Chap 5.2

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Result 5.

1: Let X , X , …, X be a random vectors from N (μ, Σ)

population, then the test statistic of H0:μ = u v.s. H1:μ ≠ u

for the L.R.T. is Λ = (1 + ) .


Let the (p+1)*(p+1) matrix A be defined by

(X − X)(X − X)′ √n(X − μ ) A A

A= =
√n X − μ ′ −1

By exercise 4.8, |A| = |A | ∗ |A −A A A |

= |A | ∗ |A −A A A |

From which we obtain

(-1) ∑ (X − X X − X + n X − μ X−μ |

=∑ (X − X X − X | ∗ {−1 − n X − μ ∑ (X −

X X −X ] X−μ }

Since ∑ X −μ X −μ ′=∑ X −X X −X ′+

n X−μ X−μ , the equality above involving

determinants can be written as

(-1) | ∑ X −μ X −μ ′|

= X − X X − X ′ ∗ (−1)(1 + )
or nΣ = |nΣ| ∗ (1 + ).
/ | |
Thus Λ = = (1 + ) .

Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test:

Let θ be a vector consisting of all the unknow parameters, and

let L(θ) be the likelihood function obtained by evaluating the

joint density of X , X , …, X at their observed values

x , x , …, x .

The parameter vector θ takes its values in the parameter set Θ.

Ex: for a p-dim. Normal case,

θ = (μ , μ , … , μ , σ , σ ,…,σ ,σ ,…,σ , …,σ )′ and Θ

consists of the union of the p-dim. space. where -∞<μ <∞, …,

( )
-∞<μ <∞, and the -dim. space of variance and cov. such
( )
that Σ is a p.d. matrix. Therefore, Θ has dim. v = p + .

Under the null hypo. H0:μ = u , we have

θ ={μ =μ ,…, μ =μ ; σ , …,σ , …,σ with p.d. Σ}, so

( )
Θ has dim v = .
H0:θ = θ  Θ

H1:θ ≠ θ  Θ

Θ ∪ Θ = Θ  parameter space can be divided by 2 parts.

A likelihood ratio test of H0:θ ∈ Θ rejects H in favor of

∈ ( )
H0:θ ∉ Θ if Λ = < .
( )

Result 5.2: When the simple size n is large, the function

−2 ln(∧) ∼ χ ( ). Here the degrees of freedom are

v − v =(dim. of Θ) – (dim. of Θ ).

5.4 Confidence Region and Simultaneous Comparisons of

Component Means

Let θ be a vector of unknown population parameters and Θ

the set of all possible values of θ. A confidence region is

determined by the data and denoted by R(X), where

X=[X , X , …, X ] is the data matrix. The region R(X) is said to

be a 100(1-α)% confidence region of data matrix X if

Pr[ R(X) will cover the true θ ] =1-α before the sample is

collected. This prob. is calculated under the true, but unknown

value of θ.

The confidence region before the sample is selected for the

mean μ of a p-dimension Normal population is to satisfy

( − 1)
Pr{n(X − ) (X − ) ≤ , ( )} = 1 −

whatever the values of the unknown μ and Σ. In other words,
( ) /
X will be within ( , )) of with probability

1 − α provided distance is defined in terms of ( ) .

A 100(1-α)% C.R. for the mean of p-dim. normal population is

the set determined by all such that

( − 1)
(x − )′ (x − ) ≤ , ( )

where x and are the sample mean vector and sample

covariance matrix.

Let X~ N μ, Σ and form the L.C.

Z = ℓ X +⋯+ℓ X = ℓ X
From above, we have μ = ℓ μ and σ = ℓ Σℓ. Moreover,

Z~N(ℓ μ, ℓ Σℓ).

If a random sample from the N μ, Σ is available, a

corresponding sample of z’s can be created by taking

z = ℓ x + ⋯ + ℓ x = ℓ x j = 1,2, … , n

The sample mean and variance of this sample are z = ℓ x and

s = ℓ Sℓ , where x and S are the sample mean vector and

variance matrix of the original data X respectively. For ℓ

fixed and σ unknown, a 100(1-α)% C.I. for μ is based on

z−μ √n(ℓ x − ℓ μ)
t= = ~t
s /√ ℓ Sℓ
and leads to the statement
s α s α
z− t ≤μ ≤z+ t ( )
√n 2 √n 2


ℓ Sℓ α ℓ Sℓ α
ℓ x− t ≤ℓ μ≤ℓ x+ t ( )
√n 2 √n 2
Above inequality can be interpreted as a statement about the

components of the mean vector μ. For example, ℓ μ = μ

with ℓ = (1,0,0, … ,0), it becomes the usual C.I. for a normal

population mean. We could make several confidence statements

about the components of μ each with associated different

vector ℓ . However, the confidence associated with all of the

statements together is NOT 1-α. Intuitively, it would be

desirable to associate a “collective” confidence coefficient of

1-α with the confidence intervals that can be generated by all

choices of ℓ . The method is to find a wider interval than the

above t-interval for ℓ μ for a specific choice of ℓ.

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