Gamepad CVACC-LT327
Gamepad CVACC-LT327
Gamepad CVACC-LT327
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Dear Customers,
Thank you for purchasin0 our product. This is a multi{unction android game controller via bluetooth connection. For proper operatjon with
optimum performance, please read this user manual carefully before connecting, operatjng or lsing this prod!ct. pleas; be noted that alt
information in thls manual is based on factory default settinq. All images and descriptions are for riference only. For practical conditions,
please refer roal product as standard. lf there is any update for this user manual, it will be re-incorporated into the new version
and without
notice. 0ur Company resorvos the right of final decision on the interpretation of this user manua,. Atl available features and additional services
may vary by device, soltware, or service provider. Please kindly understand ifthere are any typographical etrors or kanslation e(ors.Thank youl
1. Product lnformatlon
a) ModoSwltchho
Paired with Bluelooth Gamepad irode : "A" lndicator Light0N
Remote Conlrol Mode : "M" lndicator Lioht 0N
Keyboard Mode : "(" tndicato. Light 0N
i0S lMode : "1" lndicatorLight 0N
b)Appllcatlon Platlorm
a)ANDR0ID System(verison 4-2 or above). Download ptatform is availabte to use.
b) i0S System(versi0n i0S6.0 to 9.2). For iCade [4ode, please switch your device to Enqtish input method before pairing.
c) Suppoil PC/PC360/PS3 (PC/PC360 supportWindow XP or above version) via USB port conneclion
4. oporatlng lnstructlons
2. Thb gamo controllor can b0 swltchrd lnto dlllcrmt modr ot ulc 1 . LED lndlcator: 4 l ndlcalor ll0hts 'A', "M" K','l" ca0 bo 16presented as charolng, low battery, mod6 and blu6tooth patrtng.