Plaxis: CONNECT Edition V21.01
Plaxis: CONNECT Edition V21.01
Plaxis: CONNECT Edition V21.01
The vibrating source is a generator founded on a 0.2 m thick concrete footing of 1 m in diameter.
Sandy clay
1. Start the Input program and select Start a new project from the Quick select dialog box.
2. In the Project tabsheet of the Project properties window, enter an appropriate title.
3. Due to the three dimensional nature of the problem, an axisymmetric model is used. In the Model tabsheet
select the Axisymmetric option for Model and keep the default option for Elements (15-Noded).
4. Keep the default values for units and constants and set the model contour to xmin = 0 m, xmax = 20 m, ymin =
-10 m and ymax = 0 m.
Note: The model boundaries should be sufficiently far from the region of interest, to avoid disturbances due
to possible reflections. Although special measures are adopted in order to avoid spurious reflections (viscous
boundaries), there is always a small influence and it is still a good habit to put boundaries far away. In a
dynamics analysis, model boundaries are generally taken further away than in a static analysis.
K0 determination - Automatic -
Note: When using Mohr-Coulomb or linear elastic models the wave velocities Vp and Vs are calculated from the
elastic parameters and the soil weight. Vp and Vscan also be entered as input; the elastic parameters are then
calculated automatically. See also Elastic parameters and the Wave Velocity relationships in the Parameters
Tabsheet of the Reference Manual.
Isotropic - Yes -
Weight w 5 kN/m/m
Poisson's ration ν 0 -
3. Apply a distributed load on the footing to model the weight of the generator as well as the vibrations that it
produces. The actual value of the load will be defined later.
The model is shown below:
Initial phase
1. Click the Staged construction tab to proceed with the definition of the calculation phases.
2. The initial phase has already been introduced. The default settings of the initial phase will be used in this
Phase 1: Footing
1. Click the Add phase button to create a new phase. The default settings of the added phase will be used for
this calculation phase.
2. Activate the footing.
3. Activate the static component of the distributed load. In the Selection explorer set qy,start,ref value to -8
kN/m/m. Do not activate the dynamic component of the load.
In this phase, a vertical harmonic load, with a frequency of 10 Hz and amplitude of 10 kN/m2, is applied to
simulate the vibrations transmitted by the generator. Five cycles with a total time interval of 0.5 sec are
Note: The dynamic multipliers can be defined in the Geometry modes as well as in the Calculation modes.
12. Special boundary conditions have to be defined to account for the fact that in reality the soil is a semi-infinite
medium. Without these special boundary conditions the waves would be reflected on the model boundaries,
causing perturbations. To avoid these spurious reflections, viscous boundaries are specified at Xmax and
Ymin. The dynamic boundaries can be specified in the Model explorer > Model conditions > Dynamics
1. Click the Select points for curves button in the side toolbar and select nodes located at the ground
surface, for instance at (1.4 0), (1.9 0) and (3.6 0), to consider in curves.
2. Click the Calculate button to calculate the project.
After the calculation has finished, save the project by clicking the Save button .
In a second calculation, material damping is introduced by means of Rayleigh damping. Rayleigh damping can be
entered in the material data set. The following steps are necessary:
The Curve generator feature is particularly useful for dynamics analysis. You can easily display the actual
loading versus time (input) and also displacements, velocities and accelerations of the pre-selected points versus
time. The evolution of the defined multipliers with time can be plotted by assigning Dynamic time to the x-axis
and uy to the y-axis.
The figure below shows the response of the pre-selected points at the surface of the structure. It can be seen that
even with no damping, the waves are dissipated which can be attributed to the geometric damping.
Figure 9: Vertical displ.- time on the surface at different distances to the vibrating source (without damping)
Figure 10: Vertical displ.- time on the surface at different distances to the vibrating source (with damping)
It can be seen that the vibration is totally seized when some time is elapsed after the removal of the force (at t =
0.5 s). Also, the displacement amplitudes are lower. Compare the curves without and with damping.
It is possible in the Output program to display displacements, velocities and accelerations at a particular time, by
choosing the appropriate option in the Deformations menu. The figure below shows the total accelerations in
the soil at the end of phase 2 (t = 0.5 s).
Figure 11: Acceleration (|a|) in the soil at the end of phase 2 (with damping)