Review On Islamic School Leadership

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This is a review done on Islamic leadership. It comprises of Quranic principle, Islamic

scholarship and the educational leadership required to develop an exploratory framework from

the Islamic school of thought. Based on our readings on “ISLAMIC SCHOOL LEADERSHIP, A

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK” by Melanie C. Brooks and Agus Mutohar, the main premise

of the article is to link Islamic perspective of knowledge and existence to the western leadership

and their heightened “Islamophobia” sentiment. Quran, Hadith and Sunnah have proposed for an

individual the correct way of life and its approach to leadership in Islam. On this basis, four

attributes are required for any leader,

I. Honesty(Sadiq).

II. Trustworthiness (Ameen).

III. Preaching (Tabligh).

IV. Criticality (Mantiqi/Harjiyah).

There are a few steps that have been stated by Islam on how to be a good leader.

1. Reflection (tafakur); distinguish good from bad and make correct decisions.

2. Good counsel and sincere conduct (nasiha); fair and just decisions considering others.

3. Consultation (shoura); best approach as it promotes participation and allows for dissent.

4. Dissent (ikhtilaf); flexibility in decision making, constructive disagreement is essential.

5. Common good (msliha); policies can be modified for the benefit of all people and

democratic approach is put into effect.

6. Enjoining right and forbidding wrong (Amar bilmarouf wanahi anal munkir); it has

been emphasized 9 times in Quran. Encourages respectful behaviour and discourages

immortality in social, political and economic environment.


7. Public accountability (ehtisaab); implore all to follow Qur’anic principles as everyone

is accountable to Allah SWT

8. All leaders may differ in their perspective of Islamic framework but the general idea is

same which works on 3 basic principles:

 Touheed: the belief in the oneness of Allah Almighty.

 Ilm: the seeking of knowledge.

 Taleem: the promotion of knowledge.

As Islam is the 2nd highest practised religion in the world and the most practised religion in Asia,

which is the world’s largest continent in respect to population, it is predicted that by 2070 Islam

may takeover Christianity (which is the highest practised religion in the world currently). By

reading this article our insight on Islam increased. In short, Islam is not just a religion but a

complete code of life. As such, the purpose of this paper is to not just solely focus on leadership

but to also impart a valuable insight on education. Hence, this article was a good effort by the

authors to enlighten the world masses about the overall positive image of Islam, Islamic leaders,

and the Islamic scholastic system. It highlights that Islamic beliefs aren't as contradictory to the

western system and that reasoning and questioning is encouraged in Islamic education systems

and how it affects the growth, extending from an individual to a society. So we can say that the

above given framework is a flexible one and can be modified from person to person and from era

to era, according to each scholar’s perspective. To quote the authors,

“This is a point of departure and not a destination”.


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