Renewable Acrylonitrile Production
Renewable Acrylonitrile Production
Renewable Acrylonitrile Production
to be the deprotonation of the N-H group, with
crylonitrile (ACN) is one of the most widely and glutamic acid (11); these efforts are summa- a barrier of +101 kJ/mol. See figs. S3 to S17 and
used monomers in the chemical industry, rized in (2). The most promising method to date tables S1 to S5 for details and energetics of
with more than 14 billion pounds produced is glycerol dehydration to acrolein followed by these pathways.
annually for use in plastics, rubbers, resins, ammoxidation to ACN, achieving yields of ~60% Kinetic measurements performed at low con-
acrylic fibers, and polyacrylonitrile (PAN)– (8). Accordingly, there is a clear need to develop versions (figs. S18 and S19) revealed apparent
based carbon fibers (1, 2). The market outlook sustainable, cost-effective bio-based ACN manu- activation energies consistent with the energe-
for PAN-derived carbon fibers in particular is facturing routes. tics of the rate-limiting steps from DFT. For the
projected to grow by 11 to 18% annually, driven To that end, we present a route from ethyl 3- ester dehydration, an apparent activation energy
by interest in reducing the weight of vehicles and hydroxypropanoate (ethyl 3-HP, derived from of +100 ± 4 kJ/mol was determined from low-
aircraft (2). Today, industrial ACN production is microbially produced 3-hydroxypropionic acid, conversion experiments of ethyl 3-HP over TiO2
conducted via the Sohio process, which converts 3-HP) to ACN at molar yields of ≥90%. This (fig. S18). The measured activation energy com-
propylene to ACN via ammoxidation over a bis- approach originates from reports of carboxylic pares favorably to the +112 kJ/mol calculated for
muth molybdate–based catalyst. First-generation acids being converted to nitriles when passed dehydration (figs. S2 and S7). The apparent acti-
catalysts for the process were developed in the over solid acids with ammonia (12). However, vation energy of nitrilation was measured by
1950s, achieving ~55% molar ACN yields from this reaction is made difficult by the relatively performing low-conversion experiments with ethyl
propylene (3). This discovery spurred decades of low volatility of carboxylic acids and the cor- acrylate and ammonia over TiO2 (fig. S19). Here,
research to improve ACN yields (4), resulting in rosiveness of their vapors on equipment. Esters an apparent activation energy of +103 ± 12 kJ/
state-of-the-art materials capable of producing are less corrosive, more volatile, and in general mol also compares favorably to the +111 kJ/mol
ACN at molar yields of 83% from propylene (5). more stable than their acid counterparts; using barrier for the H-NH2 bond scission from DFT
However, fluctuations in the price of the propyl- esters as substrates with this chemistry could (figs. S11 and S12), which is the highest predicted
ene feedstock translate directly to ACN price vol- enable a more viable route to renewable ACN. nitrilation barrier.
atility. The carbon fiber industry is especially To test the viability of converting ethyl 3-HP to Results of total-conversion experiments per-
sensitive to these ACN price fluctuations, because ACN, we first conducted a steady-state temper- formed in a tandem bed reactor are shown in
roughly 2 lbs of ACN are required to generate 1 lb ature scan by passing ethyl 3-HP over TiO2 with Fig. 2 and fig. S20. In the first reactor, ethyl 3-
of fiber (6). Thus, concerns about propylene price an 8:1 molar excess of ammonia (Fig. 1A and fig. HP was dehydrated over TiO2 to form ethyl ac-
volatility have motivated the search for alterna- S1). Ethyl 3-HP was consumed in conjunction rylate and water in quantitative yield at 260°C.
tive approaches to propylene ammoxidation to with the appearance of ethyl acrylate as the tem- A molar excess of 2:1 ethanol to ethyl 3-HP was
produce ACN. Substantial efforts have focused perature was increased from 150°C to 230°C. In- used as the feed to the first reactor to suppress
on the ammoxidation of propane, which is a creasing the temperature further, from 230°C to acrylic acid formation (figs. S20 and S21). The
cheaper substrate than propylene and has a low- 320°C, produced ACN at the expense of ethyl ac- product vapors from the first reactor were then
er carbon footprint, but propane is still derived rylate. From this result, we posit that three se- mixed with ammonia and passed over a second
from fossil-based sources (7). Environmentally quential reactions occur (Fig. 1B) to form ACN. bed of TiO2 at 315°C to form ACN, ethanol, and
sustainable routes to ACN have been described First, the primary alcohol undergoes dehydration water. This operation achieved ACN yields of 90
from renewable feedstocks such as glycerol (8–10) to form ethyl acrylate and water, then ethyl ac- to 92% for ~12 hours on stream with minimal
rylate undergoes aminolysis (Fig. 1B, reaction 2) deactivation. The overall heat of reaction is
to form acrylamide and ethanol, and finally acry- calculated to be endothermic by +203 kJ/mol
National Bioenergy Center, National Renewable Energy
lamide is dehydrated to produce ACN and water (fig. S22).
Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401, USA. 2Department of (Fig. 1B, reaction 3). At the 12-hour time point for each run, the
Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, The primary alcohol of 3-HP (or ethyl 3-HP) is reaction was stopped and the catalyst removed
Boulder, CO 80309, USA. 3Johnson Matthey Technology known to readily dehydrate to an acrylate (13). and regenerated in air at 550°C. Images of fresh,
Centre, Billingham, Cleveland TS23 1LB, UK. 4MATRIC, South
Charleston, WV 25303, USA.
Ester aminolysis to an amide has been reported spent, and regenerated catalyst, as well as data
*These authors contributed equally to this work. using wet chemistry techniques (14), and amide from pyridine diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier
†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] dehydration to nitriles is also known (15). We refer transform spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller
isotherms, x-ray diffraction, and acid site density To ascertain whether this chemistry exhibits performance identical to that of synthetic ethyl
measurements (figs. S23 to S26 and table S6), different behavior on a biologically derived sub- 3-HP.
indicate that the regeneration cycle restores strate, we produced 3-HP via glucose cultivation The high yields of the nitrilation chemistry
the measured characteristics to those of the using an engineered Escherichia coli strain (20) to produce ACN from microbially derived ethyl
fresh sample. The regenerated catalyst showed (fig. S28). The cultivation used fed-batch dissolve 3-HP (Fig. 2) allow us to propose a potential
identical performance to the fresh sample (Fig. 2). oxygen–based control to feed glucose to the bio- industrial-scale process for the hybrid biological
Thermogravimetric analysis with Fourier trans- reactor, and resulted in a titer of 25.8 g/liter (sup- and catalytic transformation of lignocellulosic
form infrared spectroscopy (TGA-FTIR) mea- plementary text and figs. S29 and S30). After sugars to ACN. This process (Fig. 3) exhibits
surements of the gas released during catalyst glucose cultivation, ethyl 3-HP was separated several notable modifications from the process
regeneration showed that NOx was not produced and recovered from the broth (figs. S31 and demonstrated at bench scale. First, 3-HP pro-
(fig. S27), thereby abating the need for exhaust S32), yielding 97% purity. The ethyl 3-HP was duction ideally would be conducted at low pH
cleanup during regeneration. catalytically processed (Fig. 2) and achieved [below the pKa of 3-HP (21)]. The advantage
Fig. 2. Catalytic conversion of synthetic and biologically derived ethyl 3-HP to ACN. Total-conversion reactions
of ethyl 3-HP in tandem catalytic beds demonstrate 90 to 92% yields of ACN. The percent yield of ACN is shown
with the carbon balance for the reaction. See fig. S20 for the complete data set for all observed reaction products
and the reaction conditions used. Approximately every 12 hours, the reaction was stopped and the catalyst
regenerated. The rightmost graph represents data collected using ethyl 3-HP separated from a 3-HP cultivation on
glucose using an engineered E. coli strain, showing performance identical to that of the synthetic ethyl 3-HP
substrate. As illustrated in the reactor schematic, glass beads were packed in the headspace of the reactors to
achieve uniform gas mixing over the catalyst.
gained from low-pH cultivation is that the using the same industrial process previously mobile transportation by reducing vehicle weight
acidification step is no longer required during developed for the production of acrylate esters (27, 28).
separations, and neutralization is not required from b-propiolactone (BPL) (25). In that pro- Recognizing that ethyl acrylate (rather than
during cultivation, thus avoiding generation of cess, BPL is added to an ethanol solution aci- ethyl 3-HP) would be fed to the nitrilation
waste salt. This would improve the process dified with sulfuric acid in a continuous stirred unit in the conceptual process shown in Fig. 3,
economics and sustainability (22). Low-pH tank reactor, where ring opening occurs to form we performed total-conversion experiments
strains to produce 3-HP at industrially relevant 3-HP and then esterifies and dehydrates to form with ethyl acrylate and ammonia over TiO2
titers, rates, and yields are under development the acrylate ester (25). The solution is then fed in a single catalytic bed (Fig. 4 and fig. S36).
(21, 23). The second difference is that dew- to a distillation column where the acrylate These runs resulted in a 98 ± 2% maximum
atering would occur at scale using a simulated ester is recovered and purified in the column yield of ACN with ethyl acrylate as a sub-
moving bed (SMB) where 3-HP is adsorbed to overhead (25, 26); see figs. S34 and S35 for strate. The ACN yield from ethyl acrylate is
a resin and eluted off with ethanol. Results in details. The process could be stopped here and higher than that from ethyl 3-HP because of
fig. S33 indicate that polybenzimidazole (PBI) ethyl acrylate sold as the product at a predicted decreased carbon deposition on the catalyst,
works well for this, allowing 3-HP to be com- selling price of $0.48/lb, which may be at- which is likely attributable to the reduced
pletely recovered (24). Third, ethyl acrylate, tractive given that the current market price presence of water when using ethyl acrylate
instead of ethyl 3-HP, would be separated via of ethyl acrylate is $0.79/lb. However, the as the substrate. The carbon balance shown
reactive distillation. Reactive distillation com- market for ACN is approximately 10 times as in Fig. 4 is slightly above 100% because of
bines esterification, alcohol dehydration (Fig. large, and the potential for lowering carbon slightly decreased ethyl acrylate conversion
1B, reaction 1), and product separation into a fiber prices has much greater societal impact after 12 hours on stream, leading to a slight
single unit operation. This is accomplished to lower the greenhouse gas footprint of auto- buildup of ethyl acrylate (fig. S36). A small
Fig. 4. Catalytic conversion of ethyl acrylate to ACN. Total-conversion reactions of ethyl acrylate in a single catalytic bed, demonstrating
maximum ACN yields of 98 ± 2%. The percent yield of ACN is shown with the carbon balance for the reaction. See fig. S36 for the complete
data set for all observed reaction products and the reaction conditions used. Approximately every 12 hours, the syringe was refilled (as shown) and
every 18 hours the reaction was stopped and the catalyst removed and regenerated.
amount of ethyl acrylate present in the re- yields of ACN can be obtained from this re- 22. M. J. Biddy et al., ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 4, 3196–3211
actor outlet leads to measurement uncertainty action, whereas state-of-the-art ammoxida- (2016).
23. S. Choi, C. W. Song, J. H. Shin, S. Y. Lee, Metab. Eng. 28,
because of a low signal-to-noise ratio. The tion catalysts achieve ~80 to 83% ACN yield 223–239 (2015).
overall heat of ethyl acrylate nitrilation is (5). (ii) The reaction is endothermic (figs. S22 24. M. Grendze, F. Verhoff, Thermally-managed
calculated to be endothermic by +81 kJ/mol and S37) and does not require O2, enabling separation and dewatering processes for
(fig. S37). facile process control. By comparison, ammox- recovering acid products. U.S. Patent 6146534
In a scaled process (Fig. 3), it would be eco- idation is highly exothermic, requiring spec-
25. F. W. Shaver, Method of producing alkyl esters of
nomically beneficial to operate the nitrilation ialized reactors to avoid runaway reactions (36). alpha-beta unsaturated monocarboxylic acids froma
reactor in a pure ammonia atmosphere with- (iii) Unlike ammoxidation, nitrilation does not beta-lactone and an alcohol. U.S. Patent 2510423
out the use of N2 as a diluent. Our online an- produce hydrogen cyanide, mitigating toxicity (1950).
alytical system precludes measurements in a and handling requirements. (iv) The cost of 26. I. L. Chien, K. Chen, C.-L. Kuo, J. Process Contr. 18, 215–231
pure ammonia atmosphere (see supplementary TiO2 is approximately 30% that of ammox- 27. J. C. Kelly, J. L. Sullivan, A. Burnham, A. Elgowainy, Environ.
text), but catalyst deactivation studies (figs. S38 idation catalysts (4, 37). (v) The process provides Sci. Technol. 49, 12535–12542 (2015).
to S40) performed using ethyl acrylate as a a cost-comparable, sustainable route to ACN 28. S. Pacala, R. Socolow, Science 305, 968–972
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29. Tecnon OrbiChem, Chem-Net Facts: Acrylonitrile (2013);
tion cycle time needed under more concen- from a renewable feedstock.
trated conditions (fig. S41 and supplementary Because the Sohio process depends on pro- 30. Y. Li, X. Wang, X. Ge, P. Tian, Sci. Rep. 6, 26932
text). These calculations estimate that under pylene, ACN prices have historically been tied (2016).
full-scale conditions (310°C, 0.89 atm NH3, to petroleum prices and therefore volatile. In- 31. H. S. Chu et al., Biotechnol. Bioeng. 112, 356–364
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bed must be regenerated every 30 s to main- cess using an alternative feedstock, such as
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