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KTU/EX-V#3/6401/2019 23.06.



Sub: Schedule for conduct of MBA T(6) and part-time T(8) examinations during August
/September 2020

As per the decision of the academic council on 19/5/2020, evaluation of final semester
projects can be conducted, based on interim results, review, survey, simulation, software- driven, or
secondary-data based, considering the difficulty in doing laboratory based experiments and
field/survey-based assignments. Evaluation of the projects shall be performed internally at
respective institutions, by allotting internal examiners, preferably by video conference. Instead of
external examiners, internal examiners mapped to the MBA students (T(6) and part-time T(8)), for
the purpose of mark entry in the portal, will have to be approved by the university. External
examiners already mapped to the students will be revoked by the university on request from the
institution. The lock down period shall be considered as ‘deemed to be present’ for the purpose of
attendance requirements of students.

The theory examinations of MBA final trimester (T(6)) students will starts from the first week of
August 2020. The detailed timetable will be announced later. Students who have moved out to their
hometown during the lockdown can write the examination, at centres nearest to them. The detailed
schedule of activities is shown below.

- Dr. V. Suresh babu

Controller of Examinations

* This is a computer system (Digital File) generated letter. Hence there is no need for a physical
Schedule for conduct of MBA T(6) and part-time T(8) examinations
during August /September 2020
No Activity Remarks Last
1 Approval of Examiners by KTU Examiners mapped to the 08 July
MBA students will be
approved by KTU
2 Internal Marks/Attendance Project internal marks, 22 July
(Theory & Project) committee marks and
Submission by college attendance for project phase 1
and phase 2 can be done from
the faculty login, reviewed by
the staff advisor and submitted
by the principal
3 Approval of Project Project report of eligible 30 Aug
Report by Internal students can be
supervisor approved/rejected by the
internal supervisor

4 Project report Viewing by Project details and project 3-9 Sept

Examiner for Viva report of the students can be
purposes viewed by the Examiner

5 Conduct of Viva and mark After the viva, external mark 14-18 Sept
entry by examiner entry for the students can be
done by the examiner

6 Result processing and Publishing Result will be processed and Sept 25

By KTU published in the website by
KTU (only after completing
the Internal and External mark

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