I. Additional Definitions:
Access (access, accessing) means to make available a digital Motion Picture Copy on the Internet or
a Closed Network in a manner that allows a user to copy, view, stream, download or use, or to obtain
data or information about or related to, the Motion Picture Copy or its embodied Motion Picture.
Affiliate means any Person, including any officer, director, member, employee or partner of a Person
controlled by, controlling or under common control with a Party.
Attribution procedure means a procedure to verify that an authentication, display, message, record or
performance is that of a particular Person as an Authorized Subscriber, or to detect changes or errors in
Authentication procedure when used in connection with verifying an Authorized Subscriber using
the Internet to access the Motion Picture means the same as an attribution procedure.
Authorized Broadcaster means the broadcaster authorized to exploit the Motion Picture in the
Authorized Channel means a specific television channel identified as authorized to broadcast a
Motion Picture.
Authorized Format means a physical format in which Videograms embodying a Motion Picture are
authorized to be exploited.
Authorized Language means a language in which a Motion Picture is authorized to be exploited.
IFTA® International V: 2022
Schedule of Definitions Def-4 11-Apr-23
Authorized Language Use means dubbing, subtitling, or parallel tracking in an Authorized Language
in which a Motion Picture is authorized to be exploited.
Authorized Subscriber means a Person who has been verified by the Network or Platform through an
Attribution Procedure as someone who is legally entitled to access and utilize a service and Access the
licensed Motion Picture.
Authorized Telecast means either a Run or Playdate in which a Motion Picture is authorized to be
Authorized Telecaster means the telecaster authorized to exploit the Motion Picture in the Territory.
Availability Date means the first day after the end of the Holdback Period for a Licensed Right. If
the Availability Date refers to a category of Licensed Rights, it refers to the first date on which
Distributor may exploit any Licensed Right in the category. For example, the Pay TV Availability Date
is the first date on which Distributor may exploit the Pay TV Terrestrial, Pay TV Cable or Pay TV
Satellite Right.
Broadcast (broadcast, broadcasting) means the communication to the public of a Motion Picture
Copy by means of Hertzian waves, wire, cable casting, wireless diffusion, radio waves or satellite in a
manner that allows the Motion Picture Copy to be viewed simultaneously with the broadcast on a
television, but without use of an Internet Protocol.
Broadcast (broadcast) means telecast.
Broadcaster (broadcaster) means telecaster.
Computer means an electronic device that accepts, manipulates and stores digital information or data
in response to a sequence of instructions that can be defined, selected, or entered by the user including a
desktop, laptop, mobile device, receiver, Smart TV, or tablet.
Copy means the embodiment of a Motion Picture in any form, including film, tape, cassette, disc,
storage device or digital file, provided that where exploitation of a Licensed Right is limited to an
Authorized Format then Copy with respect to such Licensed Right is limited to such Authorized Format.
Closed Network means an Internet Website or telecommunications network or system which is only
available to Authorized Subscribers and Authorized Computers.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) means a sequence of software or hardware instructions embodied
in, related to, or activated by a Motion Picture Copy that controls or manages copying, viewing, altering,
or accessing the Motion Picture, its content or elements or associated Rights Management Information.
Dubbed means a Version of the Motion Picture in which the voices of performers on the original
soundtrack are replaced with the voices of other performers speaking dialogue in an Authorized
DVD means a digitally encoded electronic storage device that conforms to one of the DVD
Specifications for Read-Only Disc or Blu-ray Disc and that is designed for use in conjunction with an
electronic device in a way that causes a Motion Picture Copy to be visible for private viewing on the
screen of a monitor or television.
DVD Rights mean the same as Video Rights.
EIDR means a universal digital object identifier assigned by a duly authorized EIDR authority that
uniquely identifies a Motion Picture with all information about the registered Picture stored in a central
registry. EIDR can be used for both physical and digital copies of a Motion Picture.
Electronic record means a record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by
electronic means.
Exhibition means the same as public performance.