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— a TH Casio Dispute RESOLUTION Program ey NM -1 0) eo) ee a When faced with difficult situations at work, you may feel there is no place you can go to address | them. How can you go to your supervisor if you think your supervisor is the problem? Where can you | take your issue without jeopardizing your job? IF ou are a manager or supervisor, who can help you respond to a workplace dispute or offer coaching to help with a confict? BUC Ear Cre | The purpose of the Dispute Resolution Program (DRP) is to give you a process with flexible options MOREE Ecos sa omen eccuias ecu et eet |, dealt with appropriately addressing conflcts can increase understanding among those involved, pce eh ccs ae a ec Pee eee eee ae ee eee eee rie meu ct ocean a om ca) ou uin oe e eeu SO aue omer ees lara gas | system, protection against retaliation, protection of legal rights and personal control over ways to resolve disputes. Then Halliburton ensured that the ombuds practicing in the Program adhere to the “following: Neutrality, Confidentiality, informality and Independence as found in the International ae Ombudsman Association (IOA) Ethical Principles... pes Mik ee CLG gad nite ae Tala " cate ve Bani Bo ee co Rares Ro es ae Pepe nn ne ee eC em eRe a ne op etd whether that is to use internal resources, which generally gives you more control over the issue, oF opt for external methods, you will be on the road to resolution. a orm Ue CCl Oh ties o apa yMie aire? eet re vei Pers oe ae ene etn ener to your que: a eect eter te ina) o meee NCI aOR eee as [ste Simply cll « cccatte pela. eceeenes eee Resolution Progran Internal and Informal What is HOO? DeMatteo nae auc resource the Company has established to help resolve workplace eee UU cM Te URLs = % ‘An ombuds is someone who can offer guidance regarding any work- Ronee Resign eakcn te nem ee Un ccc Per CEA Ren eats eae sg Re Oe eee mst ec ad cit Eee oe te aU PMS eR OR mR ca Sent that means simply allowing you to vent and doing nothing else. Regardless of what you decide, the tet eRe ea] cr a facilitator or just a guide to the right resource. See cures Cd Ae CNN a ge enn atte ae * with you and walk you through how they work. The HOO has access ae Peace ‘wees regardless of their position or level. The members of the HOO abide by the Standards of ie / ee eee eel can inh he ee rr oat Teneo) a Eure} PAC Ou SW Aca ait Ent hal Test eee ea yee ee Tatars Ere Tey sireresteat ns et uae eeu a DRP Options Te A Tne anes) en aerated Halliburton Ombuds Office (HOO) See reed ® © et Masri cr ae a e . CES ed “<= @-—@ ae Peers Pere ane Moonee th In miediation, both sides get the opportunity to share thelr views and there is no resolution unless all parties are in agreement. The mediator can make suggestions, but you and the other party are ifesponsible for choosing the actual, final outcome. CUE ee enna gear eee eet Terror rise cone Cone Meo nce eh a eee ate ec cn hi TOME cee ol tena ell iy ot PMR Cnor ney cil lecision. The arbitrator can award any remedy you might receive in a court of al and binding, you are encouraged to contact an attorney before filing, jon processes in the Dispute Resolution Program are conducted by neutral third Pom al itd deci Bae nus eTOCs Si) Lad See sete eee cg Mei c ache Metin aac en gt Coreen aaa ro = Sot teeta ent for help. Does speaking with an ombuds POT CVT U or Ca red i No. The ombuds is not an agent for Halliburton; in order to officially notify the company about an issue Pieces cchola ia acr et ani administrator, or other formal channel. The ombuds Pa eatme rene aT era cet oaths aa ee ere ead ea Sean nen ol Reese ae feenr lis ie ar) URC LCUn) BS Nels eon as c Ph, s ees Cs 4 SURES piace ELT coreg One e enti vo eae) applicants; the Program ambuds have assisted | Pe eeee noe ceteris es | __ professionals, technicians, managers and seniot Peete me ae eee see ha oe ere ak Coane eee bargaining agreement that does not include apn Reema Sessa ead Reel aaeke ates Cen UR om mm a : ere a 0 We , eae : TC rages UBT eer the HOO? USER ays ALY tte) eee ee nee euand PEN ta RUC ep Tae gree eee ent? Coen ROR Tend estoy Fae RUC ane eras Neen iets i What should I expect when I speak with an ombuds? ROTM ccc eens cen CRE os eR R cones your other options or resources. You don't need to err tena Maur urement eg TRE Race ee Rca COR CTR EEN seu cee ee will respond promptly and impartially to concerns arising from your work environment. ASE CeCe te Oey Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) or the National etd eo Board (NLRB)? Seer a eeepc a Crete Ce eae ae PO Tt eet) Aue ele eee Rc a Me et) oT eeu oc eee eet eee ee See eee) CUR ecu Seem cn aa We practice in accordance to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the International Ombudsman Association, which dictate confidentiality, independence, informality and neutrality. To those who seek our services, we promise honesty, dignity and privacy. MOUs COU CR g eu etc Cue saat Rete buts (coke Gee E kre os ee eee ate cae eet SSC UCC uu Rua eae coe etree uaa elas) respect your rights to use all the options provided through the DRP. ACO) IC Lcd By accepting employment with Halliburton, you agree to resolve all work-related disputes with your employer by arbitration under the Halliburton Dispute Resolution Program ("DRP”). A copy of the DRP Plan and Rules may be accessed online at http://www. halliburton.com/public/pubsdata/ related_docs/DRP_Plan_Rules. pdf. Under the DRP, all employment disputes that are not otherwise resolved by mutual agreement must be arbitrated under the DRP rules. This agreements binding on both you and the company and constitutes a waiver of your right to STRUCT Ue Suen ae ices eee eee ers abridge or enlarge the legal rights, remedies or defenses of the parties. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on you and the company and may be confirmed in, and judgment upon the award entered by, any court of competent jurisdiction. RU RR men CUTE ty 1-866-99RESOLVE eee eee Ce ee are)

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