The Born To Win Newsletter - April 2023

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April Christian Educational Ministries 2023

with Ronald L. Dart

If my people, who are called by my name,

will humble themselves and pray and seek
my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and I will
forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
from a radio program by
Ronald L. Dart
a sermon by Ronald L. Dart
The events of the Passover Scriptures, and that he was buried,
season are the pivot upon which and that he rose again the third day
eternity turns. Some theologians according to the Scriptures. And
refer to this as “the Christ event”— he was seen by Cephas and then of
the entirety of what Christ did: the twelve. And after that, he was
his sacrifice, his death, his burial, seen of above 500 brethren at once,
and his resurrection. In fact, of all of whom the greater part remained
these things, that thing upon which until present. Some of them have
it all depends is not the death of died. After that, he was seen of
Christ; it is the resurrection of Christ James, then of all the Apostles, and
to eternal life. For indeed, anyone last of all, he was seen of me as one
and everyone can die, anyone can born out of due season. For I am the
suffer, but Jesus was raised from least of the Apostles, I’m not even
the dead. Everything relevant to fit to be called an Apostle because
our faith depends on that. I persecuted the church. But by
In 1 Corinthians 15, the Apostle the grace of God, I am what I am,
Paul addresses this point, because and his grace which was bestowed
the Corinthian church had just upon me, was not in vain. No, I
flat lost touch with this part of the labored more abundantly than they
Christ event. In verse one he said, all, yet not I, but the grace of God
“Moreover, brethren, I declare to which was with me.” Much of this
you the gospel which I preached to that we’re reading now is a bit of a
you, which also you received and in digression, but he’s coming rapidly
which you stand, by which also you to the point.
are saved, if you hold fast that word “Therefore, whether it were I,
which I preached to you—unless or they, so we preach and so you
you believed in vain.” believed. Now if Christ be preached
Notice he said, “This that I have that he rose from the dead, how
received and delivered to you is that is it that there are some people
wherein you are saved.” What is it? among you who say that there is no
“I delivered unto you, first of all, that resurrection of the dead? If there
which I received, how that Christ is no resurrection of the dead,
died for our sins, according to the Christ is not risen. And if Christ
2) Christian Educational Ministries • April 2023
is not risen, then is our preaching lame from his mother’s womb was
vain and your faith is vain.” Christ carried, whom they laid daily at the
could have suffered. Christ could gate of the temple which is called
have died, but if he did not rise Beautiful, to ask alms of them that
from the dead, your faith is vain. entered into the temple; who seeing
There is no salvation. “Yes, and we Peter and John about to go into the
are found false witnesses, because temple asked an alms. And Peter,
we have testified of God that he fastening his eyes upon him with
raised up Christ, whom you have John, said, ‘Look on us.’ And he
to understand, if the dead don’t gave heed unto them, expecting to
rise, Christ wasn’t raised.” “So I”, receive something of them. Then
Paul says, “am a liar. All 500 of Peter said, ‘Silver and gold have
those people are liars. All 12 of the I none; but such as I have give I
apostles are liars. Matthew’s a liar. thee: In the name of Jesus Christ
Mark’s a liar. Luke’s a liar. John’s of Nazareth rise up and walk.’ And
a liar. They’re all liars... if there’s he took him by the right hand, and
no resurrection from the dead.” lifted him up: and immediately
He said, “then also if the dead rise his feet and ankle bones received
not, Christ is not raised, if Christ strength. And he leaping up stood,
is not raised, your faith is vain, and walked, and entered with
you’re still in your sins. Then they them into the temple, walking, and
which are fallen asleep in Christ leaping, and praising God. And
are perished.” Notice Christ could all the people saw him walking
have died and been buried, but if he and praising God: And they knew
was not raised from the dead, you that it was he which sat for alms
are still in your sins. at the Beautiful gate of the temple:
This idea of the resurrection is and they were filled with wonder
critical in the development of the and amazement at that which had
gospel, and you will find several happened unto him. And as the
interesting speeches about this in lame man which was healed held
the book of Acts, like the account Peter and John, all the people ran
in Acts 3: “Now Peter and John together unto them in the porch
went up together into the temple that is called Solomon’s, greatly
at the hour of prayer, being the wondering” (Acts 3:1–11).
ninth hour. And a certain man Now, starting in verse 12 is where

This idea of the resurrection is critical

in the development of the gospel and you
will find several interesting speeches
about this in the book of A cts . (3
Peter preached the gospel. “And so fulfilled. Repent you therefore,
when Peter saw it, he answered and be converted, that your sins
unto the people, ‘You men of Israel, may be blotted out, when the times
why do you marvel at this? Or why of refreshing shall come from the
look so earnestly on us, as though presence of the Lord. And he shall
by our own power or holiness we send Jesus Christ, which before
had made this man to walk? The was preached unto you; whom the
God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and heaven must receive until the times
of Jacob, the God of our fathers, of restitution of all things, which
has glorified his Son Jesus; whom God has spoken by the mouth of all
you delivered up, and denied him his holy prophets since the world
in the presence of Pilate, when he began. For Moses truly said unto
was determined to let him go. But the fathers, “A prophet shall the
you denied the Holy One and the Lord your God raise up unto you
Just, and desired a murderer to of your brethren, like unto me;
be granted unto you; And killed him shall you hear in all things
the Prince of life, whom God has whatsoever he shall say unto you.
raised from the dead; whereof And it shall come to pass, that
we are witnesses. And his name every soul, which will not hear that
through faith in his name has prophet, shall be destroyed from
made this man strong, whom you among the people.” Yes, and all the
see and know. Yes, the faith which prophets from Samuel and those
is by him has given him this perfect that follow after, as many as have
soundness in the presence of you spoken, have likewise foretold of
all. And now, brethren, I know that these days. You are the children of
through ignorance you did it, as did the prophets, and of the covenant
also your rulers. But those things, which God made with our fathers,
which God before had showed saying unto Abraham, “And in thy
by the mouth of all his prophets, seed shall all the kindreds of the
that Christ should suffer, he has earth be blessed.” Unto you first
God, having raised up his Son
Jesus, sent him to bless you, in
turning away every one of you from
More From his iniquities’” (Acts 3:12–26).
Ron Dart Continuing in chapter 4 verse
one, “And as they spoke unto the
The following titles are available to people, the priests, and the captain
you for free in the formats listed: of the temple, and the Sadducees,
came upon them, being grieved
Resurrection that they taught the people,
The Resurrection Story and preached through Jesus the
resurrection from the dead. And
So Great a Salvation they laid hands on them, and put
Can the Church Save? them in hold unto the next day:
for it was now eventide. However
Available Formats many of them which heard the
-Audio -Video -Print word believed; and the number of
the men was about five thousand.
Scan the CODE And it came to pass on the morrow,
or CALL that their rulers, and elders, and
1-888-BIBLE-44 scribes, and Annas the high priest,
To Claim Your and Caiaphas, and John, and
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4) Christian Educational Ministries • April 2023
gathered together at Jerusalem. ‘Whether it be right in the sight of
And when they had set them in the God to hearken unto you more than
midst, they asked, ‘By what power, unto God, judge you. For we cannot
or by what name, have you done but speak the things which we have
this?’ Then Peter, filled with the seen and heard.’ So when they had
Holy Spirit, said unto them, ‘You further threatened them, they let
rulers of the people, and elders of them go, finding nothing how they
Israel, if we this day be examined of might punish them, because of the
the good deed done to the impotent people; for all men glorified God
man, by what means he is made for that which was done. For the
whole; be it known unto you all, man was above forty years old, on
and to all the people whom this miracle of
of Israel, that by the
name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth, whom
you crucified, whom
I f there's no healing was shown”
resurrection (Acts 4:15–22).
from the dead
The preaching of
resurrection through
God raised from the your faith is vain, Christ is not limited
dead, even by him to Peter and the
does this man stand you're yet in your sins, others. Turn to Acts
here before you whole. and when you 13:26, “Men and
This is the stone which go to the grave, brethren, children of
was set at nothing of the stock of Abraham,
you builders, which that's where you're and whosoever among
is become the head going to stay. you fears God, to you
of the corner. Neither is the word of this
is there salvation in any other: salvation sent. For they that dwell
for there is none other name at Jerusalem, and their rulers,
under heaven given among men, because they knew him not, nor yet
whereby we must be saved.’ Now the voices of the prophets which
when they saw the boldness of are read every sabbath day, they
Peter and John, and perceived that have fulfilled them in condemning
they were unlearned and ignorant him. And though they found no
men, they marveled; and they took cause of death in him, yet desired
knowledge of them, that they had they Pilate that he should be slain.
been with Jesus. And beholding the And when they had fulfilled all that
man which was healed standing was written of him, they took him
with them, they could say nothing down from the tree, and laid him
against it” (Acts 4:1–14). in a sepulcher. But God raised him
“But when they had commanded from the dead; and he was seen
them to go aside out of the council, many days of them which came up
they conferred among themselves, with him from Galilee to Jerusalem,
saying, ‘What shall we do to these who are his witnesses unto the
men? For that indeed a notable people. And we declare unto you
miracle has been done by them is glad tidings, how that the promise
manifest to all them that dwell in which was made unto the fathers,
Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it. God has fulfilled the same unto us
But that it spread no further among their children, in that he has raised
the people, let us straitly threaten up Jesus again; as it is also written
them, that they speak henceforth in the second psalm, ‘Thou art my
to no man in this name.’ And they Son, this day have I begotten thee.’
called them, and commanded them And as concerning that he raised
not to speak at all nor teach in the him up from the dead, now no more
name of Jesus. But Peter and John to return to corruption, he said on
answered and said unto them, this wise, ‘I will give you the sure
....Continued on page 8 (5
Pray for
Revival by Jim O'Brien
Thank you to those of you who participated in the March 26th Prayer
Vigil with the Church of God. We sought God’s intervention for
our country, our church, and for each of us who call on His name.
Throughout history the people of God quickly, because of the wickedness of
have faced times of crisis. Sometimes your doings in which have forsaken
God called His people to go to war to Me.” Let us earnestly pray for national
defend against tyranny and He did not repentance. Our Founding Fathers
always use men of wealth or political established a country that looked to
power or high religious standing. If He God to establish liberty and justice for
had, the men would have taken credit all. They referred to the United States as
for the victory. Rather, He used men the 2nd Israel, looking to Moses and the
like Gideon who came from a small Ten Commandments. They sought to
clan and insignificant family. He used build a virtuous society that recognized
Jephthah, the son of a prostitute, who the rights of the individual. May God
was an outcast from Israel, and even a restore the blessing of liberty so that
young shepherd boy named David who His people can worship Him in Spirit
slew the giant Goliath. and Truth. May it be His will to give us
We are engaged in a spiritual war leaders that look to Him for direction.
against an unseen but powerful enemy. Timothy says, “I urge, then, first of all,
The weapons we use are words that are that petitions, prayers, intercession and
carried to the 3rd Heaven by angels to thanksgiving be made for all people—
present to our Creator who sits at the for kings and all those in authority, that
throne of the universe. We are called we may live peaceful and quiet lives
Prayer Warriors because we trust in in all godliness and holiness” (1 Tim
the mercy of our powerful King to 2:1–2). Let us seek God while He may
intervene to defend His people. be found.
How are we to approach God? The We need to pray for spiritual Revival
answer is given by the Prophet Joel: Among Christians. The term for the
“Now, therefore,” says the Lord, “Turn world in which we now live is “Post-
to Me with all your heart, with fasting, Christian”. It is called that because many
with weeping and with mourning.” So Christian teachers have abandoned the
rend your heart, and not your garments; Way of God and chosen their own way.
return to the Lord your God, for He is May God grant Christians a return
gracious and merciful, slow to anger, to the moral principles taught in the
and of great kindness; and He relents scriptures. May there be teachers who
from doing harm” (Joel 2:12). follow the words of Moses, Elijah, and
There are so many things we need the Prophets of God. Matthew says:
to pray about but let’s start here. First “In those days John the Baptist came
of all we should Pray for our Nation— preaching in the wilderness of Judea,
our country is in serious trouble. See and saying ‘Repent, for the kingdom
Deuteronomy 28:20: “The Lord will send of heaven is at hand! For this is he who
on you cursing, confusion, and rebuke was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah,
in all that you set your hand to do, until saying: “The voice of one crying in
you are destroyed and until you perish the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of
the Lord; make His paths straight’”’”
6) Christian Educational Ministries • April 2023
(Matthew 3:1). See Joel 2:17 as well. this cup of the Lord in an unworthy
“Let the priests pray, ‘Spare your people manner will be guilty of the body
O, Lord. Why should the heathen say, and blood of the Lord. But let a man
“Where is their God?”’” examine himself, and so let him eat of
We also need Revival in the Church the bread and drink of the cup. For he
of God. Our culture is not large or who eats and drinks in an unworthy
powerful, but we trust in the God we manner eats and drinks judgment to
worship, and the truth revealed to us. himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.
When Daniel sought God, even though For this reason many are weak and sick
he was one of the most righteous men among you, and many sleep. For if we
who ever lived, he repeatedly looked at would judge ourselves, we would not be
his own sins and confessed his part in judged. But when we are judged, we are
the sins of Israel and Judah. “So I turned chastened by the Lord, that we may not
to the Lord God and pleaded with him be condemned with the world.”
in prayer and petition, in fasting, and We need to examine ourselves
in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the honestly and repent. When David was
Lord my God and confessed: ‘Lord, the corrected by the Prophet Nathan, David
great and awesome God, who keeps his did not engage in self-denial or make
covenant of love with those who love excuses. He repented and even though
him and keep his commandments, his sins were grievous, God forgave
we have sinned and done wrong. We him and restored him. “Have mercy on
have been wicked and have rebelled; me, O God, according to Your loving
we have turned away from your kindness; according to the multitude
commands and laws. We have not of Your tender mercies, blot out my
listened to your servants the prophets, transgressions. Wash me thoroughly
who spoke in your name to our kings, from my iniquity and cleanse me
our princes and our ancestors, and from my sin. For I acknowledge my
to all the people of the land’” (Daniel transgressions and my sin is always
9:3–6). Continuing in Daniel 9:17–19, before me. Against You, You only, have
“Now, our God, hear the prayers and I sinned, and done this evil in Your
petitions of your servant. For your sake, sight—that You may be found just
Lord, look with favor on your desolate when You speak, and blameless when
sanctuary. Give ear, our God, and hear; You judge” (Psalm 51:1–4).
open your eyes and see the desolation There exists on earth, a select group
of the city that bears your Name. We of people God refers to as “the elect.”
do not make requests of you because These are repentant people who look
we are righteous, but because of your to Him and His law. This group is
great mercy. Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! mentioned in Matthew 24:22. “And
Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my unless those days were shortened, no
God, do not delay, because your city flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s
and your people bear your Name.” We sake those days will be shortened.” It is
are called by His name—the Church of because God remembers these people
God. As any father treats with favor the that the earth will not be destroyed.
sons that carry his name, so the Father May we be included in that holy group.
grants favor to the children who carry Each of us, our country, fellow
His name. A father deals mercifully Christians, and our churches need
with a humble son. “If my people, who Revival. Share these thoughts with
are called by my name, will humble your family, friends, brethren, and
themselves and pray and seek my face communities. Let us pray for revival,
and turn from their wicked ways, then and realize the promise from God to
I will hear from heaven, and I will His people as spoken by Ezekiel the
forgive their sin and will heal their Prophet. “Then I will sprinkle clean
land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). water on you, and you shall be clean; I
And we desperately need Personal will cleanse you from all your filthiness
Repentance and Revival. We have just and from all your idols. I will give you
observed the Passover, a time for us a new heart and put a new spirit within
to examine ourselves as we remember you; I will take the heart of stone out of
the sacrifice of our Savior as we read your flesh and give you a heart of flesh”
in 1 Corinthians 11:27–32: “Therefore (Ezekiel 36:25–26).
whoever eats this bread or drinks (7
...“Christ is Risen” continued
new philosopher.” He gets up there
mercies of David.’ Therefore he and tells them, “Look, I was going
says also in another psalm, ‘Thou through your town and I found an
shalt not suffer thine Holy One to altar to the unknown God, him
see corruption.’ For David, after he whom you ignorantly worship.
had served his own generation by I’m going to declare to you”, and
the will of God, fell on sleep, and he went right on through and told
was laid unto his fathers, and saw them about Jesus.
corruption. But he, whom God We started in 1 Corinthians 15.
raised again, saw no corruption. Let’s go back there beginning in
Be it known unto you therefore, verse 19, “If in this life only we have
men and brethren, that through hope in Christ, we are of all men
this man is preached unto you the most miserable. But now is Christ
forgiveness of sins; and by him all risen from the dead, and become
that believe are justified from all the first fruits of them that slept.
things, from which you could not For since by man came death, by
be justified by the law of Moses. man came also the resurrection
Beware therefore, lest that come of the dead. For as in Adam all
upon you, which is spoken of in the die, even so in Christ shall all be
prophets: Behold, you despisers, made alive. ... But thanks be to
and wonder, and perish; for I God, which gives us the victory
work a work in your days, a work through our Lord Jesus Christ.
which you shall in no wise believe, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be
though a man declare it unto you” you steadfast, unmovable, always
(Acts 13:26–41). abounding in the work of the Lord,
And in fact, most of them were forasmuch as you know that your
simply not able to deal with the labor is not in vain in the Lord”
truth. What truth was it that really (1 Corinthians 15:19–58).
bothered them? It was the truth of What it has everything to do
the resurrection from the dead. with, though, is the doctrine of,
The death of Christ, his sacrifice, the appreciation of, the glory of
his shed blood rolling out of his the resurrection of the dead. Jesus
side, accomplished nothing unless died. He didn’t faint, he didn’t
he himself was raised from the dead pass out, he died. And then Jesus
and was presented to the Father as was raised from the dead. And we
the Lamb of God that takes away can only have eternal life through
the sin of the world. And we’re his resurrection. If there’s no
told in Hebrews 7:25, he “ever lives resurrection from the dead, your
to make intercession for us”. His faith is vain, you are yet in your
death is essential. sins; and when you go to the grave,
Later, when Paul is dragged up that’s where you’re going to stay.
to Mars Hill by a bunch of Greeks But glory be to God, we’re not
who love to hear and tell some going to stay there. We’re not going
new thing, and they said, “Here’s a to stay there, because Jesus is risen.

And with great power the apostles were giving

their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord
Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.
Acts 4:33 ESV

8) Christian Educational Ministries • April 2023

Around the World
Proclaiming the Gospel
in Jamaica
Established in 1982 with just a handful of members meeting in a living
room, the Church of God International (CGI) Jamaica has grown to around
350 members across four locations in Kingston, Ocho Rios, Maroon Town,
and May Pen. Despite challenges such as the death of Pastor Ian Boyne, the
Covid-19 pandemic, and a branch break-away, the church has persevered
under the leadership of Pastor George Ramocan. The church has adapted
by expanding its online ministry, reaching a global audience through live
Sabbath services and Monday night Bible studies.
CGI Jamaica supports its members through various ministries, including
Peace and Love in Marriages (PALM); Community of Single Adult Christians
(COSAC); Men’s, Women’s, Youth, Seniors, & Adult Sabbath School;
Junior Sabbath School; Welfare and Enrichment; and Music Ministry. The
Institute of Religion (IOR), a ministry dedicated to apologetics, is one of
the church’s highlights. The IOR has grown and expanded its mandate,
now including a youth-oriented speaking competition.
Evangelism efforts include virtual campaigns on YouTube, covering topics
such as pandemics and religious holidays, as well as in-person community
outreach and door-to-door evangelism. CGI Jamaica envisions further
expansion across the island, aiming to plant new churches in all 14 Jamaican
parishes through community evangelism. The Ministerial Apprenticeship
Program (MAP) focuses on training elders to support new congregations.
As the church continues to grow and adapt, it seeks prayers and support in
proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom of God until Jesus Christ’s return.
Find more information at and (9
Comments From
Our Listeners

David one day you were gone. I kept
to see were I could listen
to you, then one day finally found
I thank God I stumbled across your your app. I am forever grateful
radio program. What a blessing to for the Born to Win app because it
find real Christian teachings! I had blesses me with so much practical
for a long time written off hope to insight and understanding of the
find such a station. I am so blessed Bible.
to have encountered your life-
changing Christian teachings. I Akarsh
encourage you to keep up the good India
work. Let us make Jesus King of I thank God for having you share
our hearts to the one who deserves Ron’s gift with us. I love all the
all praise and glory! messages. I am from India. Again,
Lutherking E. thank you. May God bless you and
United Kingdom your ministry.
Thank you, Ronald, for bringing If you would like to share a
light to my soul. I first listened to comment, please let us know,
you on the OnePlace app. Then we want to hear from you!

CEM Mission Statement

• First, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. (Matthew 28)
• Second, to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may be
“proficient and equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17)
• Third, to teach and train this generation and the next with studies and
programs focused on youth, through the Darts’ special passion, Youth
Educational Adventures (YEA). (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6)
• Fourth, to bring God’s people closer together, through cooperative
efforts, wherever they may be. (2 Corinthians 5:18)
To this end, we teach the Bible and its Truth, with a goal of helping people make
their own lives work while they are a positive influence and blessing to those
around them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM @, Facebook,
YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Christian Educational Ministries

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(903) 839–9311 Download Now! About Us
Christian Educational Ministries
(CEM) was founded in November
1995 by the late Ron and Allie
Dart as an independent, non–
denominational ministry to
serve the public and individual
Christians of every kind.
Mr. Dart, was an ordained
minister and evangelist, has
served God through hundreds of
sermons, radio broadcasts, Bible
Studies, and books. His clear,
conversational style brings clarity
and simplicity to difficult Biblical
Ronald Dart’s radio ministry,
Born to Win, is broadcast around
the world and on the Born to Win
Download website.

The 2023 Plan
Reading, Writing, and Responding
This year we will write Genesis through 2 Samuel, with the exception of
Deuteronomy (as we did that in 2020). We encourage you to read the daily
assignment, handwrite the assigned scriptures, and then respond to those
verses with prayer, meditation, contemplation, and application in your own life.
May 1 Exo 3:12–22 May 17 Exo 10:1–10
May 2 Exo 4:1–10 May 18 Exo 10:11–20
May 3 Exo 4:11–20 May 19 Exo 10:21–29
May 4 Exo 4:21–31 May 20 Exo 11:1–10
May 5 Exo 5:1–11 May 21 Exo 12:1–12
May 6 Exo 5:12–23 May 22 Exo 12:13–26
May 7 Exo 6:1–13 May 23 Exo 12:27–38
May 8 Exo 6:14–30 May 24 Exo 12:39–51
May 9 Exo 7:1–13 May 25 Exo 13:1–12
May 10 Exo 7:14–25 May 26 Exo 13:13–22
May 11 Exo 8:1–11 May 27 Exo 14:1–10
May 12 Exo 8:12–23 May 28 Exo 14:11–20
May 13 Exo 8:24–32 May 29 Exo 14:21–31
May 14 Exo 9:1–12 May 30 Exo 15:1–14
May 15 Exo 9:13–24 May 31 Exo 15:15–27
May 16 Exo 9:25–35
If you are interested in our Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan, visit the link below. (11
Broadcast Christian Educational Ministries
Whitehouse, TX 75791
P.O. Box 560

May Schedule
1st……..................The Gospel of John #5 17th…................The Gospel of John #11

2nd….................…The Gospel of John #6 18th...................The Gospel of John #12

3rd…......…............The Gospel of John #7 19th-21st……..............The Power to Love

4th……..................The Gospel of John #8 22nd……......................Water Baptism #1

5th-7th..............A Relationship with God 23rd…….......................Water Baptism #2

8th…....................The Gospel of John #9 24th........The Power of the Spirit [Part 1]

9th….................…The Gospel of John #10 25th........The Power of the Spirit [Part 2]

10th......Love the Little Children [Part 1] 26th-28th..............Christian Holidays #9

11th......Love the Little Children [Part 2] 29th................Christian Origins-Acts #1

12th-14th..........A Mother to Remember 30th................Christian Origins-Acts #2

15th..............The War for Your Children 31st.................Christian Origins-Acts #3

16th....................Everything Is Beautiful

Contact us for FREE copies of these messages.

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Born to Win
P.O. Box 560
Whitehouse, TX 75791-0560

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