Poverty Assignment
Poverty Assignment
Poverty Assignment
The word poverty comes from the old (Norman) French word poverte` (Modern
French: pauvrete`) , from Latin paupertas from pauper (poor).Poverty has more than a
thousand definition of poverty. Poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially
acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Poverty is said to exist when
people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs . Poverty is a state in which a person
or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of
living. Poverty means that the income level from employment is so low that basic human
needs can not met. Poverty stricken people and families do not have proper housing,
clean water, healthy food, and medical attention. Poverty is a physical state and a state of
mind when an individual is called ‘‘poor’’ because he can not afford the minimum to
support himself and his family.
Poverty entails more than the lack of income and productive livelihoods. Its
manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other
basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in
decision-making. Poverty is the stage when an individual can not afford the basic
necessities of life and do not have enough funds to help build a better life. The people
that can not afford a better lifestyle are refer to as the poor. Poverty is a big problem in the
whole world, because thousands of people die each year due to this big issue.
Even as poverty is defined as the state of being extremely poor, there are some main
causes of it (poverty). Some of the causes include; lack of job opportunities
(unemployment), inadequate access to clean water and nutritious food, poor and limited
education, overpopulation, inadequate health care, inaccessibility of birth control,
inequality, lack of infrastructures, limited capacity of the government, lack of health cares,
conflict, climate change, lack of reserves and so many more.
The effects of poverty on an individual can be multiple and various. The vicious cycle of
poverty means that lifelong barriers and troubles are passed on from one generation to
the next.Poverty has some end products popularly known as the effects of poverty. The
repercussions of poverty may vary in scale, but all carry a negative effect, regardless of
political, economic, and social.
• High Infant Mortality and Annual Death Rate: Inability of basic necessities costs some
individuals their lives on daily basis.
• Increase in hygiene and diet related diseases, for example, cholera, dysentery,
tuberculosis and so many others.
• Increased Crime Rate, since people turn desperate to survive in the face of poverty.
• As poverty sets in, more and more people face greater financial woes; those who
already have a roof over their heads may experience difficulty in paying rents to. Their
landlords, and those without homes cannot afford a home. This will greatly affect the
nation’s tourism trade; a street full of beggars and homeless vagabonds is but an
eyesore to tourists.
Poverty poses a great impact on the affected children’s development, both physically
and mentally. Taking a close look at some shocking facts and figures. Children from poor
families are :
3) 3.1 times more likely to have an out-of-wedlock birth than children from wealthy
Poverty takes a toll on poor children’s development. For example, poverty causes
malnutrition which would affect the development of a child’s mental thinking and healthy
body. Poverty, being a difficult-to-end cycle, will only make the poor even poorer. This is
detrimental to a country’s economy, as children in the poor countries are unable to fill
their stomachs, not mentioning to receive education. Hence, there would be a lack of
intelligentsia and educated intellectuals to run the country, and therefore poverty issues
will remain.
Nations that are unable to keep up with world economy, lack raw materials and markets
to do so may turn to war in a bid to obtain new markets for its goods, and simultaneously
acquire raw materials from the state as well. This, however is not a variable option - often
this will lead to international condemnation, resulting in trade embargoes from various
countries, or even conflict between peacekeeping forces (i.e. the UN) and the nation itself.
Therefore, it can be said that such a move is not ideal - the negative aspects overshadow
the positive ones.
• Genocide:
This is a most extreme case of poverty, where there has only been one example in history;
Uganda under the regime of totalitarian and brutalistic Idi Amin, army colonel turned
leader. In this case, Idi Amin spending spree quickly landed the beleaguered nation to
total economy collapse. It is known that he systematically organised a mass killing
pogrom of his fellow countrymen. Relatives of the victims were to pay exorbitant some to
‘’recover’’the bodies, and thus was how he kept Ugandas’s battered economy afloat.
• Terrorism:
Through recent years, analysts have been able to point out that politically and
economically weak nations often fall prey to terrorism. For example, Afghanistan, Iraq,
Yemen. Poverty too is a major factor in explain ing the spike in terrorism in recent years
between the years of 1993- 1973 were times in Afghanistan experienced political and
economic stability by the end of the Soviet-Afghan War, the country has been ravaged by
infighting and devastation caused by the Soviets. Only then did terrorism. Flourish.
In the end, poverty its a major cause of social tension and threatens to divide a nation
because of the issues of inequalities, in particular income inequality. This happens when
wealth in a country is poorly distributed among it’s citizens. In other words, when a tiny
minority has all the money.
The feature of a rich or developed country for example is the presence of a middle
class, but recently we have seen even Western countries gradually loosing their middle
class, hence the increasing numbers of riots and clashes in a society, poverty is a very
dangerous factor that can destablize an entire country.
The Arab Spring is another good example, in all of the countries concerned, the revolt
started because of the lack of jobs and high poverty levels. (This has led to most
government being overthrown).