Lesson 8 (10) - Media Convergence

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 Social Media – is a form of electronic communication (such as web sites) through which
people create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc.
o Facebook – is an example of social media also known as social network, which is a
product of media convergence.
 Media Convergence – According to Chakavaneh and Bogen (2007), “It is a theory in
communications where every mass medium eventually merges to the point where they
become one medium due to the advent of new communication technologies." Therefore,
media convergence is sum up as:
o the co-existence of traditional and new media;
o the co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and television), the Internet,
mobile phones, as well as others, allowing media content to flow across various
o the ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code, which is then
accessible by a range of devices (e.g. from the personal computer to the mobile
phone), thus creating a digital communication environment.

Media Convergence as seen in different industries

Media Convergence in: Platform Specific Example
COMMUNICATION Social Network Facebook, Instagram
EDUCATION Learning management
Google Classroom, Edmodo
ADVERTISEMENT Product Advertisement Digitized print ads across
different platforms
NEWS News Agency A newspaper that still
publishes through print and
have online portal (website
and apps) with multimedia
ENTERTAINMENT Multimedia Personality A person who has a
television show, publishes
books, launches music
record, appears in movies,
endorses commercial
products, promote product,
has a digital multimedia
game, and concerts.

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