Full Stack Python Developer

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Full Stack Python Developer


Overview of HTML5

 New in HTML5
 New DOCTYPE and Character Set
 Typography
 Global Attributes
 Media controls
 Table and list controls
 HTML5 Web Forms
 Page Layout Semantic elements
 Currently available features in SVG elements
 Building an interactive Application with SVG
 Create a web page that verifies the availability of new HTML5 features.
 Using the HTML5 Web Storage
 Working with multiple tracks and Subtitles.
 Integrating Video with Canvas & SVG
 Applying Visual filters using Canvas & SVG
 Debugging, Browser support.

CSS3 Overview

 Introducing CSS3
 Text and transformation styles
 Border and Box Effects
 Background images and Properties
 2D & 3D Transformations
 The Perspective origin properties
 Showing or hiding backface visibility
 Animations
 Responsive flex properties
 Grid layout Properties
 Media Queries
 Pseudo columns and Pseudo classes
 Web safe fonts
 Position properties
 Working margin Alignment and padding properties
 Image filtering and Effects
 Linear and Radial Gradients
 SVG styles and Animation Effects
 Creating SVG Blobs, Waves and other interactive designs and effects

Introduction - JavaScript

 What is JavaScript?
 Brief History of JavaScript
 Versions of JavaScript

JavaScript Core

 Syntax of variables, values and Data types

 Keywords and Reserved Keywords
 Reusable Functions and its Types
 Variable and Block Scope
 Expressions and Operators

Control Structures

 Flow controls and Conditionals

 Loops and Iteration

Literals and Objects

 String literals and Object

 Array literals and Object
 Object literals and Object
 Date and Math Object
 Number literals and Object

Building Smarter Forms

 Getting started
 Creating jump menus
 Creating dynamic menus
 Requiring fields
 Cross-checking fields
 Displaying more informative errors
 Verifying radio button selections
 Setting one field with another field
 Verifying email addresses

Handling Events

 Responding to window events

 Responding to mouse movements
 Responding to mouse clicks
 Responding to onBlur form events
 Responding to onFocus form events
 Responding to keyboard events

Working with Cookies

 Demystifying cookies
 Writing a cookie
 Reading a cookie
 Displaying a cookie
 Counting with cookies
 Deleting cookies
 Handling multiple cookies
 Cookies in action


The DOM, Nodes, and Objects

 Understanding the DOM

 Adding nodes to the DOM
 Deleting nodes from the DOM
 Deleting specific nodes
 Inserting nodes into the DOM
 Replacing nodes in the DOM

Working with Dates and Times

 Displaying dates
 Displaying times
 Creating a countdown


 What is Asynchronous JavaScript and its methods.

Browser Object Model

 The window Object

 Dialog Boxes
 Timers
 Location Object and Browsing History

Real World Applications of JavaScript

 Creating sliding menus

 Creating pop-up menus
 Creating slideshows with captions
 Creating a stylesheet switcher

UI frame work
Introduction to Bootstrap

 What is Bootstrap Framework

 Why Bootstrap
 History of Bootstrap
 Advantages of Bootstrap Framework
 What is Responsive web page
 How to apply Bootstrap to Applications?

Bootstrap Grid

 What is Bootstrap Grid

 How to apply Bootstrap Grid
 What is Container
 What is Offset Column
 How to Reordering Columns
 Advantages of Bootstrap Grid
 How to Display Responsive Images
 What is Bootstrap Typography
 How to use Typography
 What is Bootstrap Tables
 What is Bootstrap Form Layout
 What is Bootstrap Button
 How display images in different styles like Circle shape etc.
 How to display text like muted and warning etc.

Bootstrap Components

 What is Bootstrap Dropdown Menu Component

 What is Button Groups and Button Toolbar
 How to use Button Groups and Button Toolbar
 What are different Input Groups Components
 What is Navigation Pills & Tabs Components
 How to use Navigation Pills and Tabs Components
 What is Navbar Component
 How to build a Responsive Navbar
 How to Add Forms and other controls to Navbar
 What is Breadcrumb Component
 What is Pagination Component
 How to apply Pagination in Application
 What is Alerts & Dismissible Alerts
 How to Create Progress Bar
 What is Media Objects Component
 Why Media Objects Component
 How to use Media Objects Component
 What is Bootstrap List Group Component

jQuery Introduction

 What Is jQuery?
 Benefits of Using a JavaScript Library
 How to use jQuery in offline and Online

Style Class Manipulation

 HTML & CSS Manipulation
 JQuery Effects
 Custom Animation

DOM Manipulation

 Inserting new Elements

 Removing / Deleting Elements
 Traversal Functions


 Event Overview
 Multiple Handlers
 Event Propagation
 The Event Object
 Triggering Events

What is ReactJS?

 ReactJS Introduction
 Advantages of ReactJS
 Workflow of ReactJS
 Scope of ReactJS

Overview of JSX

 Introduction of Virtual DOM.

 Difference between JS and JSX.
 React Components overview
 Containers and components
 What is Child Components?
 What is Namespaced components?
 What are the JavaScript expressions available in JSX?
ReactJS Environment Setups

 Node setup
 How to use NPM?
 How to create package.json and purpose of it?
 ES6 Introduction and features.
 Webpack Overview
 Best IDE for ReactJS and How to write optimized code in ReactJS?
 ReactJS browser plugins overview.

A Real-Time Application by using ReactJS

 Create a React component with JSX template.

 How to create Nested Components?
 What is ReactJS render?
 React Props overview.
 Introduction of Props validation with data types.
 Flow of States, Initialize states and update states.

ReactJS forms and UI

 Lists of Form components.

 Setup Controlled and Uncontrolled form components.
 Control Input elements.
 How to set default values on all formats of Input elements.
 ReactJS Form validations.
 How to write Styles?
 Animations overview

Real-time Practical’s

 Create a React Form.

 Client-side form validation.
 Applying form components.
 Submit and Rest the form.

ReactJS Component Life Cycles Overview

 Initial Render
 Props Change
 Stage Change
 Component willMount
 Component didMount
 Component Unmount

Real-time Practical’s

 Applying Different Lifecycle’s in the Application.

 When to choose Appropriate lifecycles.

Routing in ReactJS and Other JS concepts

 Single Page Application Overview.

 How to configure React Router?
 History of Router
 How to Handle Conditional statement in JSX?
 IIFE in JSX for complex logic overview.

Real-time Practical’s

 Create a Single Page Application.

 Applying Routing.
 Dynamically render the components based on the url.

Event Handling in JSX

 onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful primary events in ReactJS.

 How to Sharing events between the components?

How to write Styles in ReactJS?

 CSS and inline styles in ReactJS overview.

 Introduction to styled components

React Router with Navigation

 How to Load the router library?

 Configure the React Router?
 How to Pass and receive parameters?
 Integration of React-cookie overview.

Redux Overview

 Introduction to One Store.

 Provider Component
 Actions.
 Reducers.
 sagas
 Dispatchers
 View Controllers
 Selectors

Real-time Practicals

 Redux application Development with Real-time Project

An Introduction to Python

 What can Python do?

 Why Python?
 Good to know
 Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
 Python Install
Beginning Python Basics

 The print statement

 Comments
 Python Data Structures & Data Types
 String Operations in Python
 Simple Input & Output
 Simple Output Formatting
 Operators in python
Python Program Flow

 Indentation
 The If statement and its’ related statement
 An example with if and it’s related statement
 The while loop
 The for loop
 The range statement
 Break &Continue
 Assert
 Examples for looping
Functions& Modules

 Create your own functions

 Functions Parameters
 Variable Arguments
 Scope of a Function
 Function Documentations
 Lambda Functions& map
 n Exercise with functions
 Create a Module
 Standard Modules
Exceptions Handling

 Errors
 Exception handling with try
 handling Multiple Exceptions
 Writing your own Exception
File Handling

 File handling Modes

 Reading Files
 Writing& Appending to Files
 Handling File Exceptions
 The with statement

Classes In Python

 New Style Classes

 Creating Classes
 Instance Methods
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions
Generators and iterators

 Iterators
 Generators
 The Functions any and all
 With Statement
 Data Compression
Data Structures

 List Comprehensions
 Nested List Comprehensions
 Dictionary Comprehensions
 Functions
 Default Parameters
 Variable Arguments
 Specialized Sorts



 namedtuple()
 deque
 ChainMap
 Counter
 OrderedDict
 defaultdict
 UserDict
 UserList
 UserString


 Class and threads

 Multi-threading
 Synchronization
 Threads Life cycle

Date and Time

 sleep
 Program execution time
 more methods on date/time

Database: MySQL

 Tkinter module - Creating User interface in python

 Creating widgets in the windows (Label, Button, Textbox, checkbox, Radio button, List box)
 Changing properties of widgets
 Events handling with the widgets

Pymysql module – to connect with MySQL

 Connecting MySQL with User interface

 DML Commands

Python SQL Database Access

 Introduction
 Installation
 DB Connection
 Creating DB Table


 Module Introduction
 What & Why?
 Setup & Analyzing the Project Folder
 Working with Apps
 URLs & Views
 Getting Started with Templates
 Static Files & First Steps with the Django Template Language
 Key Django Template Language Features & Tags
 Using What We Learned
 Adding a Detail Page
 Dynamic Paths
 Dynamic URLs in Templates
 Using Template Inheritance
 Includes
 What is Data?

 Getting Started with Models

 Using the Admin Panel
 Querying Data
 Adding Image Upload


Database: MySQL

 What is Database?
 How MySQL works?
 MySQL data types
 How to install MySQL database?
 SQL Commands
 Database Creation
 Table and Views
 MySQL Indexes
 MySQL clauses
 MySQL privileges
 Control Flow Function

 MySQL conditions
 MySQL Join
 Aggregate Functions
 Math Functions
 Date Functions
 String Functions
 Stored Procedures
 Triggers
 Cursor
 Error Handling


Real Time Project and Hands on Experience

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