Second Semester Ict 1 1
Second Semester Ict 1 1
Second Semester Ict 1 1
Section One - An Introduction to PHP 3. The Code for the PHP Times Table
1. What is PHP and Why do I need it? 4. PHP While Loops
2. What you need to get started 5. PHP Do ... While loops
3. Installing and testing Wampserver 6. The break statement
Section Two - Getting Started With Section Six - PHP Arrays
Variables 1. What is an Array?
1. What is a Variable? 2. Setting up an Array in PHP
2. Putting text into variables 3. Getting at the values stored in Arrays
3. PHP Variables - some practice 4. Arrays - Using Text as Keys
4. More variable practice 5. Arrays and PHP For Each Loops
5. Joining direct text and variable data 6. Sorting PHP Array values
6. Adding up in PHP 7. Random Keys from an Array
7. Subtraction 8. The count function
8. Multiplication 9. Some PHP Array Scripts
9. Division Section Seven - String Manipulation
10. Floating point numbers in PHP in PHP
Section Three - Conditional Logic 1. Changing Case
1. PHP If Statements 2. Trimming White Space in PHP
2. Using If Statements 3. Shuffle characters
3. if ... else 4. Find string positions with the PHP
4. if ... else if strpos function
5. Comparison Operators in PHP 5. Splitting a line of text
6. NOT Equal To 6. Joining text into a single line
7. Less Than and Greater Than 7. PHP and Escaping
8. What these mean: <=, >= 8. PHP String function list
9. The PHP Switch Statement Section Eight - PHP Functions
10. PHP Logical Operators 1. An Introduction to PHP Functions
11. Boolean Values 2. PHP Variable scope and functions
12. Operator Precedence - a List 3. Functions and Arguments
Section Four - Working with HTML 4. A Function to check for blank text
Forms in PHP boxes
1. The HTML Form 5. Getting values out of functions
2. The Method Attribute 6. By Ref, By Val
3. The Post Attribute 7. PHP Server Variables
4. The Action Attribute 8. HTTP header() Function
5. The Submit button 9. The INCLUDE( ) Function
6. Getting values from a Text Box Section Nine - PHP Security Issues
7. Check for Submit button clicks 1. PHP Security Issues And Form
8. More on the ACTION attribute Elements
9. Keep data the user entered 2. The PHP htmlspecialchars( ) function
10. PHP and Radio Buttons 3. PHP strip_tags( ) function
11. PHP and Checkboxes Section Ten - Dealing With Files In
Section Five - PHP Programming PHP
Loops 1. Working With Files In PHP
1. PHP For Loops 2. Opening a file with the PHP readfile()
2. A Times Table Programme function
3. Opening a file with fopen( ) in PHP Walkthrough One - PHP User
4. Options for PHP fopen( ) Authentication
5. Writing to files in PHP 1. PHP User Authentication -
6. Working with CSV files in PHP Introduction
7. Read a text file into an PHP array 2. The login database
8. File Locations 3. PHP - Encrypting Passwords
Section Eleven - Date and Time 4. The PHP Login script
Functions in PHP 5. Logging in and Logging Out
1. The PHP date() function Walkthrough Two - Build your own
2. Using PHP the date() function PHP Survey/Poll Application
3. The PHP getdate() Function 1. PHP Survey App - the database
Section Twelve - PHP and MySQL 2.How the PHP Survey works
1. PHP and MySQL 3. Setting a question for the Survey
2. Create a database with phpMyAdmin 4. The PHP Code for the Survey
3. Setting up fields in phpMyAdmin 5. Viewing the Survey results
tables 6.Adding a new Survey question
4. Add records to a MySQL Table
Section Thirteen - Manipulate a
MySQL Database
1. MySQL databases and PHP code PETA: TRAVELOUGE
2. Read records from a MySQL
3. Adding records to a MySQL database CRITERIAS:
4. Import Database into phpMyAdmin Creativity: 30%
5. PHP Prepared Statements Content: 30%
6. Insert, Update, Delete with PHP Origin: 20%
Prepared Statements Pass Promptly: 20%
Total 100%
Readability The code is The code is The code is The code is poorly
exceptionally well fairly easy to readable only by organized and very difficult
organized and very read. someone who to read.
easy to follow. knows what it is
supposed to be
Reusability The code could be Most of the code Some parts of The code is not organized
reused as a whole could be reused the code could for reusability.
or each routine in other be reused in
could be reused. programs. other programs.
Delivery The program was The program The code was The code was more than 2
delivered on time. was delivered within 2 weeks weeks overdue.
within a week of of the due date.
the due date.
Efficiency The code is The code is The code is The code is huge and
extremely efficient fairly efficient brute force and appears to be patched
without sacrificing without unnecessarily together.
readability and sacrificing long.
understanding. readability and
Grading Rubrics
This assignment is to write an application using the VB/PHP programming language.