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Name of Student Roll No. Signature

HARSH PATIL 20103A0082

RONAK NAWAL 20103A0080







Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirement for the degree


B.E. (Electronics Engineering)

Under the Guidance of



Vidyalankar Institute of

Technology Wadala(E), Mumbai

400 037

University of Mumbai


Have you ever wondered what the magic is behind a successful organization? In this
lesson, we will uncover the importance of good leadership and the role it plays in the success
of an organization. Leadership is the action of leading people in an organization towards
achieving goals. Leaders do this by influencing employee behaviors in several ways. A
leader sets a clear vision for the organization, motivates employees, guides employees
through the work process and builds morale.

Definition of leaders. Leadership is an essential

component required where a group of
people are working to achieve the common
goal. Employees look to their team leader
for encouragement and when their leader
appreciates their work, it boosts their
confidence. If you are hoping to work in a
leadership role one day or want to improve
as a leader, you may want to know more
about how to be successful.

What is a leadership role?

Leaders have the skills to influence

and guide their team in a shared strategy.
They are also responsible for building and
maintaining employee morale, helping
employees reach their full potential and
inspiring employee loyalty.

What are examples of leadership roles


As a leader in the workplace, you must also

be a coach. In a coaching role, you can
provide the support your employees may
need to succeed in their roles. A coach-
leader gives their employees the
opportunities to showcase their work and
have others in the workplace acknowledge
their skills


Your role as a leader also means you should

be able to strategize ways to tackle a One of the important functions of leaders is
project or help the company succeed. to take initiatives in the team’s interest or
As a strategist, you determine the the organisation. Leaders should be
overarching goals of the team and confident to share their new ideas and also
develop the best processes to reach encourage others to do the same.
those goals
4. Cooperation among employees
3. Role model Leaders have to work to align the interests
of the individuals with the organisation. A
A role model is one who inspires others leader’s approach plays a vital role in doing
by setting examples of their values, the same.
personality or actions. Others want to
emulate their role models 5. Motivation and direction
Motivating and showing the right direction
4. Motivator to the team or the individual is the primary
function of the leader. They need to
For many leaders, being a source of motivate the team members to work towards
motivation to the team comes naturally, achieving their goals and guide them when
as they want to see their team succeed. they face difficulties during working in that
As a leader, you should know how to direction.
encourage your team, inspire them to
action and help them realise their What are leadership qualities?
Be a good listener: As a leader, you should
5. Adaptor have good listening skills. You should be
As a leader, you must be flexible. Even able to understand the issues your team
if you have a planned schedule, there is members share with you and try to help to
always the potential for the unexpected resolve them.
to take place and you must be able to
adapt as needed Be disciplined: Your team members may
consider you as your role model, thus you
should lead by example. Always try to be on
Leadership Skills time and well prepared in your meetings,
1. Setting goals meet project deadlines, always communicate
well with your subordinates.
A leader’s most important function is to
set goals for team members to Stay alert of potential issues: As a leader,
encourage them to work confidently you should be aware of what is happening
and enthusiastically. They also then around you in the workplace. It will help
make strategies to achieve those goals. you identify potential issues that may arise
like employee conflicts, low productivity of
2. Organising employees. Being aware will help to act
A leader’s other important function is timely and proactively provide solutions.
to organise the group of people into a
task which they can perform Give and receive feedback: As a leader,
effectively. They should know how to being receptive to team feedback is just as
assign the roles to the individuals as per important as giving feedback. Ask your
their ability to bring out the best from team members how you can improve as a
them. leader and how you can help them more in
order for them to succeed.
3. Take initiatives

others, establish open communications, and
encourage teamwork.

Leadership refers to the ability of an

individual or an organization to guide
individuals, teams, or organizations
toward the fulfillment of goals and
objectives. It plays an important
function in management, as it helps Traits of a Bad Leader
maximize efficiency and achieve
strategic and organizational goals Listed below are the traits that bad leaders
1. Effective Communicators commonly exhibit:
Leaders are excellent communicators, Too bossy
able to clearly and concisely explain Fearful of change
problems and solutions. Leaders know Unwilling or unable to communicate
when to talk and when to listen. In effectively
addition, leaders are able to Dismissive of ideas other than their own
communicate on different levels: one- Lacking empathy
on-one, via phone, email, etc. Inconsistent
2. Accountable and Responsible Prone to blame others rather than accept
Leaders hold themselves accountable responsibility themselves
and take responsibility for any Indecisive
mistakes. Leaders support and
encourage individuality while abiding
by organizational structure, rules, and
policies that need to be followed.
3. Long-term Thinkers Conclusion
Leaders are visionaries. This is There is a common belief that leadership is
evidenced by the leadership trait of vital for effective organizational and societal
being able to plan for the future through functioning and success.
concrete and quantifiable goals. They
understand the need for continuous Antonakis et al. (2004) note that because of
change and are open to trying new the complex nature of leadership, a specific
approaches to solve problems or and widely accepted definition of leadership
improve processes. does not exist and might never be found.
4. Self-motivated
Leaders are self-motivated and are able However, we can conclude that leadership is
to keep going and attain goals despite the ability to direct a group of people in
setbacks. In addition, good leaders try realising a common goal. This is done by
their best to exceed, not just meet, people applying their leadership attributes.
expectations. Leaders create commitment and enthusiasm
5. Confident amongst followers to achieve goals.
Virtually all good leaders share the Leadership is achieved through interaction
leadership trait of confidence. They are between leader, follower and environment.
able to make tough decisions and lead
with authority. By being confident,
leaders are able to reassure and inspire

 Velopment, health, ambidexterity, and more. Annual Review of Psychology, 65,


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 Schermerhorn, J. R., & Wright, B. (2014). Management: Third Canadian Edition.

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 Osteraker, M. C. (1999). Measuring motivation in a learning organization. Journal

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 Bergendahl, M., Magnusson, M., & Bjork, J. (2015). Ideation high performers: A
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 Taylor, B. M. (2015). The integrated dynamics of motivation and performance in the

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 Han, Y. (2018). Is public service motivation changeable? Integrative modeling with
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