the delay
of the very necessary coinage of small money.
From the mint we went to the Consulado, where I meant to have
been at the very beginning of the sitting. I had previously asked
tire Director if there was any objection to a woman going thither.
He told me his mother and sister had gone on the first day, and that
it was but in case the unusual appearance of a
open to strangers ;
lady should startle the members, he would speak to the President.
Mr. De Roos and I went thither, unhappily without any person to
tell us who was who.
However, we knew that the President was
Albano, the deputy from Talca, and the Vice-president Camillo Plen-
riquez, the editor of the Mercurio de Chile, and an occasional poet.
We enteredjust as the house was passing a resolution, that in dis-
cussing the project of laws, the consent of two-thirds of the members
should be necessary for the passing each article. There were not
above twenty members present, and about half a dozen lookers-on
besides ourselves. The chamber is a very fine one, from its great
size. At one end is the President's seat, under a very handsome
canopy of blue, red, and white, enriched with gold. When the
Director appears this is his place, and the President sits on his right
hand; the Deputies sit on benches close to the wall on either side,
the Secretaries and Vice-president at a table immediately before the
President, and the spectators on benches like those of the members,
only at a greater distance from the President. After all, I thought it
was a
strange position for an English woman and an English mid-
shipman to be assisting at the deliberation of a national representative
assembly in Chile. But what in Addison's time would have been
romance, is now, every day, matter of fact. I was in the Mahratta
capital while it was protected by an English force ; I have attended
proteslant church in the Piazza de Trajano in Rome ; I sat as a
spectator in an English court of justice in Malta: and what wonder
that I should now listen to the free deliberations of a national repre-
sentativemeeting in a Spanish colony ? Perhaps the world never
experienced so great a change as in the last thirty-five years: that all
should have been for the better, no one, who reflects on the imperfect
state ofhumanity, will believe ; but I will hope that most of these
changes have bettered the general condition of human nature. How
O I might
C> have gone on
O musing I do not know,7 if the Vice-Pre-
sident and Secretary had not interrupted the silence that followed
the resolution passed when we entered, by reading the report of it to
the President, who having approved of it, the house proceeded. The
President then read a message from the Director, submitting to the
ing that the public accounts should be looked into before funds were
allotted for such a purpose, were extremely clever, and delivered with
the ease and eloquence of a man accustomed to speak in public : he
is a priest. The discussion was very warm, but carried on with great
decorum, the members, in their ordinary dresses, standing up in their
places ; and when two rose at once, he that first caught the President's
eye had the preference.
I was very much gratified with my visit to the convention, and
withdrew from it with hopes of a speedier and firmer settlement of a
regular government here than I had hitherto allowed myself to
It seems to me, that the progress made is astonishing; but I
believe that men, like other articles, arise when there is a demand
for them. There are elements in Chile for the formation of a state;
but education is wanting before that which essentially constitutes a
state will be found■, i.e. —
the part of Spain, has urged them on : but their ideas still continue
essentially Spanish ; and time and education are still wanting to
develop and form the Chileno national character.
On returning
o home I found Doha Isabella and Doha Rosa O'Hig-
ence of
Spanish America.
I left the palace early, and then walked across the square to see
the evening shopping in the arcades, which is quite as pretty a scene
as I
expected it to be: every little bench has its candle or lamp ; the
best wares are displayed ; and, as it is a sort of dressed lounge, the
ladies look particularly well. This place is beautiful by day, but by
moonlight is still more so, — the defects are less seen, the beauties
more observed. At night the shadows cast by the far-projecting
roofs prevent our noticing the lowness of the houses ; but the wide
streets, and handsome public buildings, and, above all, the lofty
mountains, which tower above every thing, and which, although at
least twenty miles hence, seem actually to touch the city, appear to
the G>
greatest advantage. O
gardens want rain, and the padres know best how to pray. When
all party had reached the plain, we walked towards one of the
prettiest parts of it, and there we found that the servants of the house
of Godoy had laid carpets, and set chairs and cushions for the party ;
and, at little tables adjoining, they were making tea and matee with
milk, and had fruits and cakes for the party. As soon as we were
seated, Dona Carmen Godoy presented us each with a flower ; she
is remarkably lively, and had some pleasant thing to say to each.
The cavaliers began to serve the ladies, and we passed an hour very
pleasantly, and then walked about among the people, observing their
different dresses and games. The young ladies are not allowed by
custom to take the arm of a cavalier, although they waltz and dance
with them. Some few fair Chilenos are beginning to break through
this rule ; but our young ladies continue to be exceedingly punctil-
ous. The people of Chile, in their taste for rural amusements, put
in mind of what we are told of the inhabitants of the happy
of Cashmeer, who spend their days and moonlight nights in skiffs,
quita, Don Jose Antonio, and I, set off to see the baths of Colinas,
about ten leagues or a little more from the city. The first three
leagues of road are on that which leads to Mendoza, and lie along
plain, for the most part stony, with the exception of a little rise,
called the Portesuelo or Gap, by which we passed between two hills
to another part of the plain ; the part near the city is covered prin-
cipally with garden grounds, irrigated from the Salta de Agua : be-
yond the Portesuelo, we came to a very extensive hacienda belong-
ing to one of the Izquierdas, where every thing was in preparation
for the annual rodeo. The scenery of a cattle farm, being like that
of our forest lands at home, is much more picturesque than any other ;
but it is wilder, and gives less the air of civilisation. We passed
along by the foot of a high mountain projecting immediately from
the Andes for about four leagues more, and then entered the Gar-
gana, or gorge of the mountain in which the baths are situated. The
approach to it is marked by wider channels of floods, now partially
dried, higher trees, and more varied though confined scenery. We
had passed in the morning several farm-houses; at one of which we
had stopped to rest, and get refreshments. The farm servants being
all about, gave an air of liveliness and interest. But now we lost
sight of all marks of habitation, and proceeded along the gorge
by a narrow path made with some labour, but scarcely safe for five
or six miles, when we came to the baths.
Nothing can be more
desolate than their appearance now, and perhaps the dulness of the
day contributed to that effect. Midwinter still reigns ; no grass
enlivens the red mountain side; but here and there an evergreen
shrub, with its spiry buds still closely folded, overhangs the valley
below. A bright beautiful stream breaks its way down the whole
vale, and the sources of this are the celebrated baths. From under
the living rock, several copious springs gush out at a temperature
not below 100° of Fahrenheit. The water is perfectly limpid, and
without peculiar taste or smell, but is said to acquire both if bottled
up a few hours. Over the fountain heads, two little ranges of brick
buildings, each divided into several rooms (three I think in one, and
four in the other, or three in each), are built to protect the baths from
rain or from dust: the water is lodged in hollows of the rock, with
a brick
facing, in which there is a square outlet to permit it to run
out freely; so that through each basin there is a constant stream
addition of one small branch, it forms the river Colinas, which has a
spot. The rich are accommodated in the same manner, only that
their rooms are larger, some of them being fifteen feet square. But
while at Colinas, people live chiefly out of doors ; for then the
mountain side is beautiful with flowers, and the woods are dry and
shady. The little chapel occupies the prettiest spot in the valley ;
but now it is shut up, neither priest nor parishioner being tempted
to winter here among the snow and barrenness. So in the first week
in June or earlier, the patients withdraw, the doors are shut up,
the priest takes the key of his chapel, and all is left in solitude.
pleasure or beauty, which last the Colinas waters are firmly believed
to bestow :but though Dona Mariquita and I applied them to our
faces, we were not sensible of any change; and so had no fairy tales
to tell after our
journey. As soon as we quitted the gorge, instead
of pursuing the road back to the city, we turned to the right; and
after a gallop of three leagues arrived at the village of Colinas,
the first stage from St. Iago to Mendoza, and about half way between
the city and the famous field of Chacabuco.
About half a mile beyond the church of Colinas is the hacienda
of Don Jorge Godoy, with whose lady and daughter I am well ac-
feet while we took matee, more refreshing still than tea after a day's
In due time a most plentiful appeared, beginning with
eggs in various forms, followed by stews and ollas of beef, mutton,
and fowls, and terminated by apples ; to which full justice was done,
from the egg to the apple, as well as to Don Jorge's wines.
September 3d. — This morning the sun rose clear and bright, and
discovered the Andes, and even the nearer hills, completely covered
with snow which fell last night, while it rained below. Before break-
fast we were shown the storehouses of the farm. First, the granary,
nearly emptied of its wheat: on one part of the spare floor a
well-dried hide was
spread, and on it fresh beef for immediate use,
according to the fashion of the country, cut in strips about three
inches wide, the bones being thrown away. There were, besides,
hanging round thongs of every kind, and laqas, and bands all ready
for use. Within the granary was a second dispense, hung round with
tallow candles ; on the floor, there were many hundred arobas of
tallow in skins, ready for sale; and, in one corner, I saw a heap of
skimmings, i. e. the refuse fat after the melting of the suet for tallow.
This, 1 find, is what the peons use, instead of butter or oil, to enrich
their cookery, and it is as necessary to them as ghee to an East
Indian. In another place, were the yokes and goads for the oxen,
and the spades for the diggers of water-channels, &c. ; these are of
very hard wood, with a long handle, the use of iron spades being, as
yet, confined to the gardens near the city and places near the port,
where foreigners have made them common. A side-door in the
storehouse admitted us into a square court; on one side of which is
the butchery, where, in the proper season, that is, late in autumn,
the beasts are slaughtered for hides, tallow, and charqui. At present
it looks like an unfinished shed; in the season it is covered with
green boughs, in order that the animals, and all about them, may be
kept cool. On one side of the square is a melting-house lor the
tallow. The pots are made of clay upon the estate; they are two
inches and a half thick. Next to the melting-house is the shed with
furnaces for boiling the lees, which they put into the wine to hasten
the fermentation ; and beyond, a still of the simplest kind lor making
possess the soil. Now the original proprietors, intent only on the
procuring of the precious metals, the only thing then looked for in
this country, cultivated no more of the land than was sufficient for
the supplying their household with necessaries: this cultivation,
legal: but what are the poor to do ? They must take their shelter
and their food from some employer, and the employer will often
exact from his servant labours beyond the law. Government has it
now in
contemplation to empower mayorasgos to sell small portions
of their lands, and to grant either long or perpetual leases, by which
means the soil will fall into the hands of those who have a
personal in-
terest in it, and population will grow with the means of
supporting it.
On our return from the farm-yard we found an excellent breakfast
awaiting us, and our horses brought in from the clover (lucern) field
to be saddled while we ate ; and then returned to Santiago, which we
grated. But his conduct had always been so honest and honourable
that all parties trusted him, and none disliked him. He was there-
fore recalled, his property restored, and himself employed. The
character of Don Domingos is one formed by the times: a pre-emi-
nent point in it is Jove for the father he has seen so tried. And he
is pious,— I should say almost to superstition, did I not know what a
life he has seen ; yet he is quietly cheerful, and actively kind to his
friends, and possesses a most affectionate disposition. My friend
Don Antonio has neither the knowledge, nor intelligence, nor cul-
tivation of Reyes ; but he is good-natured and kind-hearted. He
takes half a dozen matees when he first rises, smokes segars all day,
Italy. After all, the most beautiful thing of the kind in the world is
Shakspeare's own, Hark, the lark at heaven's gate singswhich
puts to shame all other minstrelsy to ladies sleeping, or waking in the
hope of hearing music.
Thursday, Sept. 5th. — A large party, consisting of the whole of the
Cotapos family, and a number of others, amounting to thirty, includ-
ing Mr. Prevost, Mr. De Roos, and myself, spent a day in the country.
The ladies who did not ride went in carrel oris, small covered vehicles
of the country, in which they sit on carpets and cushions. The ser-
vants and provisions were in another, thatched at the top exactly like
cottage. The whole party was collected in the pateo of the Casa
Cotapos, and set off by nine o'clock, as gay as youth, health, and a
resolution to be pleased, could make them. I should say us; for, at
least in the resolution to be pleased, I equalled the rest.
After a short pleasant ride of about five miles to the eastward, we
reached Nnunoa, a pleasant village, where the bishop has a seat, and
where, a chacra having been lent us for the purpose, we spent a most
agreeable day. The place is exceedingly pretty, being full of gardens
and orchards, and surrounded by corn-fields; and the rich back-
of turquois blue, striped with flowers; and De Roos with his grey
silk jacket and sunny British countenance. While Reyes and some
of the graver men attended the carretons, where the elder ladies were
all dressed in gala habits. Such was the show at Nnuhoa, when our
small party determined to ride on to the Casita de Gana, the most
elevated dwelling in the neighbourhood. The road to it is very
beautiful, between fields of corn and olive gardens, and through a
pretty hamlet; whence a lane, bordered by willows just coming into
leaf, leads to the casita. It is a small house, decorated with coloured
paper and prints, and only calculated for a few days' summer resi-
dence. It is so high on the slope of the cordillera that the master
can always command snow to cool his drink; and he has two unfail-
ing springs crossing his orchard. The view from hence is very fine:
several villages and rich corn land are in the fore-ground; then the
city, with Sta. Lucia and San Cristoval, and the adjacent hills, which
in other countries would be mountains ; beyond that the plain, ter-
minated by the Cuesta de Prado, now capped with snow.
On our return to the Nnunoa we found our friends busy dancing
to the quita. They had procured two musicians to hire, and were
engaged in minuets, and Spanish country-dances, perhaps the most
graceful in the world.
© But what most delighted me were the
cuando and samba, danced and sung with more spirit than the city
manners allow; yet still decorous. Dancing can express only two
passions,— the hatred of war, and love. Even the grave minuet de la
cour will, by its
approaching, retiring, presenting of hands, separating,
and final meeting, express the latter; how much more the rustic
dance that gives the quarrel and reconciliation ! This it is which
makes dancing a fine art. The mere figures of dances where more
than two are concerned, such as vulgar French or English dances,
have as little to do with the poetry of dancing as the inventors of
try adapted to the occasion and the company, with an ease that
showed she was accustomed to extempore composition. This was
followed by several others, some really witty from the gentlemen;
and the young people of both sexes who possessed this charming
talent exercised it when called on, equally without shyness and with-
out ostentation.
In the evening I undertook to make tea for the dancers; after
which we rode back to the city as gay a cavalcade as ever entered it,
and the day was ended by a tertulla at the Casa Cotapos.
5th September.—Visited several persons, English and Chileno. I
say nothing of the English here, because I do not know them except
very civil vulgar people, with one or two exceptions, Mr. B., for
instance, commonly called Don Diego ; he has lived many years here
since the revolution, and says he has never met with injustice or un-
kindness in the country: he knows it better than most persons.
Mr. C. has gone through much, — has I may say been a party in
the southern war, lending his money, horses, and ships to the patriot
cause ; and he, I think, seems to
possess the clearest ideas concerning
the state of Chile of any man I have met with. And there are se-
veral very good people, some acting the fine gentleman, others
poor, that there is good hope the number will soon diminish. These
nuns are old and ugly, with the exception of one, who is young,has sweet
eyes, and is very pale ; a dangerous beauty for a cavalier : she moved
my pity. The old ladies gave us matee, the best I have tasted, made
with milk and Chile cinnamon ; and the cup was set in a tray of
flowers, so that both taste and smell were gratified. This convent
is one of the finest in Chile, having seven quadrangles : we saw
through the parlour into one of them, where, in the centre of a pool,
there is the ugliest Virgin that man ever cut in stone, intended to
spout water from her mouth and breast; but she is now idle, as the
fountain is under repair ; and the masons, with half a dozen soldiers
to guard them or the nuns, were
busy round the pool. During the
short time I remained at the grate, I heard more gossip than I have
done for months, and perceived that the recluses continue to take a
lively interest in the things of this wicked world. I was not sorry
when summoned to go to another place; and having left a golden
remembrancer with the good ladies, I accompanied Mr. Prevost and
Mr. de Roos to the public library. There may be about ten or
twelve thousand volumes lodged for the present in the college ; but
the convent of San Domingo having offered its library to the state,
these books are to be transferred thither as soon as rooms are ready,
and the whole will then be open to the public. The librarian is Don
Manuel de Salas y Corbalan, a polite and well-informed man, who
showed me a beautiful Cluverius, and told me he prided himself on
the collection of voyages, travels, and geography. Law fills up half
the shelves; and there is a great proportion of French, but little
had seen
president of the Convention, and with whom I had an
pleasant conversation. In passing by the law-shelves he said,
Here is the plague of Chile : thirty seven thousand of these ordi-
nances are still in force, and there are at least thrice the number
of commentaries on them. The Chilenos are extremely litigious ;
it is honourable to have pleyto ; and yet a pleyto often lasts for
years, and ruins more families than all the other causes of ruin,
except gambling, put together. Albano hopes to effect some
establishment analogous to that of our justices of the peace, to
obviate the evil of arbitrary imprisonments, which are frequent here.
He mentioned with respect a royal decree of 1718, for the guidance
of the judges of districts in Spanish America, and seemed to wish
that it might be adopted here as the basis of the civil administration.
I was so pleased with the President's discourse, that I was quite
patron, was celebrated. It bad been the old Spanish custom for the captains-general of
the province to grant some boon on their birth-days or saints'-days; and this year the
Director was entreated to mark his feast
by the recall of the exiles. He answered, No
I am but a business to distinguish my day; but if you apply
private citizen, and have no
to the Convention to mark the 18th of September, the anniversary of your independence,
by such an act of grace, I will support the request with all the power and all the influence
I possess.
ground. From the garden we went in to dinner, where all was plain
and handsome. English neatness gave the Chileno dishes every thing
I had ever thought wanting in them. Dona Isabella, Dona Rosa,
Dona Xaviera the Director's niece a beautiful young woman, and
one aide-de-camp, besides ourselves, formed the whole
party. The
little Indians had a low table in the corner, where the little daugh-
ter of the Cacique presided; and where they were served with as
much respect as Dona Rosa herself. The entrance of some strangers
after dinner put an end to all confidential intercourse; and I then
walked about the house with Dona Isabella. The ladies' bed-rooms
are neat and comfortable every way. The Director, when here,
sleeps little portable camp-bed; and to judge by his room, is
on a
not very studious of personal accommodation. At sunset we re-
turned to town, and at the same time His Excellency's family went
thither also to attend the opera, which Dona Rosa never misses.
Their equipage is English ; and though plain, handsome.
By his permission, I have made use of this conversation in the sketch of the History
of Chile.
canal, which waters the land formerly barren between the Mapocho
and Maypu. The old Spanish government had at one time the same
object in view; but after spending a large sum in preparation for the
water-courses, nothing was done. The republic has laid out 25,000
dollars on the main canal; and by selling the land at a nominal valu-
ation, a small annual quitrent only being payable, but requiring 500
dollars for the water sufficient for a large farm, has repaid itself, or
rather I should say, has raised a large sum, — near 200,000 dollars, I
am told. The proprietor of each farm is bound to face his part of
the canal with stone, and to maintain the water-course. The crops
looking very fine all along the plain ; the soil seems to me to be
light vegetable mould mixed with sand, and full of pebbles, as if it
had been long under water : these pebbles are larger and more irre-
gular on the plain than in the beds of the Mapocho or Maypu, ex-
cepting where the latter, in the very midst of its channel, has lodged
or uncovered rocks of considerable size.
Midway between the city
and the river, one of the little ranges of hills which cross the plain
at right angles with the Andes, and seem to connect the inferior
ridges of the Prado and others with the grand cordillera, runs across
the road, sinking completely into the plain before it reaches the
mountain. The pass between the last little cone of this range and
the main part is called the Portesuelo of St. Austin de Fango ; and
just at its entrance there are a few cottages, surrounded by some little
orchards watered by an old cut from the Maypu, the sight of wliicli
quite refreshing after a fifteen miles' ride without a variety.
Fifteen miles more, very nearly as monotonous, brought us to the ford
of the rapid and turbid Maypu. This river flows out of the Andes,
where there is a
pass called the Portillo, little practised, because the
sides are so
steep as to afford no escape from the avalanches that con-
tinually roll down from above. It is, however, shorter than that by
the Cumbre, and is often passable when the latter is not. I am told
that the scenery in that deep valley, where the rapid flood breaks its
way over a rugged bed, and makes frequent falls, is truly sublime; and
were the season favourable, I should be
tempted to go half a day's
journey into it. The passage of the Maypu is exceedingly dangerous
during the floods, and must be at times impassable, if I may judge by
the depth of the banks on either side, which cannot be much less than
forty feet; and the space between them must be nearly a quarter of a
mile. Within this great bed the river now divides itself into several
channels, which are all easily forded, the main branch indeed being
deep and rapid: over this there is a bridge of the ancient Indian
construction, which is used when the river is not fordable. It con-
sists ofupright poles, fixed at both sides of the stream; and across
these thongs of hide are stretched, and these again interlaced with
others, so as to make a swinging bridge, suspended now as it seems
in mid air. This simple bridge is removed during the great floods,
and replaced as soon as the ordinary passage is opened. On the
north side of the river there is not a tree, and the eye ranges over
an immense space without a rising ground of any kind ; on the south
side the country is richer, and more cultivated, particularly at
Viluco ; near which is the village and the chapel of Maypu, the parish
church of an immense district. Viluca is an estate belonging to the
weary of it. The walls for enclosures here are formed of clay beaten
hard into wooden frames fixed on the spot, and removed when filled
to the end of the former piece, and filled again ; so that when it is
one of the Valdezes; and there we turned off the main road to
follow the course of a beautiful river which flows out of the pass,
and is therefore commonly called the Rio de l'Angostura. We
passed some haciendas of Erreda's and Solar's, and then arrived at
that of Salinas, where we were most kindly received by both master
and mistress : she is the eldest daughter of my host and hostess, the
widow of the unfortunate Juan Jose Carrera, who I trust has found
in her second marriage some compensation for the sufferings endured
during the first. She has one of the most beautiful faces I ever
beheld: an eye both to entreat and to command ; and a mouth
which neither painter or sculptor, in his imagined Plebes or Graces,
could equal. Her age is now only twenty-five; her countenance
would say seventeen; and as I stood a moment entranced by her
years younger than his wife. They were not a little delighted to
see their brother and sister ; but their welcome was almost as kind
to Mr. de Roos and me.
The evening was excessively cold, a brisk wind fi'om the mountain
having set in; and we all crowded round the brassero, which was
placed in the corner of a very pretty drawing-room, till supper was
served, about nine o'clock; and we were complimented on having
ridden well, as the distance from the city is upwards of fourteen
leagues, which we had done in nine hours with the same horses,
including two hours' rest, which we had given our steeds, and some
time wasted in mending my stirrup, which broke on the road.
1 Oth. —Breakfast in Chile is usually at a latish hour, and con-
sists sometimes of soup, or meat and wine; but every body takes
matee or chocolate at their bed side.- Doha Ana Maria, aware how
different our customs are, sent tea, bread and butter, and eggs, to my
room, for Mr. de Roos and me. bought to describe the house. The
outer door opens into the principal bed-room, which is the common
sitting-room. On one side is a dressing-closet, and the nursery
for the two little boys ; on the other, the drawing-room ; and beyond
that the dining-room, a light cheerful apartment. A veranda runs
along the front; and from it other apartments enter, such as Salinas'
own room, and bed-rooms for
guests. Doha Rosario and I occupied
one, and Don Jose Antonio and Mr. de Roos another. But the
privacy of bed-rooms is not respected in Chile as in England; so I
find an additional advantage in my habit of rising early, as it anti-
thirty years the roots are laid open and trimmed. From the vine-
yard we proceeded to the orchard, where there are walnuts, peaches,
plums, apricots, pears, and cherries, only beginning to blossom ; be-
cause, besides that we are now nearly a degree farther to the south,
we are nearer the mountain here, and more
exposed to the chilly
winds. From the orchard we went to look at the cows, which are
very fine ; the calves are beautiful.But the dairy is very ill managed
here: with sixteen fine milch cows they do not make twelve pounds
of butter a week ; nay, sometimes not above half that quantity ;
and the quantity of cheese is inconsiderable, though both the butter
and cheese exceedingly good. The sheep are very fine; their
fleeces aregood, and the wool is of a very long staple, and each
fleece fetches at least three reals. The shearing time is October.
I also saw a sheep from the Pehuenches with five horns, no two of
which seemed to form a pair. Hanging up before the door, there
was a
young stuffed jaguar, commonly called the Chile lion, an inha-
bitant of the hills here, and very destructive among the sheep and
the young cattle; but I believe it never meddles with man. Don
Justo gave me the paw of a large one, which measures six inches
across, and must have belonged to a very formidable brute. The
cellars are fitted up with earthen jars sunk into the ground, in the
same manner as the Jesuits tell us the Indians of the interior prac-
tised with their chicha jars. Into the smooth clay floor the jars are
sunk nearly to the middle. Each cellar contained about sixty jars,
every one holding twenty-five arobas : they are made of clay from
the neighbouring hills, and four reals for each aroba they contain
is the price. When the must is to be converted into wine, one aroba
of boiling grape-juice is poured into every four arobas of must, to
hasten the fermentation ; the delicacy of making wine consisting in
never allowing the juice actually to boil, but to stop it just on the
Llora este cielo sereno,
Marchitando sus colores,
La tierra Llora en vapores,
L'agua que abriga en su seno,
Llora el aroyo, mas lleno,
Se espera esterilidad,
Y las flores con lealdad,
Le lloren de varios modos,
Pues Abora que lloren todos.
Llorad corazon llorad.
Llora el prado a quien destine,
El cielo esteril suerte,
Don Justo has the best memory for verses of any person I know,
and repeated more songs than I can remember, or than Don Lucas
could sing. It is one of the necessary accomplishments of a young
Chileno cavalier; so he who cannot sing his song in their country
cattle, and its little valley opens to the eastward, on which side it
sends forth its stream to swell the river of the Angostura. The road
from Don Justo's to Aculeo is beautiful, through woods and fertile
plains, surrounded by mountains watered by numerous streams, and
enlivened by several good country-houses; round each of which a
village of peons is generally collected, like the large English farm
The scenery of the lake reminded me of that around the Lago
Maggiore ; the snowy Andes, rich banks, and bright islands, even
the very climate, seemed those of Northern Italy. We stopped a
moment at a small house on the side of the lake where there is
usually a boat to be had, but she was under repair. The estate be-
longs to one of the La Raynas, and the fish from the lake forms a
considerable portion of the income from it.
Dona Ana Maria, Dona Rosaria, and Jose Antonio, chose to re-
main at the cottage. Mr. de Roos and myself, attended by the two
peons, rode two leagues farther up the right bank of the lake, having
first tasted the Water, which we found to be perfectly sweet and fresh.
I had never seen such forest scenery out of Europe as we passed
through on our ride; and then there was the peculiar fragrance of
the Chile woods, sometimes from the boughs of the aroma, now in
blossom, sometimes from the crushed leaves over which we trod.
But this lovely scene is quite solitary ; one small fishing house, on an
island, alone tells that man has any part in it. But the eagle soars
over it, and the swan, and all the meaner tribe of
aquatic fowls, brood
on it. Consideration for our horses induced us to return, after
day I have seen ; for, in the fresh untouched scenes of nature, each
succeeding one is lovelier than the last. The star-like flower beneath
my feet, the magnificent purple shrub that bent over the cliff hun-
dreds of feet above the nearest resting-place, and where Salinas clung
like a wild roe as he grasped the splendid plant; the pinnacle on
which the skins were spread, where Ana Maria and Rosario,—two
creatures more lovely than the flowers about them, — reclined while
the matee was brought in silver cups ;—all, all were beautiful; and we
talked till many a story of living people was told, that romancers
would be glad to possess. Dona Ana Maria's first husband was, as I
knew long before, Juan Jose Carrera. * After his death, her brother
Jose Antonio crossed the Andes to Mendoza, and brought her home
to her family, where she lived for a time in utter seclusion.
At nineteen years she had seen her husband at the head of the
life ! Some of his letters were intercepted ; and she was imprisoned
in the convent of the Augustine
© nuns in Santiago.
© But I will write
down this part of her history, asnearly as I can, in the words of her
mother, addressed to me some days ago:— On Ana Maria's return
from Mendoza we found her health so impaired by her sufferings,
that we hurried her into the country, whither poor Miguel and I
account, who had a very dangerous fever. On the very day of the
crisis of her illness, an officer from the senate arrived, demanding
eldest daughter.
My husband went to the Director, represent-
ing the wretched state of the family, and especially the delicate
state of my Ana Maria. But he was told that it was an affair of
state, and she must appear ; so I left Mariquita with her sisters,
and set off with the officer to fetch my daughter.
We brought her to town ; she was taken before the senate, and
there the letter written by Jose Miguel was shown her *, and she
was desired to read it. She answered, that she did not know the
cipher, and therefore could not. One of the court reminded her,
that she had often used a
cipher in her letters to her husband while
he was imprisoned at Mendoza. She who, till then, had not heard
her husband's name without convulsions, now seemed inspired with
courage from above. ' Yes,' she said, ' we did occasionally write a
line in cipher. Could we expose our intimate concerns to the
strangers who, we knew, read our letters ere they reached us ? Or
could we bear the coarse laugh of the guard-room, where they were
read, at the effusions of our tenderness ? But when ye took from
me the letters and
papers of my martyred husband, ye took from
me also the
key of that cipher, and I know no other.' One of the
senators, looking sternly at the beautiful girl, said, ■—•' Does Doha
Ana Maria choose to have the words martyred husband inserted into
the minutes of her examination ?' She answered, ' I have said, and
I do say, martyred husband.' The examiners then told her, that
unless she read the letters in question to the council there assembled,
she should be shut up in a convent. Her reply still was —' I cannot,
I know not the cipher. And if the letter were addressed to me, of
which you have no proof, does another person's act in addressing
me make me a criminal ? There are, alas ! other women, and other
much as
hopes, for the subversion of the actual government. It was highly imprudent —
perhaps worse.
While she was confined in the convent, she became intimate with
a most interesting young person, whose misfortunes, of a different cast
from her own, had induced her to retire thither for life. Her husband
had been won over from the
patriot to the royal cause, at an age
when principles can rarely be fixed ; — he had been faithful to it.
He was taken in battle, and imprisoned rather as a deserter than an
honourable enemy. She, being at that time at Talcahuana, and near
her first lying-in, resolved to join her husband ; and so set out with
one faithful female servant, on foot, and with so little
money, as to be
dependant for the greater part of the road, 500 miles, upon the
hospitality of her countrymen ; to whom her name, indeed, was not
indifferent. She reached Santiago; — a relation received her kindly.
She bore her infant, sending daily to the prison to know how her
husband was, and had always an answer of comfort. Gne morning
she heard a volley, and then another, of small arms—she was seized
with a shivering : she enquired after her husband; she was told,
He is out of prison, and will never be molested more. She asked
no farther, but rose from her bed as soon as she was able, and retired
to the Augustines. She was right, — he was shot that morning : his
child had died. In her solitude she was sometimes visited by her
friends, and her brother Justo Salinas was among the number.
K K 2
Sometimes he saw with her Ana Maria, the widow of Carrera. The
young naturally feel for the young. He heard her story,—as who in
Chile did not ?—and told it to his mother, an aged lady, who lived in
the country, at the house we are now staying at.
When Dona Ana Maria was released from her honourable prison in
the Augustines, she found her brother Don Miguel labouring under
a severe
infirmity ; and as she was banished from Santiago, and
ordered to live at the country-house she had inherited from her
husband, she proposed that he should accompany her thither for the
benefit of bathing in running water ; which, I observe, is considered
here as a specific for many complaints. Ana Maria's tender attention
to this brother attracted the observation of her neighbours, more espe-
cially ofthe lady of Salinas, who insisted on her removing to her house,
where the waters were purer and the stream stronger. She accord-
ingly accompanied Don Miguel to Salinas. Don Justo arrived some
time after :—need I say she was invited to make Salinas hers ? I am
not sure that all this was talked or told to-night; but this discourse
made out some parts of a story which I longed to know more com-
pletely, and which, even now, wants some links of the chain.
The sun at last summoned us to leave our mountain station; and
we descended bywinding rocky path and through a wood, where
the branches often threatened to impede our progress. On such oc-
casions Salinas, who, like every Chileno, travels with his forest knife,
drew it, and quickly cut the overhanging boughs ; and we reached
home just as E with his tonto again made his appearance at
the door. The parties in the evening were much as last night; E-
and Jose Antonio occasionally taking Don Lucas's place, with Dona
Bosario, and Mr. de Boos. There was something in the tonto's
appearance to-night that led me to notice him more particularly than
before ; and I purposely led the conversation to points connected
with farming, with the state of the roads in the' country, and the
and said something aloud, calling him by name, and the answer
was so
completely that of an idiot, that I turned to E to avoid
more discourse with the
unhappy creature. I spoke of Santiago and
the Director, which I have not done here on account of Doha Ana
Maria ; and of the 18th of September, the approaching anniversary
of the independence of the country; and asking him if he, as captain
of militia, would not be on parade with the lancers, again I saw the
tonto's eyes fixed on me, with an intelligence and an expression that
interested me anew, and I thought that perhaps his state of mind
owing to some misfortune sprung out of the civil war; so I talked
on, and mentioned more especially the Director's promise of backing
any request to be made to the Assembly for a general amnesty for
all persons held criminal for political opinions, and recal to all exiles.
There was something in the faces of all that induced me to repeat
this distinctly again and then I went on with the drawing I was
about, and E I then heard the tonto speak about
went away :
me in a
whisper to Dona Ana Maria, who answered him in the same
tone, and then she spoke to me; and the conversation led me to say
to the tonto, And why should not you, who live in the country and
have your farm, be happy as any of us ? He answered quickly ; and
this time his voice and language corresponded with the dignity of
his figure and his fine features —"/happy with farms, and peons, and
cattle ! No ! for years I was wretched, and the first moment of
happiness I owe to you."— "Indeed ! said I. Then you are not what
you seem ?"— He started up and stretched himself to his full height,
and his eye flashed fire. — No, — 1 will no longer play this fool's
the fidelity of a little boy who brought him food daily, he must have
perished : and this was the exile's life. And thus years have passed
of the life of one of the best educated, most accomplished young
men in Chile ! When we separated for the night, I felt sorry that
we were to leave the hacienda of Salinas in the
morning, without
at this time knowing more of the tonto.*
They meet in a little grassy plain, where there are some very fine
timber trees scattered irregularly, and bounded to the north by the
fences of the magnificent corn-fields of Viluco. The fog shut out all
the mountains, and whatever is peculiar in the landscape of Chile;
Before I left Chile, I had the pleasure of shaking hands with him, —
restored to his
were used; tlie rest was thrown into the sea on the coasts, or on the
bone-heap in-land for the vultures. Even now the heads in some
places, in all the bones, when the main part of the flesh is cut off,
are thrown out,
excepting where there are foreigners to make soup ;
the hearts and livers are also thrown away ; so that nearly a quarter of
the food which an ox would furnish in Europe is lost here, not to
mention that the horns, hoofs, and bones are utterly wasted. But the
war is not the
only cause of the diminution of the number of the
cattle; — a great deal more land is now brought into cultivation
for corn; the people eat more bread ; they have a large demand
for the provisioning the foreign ships and fleets in the Pacific, and
We had scarcely left Viluca when the day began to clear. I never
beheld any thing finer than the gradual opening of the clouds, now
rolling far below the summits of the mountains and seeming to fill
up their valleys, and now curling over their tops and dispersing in
the air. At a short distance from the house of Viluca we came to a
ford of the Maypu, much more difficult than that we passed before.
The gravelly bed of the river here spreads at the foot of a mountain
nearly a mile, but the stream itself occupies but a small portion.
We crossed six great branches ; four of which took the horses to the
girths, and one was so rapid that some of the animals were fright-
ened, and began to give way ; but the example of the rest encouraged
them, and we crossed happily. Above and below the ford, where
the stream is all in one, it is impossible to attempt crossing: a guide
is quite necessary in travelling in Chile on account of the rivers.
About five leagues beyond the ford, we came to the beautiful village
of Longuien, where the road lies between a mountain and two little
knolls that project from it: the place is very populous, and seems
chiefly delightful for its view, extending all over the rich valley
through which the Maypu flows. On one hand lies the high ridge
of the mountains of St. Michael; on the other, that of which Cho-
colan —-
stupendous, if the Andes were not in sight — is the highest
peak. There is little corn in this part of the country, but that little
is fine ; and the vines and olives are few. The chief produce between
this place and Melipilla being butter, cheese, hides, tallow, and
mills, for irrigation, and for drinking. About a league from San
Francisco we
passed the Indian village of Talagante, distinguished
by its three beautiful palm trees, the first I had seen for a long time.
It was one of the early settlements formed by the Franciscans, but
was transferred to the
management of the Jesuits, on whose fall the
spiritual affairs of the Cacique and his people reverted to the Fran-
ciscans, and the temporal matters to the captain of the district. The
most remarkable building on entering San Francisco is the house,
of the shortness of the time allowed for preparation, but our hunger
would have relished a much worse;
there was excellent roast beef,
a stewed fowl, good bread, and a bottle of very tolerable wine. The
beds appeared to embarrass Mr. de Roos more than any thing: but I
am an old traveller, and our Chileno friends are used to the sort of
thing ; so my young Englishman made up his mind to our all passing
the night within the same four walls. An excellent matrass, with all
proper additions, was laid on one end of the estrada for Doha Rosa-
rio and me; and across the foot of couch the skins and carpets
of the saddles furnished forth Mr. de Roos, while another of the same
kind sei'ved Don Antonio. I thought of the Sentimental Jour-
ney, and placed a parcel of high-backed chairs, and spread the long
skirt of my riding-habit between Rosario and me and our companions,
a work of
ready to receive two strangers, who walked into the room before any
of the rest were stirring, and seating themselves without ceremony,
(fair man,) as they called Mr. de Roos, whose golden locks and bright
complexion are objects of universal admiration here. The fore-court
of our lodging is surrounded by workmen's sheds of different de-
scriptions; so that when the family requires a job done, the workman
and his tools are hired for the day or the week, and he finds his
plan as Santiago ; that is, all the streets perfectly straight at right
angles. Nearly in the centre is the Iglesia Matriz, on one side of a
considerable square; another side is occupied by the house of the
governor Don T. Valdez, and the barracks adjoining. The govern-
ment house, like every other in the town, has a dull air; because
towards the squares and streets, there is only a dead wall with a large
great church; but there are a few private chapels belonging to the
see thepits whence the fine red clay used in the famous pottery of
Melipilla is taken. Overlooking the plain eastward from the town,
there is a long high perfectly flat bank of great extent; and there,
under a layer about two feet thick of black vegetable mould, lies the
red clay, almost as hard as stone. Of this the fine red water-jars, and
the finest vessels for wine, as well as jars for cooking and many other
uses, are made. The plain beyond the clay bank is covered with
large ovens for baking the wine-jars, and alembics for distilling; not
that there is any large manufactory for them, but every peasant here
makes jars, and the richest and most skilful of course has most
trade; and, of all the ovens we saw, not more than three belonged
to any one man.
There is no difference between the method of pottery practised
here and that at Valparaiso in making the coarsest ware, excepting
that I think more pains is taken in kneading the clay. I went to one
of the most famous female potters, and found her and her grand-
daughter busy polishing their work of the day before with a beau-
tiful agate. There I saw the black clay of which they make small
wares, such as matee-cups, waiters, and water-jars, often wrought
with grotesque heads and arms, and sometimes ornamented with the
white and red earths with which the country abounds. The large
wine-jars and alembics are made by men, as the work is laborious ;
especially as no wheel is used, or indeed known, in the country. The
small ware is still often baked in holes in the earth, the large vessels
in ovens; where indeed they are often made, the workmen forming
the jars where they are to be baked.
tristes, and dancing various dances ; the newest and most fashionable
being the Patria, with suitable words not ill adapted to the times.
15th September. — This morning Dona Rosario and her brother
went to early Mass, while Mr. de Roos and I prepared all things for
satisfied, that, in its present state, there is little interesting in it; and
also, that it might be one of the most flourishing cities of South
America. Its
potteries, already considerable, might be rendered
infinitely more profitable; its manufactures of ponchos and carpets
infinitely increased, because its wool and its dyes are excellent and
inexhaustible. Hemp, of the very finest quality, abounds in the
flat lands near it. Its dairies are the best in this part of Chile ; and
its charqui, hides, and all other produce depending on its cattle,
This is so
contrary to experience and reason, that, as I have not tried
them myself, I suspect that there is as great a mistake as in the case
of the saltness of the lake of Aculeo. We had no intention this day of
compos. They were arranged like nine-pins, the centre one being a
young boy dressed in a grotesque manner, who only changed his place
occasionally with two others, one of whom had a guitar, the other a
ravel. The height and size of limb of the dancers might have belonged
to men, the apparel was female; and I thought I had been suddenly
through the other day, their proselytes being the caciques of Talagante,
Yupeo, and Chenigue. The good fathers found that the Indians were
more easily
brought over to a new faith, than weaned from certain su-
perstitious practices belonging to their old idolatry ; and the annual
dance under the shade of the cinnamon, in honour of a preserving
Power, they found it impossible to make them forget. They therefore
permitted them to continue it; but it was to be performed within the
convent walls, and in honour of Nuestra Senhora de la Merced, and
each cacique in turn was to take upon him the expense of the feast.
On the removal of the convent to its present station the dance was
allowed in the church ; and the dancers, instead of painted bodies, and
heads crowned with feathers, and bound with the fillet,—still thought
holy,—are now clothed completely in women's dresses, as fine as they
procure : and as the priests have much abridged the period of
the solemnity, they are fain to finish their dance in the area before
the church, where they are attended with as much deference as in the
temple itself. After having performed this duty, the dancers, and as
many as choose to accompany them, repair to the Cacique's house,
where they are treated with all the food he can command, and drink
till his stock ofchicha is exhausted. I considered myself very fortunate
in having met with these dancers, and pleased myself with the idea
that they were the descendants of the Promaucians, who had resisted
the Incas in their endeavours to subdue the country, and who, after
highest order, maintained by the labour of the Cacique, his two sons,
and his Indians ; over whom he still exercises a nominal jurisdiction,
and possesses the authority of opinion, not less powerful here than in
more civilised nations. As the land is all supposed to be his of
equally injurious.
In the evening, Dona Dolores Ureta and her very pleasing daugh-
He has actually made windows in it.
sexes, and the usual amusements began. First, the gracioso, with his
staff in the middle of the floor, performed a number of antics, and
made speeches to every person present. He then sent for his harp,
and played, while all manner of persons danced all sorts of dances.
Doha Rosario and I, seated bed, with our visitors by us, saw
on our
as much or as little pleased of the holiday evening of a pul-
as we
large house in the neighbourhood was on fire, and thither every body
flocked: the night was intensely cold ; and as soon as I had heard
that there were no inhabitants to be injured by the conflagration, I
returned to the house, having a slight pain in my side.
16th Sept.— We left San Francisco by Talagante, intending to go
close by the mountain of San Miguel, to the farm where the new
Mapocho comes by several copious springs from under-ground. We
stopped at the Cacique's to pay our compliments, and bought some
small jars and platters of red clay, ornamented with streaks of earth,
to which iron pyrites give the appearance of gold dust.
is a very populous village, and the women at every hut appear to be
potters. The men are soldiers, sailors, carriers, and some few hus-
bandmen ; a fine, handsome, that is, well-made race, with faces very
M M 2
Indian. We had
scarcely left it a league, when I was obliged to
lag a little behind the party by a violent cough, and then I broke a
small blood-vessel.* It was some time before I could rejoin my
friends; and then there was great consternation among them, as we
were at least ten
leagues from home. I proposed to them to ride
on, and leave me to proceed slowly with the peon : this they refused
to do; and the hemorrhage increasing, I felt pleased that they
remained with me. I had nothing with me to stop the bleeding,
and I longed for water; on which Don Jose Antonio recollecting a
spring not far off, he and Mr. de Roos rode off to it, and filling the
little jars we had brought with us, we put some orange-peel into it,
and whenever the cough returned I took a mouthful. I found I
dared not speak, nor ride fast; so at a foot's pace we went on to San-
tiago. I had two very serious attacks before I reached the city, but,
on the whole, I cannot
say I suffered much ; it was a delightful day,
and the scenery was beautiful and grand. We crossed the plain of
Maypu farther to the westward, and nearer the scene of the great
action than before. The ground was covered with flowers, and flocks
of birds were collected round them. I thought if it were to be my
last ride out among the works of God, it was one to sooth and com-
fort me ; and I did not feel at all depressed. I may think, with more
ease than most, of
my end, detached as I now am from all kindred.
A few miles before we reached home Mr. De Roos rode on, and
having told Doha Carmen what had happened, she ordered my maid
to have fire, warm water, and
my bed prepared. Mr. De Roos also
found Dr. Craig, who came immediately, and as I was almost with-
out fever and very well disposed to sleep soundly, the accident of
cising ground. The only compensation I can have for not being
present at the national rejoicing is the seeing the troops pass. I
plimenting each other ; and the streets, both last night and to-night,
were illuminated. I felt low and ill all day.
21 st of Sept. — The good-natured inhabitants of Santiago have all
say of my good and skilful physician Dr. Craig, that can acknow-
ledge my obligations sufficiently ? As to my own sea friends, their
affectionate care is only what I depended on.
I have been grieved since I came back from Melipilla by the state
of a beautiful and amiable girl, which has arisen from a misunder-
stood spirit of devotion. Before I went away she was gay and cheer-
ful, the delight of her father's house. Her music and her poetry,
and her reading aloud while others worked, formed the charm of her
home. But her mother, though a clever woman, is a bigot; and
her heart had rested on her husband and their home. But what was
to occupy the thoughts and affections of the girl whose best feelings
were to be crushed ? Could she harbour there
A wish but death, a passion but despair ?
And she has returned as it were to earth, — on it, but not of it.
The sight of friends throws her into fits of hysterical weeping ; and,
only prostrate before the altar, and repeating the Masses of her house
of woe, does she seem soothed or calmed. Such are the effects of
the house of exercise. I might have thought that my young friend's
peculiar disposition alone had caused this; but I know a youth who
was, I am told, once all that parents could wish, — accomplished and
laughing at the set out. In the first place, there was the calisa, a
very light square body of a carriage, mounted on a coarse heavy axle,
and two clumsy wheels painted red, while the body is sprigged and
flowered like a furniture chintz, lined with old yellow and red Chinese
silk, without glasses, but having striped gingham curtains. Between
the shafts, of the size and shape of those of a dung-cart, was a fine
mule, not without silver studs among her trappings, mounted by a
handsome lad in a poncho, and armed with spurs whose rowels were
bigger than a dollar, and with a little straw hat stuck on one side.
On each side of the mule horse, fastened to the axle of the
was a
wheel, each with his rider, also in full Chile costume. Then there
Loyola's son as a guide, handsomely dressed in a full.guaso dress,
mounted on a fine horse: with him Mr. Dance and Mr. Candler, of the
Doris, also in the same dress; my young friend de Roos having left
us some
days before on the expiration of his leave of absence. Last,
though by no means least, in his own esteem, was my peon Felipe,
with his three mules and the baggage, accompanied by another peon
The barometer gives 12,000 feet as the greatest height of the pass at the foot of the
volcano of Aconcagua, where that river flows to the west, and that of Mendoza to the east.
with the relay horses for the calisa. When seated in the chaise I
observed how the horses were harnessed. A stout iron ring is fixed
to the saddle, and a thong passes from the axle-tree to that ring, so
that it serves as a single trace, by which the horse drags his portion
of the weight on one side. Occasionally they change sides, to relieve
the cattle. On going down any little declivity the horses keep wide of
the carriage, so as to support it a little ; and on descending a mountain
they are removed from the front, and the thongs are brought back-
ward from the axle-trees and fastened to rings in the fore part of the
saddles ; and the horses serve not only instead of clogs to the wheels,
but support part of the weight, which might otherwise overpower the
mule in the descent. The season is considerably advanced since we
went to the city ; the plains are thickly and richly covered with grass
and flowers ; the village orchards are in full leaf and blossom, and
the pruning of the vines is begun. The horses, and other animals,
are once more sent into the
potreros to grass, and spring comes to all
but me. Mine is past, and my summer has been blighted ; yet hope,
blessed hope! remains, that the autumn of my days may at least be
I suffered a great deal the two first days on the road, but the third
I felt sensibly better, and fancied myself almost well; when, at the
first post-house from Valparaiso, I found Captain Spencer, with half-
a-dozen of my young shipmates, whom he had good naturedly brought
out to meet me, and among them poor Glennie.
We all made a
cheerful luncheon together, and then rode to Valparaiso ; my maid
mounting her horse, and Glennie taking her place in the calisa.
At home I found Mr. Hogan, and several other friends, waiting to
welcome me. And truly 1 have seldom enjoyed rest so much as this
night, when both mind and body reposed, as they have not done
since I knew of Glennie's arrival in bad health.
October 1st. — I find that the affairs of the squadron are much
worse than when I left the port: the wages are yet unpaid, and the
crews of the ships are becoming clamorous for money, for clothing,
and all other necessaries. Discontent is spreading wide, and, as usual,
directly from individuals who have been benefited and trusted by him
and the country they serve. This calumny charges him with having
made a private advantageous bargain for himself, and having already
received from the government the greater part of the money destined
for the pay of the whole squadron. I have been much pleased by a
letter written to him by the lieutenants of the squadron on the occa-
sion, dated only yesterday, and of which a copy has been obligingly
given me by one of those signing it.
to-day I have been almost overwhelmed with details about the new
regulations of trade, the taxes to be laid on, and the monopolies of
the minister Rodriguez, and his partner Areas. In addition to the
spirits and tobaccos they long ago purchased with the government
money, they have now bought up the cottons, cloths, and other arti-
cles of clothing, and only their own agents or pulperie-men are able
to procure such for any customer. This, added to the want of a small
coin, and the use of notes for tbree-pences, only payable, or rather
exchangeable, for goods from their own shops, is a severe grievance,
and will, of course, at once retard civilisation and rob the revenue;
N N 2
for it will drive the people back to their habits of wearing nothing
but their household stuffs, and thereby afford less leisure for agri-
culture, thence less food, and consequently check the now increasing
population ; at the same time that, by discouraging the use of foreign
stuffs, the import duties must fail. Are nations like individuals, who
profit by each other's experience? and.must each state have its
dark age ?
I have received many visits in the course of the day to congratulate
me on
my return, the most and tlie kindest from my naval friends;
and I am particularly flattered by Lord Cochrane's coming with
nothing to do but sit patiently till the milk arrived, and my guests
being older inhabitants of the country than I am, were equally re-
signed; and the interval was filled with pleasant conversation.
6th. — The exorbitant duties, not yet formally imposed but an-
nounced, on various English goods, have induced Capt. Vernon, of
H. M. ship Doris, to go to Santiago; and, if possible, procure some
proper consuls or agents to guard our trade, and to take from it the
disgrace of being little else than smuggling 011 a larger scale. How
easily might it have been settled, for instance, that the brute metals
of this country should be legal returns for the manufactured goods
of Europe, India, and China; instead of, as now, subjecting them to
all the losses and risks of smuggling: for, as they are the only
returns the country can make to
Europe, they will find their way
thither ; and the attempt to confine them is as absurd as that ancient
law of Athens which forbade the selling of the figs of Attica, lest
stranger should buy and eat of what was too delicious for any
but an Athenian
This new reglamento is not the only point on which some state
ferment seems about to arise. The Director had appointed General
Cruz to supersede General Freire as governor of Talcahuana and
chief of the army of the south; but the soldiers have refused to
receive him, or to permit Freire to leave them, and are become as
clamorous for their pay as the sailors are. Some politicians here do
not scruple to attribute ambitious thoughts to Freire, and to accuse
him of being the instigator of the clamours of the soldiers : but the
true cause is in the bad faith of the government in refusing to pay
parties themselves.
8Hi.— My pleasure in receiving the visits of several of my friends
produced from her leathern pocket a piece of cocoa grease, and dipping
it into the brandy, began to anoint G.'s shoulders with it, harangue-
ing all the time on the intimate connection between the shoulders
and the lungs, and saying that whoever wished to cure the latter
should begin by cooling the former. Having operated for a quarter
of an hour, she suffered the patient to lie down ; and taking a bundle
of cachanlangue (herb centaury) from the boy, desired me to infuse
half of it in boiling water, and give the tea occasionally; and the other
half was to be placed in a glass of spirits, and the shoulders to be
occasionally whipped with it. She assured me that the pulse would go
down and the hemorrhage cease by degrees, by constant use of the
herb. She also gave me a bundle of wild carrot, of which she di-
rected me to make a tisane, well sweetened, to be drank occasionally,
and then, having given a history of similar cases cured by her pre-
See Appendix for this remonstrance, communicated to me shortly after it was for-
warded togovernment by one of the captains; and also for the letter on the same sub-
ject addressed to the Admiral by the lieutenants of the squadron.
captain instantly to sail for Valparaiso; and now gives out here, that
a rheumatic
pain in one of his arms obliges him to have recourse to
the baths of Cauquenes. If true, 'tis strange, 'tis passing strange.
1 Ath. —
Reports arrive this morning that San Martin has been
arrested; and that having endeavoured to smuggle a quantity of gold,
it is seized.
Noon. — So far from San Martinbeing arrested, two of the Direc-
tor'saides-de-camp have arrived to pay him compliments, — besides,
the fort saluted his flag.
Many persons, knowing Lord Cochrane's sentiments with regard
to the General, and that he looks on him both as a traitor to Chile
and a dishonest man, made little doubt but that His
Lordship would
arrest him. Had he done so, I think the government would have
25th July, 1822.
of October. — After a very busy day spent in seeing and
taking leave of my friends of the Doris, who are to sail to-morrow, I
surprised, just as I had taken leave of the last, at being told that
great company was approaching. I had scarcely time to look up
before I perceived Zenteno, the governor of Valparaiso, ushering in
very tall fine-looking man, dressed in plain black clothes, whom he
announced as General San Martin. They were followed by Madame
Zenteno and her step-daughter, Doha Dolores, Colonel D'Albe and
his wife and sister, General Priete, Major O'Carrol, Captain Tor-
res, who I believe is captain of the port here, and two other gentle-
men whom I do not know. It was not easy to arrange the seats of
such a company in a room scarcely sixteen feet square, and lumbered
with books and other things necessary to the comfort of an Eu-
It is dark and fine, but restless; it never seemed to fix for above a
potic alike. The wish to enjoy the reputation of a liberator and the
will to be a tyrant are strangely contrasted in his discourse. He has
not read much, nor is his genius of that stamp that can go alone.
the mind, it much more frequently prepares the way for unlimited
o o
part of his discourse, — his own leaving Lima. He told me, that,
resolved to know whether the people were really happy* he used to
gave me to understand, that he had found that the people were now
happy enough to do without him ; and said that, after the active life
he had led, he began to wish for rest; that he had withdrawn from
public life, satisfied that his part was accomplished, and that he had
only brought with him the flag of Pizarro, the banner under which
the empire of the Incas had been conquered, and which had been
displayed in every war, not only those between the Spaniards and
Peruvians, but those of the rival Spanish chiefs. Its possession,
said he, has always been considered the marlc of power and authority;
I have it now and he drew himself up to his full height, and
looked round him with a most imperial air. Nothing so character-
istic as this passed during the whole four hours the Protector
remained with me. It was the only moment in which he was him-
self. The rest was partly an habitual talking on all subjects, to
dazzle the less understanding; and partly the impatience to be first,
even in common conversation, which his
long habit of command
has given him. I pass over the compliments he paid me, somewhat
too profusely for the occasion ; but of such we may say, as Johnson
did of affectation, that they are excusable, because they proceed from
the laudable desire of pleasing. Indeed, his whole manner was most
courteous : I could not but observe, that his movements as well as his
person are graceful; and I can well believe what I have .heard, that
in a ball-room he has few superiors. Of the other persons present,
Colonel d'Albe and the ladies only volunteered a few words. It was
with difficulty that, in my endeavours to be polite to all, I forced a
syllable now and then from the other gentlemen. They seemed as
if afraid to commit themselves ; so at length I left them alone, and
the whole discourse soon fell into the Protector's hands.
Upon the whole, the visit of this evening has not impressed me
much in favour of San Martin. His views are narrow, and I think
selfish. His philosophy, as he calls it, and his religion, are upon
oo 2
par ; both are too openly used as mere masks to impose on the
world; and, indeed, they are so worn as that they would not impose
any people but those he has unhappily had to rule. He certainly
has no genius ; but he has some talents, with no learning, and little
In his closet at Mendoza, his own portrait was placed between those of Napoleon
and the Duke of Wellington.
righteous as the cause, he would have been the very first of his
countrymen : but there is blood on his hands ; there is the charge
of treachery on his heart.
He is this day gone to Cauquenes, and has left the port not one
whit enlightened as to the cause of his leaving Peru. It is probably
like the retirement of Monteagudo, a sacrifice of his political exist-
ence in order to save his natural life. *
I think Lord Cochrane went either to day or yesterday to Quintero.
The Valparaiso world would have rejoiced in some meeting, some
scene, between him and San Martin : but his good sense, and truly
honourable feelings towards the country he serves, have prevented this.
If San Martin is unfortunate, and forced to fly his dominion, His
Monday the cZlst.—During these last few days Valparaiso has enjoyed
nearly its ordinary state of dull tranquillity. It seems the convention
had, notwithstanding the express wish of the executive, rejected the
reglamento in toto; but their vote being sent back for revision, its
operation is to be suspended for a few months.
My poor invalid continues suffering, though the kindness of my
neighbours and the advance of the season enable me to procure for
him all the little comforts which can amuse his mind, or gratify his
still delicate appetite. Milk is very abundant at this season; green
peas are come in ; a friend sends us asparagus from the city; and
the strawberries are just ripe. It is the custom here, when this ele-
gant fruit first comes in, to tie it up in bunches, with a rose, a pink,
or a
sprig of balm ; and these little bunches, laid on the evergreen
leaves of mayten, shaded with sprigs of the same, and laid in little
wicker baskets, are brought by the rosy-faced children, from all the
gardens within ten miles, to the port for sale. I have known a real
See Lord Cochrane's letter, and Lima Justificada.
given for a single strawberry on their first ripening, but now a real
will purchase more than two persons could eat.
26th. — The Lautaro arrived from Talcahuana under most uncom-
Chile. The, government has promulgated its new constitution and its
new commercial
regulations, neither of which appear to me to an-
swer their purpose.
The reglamento, or commercial regulation, begins by a long pre-
amble, addressed by the minister of the interior to the convention
laying before it the rules drawn up by a committee composed
partly of ministers and partly of merchants: I understand not much
of these things ; but there are passages so opposite to common sense,
that a child must be struck with them. The three first sections
concern the establishment and subordination of custom-house officers,
of whom some are to be
stationary and some ambulatory; the latter
are to be
obeyed wherever they are met, on the hills, in the road, or
out of it, in all weathers. They are to have a copper badge about
the size of a crown-piece, which they are to wear concealed; and yet
if they stop a cargo in the midst of the widest plain, or in the worst
And, moreover, all cargoes must pass through Mendoza, and receive
a certificate there, or they will not be allowed to enter Chile. All
this is followed by the narrowest and most vexatious rules for mani-
fests, for trans-shipments, for land-carriage, &c. that the ingenuity of
man has devised,
bearing alike upon foreigners and natives, merchants
and husbandmen.
The most curious thing in the whole production is the notice in the
preamble of the twelfth section concerning importations. The duties
on all these are so
high, as in many cases to amount to a prohibition,
with the view of protecting home-manufactures, forgetting that, except-
ing hats and small beer, there is not a single manufactory established
in Chile ; for we can hardly call such the soap-boiling and candle-
ing the limits of the territory, fixing Cape Horn as its southern point,
and the desert of Atacama as its northern boundary ; while the
Andes to the east, and the ocean to the west, form its natural limits.
It claims besides, the islands of the archipelago of Chiloe, those of
Mocha, of Juan Fernandez, and Saint Mary. The second chapter of
the first section concerns those who may be called Chilenos: 1st,
those born in the country ; 2d, those born of Chilian parents out of
it; 3d, foreigners married to natives after three years' residence;
4th, foreigners employing a capital of not less than 2000 dollars
who shall reside for five years. All Chilenos are equal in the eye of
the law ; all employments are open to them ; they must all contribute
their proportion to the maintenance of the state.
The second section declares the religion of the state to be the
Catholic Apostolic Roman, to the exclusion of all others ; and
that all the inhabitants must respect it, whatever be their private
The third section declares the government to be representative,
and that the legislative power resides in the Congress, the executive
in the Director, and the judicial in the proper tribunals. All are
citizens who, being Chilenos, are of twenty-five years of age, or who
are married; and, after the year 1833, they must be able to read and
write. Persons shall lose their right of citizenship who, 1st, are na-
turalised in other countries ; 2d, accept employment from any other
government; 3d, are under any legal sentence not reversed ; 4th,
remain absent from Chile, without leave, more than five years. These
safety and that of individual property, and to the other ends for
which you are assembled, as set forth in our constitution ?"— Yes,
I swear."—"If you do this, God enlighten and defend you ; if not,
concerns the executive power ; and first, the Director, who is declared
to be elective, and that the office is incapable of becoming hereditary.
The direction is to last six years, and the Director may be re-elected
once for four more. He must be a native of Chile, and have resided
in it the five years immediately preceding his election. He must be
above twenty-five years of age, and he must be elected by both Cham-
bers of the Congress, by ballot. Two-thirds of the votes shall suffice
to elect a Director. The election made by the Convention this year
of the present Director shall be considered as the first.
In case of the death of the Director while the Congress is not sitting,
the Director shall, on the 12th of February, the 5th of April, and the
18th of September, deposit in a box, with three several keys, to be
The Director is declared head of the army and navy. He has full
powers to treat with foreign nations, and to make peace and war.
Together with the Senate, he is to present to the bishoprics, and all
other ecclesiastical dignities and benefices. He has the command of
the treasury. He is to appoint ambassadors, to name the ministers,
and secretaries of state, and to name also the judges of circuits. He
may pardon or commute punishments.
After setting forth these powers and privileges, there are a few
articles that look like restrictions ; but as I see no means of enforcing
them, they act rather as the fear of punishment in another world
does on too many sinners here, than as real limitations to absolute
There are three ministers of state. 1. The Secretary for Foreign
Affairs ; —2. Of the Home Department; —3. Of War and Marine.
If the Director pleases he may give two of these offices to one per-
son. These ministers lie under a limited responsibility, i. e. no re-
sponsibility at all.
ings are native in every heart, however, and one wants only the
power of poetical expression to clothe them in verse. But inde-
pendent of all this, the neighbourhood of Valparaiso is peculiarly
beautiful at this time. The shrubs have all been refreshed by the
rains; the ground is covered with a profusion of flowers ; the fruit
is just ripening; and the climate, always agreeable, is now, in this
the custom-house. Lord Cochrane arrived from the city last night,
and is pitching tents by the sea-shore beyond the fort for himself,
because he does not choose to accept a house from government, in
the way these things are managed here. He has of course a claim to
the accommodation of a dwelling on shore; and an order was sent to
the governor of Valparaiso to provide one. The governor con-
sequently pitched upon one of the most commodious in the port, and
sent an order to Mr. C an Englishman, to remove with his
family, and to leave it furnished for the Admiral, such being the old
Spanish custom. But His Lordship would by no means allow Mr. C.
to move, and has accordingly pitched a tent. His friends are a little
anxious about this step. No Chileno would lift his hand against
him ; but there are persons now in Chile who hate him, and who
have both attempted and committed assassination.
If I were first magistrate of a country, however, I should not choose to accustom the
people to see another in my place.
perhaps a war, between Peru and Chile. But now that all danger of
that kind is over, and as San Martin is honoured by having the palace
itself appointed for his residence, and receives every mark of public
attention, as if on purpose to insult Lord Cochrane, those charges
should and will be answered ; and answered too with facts and dates
which will completely overwhelm all the accusations, direct and in-
direct, that were ever drawn up or insinuated against him. There are
other causes too why those now in high station in Chile should be
anxious: there are
reports and whispers from the north and from the
south, of discontents of various kinds. The brothers and kindred of
the dead, and of the exiled, have not forgotten them ; and to see the
man whom the author of their misfortunes received
they consider as
and honoured, irritates them. With every respect for the personal
character of the Director, they see him as the friend and ally of San
Martin, and the supporter of Rodriguez and his comrades ; and I can
hear that sort of covert voice of discontent that precedes civil strife.
The government of Santiago throws all the blame of this discontent
on the
squadron, and has sent a few troops here, it is said, to intimi-
date it: but the number is so small, that it would scarcely suffice to
trait; and generally the author finishes it for a cabinet picture. But
my poor journal, written in a new country and in a time of agitation,
to say the least of it, can pretend to no unity of design ; for can I
sitting on a very low sofa at the end of the estrada, on which some
of her grand-children were at play, while her daughters sat round on
chairs and stools. Refreshments were offered instantly, and warm
milk with sugar and a little grated cinnamon was brought in and pre-
sented, with slices of bread. The invalid was then taken into a
evenings of this lovely climate, and I felt more than com-
monly exhilarated and disposed to enjoy it, not having been so far
on horseback since
my disastrous ride from San Francisco de Monte
to Santiago.
\5th. —Rode to the mouth of the river; part of the water of which
is lost in the sand accumulated there, part is kept back on the land,
and produces a marshy Jake; but there is enough left to form a con-
siderable stream at the regular outlet. I was grieved to see a great
quantity of fine machinery, adapted for rolling copper, lying on
the shore, where Mr. Miers had thrown out a little pier. This ma-
chinery has been regarded with jealousy by certain members of the
government, because some part of it may be used for coining; and
yet that jealousy will not, I fear, prompt the state to buy it, and
thereby reform their own clumsy proceedings at the mint. However,
here lie wheels, and screws, and levers, waiting till more favourable
circumstances shall enable Mr. Miers to proceed with his farther
plans. But time, his becoming a citizen with some landed property,
and the circumstances of his children being born here, will, I trust,
do every thing for him.
The hills here have no longer the same character as about Valpa-
raiso: there, a reddish clay, with veins of granite and white quartz,
form the greater part, if not the whole mass ; here they consist of a
tains, that it must feel the daily changes of weather in the cordil-
lera ; and, indeed, I believe there is always less water in the morn-
ready to be cleared; and the time passes, and the poor man's food
is trodden down by the oxen : here on this estate, while the present
master is in the
country, such things cannot happen ; but the legal right
exists, and a hard master or overseer may exercise it. Under Lord
Cochrane, the peasantry have found an unwonted freedom which
they are so totally unused to, from motives of humane consideration,
that they have taken it for carelessness, and have abused it; but
better so, than that they should be oppressed ! Each settler pays a
few reals as ground-rent; two dollars, on some estates more, for pas-
ture for every horse, mule, ox, or cow, and double for every hundred
cloth, even when the rest of his dress is in conformity with common
usage ; but when in full costume, his thin pale personage, and eye
with an outward cast in it, are set off by a full suit of black, with
shiny silk breeches that look like constitutional calamanco (v. Re-
jected Addresses), enormous bunches of ribbon at the knees, and buckles
in his shoes. I never could help laughing when I saw him in this
stiff dress, forming so complete a contrast with the description he
gives of his costume while, during the early period of the revolution,
he was governor at Esmeraldas; an honour which, I can well believe,
was forced on him. Then, his body was painted, his head adorned
with feathers, and his clothing as light as that of any wild Indian.
He was dressed now in middle costume, to do the honours of
Quintero ;and most politely he did them to Mrs. Miers and me, and
most kindly to Glennie. After dinner we engaged him to tell us
various parts of his adventures ; and were vulgar enough to prefer his
account of the earthquake he experienced at the Baranca, when the
dismayed inhabitants fled to the hills, and expected every moment to
see their ruined town swallowed up, as Callao had been in 1747. *
The destruction of Callao was the most
perfect and terrible that can be conceived:
no more than one of all the inhabitants
escaping, and he by a providence the most singular
and extraordinary imaginable. This man was on the fort that overlooked the harbour,
going to strike the flag, when he perceived the sea to retire to a considerable distance ;
and then, swelling mountains high, it returned with great violence. The inhabitants ran
from their houses in great terror and confusion; he heard a cry of misei ere rise from all
parts of the city, and immediately all was silent. The sea had entirely overwhelmed this
city, and buried it for ever in his bosom; but the same wave which had destroyed this
city drove a little boat by the place where the man stood, into which he threw himself and
was saved.
Burlctfs Account of the European Settlers in America.
This conversation may appear to be imagined after the event; but it was not so.
Our company consisted of Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Miers, Mr. Glennie, and myself; and many
a time afterwards did we recall this evening's discourse.
QUINTEllO. 305
overlooking the bay ; and, for the first time since my arrival in Chile,
I saw it lighten. The lightning continued to play uninterruptedly
over the Andes until after dark, when a
delightful and calm moon-
light night followed a quiet and moderately warm day. We returned
reluctantly to the house on account of the invalid, and were sitting
quietly conversing, when, at a quarter past ten, the house received
a violent shock, with a noise like the
explosion of a mine ; and
Mr. Bennet starting up, ran out, exclaiming, An earthquake, an
earthquake ! for God's sake follow me! I, feeling more for Glennie
than any thing, and fearing the night air for him, sat still: he, look-
ing at me to see what I would do, did the same ; until, the vibration
still increasing, the chimneys fell, and I saw the walls of the house
open. Mr. Bennet again cried from without, For God's sake, come
away from the house ! So we rose and went to the veranda, mean-
ing, of course, to go by the steps; but the vibration increased with
such violence, that hearing the fall of a wall behind us, we jumped
down from the little platform to the ground; and were scarcely there,
when the motion of the earth changed from a quick vibration to a
rolling like that of a ship at sea, so that it was with difficulty that
Mr. Bennet and I supported Glennie. The shock lasted three minutes ;
and, by the time it was over, every body in and about the house had
collected on the lawn, excepting two persons ; one the wife of a
mason, who was shut up in a small room which she could not open;
the other Carillo, who, in escaping from his room by the wall which
fell, was buried in the ruins, but happily preserved by the lintel
falling across him.
Never shall I forget the horrible sensation of that night. In all
other convulsions of nature we feel or fancy that some exertion may
be made to avert or mitigate danger ; but from an earthquake there
is neither shelter nor escape: the mad disquietude that agitates
every heart, and looks out in every eye, seems to me as awful as the
and we fetched out a sofa and blankets for him. Then I got a man
to hold a
light, and venture with fetch
me to the inner rooms to
medicine. ! A second and a third shock had by this time taken
but so much less violent than the first, that we had reasonable hopes
that the worst was over; and we proceeded through the ruined sit-
ting-rooms to cross the court where the wall had fallen, and as we
reached the top of the ruins, another smart shock seemed to roll
them from under our feet. At length we reached the first door of
the sleeping apartments; and on entering I saw the furniture dis-
placed from the walls, but paid little attention to it. In the second
room, however, the disorder, or rather the displacing, was more
lay down with such bedding as they could get round the tent. It
was now twelve o'clock : the earth was still at unrest; and shocks,
the undulations being north and south. At a quarter past six o'clock
there was another shock, which at another time would have been
felt severely ; since that hour, though there has been a continued
series of agitations, such as to shake and even spill water from a
glass, and though the ground is still trembling under me, there has
been nothing to alarm us. I write at four o'clock p. m. — At day-
light I went out of the tent to look at the earth. The dew was on
the grass, and all looked as beautiful as if the night's agitation had
not taken place ; but here and there cracks of various sizes appeared
in various parts of the hill. At the roots of the trees, and the bases
of the posts supporting the veranda, the earth appeared separate,
so that I could
put my hand in ; and had the appearance of earth
where the gardener's dibble had been used. By seven o'clock per-
sons from various
quarters had arrived, either to enquire after our
fate, or communicate their own. From Valle Alegri, a village on the
estate, we hear that many, even of the peasants' houses, are damaged,
and some destroyed. In various places in the middle of the gardens,
the earth has cracked, and water and sand have been forced up
through the surface; some banks have fallen in, and the water-
courses are much injured.
Mr. Cruikshank has ridden over from old Quintero: he tells us
that great fissures are made on the banks of the lake; the house is
not habitable; some of its inmates were thrown down by the shock,
rr 2
308 journal.
and others
by the falling of various articles of furniture upon them.
At Concon the whole house is unroofed, the walls cracked, the iron
supporters broken, the mill a ruin, and the banks of the mill-stream
fallen in. The alluvial soil on each side of the river looks like a
dry-shod, though till to-day that was not the case in the lowest tides.
Half past eight p. m. — We hear reports that the large and po-
pulous town of Quillota, is a heap of ruins, and that Valparaiso is
little better. If so, the destruction there must have reached to the
inhabitants as well as the houses,—-God forbid it should be so ! At
quarter before six another very serious shock, and one this moment.
Slight shocks occur every fifteen or twenty minutes. The evening
is as fine as possible; the moon is up, and shines beautifully over the
lake and the bay: the stars and aurora australis are also brilliant,
and a soft southerly breeze has been blowing since daylight. We
have erected a large rancho with bamboo from Guayaquil and reeds
from the lake, so that we can eat and sleep under cover. Glennie
and I keep the tent; the rest sleep in the rancho.
Don Bernardo O' Higgins, the Director, whose business at Valparaiso was of a na-
ture decidedly hostile to Lord Cochrane, narrowly escaped with his life in hurrying out
of the government house. He received on that terrific night protection and attention
from the Admiral, which I hope for the honour of human nature caused him at this
time to suspend his hostile intentions : But I fear that his temporary retirement from the
government on reaching Santiago, was only to leave others at liberty to do as they pleased,
got under weigh and gone along with violence, striking on rocks as
they went. Last night, the priests had prophesied a more severe
shock than the first. No one went to bed : all that could huddle
themselves and goods on board any vessel did so; and the hills were
covered with groups of houseless creatures, sitting round the fires in
awful expectation of a mighty visitation. On the night of the nine-
teenth, during the first great shock,the sea in Valparaiso bay rose
suddenly, and suddenly retired in an extraordinary manner, and
in about a quarter of an hour seemed to recover its equilibrium ; but
the whole shore is more exposed, and the rocks are four feet higher
out of the water than before.
Such are our
reports from a distance. Nearer home we have had
the same prophecy, concerning a greater shock with an inundation
to be expected ; and the peasants consequently abandoned their
dwellings, and fled to the hills. The shock did not arrive, and that
it did not has been attributed to the interposition of Our Lady of
Quintero. This same Lady of Quintero has a chapel at the old house,
and her image there has long been an object of peculiar veneration.
Thither, on the first dreadful night, flocked all the women of the
neighbourhood, and with shrieks and cries entreated her to come to
their assistance ; tearing their hair, and calling her by all the endear-
ing names which the church of Rome permits to the objects of its
worship. She came not forth, however; and in the morning, when
the priests were able to force the doors obstructed by the fallen
rubbish, they found her prostrate, with her head off, and several
fingers broken. It was not long, however, before she was restored to
her pristine state, dressed in clean clothes, and placed in the attitude
of benediction before the door of her shattered fane.
We had a thick fog to-day, and a cold drizzling rain all the morning
till noon; when it cleared up,and became still and warm. During many
of the shocks, I observed wine or water on the table was not agitated
the land, and, dividing into two, disappeared. The priests have con-
verted this into the Virgin with lights to save the country.
A Beata saint at Santiago foretold the calamity the day before;
the people prayed, and the city suffered little. A propio was de-
spatched to Valparaiso, who arrived too late, although he killed three
horses under him, to put the people on their guard.
Since the 19th the young women of Santiago, dressed in white,
bare-footed, and bare-headed, with their hair unbraided, and bearing
black crucifixes, have been going about the streets singing hymns
and litanies, in procession, with all the religious orders at their head.
At first, the churches were crowded, and the bells tolled the dis-
tress incessantly, till the government, aware that many of the belfries
and some of the churches were cracked, shut them up, lest they
should fall on the heads of the
people; so that now they per-
form their acts of devotion in the streets, and each family devotes its
daughters to the holy office.
At length we have an account of the catastrophe as it affected
Quillota from Don Fausto del Hoyo, Lord Cochrane's prisoner. Don
Fausto's head-quarters, now he is a prisoner at large, have been
changed. Instead of the sounds of the viol and the song, there arose
cry of Misericordia ! Misericordia! and a beating of the breast,
and a prostration of the body; and the thorns were plaited into
crowns, which the sufferers pressed on their heads till the blood
streamed down their faces, the roses being now trampled under-
foot. Some ran to their falling houses, to snatch thence children
forgotten in the moments of festivity, but dear in danger. The
priests wrung their hands over their fallen altars, and the chiefs
of the people fled to the hills. Such was the night of the nineteenth
at Quillota.
morning of the 20th exhibited a scene of greater distress.
Only twenty houses and one church remained standing of that large
town. All the ovens had been destroyed, and there was no bread:
the governor had fled, and the people cried out that his sins had
Don Fausto calls it San Martin de Tours; if so, it was the octave,, not the eve,
because St. Martin of Tours has his festivals on the 4thJuly, 13th December, and 11th
of November: the last is the principal festival; therefore the octave would fall on the
nineteenth. If it were the eve of the octave, then the saint must be the Pope Saint
Martin, whose feast is held on the ,12th November.
cracks along the beach between the Herradura and Concon, but they
have been nearly filled up by the loose sand falling in ; some rocks
and stones that the lowest tides never left dry, have now a passage
between them and the low water-mark sufficient to ride round
easily. As I approached the river, the cracks and rents in the allu-
vial soil almost assumed the appearance of chasms, and the earth
appears to have sunk on the sides of the river, where, as in Valle
Allegri, water and sand have been forced up through the rents. The
water at the ford was uncomfortably high, but we passed safely ;
though a mule I had brought for baggage lost her footing, and was
carried a little way down the stream before she could recover enough
to swim to the opposite shore. My friends at Concon have suffered
s s
good deal: their house is unroofed ; that is, on one side every
tile is off, and
a considerable part of those on the other side. The
walls of the mill are quite destroyed; but the strong corner-posts
have supported the roof, and the machinery is but little damaged.
The sides of the mill-lead have fallen in ; but the mill has gained by
such an alteration in the bed of the river as has given the water
several inches more fall than it had. —The night of the 19th was ter-
rific here. The two children of Mr. Miers were in bed in rooms
which had no communication with each other, and one of them none
but from the outer veranda with any part of the house. Mr. Miers
hurried his wife from the house, she shrieking for her children : lie
ran back for the youngest, — the showers of tiles prevented his ap-
proaching the place where the eldest was: there was a moment's
pause, — he found the child asleep, and brought him out safe. The
family spent that night without sleep, walking in front of their ruined
home. In the morning they pitched a tent; and by the time I ar-
rived there they had a ramada, or hut of branches. During the
great shock the earth had rent literally under their feet, and they
describe the sound along the valley as most fearful. The church of
Concon is overthrown, and the estate-house nearly destroyed.
At Vina a la Mar I found the whole family established in a
ramada at their outer gate-way ; there nothing was standing but part
of the front wall of the dwelling-house : the ruin had been complete;
not a shelter remained for any living thing. The whole of the little
plain is covered with small cones from one to four feet high, thrown
up from below on the night of the 19th, and from which sand
and water had been thrown out. I attempted to ride up towards
one of them; but on
approaching it, the horse began to sink as in a
quick-sand; therefore I desisted, not choosing to pay too dearly for
the gratification of my curiosity.
The road between Vina a la Mar and the port is very much in-
jured by the falling of the rocks from above : in one place indeed it
is rendered extremely unsafe; but the horses of Chile are so sure-
peared in. Rich and poor, young and old, masters and servants,
were huddled
together in intimacy frightful even here, where the
distinction of rank is by no means so broad as in Europe. lean
quite understand, now, the effect of great general calamities in de-
moralising and loosening the ties of society. The historians of the
middle ages tell of the pestilence that drove people forth from the
cities to seek shelter in the fields from contagion, and returned them
with a worse plague, in the utter corruption of morals into which
they had fallen. Nor was the plague in London without its
share of the moral scourge. Sweet are the uses of adversity to
individuals and to educated men ; but I fear that whatever cause
makes large bodies of men very miserable, makes them also very
I rode on in no
cheerful temper to my own house, where I
found some
persons had taken refuge. It had suffered so little, that
I think fourteen tiles off one corner was the extent of the damage;
but the white-wash shaken off the walls, and the loosening of every
thing about it, showed that the shock had been severe. I was in
hopes, seeing the state of the ranchos of the peasants around, that my
poor neighbours had likewise escaped. But poor Maria came to me
evidently sick at heart. I asked for little Paul, her son, a fine boy of
five years old; when she burst into tears, tie was sleeping in the
rancho on his little bed: she had been out at a neighbour's house.
She ran home to seek her son : she entered her cottage,—he lay on his
bed; but a rafter had been shaken from its place,—it had fallen on his
s s 2
little head, and from the face alone she could not have told it was
heir own child. And then came another grief: they came to take
the body and bury it, — she had not four dollars in the house ; the
priests, therefore, as she could not pay the fees, refused to bury it in
consecrated ground: and "They have thrown my child into a pit
like a dog, where the horses and the mules will walk over him,
and where a Christian prayer will not reach him ! — All comment
on this would be idle; as were
my words of comfort to the sad
mother. She only answered, Ah, Sehora ! why were you not here ?
sand, and broken brick, and gilt and painted plaister, and all that is
ugly and painful in a recent ruin: part of the roof still remains,
suspended between some of the side buttresses, and its hideous
saints and demons only make the devastation appear more horrible.
The port itself is in some parts utterly destroyed, in others scarcely
injured: here a fort with not a stone left on another ; there a shop
whose tiles have scarcely been loosened. The ruined and the un-
ruined form alternate lines. It appears that where the veins of
granite rock ran under the foundations, the buildings have stood
tolerably well; but wherever any thing was erected on the sand or
clay it has been damaged.
There was not a human being in the town ; so I went on board the
tered my friends the Hogans, among many others, and there I was
kindly invited to sleep. The reports I heard on arriving here once
more awakened
my attention to the affairs of Chile, which the more
immediate feelings connected with the earthquake had made me, for
the moment, lose sight of.
At length the government had resolved to pay the squadron ; and
the first plan, not uninfluenced, it is believed, by the counsels of San
Martin, was to pay the men and petty officers before the officers ;
also to pay them ashore, the pay-office being provided either with
leave-tickets for four months, or discharges to give them on demand,
so as to have left the ships, the Admiral, and the officers in the har-
bour, without a man. This plan, of course, the Admiral would not
suffer, and therefore the payments are making on board : the first
took place on the very day of the earthquake; and I have been told
that the confusion of the scene in the streets on that disastrous night,
was increased
by the number of sailors ashore on leave, and making
merry with their friends on their newly-received pay. They receive
bills of twenty-five dollars ; four only of which they will get silver for,
the rest they are compelled to expend in clothes at the shops set up
for that purpose by Areas in the port.
This day the Independencia, the only effective ship of the squa-
dron, was despatched without the Admiral's leave, without even the
formality of transmitting the orders through him ! But Zenteno, as
minister of marine, took upon himself to send her on a particular
service. It is understood to be in pursuit of a.vessel or vessels going
to San Carlos of Chiloe with money and stores, which are to be in-
["Monday, 25th. — So severe a shock took place at a quarter past
eight o'clock this morning, as to shake down a great deal of what had
been spared on the night of the 19th. Two others occurred in the
course of the forenoon, and two after seven at
night. I have been
busy all day packing my books, clothes, &c., to remove ; because my
house is let over my head to some persons who, seeing how well it
has stood, have bribed the landlord to let it to them.— They are
While I was thusbusy, Lord Cochrane called, with Captain Crosbie.
His Lordship most kindly, most humanely, desired me to remain at
Quintero, with my poor invalid, and not to think of removing him or
myself until more favourable times and circumstances; and told me
he would soon go thither, and settle whereabouts I should shelter
severely. Mr. H., who has just returned from the city, tells me that
Casa Blanca and Melipilla are both a heap of ruins : Illapel is also
destroyed, and all the village churches have suffered; nothing but
the ranchos escape : they are built like hurdles, and though the mud
shakes from the interstices, they are safe. Mr. C. has indeed,
however, brought intelligence more important than any thing con-
nected with the earthquake. The people of Conception, enraged at
the unjust provisions of the reglamento, and at other oppressive
measures, have burnt the same reglamento and the constitution
in the market-place ; have convoked an opposition convention ; and
have insisted on Freire's taking the field with the acknowledged
will not forget honour, while its present chief is even nominally its
Wednesday, 'Willi. — Several slight shocks to-day : a very severe one
at ten o'clock a. m., and again at six i>. m.
My pleasant friend
Mr. B. called to-day: he has announced his intended marriage with
lady of Chile, and the circumstances connected with it form rather
interesting point in the history of the progress of toleration in
the country. In other marriages of the kind, the foreigners have
generally changed their nominal religion for the sake of their brides,
but my friend has more of the feelings of Richardson's days ; and
pare the lady with the incomparable Clementina, his conduct in the
matter has been firm and right for himself, and wise for the country
marry; this the prelate positively refused, unless Mr. B. would enter
into the bosom of the church. The government now interfered, re-
presenting to the Bishop that the present state of the world demanded
less bigotry, and the advantage of the country required the greatest
tainly the partnership of Areas, who has married his niece, with
Rodriguez, but having stronger connections with all those who oppose
O'Higgins, whether as partisans of the unfortunate Carreras, or
wished, not only for his own sake, but in order to establish an im-
portant precedent, to have the matter publicly and legally settled.
I intended to have returned to Quintero to-day, the launch of the
Lautaro having been obligingly lent to me for that purpose. But,
contrary to all experience at this time of the year, a strong northerly
wind set in, which totally prevented it; and at night a heavy torrent
of rain fell, which has done great damage by injuring the goods left
exposed by the falling of the houses, and which has rendered the
miserable encampments on the hills thoroughly wretched. Yet the
people are rejoicing at it • because they say that the rain will ex-
tinguish the fire that causes the earthquake, and we shall have
no more.
fully, and leave many of the launches and other small vessels dry.
They fully expected a return, and the probable drowning of the town ;
but the water came back no more, and the whole bottom of the bay
has risen about three feet. Every one had some peculiar escape to
relate. Poor Mrs. D. was alone, her father and husband having both
gone out to spend the evening. Her servants fled from the house at
the very first of the shock : she had two children, and could not
carry them both out. She was with them in an upper room, — the
infant was at her breast; she carried it to the cradle where her eldest
lay, and leaning against the bed of one, with the other in her arms,
she waited in mortal agitation to the end, when some one came to
her relief, and carried her on board a vessel in the harbour.
After spending a very interesting forenoon on board the O'Higgins,
listening to these tales of terror, I returned to Quintero in the Lau-
taro's launch, which performed the voyage in three hours ; and might
have done it in less, but for the swell, the consequence of yesterday's
north wind.
C 29th. —
Only one very sensible shock to-day.
pose is his study, with about a score of old books with greasy black
leather covers ; and in the corner a parcel of wool: after giving us
some rum there, he led us over a
heap of ruin to another corner-
room but little
damaged, where he set before us bread, butter, cheese,
milk, and brandy, insisting that we should take luncheon with him ;
which we, nothing loath, consented to. I then went to settle accounts
with the daughter of the judge of the village, — no less a personage
than my washerwoman. But in ancient times the queens and
princesses themselves washed for their fathers and brothers; and,
I think, like the ladies here, the Princess Nausicaa took the foul
clothes to the river-side to whiten. It must be confessed, that a
The little town of La Ligua, famous for horses, was destroyed on the 19th.
statute of the first year of George the Third's reign, wherein the
XT 2
The southern winds are now come, and they often bring us such
clouds of dust that our attempts to write are in vain ; and our food
would be defiled did we not retire to a little bower under the shelter
of a hill, —where, in a dining-room of Nature's own making, with its
door and windows looking to the ocean complete, we eat and re-
main until the evening calm comes on, when we collect round a large
fire * that we burn at the front of our tents, and talk till bed time.
Don Benito is perhaps the best companion for such a time that we could
have had : seen so much of every thing that we have never
he has
either seen or heard, that his tales are always new ; and for memory,
the Sultaness Scheherezade herself did not surpass him : so we have
named his stories the Peruvian Nights' Entertainments and listen
sometimes to the histories of the college of Quito, which prove that
professors and students are on the same footing there that professors
and students are, and have always been, in all times and countries;
and love stories, that show that young hearts can feel, and confide,
I afterwards learned, that this fire being seen from Valparaiso night after night, oc-
casioned the report that a volcano had burst out at Quintero.
and even break, on the skirts of the Andes, as in the valleys of Europe;
and to histories of revolution, when every passion and affection is
called into action. These incomparably the most interesting:
they the materials out of which tragedy and romance are built.
The two following were told last night.
Juana Maria Pola, of Santa Fe de Bogota, was a woman whose
husband, and brothers, and sons, were deeply engaged in the patriot
cause. When Santa Fe was taken from the royalists, after the
barracks of the infantry and cavalry had been seized, the patriots
country. She blessed her son, and rushed on with the foremost,
and the day was theirs. From that day she held a captain's pay and
rank. But the royalists retook Santa Fe, and Juana Maria Pola
was one of their first victims : she was led to the
market-place and
Jose Maria Melgado was a young man of good family and excel-
lent education. He was an advocate at twenty-two years of age, and
on thepoint of being married to the woman of his choice. When
Pomacao arose, Melgado instantly joined him, and became judge-
advocate to the patriot army. Shortly afterwards General B,a-
mirez took the place which was then Pomacao's head-quarters, and
spectators, and said, Will any body for God's sake give me a segar ?
A soldier handed him one: when he had half-smoked it he laid it
down, saying he was ready, and felt calm again. The officer ap-
proached to bandage his eyes ; he repulsed him, and said, At least
let me die with my eyes free. He was told it was necessary: Well,
well, this will do; and placing his hand across his eyes, he signified
that he was ready, and received the shot!
There is a real enthusiasm in the people of South America. They
ignorant, oppressed, and, perhaps, naturally indolent and timid.
But the cry of independence has gone forth : the star of freedom has
purchased by some evil? But never again will the iron sceptre of
the mother-country be stretched out over these lands.
cessfully a long and harassing war. They have not been paid; and
it is said that Freire has another cause for resentment against the
Director's family, if not against himself. General Freire was, it
appears, passionately attached to a young lady, an orphan, who
became so by the event of the battle of Maypu; and his regard was
returned, and he hoped to marry her ;—when, as the lady was, by her
orphan state, a ward of government, her hand was bestowed upon
another; and thus, with her rich possessions, she was taken from
her lover to reward, it was said, a deserving officer. But who could
deserve more than Freire ? Fie said nothing — but can he have
forgotten this ? Besides, another marriage was offered to him from
which he could not but turn with disgust, thus doubling the injury
done to his feelings.
Less provocation than this has, ere now, armed nation against
nation ; and, in the half-civilised state of this country, private feelings
will tell more in the sum total of the causes of civil wars than in
polished states,—where men are smoothed down to such a
resemblance to each other, and trained to such a command over the
external signs of passion, that individual emotions have seldom in-
fluence beyond a family circle.
General Freire is a native of this country ;
but his father was
European, either English or French. He was never in Europe,
and has read nothing; but he has strong natural powers and sa-
* * *
The guardian gods are lost,
Whom you might call in future tempests tost.
Francis's Horace.
take shelter in the grove, as the showers of sand penetrate the rancho
in every direction, and nearly suffocate us. I have tied the branches
of the quintral that hangs from the may tens to the shrubs below, and
so made our wall firmer, and our window more shapely, that we may
look out upon the sea and the hills ; and having stuck four posts into
the earth, and laid one of the fallen doors upon them, we are furnished
with an admirable dining-table.
December 1th. — A slight shock at six a. m., immediately followed
edges rounded, but are not nearly filled. The cracks of this earth-
quake are sharp and new, and easily to be distinguished from older
ones :
they run, besides, directly under the neighbouring hills, where
the correspondent openings are much wider ; and in some instances
the earth has actually parted and fallen, leaving the stony base of the
hills bare. On the beach, although it was high water, many rocks,
u u
with beds of muscles, remain dry, and the fish are dead ; which proves
that the beach is raised about four feet at the Herradura. Above
these recent shells, beds of older be traced at various
ones may
heights along the shore ; and such are found near the summits of
some of the loftiest hills in Chile,
nay, I have heard, among the
Andes themselves. Were these also forced upwards from the sea,
and by the same causes ? On our return, I picked up on the beach,
in a little cove where there is a colony of fishermen, a quantity of
Nothing can be more lovely than the evening and morning scenery
here. This evening, as we returned to the house, the snowy Andes
were decked in hues of rose and vermilion; and the nearer hills in
dazzling purple, streaming to the ocean, where the sun was setting
in unclouded radiance.
The portion of the house built of wooden frame-work and plaistered stood perfectly,
only the plaister was shaken off".
muscles, dead and very offensive ; they had never been within reach
of the tide since the 19th November. It was as fine a day as I ever
On the surface of the deep,
The winds lay only not asleep
and as
they stole through the woods of odoriferous shrubs, con-
veyed analmost intoxicating feeling to the sense. I cannot conceive
a finer climate than that of Chile, or one more
delightful to inhabit;
and, now I am accustomed to the trembling of the earth, even that
seems a less evil than I could have
imagined. Old Purchas's quaint
description of Chile is as true as it appears singular from its antiquated
garb.— The poor valley, says he, speaking of Chile, is so ham-
pered between the tyrannical meteors and elements, as that shee
often quaketh with feare, and in these chill fevers shaketh off
and loseth her best ornaments. Arequipa, one of her fairest
townes, by such disaster in the yeere 1582, fell to the ground.
And sometimes the neighbour hilles are infected with this pes-
tilent fever, and tumble down as dead in the plain ; thereby
amazing the feareful rivers, that they runne out of their channels
to seeke new, or else stand still with wonder, and the motive
heate failing, fall into an uncouth tympany, their bellies swelling
into spacious and standing lakes : the tides, seeing this, hold back
their course, and dare not approach their sometime beloved
streames by divers miles' distance, so that betwixt these two
stools the ships come to ground indeed. The sicke earth thus
having her mouth stopped, and her stomache overlaied, forcetlr
new mouthes, whence she vomiteth streams of
oppressing waters.
I speake not of the beastes and men, which, in these civil warres
of nature, must needes bee subject to devouring miserie.
Dec. l?>th, Wth, 15th, 16th.—There have been four shocks each
curious documents that has yet appeared before the public concern-
ing the affairs of South America.
Dec. 17th. Mr. Grenfell arrived from the port to-day, bearing
See the Sketch of the History of Chile prefixed to this part of the journal, particu-
larly from p. 83. to the end.
imagining that his retreat by the Andes would be cut of. Some
time ago the same order was given, and it was supposed for the same
purpose in fact, although it was to be executed by the vessel running
along the coast, and taking up the passenger or passengers at the
mouth of the Maypu. But neither then nor now would the squadron
hear of her sailing, having a claim on her, as she was pledged to be
sold to pay the officers and men. The Lautaro has accordingly
loaded her guns, and is to sink her if she attempts to move without
the Admiral's express permission. The fort has loaded its guns also,
but this the squadron may laugh at. His Lordship's resuming the
command will no doubt restore every thing to order.
The party in the South have not been inactive by sea any more than
night, but did not anchor. She sent a boat on board the O'Higgins,
it is conjectured with the design of engaging the squadron to aban-
don the cause of the Director, and to act in opposition to the govern-
ment, whose sworn subjects every officer and man are. But if such
were the
design, it has failed. Captain Casey has proceeded to
Coquimbo, where he is likely to meet with more success. That port,
like those of the South, is grievously injured by the reglamento ; the
and Concon, by the long beach of nine miles : on one side the sand-
hills with not a sign of vegetation, on the other a furious surf; both
country, at least for a time.* All this left me with nothing but the
very present to depend on; and, like the road I was travelling,
what was to come was enveloped in dark clouds, or at best afforded
most uncertain glimpses of the possible future.
In such cases the mind is apt to make a sport to itself of its very
miseries. I more than once on the way caught myself smiling over
the fanciful resemblances I drew between human life and the scene
I was in ; or at
the fatality which had brought me, an Englishwoman,
whose very characterestic is to be the most domestic of creatures,
almost to the antipodes, and placed me among all the commotions of
nature and of society. But if not a sparrow falls unheeded to the
ground, I may feel sure that I am not forgotten. Often am I obliged
to have recourse to this assurance, to make me bear evils and in con-
veniences that none, not the meanest, in my own happy country
would submit to without complaint.
The appearance of Mr. Miers at the little rock near the mouth of
the river dissipated all my misty reflections, however.
He had come
to show me the new ford, the old one being now dangerous; and we
had been an hour and quarter in riding the twelve miles, including
the ford ; which takes long time both to find and to cross, the river,
though shallow, being wider and more rapid than the Thames at
London-bridge. Mr. Miers accompanied me to the port; and after
transacting some business (for some of the merchants do appear in
the day time at their warehouses, or the scites of them), and chang-
house, except Madame Pharoux, the pretty wife of the keeper of the
French hotel, who still appears at the bar smiling, and only shrug-
sing her shoulders
o o a little at things
o inouies & Parisbut for the
on board the
O'Higgins. Well does Shakspeare say, Misery ac-
quaints a man with strange bedfellowswe are all, English and
Chilenos, men, women, and children, brought together in a way
that nothing but the miseries we have all felt could account for.
23d. A few very slight shocks, felt as perceptibly on board as on
peace; but every hour brings fresh reports of wars and rumours of
wars. The people of Coquimbo have openly thrown off their alle-
expense as the repair of the two ships at this time. Lord Cochrane
is deprived of even the slightest authority; and as they have not
accepted his resignation, he is, they flatter themselves, a kind of state-
prisoner ; and I doubt not would, the moment they dared, be sacri-
ficed to the same private malignity which instigated the charges laid
against him in April. He remains in the port until he has put it out
of the power of the Lautaro to put to sea, by causing her to strike
her masts, &c. And he has hoisted his flag on board the schooner
Montezuma, the only thing now serviceable at Valparaiso ; the
Galvarino, with not an Englishman in her, having at length sailed
by his permission, on the request of the Director, for some secret
service. Those who planned this blow forgot the schooner, I pre-
sume. Thank God, he will soon be beyond the reach of the ill-treat-
ment of those for whom he has done so much ! All the seamen are
paid off. The officers only are retained, and on full pay. The arrears
have been also paid, excepting to the crew of the Montezuma, and
part of that of the Lautaro. The troops are dissatisfied; and I suspect
that nothing but the personal respect felt for the Director still holds
his wretched government together.
28th,— Some slight shocks felt to-day.
Sunday, "29th.—The earth has been remarkably quiet these last
twenty-four hours.
Lord Cochrane arrived, bringing with him the D—-s, and all their
family. They had taken refuge on board the O'Higgins, and now
the ship is dismantled they have not where to lay their heads : here
there is at least shelter among the tents and ranches, and quiet and
Tuesday, Dec. Slst, 1822.—The earth has been pretty quiet during
these last days. Once or twice in the course of the day, and
generally as often in the night, there are sensible shocks, and still
oftener loud noises; but nothing alarming. Our preparations for
leaving the country afford little time for attention to much else.
We hear, however, that the disaffection to the existing government
is daily spreading, especially to the northward ; and that the Coquimbo
x x 1
pect and the music of the sea, which comes, like the joys that are
past, sweet and mournful to the soul. To-day we sat long on the
promontory of the Herradura, to see the last sun of 1822 go down into
the Pacific, and we watched how long his rays gilded the tops of the
Andes after he himself was hid in ocean. The sea was beating
nearly round us; as far as the eye could reach, there was but the
ruins of one human habitation ; the deep shadows of evening con-
cealed the narrow traces of cultivation, that here and there encroach
on the wild thickets, bounded by the mountains ; the cattle had re-
tired to the woods ; and nothing living but the night-birds flitting
round us, told that we still belonged to a living race. My thoughts
naturally went back to times when life and its enjoyments were
young ; when I had hearts that sympathised, friends that felt with
Nay, even the last sun of the last year went down with hope,
almost with confidence, for me. But now, the generous feeling of
almost a stranger, alone bestows a momentary comfort on me.
Misery and death have been busy with me: my best hopes have
been disappointed; and I have to seek new interests, ere life itself
can be otherwise than burthensome.
I have the honour to be, Gentlemen,
Your faithful humble servant,
very bad that we are obliged to renew the writing on the stone very
frequently, so that we might have multiplied the copies almost as
quickly with the pen.
9th. —We have been surprised at seeing a large ship come into the
bay, and stand off and on for some hours. Every thing now awakens
suspicion ; and as the Admiral has been longer absent than was ex-
pected, and that without writing, we are beginning to be a little
alarmed on his account.
Thepublic news shows, I think, that the event of the present
struggle must be decided ere long. Freire has reached the Maule,
only six days' march from Santiago ; and though the Director pro-
tested at first that he never would give up Rodriguez, it appears now,
that not only the minister, but the measures—not only Rodriguez,
but the reglamento, have been sacrificed, too late, in all probability,
to save the rest. The will to defend the abuses has been shown, the
weakness that was forced to abandon them
proved, and the respect
and the love for the old government proportionably diminished. 1
very sorry for the Director,—I believe truly that he meant well,
and I cannot forget his great kindness to myself. *
I cannot
help referring here to the 1st chapter of the 2d book of Delolme on the Con-
stitution of England, from the paragraph beginning, If we cast our eyes on all the
states that were ever free, to the end of the quotation from Machiavel's History of
Florence, as rather a history than a description of the events that have taken place in Chile
since 1810, when the faction of the Carreras led the way to all that has happened since.
light logs, called balsas, to make a raft to ship the goods with *; and
amidst all this, people coming and going, foreigners and English,
to take leave of the Admiral; and some, I am sorry to say, for the
they joined it, — nay, who owed their very bringing up at all to him,
reproach him for their own disappointed vanity or desire of gain; as
if he had the dispensing of honorary titles or distinctions, or the
disposal of the public funds. He did for them on his return from
Acapulco what he did for himself, — he obtained a solemn promise
from the ministers both of pay and of reward, f If any of the officers
have now made a private bargain for their own personal advantage,
they best know on what terms they have made it. However, some
in this country, and those among the best, have, I really think, a
sincere regard for the Admiral; but I believe in friendship as in love,
ce riest
pas tout d'etre aim;:; ilfaut etre apprecie and I scarcely know
one here who is
capable ofappreciating him justly; so that even the very
homage he receives is unworthy of him. Oh, why is he not at home !
11th. — At length every thing is embarked, and we are ready to
sail. This morning I walked with Lord Cochrane to the tops of
most of the hills immediately between the house of the Herradura
and the sea : perhaps it may be the last time he will ever tread these
grounds, for which he was doing so much ; and I shall, in all proba-
Balsas are
literally rafts: but the name is extended to those large trunks of trees as
light as cork, which are now commonly used instead of the inflated seal skins, which the
native Chilenos had adapted to the same purpose.
f See the letters of the 4th June, and the 19th June, 1822, in the Introduction, p. 11Q,
never again see the place, where, In spite of much suffering, I
have also enjoyed much pleasure. We gathered many seeds and
roots, which I hope to see springing up in my own land, to remind
me of this, where I have met with a kindness and a
hospitality never
to be forgotten.* As to the Admiral, he must always feel that if he
has not been well requited, he has done good to the great cause of
in wood and water. At six o'clock, Captain
spent in getting
Crosbie went on board the Montezuma to haul down Lord Cochrane'sj*
flag, and thus formally to give up the naval command in Chile. One
gun was fired, and the flag was brought on board the Colonel Allen
to His Lordship, who was standing on the poop: he received it with-
flag he had often led them to victory, and always to honour. Quin-
tero is fading fast behind us; and God knows if we may any of us
ever see it
While this sheet
was in the
press one of the bulbous roots, called in Chile Mancaya,
flowered in thegarden of Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, at Hammersmith; it is now called
the Cyrtanthia Cochranea.
f The flag he used on board the O'Higgins had been previously sent to the go-
t Captain Crosbie, and Lieutenants Grenfell, Shepherd, and Clewly, with some civilians.
justice themselves can but guard the citizens from external evils, but
may not meddle in their family affairs.
From the 18th to the 21st we had weather very uncomfortable,
and a disagreeable sea; but this morning (22d) we descried the island
of Mas-afuera about seven leagues off, right a-head, through a fog;
and shortly after bore up for Juan Fernandez, where we were to
complete the water for the ship. I should have been sorry, indeed,
to have left the Pacific without seeing the very island of Alexander
working for it, but could not reach it till near sunset. It is the most
picturesque I ever saw, being composed of high perpendicular rocks
wooded nearly to the top, with beautiful valleys ; and the ruins of
the little town in the largest
O of these heighten
O the effect. It was too
late to go ashore when we anchored ; but it was a bright moonlight,
and we staid long on deck to-night, admiring the extraordinary
beauty of the scene.
25th. — Before daylight
this morning Lord Cochrane and most
of the other gentlemen went ashore to climb to the high ridge behind
the port, and look over to the other side of the island, where it is
r y 2
reported there are some plains and arable land. I watched them
ascend up a very high peak, and then went ashore with Glennie and
others to walk about and dine ; I found His Lordship's party re-
turned from their walk much disappointed. The boatswain of the
brig, who had been for several days on the island some years before,
had undertaken to guide them ; but instead of leading them to the
ridge of the highest land, he only conducted them with much labour
to the top of a fearful
pinnacle, whose height is about 1500 feet; but
as it is surrounded by still higher rocks, nothing more was to be
seen from it than from below. Lord Cochrane brought from the
summit a piece of heavy black porous lava ; and under that he found
some dark hardened clay full of cells, the inside of which
slightly vitrified. The island seems chiefly composed of this porous
lava; the strata of which, being crossed at right angles by a very
compact black lava, dip on the eastern side of the island about 22°,
and on the west side 16°, pointing to the centre of the island as an
grown wild: near the shore it is covered with radish and sea-side
oats. Thecolony of Juan Fernandez had been used as a place of
confinement for state-prisoners. I do not know in what precise year
it was founded; but it could not have been long before the revolution
in Chile, as I find over the door of the ruined church the following
inscription: —
La casa de Dios es la puerta del cielo y
Se coloco, 24? Setembre, de 1811.
standing; and at the foot of the flag-staff lies a very handsome brass
gun, cast in Spain A.D. 1614. A few houses and cottages are still
in tolerable condition, though most of the doors, windows, and roofs
have been taken away or used as fuel, by whalers and other ships
touching here.
The colony was in a tolerably flourishing condition for some years,
and the exiles had found means to cultivate vegetables and fruit,
which thrive so well here that many of the kinds have become
wild, to such an extent as, by supplying ships, to obtain additional
comforts in their exile. Some jealousy was, however, entertained
O this,7 and the banished men were forbidden the indulgence.
ship, and so escaping to some foreign land. The whaler left her
boats, and brought news of the state of the island to Valparaiso. *
This insurrection of Brandt's determined the government of Chile
to abandon the settlement. The garrison was consequently with-
drawn, the fort dismantled, and the place rendered as far as possible
unfit for future inhabitants.
Nevertheless, early this year the
government of Chile published a manifesto, setting forth its claim to
the place, and forbidding any persons whatsover to settle there, or to
kill the cattle, or take the wood of the island. After walking about
long time among the ruined cottages and gardens, I returned to the
place where I left my companions, and found that the young men
had pitched on a most charming spot for a dining room. Under
the shade of two enormous fig-trees there is a little circular space
bounded by a clear rivulet, which in its rapid descent bounds from
stone to stone, and mixes its murmurs with those of the breeze and
the distant ocean. Here I found Lord Cochrane and the rest seated
round a table-cloth of broad
fig-leaves covered with such provision
as the
ship afforded, eked out with fruit of the island hardly yet ripe.
Our claret was cooled in a little linny in the stream, and the deco-
rations of our bower were the rich foliage and fruit of the overhang-
ing trees, and the flowers of the opposite bank, on which stands the
castle, reflected in the broken silver of the water that gurgled past.
After dinner I walked with Lord Cochrane to the valley called
Lord Anson's Park. On our way we found numbers of European
shrubs and herbs,
Where once the garden smiled,
And still where many a garden flower grows wild.
And in the half-ruined hedges, which denote the boundaries of former
fields, found apple, pear, and quince trees, with cherries almost
ripe. The ascent is steep and rapid from the beach even in the valleys,
and the long grass was dry and slippery, so that it rendered the walk
In consequence of this the British Commodore sent notices to the ports of Brazil and
the Spanish Colonies, to prevent English merchantmen from touching at Juan Fernandez,
lest the exiles should seize them and so escape.
rather fatiguing; and we were glad to sit down under a large quince
tree on a carpet of balm bordered with roses, now neglected, and
rest, and feast our eyes with the lovely view before us. Lord Anson
has not exaggerated the beauty of the place, or the delights of the
climate ; we were rather early for its fruits ; but even at this time we
have gathered delicious figs, and cherries, and pears, that a few more
days' sun would have perfected. I was quite sorry to leave our station
in the park, and return to the landing-place to embark for the dark
close ship.
The landing-place is also the watering-place ; and there a little
jetty is thrown out, formed of the beach pebbles, making a little
harbour for the boats, which lie there close to the fresh water, which
comes conducted
by a pipe, so that with a hose the casks may be
filled, without landing, with the most delicious water. Along the
beach some old
guns are sunk to serve as moorings for vessels, which
are all the safer the nearer in-shore
they lie: violent gusts of wind
often blow from the mountain for a few minutes. Duringo
our ab-
sence, we found that Glennie had been calculating the height of the
island, which he makes about 3000 feet.
26th. — I went ashore with Lord Cochrane's party early to-day, as
I wished to make some sketches, and, if possible, to climb up some
of the hills in search of plants ; therefore, when they all resumed
their scheme for reaching the highest point in order to see the other
side of the island, I remained behind. They were soon out of sight:
the vessel was far from hearing; no boat was ashore; and I was left
alone among the ruins of the once-flourishing colony. I did not
long stay there; but walked, or rather crawled—for the steepness of
the land rendered it necessary often to depend partly on my hands
in the ascent to a place where the marks of cultivation led me to
search for the herbs or trees which might have been imported; and
there I found the vine grown wild over a pretty considerable track ;
They report that there is not more flat ground there than here,
and that there is no perceptible difference in the vegetation. They
are enraptured with the wild beauty of the
scenery, and have brought
many splendid flowers and shrubs,—the giant fuscia, andromedas,
and myrtles ; but above all, a lovely monopetalous flowering shrub :
the leaves are thick-set, shiny green ; the flower and berry of the
richest purple. I never saw any thing like it. While we were sort-
ing these in our dining-room under the fig-trees, the rest of the party
joined us, reporting traces of recent habitation, such as fresh embers,
and a horse evidently used for the saddle; so that, though we had
not seen them, we concluded that there were probably some of the
though we are now near Cape Horn. My poor invalid is very ill,
and confined to his bed.
the Straights of Magellan, for the sake of the early navigators, Drake,
good and pleasant, with many gentle hills covered with grass and
trees : beyond, are high mountains ; and on the coast some abrupt
rocks, and frequent harbours and coves. Staten Land on the east side
of the straights, is so bleak and barren-looking, that I suppose it will
be one of the last spots on the globe that will be inhabited.
The weather is chilly and uncomfortable.
14th, off Falkland's Islands. — This morning we found ourselves
off the western Falkland Island. It is moderately high, and com-
pletely bare of trees, as far as we could see; but covered with short
grass, and here and there patches of low green shrubs. The rocks
appear to be all of sandstone in horizontal layers : where they dip at all,
it is to the southward. The coast is surrounded by broken rocks, which
stand up like the pinnacles of churches; and here and there natural
Santos, not one half of which appear in the charts. They are mostly
high ; many of them rocky, and many covered with palm trees. We
have had the thermometer at 94°; but last
night a thunder-storm
and some
heavy squalls of wind and rain have cooled the air.
13^7/. — We anchored in the harbour of Rio de Janeiro.
The civil war that had broke out before I left Chile was not of
Santiago, having narrowly escaped with his life from the earthquake
at Valparaiso, retired to rest and recruit his strength at the Conven-
tilla, his country seat; and in order that public affairs might not
suffer, perhaps also to give still more consequence to Rodriguez,
who was San Martin's creature, and whom he was resolved at that
time to support, he delegated his authority to that minister and
three others, who appear to have exercised it but a few days.—Affairs
in the South coming to a crisis : the soldiers and money ex-
together, of his pride in their attachment. A very few, on this
appeal, declared for the Director. Many said the cause of the coun-
try had been ruined by his measures; Freire was as well beloved as
he, Rnd had also been their companion and leader ; and to crown all,
the names of the Carreras were whispered in the ranks. He bared
his breast, and told them since he had failed to satisfy his country-,
men and fellow-soldiers, he offered them a life now little worth ; and
after one
cry of Long live the Director O'Higgins ! from his own
guard only, he retired, charging them all to remain quiet, as he would
not hazard the shedding the blood of his fellow-citizens ; and this I
believe was the last public act of that good though weak man.
He had been made the tool of a speculating trading company,
through the influence of his mother and sister, and his fall was not
surprising. He wished to retire to Ireland, the country of his fathers ;
but he has been detained under I know not what pretence of making
him accountable for the treasury expenditures, and he was placed in
the custody of Zenteno.
The army of Freire marched straight to Valparaiso, where it
joined by a small force by sea from Talcahuana. Hence it
proceeded to the capital; not, however, so suddenly as to rouse what-
spirit of affection for the Director might have prompted resist-
ance from the
troops. Meantime the partizans of Freire and the
enemies of O'Higgins made
common cause : the old convention
dispersed, and the consisting, however, of many of the
new one,
old members, met, elected in a more popular manner. Freire long
resisted the solicitations of all parties to assume the dictatorship,
ing of the Congress, or rather till the new Senate was chosen : —
Gentlemen Deputies, .
might have done the most good, wanted talent to accomplish it.
Public discontent has broken through the barrier of oppression;
and the passions agitated in this impetuous shock against the for-
government, threaten ills which, if they be not stopped be-
fore they become irremediable, will hurry the country to its ruin,
and blot out the records of twelve years of glory and of sacrifices.
To you, then, fathers of the people ! it belongs to avert the con-
fusion, the disorganisation, the dishonour of the country. This is
the necessary and grand object for which you are called. The
junta is not afraid to say it — Chile never was in a more dangerous
state. Our revolution presents vicissitudes in which almost all the
errors and inadvertencies of which the human mind is
capable have
been committed; but in a government always concentrated, and in
the strict union of the citizens, the country found a defence against
the misfortunes that threatened to overwhelm it. For the first time,
we have this day heard the of disunion ! a word even harsher to
the hearts than the ears of true patriots.
Prudence, and a generous
contempt of petty interests, which are nothing compared with the
general good of the state, and principles of exact equality and
justice, alone will avert the disorders, the divisions, which might
lead the people to curse the day when they shook off their peaceful
It is nearly two months since the votes of our fellow-citizens
called us to take upon ourselves the administration of affairs, and
no one
day of that short period has passed that has not been
marked by some circumstance to aggravate the bitterness of our
hearts. In presenting to you the political situation of the state, we
direct your eyes to a picture of present misfortunes and of fears
for the future, which fill us with shame, and which we would con-
ceal, in order that the internal miseries of Chile might not be known
abroad, if the evil called less urgently for redress, and if it were
posed by them, in order that the change might not affect the
dissolution of the republic. The city of Santiago, ignorant of this
proposal, and which, besides, could not believe that the provinces
would accept offers from the chief against whom they were armed,
and of whose influence they were jealous, hastened to complete the
revolution, in order to unite itself with the rest of the nation.
Permit, Gentlemen, to the junta a species of vanity which,
although the characteristic of weakness, is that which reflects least
on the reputation of honest men. Its members had the satisfac-
tion to believe, that by taking on them the provisional government
they might collect the will of the nation. The constant enemies
of despotism, and consequently of the late administration, fear-
less defenders of the rights of the people, and having given proofs
of their disinterestedness, they were persuaded that if the provinces
had taken up arms solely against the person of the Director, in
order to procure a congress, the deposing of the former and the
calling together of the latter would satisfy the. general wish. Be-
sides, what evils had been suffered by Conception and Coquimbo
which had not been felt still more heavily by Santiago ? What
advantages could they promise themselves from reform that San-
3 A
tiago might not likewise hope for? Their*evils were the same,
their wants the same, their circumstances the same, and the reme-*
dies the same: in no province could there exist separate
interests or
separate views. Nevertheless the junta had not the
folly to assume the supremacy without the consent of the other
towns. It indeed desired that the republic should continue entire,
and informed the provinces, that it was about to call a congress;
and that in the meantime it was necessary, in order to avoid the
clared they had demanded from that assembly. To this day, the
provinces therefore are independent in fact; and a deputation from
the assemblies of Conception and Coquimbo have but now arrived
in this capital, with ample powers to bring about the re-union of
people every time that they meet, and attempt a revolt. The public
functionaries, vacating and fluctuating between doubts and fears of
sudden change, do not act with the vigour requisite to prevent the
ruin of the community. The subaltern no longer obeys his superior,
whose authority he considers as temporary, and therefore easy to
secrated to liberty, was that defence ? The junta decreed it, after
having consulted the general authorities of the state: but the want
of a supreme central government formed an obstacle to the enter-
A ruinous loan, which must fetter the nation and its resources
for many years, calls for the attention of government, either to re-
move from us, if
possible, the weight of this insupportable burthen,
or to render its consequences
less fatal. Every day augments the
debt, and our responsibility becomes the heavier. Consider, Gen-
tlemen, how urgent a motive this is to accelerate the concentration
of the government.
The national squadron, that squadron to which we indubitably
owe the destruction of tyranny,
is now laid up in our ports ; where
the ships are either gone to ruin, or, by continual waste, are ap-
only an important part of Chile, which ought to be united to
the rest of the nation ; but the enemy having possession of it, it
furnishes a serious and continual
subject of alarm, and renders the
war of Valdivia interminable. The continual expensedemanded
by the land and sea forces to cover that point to which the enemy
calls continual attention, is well worth the elfort, once for all, of
tyranny in its last act of desperation, and with the important assist-
ance it has received,
may renew the scenes of 1813, organising
and directing on the continent armies which may subdue us. A
general government might revive the expedition to Chiloe, and blot
out the disgrace from the country of still suffering a foreign enemy
united; and the junta, after having gained time here to renew our
relations with Columbia and the trans-andine states, has exhorted
dustry, or agriculture.
Our military force is entrusted to General Freire, an officer who in
fourteen years of uninterrupted sei'vices, and of glorious actions, the
pride of the nation, has proved his patriotism and his moderation.
If the proceedings of the junta had not been so frank and open ; if
the testimony of conscience did not assure its members that they
had done for the good of the country all that honour, justice, and
the nation from the fangs of the anarchy which threatened to over-
whelm it; and procure for his country the happiest and most bril-
liant destiny. Never mortal saw himself in a situation to render
more important services to the country to which he owed his
birth, the theatre of his exertions and his glory. His voice, beard
with the liveliest emotions of pleasure from one end of the re-
public to the other, was to be the signal of re-union for the whole
nation, under a government as respectable and vigorous as that
which had passed away, and as free, just, and beneficent as we
had a right to expect. In this conjuncture he presented himself
in Valparaiso at the head of an army, and of an expedition which
had sailed from Talcahuana, after having received communications
from the junta assuring him of its cordial support, of the abdi-
cation of the Director, and of the unanimous wishes of the nation.
This act, which perhaps might have been considered by some as an
indication of a conduct hostile, or at least equivocal; as marking
exorbitant pretensions, founded on the strength of arms ; as want-
ing in respect to the government, without whose authority, and
even without a
pretence, he had brought an army into the territory
it ruled ; — surprised the junta, but did not alarm it. Why distrust
the man whose modesty and the liberality of whose principles
were so well and so generally known ? Why draw back from the
citizen in whom the country placed its hopes, and to whose virtue
it was willing to trust its fate ? He was invited to Santiago: he
was called to the
meeting, whose object was the general good of
nation. We assure you, Gentlemen, that we have omitted no
means, proposals, or efforts, in order to avail ourselves of his in-
fluence in healing the public dissensions. He demanded the com-
mand of the army of the province of Santiago, and it was granted
him as a proof of our unlimited confidence, as a guarantee of our
army, sought to avoid the horrors of civil war, the necessary con-
sequence of anarchy ; if his object was to prevent the dissolution of
the army; if, with all the forces of the republic at his disposal, he
nefit of ending strife ; if he makes use of his credit and his influence
to restore the republic immediately to its former unity under a su-
preme and energetic government; if, with his forces, he does not
remain an indifferent spectator of the public misfortunes, or allow
the provinces to plunge into endless disputes about theoretical
3 j 2
Don Juan Jose, Don Jose Miguel, and Don Luis Carrera, were the sons
of Don Ignacio Carrera, who was the descendant of an ancient and honour-
able line of ancestors. His sons were destined for the service of their
country; and were at an early age entered as cadets in the Spanish service.
Don Jose Miguel was sent to Europe, as the war in the Peninsula was con-
sidered to be the most promising school for the acquirement of those quali-
fications which are most necessary to complete the character of an officer
and statesman.
Having arrived in Spain, his merit soon recommended him to the consi-
deration of his superiors; and in reward for his zeal, assiduity, and attention
to the service, he was promoted by the regular gradations of rank to be
galling yoke of the mother country. Carrera, anxious for the success of
Chile in particular, and desirous of lending his arm in the cause of Ame-
rican emancipation in general, took the earliest opportunity to transport
himself across the Atlantic ; which he effected with some difficulty, owing to
the distrust which was then generally entertained in Spain with regard to the
Previous to his arrival in Chile(about the year 1811) some attempts had
been made towards the abolition of the Spanish authority. Carasco, the
Spanish President, had been deposed, on a pretence of his incapacity to serve
the Spanish monarch. The government was assumed by a Cabildo and Pre-
sident, all of whom were Americans, and enemies to the tyrannical system
which had hitherto been observed and followed ; but as they were entirely
destitute of the abilities which were necessary to enforce the execution of
their plans, and unequal to the power with which they had invested them-
selves, they were obliged to follow the old form of government; professing
to take a lively interest in the welfare of their Spanish sovereign and his do-
extricating the state from the snares of that labyrinth into which it had
incautiously plunged itself.*
In order to effect this he was trusted with the supreme authority of Pre-
sident of the Congress; and also nominated general to command an army
which did not yet exist, but of which the immediate formation and organiz-
ation were looked to as the only guarantee of success and future safety to
the new state.
In this early part of this paper the reader is requested to remember that it is the party and
family history of Carrera, and that the truth is more nearly that which is related in the Intro-
duction; I have thought it right, however, to print it unaltered in any way. — M. G.
silence the zealots, and set Chile free at any expense. He commenced by
dedicating his fortune (which wasvery considerable) with those of his relations
and friends to the cause of independence, thereby supplying the defect of a
public fund. He began to recruit for his army, paying to each soldier a
premium on his entrance, as practised in European nations; a method never
used in America but by him. From the most respectable citizens he selected
officers ; who were indeed ignorant of all military knowledge, but whose cha-
racters, probity, and well-known attachment to their country, made ample
amends for all other defects. The regiments thus organized were well
clothed, armed, regularly paid, and disciplined under his own immediate
inspection. Carrera was colonel of the dragoon regiment of national guards,
general inspector of cavalry, and commander-in-chief of the national forces.
His elder brother, Don Juan Jose, was colonel of grenadiers, and commandant
of all the infantry; and the youngest of the three, Don Luis, commanded a
Spanish troops in Chile has generally been in the province of Penco, the
capital of which is Conception. The troops which were in that garrison in
the beginning of the revolution, were Americans by a great majority; and
were, by the liberality of the inhabitants of the town, and the promises of the
American officers amongst them, easily prevailed on to revolt and deny all
future allegiance to the Spanish monarch. Thus far the revolution was un-
stained with blood; but a circumstance soon after occurred which menaced
the country with the horrors of a civil war. The inhabitants of Conception
asserted, that it was better adapted for the seat of government than Santiago,
as it had a communication with the sea, and
many local advantages favour-
able to commerce, &c. &c. Carrera endeavoured to convince them of the
impropriety of such a measure; but finding that his arguments were not
likely to dissuade them, he adopted other means. He opened a negociation
with them ; in which it was stipulated that the army of Conception, then
encamped on the southern bank of the Maule, should not pass that river,
nor that of Chile make
any advance, during a certain time. Before the expir-
There were
only fifty soldiers of any kind in Santiago before the revolution. This state-
ment is very wrong. — M. G.
Indians, as induced His Catholic Majesty to create him a brigadier of his sei~-
vice, and captain-general of Chile. He discharged the duties of these high
offices to the general satisfaction of his king and the people. He did not ne-
gleet the education of Don Bernardo, who was but a natural son by a woman
named Isabella Biguelme, whose morals (it is said) were not altogether irre-
of Talca (if I recollect rightly), and besieged by the Spaniards; the town
was assaulted and taken; and the Carreras, with all the officers of the garri-
son, were made prisoners.
The whole command of the army now devolved on Brigadier-General
O'Higgins; who, instead of taking the necessary steps to procure the en-
largement of Carrera his chief, by exchange or otherwise, seized on the
favourable opportunity of assuming the civil power, and caused himself to be
peasants ; and on his arrival in that city, he requested of his brother Luis to have
himself discovered that he might be made prisoner, at the same time assuring
him that he would liberate him that very night. Luis acted accordingly. He
entered a tavern ; and calling a peasant, gave him some money, and desired
that he would go and inform the town-major, that he could guide him to the
house in which Don Luis Carrera was lodged : the countryman made some
remonstrances ; but being ordered peremptorily he obeyed, and soon returned
O'Higgins, on being acquainted with all that had happened, thought proper
to prefer the gratification of private animosity to the safety or good of the
public in general. He abandoned his station in front of the enemy, and with
his whole force marched towards Santiago, to wreak his vengeance on his
greatest benefactor, — on the man who had raised him from amongst the un-
distinguished multitude, to act in a sphere so far above his expectations!
Can-era being advertised of the redoubled marches of his rival, despatched
deputies to meet and expostulate with him on the impropriety of having left
the country unprotected and at the mercy of the Spaniards; and also to
propose the union of their forces, and joint exertions to expel their common
enemy (who profited by their disunion) ; after which they could at their
leisure decide their private disputes either by the fortune of war, or by the
country, the issue of the negotiations with O'Higgins, they saw that there
was no alternative left between submitting to an usurper, or preparing to
reduce him to subjection by force. The latter was unanimously agreed to.
The citizens enrolled themselves in corps with alacrity; the country militia
assembled ; and being united, they marched out with Carrera to me'et O'Hig-
troops for the assault, commanded the charge, and led his soldiers on with
his usual bravery. Carrera waited the shock of the enemy in his entrench-
ments, and on their near approach lie opened on them a heavy fire which
caused them to retire; they Were pursued, and called on to surrender by the
peasants of Carrera, who had given orders not to take the lives of any of the
fugitives. The soldiers of O'Higgins, as if intimidated by the idea of their
disloyalty to their chief, laid down their arms, and were generously received
and forgiven. O'Higgins and his principal officers were made prisoners, and
experienced the clemency of the conqueror. The spoils of the field were
divided amongst the victorious volunteers ; and the vanquished, from O'Hig-
gins clown to the meanest soldier, were amply remunerated by Carrera for
the loss of their baggage, &c.
After they had considered themselves prisoners for a few hours, the scattered
remains of those corps (which but just now were his enemies) were incor-
poratedin a division with their own officers, and, what is still more surprising,
with G'Higgins himself at their head. This division was appointed to act as
van-guard to the army; and O'Higgins thus reconciled, and obliged not only
for, his employment, but for his life, to Carrera, after receiving his instruc-
tions, marched to possess himself of a post which he was ordered to occupy in
order to check the enemy.
Carrera, frugal of the blood of his country, endeavoured by unexam-
pled generosity and clemency to engage those in his favour who, according
to the laws of war, of society, and of nature itself had justly forfeited their
need of it.
The Spaniards profited by the domestic dissensions of Chile. The strength
of the army was much reduced by their strife, and the army of Carrera was
obliged to take refuge in Rancagua; which the Spaniards besieged, assaulted,
and after a defence of forty-eight hours, without intermission of fire, the town
was taken for want of ammunition to defend it
longer. In this action the
patriots were obliged to supply the place of grape-shot by dollars, which they
fired from their artillery at the close of the second day.
The remains of. the army which escaped the fury of the Spaniards passed
the Andes, with General Carrera and his brothers, O'Higgins, M'Kenna,
Benevente, Rodriguez, &c., and a vast number of respectable citizens, to seek
asylum amongst the patriots of the Provincias del Rio de la Plata; from
whence, after recruiting their army, they expected to re'cross the Andes, and
again dispute the fate of Chile with her oppressors.
After a short residence in Buenos Ayres, Carrera, who was without funds,
saw that it would be impossible for him to effect his plans. He therefore pro-
3 c 2
ceeded to the United States, from whence he expected to derive some assist-
ance: in which he was not
disappointed, being furnished with five armed
vessels, in which he embarked seventy English and French officers (not in-
eluding the naval officers who came employed in the vessels); arms, ammuni-
tion, and clothing, accoutrements, &c. for 12,000 foot; sabres, pistols, &c.
for 2000 cavalry; with a great number of artizans of different denominations,
their necessary implements, &c. &c.
He concluded a treaty of commerce with the Congress, in which it was
agreed that the duty on American imports in Chile (when liberated) should
pay the debt incurred in fitting out the expedition alluded to ; and when paid,
the duties were to continue at a certain rate per cent., as stipulated in the
Pueyrredon had much to fear from Carrera's situation and residence in
Monte Video, and demanded of the Portuguese an order that he should be de-
livered prisoner in Buenos Ayres, from whence he had escaped. Carrera
was acquainted of this
by his friend, who recommended him to hold himself
in readiness to depart for Panana (a town in the jurisdiction of Artigas), in
case the order should be granted against him ; assuring him that he would give
him notice, and time for his escape. A few days after, the Order was received
for his apprehension in Monte Video ; and on being informed he departed,
and with some difficulties reached Entre Rios.
Ramirez, who was governor of that province, under Artigas, received
Carrera hospitably, espoused his cause against Pueyrredon, and became his
decided friend. Soon as Artigas knew that Carrera was in his territory, he
wrote to Ramirez, ordering him to secure him, and send him to his head-
quarters on the frontier of the Brazils. The order came too late ; Ramirez,
though a stranger to him, had become his friend, and could not think of de-
livering his friend to destruction. He put the letter into Carrera's hands, re-
questing he would direct him in so a situation, and assuring him that
he would sooner meet all the resentment of
Artigas, than be guilty of deliver-
ing him. Carrera told him not to fear Artigas; and devised a plan by which
Ramirez might establish himself, independent of Artigas, in the government
of the province of Entre Rios for the present, and afterwards perhaps might
the same day : add to this catalogue of misfortunes, the imprisonment of his
lady, Dona Mercedes, and Doha Jabiera, his sister, in Buenos Ayres.
The popularity of the Carreras in Chile appeared so glaringly to San Mar-
tin, that he resolved to end the existence of Don Juan Jose and Don Luis,
whom he had left in Mendoza, lest they should escape, well knowing that
in Chile he could hold no competition with them. He therefore sent an order
to Luzuiiago, governor of Mendoza, intimating the advantages that would
accrue to the state from the immediate execution of 'the Carreras. Luzu-
riago, whose military preferment and admission into the honourable orders
of new nobility established in Chile and Buenos Ayres, depended on his
promptitude in assassinating those whom his employers, would point out for
victims, quickly put into execution the mandate of his fell master.
The Carreras were conducted to the public plaza, to gratify the envy, am-
bition, and revenge of a base tyrant. They died ! But they suffered death
they were found guilty of having left Buenos Ayres without a passport, in
order to circulate sedition in Chile. This most ingenious trial was published
in Buenos Ayres, Chile, and all parts of the United Provinces, in order to
hide the deformity of a most horrid violation of the common rights of indi-
viduals, and of mankind in general. This mode of trial, however rare it may
have been before, has since that time been but too common in America In-
dependiente. It is a most excellent planj for the dead speak not, and
tire evidences are always such as to meet the entire approbation of the
A bill of costs was
presented, by order of His Excellency General San
Martin, to Don Ignacio Carrera, in which he was charged with all the
expenses arising to the state from the execution of his sons; viz. gaolers'
fees, plank and nails used in the seat on which they were shot, cordage (with
which they were not tied), powder, ball, &c. &c. The aged and unfortunate
father, whose property had been already confiscated, except a small allow-
ance, discharged this unheard-of species of debt, and expired in a few days
Colonel Don Manuel Rodriguez, an officer of Carrera, who passed to Chile
before the expedition of San Martin, and raised a force in the country, by
whose influence and exertions San Martin was enabled to subdue Chile, was
still more
basely assassinated, because he was a known friend to the liberty of
his country.
General Carrera had brought with him from the United States several print-
ingpresses ; one of which had by some means escaped the general ruin: he
had it in Entre Rios, where he lost no time in publishing manifestos of his
transactions and services during the revolution. His defence was ably stated,
and in the sequel proved that he and his brothers were not traitors to their
country, as had been declared by his enemies ; but that those enemies were, or
wished to be, traitors. He stated, and made appear from the most authentic
documents, the treaty which existed between Pueyrredon and the Portuguese
court relative to the delivery of the United Provinces. These manifestos
were distributed
by his friends through the whole country. The town and
province of Buenos Ayres began to distrust the patriotism of their Director
arid his Congress : they saw the justice which actuated the Federalists or
Montoneros in their threatened invasion of the provinces, and looked forward
to them rather as their deliverers than as enemies.
head-quarters in the Cruz Altra, a small town or village on the Cordova side
of the Carcarana. Here guerillas were blazing unceasingly at each other
day and night, without any decisive advantage to one party or the other.
Belgrano's army was highly disciplined, accustomed to the dangers and pri-
vations of war, and had a desire to come to a general engagement, as they
were much fatigued with the incessant toils, vigilance, and partial dangers
inseparable from a soldier in front of his enemy; but he was too prudent
to hazard all his hopes in a general action against troops already considered
grano's army; protection was offered to all officers, soldiers, provinces, See.
who should wish to throw off the oppressive yoke of the metropolis, Buenos
Ayres. Many persons of rank and distinction in the country who were per-
secuted for their political tenets, flocked to the Federal standard, and found
asylum beneath its influence. Thus the Federal army became more for-
midable every day, and the knowledge of a revolution in Belgrano's army
was what saved him from an attack in his intrenchments.
army taken by himself and Carrera, and some other person, more worthy their
confidence, appointed to the government of Cordova. But the idea was too
ungenerous for Carrera : he believed the professions of Bustos, and had him
appointed to the government. This army consisted of about four thousand
veteran soldiers, seven hundred of which were Chilenos, and to be delivered
by Bustos to Carrera, clothed, armed, &c. whenever he should demand
The officers who had honour enough to detest the proceedings of Bustos,
and did not wish to remain in that army, were permitted to retire whither
they thought best: they were but few who retired. Belgrano was imprisoned
by the Portenos for an event which he could not foresee or prevent. He
was in his
youth a lawyer, and became a soldier in the revolution. Belgrano
was the most able, honourable, and meritorious officer the Portenos ever
boasted ; and it was certainly a pity that his exertions were not employed in
a better cause than the extension and support of a tyrant's authority.
Before we proceed, it may not be amiss to notice slightly the birth of His
3 D
church, the blessed Virgin, or some other heavenly chimera; but that they
have their weaknesses, and, like other men, are sometimes led aside from the
paths of virtue,
we have a living and unequivocal proof in the person of Don
Juan Bautista Bustos, who was the son of a friar: his mother was indeed a
slave; but she was one of the prettiest Mulatas in Cordova,
so famed for that
cast. She was afterwards purchased by the friar by whom she had many chil-
dren. As Cordova is the seat of science and literature in America, it is very
natural to suppose that Bustos imbibed some tincture of both. He served in
the Spanish army as cadet; and it is further said, that he particularly distin-
guished himself in. Buenos Ayres, in 1807, against the English. However
that may be, Bustos is certainly a brave man, and his, military promotions
have been gained in the field by his merit: nevertheless, he is ungrateful,
cruel, intriguing, and perfidious.
Buenos Ayres now saw herself divested of those succours in which her
confidence and security were founded. Santa Ee was lost, Cordova no longer
recognised her authority ; and the army of Peru, which was expected to con-
quer her enemies, now was foremost in asserting the rights of the provinces.
The communication with the province of Cuyo was intercepted, and there
were reasons to fear, that that province would follow the example of Cor.
dust: the day of retribution seemed fast approaching, in which she should
receive the punishment which was due to her insidious perfidy and un-
bounded ambition. In this lamentable dilemma, Pueyrredon and his con-
gress turned their eyes unanimously towards their champion San Martin,
the immortal and invincible hero of San Lorenzo, Chacabuco, and Maypu,
as the
only person who could deliver them from the hands of their : enemies.
San Martin had crossed the Andes, and was with his grenadiers, dragoons,
and Cazadores, in Mendoza. The army of the Andes, which San Martin
commanded, belonged to Buenos Ayres. His obligations to Pueyrredon
were, or ought to have been infinite, for having selected him, from amongst
many who possessed greater merit, to fulfil the office which he held ; but he
had cunning enough to foresee that the Federal army was superior to his
I should be extremely sorry to insinuate any thing derogatory to the cha-
racter of so great and illustrious a person as San Martin ; but if it is admitted
By his orders, the most notorious infraction on the rights of war and hu-
inanity, perhaps, that is recorded of any country having pretensions to any
degree of civilisation, was perpetrated in San Luis by his friend Dupuy, the
lieutenant-governor of that town. After the battle of Maypu, all the officers
taken prisoners in that action had been sent to San Luis, and recommended
by San Martin to the particular attention of Don Vicente Dupuy, the lieu-
tenant-governor. They were about fifty in number, including General Or-
donez, Colonels Riberos and Murgado, and other field officers. Every
Sunday the general and field officers presented themselves to Dupuy, with
whom they generally dined and passed the night in playing at cards, &c., &c.
Dupuy, either from a malevolent and blood-thirsty inclination (as some sup-
3 d 2
violently seized on the money which Riberos had won during the night, and
which was placed on the table before him.
Dupuy knew the high and unyielding temper of that meritorious officer;
and supposed he would attempt to strike him in the moment he had been
gers, overawed these vile assassins, who were only-active in their profession
when secure from danger, or screened by the darkness of night. They stood
motionless before the officers, who immediately secured the door, as the guards,
prepared without, were entering the court yard. Dupuy and his gang being
enclosed, and unable for the present to receive any assistance from his friends
The gallant Riberos, who considered himself the cause of that general
misfortune, exhorted his companions to sell their existence at the dearest rate
possible, but they saw the inutility of seven officers opposing themselves to
the rage of an incensed rabble ; and expected, by offering no resistance, to
find mercy amongst their butchers. Riberos finding them unwilling to ac-
quiesce in his first proposal, insinuated that each Spaniard ought to fall by
his own hand, but his comrades shrunk from the idea of suicide. The as-
sassins began to fire, and advanced on the house : Riberos bid farewell to his
companions, and exclaiming, Un Americano indecentejamas quitterd la vida
de Segundo Riberos, he finished his existence by discharging the contents
of his pistol in his head: the remaining six threw down their arms, and were
without resistance despatched by the ruffians, who immediately went all
through the town assassinating every Spaniard individually in their houses or
in the streets.
This scene of
barbarity commenced about seven o'clock in the streets on
the 8th of February, 1817- Only two Spaniards escaped their search, the
one died insane from the terror of that
day, the other still exists in the con-
vent of San Lorenzo, province of Santa Fe.
Ordonez, whose body was covered with wounds received in the French
war in defence of his
country with fifty officers, many of whom were Spanish
noblemen, perished-on that day by the hands of the merciless assassins: the
number of residents of the town who died, is not known ; twenty-seven sol-
diers, prisoners of the Federal army, were also suffocated in a dungeon the
Thus did Dupuy gain a memorable and signal victory over these brave
though unresisting officers and soldiers. Prodigies of valour and patriotism
performed by his officers on this occasion. An official letter was des-
patched to Buenos Ayres, stating the imminent danger of the Patria from the
insurrection of fifty Godos, isolated from all intercourse with their friends
of the memorable event, and some appropriate insignia engraved on it. Du-
puy was promoted to be Coronel Mayor of the national forces, and a member
of the legion of merit, in recompence for his activity.
This, perhaps, is the first example of an infamous clan of ruffians being
honoured with, or daring to assume a distinction only due to merit, as the
demonstration of their prowess in the horrid and detestable crime of assas-
The Federalists, who had nothing to fear from the enemies in their rear,
directed their marches towards the province of Buenos Ayres, leaving Bustos
(whose army was now called the third division of the Federal army), in the
province of Cordova to observe the operations of the interior provinces.
The known resentment of Carrera and Ramirez to Pueyrredon made it
necessary for him to retire from the government in Buenos Ayres, as the
Federalists would enter into no treaty whilst Pueyrredon was director. He
obliged to resign, and was succeeded in the government by Brigadier
General Don Jose Rondeau. This change in the administration did not
satisfy the Federalists ; the congress still existed, and they would listen to no
terms of accommodation whilst it did.
Rondeau, who had acquired some credit in the campaigns of High Pern,
availed himself of his popularity by persuading chosen detachments of civicos
and country militia to accompany him with the veteran force then in Buenos
Ayres, to the frontiers, to meet, and stop the progress of the Federalists, whose
numbers were much reduced by having sent some of their force back to
Entre-Rios, and leaving parties in several towns in their rear. The troops
under Rondeau were about three thousand, those of Ramirez were at most
nine hundred, including about forty northern Indians.
It was
evening when the contending parties discovered each other, and as
it was late, and the Federalists fatigued with marching, it was determined to
defer the attack till the next morning; but soon as the night came on, the
Portenos, notwithstanding the great superiority of their numbers, put them-
selves in march, in order to retire to San Nicolas. The Federalists pursuing
them, and harassing their rear, which was much encumbered by carts and
baggage, they found it impossible to effect their retreat. However, they sus-
tained their Guerillas, and continued their march, in order to possess them-
selves of a strong and advantageous position on the Canada de Cepeda. On
arriving there they halted. Their infantry, amounting to twelve hundred,
formed a hollow square,
the front of which was covered by their numerous
carts, with artillery at proper intervals; the flanks, or right and left faces of
the square, were strengthened by cavalry; and the rear face of the square was
protected by the Canada on which it was formed. In this position the Por-
tenos remained till morning, when Ramirez in person reconnoitred the
ground, and a little after sunrise every thing was ready for a general attack.
The charge was sounded, the Federalists advanced sword in hand, with a
pursuit of that part of the enemy which had fled, the fire was by then- exer-
tions almost entirely extinguished.
The situation of the enemy's infantry was the most pitiable which can be
only post in which they could reasonably indulge a hope of being able to de-
fend themselves. However, they were still in number much superior to the
Federalists, and the spirit and courage of the three officers who commanded
them was almost equal to the difficulty and danger of their situation. Bal-
carse, who commanded in chief was summoned to surrender, but refused
with great resolution ; he formed his men in close column, with parties of
light infantryon the flanks, and in that posture of defence began his march
for San Nicolas. Ramirez formed his cavalry in column of divisions in order
to attack him, and they must undoubtedly have perished, were it not for
the interposition of Carrera, who had two objects in view, which impelled
him not to concur in the attack on the column : — first, amongst the infantry
of the enemy he knew there were six hundred Chilenos, who being the
bravest would in all probability have been the first to perish. These soldiers
he expected in a few days would be his own, and by destroying them then,
he would have deprived himself of those men with whom he afterwards ter-
rifled his enemies. Secondly, he knew that veteran soldiers led by brave
chiefs would dispute each yard of ground with an obstinate courage, and
that many of the Federalists would necessarily fall in reducing them, which
would cause a suspension of operations for some time, as the Federalists could
not recruit their army without returning to Santa Fe or Entre-Rios ; which
would give time to the government of Buenos Ayres, to make new prepar-
ations. Such were the causes which made Carrera consider that a victory
over this column of infantry would be too
dearly bought.
They harassed the rear of the column for a few leagues, many soldiers
from excessive fatigue were obliged to throw themselves on the ground, and
give themselves up to the parties which hung on their rear. — Colonel Major
Balcarse, and Colonels Rolon and Vidal commanded the infantry. Their
spirited resolution and good dispositions for their defence did them as much
credit, as the shameful flight of the Director, Rondeau, did him dishonour. As
only nine hundred infantry entered San Nicolas, their total loss in killed,
wounded, and prisoners, may be computed at 300.
The Federalists continued their march towards Buenos Ayres, leaving a
small force in the vicinity of San Nicolas and San Pedro to observe the
only government news they had believed for a length of time. They, accus-
tomed to hear nothing from their press but falsehood and deception, con-
sequently found themselves under the necessity of learning to judge for
themselves. It was known that the Federalists were advancing on the town;
and the inhabitants could not conceive how an enemy could receive such a
defeat as the Congress would fain make it appear they had, and still continue
to advance.
The object of this last proclamation was to raise a contribution to pay the
civicos, in order to put them between the Congress and her danger. The
design did not succeed. The people had a right idea of their imbecile and
corrupted governors; and looked forward with anxiety to the hour which
would free them altogether of their oppressors.
3 E
danger seems to have completely superseded the love of glory. There was
not a man who would offer himself for his country. Soler was summoned by
the Congress, on which he immediately waited, and was solicited by them to
receive the command of whatever force could be raised. With this request
he complied, without insinuating or perhaps recollecting their former
The opinion of the public in favour of Soler was so great in' Buenos Ayres,
that he was congratulated by every class of citizens, on his return into office.
In a few days he raised about 3,000 men to accompany him to the field, and
established his head-quarters at the Puente Marco, seven leagues from
Buenos Ayres. The Federal army was encamped at Pilar, distant from
Puente Marco eight leagues. An armistice was concluded for fourteen
days ; but before any further propositions should be made for peace, the
Federalists required that the Congress should be dissolved; which order
Soler intimated to them, and the town had the gratification to see that assem-
bly dismissed.
The provinces of Tucuman, Salta, Santiago del Estere, Catamarca
Arioja, and San Luis, encouraged by the example of Cordova, and protected
by the Federalists, declared themselves independent of Buenos Ayres. Du-
puy was superseded, cast into prison, and brought to trial for the massacre
of the Spaniards, and various cruelties and assassinations. He was entirely
void of that resolution which he so often had put to the proof in others; the
crimes of' which he was accused were committed under the eyes of the town,
and even his judges were witnesses of his barbarity : he therefore could not do
otherwise than acknowledge the crimes laid to his charge ; but he alleged
for his defence, that he was but a subaltern, and obliged to execute the orders
of the captain-general of the province of Cuyo, Don Jose San Martin, who
was his immediate chief. He produced the written orders of San Martin for
the assassination of Rodriguez, Raposo, and Conde; these orders were very
laconic, statingnothing more than — Don Fulano will pass through the town
of San Luis on a such
day: he has my passport; receive him politely; give him
whatever assistance he may stand in need of, —but, take care that he pass not
the wood on the other side San Luis.—Prontitud y silencio, asi conviene la bien
delaPatrial He made it appear, that previous to the departure of San
Martin, he had, in conversation with him, received a verbal order for the mas-
sacre of the
Spaniards, lest they should take part with Carrera.
Frivolous as this defence was, it had some weight with the pusillanimous
and ignorant court by which he was judged. They were accustomed to
tremble at the name of San Martin, and could not divest themselves of fear.
They dreaded vicissitude in their affairs by which San Martin might be
enabled to reassume his authority ; in which case they would be responsible to
him if they acted by his favourite as his crimes deserved. Thus the sentiments
of fear overbalanced those of justice; and the tyrant who had a thousand
times forfeited his vile existence by his viler deeds, was only sentenced to be
beyond the Andes. San Martin received him with the regard due to an able
and faithful assistant in his iniquities, and appointed him to the command of
the Castella de la Independencia in Callao.
After the dismission of the Congress in Buenos Ayres, the supreme power
was invested in the Cabildo, over which
presided Don Pedro Aguirre Al-
calde de Primer Voto. The treaty of peace now commenced ; and after a
few days' negotiation, overtures were agreed to and signed by the stipulating
parties. The articles of the treaty of Pilar were as follows, viz. —
That the war carried on by the Federalists against the government of
Buenos Ayres and her allies in the United Provinces was just, in every
acceptation of the word; and had for its principal object and end, the
emancipation of America in general, not only from her foreign, but also
from her domestic, yoke, which was still more galling and illiberal.
That the many petty governments and independent states bordering on
each other were inimical to, and incompatible with the peace, good order,
and prosperity of the nation ; war being inevitable whilst each petty
these disorders, by uniting all the finances and forces of the nation under
one Director or President, to be elected in the most just and constitutional
That an
assembly should be elected in each of the Federal provinces by
the free and unbiassed votes of their constituents. From each of these
assemblies, one or moredeputies (according to the population of the pro-
vince which they represented) should be nominated as members of a
general Congress, which should meet at the convent of San Lorenzo, in
the province of Santa Fe (being the most central situation), seventy days
subsequent to the date of the treaty; when they were to select from
amongst their own body, the President before mentioned; and enact such
general laws as would be deemed most salutary for the public. That there
might not remain a shadow of oppression in this convention, all military
forces should be distant at least twenty leagues.
That in consequence of the vast extension of the territories included in
this treaty, local circumstances, qualities, and properties peculiar to each
by divisions not exceeding two hundred men each, for the greater conve-
nience of supplying them with provisions, &c. in their regression ; the first
division to march in three days from that time, and the number of days
between the marches of the succeeding divisions not to exceed eight.
Saratea quietly took possession of his office according to the treaty. Cir-
cular letters were despatched to the different provinces requesting the attend-
ance of their
deputies, at the time appointed.
wrongs, and punish those who had endeavoured to defame his character and
oppress his country. Had the Congress met, it was supposed that they would
have furnished Carrera with every thing necessary for his expedition to Chile,
which (after its regeneration) would have been united to the confederacy.
America, thus united, under any chief capable of conducting her operations,
would very soon have changed her aspect of anarchy: the political chaos
would have been superseded by an organised and regular government, which
(though it could not be supposed to have been perfect in the moment of its
formation) would at least have had the most flattering form, and in all pro-
bability would have been the foundation of future greatness to America.
Balcarse having procured transports at San Nicolas embarked his troops, and
came down the river to Buenos
Ayres. It was late in the evening when he
landed; and marching immediately to the Plaza he formed his corps, collect-
ing all the field-officers and captains to the centre, where he began to ha-
rangue them on the vile submission to which their once glorious city and
its territory were reduced; protesting that he was still ready to rescue- them
with his force from the hands of their enemies, and restore them to their
former greatness.
Soler, French, Pagola, and several others of the officers of the new go-
vernment, were present; but they did not consider the time or place well
adapted for entering into a defence of the late measures, or discussing the
meritsor failings which might be attached to them : they retired as soon as
propriety would admit. The eloquence of General Balcarse had the wished-
for effect on his
military audience : they were proud of his abilities, and not
entirely blind to their own merit, as they supposed there was much due to
them from their conduct at Cepeda. After some specious promises of pay,
&c., officers and soldiers agreed to follow him; and the next morning he was
acknowledged in the Cabildo as captain-general of the province, &c. &c.
The Cabildo could not with safety resist Balcarse; their votes were forced,
the hall being filled with officers, and the front of the Cabildo and all parts
of the Plaza lined with soldiers, who were ready to act in case of any dif-
part of the citizens joined us in the Corrales de Miserea the same night.
Balcarse, seeing that all the citizens and soldiers (except his own two bat-
talions) had deserted him, shut himself up in the fort: his soldiers, who a
few days ago had sworn to support him, now saw it was utterly impracticable
to do so, and meditated the surrender of the castle. However, the walls
were mannedby some parties who kept up a fire on a few soldiers who
2mused themselves galloping in front of them. Balcarse, Rolon, Vidal, and
a few others,
escaped by a jrrivate door which led to the river ; where they
embarked in a boat, first possessing themselves of 14,000 dollars which were
in the public coffers, in order to defray their expenses at Monte Video, or
wherever their adverse fortune might drive them.
Soon as the flight of the governor and his principal officers was known in
the fort, a flag of truce was sent to the Federal generals, offering to surrender,
and requesting pardon, which was granted: the castle gate was thrown open,
the troops marched out, and formed in the line of Soler. The government
and all its affairs were again arranged on the plan previously described in the
treaty of Pilar.
The town being perfectly tranquil, Ramirez retired to the Santos Lugares,
where he encamped during six or seven days. Can-era remained in Buenos
Ayres with Saratea, who permitted him to draw all the Chilian soldiers from
the regiments in which they served ; and of these an hussar regiment was
formed by Colonel Benevente and a few officers, having for their barrack a
respectable footing, and the only Director who ever paid them for their ser-
vices, he found little difficulty in causing a revolution amongst them. The
troops all assembled at the retico in the suburbs, where they declared Alvear
General, and deposed Soler.
The civicos, under their favourite Soler, took arms against Alvear and the
regulars; who retired from the city, and Came to our encampment, expecting
that Carrera would give his sanction or assistance in favour of this revolution.
Ramirez was on his march for Entre Rios ; where his presence and his forces
likely to be very necessary, as Artigas was directing his marches to-
wards the frontiers on Entre Rios. We were also about to march the day fol-
lowing for Santa Fe, where Carrera designed to encamp during the winter
requested of Carrera to return to the town, and have him recog-
nised General of the Portenian army: Carrera refused to take any part in
his revolution ; but told him that if he were obliged to fly, he might come to
him, and that he would protect him. The troops of Alvear seeing that Carrera
would not support them, thought of abandoning Alvear and throwing them-
selves on the mercy of Soler, who had marched out after them with civicos.
A few subalterns headed them, and next morning on parade usurped the
command; and telling the rest of the officers that it was optional with them
tofollow their respective battalions or remain with Alvear, they began their
ment. A French officer also arrived with correspondences from Chile, soli-
hearing that he was at the head of a force. As it was too far advanced in
the season to cross the Andes,. the revolutionists were obliged to desist, and
a distant relation of Carrera gave information of the plan to
O'Higgins; in
consequence of which several persons of the highest respectability were sent
into exile in different places, and forty of the principal officers concerned were
Ramirez also sent an aide-de-camp to our encampment, requesting Carrefa
to cross the Artigas had declared hostilities against him. Thus
Parrana, as
Carrera had in his encampment at the same time four embassies, each solicit-
ing his attendance in a different quarter; viz. Buenos Ayres, Chile, San Juan,
and Entre Rios.
To Chile he could not pass till spring ; his presence was not necessary in
San Juan, and it would be inglorious to go there to pass his time in ease and
3 F
402 Appendix.
tranquillity, leaving his friend Ramirez involved in a dangerous war; his ex-
perience taught him to expect that Buenos Ayres would be immediately re-
duced to their former system, as the Portehos were extremely docile when
threatened by an approaching enemy : on the contrary, he anticipated a long
and sanguinary war between Artigas and Ramirez. He therefore prepared to
march to the aid of Buenos Ayres, where he expected to leave everything
tranquil in the course of a month at furthest, and then cross the Parrana with
whatever forces he could raise, to the assistance of Ramirez. Don Estanislao
Lopez, governorof the province of Sante Fe, also entered into these mea-
sures, and accompanied Carrera to Buenos Ayres with 400 men.
Previous to our march to Buenos Ayres some ammunition and other mili-
tary stores were sent to the allies in San Juan, as they were liable to be
attacked by a force then raising in Mendoza.
"We marched from our encampment on the 14th of June, 1820, towards
Buenos Ayres. Our regiment was 600; the dragoons of Lopez were 400.
We were badly mounted, being obliged to ride and walk alternately, that our
horses might not be too much fatigued ; but after five days' march, we
arrived in the neighbourhood of San Nicolas, when we provided ourselves
with some excellent horses.
Soler having drawn all his forces together, resolved to await our approach
to his encampment, On our arrival at San Antonio de Areco, a squadron of
200 cavalry, which had been sent as an advance guard to observe our march,
made their commander prisoner, and passed to our division : these soldiers were
left in San Antonio de Areco; and the Generals Carrera and Lopez marched
with an advance of about 200 men ; and early next morning, 28th of June,
Major-General French ; and their left division was composed of militia and
civicos commanded by regular officers. A river ran from right to left in their
front, Soler, who commanded the whole, was stationed with his staff and a
small corps de reserve in the rear of the centre division.
As it was not supposed that we should meet the enemy till the following
day, about 300 Chilenos and Santafecinos were detached on a necessary and
important service, and could not be expected to return before midnight.
The remainder of the Federal force was at San Antonio, five leagues
distant from the Canada de la Cruz, where Carrera and Lopez were en-
gaged with the enemy's guerillas. In the meantime expresses were sent
to the detachments which were out, and to Colonel Benevente at Areco,
desiring they would advance with all possible speed. Benevente mounted
our division
immediately; and about 11 or 12 o'clock we arrived on the
field of battle, having galloped all the way: we changed our horses, and dis-
positions were given for the attack. The militia of Rosario, with a detach-
ment of Chilenos, formed our right division, commanded by Lieutenant-
Lopez, were opposed to the Colorados on the right of the enemy's line.
General Alvear, who acted as captain of his company of officers, bravely
repulsed all the enemy's guerillas. Our force was so very inconsiderable,
that it was impossible to spare any part of it for a reserve. General Carrera
commanded the whole, without assigning any particular place in the field
for his station.
being ready, the action commenced by Lopez charging the Colorados
on theenemy's right. Garcia, on the right of our line, also charged the
enemy's left. No advantage appeared on one side or the other for some
time; the dragoons of Lopez were at length repulsed by the Colorados,
and retired fighting, about three hundred yards. The Portenos now con-
sidering the action as gained, shouted for victory; and their centre division,
commanded by French, advanced to charge our regiment, French and Bene-
vente (who were particular friends) first saluting each other in front ofthe lines.
As the Portenos charged they kept up a heavy fire on us: the Chilenos used
not their fire-arms; but, sword in hand, moved with such celerity and cou-
rage, that the Portenos had. not time to secure their carabines or draw their
swords, before we were on their line, which was soon broken, and fled with
precipitation and disorder. The left of the enemy's line, seeing their centre
destroyed (on which all their dependence was placed), fled also ; and the
Colorados on their right, who had gained much advantage over Lopez,
obliged to escape lest we should take them in the rear.
The rout was complete, the fugitives being pursued about six leagues.
The Santafecinos gave no quarter: the Chilenos took 250 prisoners, not
Carrera was not present), You once dismissed me from your government,
but you shall not do so again. If ever an attempt be made against me, I
shall hang on the gibbet one half of Buenos Ayres.
This harangue of the new governor caused an astonishing change on the
minds of the deputies and people : they considered that if his promises were
so very beneficent before he had
any actual power in the town, his perform-
ance would even exceed them when invested with
authority. The deputies
returned to Buenos Ayres; and when the citizens knew that Alvear was
appointed to be their governor, and heard his. speech to their deputies, they
flew to arms to prevent our entry.
The protection which Carrera dispensed to Alvear, his union with him,
and his march to Buenos Ayres, was much against the inclination of his officers;
nay, even himself must have seen that such an union was contrary to his own
interest, and to that of all who were connected with him: he lost, in a great
measure, that high opinion which the respectable inhabitants of Buenos
Ayres had entertained of him, by protecting their enemy. But he had seen
many happy and miserable days with Alvear : they had been long intimates;
and he considered himself bound by the sacred laws of friendship not only to
protect, but also to aid him. His judgment was sacrificed to the sincerity
of his friendship, which led him to err ; and that error may be considered as
the principal cause of the difficulties under which he afterwards suffered.
We marched from the Puente Marco to the suburbs of Buenos Ayres,
which we besieged during eighteen or nineteen days, cutting off all commu-
nication with the country. Colonel La Madrid was in the Magdalena, raising
a force, whither we went in search of him ; but he left a strong division well
fantry was stationed, and prevailed on the officers and soldiers to accompany
him to Buenos Ayres. All which he effected with address, ingenuity, and
The whole country and all its towns were ours. Buenos Ayres alone re-
mained firm in the resolution to act on the defensive, though yet unable to
undertake any offensive operations against us. To take the town by assault
with Carrera's troops, which never exceeded 2000, was impossible ; therefore,
as the soldiers were much
fatigued by the rigours of service and severity of the
season, he raised the siege and retired to Luxan, to invigorate the troops with
a few
days' rest previous to our march for Entre Rios, having determined to
evacuate the province.
Whilst we were in the
encampment of Luxan, a considerable force of the
enemy had advanced to the towns of San Isidro and San Fernando, on the
coast of the river. These were surprised and dispersed at day-break by a
detachment of our regiment, and another of the Santafecinos : some escaped
on board their barks, others into the country, whilst the more resolute part of
any feeble efforts which our timid enemy could be supposed to make.
A great levy had been made in Buenos Ayres and its adjacent country ;
and on our retreat, an army of 3000 men, commanded by Dorego, Rodriguez,
and La Madrid, followed the line of our march, always keeping about thirty
leagues in our rear. The same captain who had been sent by Dorego to the
Rincon de Gorondono, to call Carrera to Buenos Ayres, and who had fol-
lowed Alvear since his revolution in the army of Buenos Ayres (before
mentioned), now thought it the best way to atone for his former perfidies by
becoming a spy on our operations, and continually communicating with the
The situation of our camp and distribution of our men were as follows :
strong detachment was at four leagues distance, in the province of Santa
Fe; other detachments were at one league from our encampment, guarding
our horses ;the remainder of the cavalry were encamped in fenced orchards
about oneleague from the town, and were not allowed to have horses sad-
died. A company of infantry, all the officers of Alvear, and some artillery
soldiers, with five pieces of cannon, occupied the town.
That the Portenos might succeed the better in taking us altogether unpre-
pared, deputies were sent to treat with the generals ; and, breaking through
all the laws of war and honour (being informed of our situation by their spy),
they surprised us whilst in this treaty, and they succeeded so well that it
became a general stratagem of our enemies in all our future actions with them.
On the evening of the Slst July, our spies gave notice that about 150 of
the enemy had entered San Pedro, about 14 leagues distant; these we sup-
posed to be the rear-guard of the enemy, who, though numerous, did not
preparation, vigilance, or caution, on our part; so very contemptible
was the idea which we entertained of them.
Lopez had information that Dorego intended falling on us at day-break
next morning, and was about to despatch an express, when Alvear, who was
in his encampment, offered to carry the news. Lopez confided this commis-
sion to his care ; but, owing to forgetfulness, inattention, or treachery, he
exceed 250 men, who took the field to protect the retreat of the dismounted
the General, and receive his orders; but as he had crossed the Arroyo del
Medio, the officer had orders to proceed to the encampment of Lopez, and
call him to the assistance of the town. The Portenian army, consisting of
about 3000 men, advanced (trotting) in four parallel columns, with a strong
Our guerilla repulsed that of the enemy, who immediately advanced a co-
lumn of 800 men to sustain the attack on our rear. Reunion was sounded ;
and guerilla took its place in the column, which now began to trot. The
enemy pressed close on the rear of our column, and annoyed it much by a
heavy fire. A German officer, who commanded the rear division, seeing his
begin to fall, and rightly judging the fortune of the day to be desperate,
preferred to die fighting his enemy, rather than fall in the retreat. He
ordered his men to secure their carabines, sword in hand; and faced
them about without any order from the Colonel, or even acquainting him of
his design. He precipitated himself with his valiant little band of thirty on
a division of the enemy consisting of 800 men, throwing them into great djs-
order. Another of the enemy's columns, which was on our flank, quickly
occupied the intervening space between our division and that brave officer,
obliging Colonel Benevente to continue the retreat: as it was impossible to
give any assistance to the men who were engaged, they all perished. Abeck,
the officer who commanded that party, had served with Napoleon in Russia,
and several other campaigns. He was an engineer, and possessed much
professional knowledge ; in his private character and domestic qualities he
was as amiable and
generous, as he was honourable and brave considered as
a soldier. The dismounted soldiers had by this time entered the town, which
was fortified by a deep dike, having only two entries, which were defended
by artillery: our column began to gallop, in order to enter the town; but
being closely pressed in the rear, friends and enemies entered together,
thereby in a great measure rendering useless our artillery. Two columns
of the enemy opened to the left, and surrounded the town by a strong line
of battle, that-none should escape. The brave Benevento rallied his men in
the Plaza; where, with the assistance of a few infantry soldiers, he maintained
the unequal conflict for upwards of two hours, — at the expiration of which
time he had not more than thirty men, and a few officers on horseback : with
platoon with little loss. The greatest difficulty was now surmounted : the
Portenos pursued, keeping up a heavy but ineffectual fire, and expected that,
arriving at a precipice which lay in the direction, they would make an easy
prey of their designed victims ; however, on coming up to it, men and horses
went, or rather rolled, down it without any material injury. The detachment
of the Arroyo del Medio now appeared ; and the Portenos retired, lest they
should be chased in their turn. Of the thirty men who accompanied Bene-
vente from San Nicolas only fourteen escaped.
Our loss in San Nicolas was 16 officers and about 470 soldiers, not including
50 officers and 200 men belonging to Alvear ; 6000 horses ; the General and
Colonel's tents ; all our baggage and military stores ; five pieces of artillery;
an ammunition
waggon with 12,000 rounds, and 60,000 dollars for the pay
of the regiment. Madam Carrera, who had come from Rosario to see the
General the day previous, shared in the general misfortune of the day, being
taken prisoner in the church ; however, two days afterwards Dorego sent
her to the Arroyo Pabon, whither we had retired, with an escort and a polite
occasions) was worthy of the highest praise : the surprise was most complete ;
and though he had not more than 250 men (including officers) mounted, he
defended himself against 3000 of the enemy from sunrise till mid-day, ho-
nourably exposing himself, and protecting the retreat of the dismounted sol-
diers to the town.
The Portenos were not content with the ample share of plunder which
they had acquired at our cost, -— they also broke open every house without
exception ; and in three days afterwards, upwards of 800 had deserted,
loaded with booty they returned to Buenos Ayres, resolved not to lose the
honour they had gained in this by risking it in another action.
This great victory, gained by a people only accustomed to defeats, had the
most flattering effects ; the ancient spirit of Buenos Ayres (they supposed)
3 G
had reanimated her children. Not content with retaining their own pro-
vince, they began to dream of conquests; and passing the Arroyo del Medio,
the boundary of their territory, they entered that of Santa Fe, which they
resolved to add to their jurisdiction.
Expresses were sent to all the provinces, announcing the death of Carrera,
and the destruction of his division in the action of San Nicolas. The captain
who had been spy in our encampment was the person who bore the wel-
come news to Chile ; where his
story seems to have been very gratifying, as
he was
presented with eight hundred dollars, and admitted as an honorary
member of the distinguished legion of merit of Chile. ISTow, of what merit
may have entitled him to this distinction I am still unable to form any idea :
if a man who. first betrays his own country, afterwards deceives and sells his
friends and companions, and who is pliant to change with times, circum-
stances, and interests, have any merit, then that distinguished order should
decorate every traitor's breast; if riding 300 leagues with despatches in the
shortest time possible recommend a man so highly, why then we may sup-
pose that all couriers who distinguish themselves in that way, ought to be
admitted into this honourable and meritorious society of Chile.
Lopez and his dragoons having united themselves to the remnant of our re-
giment, which was about ISO men, we retired to the Arroyo de Pabon, about
nine leagues from San Nicolas. Alvear was arrested by Lopez, who insisted
shooting him, with the deputies of the enemy, as accessaries to our mis-
fortunes; but Carrera would not permit it. He provided a boat for Alvear,
and assisted him to escape from the fury of the soldiers, telling him that he
could not suppose his late error to have proceeded from treachery; that as
he had once been the friend of Carrera, so he should ever consider him, but
never again could admit himas a partner in his operations. — Alvear took a
last leave of the friend whom his indiscretion had ruined; and, passing the
Parrana, travelled to Monte Video, where he was employed in his rank of
in alliance with Buenos Ayres, if he would turn the arms of his province
against Carrera, and deliver him prisoner with his men to him. Lopez made
known these conditions to Lieutenant-Colonel Garcia, who was second in
command in the province of Santa Fe, and a particular friend of Carrera.
Garcia heard the proposition with contempt and indignation; adverted to his
officers on the baseness of their governor
Lopez, in thinking of sacrificing
his greatest friend to his most inveterate enemies the Portenos; and finally
made Lopez understand that his own safety was in question if he did not im-
mediately desist. The plot was made known to Carrera, who had for some
days previous suspected something of that nature to be on foot. Carrera
dictated a letter, which the Governor was obliged to sign and send to the
there ; this, together with the great disproportion of our numbers, accounts
for the unaccustomed timidity of our soldiers in the action of Pabon.
The Portenos at first were charged, and obliged to retire ; but renewing
the attack with vigour, our line was broken, and began to retreat: we were
pursued several leagues. The Chilenos and a few Santafecinos protected the
retreat by keeping a constant fire on the enemy. Our men were not properly
reunited before our arrival at San Lorenzo, a distance of ten leagues from the
battle ground. Our loss was immaterial, not exceeding twenty men. The
most remarkable occurrence of this retreat was, that a Portenian officer who
accompanied us, and had been major of the famous hussars of La Madrid in
High Peru, where he was considered little less than a Mars, was horse-
whipped and discarded for having too great a desire to be one of the fore-
most in- the retreat.
Having reunited our men at San Lorenzo, we continued to retire; and pass-
ing the Carcarana, we encamped in Las Barrancas. The Portenos occupied,
and almost destroyed, the town of Rosario; where they remained, not eonsi-
dering it prudent to follow our flying remnant too far in a country where
they were entirely destitute of friends.
Lopez, finding that nothing but war would satisfy his officers and sol-
diers, made a levy in the country, raising about 800 men; a few northern
Indians also came to join him : our division was now augmented to about
1000 men. We returned in search of the Portenos; and when we were about
to pass the Carcarana, our advance guard fell in with that of the enemy near
3 g 2
San Lorenzo, and killed forty of them, taking nine prisoners. This was an
indication to the Portenos that their former fortunes in war were about to
return; they, therefore, began to retreat, but were overtaken and brought
to action.
On the 10th of September, in the morning, the town of Pergamino, which
garrisoned by 350 of the enemy, was assaulted and taken ; 220 were
taken prisoners, and the greater part of the rest died in the attack : and on
the 12th, our entire division, and that of Dorego, presented themselves for
battle in the Canada Vica, or Gamonal. The detachments destroyed in
Pergamino and San Lorenzo, as well as desertion, made a considerable rediic-
tion in Dorego's force ; and this was the first action in which we were opposed
by equal numbers.
Dorego, who attributed the success of the Federalists to their peculiar
manner of
fighting, determined to adopt the same plan, prohibiting his sol-
diers, on pain of death, to fire a shot. He bravely -charged in front of his
line against the Santafecinos, who met him with an equal contempt of danger.
Dorego succeeded in breaking through the line of Lopez, when he was im-
mediately charged by the Chilenos, led by Benevente, who stopped his pro-
gress : the fight became general and obstinate; but at length the Portenos
had recourse to then long-practised expedient: they retired; and being
closely pressed and broken, it was in vain that their General exposed himself
by remaining in their rear, and labouring greatly to rally his flying troops:
they were pursued six leagues. No quarters were given till the latter part of
the chace, when 325 prisoners were taken. The number of killed were com-
puted at 570 : Dorego very narrowly escaped in the retreat.
Carrera and Lopez passed the Arroyo del Medio: it was the desire of the
former to return to Buenos Ayres, and establish a government there which
would be friendly to our cause; but the latter only wished for a consum-
mation of the treaty which he had commenced at Pabon. As our principal
force consisted in militia, who were eager to return to their families and
houses, they contented themselves with driving off as their booty 15 or 20,000
head of cattle, and a great number of horses; and on their arrival in their
own province,
they were disbanded, each returning to their respective homes.
Carrera's head-quarters were at Rosario. The dragoons of Lopez were
obliged to go to Santa Fe to curb the inroads of the northern Indians, who
had taken offence against Lopez because he would not deliver up to their
deputies a person who had killed an individual of their nation at Santa Fe.
Though Dorego had gained more honour for his country, and displayed
courage and ability, with a smaller force, than any former governor of
Buenos Ayres; yet, the Portehos could not think of deviating from their
long-received principle of deposing every Director as soon as he had been
defeated, or otherwise unfortunate, without any regard to the abilities or vir-
tues which he might possess. Hence the many mutations of government:
their defeats were numerous, and each brought its political change.
Martin Rodriguez thought this the most advantageous moment to assert his
claim; and his first step was to gain all the regular soldiers to espouse his
pretensions. Soler (having recovered from the shame which he considered
attached to himself in consequence of his defeat in the Canada de la Cruz)
came to Buenos Ayres from Monte Video to offer himself as a candidate for
lery, &c. Rodriguez lost no time; he appointed the rendezvous for his veterans;
and when he inspected them he found they would not be sufficient to attack
the Plaza: he therefore went to the prisons where the officers and soldiers
of our regiment made prisoners in San Nicolas were, and offered them their
liberty if they would lend their assistance to him that day. They unani-
mously volunteered; were immediately taken out of prison and armed; and
being united with Rodriguez's troops, he advanced to the attack of the Plaza.
The citizens and civicos defended themselves for some time with resolution ;
province. This mode of election is not very uncommon amongst the South
American Republics.
Rodriguez having established himself in the government of Buenos Ayres,
and dispersed all the factions which had opposed him, performed his promise
to the Chilenos who had aided him, by granting them passports to proceed to
any of the provinces except Santa Fe, where we were : some of the officers
passed over to Monte Video, from whence they united themselves again to
our division.
Rodriguez sent deputies to the Indians of the South, promising them great
rewards if they would declare war against us, which they promised to do;
and the Cacique Nicolas (the ally of Buenos Ayres) came with his tribe to
P.ergamino, from whence lie marched with £00 Portehian soldiers to the vil-
lage of Melingue, on the confines of Santa Fe. A detachment of ours which
garrisoned the town was put to the sword, and all the females and children
carried away by the Indians for slaves. The Cacique Nicolas promised to
put at the disposition of Rodriguez 7000 Indians ; which force they considered
would exterminate us without
Buenos Ayres, with her promised Indian allies, considered-herself secure.
Their miserable poets all rhymed of our inevitable destruction, and ridiculed
in the most reproachful manner the political ideas of Carrera; whilst those
whose abilities did not reach to verse were more mischievously employed, in
order to cause a dissension between Carrera and Lopez, by an extensive dis-
tribution of their pamphlets : in these pamphlets and papers, which were
carefully thrown in our way, they made it appear that Lopez was but a mere
cipher, subservient to all the measures of Carrera, without ideas, will, or
opinion, of his own. The idea suggested in these papers did not deviate
much from truth ; but truth is not always pleasing. Lopez had self-love suf-
ficient to make him feel the depth of his inferiority, which was now laid be-
fore the public : however, he concealed as much as possible the envy that
gnawed his ungenerous heart.
The Portenos, rightly judging that their scheme might have had some effect
on the uncultivated mind of
Lopez, sent deputies to San Nicolas to resume
the negociation, relative to Lopez giving up Carrera and his officers to the
Portenos. Bustos, governor of Cordova, seeing Carrera without force, and
forgetting all his obligations, refused to deliver to him 700 Chilenos which
existed in his army, and which were to be.delivered whenever Carrera would
demand them. He also sent deputies to San Nicolas, to co-operate with those
of Buenos Ayres in our destruction, having previously had his government
fantry and dragoons to the Positos, and from thence sent an advanced guard
of 48 dragoons to Jocoli, a small village eight leagues distant from Mendoza.
This guard was surprised and attacked by Caxaravillo, the celebrated Porteno,
with 200 cavalry and 400 infantry. The guard charged, and routed the 200
cavalry with considerable loss to the enemy; and, on their return from the
pursuit, had the audacity to attack the infantry, in which more than three-
fourths of the guard perished : a remnant, however, returned to Corro. This
victory of 600 men over 48, was not owing to their courage, or to the courage
dispositions of Caxaravillo, but to their impossibility of running away; for
if the infantry could have followed the example of their cavalry, they certainly
would have done so: if they could have run, they would never have stood to
all further obedience to the coward, and dispersed to the different towns.
About 200 soldiers, natives of Salta, still followed him, as he was going to
that town. Mendizabal, governor of San Juan, was superseded by Don
Antonio Sanchez in the government, and carried to Mendoza, where he was
confined in dungeon till after the death of Carrera, whose faithful friend he
taking his life in Chile, but did not scruple prolonging his tortures in iron s
and in a dungeon ; and afterwards sent him to Lima, where his blood flowed
to quench the insatiable thirst of the tyrant San Martin. Mendizabal was
generous, brave, and disinterested; faithful to his friends, and rather impla-
cable with his enemies : no superstition tainted his mind ; and his resignation
md courage in his last moments were worthy his former character.
Shortly after the dispersion of our men in San Juan, a revolution took place
in Mendoza, in which Godoy Cruz succeeded Cruz Vargas; in consequence
of which change, Colonel Aldao and his principal officers became obnoxious
to the existing government. These were the officers who had commanded
the expedition against our troops in San Juan ; and though they were the
inveterate enemies of Carrera, they were now obliged to throw themselves on
his clemency. He did not consider them worthy of resentment: their wants
were relieved, and they participated the generosity and protection of him
Lopez still carried on his private treaty with the deputies of Rodriguez
and Bustos in San Nicolas.
The Indians who were invited
by Rodriguez to join in the war against us
had an
unconquerable hatred to the Portenos; and at the period in which
we expected them every day to fall upon us, a deputation of fourteen captains
arrived in Rosario, sent by the principal cacique to treat with Carrera. They
told him, in the names of their respective chiefs, of the very great rewards
which Rodriguez had offered them for their services ; but declared they
could never take part with their insidious enemies the Portenos ; and as to
the rewards offered, them, that they would sooner fight in company with
brave men, independent of emolument, than they would in favour of such
cowards as they knew the Portenos to be, notwithstanding any gifts they
might offer. They made known to Carrera that their chiefs would be ex-
tremely ambitious of his alliance and protection ; and that they were author-
ised to grant him any number of Indians he would require.
The conduct of the Indians, and their unasked assistance, seemed very
mysterious, and made ussuspect some treachery; but on minute investigation
it appeared that Don Guelmo, who had been a captain, and commandant
of a town on the Indian frontiers in Chile, in the time of Carrera, had preferred
living amongst the Indians to suffering the indignation which O'PIiggins and
San Martin heaped on the officers and friends of the former government in
Chile. This Guelmo, though above eighty years old, wished still to make
himself useful to his general, by engaging the Indians in his favour. Sur-
rounded by enemies, and, what was worse, by false friends, the ray of hope
which this unexpected intelligence communicated to each breast was far
from disagreeable. Carrera knew the plot of the deputies in San Nicolas,
and was aware that such an opportunity of extricating himself from their net
was not to be
rejected. He despatched five of the Indian deputies to the
caciques, returning them thanks for the offer of their disinterested friendship,
of which he accepted, and offered to become their protector against the
Portenos ; at the same time requesting them to send six or seven hundred
men into the Pampas, which were there to wait his orders, without showing
themselves on the frontier. The other nine deputies were provided for in
encampment, where they remained to act as guides to us, in case of being
obliged to escape precipitately ; and forty Indians, the guard of these deputies,
were encamped in a
village in the frontier, where we provided for them
provisions, tobacco, &c.
Carrera wrote to the deputies in San Nicolas, informing them that he was
perfectly acquainted with the nature of their dishonourable and perfidious plot;
that he even comprehended its most abstruse conditions and ramifications, as
they respected the provinces of Santa Fe, Buenos Ayres, and Cordova. He
demanded them immediately to desist from the measures in contemplation,
and to allow him an uninterrupted march to Chile; to which, if they did not
accede, they should consider themselves responsible to their provinces for
the consequences which would follow.
This letter of Carrera appeared to the deputies as an enigma which they
could by no means solve. It was indeed very extraordinary how he could
be acquainted with their private proceedings; but it was still more so, that,
not having more than 150 men at his disposal, he would dare to demand of
point out a line of conduct which they should pursue, and throw out such
menacing insinuations in case they did not allow .him to march to Chile.
His union with his fj'iend Ramirez appeared impossible; and they could not
conceive any other resource which was left him, or by which he could escape
from their hands.
The -abilities of Carrera were acknowledged by all parties, and his enter-
prising spiritwas feared, as it was always known to be capable of some
resource when danger threatened: they therefore resolved to put immedi-
ately in execution their plans, lest he should counteract their scheme.
3 ii
The treaty was signed by the parties on the following conditions : viz.
that the government of Buenos Ayres should pay to Governor Lopez at
Santa Fe the sum of 12,000 dollars, together with 30,000 head of cattle, on
hisdelivery of Carrera and his officers to the Buenos Ayrian troops in San
Nicolas; that Lopez should continue in the government of Santa Fe, and
Bustos in that of Cordova; that the three states, Buenos Ayres, Santa Fe,
and Cordova, should act defensively and offensively against Ramirez, or any
other friend of Carrera who should resent
or oppose their present
Lopez had sent to Santa Fe for his dragoons, who came down the river, and
disembarking at San Lorenzo in order to surprise us, and give lis up to
the enemy before we were apprised of our danger. Having received in-
formation of the meditated surprise, we put ourselves in a posture for defence,
and at the same time began our retreat, conducted by our Indian guides.
We marched all that evening and night at an accelerated pace, and at twelve
o'clock next day we united ourselves to the forty Indians who awaited us on
the frontier. The dragoons of Santa Fe were unacquainted with the service
on which
they were about to be employed, till they were ordered to take
horses in San Lorenzo, and then informed of the duty they had to perform.
The soldiers unanimously refused to take arms against the Chilenos, as they
called them their companions and defenders in their past campaigns. Hence
it is that we were not interrupted in our retreat. We continued our march
three days into the Pampas, not having any other food than the eggs of
ostriches and other wild fowls, which were for the most part addled; the
soldiers, however, selected the best of them for us. We almost despaired of
meeting the Indians in these Pampas, where they had promised to wait our
orders: the Indians who accompanied us were also impatient, and on that
night the divines or necromancers began their sacred ceremonies; and after
four hours' consultation, it was revealed to these prophets, that the next day,
before noon, we should discover the Indians of whom we were in search.
Next day, about ten o'clock, we discovered the van of the Indians (thereby
fulfillingrthe prophecy of their priests), who sent out a party to reconnoitre;
we followed the like
example, sending a party of the Indians who were with
us: these
parties quickly recognised each other for friends, and returned to
their particular corps. Soon after the main body of the Indians appeared,
rising on the horizon, and continued to advance in line. A deputation of
Indians (with interpreters) was despatched to wait on the General, and to
request that the ceremonies of our meeting should be conducted in the same
manner as practised amongst them, and not in any other way customary
among Christian armies. All their formalities being agreed to, one of the
deputies was sent to announce to the Indians that we had acquiesced in their
desire, and that they might advance; whilst the rest remained with us, to
assist us in going through the manoeuvres.
Our men were formed in one rank, officers to the front, with an equal
distance between them. On our left flank were about sixty Indians, formed
in the same manner. Our Indian allies were about 900 in number, not
(which were covered with many fantastic trappings) were excellent; and
their line was actually the best formed I ever saw.
All being ready, the ceremony began by each line advancing at a trot; and
approaching each other at a full gallop, as in a charge, the Indians
brought their lances to the position of attack, and whilst they advanced with
the greatest fury raised a hideous yell, which (as we were little acquainted
with our new allies) made us doubt very much whether this were a real or
mock charge. However, on coming within forty yards of us, the Indians
halted on a sudden, their formation not having suffered the smallest alteration
or confusion in their rapid advance. We wheeled to our left, and continued
to gallop round them (according to our instructions) till we had encircled
them three times, keeping up a fire during the whole, which very much
gratified them. We then halted, and they returned us the same compliment
by galloping round us three times in the same manner.
The honours being over, they halted in front of our line; and the prin-
cipal cacique, with his subaltern caciques and captains, marched out in
front of theirs, where they were joined by Carrera and his officers. After a
long, but (I may say) unintelligible conversation, they offered us their hands,
which we accepted, in token of our mutual attachment and promise to defend
3 h 2
each other. We
encamped; and were invited by the caciques to their
quarters, where we feasted sumptuously on sortie good roast horses. The
Indians took the same care that our soldiers should want for
nothing which
it was in their power to
bestow. They made us many presents of horses,
ornaments, ponchos, &c. in proof of the sincerity of their protestations; and
showed the greatest solicitude and attention to please, and make us consider
ourselves among friends.
Having assuaged our hunger, the caciques rose in council, and requested
the General would be present also. The subject in discussion was, whether
the town of Salta (which was about three days' march from us), on the frontier
of Buenos Ayres, should or should not be attacked.
We had a long march to encounter, and it became necessary that we should
enter the province of Buenos Ayres to furnish ourselves with cattle for our
transit to the country of the Indians ; and also make some provision for the
time of our residence there, that we might not be burthensome to our
friends, having the opportunity of being independent at the expense of our
La Madrid, whom expected to attack, had retired towards Pergamino.
The town of Salta garrisoned by a detachment of forty men ; its own
inhabitants capable of carrying arms might be from 150 to 200 men. Carrera
knew too well the disposition of the Indians, and their mode of warfare, to
give his assent to the assault of the town. He therefore used every expedient
exertion to prevent and dissuade them from it, by showing the impossibility
of succeeding in, and danger of attempting, any attack against the town;
in contrast with the exaggerated advantages of passing into the country,
from whence they might drive to their habitations vast droves of horses,
cattle, &c. He expatiated much on the destruction of the Indians, if they
should have the temerity to advance against the musquetry and artillery of
the town. But they were not to be deterred by words only. They protested
that nothing should hinder them of destroying the Portenos; and requested
he would give them thirty of his men to accompany them. Carrera finding
them so importunate and unchangeable in their resolution, conceived the idea
of counteracting their inhuman designs and saving the inhabitants, whilst he
seemed to accede to their request. He called a captain, and gave him in.
structions to march with thirty men as vanguard to the Indians towards the
town, and immediately on receiving the fire of the enemy to put his men in
retreat, and use all possible means to inspire the Indians with a sense of
imminent danger if' they advanced, that they might be induced thereby to
abandon their project. It was rather a hard injunction to lay on a brave old
officer, that he should show himself as a coward in front of his soldiers and
the enemy. However it was complied with. Soon as the enemy in the
town opened their fire from the church and batteries, Carrera put himself at
the head of his picket, exchanged fire a few times with the enemy, and
then ordered a retreat. The soldiers, little accustomed to shrink from
apparent danger, were incensed against their captain for the cowardice he
showed, refused to obey him, and even threatened to shoot him if he dared
to give them any order. They called on the cornet to lead them on, and
fearlessly advanced under the enemy's fire, followed by 900 Indians. The
Captain accompanied the detachment as a soldier in order to redeem his lost
reputation ; but all was vain : the impression on their minds against him ever
after was indelible. The soldiers and Indians entering the Plaza, the
Portenos were panic-struck : they capitulated, on condition of being left un-
molested in the fort and tower of the church, leaving their property, wives,
children, and relatives, at the mercy of the unfeeling Indians. The scene
which ensued was the most affecting and pitiable : the women (as is cus-
tomary on such occasions) had run to the church to implore the protection of
their patron saints ; but the Indians were ignorant of the existence of such
patronage or protection. They broke open the door of the church, possessed
themselves of all the females, old and young, children, sacred utensils, &c.;
even the images of the saints did not escape the general calamity. As that
of the Virgin was magnificently decorated, it caught the fancy of a cacique,
who dragged her away in the greatest precipitation : nor did he discover his
prize to be inanimate till he had her in the street; when, finding that he had
been deceived by her very brilliant appearance,, and lost the opportunity of
making a more desirable booty, he undressed her, and carrying with him all
the ornaments and clothing, he left the unfledged image with disgust and
contempt in the street. Whilst all the time of the Indians was absorbed in
search of the unfortunate women and children, our detachment employed
themseves in plundering the town; in which they found a considerable
quantity of specie and valuable articles. Soon as the General was acquainted
with the occurrences he hastened to the town ; but as he was two leagues
distant, he could not arrive in time to prevent the excesses. The Indians
were about to reduce the town to ashes, when the General arrived, and per-
suaded them to desist and abandon the town; which they did, conveying the
women on old horses, and such as were not able to travel otherwise were
carried in the arms of the Indians. It is unnecessary to attempt a descrip-
tion of the cries and agonies of these wretched creatures in the power of their
savage masters, —it is easily conceived. Carrera claimed many of the most
respectable amongst them as his relations; and some of them, who were in
possession of the caciques, were quietly delivered; but such as had the mis-
fortune of falling into the hands of the Indians were retained, as the authority
of their chiefs did not extend so far as to command them to relinquish what
Carrera, and those who accompanied him. That the affair in itself was
undoubtedly barbarous, and will admit of little apology, is but too evi-
dent; but any person curious enough to investigate the causes which led to
the desolation of that town, will be convinced that it was not caused by
Carrera, was not abetted by him, nor was it in his power to have prevented
it. Seven thousand Indians had been called by Martin Rodriguez in order
to extirpate us; and he also showed the inhuman example of Indian warfare
by sending 200 of his soldiers with the cacique Nicolas, who surprised Me-
lingue (a town on the frontiers of Santa F£, then our ally), carrying away all
its inhabitants captives. This, Rodriguez observed to the cacique, was but
Carrera did in no
way encourage the Indians in their attack on Salta : on
the contrary, he did every thing in his power, and perhaps more than was
consistent with his safety, to dissuade them from it; and though he permitted
a detachment of soldiers to accompanythem, it was for the express purpose
of effectually deterring them by showing an example of fear, that he
might thereby prevent the disorders necessarily emanating from the surrender
of the town.
by some such stratagem as that tried by Carrera, the destruction
of Salta could not possibly have been prevented by us. The Indians are
naturally jealous and distrustful; and it cannot be supposed that Carrera
could have such an unbounded ascendancy over their minds in the first days
of our union with them, as he afterwards acquired by a longer acquaintance
with them. There was no province that would receive us ; and Carrera, by
restraining them from their project, would have shut the last and only
avenue which was left us for retreat. If we absolutely refused to allow the
assault, they would in the same moment mistrust us of being attached to the
enemy, and as enemies they would proceed against us. Their force was
upwards of 900, and our squadron about 140. However, Rodriguez in his
proclamation hinted that we were more barbarous than the Indians them-
selves, for not having opposed them. If Rodriguez judged of the Indians
from his knowledge of the Portenos, there is some excuse for him; for our
140 men were more than sufficient to control and drive 1000 Portenos with-
out difficulty; but with that disparity of numbers, against the Indians, we
could indulge no rational hopes of success. Hence our open and active
mediation in favour of the town would have been as useless towards its
safety, as it would have been impolitic, injurious, and destructive, with regard
to our interests. We had indeed an excellent opportunity of dying in
defence of our most implacable enemies, one of whom would not have been
grateful enough to acknowledge the merit of such a sacrifice. But even that
could not have saved them ; their destiny was inevitable!
In Rodriguez's very eloquent proclamation, particular descriptions of our
imputed cruelties in Salta were given to the public: Carrera was accused of
sacrilege; and Rodriguez, as champion of the church, bound himself under a
most solemn vow to the saints and Virgin who had been so vilely treated, to
avenge their indignities on the head of the impious barbarian who had in-
flicted them. He called on the citizens and soldiers to aid him in the per-
formance of his sacred promise; and hoped the matrons, virgins, and holy
people would fast and pray for the success of his most laudable enterprise.
He had little difficulty in raising a strong expedition ; for as the honour of
their saints and their religion had suffered in Salta, their votaries flew to their
banners, confident of success from the holiness of their cause.
the Pampas, as (in case of being attacked) their flight would avail them
nothing, when at such an immense distance from their own province. They
therefore encamped at the Laguna de Floras, and Rodriguez, leaving La
Madrid in command of the army, returned to Buenos Ayres ; from whence
he sent to the encampment a quantity of cloth, beads, bridles, toys, &c. as
presents for the Indians of Nicolas (wffio were in their favour), or any others
who might become proselytes to the interests of Buenos Ayres.
securely; our left flank was defended by a branch of the same river; and
right was protected by an advanced post. Our position was the most
eligible in the country, as it would be impossible to surprise us ; however the
Indians requested we would decamp, as they had serious doubts for our safety
if we persisted in our desire to hold this ground. It was supposed among
them (from some tradition or prophecy) that that hill was the habitation
and resort of an infinite number of gualichi or evil spirits, who punished with
death or disease the temerity of all such as dared to intrude on the confines
of this enchanted ground. Our first idea on receiving this information of
the Indians was, that as the grass was luxuriant and of excellent quality,
they wished by this artifice to preserve it for themselves, and induce us to
remove to some other part; but on consulting with Guelmo, the General was
convinced that they spoke the sentiments of their minds, without any inten-
tion to deceive us, and that their importunity in urging us to decamp was
owing to their solicitude for our safety. The spot was most desirable, yet
there was no vestige of habitation ; and the untrodden appearance of the
ground, and their little knowledge of the passes of the river in that place,
indicated that it was little frequented by the Indians. Carrera quieted their
fears, assuring them that those gualichi had no power against his soldiers, and
that in a very few days he did not doubt but they would be entirely ex-
pelled from the hill. The Indians retired from the unhallowed ground,
filled with hope and fear for our fate. Very early next morning they came
to visit us, and hear what adventures we might have had in the course of the
night; and expressed the greatest joy and astonishment, at hearing that the
evil genii of the mountain had no power when they were opposed by us.
They gradually lost their fears of the place, and in a few days their visits
became so frequent and of such duration as to be a test to our patience.
Their attachment to Carrera daily increased. All the neighbouring
caciques came to congratulate and welcome him to their country; offering at
the same time to serve with him in any part against .his enemies. Deputies
were sent to Chile and the more distant nations, requiring the attendance of
their caciques in the encampment of the Pichi Ret/, or little king (as such
3 /
was the name they had given Carrera), naming a certain day for the assembly
junta of caciques to meet.
The Portenos having used every method to alienate the confidence of the
Indians from us, and finding them inflexible in their attachment to us, con-
ceived the following scheme: — they circulated a report amongst the Indians
that we were their friends, and that our object was to gain the rear of the
Indians, and then attack them; whilst they would meet them, and by this
combination of operations they expected to annihilate the whole race. This
ingenious intelligence was industriously circulated by the cacique Nicolas
(their ally) and his captains amongst the other tribes, and did not tail to rouse
the distrust and jealousy of the Indians towards us.
Can-era heard their complaints against us with much patience and atten-
tion, and succeeded in appeasing them, by making it appear that it was but a
stratagem of the enemy, to cause a dissension between him and the Indians,
that they might come afterwards and drive them entirely out of their country;
and to show them that he was not the friend of Buenos Ayres, he determined
to march in a few days to attack them, desiring some Indians to be immedi-
ately sent out to discover their position. The Indians sent out to explore
the enemy's camp advanced with an incredible rapidity, and reconnoitred
their encampment; but in lieu of returning to report what they had seen, as
had been ordered, they fell on the enemy by surprise, and again renewed
their offence against the Virgin, by putting to death all the soldiers who were
under her protection : the soldiers no doubt had ready passports to heaven ;
but the crime against their Holy Lady was aggravated by this defeat of her
avengers. La Madrid, with his usual good fortune, escaped with a few
officers, to give an account to Rodriguez of the success of the expedition, and
its negociation ; which account was so satisfactory, that he was induced to dis-
continue any further efforts towards the accomplishment of his holy vow.
The appointed tirqe for the meeting of the caciques being come, they at-
tended with punctuality; each bringing with him a guard of Indians, to give
an idea of
strength and quality of his tribe. All being assembled, they sacri-
ficed to their great patron and preserver the Sun, previous to opening their
For this sacrifice a colt without blemish was chosen by the priests, and
tied by their
own hands. The principal priest then by an orifice in the side
introduced his arm into the body of the victim, and tore out the heart,
liver, &c. whilst the animal was yet alive; the blood from the heart he sprinkled
upwards towards the sun, the other priests doing the same with the blood
from the body. They (the priests) then devoured the heart, liver, lights,
and entrails, reeking with blood ; whilst the caciques were permitted to eat
the body of the sacrifice. *
The sacrifice being finished, they proceeded to their divination or pro-
phecies; and as their revelations were of the most flattering nature, the
council was permitted to be opened under the auspices of the Sun. The
Indians were naked, as they are in all functions of war, council, religion, or
athletic exercises. Their long hair was more than usually ornamented by
white, red, blue, or yellow plumes ; and their faces frightfully painted with
black, red, and white earths.
The oldest cacique sitting cross-legged on a cloth prepared for that pur-
pose, the next in seniority sat in the same manner 011 his left, and so in
succession, till the junior cacique came to close the circle on the right of
the senior. The General and his interpreters were seated in the centre of
this circle. Our officers and the Indian captains formed a second and third
rank round the circle; where we stood, to hear these turbulent sons of liberty
represent their constituents in the open air, exposed to the rays of a scorching
sun. All being seated, a profound silence reigned, which was at length
specting his health, and the difficulties he might have met in his march
hither; the state of the country from whence he came; the strength of the
military establishment there, and how employed, or likely to be employed;
particular relation of the wrongs which he had suffered from his enemies,
&c. &c.; and to inform him, that as they were convinced that he was the
true friend to the Indians, he had only to command their tribe, and they
It is curious that the account
given here by Mr. Yates, of the sacrifice of the colt,
agrees witli what we are told of the ceremonies practised by the ancient Mexicans at a
human offering. It should seem, therefore, that the horse is only a substitute for a man.
The way is now open, and I do not doubt that an intelligent observer might find among
the Araucanians much to throw light on the history of the more polished ancient Ame-
rican states.
3/ 2
would fly to any part to revenge his injuries, and embrue their hands in the
blood of his enemies. Guehno, the interpreter, noted all the principal heads
of the cacique's discourse ; and Carrera, after examining it particularly,
answered in a formal speech, which was interpreted to the Indians by Guehno.
They spoke each in the same simple form, and to the same effect; and when
they had all delivered the messages of their respective tribes, Carrera de-
livered to them a speech, in which he returned them thanks for the confi-
dence which they placed in him, and the force which they had put at his
they then merely tasted the wine, and ordering it away, resumed the business
of the day. Each cacique gave in a report of the force which he could bring
into the field, which collectively amounted to 10,000 warriors: they then
proceeded to give their ideas on the mode of attack against the Christians;
and their horrid plans of bloodshed and desolation argued as much sagacity
and penetration, as they did of ruthless barbarity and cruel inhumanity.
Carrera used every argument to convince them of the evil of their method of
However Carrera made appear to them, that amongst those whom they
considered as their enemies, they and he had many friends; and that it would
be preposterous to inflict on them the same chastisement as on their oppres-
sors ; of which being convinced, they promised to respect all such as he would
call his or their friends. Carrera then asserted, that as women or children
did not carry arms or go to war, it was unbecoming a brave and warlike
people to kill or carry themcaptives. They could not listen to this
tenet, as it struck at the very foundations of their customs respecting war;
and even their honour was implicated. The honour of an Indian is computed
by his train of captives: they destroy all their enemies of the male kind;
and if they took no women or children prisoners, they should have no captives,
and consequently no honour. Such is the reasoning of the Indians on the
subject; and if any chief, however popular he might be, would undertake an
expedition, and deny that right to the Indians, he would not have one solitary
follower: Carrera seeing he could not prevail, waived all further conversation
on the
subject. The assembly was prorogued, and we retired with the caciques
to dine on some bullocks, which had been roasted for the occasion ; and after
dinner, a bacchanalian revel succeeded, in which they gave themselves up to
the uncontrolled enjoyment of their favourite excess, — drunkenness : we
continued the revel all night, amidst the prophecies and songs of priests and
bards. It is an abomination to an Indian to eat, drink, or sleep, with a woman ;
however, the principal or favourite women of some of the caciques had their
meetings apart; they were unnoticed by the Indians, but had some attention
paid them by us : they were, if possible, more intoxicated than the men.
Their songs seemed to take much effect on them, as they sometimes laughed,
and sometimes wept, at the ideas which they expressed. The airs were wild,
sweet, irregular, and plaintive; rather pleasing, and not void of harmony.
The repetitions of tfiese fetes were numerous ; but it would be tiresome and
Amongst the various tribes there is no union of government: they are fre-
quently at war with each other ; and only act in concert with each other, and
under one chief, when threatened by some real or imaginary danger ; and
even then, there are no laws to compel them: the service of each tribe is
voluntary, and during its own pleasure.
Each tribe is governed by a cacique or chief) who is elected from amongst
themselves. The qualifications necessary for him who would aspire to that
honour are, acknowledged superiority of wisdom in council, courage and
stratagem in war, and zeal for the tribe which he governs: the power of a
cacique is so exceedingly limited, as to leave him merely the name of it. It
is his province to assemble his tribe, and explain to them the advantages
again assume their arrogance, and have a power to bring, to trial their
chief, or enquire into his conduct in the time of his absolute authority, and
punish him if he were obnoxious to them. — From what has been said of the
government of Indian tribes, it is evident that the influence of a chief with
his own tribe, or among the chiefs of neighbouring nations, depends in a great
measure on his
eloquence. The only privilege which they possess in time of
peace is that of giving their advice; and he who can express himself best,
and touch the passions of his audience most forcibly, will be heard most
attentively, and obeyed with least reluctance. The Indians pay a religious
adoration to the sun, as the author of light, life, vegetation, &c.; and also a
kind of secondary veneration to the moon. Whenever they eat or drink, the
three first morsels or drops are consecrated to the sun, by throwing them up-
express the names of many virtues, vices, ideas, arts, &c. Male and female
are sometimes
expressed by the same name, without any modification or dif-
ference of termination by which the gender might be known; thus, Pichi-
boton is the name for boy or girl, young man or young woman, but an addi-
tional number of qualifying epithets is necessary before we know in which of its
meanings to consider it. Their verbs are also defective in the tenses, ex-
pressing an action or passion without any direct idea of time, but in an
indefinite manner : labouring under these difficulties, it must take many words
to express the most simple idea. The manner in which the caciques speak
in council is entirely different from that of common conversation. The
harangues are given with astonishing fluency and rapidity : they seem never at
a loss to
express any word ; their sentences are equally divided by pauses of
equal length, and they give an idea of blank verse, read without observing
any pause but the final at the end of each line. They use neither action nor
gestures ; but affect a most visible variation of the tone in which they deliver
their sentiments.
only personal property of the Indians ; the cows, sheep, mares, and colts,
are the common
property of the tribe. Their flocks are entirely managed
by their women and slaves (Christian women), who watch alternately during
the night, mounted on horseback, and going the rounds among the cattle :
if a sheep or any animal should be missing, the unfortunate woman is stripped
and flogged in a most barbarous manner. The occupation of the women
during the day is to catch and saddle the horses of the Indians, and cook
their food. From day-break till dark, the women are busily employed in
this last occupation. Soon as a boiler of the horse-flesh is cooked, it is taken
from the fire and served to the Indians, sitting on their beds : every one has
his earthen dish, out of which he eats .and drinks ; and if there should be any
left after the men have done eating, the women make a repast in a separate
corner of the toldo. The boiler is again put over the fire and filled, — cook ed,
and eaten; and the repetition of the same continues so long as they have
light. The Indians in their toldos are very hospitable: always when we
visited the toldos they took care to have beef and mutton for us; which food
they eat only in time of famine, or when they can procure no other.
The toldo of an Indian is a species of tent formed by a few stakes made fast
in the ground, and covered with skins. The fire is in the centre; and at one
side of the toldo the Indians sleep in little stalls on beds of sheep-skins,
whilst their women occupy the other side in a similar manner. The Indians
are as silent and pensive in their toldos, as they are noisy and turbulent in
their public meetings and councils. They will sit on their beds for an hour
without uttering a syllable, wrapt in some profound meditation, or plucking
the beard from their faces with silver tweesers which they carry for that
purpose, never permitting any hair-to grow on their faces or bodies. Every
Indian has absolute power over the lives and actions of his women and slaves ;
his daughters are also at his disposition ; but they are accountable for their
conduct towards their sons, soon as they have passed the state of childhood.
If a woman is unfaithful to her owner, or even mistrusted by him of having
other attachments, he is generally her executioner, ending her life with his
own hand. When an Indian is first married, he gives a feast to the relations,
of the bride and his own friends ; but all the after-marriages are considered
more happy world, where her office is still to wait on him as a servant.
Immediately after the interment the tents are struck, and the tribe marches
in search of a more hospitable habitation.
Among the Indian tribes, crimes are not very frequent. They adhere
strictly to what they consider justice ; and any great innovation on, or vio-
lation of, their established customs is punished with death. A man who kills
any member of the society is given up to the friends of the deceased, and
expiates his crime with his blood. This is the right of revenge, which is the
unquestionable privilege of every Indian ; and should it be denied him, a
civil war is generally the result, and the tribe becomes extinct. Though
they suppress theft, murder, &c. in their own tribes, he who commits the most
barbarous outrages on his enemies is considered most worthy of the respect
and applause of every member of his own society.
There may be considered four orders of Indian society; the caciques,
priesthood, captains, and people. They live together in the most perfect
equality and enjoyment of their customs. Their occupations are nearly the
same, except the priests'; who at different times, and under different cir-
mark. Their numeration seldom goes beyond 1000, and cannot exceed
10,000. A number of men or objects passing 10,000 is expressed amongst
them by the word Many.
Their exercise or diversions are performed on horseback with their lances,
and are adapted to improve their strength and make them fit for war. They
have also an exercise which they perform on foot with a ball, not unlike
cricket. In all their exercises, diversions, and fetes, of whatever kind, they
are invariably naked.
passed underneath the right arm-pit, the corners of which are made fast
over, and in front of, the left shoulder, by a large silver skewer about 12
or 14 inches in
length. Their breasts, which in general are immoderately
large, and the greater part of the body, are entirely exposed to view. Their
hair forms two long queues; which, being bound in selvages, covered with
beads of divers colours, are brought round the forehead and temples like a
band, the ends tying over the forehead. Their ear-rings are large square
pieces of silver, rather thin, and hang down on the shoulders. They wear
broad necklaces of various coloured beads, and bracelets of the same. Some
of them also wear broad girdles round the waist, which are covered with gold
and silver coins, beads, &c. The unmarried women are known by wearing
bracelets on their
legs, and their dresses are generally comparatively richer
than those of the married women :
by this superiority in dress, their fathers
expect them to attract the attention of some rich warriors, who, to possess the
fair, must give to her father some horses, money, ponchos, or an equivalent
of some description, in exchange for his bride, who then becomes his slave,
and whose life is from that moment at the disposition of her purchaser. Nor
are females allowed
any choice in the election of their conjugal masters.
The avarice of the father is only consulted; and when a marriage or ex-
change of masters takes place, all the father's authority ceases, and the
daughter looks on him only as a stranger, her filial love and obedience
having been transferred with her person to her buyer.
The women are affable, generous, and attentive to strangers. Their fea-
tures are by no means displeasing: there are some among them whose coun-
tenances are indicative of innate goodness; and, though their costumes are
not calculated to make the most advantageous display of their charms, there
many of them pretty, and exceedingly interesting.
Many authors have supposed (and perhaps have had strong reasons for the
supposition) that Patagonia was inhabited by a gigantic race of Indians: a
contradiction from me would be as impertinent as unavailing against the
torrent of opinion; but I will say, that I have not seen any of that race, nor
could I learn from any information of the natives that such a people do or
did exist.
They are of good stature, well made ; and if compared with the diminutive
race of Peru, they will certainly appear to be large men ; but are by no means
larger than the generality of English and Germans. They live in a con-
tinual state of war, or preparation for war, among their own tribes, and against
the Christians. Carrera succeeded in reconciling to each other all the rival
chiefs; but such reconciliation cannot be of long duration.
The Indians are imperious and resentful; vehement in all their passions ;
jealous of their freedom and rights, and bold in maintaining them: they are
exceedingly brave, but extremely cruel and fond of revenge; distrustful
of those whom they know not; hospitable and faithful to those whom they
recognise asj friends ; inveterate to their foes, neither forgiving an enemy or
forgetting an injury.
During our residence in the country of the Indians various causes com-
bined to render our soldiers insubordinate and mutinous ; viz. their inactivity,
want of pay, &c.; however we continued to punish them severely for every
they still retained an occult allegiance to Fernando. Their plan was, that
after putting to death the General and officers, they would pass to the south
of Chile, conducted by an Indian, and there join Benevides, who was fighting
for the Spaniards.
Fortunately our soldiers were not all unfaithful. There were some of
them who gave us exact information of the revolution, and swore to stand or
fall with their officers; these were in the quickest time possible formed into
troop, and amounted to 40. With this troop and the officers we did not
despair of suppressing the conspirators. The General affected to be ignorant
of the conspiracy. The ammunition was secured by us, and the principal
leaders of the conspirators were sent on duty to the toldos of different
caciques who lived distant, and who had orders not to permit the soldiers to
return without a second order from the General.
Having secured the ammunition, separated the conspirators and their prin-
cipal leaders, and prepared ourselves to oppose whatever resistance might be
offered, the General called the sergeants to his quarters, and made known to
3 a 2
the General, they began to regret having lost the confidence of their General,
and laid all the blame to the chief of the conspirators, San Martin. They
requested that the General would visit them, that they might personally beg
his forgiveness. In consequence of which an order was read to the soldiers,
intimating that the General would speak with them that evening, on the sum-
mit of the hill which overlooked the encampment.
On the evening parade the line was formed on the
summit of the hill be-
fore mentioned. Soon as the General came in front
they saluted, afterwards
carried arms, and wheeled to the right and left on their centre to form a
circle, in which the General stood, and from whence he harangued them
for about an hour. He painted in such colours the enormity of their medi-
tated crime, as caused several of the wretches to weep; they prayed to be
forgiven and received into the General's favour, promising that the general
tenor of their future conduct would be only calculated to bury in oblivion the
pected from the soldiers towards their officers, and also intimating that the
latter should not wantonly or without good cause chastise or suppress the
former. The day of our march was named, and emissaries were despatched
to the surrounding caciques, to inform them that an imperious necessity
impelled us to march immediately; and to return them our thanks for the
hospitality which we had received in their country. The General also made
known to them, that for the present he had no necessity of their aid, but
would accept it in the first case of contingency which would occur. How-
ever, he offered to admit of a captain of each tribe accompanying him, that
which was salt as that of the sea. Neither our men or horses were able to
proceed on the march,much had they suffered from the heat of the wea-
ther and want of water. The General gave orders that each troop should be
divided into parties of five soldiers, and each party dig a well at a consider-
able distance from the brink of the lake, which was effected with much
labour ; and when they were sunk about five feet deep, the water began to
spring : it was nauseous, and very brackish. However, it was a luxury ; and
indulged ourselves so much with it, that we became very ill, and passed
a most miserable
night. From these wells fifteen hundred horses were also
supplied, but many of them died that night, Next morning we took a quan-
tity of water in barrels for our own use, and giving our horses again to
drink, we continued our course by the compass. As there are no rivers in
that part of the country, the lakes at an immense distance from each other,
and almost universally of salt water, our fatigues were the same during our
march as what have been already described, unless that use made our hard-
A troop then mounted, and, accompanied by some Indians, went out to meet
the enemy's guerilla, which they routed; and eight Indians who, were fore-
most in the pursuit, succeeded in taking a prisoner, whose life they spared
in consequence of having received the General's order to kill no person,
but bring as many to him as they could take alive. This prisoner was of
great importance to us: he not only gave us all the necessary information
relative to the country in which we were (and of which we were entirely
ignorant), but also became our guide, and conducted us to the parts in which
the enemy's horses were concealed, thereby affording us an opportunity to
have our men remounted.
O'Higgins had sentmoney, arms, and ammunition to the governors of
San Juan, Mendoza, San Luis, and Cordova, to engage these provinces as
mercenaries to make war against us, and to oppose our march to Chile. The
regiment called the Guardia de Honor, with such other detachments and
officers as the Supreme Director thought worthy of his confidence from the
other regiments, were also ordered to march out of Santiago de Chile, in
order to cross the Andes, and assist the mercenaries in exterminating us :
but these troops had only reached Chacabuco, when they were counter-
manded by O'Higgins, as, on second consideration, he was aware that no
Chileno would fight against us; that, on the contrary, they would all pass to
us and
strengthen our lines. As Chilenos could not be trusted to oppose the
man who had first led them
against their oppressors, liberated their country,
and expended his fortune in support of their independence ; against the man
whose rank, character, and benignity gained him the love and respect of
his countrymen, whilst he was feared but by a few tyrants and usurpers, who
were loathed
by the country over which they had assumed an arbitrary au-
thority ; — it was thought that Chilian gold would have a better effect against
him. A fresh supply of money was sent to the provinces, that they might
raise a competent force to supply the place of the Chilians, who had been
recalled: of that money Mendoza received 30,000 dollars, San Juan and
Cordova the same sum each, and San Luis 12,000.
Our squadron consisted of 140 men, which, with forty Indians, the escort
of the General, composed an entire force of 180 men, not including officers ;
and for the destruction of that small but much-feared band thousands took
the field.
The privations and dangers over which we had from time to time triumphed,
made us look with a degree of indifference on any misfortunes which could
possibly happen to us. Our soldiers were well mounted, and conscious of
their own superiority over any troops which could be brought into the field
against them. Carrera, with his few enthusiastic followers, continued his
march, notwithstanding many divisions of the enemy had marched to in-
tercept us. He despatched letters to the governors of Cordova and San Luis,
informing them that it was his resolution to follow his route to Chile, with
their consent, or by open force. That in case they gave their consent, every
thing his soldiers received in their march should be paid for; and that, on his
part, he would take care that no cause for hostility should be given. We
continued to march without receiving any answer from these governments ;
and in Chajan, whilst we were unconscious of our danger, and unprepared to
meet it, we were surprised by Bustos, governor of Cordova, at the head of
600 of his veterans, having previously placed 200 militia in ambuscade in our
rear. Our encampment was in a small vale, surrounded by hills on every
side. The sun being extremely hot, three sentries, who were posted on com-
manding eminences for the security of the camp, had lain down in shade of
their horses, and there gone to sleep; hence we had no notice of the advance
of the enemy until we saw them on the summit of the hill coming to the
charge in two lines. Our soldiers were astonished at this unexpected sur-
prise. Such as had horses saddled mounted them ; and those who had not,
caught their horses, bridled, and mounted them without saddles. The
General had only time to take his sword and mount the horse of a woman,
leaving his coat and hat behind: all was disorder and confusion, — no
formation or time to form. Our men began to disperse and retire through a
defile in our rear, in which Bustos' ambuscade was stationed; but about
fourteen soldiers, with seven or eight Indians, stood firm to their ground, and
resolved to sell their lives as dearly as possible. They raised a terrific shout,
and precipitated themselves on the enemy, regardless of their danger. The
flying soldiers, looking behind and seeing their few companions engaged with
the enemy, were ashamed of their momentary fear; and without any com-
mand, but as with one common impulse, they wheeled about, and, without
waiting to form, rushed on the enemy with redoubled fury. The enemy
could not withstand the impetuosity of the onset: their second in command,
and the principal officers who commanded the first line, were killed; in con-
sequence of which their first line gave way, and, falling back on the second,
began to rally. But the fury of our soldiers and chosen band of Indians they
could not withstand ; they were broken, and obliged to trust to their horses
for safety. They were pursued six leagues, and received very little mercy
from the enraged soldiers. The Indians, with their long lances, gratified
themselves exceedingly on their enemies. Late in the evening the carnage
abated; and fifty-four soldiers, with seven officers, were taken prisoners. We
were employed that night in gathering those who were
badly wounded on the
field, and conducting them to our encampment, where they received every
attention in our power to bestow; and next morning the field was again in-
spected, the arms gathered, and such wretches as were languishing under the
pain of incurable wounds were shot from principles of humanity. The
wounded who were dreadfully carved, but still curable, were sent under the
charge of a guard of peasants to San Luis, with a letter from Carrera to the
governor Ortiz, recommending them to his humanity. Ortiz, though he did
not answer Carrera's first letter, answered the latter in such a polite manner
As the enemy's guard reached the line and gave the alarm, they supposed
themselves attacked, and made several discharges. The flash from their arms,
in a night extremely dark, showed their position and the extent of their line
perfectly; but as the ground was covered with wood, and little known by
us, we resolved to hold the position in which we were for that night, and at-
tack them at day-break. Our party returned, having lost a few men ; and
the enemy effected a retreat, notwithstanding the darkness of the night. One
of the enemy's guides deserted, and came to join us early next morning ; from
whom we learned, that the force which we had seen that night belonged to
San Luis, consisted of 800 men, and was commanded by Colonel Videla and
Lieutenant-Colonel Suasti, who were expecting large reinforcements every hour
from San Juan, Mendoza, and Arioja, besides infantry which they expected
from San Luis. Soon as daylight appeared we pursued the enemy; but
could not overtake him, as he had had considerable advantage of us in the
time of starting. However, after marching fifteen leagues, we arrived on the
banks of the Rio Quinto, in whose thick impenetrable woods the Puntanos had
taken up a position, in order to hinder us from obtaining water for ourselves
and horses. They sent out a flag of truce, to inform the General that they
had orders from their governor not to attack him, as Ortiz was coming out
(on account of the water) was absolutely necessary for us. Carrera desired
he would immediately return to his troops, and, at the same time, gave
orders that Colonel Benevente should prepare to carry the enemy's position
way ; one side was formed by the broad sandy beach of that part of the
river; the opposite side by houses, corrales, gardens, and paling; and the
other two sides by thick woods.
Early in the morn, when the General was in the act of answering the letter
of Ortiz, the enemy's trumpets sounded in the woods in every direction, and
soon after our advanced
posts reported the advance of the enemy in several
different quarters. The General could not suppose that this attack had the
sanction of Ortiz, but rather supposed it to have originated in some mistake,
and therefore sent an officer with a flag of truce to enquire into the cause of
such dishonourable proceedings. The enemy received our flag of truce with
fire, which sufficiently proved the baseness of their design : our outposts
retired into the square, when we prepared for action. Some officers requested
the General would give up to them the officer of tiie enemy who had
brought Ortiz's despatches, and who was nothing less than a spy, that they
might have, him shot in front of our line, and in sight of his own, by way of
commencement; but he appeared so very sad, and protested so earnestly that
he was ignorant of the treachery of his countrymen, that the General, so far
from giving him up to be shot, as was solicited, sent an officer with him to
put him out of the reach of danger from our troops, that he might with safety
3 L
During this time, the General had received information from one of the
guides, that at about one league's distance, in the middle of the wood, there
was a
spacious opening entirely clear of trees, where we might charge the
enemy to some advantage. The General formed our men in column, and
began our march for the plain. The enemy did not interrupt us in our
march through the woods (probably because they found it impracticable to
bring their whole force to act against us); but they anticipated our design,
and were in the plain of the Pulgar before us, where they waited our arrival,
and presented us battle in the border of the wood. The General ordered
our men to wheel about and retire, in order to draw them into the centre of
the plain, that they might not be able to shelter themselves in their native
shades; but they understood it in another light. Owing to the superiority
of their numbers, they supposed that we were deterred, and determined to
fly from their vengeance. They pursued us, and promised themselves as
easy a victory as that which they had obtained over the Spaniards, whom
they massacred in San Luis; but when they came into the centre of the
plain, wewheeled about and offered them battle. They immediately halted,
and seemed quite astonished at an unexpected change of front. Confusion
now seemed to take pace in their formation; they saw that our retreat was
but to draw them out of the woods, and no doubt began to recollect the fate
of the Cordoveses in Chajan, which made a great impression on them, as
they had seen the wounded which we sent to San Luis, and heard their
description of that action. But their superiority in numbers, still left them
room to
hope. Their line was handsomely formed. The right flank con-
sisted of 200 cavalry, formed in line of battle, and supported by a column of
reserve of 200 men, at about 50 yards in their rear; their left flank was
exactly of the same strength and formation. Their centre was occupied by
100 infantry, covered from our view by a single rank of cavalry, which
defiled to the right and left, and uncovered them as soon as we charged
them. About 100 yards to the right of their line was a guerilla, which seemed
destined to attack us in flank soon as the attack would commence. Opposed
to this guerilla, on the enemy's right, an officer was stationed with 20 men.
dable-looking line.
All being ready on both sides, our soldiers and Indians advanced to the
charge with their usual intrepidity. The enemy's cavalry, though about
eight or nine to one, despaired of success and fled. They were pursued with
degree of zeal, and the field left pretty well strewn with them; and arriving
on the banks of the Rio Quinto, several of them threw themselves
down the precipice sooner than meet the rage of the soldiers. In the mean-
time, the infantry, who remained in the centre of the plain, kept up a fire on
our reserve of women ; who stood it
astonishingly well, without ever betraying
a feminine fear or a desire to retreat. A few soldiers, who had remained to
observe the infantry, returned their fire, and kept them engaged till the rest
of our men returned from the chace of thecavalry, when they were formed in
order to charge the infantry, who were first summoned to surrender; but
either from actual bravery, or owing to an expectation of the reunion and
assistance of their dispersed cavalry, they declined to surrender.
The order was given to charge; and notwithstanding their heavy fire, our
men rushed on at full speed of their horses, overran and broke their square :
the fire ceased ; and in a few minutes this brave band of assassins lay dread-
fought to the very last man. The officer who commanded them bore an
3 l 2
excellent character, and deserved a better fate. This action was directed in
chief by Colonel Don Luis Videla, and the second in command was Lieute-
nant-Colonel Suasti, both famous officers of San Martin and the latter was
a member of the Legion of Merit of Chile, and his character was such as is
any necessity for : the surplus was destroyed. The 54 Cordovese prisoners
were, at their own request, admitted to take arms in our line ; and the seven
officers who were chiefs of the reserve got their liberty, and passports to
return to Cordova, after having been five days prisoners.
From the field of battle we began our march, in order to make the most of
advantage by entering the town of San Luis, and organising a govern-
ment which would be favourable to our views. We encamped in the Cho-
rillas, one league from the town ; and an officer's guard was immediately sent
to the town to prevent disorders of any kind.
Here Carrera received despatches from Ramirez, informing him that he was
about to cross the Parrana with 4000 men, reminding him of his danger in
exposing himself to his numerous enemies with so small a force, and inviting
him to accompany him in his operations against Buenos Ayres and Santa Fe;
and also telling him, that at the conclusion of the campaign he would give
him as many squadrons of horse as might be thought necessary to accompany
him to Chile.
We had notice from ourspies and correspondents that Bustos was again
marching with afresh army to incorporate himself with the Mendocinos San-
juanos, and Puntanos, in the province of San Luis ; that in a few days this-
junction of forces would be effected, and would amount to 5000 men. The
spirit of our soldiers was still unbroken ; nay, they almost fancied themselves
invincible ; but their number was considerably decreased by the losses of the
two latter actions in killed and wounded. Our men who were fit.for service
did not exceed 100 with which number it would have been preposterous to
hope for success against our numerous enemies. Under these circumstances,
Carrera called a council of his officers, who were unanimously of opinion
that the best means of
securing the advantages which we had gained,
and of ensuring our future success, was to begin our retreat to the frontier
of Santa Fe, or Buenos Ayres, and there to wait the arrival of Ramirez. We
began our retreat accordingly; and next day we took the officer who had
been liberated by Carrera the morning of the action with the Puntanos pri-
soner : he was accompanied by an Alcalde, Ortiz, and both were spies; how-
ever, Carrera again liberated him, and recommended him to the attention of
the officers.
From the
neighbourhood of Lobay the General took an escort, and pro-
ceeded toMelingue, to reconnoitre the frontier, and hear if Ramirez had
crossed the Pan-ana. In the meantime we dispersed a division of Bustos
which came to surprise us near the Tunas. From thence Bustos retired to
the Punta Sause, a town on the Riotercero; where he shut himself up, and
fortified the place.
The Indians having had no intelligence of us from the time of our de-
parture from the toldos, had sent 400 men in search of us, as they were
anxious to hear what had become of us. These Indians came up with us
on the frontier of Buenos Ayres, when we were endeavouring to surprise La
Madrid. As the General wished rather to interest the peasants in his favour
than deter them by the presence of the Indians, he took a great quantity of
mares, and giving them to the Indians, dismissed them to their country,
assuring them that they should frequently hear from him, and that he would
call on them for assistance whenever he found it necessary. Three of the
Indian captains remained with us as guides, in case we should be obliged
at any time to return to the country of the Indians, or call on them for any
As Ramirez could not for the present cross
the Parrana, owing to the su-
periority of the Portenian squadron on the river, Carrera determined to go
into the province of Cordova in search of Bustos, who had so diligently fol-
lowed us. Bustos' experience had taught him not to wish to meet us in the
standing the advantage of their artillery, which was sometimes used but to
very little purpose. Finding it impossible to draw Bustos from his fortifica-
tions, or to assault him in them, we left him in possession of his town, and
proceeded through all the other towns of the province, which we reduced,
with the exception of the city of Cordova.
We began to recruit our regiment, which soon augmented to 500, all of
which were regular soldiers ; and besides these, we had 800 militia, under the
command of Colonel Don Felipe Alvarez.
The sierras or mountains of Cordova were considered
impenetrable to an
army, particularly of cavalry; but as Bustos' chief force was cantoned in
different parts of the mountains, we attempted to search them out. The
country people assisted us as guides, and we marched for Salta ; where we were
surprised whilst at dinner in a wood: the guard kept the enemy employed
whilst the squadron formed; the enemy was then charged and routed, a
considerable number killed, and some prisoners taken. The Cordoveses re-
tired to the mountains, whither we followed them closely ; many skirmishes
ensued, but all ended in the destruction and dispersion of the enemy, without
any considerable loss on our side. The last of the regulars of Bustos in these
mountains having long witnessed our success, and formed an adequate idea
of their danger in opposing us, passed to us under the orders of their ser-
geants and corporals, permitting their officers to escape. The sierras being
entirely subdued, Don Manuel Arrias was appointed commandant of the
district, and raised 300 militia to remain there; whilst we returned to the
Villa de Concepcion, and thence marched to the city of Cordova, to form a
junction with the division of Colonel Pintos, who was then encamped on the
north side of the city.
We had Cordova besieged for some days by the militia of Colonel Pintos
on the north, and
by our division and that of Colonel Alvarez, on the south.
The enemy's guerillas and outposts being beaten into the city, Bedoya, who
was governador intendente, and now commanded in chief in Cordova, drew
all his forces to occupy the plaza, leaving all the rest of the city unprotected.
The citizens of every rank were in our favour; and were it not for an acci-
dent which happened to Ramirez, who had just crossed the Parrana, we
should have taken the city : an express arrived from him, stating that he was
disembarked under the fire of the forts and gun-boats of Santa Fe, and took
the batteries and plaza by assault. Ramirez having landed at the Barrancas
near Corronda, sent out 100 men towards Rosario to collect horses; who,
when returning, were pursued by 700 men of the division of La Madrid.
Perez, the officer who commanded this small party of Ramirez, drove all his
horses in the van, and fought in retreat against the sevenfold force of the
o O
losing any of the horses which he had taken. In San Lorenzo Perez was
reinforced by 100 men more ; he then charged the Portehos, and drove them
back to Rosario. La Madrid put his whole division in march, in order to
form a
junction with Lopez, governor of Santa Fe, that their united forces
might oppose Ramirez, who still remained encamped in the Barrancas waiting
the arrival of his troops. La Madrid had marched all night; and early in
the morning coming to the Barrancas, where he expected Lopez to meet
him, he found the weather so extremely hazy, that an object could not
be discerned at thirty yards' distance. He therefore fired a piece of artillery,
as a
signal to Lopez to repair to the place appointed for their union.
Ramirez, who was but a few hundred yards distant, conceived that the
enemy was at hand, and with great silence prepared for action. Some officers
of the enemy, who were riding in front of their column with the guides,
rewarded for their exertions. The military chest of the Portedos contained
30,000 dollars, part of which belonged to Lopez and the Santafecinos. These
were equally divided amongst the soldiers, together with carts of baggage, he.:
obliged to retreat, and seek our protection in the province of Cordova, leaving
the artillery, &c. which he had acquired behind him. Mansilla, who had
taken Santa Fe, not having positive orders how to act, and hearing of Ra-
mirez's loss, evacuated the town, and embarking his troops crossed the
Parrana, to wait further orders in the Bajada. Thus all communication was
cut off between Ramirez and his province. We met Ramirez at the Passo de
Ferreira, on the Rio Tercero. Fie still had nearly 400 men.
Bustos all this time remained shut up in his fortifications at Sause, and we
marched, together with Ramirez, to assault him in his trenches ; but having
had notice of our movement, he quitted his strong hold in order to unite him-
self with Lopez and La Madrid, then in the Posta del Esquina, near the line
of demarkation between Cordova and Santa Fe. There was a great number
of carts in Sause, which he brought with him to fortify himself if attacked on
his march. We arrived at Sause, and found that he had retreated two days
before ; we therefore left all our heavy baggage in that town with a detach-
ment, and redoubled our marches in pursuit of him.
Dona Delfina, the lady who accompanied Ramirez, was a fair Portena, who
loved him for the battles he had fought against her countrymen, and the
victories jhe had gained over them; and his love for her was unfortunately
the cause of his present errors, and afterwards of his death. — As this lady's
frame was too delicate long to endure the fatigues of a forced march, several
halts were made on her account. When close by Bustos,' at least within
eight leagues of him, we were obliged to halt the whole night, that she might,
by reposing, recover some strength with which she might support the toils
which were anticipated for the next day. But Bustos, during our halts,
reached the Cruzo Alta, where he fortified himself Next morning we
arrived before the town ; and, forming
our divisions, an aid-de-camp was sent
to Bustos to intimate his unconditional surrender, and threaten him with
the consequences of an assault, if he should refuse. Fifteen minutes were
allowed Bustos for the return of his answer; but he did not hesitate a mo-
ment: he replied to the officer, that theFederal arms were never to be
surrendered, could be obtained, but at the expense of the blood of
those who carried them. The officer returned with this answer, and we
prepared to assault the town. (Bustos here calls his the Federal army. At
the time when he was first put in possession of the government of the province
of Cordova by Carrera and Ramirez, his army was called The Third Division
of the Federal Army; and now, though an apostate from the political tenets
yards, &c. These small forts were well manned, and a piece of artillery in
each : the intervals between each of the forts were occupied by light infantry
behind their works. The cavalry of the enemy were few,-and had been beaten
by our guerillas into the plaza on our first arrival in the morning. Bustos'
whole force was about 580 men ; our division, with that of Ramirez, was
more than 1200.
Three hundred of dismounted, to act against the forts as infantry,
our men
cavalry to charge. We then galloped close in front of the enemy's line under
heavy fire, and entered the plaza; where we found nothing but horses,
Bustos' cavalry having abandoned them, and escaped into the forts. We
remained in the plaza for some minutes covered with dust and smoke, and
exposed to the enemy's fire in every direction. Our infantry were aware that
their fire crossed the plaza, and would be as offensive to us as to the enemy;
they therefore ceased firing. After being some time in the plaza without
being able to do any thing against the enemy, we retired with a degree of
confusion; and our infantry (seeing so much disorder prevail among us) also
retired, abandoning the advantageous posts they had gained, which were
quickly re-occupied by the enemy. We again formed our infantry and cavalry
before the town, and, On inspection, it appeared that all the ammunition was
very nearly expended; we could not replace it till our return to Sause, where
we had left our ammunition and
baggage : it was, therefore, out of our power
to renew the action, which the indiscretion of Ramirez had lost
by his devi-
Enclosures, the hedges of which were made of the Cactus opuntia.
ation from the plan previously understood by the officers, and by his unac-
countably exposing the cavalry in a place where they ought not to have been
employed, as they could be of no service. We remained before the town two
days, and then returned to Sause, leaving Bustos unmolested to effect his
junction with his allies, Lopez and La Madrid. We ,lost between forty and
fifty men in the assault; the enemy's loss could not be so little : Bustos, how-
ever, gratified his allies by reporting that he knew from good authority that
our loss in killed and wounded was not less than 300 men, and even gave
them a
description of the manner in which we buried our soldiers to keep our
loss unknown, &c. On our arrival in Sause, we were informed by our spies
of the operations of our enemies. Buenos Ayres, Santa Fe, Cordova, San
Juan, San Luis, and Mendoza, had sent out divisions against us.
The Padre Guiraldeswas sent as a deputy from Mendoza, under pretence
country and his own safety and welfare depended on them. The conditions
were to be
privately made known to the Colonel, who was expected to disse-
minate the seeds of sedition among the officers. The following are the ideas
which were conveyed to us in Father Guiraldis' mission. — That Carrera and
his division had done the greatest injuries to the nation ; nevertheless, there
yet an opportunity for the officers to make reparation for the evils to which
they had been accessaries, by abandoning the standard of anarchy and enrol-
ling themselves under that of the Patria, leaving Carrera alone with his sol-
diers, to receive the just punishment which the nation would think proper to
inflict. Some compliments were paid to the understanding of the officers,
and the Patria anticipated that these propositions would be joyfully received
by us ; for though we had the misfortune to have been misguided, they flattered
themselves we were still zealous for the public good, and would avail ourselves
of this opportunity of showing it. In return for this important service, the
Colonel was to be promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, and every officer
receive a rank above that which he held in the service of Carrera; our com-
missions be, not from any particular province or government, but from
were to
the nation, which are considered the most honourable. There was nothing
3 m 2
iii these stipulations relative to the legion of merit; but had we performed the
service required of us, no doubt we should have been admitted into that
meritorious and worthy fraternity.
When Guiraldes' secret commission was made known by the Colonel, it was
looked on and treated with the contempt and ridicule which it merited. He
was seized and
brought before the General, who became his confessor, to
whom he disclosed his secrets, and was then given up a prisoner to the guard ;
from whence he escaped in the confusion of an action, a few days after.
From Sause, we marched towards Frayle Muerto, when a misunderstanding
taking place between the generals, they parted. Our division took the route
for the frontiers of the province of San Luis, in order to surprise the Men-
docinos, who were encamped in Las Barranquitas: the division of Ramirez
marched in a northerly direction, to return to Entre Rios by the way of
Las Charcas. The causes whence this separation originated were various;
the following were the principal ones : — Ramirez had for his secretary the
celebrated priest Montarosa, who had been principal secretary to Artigas, and
director of all his proceedings. He was much attached to his old master
(Artigas), and consequently an enemy to Carrera and Ramirez. Carrera ex-
postulated with Ramirez on the impropriety of having admitted such a person
to accompany him, and desired that he would be sent back to Entre Rios;
where, if he wished to show him any kindness, he could easily do it, without
exposing himself to the consequences of having a person in his army likely
to prove a traitor; but Ramirez had much confidence in this warlike priest,
and could not think of discharging him. Our soldiers began to express
their disgust towards those of Ramirez, imputing to them and their ge-
neral the ill success of our attack on Cruz Alta, and the raising the siege
of Cordova. Ramirez, though he had given himself up to pleasure in this
more than in any former campaign, did not allow the smallest relaxation in
the l'igid discipline of his soldiers. In the midst of abundance they were
stinted of meat, and severely punished for every trivial offence : this they con,
sidered rather hard; for as their general indulged all his appetites, they who
ventured their lives in his defence thought themselves at least worthy of a
with us, bearing a letter from his general to Carrera; in which Ramirez soli-
cited the re-union of their forces, the guidance of every thing to be left to
Carrera, and Montarosa to remain merely in the character of a priest, who,
heagain assured him, was no longer the friend of Artigas, but faithful to
their interests.
Carrera answered this letter by assuring his friend, that where the insidious
friar Montarosa existed, he would never expose himself or his soldiers.
But, even independent of that objection, he told him, that the only means of
escaping the vigilance of our numerous enemies was by separating, that we
might thereby draw their attention in different quarters, and so by dividing
them conquer them separately. He concluded by giving him his opinion on
the line of conduct which he supposed would be most eligible for him to
follow in his march, and assuring him of his unchanging friendship.
Besides the official correspondence, the aide-de-camp was the bearer of a
private proposition from the officers of Ramirez, offering to leave their gene-
ral, and pass with all the soldiers to Carrera, if he would receive or admit
them to do so. This proposition Carrera heard with horror and astonish-
ment. He told the aide-de-camp that he was sorry the officers had formed
very illiberal an opinion of him as to have supposed him capable of treating
his friend in that manner. He also told the aide-de-camp, that he would not
inform Ramirez, as he hoped they would* never again think of committing so
heinous a crime; that if their general had been led into error, he stood in
the greater need of their firm support; that whatever his weaknesses might
be, they never could efface his glories; that he never expected to hear of
such brave officers as those of Ramirez staining their dear-bought honours
by the base crime of abandoning the general who so often had led them to
conquer, &c.
The aide-de-camp returned with the letter of Carrera to his general, and
with the above-cited reproofs to the officers. Several of Ramirez's soldiers
and sergeants deserted, and some of them followed our division.
As we were about to leave the province of Cordova our division was much
reduced by desertion, as many soldiers whom we had recruited in that pro-
vince, and nearly all the militia, returned to their homes.
The enemy trusting to his numbers came out in search of us; and sue-
ceeded in intercepting our rear-guard, which had under its care a great num-
ber of waggons, baggage, sick and wounded men, prisoners, women, &c.
The Mendocinos fell on them at day-break, and put all to the sword, not
excepting the sick and wounded who were festering in their sores. In these
waggons the General's papers were taken, and despatched to Mendoza as the
most authentic and unequivocal proof of the important victory they had
night, they were prepared, and came out to meet us. The ground being
woody and uneven we retreated, leaving a strong guerilla to protect our
retreat, during which it was engaged with the enemy's van. We at length
arrived on a fine plain near the Villa de Concepcion, where we halted and
gave front to the enemy. General Morou, who commanded the Mendocinos,
from his success over the wounded and the small guard which escorted them,
supposed he would have little difficulty in defeating us. He formed his men
in two divisions, with a strong guerilla on their right, which advanced to
attack us. Our squadrons were formed in line of battle, with a reserve in
the rear of only 40 men ; the women, who generally augmented that corps,
having been taken with our baggage two days previous. A guerilla of our
lancers charged and repulsed that of the enemy; which being reinforced, our
party were obliged to retire, and were pursued in their retreat. The whole line
of the Mendocinos now advanced to the charge, as did ours to meet them. At
a few
yards' distance from each other both lines made an involuntary halt:
an awful
pause ensued, till Colonel Benevente peremptorily ordered the line
to advance; the same expedient was used by General Morou, who came- in
front of the Mendocinos' line and led them on. The lines closed, the action
commenced; and General Morou, after exchanging a few blows, was the
first who fell beneath the superior arm of one of our soldiers. The fight
between their second division and our whole line was obstinate; but their
first division and theguerilla of, their right out-flanked us, so that we were
then charged in flank, front and rear, or completely surrounded. The action
presented very little hope to us; our line was broken and obliged. to
fly, but was at length rallied again by Colonel Benevente and the officers.
The charge was renewed with vigour, and the Mendocinos were beat back
several hundred yards beyond the ground where the action began ; when they
were reinforced
by 200 men, who awaited our arrival in formation and
charged us. They easily succeeded in routing us, as we were not more than
50, and not in formation. The day was extremely dark ; and not being able
to see
of our men, we considered the action lost, and ourselves the only
remnant of the
fugitives. We were chased by the enemy a considerable dis-
tance ; when falling in with a large party in our front, which we supposed to
be enemies, and which proved to be Colonel Benevente with all the force he
could collect, we again charged the Mendocinos, routed and entirely dis-
persed them, which terminated the action. There was not a shot fired except
by the guerillas in the commencement of the action. We lost 80 men, and
a few officers ; the
enemy lost their general and all their best officers : their
loss in killed we never ascertained, as we marched immediately off the field
in pursuit of those who had escaped. We retook our waggons, and the women
who were prisoners with them. In this action our effective force did not
exceed 300, the Mendocinos' were 1400.
We marched directly to Concepcion, which was the point of re-union for
the enemy, where we found 150 men, who abandoned the town, and re-
treated precipitately for the sierra; but as their horses were all fatigued in
the action, and without any others to replace them, we came up with them
at nightfall, and summoned them to surrender ; but whilst their commanding
officer, Colonel Quiroga, was treating with Carrera, the soldiers passed the
river in their rear unnoticed in the night, and dispersed, every one pursuing a
different route : this was all Carrera wished—their total dispersion.
We continued our route for San Luis, taking many of the dispersed officers
and soldiers prisoners in our march. This late action (in the idea of the pea-
jured him by all the saints to make his escape as quick as possible to Mendoza,
as Carrera could not be far distant: that he had not many men with him ;
but when it was to fight, he only took a piece of white paper from
his pocket, muttered a curse, and threw it in the air, when troops sprung up
from the ground, sent to him by the devil, with whom he was in league :
hence he was
always victorious.
Carrera was
infinitely pleased with his excursion, and retired with every
mark of conviction relative to the truth of the old woman's doctrine.
We continued to march towards San Luis, and met no difficulties on our
route. The town had been abandoned by Ortiz the governor, and we en-
camped in Las Chorillas, one league from the town : the General, with a
guard, lived in the town, the more effectually to prevent excesses on the
part of the soldiers. In a few days, Ximenes was elected governor
for the time being, by the cabildo ; and San Luis declared in our favour.
The lady of Ortiz was sent to him under the care of an escort, carrying with
her every thing she thought necessary: a guard was placed in Ortiz's house,
to take care that nothing should be injured which belonged to him. The Ge-
neral also sent him a letter by his lady, inviting him to return to San Luis,
and continue in the exercise of his government; but Ortiz (though not averse
to Carrera's political ideas) was overawed by the many enemies who were
determined to effect our destruction, and would not return, or accept his go-
vernment from Carrera.
In San Luis we had information of the death of General Ramirez, in an
action (if it
may be so called) against the Santafecinos and Cordoveses, The
circumstances of his death are the following : — He had reached the fron-
tiers of Santiago del Estero ; and being advanced with
guard of thirty men
at a considerable distance from his division, he was suddenly surprised at
the Rio Seco, and charged by 400 men. The guard could not resist such
a force, but was soon beaten and put to the route. Ramirez, who had his
fair charge (Dona Delfina) by his side, disdained to abandon her or shrink
from danger, though he must, have been aware that his single exertions could
not suffice to rescue her from the enemy. He fought desperately by her
side, and despatched several of his foes, but at length fell beneath the
swords of the merciless multitude that assailed him.
Ramirez was of a low stature, very dark complexion, and disagreeable
countenance. He seems to have had a strong capacious mind, and possessed
high degree : he was open and frank, a stranger to dissimulation, true to his
friend, and in point of personal bravery was exceeded by none.
During our stay in San Luis, two revolutions were set on foot against us :
the one by four officers of our own division ; the other by Aldao, and some
officers of the enemy who had been prisoners with us, and who having re-
ceived their liberty from the General, still chose to follow our division and
remain under our
protection, probably to embrace the first opportunity of
betraying us.
The cause of this division among our own officers may be accounted for
by observing, that three of them, who had commanded parties in the country,
and acted in a way highly derogatory to the character which they represented
(by not only allowing their soldiers to plunder several villages, but actually
receiving their proportion of the booty, thereby injuring the general charac-
ter of the officers, as well as the cause in which we were engaged), were
impeached by the other officers, who requested of the General that they might
be brought to trial, and dismissed for their ill conduct. As these officers
were much beloved by the men, on account of the many liberties which they
allowed them, the General did not at that time think it prudent to bring them
to punishment, as it might cause a desertion among the soldiers; but he
named a military tribunal, over which the Colonel was to preside ; and which
on our arrival at San Juan was to be invested with full
power to take cogni-
sance of, and enquire into, the conduct of
every officer in the past campaigns ;
bring all such as were obnoxious to trial, and subject them (according to the
nature of their crimes) to such punishment as a court-martial might think
fit to impose. This determination of the General, though it was intended to
have been kept unknown to the greater part' of the officers, came to the
knowledge of some of those whose characters would not bear scrutiny, and
therefore they began to exert all their influence with the soldiers to induce
them to desert and follow them. At the head of this mutiny was Don Ma-
nuel Arias, who has been mentioned before as appointed commandant of the
Sierra de Cordova. Arias was aged about forty-five ; and though not a soldier,
as he was the richest and most
respectable gentleman who resided in the
sierra, where his influence with the inhabitants was considerable, Carrera
thought him the fittest
person to nominate to the command of that district.
He had 300 militia left him when we raised the siege of Cordova, and in
our absence he was attacked and easily defeated; from which time he fol-
3 N
lowed our division for protection, and merely as an individual without au-
thority or occupation.
On our arrival in San Luis he appointed to act as commissary, in
by another civilian follower in that office; and then having the entire dis-
posal of his own time, he employed it in successfully addressing a young
lady of the town, whom he induced to elope with him; but as he was mar-
ried and had a large family, the General took the lady from him, and made
known to her who and what Arias was. Arias addressed this young woman
under the character of a single man and an officer of Carrera, without being
either; but great an ascendancy had he gained over her affection, that
though undeceived, she was willing to sacrifice all other feelings to her love
and follow him. Carrera delivered her to her relations, who kept her as a
prisoner as long as we remained in the town. Such were the grievances
which induced Arias to take a part inthe mutiny. One of the officers of the
mutiny (Moya) was to receive the sister of Arias in marriage on their return
to the sierra; but how they intended to employ the troops we have never
through which we had to pass; and all his officers being equally ignorant
of it, he was obliged to consult with guides who were traitors, and who had
nothing in view but our destruction : amongst these Aldao was the principal;
and he was sufficiently skilled in dissimulation to make the General believe
that he was sincerely attached to his interests. The guides highly recom-
mended the route to San Juan, which coincided with the ideas of Carrera,
as his plan was, to remain in San Juan till the passage of the Cordillera would
open, organise an army of two or three thousand men, and pass into Coquimbo,
where he would have received the capitulation of O'Higgins without any
hostilities in Chile.
The General having determined on the route of San Juan, sent out parties
in the road of Mendoza, which attacked and routed the advanced posts of
the Mendocinos :
by this he expected to impress on the minds of our ene-
mies the idea that our march would be in that direction, and thereby distract
their attentionbut the enemy received correct information from our guides,
and made the necessary preparations to meet us.
On the 21st of August, 1821, we marched from San Luis towards San Juan.
Ximenes, who acted as governor of San Luis, accompanied us with eighty
Puntanos; the greater part of whom deserted when we approached the
Our horses were miserably reduced in our encampments at San Luis, as
there was no but what was artificially produced, and it had been de-
stroyed by the enemy's horses previous to our arrival. On our march to
San Juan we too late discovered the country to be an uninhabited and sandy
desert, scarce of water, and producing no kind of vegetation, except some
copses of stunted brushwood; the decayed branches of which were the only
food of our horses in the march of
eighty leagues. The guides every day
promised that the next we might expect to meet pasture for the horses; and
brought us on insensibly, till at length we had advanced too far to think
of receding. A division of the enemy had occupied San Luis a few days
after we evacuated it; and if we retreated, the enemy would have an oppor-
prisoner who had been taken that day, the General was informed that in
Guanacacho (about eight leagues distant, on the road to Mendoza), there
were horses ; and also, that the Mendocinos were in march, and
hourly ex-
pected to join the San-Juaninos. This intelligence made Carrera alter his
plan of attacking the San-Juaninos at day-break ; instead of which we marched
towards Guanacacho, in order to possess ourselves of the horses which were
there, and intercept the Mendocinos in their march before they should form
a junction with the force of San Juan.
3N 2
Experience had taught our soldiers that their success and safety depended
not less on the quality of their horses, than on the superiority of their cou-
rage ;and though they did not murmur, they universally desponded of sue-
cess,and considered themselves as marching to deliver themselves into the
hands of their enemies,—victims, without the means of offering any resistance.
A friend of Camera's in San Juan had sent 400 horses to a potrera in the
vicinity of Pie de Palo, and letter to Camera, directing him where he
should march to take those horses; and also informing him, that the town
entirely in our favour ; and that 300 of the veteran infantry, which had
belonged to No. 1. regiment, were ready to pass to us soon as we should
attack the plaza. This letter "was unfortunately intercepted by the enemy,
who took the necessary measures for their security, possessed themselves of
the horses alluded to, and put into prison all suspected persons.
A party of thirty men, the best mounted of our division, were advanced
to Guanacacho, to take whatever horses they might find there and observe the
By a priest whom we had taken, and who was a scout of the enemy, we
knew that the Mendocinos were near at hand. An express was sent to
Guanacacho, requiring the party to fall back rapidly with whatever horses
they had taken, that they might unite themselves with us; and orders of a
similar nature were sent to the rear-guard ; but in the next moment we dis-
covered the enemy, who had taken up a strong position between us and our
advanced party, thereby cutting off all communications.
Thus we found ourselves in front of the enemy, our best mounted and
bravest soldiers absent, and our men entirely destitute of that animation and
desire for combat which they so strongly manifested on all former occasions;
some soldiers mounted on worthless horses, more on mules, and others lead-
ing their horses after them on foot. Such were our dreary prospects on the
morning of the 31st August, 1821.
Under these disadvantages the General did not despair, but made immediate
dispositions for the action. Our whole force was but 4<70 men, of which 150
men and officers were taken out, and
given to the Colonel to charge the
enemy's line. Our horses were of very bad service, but all the others were
entirely unfit for any service. We advanced in line towards the enemy ;
whilst the remainder of the force, including women, prisoners, muleteers, and
baggage, marched in column at a very slow pace.
The enemy occupied a strong position : his right and left flanks were
however, it retired as we advanced, and at last took place in their line. Our
horses were too weak to reconnoitre their line closely, or ascertain the
strength of their position. Having came within pistol-shot of the enemy,
they opened a fire on us. Benevente halted, formed his few men for the
charge ; and seeing the soldiers rather dispirited, he began to encourage them
by reminding them of former difficulties out of which they had extricated them-
selves by their exertions ; comparing the present with former dangers, and
assuring them that their future welfare entirely depended on their conduct in
this action : but seeing them still irresolute, he asked peremptorily, and with
a stern countenance, if
they would or would not fight. The soldiers, more
from a fear of the imputation of cowardice than from any hope of success,
answered unanimously, that they would.follow and die with their colonel.
The charge was sounded; and we advanced under the fire of the enemy as
rapidly as our horses' strength would admit. We soon got on a soft sandy
ground; when many of our horses sinking, and not being able to disengage
themselves, lay there; others advanced, whilst some were obliged to remain
behind: thus, by the nature of the ground and incapacity of our horses, our
line was broken before we reached that of the enemy. On coming up to the
enemy's line we could not charge them, nor cross the trench which protected
their front. The Colonel and officers made every exertion to pass it; but
the men being under the galling fire of the enemy but at a few yards' distance,
and thinking it impracticable to pass the fosse, retired in disorder. We
were pursued
by the enemy's cavalry about 300 yards; when, meeting the
General, the soldiers rallied, and drove the enemy back to their trenches.
The air was filled with a subtile dust, with which we were almost suffocated,
their guerillas. The Colonel resolved, whilst the soldiers were in the heat of
passion, to renew the chai'ge, without giving them time for the consideration
of their danger. We were about 100; and with that number Benevento
charged the cavalry on their left flank, leaving all the rest of their line un-
covered and unheeded. On our approach to their line, Albin Gutierres,
who was theft general, abandoned his horse and took refuge in the infantry's
square. The commandant of the cavalry on that flank followed the same
example, but on pretence that his horse had become unmanageable from the
noise of the musquetry : the soldiers and inferior officers of the cavalry,
abandoned by their chiefs, could not be much blamed for a change of posi-
tion which brought them in rear of the infantry, who kept up such a heavy
oblique fire on us as obliged us to retire once more; but in good order, and
not pursued. We halted, and gave front to the enemy again ; when, as the
Colonel was exclaiming against the soldiers for their cowardice in having
twice retreated without orders, we perceived a large cloud of dust, which
indicated the march of the army of San Juan, and consummated the terror
of our men. It was with difficulty we could hinder the soldiers from mani-
festing their fear to the enemy, who were close in front: each seemed eager
to seek his own safety in flight; and the officers were obliged to.form in their
rear, with orders to strike dead the first man who would show any disorder or
cowardice in sight of his enemy. The General plainly saw that these men
would not charge, and that, if they did, it would be only uselessly sacrificing
the lives of soldiers who might be useful on another occasion ; he therefore
gave orders for a retreat, which we commenced in good order. The soldiers
whose horses were bad mounted behind others, or were taken prisoners.
The enemy harassed our rear about three leagues ; in which distance, out of
470 men, which we brought into the field, we lost all except about 20 officers
and 80 soldiers : in action we could not have lost 30 men; the rest remained
on the field, as their horses could not march.
We hadgained eighteen leagues a-head of the enemy; and were about to
surprise squadron which guarded a great number of excellent horses in the
potreras of Jocoli, when a catastrophe the most fatal, horrid, and criminal,
put us in power of our oppressors.
The officers who had planned the revolution in San Luis supposed this to be
the most favourable moment for executing their villanous undertaking. They
reported to the soldiers, that soon as Carrera should surprise the enemy's
squadron in Jocoli, and possess himself of the horses, he and his favourite
officers would abandon them and the soldiers, by escaping to Buenos
Ayres disguised; from whence they would embark for England, or the United
States : and that to avert the vengeance which awaited them (the soldiers),
it was necessary that they would take him and his officers, and give them up in
Mendoza. The soldiers believed this ingenious fabrication of the mutineers,
and entered unanimously into the design of seizing the General and officers ;
which they soon after effected.
It was very dark, about two o'clock in the morning, when we were surprised
treachery: he acknowledged that nothing could efface the stain which his
character had sustained; but he was over-awed, and persuaded by his com-
enemy's troops : there the soldiers were placed in a yard, with double guards
over them ; and Colonel Garcia, commandant of the barracks, sent to invite
us to
sup with him, in order to separate us from our soldiers; whom they still
feared, though unarmed. After the Colonel had entertained us about two
hours in his quarters, an adjutant came with a strong guard and conducted
us to the barrack of San
Domingo in Mendoza; where we were"thrown into
large dark room, without any kind of defence against the cold, and obliged
to lie on a damp brick floor. After a few days' residence there, we became
inmates of the capilla (a room dedicated to persons under sentence of death,
and stocked with images, &c. for religious purposes), in the gaol; when we
were loaded with irons, See. Sec.
The officers who had conducted the revolution were received with much
magnificence at the Governor's, and next morning were billeted in the most
respectable houses of the friends of Godoy Cruz. A small pension was
allowed them for private expenses.
In the meantime Carrera was lodged in the dungeon with Colonel Bene-
vente (who was taken the morning after the revolution), and bound with
irons and cords in the most brutal manner : he knew that he should in a few
days suffer the same fate as his brothers, but bore his misfortune with the
serenity of mind for which he was always distinguished. He seemed to
have no concern for himself; but spoke of the misfortunes of his wife, and
the friends'who were partakers of his hardships, with the greatest regret.
Albin Gutierres, who commanded the force of Mendoza, desisted from his
cruelties whilst he supposed that Carrera had escaped ; but when he received
the letters of the conspirators relative to the revolution they had made, he
gave a loose to his infernal rage : at every halt his army made in their
return to Mendoza, parties of prisoners were brought out and shot; for
which cruelty he accounted to the provinces, by saying that all those soldiers
had fallen on the field of battle fighting: he did us much more honour
than we merited, in order to add to his own, and cover his wanton barbarity.
It would be doing an injustice to Albin Gutierres to neglect noticing his
family, and the earlier occupations of his youth, &c. Like most of the
people in power in America, he started up from the dregs of society. The
most that is known of him is, that his first employment in active life was that
employers to take with him in every journey to Buenos Ayres one cargo or
two barrels of wine, there to selljor his account and risk ; the return of which
he always employed in buying up something proper for the market of Men-
doza. Having saved some money in this trade, he left it off, and became
jpulpero, or wine retailer ; in which he was so fortunate as to amass a consider-
able quantity of money, and soon established himself as wine-merchant on
pretty large scale. As, he was acquainted with every branch of the busi-
ness, from gathering the grapes to driving the mules with the produce, and
uncommonly industrious, it is not surprising that in a few years he
became one of the richest men in Mendoza. When San Martin was captain-
general of the province of Aryo, he conferred on him the rank of colonel of
militia for some services which are not ascertained.
Such was thegenera] who had the credit of humbling us, after our having
defeated the best and bravest generals of the country! He was an arrant
coward, and as cruel as he was timid. But he was successful, and crowned
with honours.
As to Carrera, he showed the greatest resignation to his fate,, from the
moment he was made
prisoner ; he was aware that his longest respite would
not exceed four five
days, yet he conversed, ate, drank, and slept,
as if
nothing were to happen to him.
3 o
On the third day after our arrival in Mendoza, the ringing of bells and
writing, and commenced a new one on another sheet; but in about fifteen
minutes afterwards the guards came to take them out to be shot. He re-
quested of the officer but a few moments before he would accompany him;
and laying aside the letter he had before him, he took the first he had been
writing, and finished it by informing her, that in that moment he was about
to accompany his executioners to the banco. He requested that whatever
love she had for him would henceforward be directed to their children, and
all friars; however they thronged round him in his last moments, in order to
re-convert him, that he might die a good Christian. Passing through this
plaza, they employed all their logic in proving the existence of hell, and the
torments of the damned. He reprimanded them for their insolence in offer-
ing and imposing their unasked advice; and continued steadfastly to view
the troops, and make his observations on the strength of the town to the
officer who guarded him.
Coming up to the seat on which he was to be shot, and hearing his name
softly pronounced, he raised his eyes, and saw on the house-top some ladies
who had come to see him and were about to retire: supposing that some of
them knew him, he saluted them; they returned his bow, and retired much
Carrera, still unchanged, stood by his seat on the same ground on which
his brothers had bravely died. The padres renewed their suit for the safety
of his soul, which he told them was his care, not< theirs. Finding all their
remonstrances useless, they requested he would forgive the town for the in-
juries which himself and family had received in it; and also to ask forgive-
ness for the
injuries which he had caused it. He replied, that if his forgive-
ness could
mitigate the wrongs, or make less glaring the injustices, which his
family had sustained, he freely granted it; but that he, conscious of the
rectitude and honour of his actions through life, could never think of solicit-
father to his son. He then sat down on the seat; and when the executioner
came to tie his arms, he stood up rather
indignantly, and ordered him to
retire; asking the officer who stood by to have him shot, when he had seen
an honourable officer tied
by a ruffian ? He also refused to have his eyes
covered ; and sitting down calmly, he placed his right-hand on his breast, and
requested the soldiers to despatch him. They fired, — he received two balls
in the forehead,— two passed through his hand and entered his heart: he fell,
and expired almost without a pang ; and, after decapitating him and cutting
off his right arm, his body was given to his mother-in-law, and interred in the
So 2
tomb of his brothers. His head was placed on the cabildo, and his arm
close under the clock which belonged to that building.
Carrera was aged 35 years: his person was tall and graceful. He had
dark hair, a high forehead, dark piercing eyes, and aquiline nose : his conn-
tenance was serene, and extorted respect even from his enemies. He was
enterprising, honourable, and brave ; unreserved with his friends ; free from
dissimulation or envy; compassionate and generous to a fault. His temper
was mild and even ; neither
adversity nor good fortune having the power to
make any evident suppression or elevation on his mind. His humanity was
such as did not deserve the name of virtue ; for, passing the bounds which
always protected their lives at the expense of justice itself and not unfre-
quently made opportunities for them to escape himself, when he could not
trust to another to do it; thus affording them the means-of a farther exercise
of their depredations.
From Pueyrredon down to the most insignificant of Carrera's enemies,
there were few whose persons or property did not at some time fall into his
hands; the former were always protected by him, the latter ever scrupu-
lously respected.
This strange passion of Carrera, this mercy where it ought not to be exer-
cised, can only be accounted for by supposing it to have for its origin and
basis a species of ambition or self-love. Perhaps he believed that by treat-
ing his enemies with kindness, and loading them with obligations, they would
become his friends; if that were his idea he was miserably deceived, and
country was but lost in America, where such a virtue is little acknowledged
and less practised. His generosity was attributed by his enemies to fear;
and in some of their public papers they had the impudence to call the man
a coward who, with 140 men and the resources of his
great mind, made every
government and governor totter, from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Had Carrera given every traitor the punishment which justice would
dictate when they fell in his power, and shown his generosity and greatness
of mind only to such as could comprehend and appreciate them, he would
never have died under their hands, nor his friends have suffered for the ima-
ginary crimes which attributed to them by his enemies.
If his ambition was to live without any imputation of blood, cruelty, or in-
forgiven. His life was begged by the Congress of Chile; and he was trans-
ported to the Brazils, and is now an officer of much merit in the Portuguese
Colonel Alvarez, who
was executed with Carrera, died a penitent Catholic,
and evinced resignation and character in his last moments : he was also
beheaded, and the head sent to Bustos; that by exposing it he might destroy
the hopes and repel the exertions of the Cordoveses, who so much venerated
the old man Alvarez,- and called him their father and protector.
Colonel Benevente, who expected to have been shot with General Carrera,
surprised, on the morning appointed for their execution, to find himself
left behind in the dungeon. His brother, Don Juan Jose Benevente, mer-
chant of Mendoza, with all the principal men of Mendoza, waited on the
governor, Cruz, and begged the life of the Colonel; which was granted, in case
Gutierres the general would ratify it. They immediately waited on Gutier-
res; but the old muleteer was inexorable, and resolved to have his vengeance
on a man whom he would tremble to behold in other circumstances. The
citizens retired disgusted with their new-created general, and without further
hopes of obtaining the life of Benevente. However, another experiment
was tried
by the ladies of the town, and succeeded. The wife of Don Juan
Jose Benevente, accompanied by all the matrons and young women of the
town, in mourning, waited on Gutierres, at his house; and after flattering the
old wretch, by persuading him that he was brave, generous, &c., he became
flexible, and granted to them in writing the life they solicited. The fair
deputation immediately proceeded to the dungeon, and informed Benevente
that they had procured his life from Gutierres, and would alleviate the
inconvenience of his prison by all means in their power. The Colonel was
so struck with their humanity and generosity, that he was for some time
unable to Thus receiving his life affected him more than he could
have been affected by losing it on the banco.
We were all closely confined, and expected to be shot or privately assassinated
openly declared we should not be put to death. The Indians also (who had
been in search ofus) came to the frontier near San Carlos, and sent a de-
putation into Mendoza to demand our liberty. The government had the
head and arm of Carrera taken down immediately, and delivered to Madame
Fuentacilla, who had them interred with his body, lest the Indians should
see them.
They succeeded in deceiving the Indian deputies, by assuring
them that we were not in the town, and telling them that we were all in
Five of our officers had been taken
by the San Juaninos on the field of battle
at Punto del Medano. The governor
of San Juan was enraged with his
officers for sparing their lives, and knew not how he could with an appear-
ance of
justice put them to death. He, however, soon found a plan which
answered his purpose : he sent for them to the barrack, where they were pri-
soners, to wait on him at his house; and coming there, he gave them billets
to certain houses, where they might live at their liberty. The officers were
grateful for the favour which they received, and retired; but two days after
were taken up, brought to the plaza, and shot, for having formed a revolu-
and pay of brigadier-general of the army of Chile. — How happy the country
which can without resentment behold such honours conferred on the very
P. S.— I believe in the account of our last action with the Mendocinos in
the Pun-to del Medano, I omitted to insert the number of their force,— they
had 600 infantry, and between 5 and 600 cavalry.
The above paper was written at my request by Mr. Yates, a young Irish
gentleman, who, with his friend Mr. Doolet, was engaged in the service of
Carrera. After the death of their chief, they were sent as prisoners to San
Martin in Peru; and there, after suffering great hardships on board the
prison-ship in which they were transported from Chile, they were imprisoned
in the castle of Callao. Their wretched situation moved the Honourable
Captain F. Spencer to apply to San Martin lor their release ; who gave an
order to that effect, on condition that they should not land again in Spanish
South America. Accordingly, they both remained on board of one or other
of the British ships of war on the station, until the Doris conveyed them to
Brazil; where they are now both in the service of His Imperial Majesty
Don Pedro.
The paper is printed without any kind of alteration.
The Viceroy's answer to the letter, from which the above extract is made,
defends himself, from the charge of any unusual severity to the prisoners ; and
justifies severity, if such were employed, on the ground that the Spanish
government treated as rebels and pirates all persons taken in arms against
the King, and under banners not recognised by regular governments. He then
proceeds: —
regulating principles of the proceedings of the Viceroy shall always
be those of such gentleness and condescension, as shall not derogate from the
dignity of his official situation; and he will not now comment on the occu-
pation of a nobleman of Great Britain, a country in alliance with the Spanish
people, employing himself in commanding the naval forces of a government
hitherto unacknowledged by any nation on the globe.
The Admiral's second letter, dated the 1th March, begins by proving the
truth of the accusations against the Peruvian government ofcruel treatment to
the prisoners ; and then proceeds to quote the different codes of maritime laws,
judging between right and wrong, and at liberty to adopt a country and a
cause which aim at
restoring the rights of oppressed human nature. Without
failing in any duty, and without incurring any species "of responsibility, Lord
Cochrane was honourably competent to adopt the cause of Chile with the
same freedom with which he refused the offered station of
high admiral of
Spain, which was made to him by the Spanish-ambassador in London.
His Lordship then anew proposes the exchange of the prisoners of the brig
The Viceroy's reply evades present compliance with the proposed exchange
of prisoners, and artfully endeavours to convince Lord Cochrane, that the
British government, so far from being favourable to the cause of South
American emancipation, is inimical to it; and points his attention to the pro-
clamations forbidding the enlistment of soldiers and sailors inforeign services,
and to the conduct of the French government on the occasion. He says, that
3 p
lation of South America; insists on the real nature of the neutrality of his
own country, and tells him that nothing but an act of parliament could legally
prevent his countrymen from embracing any cause they pleased to support.
I had intended to have given literal translations of the greater part of these
letters; but on more mature thought, it appears to me that the above abstract
and extracts are sufficient in this place. If, hereafter, a more detailed
history of this part of the Great South American struggle should be necessary,
the correspondence will then serve as an illustration of the principles and
ideas which were entertained by the contending parties, and will account
for much that would otherwise appear either improbable or impossible.
No. I.
The following proclamation I print, partly because it shows the views held
out by the revolutionary chiefs to the natives,-partly because there are few
printed specimens of the ancient language of the Incas: —
ing our talents. Employments, honours, and riches, are already distributed
among ourselves, and are no longer the patrimony of our oppressors.
Meanwhile, though sweet liberty marches either in peace or in victory
through the regions of the South, she is obliged to suspend her beneficent
and majestic steps from the plains; of Quito to Potosi, and to change her
double influence for the affliction and the grief occasioned by the ravages
of the Spaniards in Cochabamba, Puno, La Paz, Cuzco, Guamanga, Quito,
and other provinces of our delicious country. There remain the tombs and
the illustrious manes of Pumacagua, Angulo, Camargo, Cabezas, and so
many other heroes, who now, as tutelary angels, solicit your happiness and
independence before the throne of the Most High : — there offer up your
3 p 2
vows with against the impious policy with which the Spaniard, after mur-
during drags away your sons to fight against their brethren, who are
struggling for the liberty of their country; and oblige us to destroy one
another in order to rivet our chains.
But the hour destined by the God of justice and mercy for the happiness
of Peru is arrived, and your brethren in Chile have hastened to make their
utmost sacrifices in order to protect you by a respectable squadron; which,
guarding your coasts, will present aid to you wherever it is called for by
your necessities or by the sacred voice of liberty. A large army, composed
of the brave soldiers of Chacabuco and Maypu, destined to secure the pos-
session of your right, will also occupy your territory.
Peruvians ! These are the pacts and conditions on which Chile, in presence
of the Supreme Being, and calling on all nations to witness, and to revenge
their violation, will front death and toil to save you. — You shall be free and
independent: you shall frame your government and your laws by the sole and
spontaneous will of your representatives. No influence, civil or military,
direct or indirect, shall be exercised by these your brothers over your social
institutions. You shall dismiss the armed force which is going to protect you
the moment you wish it; and no pretext of your peril or your safety shall
serve to
keep it there without your will. No military division shall ever
occupy a free town, unless called for by its magistrates ; and those peninsular
opinions and parties which may have existed before your liberation, shall
neither be punished by us nor by our help ; and, ready to destroy the armed
force which resists your rights, we. pray that you will forget all offences before
the day of your glory, and reserve severer justice for obstinacy and future
Sons of Manco Capac, Yupanqui, and Pachacutec! These venerable shades
are the witnesses of the conditions which the
people of Chile offer you by my
voice, and of the alliance and fraternity we seek, in order to consolidate our
independence, and to defend our rights in the day of peril.
Bernardo O'Higgins.
pasos, desde las campanas de Quito a Potosi ; y a trocar su doble influjo por
la afliccion y el dolor que le ocasionan los destrozos de los espanoles, en Co-
chabamba, Puno, la Paz, Cuzco, Guamanga, Quito, y demas Provincias de
nuestro delicioso suelo. Alii divisa las tumbas y los ilustres manes de Puma-
cagua, Angulo, Camargo, Cabezas, y otros tantos heroes, que hoy son los
genios protectores, que ante el trono del Altisimo reclaman vuestra felicidad
e independencia: alii
presentan vuestros votos y los nuestros contra la impia
politica con que el espanol, despues de degollaros, arrancan vuestros hijos
para pelear con sus hermanos, que luchan por la libertad de estos paises, obli-
gandonos a destruirnos mutuamente para remachar nuestras cadenas.
Pero llego la epoca destinada por el Dios de la justicia y las misericordias
a la felicidad del Peru,
y vuestros hermanos de Chile han apurado sus ultimos
sacrificios para protegeros con una escuadra respetable, que asegurando estas
costas, os presente recursos en todos los puntos donde escuche vuestras nece-
sidades, y el sagrado clamor de la libertad. Inmediatamente ocupara tambien
vuestro suelo un respetable egercito de los valientes de Maypu y Chacabuco,
que dispongais, sin que vuestro peligro, o vuestra seguridad sirva de pretesto,
sino lo hallais por conveniente : jamas alguna division militar ocupara un
pueblo libre, sino es llamada por sus legltimos Magistrados ; ni por nosostros,
ni con nuestro auxilio, se castigaran las opiniones o partidos peninsulares, que
Bernardo O'Higgins.
sinchita huanachinanchispac.
No. II.
Proclamation ofDon Jose de San Martin, &;c. &qc. to the Limenians and other
Inhabitants of Peru.
pendencies, even the soul to feel the weight and the ignominy of the yoke.
The earth was shocked to see American blood shed by Americans : it doubted
if the slaves were as culpable as the tyrants ; or if freedom had to complain
most of those whose barbarous daring invaded it, or of the slaves who had
the stupid folly not to defend it. War followed, destroying the innocent
country; but in spite of all the combinations of despotism, the gospel of the
rights of man was preached in the midst of the confusion. Hundreds of
Americans have fallen in the field of honour, or by the hands of unnatural
executioners ; but opinion, fortified by noble passions, must always cause its
on the
plains of Maypu, without attending to the feelings of a most righteous
vengeance on a barbarous aggressor, or the right of reprisal for the evils
caused in Chile, as a complete proof of my pacific wishes I wrote to your
Viceroy on the 11th of April of this year—that I felt for the situation in
which he was placed; wished him to consider the extent of the resources of
two states intimately united, and the superior amount of their armies ; and, in
a word, the
inequality of the struggle which threatened him. I made him
responsible to the inhabitants of the land for the effects of the war; and in
order to avert them, 1 entreated him to call together the illustrious neighbour-
hood of Lima, to represent the sincere wishes of the governments of Chile and
the United States ; to hear their complaints and the exposition of their rights ;
and that the people should be freely permitted to adopt what form of govern-
ment they wished ; and that the spontaneous expression of the will of such an
assembly should, be the supreme law of my actions, 8$c. This liberal proposal
was answered by insults and threats; and thus the order of justice as well as
safety forced me to adopt the last rational resource, — the use of a
protecting force. The blood, therefore, that may be shed will rest solely on
the heads of the tyrants and their proud satellites. Nor were my intentions
less apparent after the day of Chacabuco. The Spanish army was entirely
routed : Chile became completely an independent state ; and its inhabitants
began to enjoy the security of their property and the fruits of liberty. This
example of itself is the surest warrant for my conduct. Tyrants accus-
tomed to disfigure facts, in order to kindle the torch of discord, have not
been ashamed to say, that the moderation observed by the victorious army in
Chile was for its own interest. In God's name, let it be so! For what is that
but to say, that our interest is one with that of the people ? Is not this a
fresh guarantee, and a new reason for confidence ? Doubtless this army will
root out the tyrants of Lima; and the result of its victory will be, that the
capital of Peru will, for the first time, see her sons united, freely electing their
government, and appearing on the face of the globe in the rank of nations.
The union of the three states will teach Spain to feel her weakness, and all
other powers to esteem and respect us. The first steps of your political
existence being secured, a central congress, composed of the representatives
of the three states, will give to the organisation of each new stability; and
the constitution of each, as well as its perpetual alliance and federacy, will be
established in the midst of universal harmony, intelligence,, and hope. . The
annals of the world do not record any revolution more holy in its end, more
necessary to man, and more august on account of the union of hearts and
Then let proceed, confident in the destiny that Heaven has prepared for
us. Under the empire of new laws and new powers, the very activity of the
revolution will be converted, into the wholesomest engagement to undertake
every kind of toil that may maintain and multiply the products and benefits
of society. On the first return of peace, those very ravages that spring
from the great political'convulsion of this continent will be like the lavas of
of the volcano, which become a principle of fecundity in the very fields
which they have overwhelmed. So your plains will be covered with all the
riches of nature; your multiplied cities will adorn themselves with the splen-
dour of science and the magnificence of art; and commerce will freely spread
its movements over the immense space that nature has assigned to us.
Americans ! The victorious army of an insolent tyrant can only cast terror
over the people subject to his triumphs; but the legions I have the honour to
command, forced to make war against the tyrants they combat, can only promise
friendship and protection to brethren whom victory is about to free from ty-
ranny. I engage my most sacred honour, that this promise shall be scrupulously
fulfilled. I have declared to you my duties and designs: your conduct will
tell us if you will fulfil yours, and deserve the illustrious name of true sons
of your country.
European Spaniards ! My proclamation is not that of your ruin : I come
not into this land to destroy it. The object of the war is to preserve and
facilitate the increase of the fortune of every peaceable and honest "man.
Your good fortune is bound up with the prosperity and independence of
America; your misfortunes will be the effect of your own obstinacy : you
know it. Spain now finds herself reduced to the last degree of imbecility
and corruption : the resources of that kingdom are dilapidated; the state is
charged with a monstrous debt; and, what is worse, terror and distrust form
the basis of public morals, and have forced the nation to become melancholy,
pusillanimous, stupid, and mute. The freedom of Peru alone can offer to you
a safe country.
To the intimate ties which unite you to the Americans you
have only to add your wishes and your conduct, in order to form a great
family of brothers. Respect for persons, for property, and for the holy
Roman Catholic religion, are the sentiments of the United Provinces. I
assure you of them in the most solemn manner.
Inhabitants of Peru ! The eyes of more than three parts of the world are
3 q t
upon your present actions. Will you confirm the suspicions which have
arisen against you during the last nine years? If the world sees that you
know how to profit by this happy moment, your revolution will be as im-
portant to it as the united force of the whole continent. Value it, for the
sake of the millions of generations which may come after you. When the
rights of man, so long lost sight of in Peru, shall be re-established, I shall
congratulate myself on the power of belonging to institutions which may con-
secrate them: I shall have satisfied the dearest wish of my heart, and have
achieved the noblest work of my life.
Jose de San Martin.
Head-quarters, Santiago de Chile,
Nov. 13. 1818.
No. III.
No. IV.
bursting of the chains which have oppressed you. Doubt not of the near ap-
proach of that great day on which, together with the dominion of tyranny, the
degrading condition of Spanish colonies which now disgraces you will be at an
end; and you will occupy among the nations that noble place to which you
are called
by your population, your riches, your geographical position, and the
course of circumstances. But you must be our coadjutors in preparing for
success, in removing obstacles, and opening to yourselves the path of glory;
secure of the cordial assistance of the government of Chile, and of your true
friend, Cochrane.
The above proclamations were published before the sailing of the great
expedition to Peru. They are referred to in the Introduction, and show the
hopes held out to the Peruvians by the invading chiefs.
Right Honourable the Lord Cochrane, — owing to whose genius, worth, and
bravery, the Pacific is freed from the insults of enemies, and the standard of
freedom is planted on the shores of the South, —
That the
Supreme Junta shall, in the name of the nation, offer to Lord
Cochrane, Admiral of the Chilian squadron, its most sincere acknowledg-
ments of gratitude for his achievements in favour of the people of Peru,
heretofore under the tyranny of military despotism, but now the arbiter of
its own fate.
The Supreme Junta, on being informed of this resolution, will do what
is needful for carrying it into effect; causing it to be printed, published,
and circulated.
Given in the Chamber of Congress at Lima,
27th September, 1822.
Lord Cochrane had the satisfaction of receiving the above just before he
left Chile.
pointed out in the instructions given to Captain Searle, and of which a copy
was sent to Your
In consequence of the neutrality which His Britannic Majesty wishes to
observe between the contending parties in South America, His Majesty's
subjects of His Britannic Majesty who are engaged in lawful commerce, and
to maintain that neutrality which His Majesty wishes should, be observed by
(Signed) T. W. Hardy,
Commodore and Commander-in-chief of the ships and vessels of
His Britannic Majesty on the coast of South America.
To this Zenteno answers, on the 6th of December, 1820. His letter begins
by acknowledging the receipt of Sir Thomas's letter, and saying that of course
neutral property Would be respected according to the law of nations ; and his
opinions on that head quite agree with the English commander's wishes.
Zenteno then says,~
But even if this agreeable coincidence had not been, as it is, sufficient to
satisfy the pretensions of Your Excellency in all respects, the prosperity that
has attended our arms has, in fact, set at rest all question and cause of doubt.
Our petty force, perhaps diminished in apparent magnitude by distance, was not
believed sufficient to maintain the blockade in all its extent; yet it has had the
glory of setting at liberty, and of placing in the hands of the American inde-
pendents, all the ports and coast of Peru, including Guayaquil, and also
much of the interior of the country, excepting only the port of Callao ; and
moreover, from the very centre of that port, from under the fire of its
batteries, the Spanish ship of war Esmeralda, of 40 guns, has been cut out
by our naval forces ; and our strength thereby augmented, while that of the
enemy is reduced to nothing.
The rest of the letter is filed, with professions of friendship to the British
nation and the British commander, and is signed hy order of the Supreme
Jose Ignacio Zenteno,
3 R
regard their own personal disgusts; reflecting, that scarcely in any case has
the founder of a great general good enjoyed the benefit of his own labours;
but posterity profits by them, and that secondary immortality, fame on earth,
will pursue their steps.
I venture, therefore, to print the following address to the government of
Chile from the officers of the squadron ; convinced that while it states their
services and grievances, endured at the hands of individuals, the ill will not
be attributed to the sacred cause in which it was suffered, but to the unfor-
tunate circumstances that
placed such a man as San Martin in a situation to
curb the generous efforts of our countrymen in the cause of South America,
and to over-rule the timid but well-meaning rulers of Chile. The opinions
entertained by Peru and Chile are sufficiently proved in the address from
the government of Lima to Lord Cochrane, and by the notice of the squa,
dron in the Chilian state paper given in the Postscript to the Journal.
future fate; anxiety and doubt as to which, being of all things most dis-
First, then, it is known that since the capture of the Isabel, the dominion
of the Pacific has been maintained by the Chilian navy ; and that such have
been the exertions of our commander and ourselves, that with Chileno crews,
unaccustomed to the arts of navigation, and a few foreign seamen whom we
alone could controul, not only the shores of this land have been effectually
protected from injury or insult, but the maritime ports of the enemy have
been closely blockaded in the face of a superior naval force. By means of
the navy the important province, fortifications, and port of Valdivia, were
added to the republic. By the same means the Spanish power in Peru was
brought into contempt, and the way opened for the invasion of that country;
which, so far as the navy was concerned, was crowned with success. The
ships of war of the enemy have all fallen into our hands, or have been com-
pelled by our means to surrender. Their merchant vessels have been seized
from under their batteries ; whilst the Chilian transports and trading vessels
have been afforded such perfect security, that no one, even of the smallest,
has been compelled to haul down its flag. Among these achievements, that
of the Esmeralda has reflected lustre on the Chilian marine equal to any
thing recorded in the naval chronicles of ancient states, greatly adding to its
importance in the eyes of Europe ; and by the vigilance of the naval blockade,
the fortifications of Callao were compelled to surrender.
The happy event of such surrender, so long hoped for, was deemed by all
to complete our labours in Peru, and entitle us, if not to a remuneration from
that state, as in the case of those officers who abandoned the Chilian service,
yet at least to a share of the valuable property taken by our means; as
awarded under similar circumstances by other states, who, by experience, are
aware of the benefit of stimulating individuals
by such rewards for great
enterprises for the public good. But, alas ! so far from either of these modes
of remuneration being adopted, eventhe pay so often promised was withheld,
and food itself was denied, sothat we were reduced to a state of the greatest
privation and suffering ; so great indeed, that the crew of the Lautaro aban-
doned their vessel for want of food, and the seamen of the squadron, natives
as well as foreigners, were in a state of open mutiny, threatening the
safety of
all the vessels of the state. We do not wish to claim merit for not
ourselves from this painful situation by an act that would have been of a
doubtful nature as to its propriety; namely, by acquiescence in the intentions
3 r 2
respect to the Chilian squadron itself. We may add, that every endeavour,
short of actual hostilities with the said general, was made on our part, to
obtain the restitution of those valuablefrigates to the government of Chile.
In no other instance throughout the whole course of our proceedings has any
dispute arisen but what has terminated favourably to the interests of Chile,
and to the honour of her flag; and we may justly observe, that while private
friendships have been preserved with the naval officers of foreign powers, no
point has been conceded that we could justly maintain, consistently with the
maritime laws of civilised nations; by which our conduct has been scrupu-
lously guided, even in its exercise towards the subjects of our native land.
And it is no less true, that such has been the caution with which we have
acted, that no act of violence contrary to
the law of nations, nor any im-
proper exercise of power, can in any one instance be laid to our charge.
"We may add, that during our connection with the squadron, the Chilian
flag has waved in triumph, and with universal respect, from the southern ex-
tremity of the nation to the Californian shore ; while the population, and
the value of all property in and contiguous to the naval port, have been
increased at least three fold ; and the commerce and the revenue it produces
have augmented in a far greater proportion : which commerce, so productive
to the state, might, without the protecting aid of its navy, be annihilated by a
few of those miserable privateers which the terrors of its name alone deters
from approaching.
appendix. 493
The period has now arrived at which it is essential for the wellbeing of
the service in general, and indispensable to our private concerns, that our
arrears, so long uncalled for, should be liquidated; and, far as it is from our
desires to press our claims upon the government, yet we cannot abstain from
doing, in justice to the state we have the honour to serve, as well as to
ourselves: because the want of regularity in the internal affairs of a naval
service is productive of relaxation of discipline, seeing that just complaint
cannot be repressed, nor the complainants chastised ; and because discontent
navy of Spain, though well equipped, provisioned, and stored, and though
navigated under scientific officers, and with seamen equally conversant in
nautical affairs with those of England; yet, from being placed under the su-
perintendance of military and civil governors, and the total want of stimulus
to individual exertion, did never, from the commencement of the Spanish
ing their ports, one single ship of war of any description whatsoever. Spain
allowed no reward for the capture of ships of war ; vainly imagining that
large bodies of men might, for successive periods of years, be made to undergo
hardships and privations, and to encounter dangers and death, for no other
reward than their provisions, and that pittance in the shape of pay which
they could as readily obtain by following the safe and ordinary, and compara-
tively easy, avocations of life : while, on the other hand, it has been the
policy of England to pay to her navy the entire pecuniary value of all its
prizes, ships, fortifications, and captures of every description; and not only
so, but even to grant, as a further stimulus to exertion, an additional bounty
out of the public treasury.
The consequence is, that England, though a small island, derives from the
maritime strength a power and influence in the affairs of the world extending
to every
extremity of the globe, while Spain has not only lost most of her
foreign acquisitions, but almost her own existence as an independent nation.
It would seem, however, from the last account of the proceedings of the
power, which their own negligence and impolitic parsimony has brought to
decay, is now clearly perceived; and that they even propose to send out a
respectable naval force to the Pacific. When it is considered that the
squadron of Chile is promised only a moiety of the prize-money, the whole
being granted to the English navy, and without any of that emolument in the
shape of bounty-money which is allowed in England ; and when it is also
considered that Chile has been at no cost in our professional education, but
has been totally exempt from expense in rearing and educating officers for
her naval service, an expense to which England and all other naval powers
subject;—it is not too much to require that our stipulated pay and prize-
money, which have been so long withheld, should immediately be paid. We
reject, with indignation, the opinion attempted to be impressed on the minds
of the officers and men by agents on shore—that every public mark of ap-
probation, of reward, and even our pay, have been withheld in consequence of a
notification from the Peruvian government, that unless the accusations against
those who have remained faithful to Chile is attended to with a view to
danger could be commanded, and that even their safety, if ordered to sea,
would be endangered, we should not continue to deserve that confidence
which it has ever been our ambition to merit. Nor, if we were to dwell
solely onour own claims to the attention of the government, should we acquit
ourselves of our duty.
Permit us, therefore, to call to your notice, that since our return to Val-
paraiso with naked crews, even clothes were withheld until the fourth
month had expired; and during all this period no payment was made:
whereby the destitute seamen and marines could not procure blankets or
ponchos,, or any covering to protect them from the cold of the winter, so
much more severely felt on returning from the hot climates in which they
had been for nearly three years employed.
The two months' pay which was offered the other day to the seamen could
not now effect any
such purpose, the same, and more, being due to the
pulperia-men; to whose benefit, and not that of the seamen, it must have
immediately accrued. Judge, then, of the irritation produced by such pri-
vations, and the impossibility of relieving them by such inadequate payment;
and whether it is possible to maintain order and discipline among men worse
circumstanced than the convicts of Algiers! And we are persuaded, that
we shall stand
acquitted of any suspicion of giving a colouring to facts
beyond reality, when we affirm, that confidence will be for ever gone, and the
squadron entirely ruined, if measures of preservation are not immediately
resorted to.
With respect to the offer of one month's pay to Ourselves, after our faith-
ful and persevering services, after undergoing privations such as never were
endured in the navy of any other state, and would not have been tolerated in
our own, we are afraid to trust ourselves to make any observations ; but it is
quite impossible that it could have been accepted under any circumstances :
nor, if it had been received, would it have placed us in a better situation with
respect to our arrears than if, upon our arrival here four months ago, we had
actually paid three months' salary to the government for the satisfaction of
having served it, during a period of two years, with unremitting exertions and
In conclusion, we have most respectfully to express our ardent hope, that
the Supreme Government will be pleased to take all that we have stated into
their serious consideration ; and more especially that they will be pleased to
comply with their existing engagements to us with the same alacrity and
fidelity with which we have acted towards them, the duties of each being
reciprocal, and equally binding on both parties.
Account of the useful Trees and Shrubs of Chile, drawn up for the Court of
Spain, in obedience to the Royal Edict of July 20th, 1789 ; and forwarded
with Samples ofthe Woods, S$c. IC)th December, 1792.
The Copy whence this was translated was lent me by a gentleman who was then Secretary
to the Captain-General, and in whose office it had remained.
grows in Conception.
5. Aeerce, the red Cedar of Molina. This tree is only found in Valdivia.
There is a
great deal of it, but it grows at a considerable distance from the
port, in the skirts of the Corderillas. It yields plank of from eight to ten
yards in length, from twelve to eighteen inches in breadth, and from four to
six in thickness ; it is brittle, being liable to split on driving nails into it. It
is used to plank ships, and for floors and roofs of houses, and lasts well: for
which it is much used, large quantities of it being embarked in Chiloe
for Conception, Valparaiso, Callao, and other places on the coast. There is
reason to believe that it would make excellent water-casks ; because the
Abbe Molina says, in his work on the natural history of Chile, published in
Bologna, 1782, that the water contained in casks made of it, and carried to
Europe when he went thither, far from having grown bad (while that con-
tained in other barrels had become rotten several times), acquired a delicate
taste, and was only accidentally tinged by the colour of the wood ; and staves
for casks have been furnished to several vessels of war, at their particular
6. Algarobilla, is small and delicate ; the seed is used to make writing
ink : it
grows in greatest abundance near Rancagua and Guasco.
7- Algaroba, grows in the dry plains to the northward of the capital
(St. Iago) ; it grows four yards high, and half a yard in thickness. It pro-
duces yellow pods, three inches long and two lines thick, which are eaten by
sheep, who fatten well on them : the wood lasts very long, even under
water; and is used for door-sills and thresholds, for axle-trees, and for mills.
8. Algodon Gosipium, Cotton, thrives every where, if well treated. That
of Guasco and Copiapo is the best, on account of its softness and the length
of its staple.
9. Almendko, Almond, is most abundant in the district of Santiago; it is
exactly the same with that of Spain, and its fruit is used for the same pur-
poses: the wood is too brittle for use.
10. Arayan, Myrtle, is found from Conception to Coquimbo. There are
two pi'incipal kinds ; the white, called also chequen, and the red. Each of
of these grows to six yards high, and half a yard in girth. The wood is little
used on account of its crookedness: in medicine it is used as in Spain. Its
fruit is a black berry, the flesh of which is white and rather dry. The natives
make a pleasant drink from it. If it were cultivated in walks or pleasure-
grounds, it would be charming by its beauty and fragrance.
11. Belloto, Ackras Mammoso, is only found in the neighbourhood of
3 s
Quillota and that of Rancagua ; its height and size are such as to allow the
fishermen to make canoes of single piece of it, and it lasts long in the water :
troughs for salting meat, washing, and other domestic uses, are also formed
of it. It produces bellotas, which are used for feeding pigs.
12. Boldo, Ruizia, grows in the province of Conception, and every where
to the southward of Santiago ; its height is eight yards, and its girth above one.
disorders, swelling of the glands, and rheumatism and dropsy. These leaves,
bruised and heated in wine, are useful in defluxions of the head ; the juice of
them, dropped into the ear, alleviates pain. Its fruit is of the size of a pea ;
it is sweet, but has little flesh : the stones serve for making rosaries. The wood
is not generally used ; but it is excellent for pipes for wine, which it ame-
borates. M. Frezier, quoted by the Abbe Molina, probably did not observe
the inner bark of this tree carefully, especially in the season when it seems
grows to the height of four or five yards, and its girth is about a foot: the
wood is close-grained, and serves for turnery,
14. Canelo, South American Cinnamon, grows in every province from
political ceremonies, and also whenever they invoke their deity Pillam.
Besides the superstitious purposes to which they apply this tree, they use it in
medicine. The bark, which is five lines thick, is juicy, but pungent; the
it kills lice in horses, and cures the scab. A fumigation of carielo dr ies up
pustules and ulcers of the worst kind; and finally, it is useful in spasmodic
atfections, convulsions, and debility of nerves. It destroys all noxious in-
sects, and dissipates contagion: an infusion of its branches freshens and
restores the colour of indigo when turned green.
parable for firewood: two logs, that might not each be more than three-
quarters of a yard long and one-third thick, suffice to keep a stew boiling,
night and day, besides other kettles, even enough for eight or ten people.
16. Cardon, Pourretia Coarctata. Its leaves are great masses, from three
to four palms long, sharp, and furnished with short, sharp, curved prickles.
In spring it produces a single stem from fourteen to sixteen palms high, and
three or four inches thick, the bark of which is strong; but the pith is spongy,
and nearly equal to cork, though less solid. Its flower is beautiful yellow, and
contains a portion of fragrant and pleasant honey, with a resinous dust on
the stamens. This honey applied to the ear alleviates pain and restores
hearing. The decoction of the pith of the trunk is as beneficial as that of
the herb caliguala: it grows all over the state.
17- Castano, Chesnut, is the same with that of Spain ; from whence it was
brought. There are several orchards of them about the capital and near
18. Chacay, is found from Conception to Coquimbo ; it grows six yards
high, and half a yard thick : it is thorny. The wood is incorruptible ; and with
it ranchos are built. The infusion of its bark is good against imposthumes.
19. Chanar, or Chilimuco, a species ofAcliras (Lucumo Espinoso), abounds
in Coquimbo and the other northern districts. It grows eight yards high,
and one thick; it is a crooked tree, and grows in very thick bushes. Its
fruit is very sweet, in the shape of a date ; but it gives the head-ache to those
who eat of it. The wood is used for small turners' ware; and, for want of
better, it is the common wood used for building houses at Copiapo.
20.Chari, grows near Coquimbo ; it is about four yards high : its wood is
weak, and is only used in constructing ranchos.
21. Chilco, is a small shrub; in Conception, where it grows, the decoc-
tion of it is reckoned cooling.
22. Chonta, a wild cane found in the islands of Juan Fernandez, fourteen
yards long and a quarter of a yard in diameter, at the foot; it is hollow
3s 2
from the solid part walking-sticks are made, which are esteemed for their
weight, and their shining black and yellow spots.
23. Citron, grows in the neighbourhood of Santiago, the same with that
of Spain.
24. Cypres, grows in the districts of Valdivia, Conception, Maule, Col-
chagua, Rancagua, and Santiago; it is very like that of Spain, and in the
Cordilleras attains to the height of fifty yards, and to the circumference of
three and a half: the branches begin to shoot off1 at the height of five or six
yards. Its wood is used for beams, doors, pillars, and ornamental planking;
it is more solid and tough than that of Spain, but not so fragrant, and the
smell is apt to afflict the workmen employed to cut it with head-ache: it
bears exposure to the sun and rain well. Its colour is red : it is resinous and
fit for marine uses, being light and durable. It is aromatic ; balsamic and
vulnerary gum exudes from it. The decoction of its leaves is good in hypo-
chondria, dysentery, and tooth-ache. The bruised leaves, applied as a cold
plaister, stop bleeding.
25. Ciruelo, Plum-tree, the same as that of Spain; whence many
quimbo. It grows about four yards high, and half a yard thick. The wood
is weak, and is used only for ranchos, and for firewood; when burnt it is
as fragrant asincense: its leaves contain an acrid milky juice, which causes
blindness if itaccidentally falls into the eye.
29. Copado, is diminutive on the coasts ; but grows to three yards high,
and furnishes thorns * nine inches long, slender, and strong as those of the
green leaves mashed, used as a plaister, are good to close wounds. A whole-
some and palatable drink is made from the buds. In spring resinous glo-
bules exude from the bark, which the shoemakers use instead of wax.
34. Datil, newly discovered in Conception; so that its uses are not yet
35. Durasno, Peach, grows everywhere, and produces all the varieties of
fruit known in Spain.
36. Espinillo, is only found in Juan Fernandez ; it grows five or six yards
high, and half a yard thick: the wood is extremely fight, but it is useless,
even as firewood, burning very dully.
37. Espino, Mimosa. It grows in abundance all over the country : it grows
commonly from three to five yards high, and is as thick as that one man can
barely stretch his arms round it. The wood is solid, heavy, hard, and tough,
yellow without, and red at heart; it makes the best charcoal, and is exceed-
ingly profitable to the owners of the thickets, on account of the abundant
These thorns are used as pins, and as knitting needles.
high, and a quarter thick, with many branches. Its flower is beautiful, and
smells very sweet; but the wood is of no use. It takes grafts of the cherimoya,
which thrive well on it; but the fruit has not been tried, for fear of poison,
because that of the floripondio itself destroys dogs.
39. Godocoipo, is rather a rare tree in the neighbourhood of Rancagua;
it grows to the height of four yards, and the thickness of two feet: it is used
by the cabinet-makers.
40. Guautru, grows in Conception, three yards high, and nine inches
thick ; the bark is used in hysteric affections.
41. Guayacan, is found about Coquimbo, Cuzcuz, and Qui!lota; grows four
yards high, and half a yard thick: its solid wood is as good as box, and is
veined with blue and yellow. Combs, bowls, balustrades, and other domestic
articles, are made of it. The infusion of it is astringent, and is good in many
42. Guayo grows in Conception to the height of eight yards, and is one
yard in girth ; the wood is white, compact, tough, and fit for turnery. Sticks
are made of it; which,
being steeped in urine, acquire a red, shining colour.
From the seed a purgative medicine is prepared; and the bark tans peltry,
and dyes it red.
43. Gua yun, a small rare shrub, growing on the banks of rivers. The leaf is
large and whitish, and is furnished with a spine at the top. The seed is
44. Guignan, or Goigan, is found in Conception, Rancagua, and some other
districts ; it grows four yards high, and three quarters in circumference. Its
wood is very useful. Its seed is of the size, shape, smell, taste, and strength
of pepper; the infusion of it is agreeable and stomachic, useful in the begin-
The same shrub grows abundantly in the Mahratta mountains.
ning of dropsy, and in child-bearing. From this tree an aromatic gum exudes,
which is used as a cataplasm for pains in the head, strains of the muscles, or
tendons, and in disorders proceeding from bad air, with even better effect
than the oil of Maria. The bark yields a balsamic vulnerary essence, which
is useful in gout, rheumatism, sciatica, pains in the limbs, and even coldness
of feet.
4<5. Guilli Patagua, is found in Conception, Maule, Colchagua, and Qui!-
lota; it resembles the service-tree of Spain, and grows eight yards high, and
three quarters in girth : the bark serves for tanning, and is a powerful emetic.
The leaf, dried before the fire, is as pleasant as the herb of Paraguay ; taken
green, it is used in certain disorders with effect. Its fruit is insipid, and, is
not used.
46. Guindo, Cherry, is like that of Spain, except that the fruit is not so
good. Dried cherries prepared in Chile for the Lima market; and cherry-
water is much esteemed a
refrigerant, There are wild cherry trees in
Conception, whose bark is white ; their growth is like that of the cypress, and
the fruit is green, with little flesh, but'pleasant to the taste.
47- Fig, is exactly that of Spain.
48. Hueril, is found in various parts of the country. It is a shrub whose
bark is thought the best refrigerant.
49- Junco, only found at Rancagua ; it is short, delicate, and of no espe-
cial use.
damp situations, and strikes its roots deep. Its usual height is twenty yards,
and one and a half in girth. Planks of fourteen yards in length are obtained
from it, and the wood is fit for carved work, being white, pliable, and incor-
ruptible; in the centre are dark veins, whose ramifications are pretty : it is
useless in water. It is very
light when dry, but will bear little weight, and
is brittle. The flower, leaf, and bark,
are all fragrant, and are used in colds
and headaches : from the inner bark sneezing powders of great efficacy are
made. The warm decoction of the leaves is good in glandular diseases, and
as a bath
strengthens the nerves ; the fumigation with it is useful in paralytic
affections, convulsions, and spasmodic complaints : a drink composed of it is
useful in some severe disorders.
51. Lilen, is found in the districts of Cuzcuz and Coquimbo, six yards
high and one thick; it is used in building, and is excellent for wood-work in
52, 53. Limo y Limon, Lemon and Lime, the same as in Spain.
54. Lingue, Ligue, or Linea. It grows twenty-four feet high and two
thick ; its solid marbled wood is used for capstans, troughs, trays, and even
masts of small ships, and other purposes where it is not exposed to worms.
It rots in water. The bark is good for tanning ; dyes shoe-heels and walking-
sticks red. The flowers and fruit, or bean-like seeds, are sweet; they make
the flesh of birds bitter : they are bad for cattle and horses ; but the country
people are fond of a drink made from an infusion of them.
55. Litre o Pilco, Lauras Caustica, is very common; it grows to four
very slender:
yards high, but is the wood is close-grained and hard; it is
used for knee-timber in ships, wheels, axletrees, and ploughshares, in-
stead of iron. The shade of this tree is noxious, producing great swelling on
those who rest under it; and to touch it blains and sores. Anodynes
and refrigerents are the proper cure. From the small berry it produces, the
Indians make very agreeable chicha and sweetmeats. The root is very
a thick,
with knots three quarters of a yard thick, and furnishing marble slabs fit for
inlaying ; also for centre-pieces for wheels.
56. Lolmata, Cactus, Great Torch-thistle, also called Quisco, is common
everywhere; it grows five or six yards high, and three quarters thick : it
produces spines nine inches long, so smooth and hard, that they are used for
knitting-needles. The wood is used for small planking, looms, and the huts of
the poor ; it is very durable when kept dry.
57- Lucumo, Achrces Lucumo (of which two kinds are cultivated, the
Bifera and the Turhinatd). This appears to be a tree imported from Peru ;
it grows best in the neighbourhood of Coquimbo, but flourishes at Quillota:
the fruit it bears is very sweet, of a pale orange colour within, with a large
shiny seed very much resembling a chesnut.
58. Lum, of two kinds ; the first, called Lum, or Siete Camisas, is the Ste-
ryoxylon rubrum, and the White Lum, or Barraco, the Steryoxylon revo-
latum, of the Flora Peruviana et Chilena: these trees grow six or seven
yards high and a foot thick. The wood is solid, and the bark is a purgative.
59. Luma *, grows in Yaldivia and Conception : it is used for tillers, bits,
bolts for ships; for nuts and screws ; for presses, axletrees, and shafts for carts ;
also, for hand-spikes. It is a durable wood; and the trees give spars of from
eight to ten yards long, and from six to ten inches square: it is crooked, and
hard to cut down. There are two kinds, the red and the white: the latter
is very inferior.(The King having heard of the excellence of this wood in
1?89, ordered a quantity to be sent to Spain, which was done accord-
Manzana, Apple, the same as in Spain ; the silk-worm will feed on it.
61. Maniu, or
Manihue, grows in Conception ; it arrives at the height of
twenty yards, and the girth of three. The stem is clean and straight for five
or six yards from the ground, where it throws out a beautiful head seven or
eight yards in diameter; the leaf is narrow, soft, and pointed, and perfectly
green on both sides; the wood is white, solid, and strong, and a little brittle:
it is used in buildings under cover, for the rain rots it; in working it splits
like pine, which it resembles in colour, for which reason the people of Val-
divia call it by the same name.
62. Maq.ui, is found in most provinces of the state; the sap which
exudes from its buds cleanses wounds and sores ; and the leaves, dried and
powdered, heal and cicatrize them: the fresh leaves mashed clean and cure
ulcers in the mouth. The wood is light and fit for musical instru-
ments and the ornamental parts of furniture; it is admirable for lathing
for roofs, as it hardens with time, and is exceedingly durable. The bark
steeped furnishes strong filaments, from which better twine is made than from
those of spartum. Of its dark-purple berries, something like pimento, the
country people make a preserve, which is much sought after even in the
towns; mixed with the grape when pressed, it communicates to the wine
agreeable flavour ; a powerful refrigerent.
infused in water, it is
68. Mardono. This tree is found in Conception and Rancagua; it grows
to the height of three yards, and about a quarter thick; it produces no
useful fruit: it rots easily, and therefore only serves for firewood.
64. Mayo, grows in Conception and the southern provinces; it grows
yards high, and about three feet thick; the wood is light: in Juan
Fernandez they make small vessels of it; its bark yields a yellow dye.
65. Mayten, is found all over Chile ; it rises to the height of ten or twelve
yards, and grows to two yards in thickness; its trunk is straight and clean,
and its roots run deep: the timber is white without and red within; it is
tough and easily worked, and very proper for all curious purposes. The tree
is beautiful in public walks and shrubberies, being always green and leafy.
Sheep and cattle are fond of the young branches ; the decoction of its leaves
is a febrifuge, and bruised they are anodyne.
3 T
66. Membrileo, Quince. This and the fruitful Lucumo are much alike,
being both delicate in their growth, and furnishing excellent tough twigs for
basket-work; the fruits of both are alike in size and colour, but not in taste,
one being bitter and the other sweet. (The Quince is also much larger, and
its shape like that of Europe.- the shape of the Lucumo is like an orange.)
67- Michay, grows in Valdivia, Conception, Juan Fernandez, and in the
neighbourhood of Santiago. It grows as thick as a man's arm, and is about
yard high ; it yields a lively and lasting yellow dye. A kind of caterpillar
like the silk-worm forms its coccoon in this shrub. This wood serves for in-
68. Mitrin, is low and scarce; it yields
black colour.
69. Molle, Schinus Molle, is found in Rancagua, Quillota, Cuzcuz, and
Coquimbo. It grows little more than eight yards high, and two and a half
in girth. The heart of this tree is very solid, and is used for pillars, for the
axletrees of waggons, and gables and corner-posts of dwellings. Where a
part is buried under ground it takes root and thereby secures the building
better. This tree yields a gum which, applied to the head as a plaister, re-
lieves spasms. If the bark be wounded a liquor flows from it; which becom-
ing thick, is excellent for nervous complaints, and affords a good stomachic
and cardiac medicine.
70. Mora, Mulberry, grows, in Coquimbo and Santiago; is like that of Spain:
the timber is durable, and good for carving, though it seldom produces fruit.
The tree grows so readily, that dry fences of it in Coquimbo sprouted in-
differently above or below wherever they were placed.
71. MudEu, grows in Conception; it is a lofty tree, and grows three yards
thick. We do not know its peculiar uses.
72. Narangillo, grows in Aconcagua; it is sixteen or twenty yards high,
and of sufficient girth to cut logs of eighteen inches square and twenty-one
feet in length. The timber is tough, and applicable to most uses. In medi-
cine it is said that, infused, in baths, it relieves rheumatic pains.
73. Naranjo, Orange. Both the bitter and sweet like those of Spain.
74. Natri, is a tree of Conception, of whose qualities we are ignorant.
75. Nipa, grows every where from Conception to Coquimbo ; it grows five
yards high, and one half thick : the wood is useful for all common purposes,
and baths and fumigations of all parts of the plant are wholesome.
76. Nogal, Walnut, is the same as that of Spain.
77- Notru, is called Cirnellillo in Conception, where it is most common.
It grows four or five yards high, and one quarter thick : the wood is red and
fit for ornamental work. The decoction of its bark and leaves is good in
glandular affections, and for coldness of the feet. The steam of this plant is
good for toothache, &c.
78. Olivillo, is found in Conception ; its greatest height is twelve yards,
and its girth is one. The leaf is like that of the olive, but it produces no
fruit. The timber is excellent and durable, and is used in mines; and in
Coquimbo and Guasco, where it grows stunted and crooked, it is considered
as the best fuel for
smelting metals.
79- Olivo, Olive, grows well all over the country; and is exactly that of
80. Palma, the Date Palm, is rare, and grows in Quillota ; and its nearly
tasteless fruit is without a stone. The most common and useful palm in Chile
is that of the small cocoa-nut: the nut resembles thelarge one in all but size,
and is used in confectionary. When the trunk is cut down, one end being
placed in the fire a delicious honey exudes from the other. The wood is
useless; the stem is tall, straight, and large. This tree does not reach its
full growth in less than fifty years.
81. Palmilla, is found in Conception ; is pretty, about four yards high,
and useless.
82. Palo Negro, grows in Conception; it is a small shrub, the wood of
which is used for handles to axes and other tools.
83. Palpal, is a low shrub of Conception, of whose uses we are ignorant.
84<.Paloui, a shrub with a large root; the branches are about as thick as
finger. The bark, steeped in water, is good both externally and internally
for cutaneous diseases. It is said to be unwholesome for cattle who browse
on it.
(There are two varieties near Quintero ; one with purple flowers, winch
grow in clusters about the size and shape of yellow jasmine, smells very
sweet during the night. The whole plant yields excellent ashes for the soap-
85. Patagua, grows in the neighbourhood of Santiago, Rancagua, and
height, and one in girth : the wood is white, solid, and durable; it is good
for ploughshares, axle-trees, &c. The seed dyes black.
89- Peral, Pear, the same as that of Spain. The decoction ofits leaves is
good for swelled feet; and the decoction of a species of polipody (Quintral)
that grows on it is good for bruises.
90. Perallillo, a middling-sized tree of Juan Fernandez, where it is not
very plentiful; it yields a middling kind of timber.
91. Peumo, grows both in Chile and Peru. It grows very upright to the
height of sixteen yards, and three yards in girth. The timber lasts well
under Water. The bark is used by tanners, it yields an orange-coloured
dye, and is applied in cataplasms to broken limbs. The fruit, being steeped
in tepid water, is supposed to relieve dropsy. The tree is proper for public
walks and shrubberies, 011 account of its beauty, especially when amidst its
tufted leaves its abundant red or white berries are seen.
92. Pichi, grows in Conception, and raises its twisted trunk of two feet
thick to the height of five or six yards; the bark is ragged, and the head
very bushy. The seed is about the size of a kidney-bean, and horses and
oxen are extremely fond of it.
93. Pino, Pine. Large woods of it are found in the Andes of Valdivia and
Conception, and it is cultivated in many places ; it rises to the height of
forty yards, and is four in girth. The wood is very desirable for masts of
ships. Its nut is larger than that of Europe, and is the principal harvest
of the mountain Indians. The cone is not so close as that of Europe, so
there is 110 need to put it to the fire to open it; but when ripe the seed falls
out: women eat it to increase their milk. The resin of this tree is believed
ground, and is little used except for fuel for baking pottery and bricks. The
trunk is full of knots; below the outer bark there is a kind of soft fretwork
covering, that serves excellently for tinder. Bruised in wine this bark is
good for contusions, &c. The decoction of the leaves and bark is good in
pains of the legs, and coldness of the extremities,
96. Quebracho, is most plentiful about Maule, but grows freely in other
places, especially between Valparaiso and Concon. It is little more than a
shrub : the wood is of a fine grain and heavy, so it is used for carvers and
turners' work.
97- Quelen Quelen, a small delicate shrub ; it is found in the districts
of Colchagua, Rancagua, and Valparaiso. The leaf is narrow and pointed;
the flower blueish; the root like liquorice, but with little taste. The gum of
this plant is used for various illnesses proceeding from cold; the wood is
looked upon as antiepileptic. The whole plant is used for firewood.
98. Queuli, is a sort of Achras. It is only found in Conception ; it grows
twenty-five yards high, and three in girth : it loves a damp situation. The
timber is dark-red, easy to work, and takes a good polish. The fruit is like
long bellota, composed of a large firm husk, and a sweet yellow pulp,
which is eaten both raw and boiled : it is esteemed unwholesome.
found in most parts of the country; it grows eight yards
99- Quill ay, is
high, and two thick. The bark of this tree is used to clear colours in dyeing
goods, and to cleanse woollen and silk clothes: beaten between two stones
and mixed in water, it makes a lather like soap. It is considered wholesome
in hysterical affections. The timber is apt to become worm-eaten in the sun,
but it lasts well either under water or under ground; hence it is used in
mines and for mill-wheels, and also for cart-wheels. (The authors of the
Flora of Peru and Chile call this tree Smegdadermos, I think. The bark
does not contain alkali, but a gum or mucilage, which froths as beer does ;
age, it is Roble-, and when old, Pellin. It grows in the province of Concep-
tion, and in the southern part of that of Santiago, but is most abundant on the
banks of the Maule, where there are impenetrable forests of it. The common
height of the roble is thirty yards : some of the trees grow to that of fifty
yards, and from three to five in thickness. The timber is excellent both for
civil and naval architecture, with the exception of masts and yards. Wheels
and trucks for carts and gun-carriages are made of it. The bark is used for
tanning ; and, prepared with lime, it dyes leather red.
106. Romero, Rosemary, grows every where, of the same sort as that in
Spain. There is an indigenous kind called Romarilla, which grows about
three yards high, and half a yard thick ; it is very bushy : it serves for hoops
for casks, for brooms, and other similar purposes.
107. Sandalo, Sandal-wood, is found in Juan Fernandez; the wood is very
odoriferous, and it is used for various purposes. We do not know if it has
any peculiar properties : there is but little of it.
Sauce, Willow. There are three kinds ; one like that of Europe ;
another called Simaroon ; and a third Mimbre. They are very common, and
grow to nine yards in height, and one The decoction of the leaves,
in girth.
when cold, is cooling and good for the stomach ; it is also good for bilious
complaints, and expels worms. The wood is used for carved stirrups, also for
charcoal for gunpowder.
108. Sauco, is and is much used by apothecaries.
109. Talinay, large tree, so called from the name of the hill
a near Co-
quimbo where it is most abundant. It is only durable in water.
110. Tava, is a small shrub of Rancagua and Coquimbo. The wood is of
no use, but the seed mixed with copperas makes good writing ink.
111. Tebo, a sort of Myrtle, which grows to a very large size in the pro-
vince of Aconcagua. The timber is yellow, and very solid.
112. Temu, or Palo Colorado, Red-wood, is found in Conception,
Quillota, and Juan Fernandez; it rises to the height of from eight to twelve
yards, and grows to the thickness of one : it is like a myrtle, but more bushy.
The gum which exudes from its buds mixed with salt, and injected into the
eye, is said to cure cataract. It produces a largish fruit of a red and yellow
colour, which is. said to cause abortion.
113. Tinco, grows in Conception to the height of twelve yards, and the
girth of one and a half; the timber is full of resin, and is fit for small vessels.
A great deal of it is sent from Valdivia to Peru.
114. Tique, a middling-sized tree produced in Cuzcuz. It is not very
115. Tralhuen, in the provinces of Conception and Santiago, is a small,
dry, thorny, and durable shrub, with a twisted and rugged trunk ; it is close-
grained and fit for turnery. It serves for posts in vineyards where the vines
are trained
high. The wood gives out a red dye, little used.
116. Traruboqui, Coquilboqui, Codunoboqxti. There are two kinds of
this, one of which is
ground creeper; it is very curious and red, and is as
thick as the finger ; it is used for lath-work in roofs, and other places: it
does not decay in water, and it makes ligatures as tough and lasting as hide.
The other, climbs to the tops of trees ; its branches are as pliable as thread,
and are used for lashing joists of houses and roofs: the seed is small, sweet,
and highly flavoured.
117- Triaca, grows ten yards high, and eighteen inches thick ; it grows
very straight, and its timber is used for rafts.
118. Ulme, grows ten yards high and eighteen inches thick ; the wood is
used for boat-timbers, and when it is green it burns like oil.
119. Yaque, it is a thorny plant of two yards high ; it is used to make lie
for washing linen.
This list was drawn up in obedience to the order of His Majesty, dated
July 1789) and was forwarded 10/7 December, 1792.
(Signed) Jude Thaddeus de Reyes.
the end.
London :