English Internals Term II

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Crime Time Feb volume

Ajmer Kaand
1992 was a dreadful year for Ajmer, a Slowly several girls from the Sofia
town in Rajasthan. Hundreds of young Secondary School had fallen prey to
girls were wronged and yet nobody Farooq's misdemeanors and had no
had the guts to go ahead and help option but to listen to and follow his
right-that wrong. The girls who studied every command. No girl had the courage
in Sofia Secondary School in Ajmer to come out in the open and report
were brutally raped and blackmailed Farooq to the authorities because they
and this incident will always remain as knew society would blame them for
a mark on the people of Rajasthan and being naïve and falling for his games. The
the reputation of the school itself. only way out for them was to send
Considering the fact that Sofia another 'prey' into the lion's den. Due to
Secondary School was an only-girls this chain reaction, over 250 girls from
school, the students would often Sofia Secondary School were blackmailed
fraternize with boys from outside. A girl by Farooq. After getting tired of the
studying in the 8th grade met a boy constant blackmail, several girls started
named Farooq Chishti. They soon resorting to suicide as a solution to their
became great friends and spent a lot of problems. Parents started wondering
time together. Farooq Chishti wasn't why so many girls started taking their
just an ordinary boy. He belonged to a own lives. While the suicide rate started
well-known family. His family was drastically increasing, more and more
known for violence, gang protests, men started joining Farooq and his
blackmailing, and rapes. Farooq was friends in their wrong-doings. Slowly the
the president of the Ajmer Youth pictures of these girls started getting
Congress and supporting him were circulated throughout the neighborhood
Nafees Chishti and Anwar Chishti, the until they finally reached the parents.
faces of this political party. Farooq Reporters were afraid to post any stories
ended up clicking inappropriate related to this scandal because of
pictures of this girl and started using political fear, but one reporter, Mandan
them against her. He blackmailed this Singh from Navjoti printed a story with
girl and threatened to leak her pictures pictures of Farooq and his friends.
all over the neighborhood. The only However, this reporter was killed soon
way she could stop the pictures from after. After so many efforts the girls finally
being leaked was if she would send got their justice, when the men were
another friend of hers to Farooq. given life imprisonment. However,
Farooq used the same tactics he had Farooq Chishti got away with barely any
with the next girl and this caused a punishments and still continues to live in
chain reaction. Ajmer with a lot of power.

By Sakshi Bhatikar // Kawishaw Koolarzadeh

Crime Time Feb volume

Tiny Serial-Killing Mind

8 year old Amarjeet Sada from It wasn't until Sada's third kill that
Mushahar in Bihar, is labelled as the the family got alarmed and decided
world's youngest serial killer. Born in to alert the officials about
1998, Amarjeet killed several Amarjeet's emerging patterns. The
members of his family in several family's hesitancy to report the child
occurrences between 2006 and allowed Amarjeet to kill yet another
2007. He is said to have already child in the subsequent months.
killed 3 people by the time he was 8. When being arrested, Amarjeet
Other than the fact that his family is smiled widely showing no guilt and
poor and his father works as a regret, and happily admitted to all
laborer, Amarjeet's family history is a his wrong-doings. At the time of his
ginormous mystery. Some believe arrest, one psychologist called him a
that Amarjeet was also forced to 'sadist who derives pleasure from
work with his father. Sada's inflicting injuries'. Additionally, it
youngest victim was a six-month- was also said that Sada didn't
old baby girl called Khushboo, who harbor a sense of right and wrong.
was his neighbor. Without a single Amarjeet was said to have exhibited
once or remorse he acknowledged a unique pattern of extremely
his crimes, confessing to the police disturbing behavior throughout his
that he struck the infant with bricks early years, which could also be the
before strangling her to death. To reason for his gruesome habits.
make matters worse, he even led While in custody, investigators took
the locals to the area where he note of Amarjeet's abnormal
attempted to bury the body. He behavior, which included smiling a
confessed to having taken the baby lot and showing no remorse for his
from where she was sleeping alone actions. it was also reported that he
at her primary school. The people of hardly spoke during that time
Amarjeet's neighborhood also except when asking for a bit of food.
believe Sada killed his six-year-old He was released in 2016 and his
cousin, who was his uncle's current whereabouts are unknown.
daughter. It is also thought that he
killed his own baby sister who was
only 8 months old at the time of the
incident. Even though Amarjeet
Sada's family knew about the child's
unusual behavior, no one reported
anything to the police. They decided
to view the uncertain circumstances
and 'family matters'.

By Sakshi Bhatikar
Crime Time Feb volume

Tailor by day, killer by night

In 2014, the arrest of Adesh Kamra, a Soon, Adesh realized that slowly yet
‘loving’ 48-year-old tailor and father, steadily more and more people
sent shockwaves throughout were getting added to this small
Mandideep, a small town on the gang of dacoits. He deciphered that
outskirts of Bhopal where this the more the people, the more the
murderous man lived. On being share of their thefts would get
arrested he had no way out and divided. He decided to leave this
confessed to killing 34 people in the gang and started working in
span of 10 years. According to solidarity with only one other
Adesh’s neighbors, he was a very trusted accomplice. Adesh Kamra
down-to-earth man who always and his accomplice had only one
kept to himself. However, his sinister method they used for their thefts.
self was hidden far away from the Adesh would befriend several truck
rest of the world. Adesh worked drivers and cleaners. After a while,
with extreme precision and took an he would give them tea or butter
extreme measure to avoid his true milk laced with sedatives or garotte
self from being revealed. It all his victims to death. 'After killing his
started when Adesh Kamra fell into victims Adesh would strip them of
the wrong company. Adesh their clothing and dump their
befriended a gang of petty dacoits bodies under culverts or on hilly
who would hijack and steal all the roads', says an officer. What makes
belongings within trucks on the these murders worse is the fact that
roads. Adesh joined this gang and Adesh said he believed killing these
ended up making things people was like giving them
gruesomely worse. Adesh primarily salvation. The police have summed
was terrified about his wrong- the reason for Adesh's serial killer-
doings being exposed to the world like behavior as his unstable mental
and decided to take extreme health and abusive past. Adesh's
precautions. It all started with Adesh father, Gulab Kamra, was abusive
accompanying his mates on their towards him from a very young age
robberies. When he realized they and always made Adesh feel
could get caught and exposed he neglected which caused him to
introduced the idea of 'leaving no start getting unstable and
traces behind' or in other words, psychologically weak. Adesh's uncle,
killing their victims.His friends Ashok Kamra, was also arrested in
foolishly agreed to his ideas and 2010 for killing over 100 people
implemented them.

By Sakshi Bhatikar
Crime Time Feb volume

Mass Suicide
On June 30, 2018, 11 members of the The family had apparently been
Chundawat family were found dead preparing for the event for months,
in their home in Burari, a suburb in and they had even purchased stools
the north of New Delhi, India. The and ropes for the occasion. The
incident quickly became known as Burari Deaths sent shockwaves
the Burari Deaths, and it sent throughout India, with many people
shockwaves throughout the country struggling to understand why a
and beyond. The family, which seemingly normal family would
consisted of two parents, their two choose to end their lives in such a
sons, two daughters-in-law, and five manner. Some people speculated
grandchildren, had been living in that the family had been under
the same house for over two some kind of spiritual or
decades. The deaths were psychological pressure, while others
discovered by a neighbor who believed that they had been victims
noticed that the grocery store, of foul play. However, as the
which the family-owned, had not investigation continued, it became
been opened for several hours. clear that the family had acted on
Upon entering the house, the their own volition, without any
neighbor found the 11 bodies external influence. The police
hanging from the ceiling, with their discovered that the family's
hands and feet tied. The initial patriarch, Lalit Chundawat, had
investigation revealed that the been suffering from mental health
deaths were not caused by any issues and that he had convinced
external force, and the police the rest of the family to participate
quickly ruled out foul play. Instead, in the ritual. The Burari Deaths were
they suspected that the family had a tragic event that left many people
committed mass suicide as part of a in shock and disbelief. The incident
religious ritual. A diary found in the highlighted the importance of
house indicated that the family had mental health awareness and the
been planning the event for several need for families to be vigilant
years and that they believed that it about the well-being of their loved
would bring them closer to God. The ones. It also raised questions about
diary also contained instructions for the role of religion in people's lives
the ritual, which involved tying and the potential dangers of blind
themselves up, covering their faces faith.
with cloth, and hanging themselves
from the ceiling.

By Vrisha Shah
Crime Time Feb volume

Butcher of Delhi

Chandrakant Jha, also known as the

“Butcher of Delhi”, was a notorious
serial killer who terrorized the city of
Delhi in the late 1980s and early
1990s. He was responsible for the
deaths of at least 20 people, mostly
women, and was convicted of
murder in 1994. Jha was born in a
small village in Uttar Pradesh in
1962. He moved to Delhi in the late
1980s and began working as a
butcher in a local market. It was
during this time that he began to
develop a taste for killing. He would
lure women to his shop, where he
would rape and murder them. He
would then dismember their bodies
and dispose of them in the nearby
river. Jha was eventually caught in
1994 after a long investigation by
the Delhi police. He was convicted
of murder and sentenced to life in
prison. He died in prison in 2006.
The Butcher of Delhi is remembered
as one of the most notorious serial
killers in India’s history. His
gruesome acts of violence shocked
the nation and left a lasting
impression on the people of Delhi.
He was a reminder of the dangers of
unchecked violence and the
importance of justice. His story
serves as a warning to all of us to be
vigilant and to never take safety for

By Vrisha Shah
Crime Time Feb volume

This heinous crime happened on 26 Ranga and Billa kidnapped Sanjay and
August 1978. The kidnapping and Geeta from outside the radio station in
subsequent murder of the two a car. Many people were witnesses in
siblings Sanjay Chopra and Geeta this case as they had seen the car and
Chopra were committed by Kuljeet the children in it asking for help. Soon
Singh also known as Billa. This after, their father decided to file a
happened in NEW DELHI. Geeta complaint at the police station. After
Chopra, aged 16-½ years, and Sanjay knowing that Geeta’s and Sanjay's
Chopra, who was 14 years old. father was Naval officers the criminals
During the evening, Geeta and panicked and murdered the two kids.
Sanjay participated in a program for Geeta was raped before she was
which they had to reach All India murdered, and their bodies were
Radio, and when their parents found near Delhi Ridge on 28th august
turned on the radio to listen to the 1978. Ranga and Billa were arrested on
program in which their children a train on 8th September 1978. On the
took part, what they heard was not train, they had mistakenly boarded the
the voice of their children. The coach reserved for military personnel,
father found out that the children this is when they were recognized and
did not reach All India Radio in the handed over to the police.
first place. By Kawishaw Koolarzadeh

End-Note Vrisha Shah, Sakshi Bhatikar, Kawishaw Koolarzadeh

All cases mentioned in the above

pages are solely to warn the public
and raise awareness about crime in

Any resemblance to those not

involved, whether graphic or textual,
is unintentional and should be

None of the above cases were

chosen with the intent of defaming
those who are not involved.

Stay safe and stay vigilant.

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