Theories of Personality Prelim Reviewer
Theories of Personality Prelim Reviewer
Theories of Personality Prelim Reviewer
Psychology of Science
FIRST FORCE: Psychoanalytic Theories • The empirical study of scientific thought and behavior
SECOND FORCE: Behavioral Theories (including theory construction) of the scientist
THIRD FORCE: Humanistic/Existential Theories • The personalities and psychology of different theorists
FOURTH FORCE: Trait Theories influence the kinds of theories that they develop!
a. The Final Goal – The final goal of success or a. Organ Dialect – People sometimes use a physical
superiority toward which all people strive unifies disorder to express style of life, a condition that
personality and makes all behavior meaningful Adler called organ dialect
People are not always conscious of their final goal, even A man with Rheumatoid arthritis
though they may be aware of their immediate subgoals A boy who wets his bed
Inferiority (being small and incomplete) of infants lead
them to have fictional goal (to be big, strong, complete) b. Conscious and Unconscious – Conscious and
Only through feelings of Inferiority we can clearly see unconscious processes are unified and operate to
our fictional goal achieve a single goal. The part of our goal that isn’t
Neglected/pampered children will lead to their goal clearly understood is unconscious; to the extent that
remaining unconscious we comprehend our goal is conscious.
Loved and secured children can lead to their goal to
become conscious 4. Social Interest – Human behavior has value to the
extent that it is motivated by social interest, that is,
b. The Striving Force as Compensation by a feeling of oneness with all of humanity
Because people are “blessed” to be born with small, Social interest binds the human species together
inferior bodies, they feel inferior and attempt to Our inferiorities as individuals lead us to this binding
overcome these feelings through their natural tendency together.
to move toward completion
As a creation of the individual, striving force can take a. Origins of Social Interest – Although social interest
one of two courses-personal gain or community benefit. exists as potentiality in all people, it must be
At birth, it exists as potentiality not actuality. fostered in a social environment
Mothers and fathers have crucial roles in furthering
c. Striving for Personality Superiority the social interest of their children
Psychologically unhealthy individuals strive for personal Parent/child relationship is so strong that it negates
superiority with little concern for other people the effects of heredity
Gemeinschaft – social relations between individuals, based
on close personal and family ties Pampered Style of Life – Children who see themselves as
being pampered develop low levels of social interest and
b. Importance of Social Interest – Without social interest, continue to have an overriding drive to establish a
societies could not exist, because individuals could not permanent parasitic relationship with their mother or a
protect themselves from danger mother substitute
> Thus, an infant’s helplessness predisposes it toward a
nurturing person Neglected Style of Life – Children who feel neglected often
> “The sole criterion of human values,” and the “barometer use these feelings as building material for a useless style of
of normality” life one characterized by distrust of other people
> The worthiness of all one’s actions must be viewed by these
standards Safeguarding Tendencies – Both normal and neurotic people
protect their fragile self-esteem. These safeguarding
techniques maintain a neurotic status quo and protect a
person from public disgrace. This is largely conscious.
Adler’s Theory Is
- High on generating research, organizing known data,
and guiding action
- Moderate on Parsimony (least complex explanation
for an observation)
- Low on verification, falsification, and Internal
Concept of Humanity
Very high on free choice and optimism
High on social factors and uniqueness
Average on unconscious influences
Very low on causality