Biocraft is the authorized distributor of Systronics electronic instruments in India and abroad. The document lists various analytical instruments available from Systronics including spectrophotometers ranging from Rs. 49,400 to Rs. 3,54,200, colorimeters from Rs. 11,900 to Rs. 13,300, flame photometers at Rs. 53,900 and Rs. 71,400, pH meters from Rs. 12,600 to Rs. 39,500, conductivity meters from Rs. 14,700 to Rs. 28,000, a potentiometer at Rs. 15,400, a KF titrator at Rs. 1,47,000, a water analyzer at Rs. 98,
Biocraft is the authorized distributor of Systronics electronic instruments in India and abroad. The document lists various analytical instruments available from Systronics including spectrophotometers ranging from Rs. 49,400 to Rs. 3,54,200, colorimeters from Rs. 11,900 to Rs. 13,300, flame photometers at Rs. 53,900 and Rs. 71,400, pH meters from Rs. 12,600 to Rs. 39,500, conductivity meters from Rs. 14,700 to Rs. 28,000, a potentiometer at Rs. 15,400, a KF titrator at Rs. 1,47,000, a water analyzer at Rs. 98,
Original Description:
Catalog BIOCRAFT Electronic Analytical Test Instruments
Biocraft is the authorized distributor of Systronics electronic instruments in India and abroad. The document lists various analytical instruments available from Systronics including spectrophotometers ranging from Rs. 49,400 to Rs. 3,54,200, colorimeters from Rs. 11,900 to Rs. 13,300, flame photometers at Rs. 53,900 and Rs. 71,400, pH meters from Rs. 12,600 to Rs. 39,500, conductivity meters from Rs. 14,700 to Rs. 28,000, a potentiometer at Rs. 15,400, a KF titrator at Rs. 1,47,000, a water analyzer at Rs. 98,
Biocraft is the authorized distributor of Systronics electronic instruments in India and abroad. The document lists various analytical instruments available from Systronics including spectrophotometers ranging from Rs. 49,400 to Rs. 3,54,200, colorimeters from Rs. 11,900 to Rs. 13,300, flame photometers at Rs. 53,900 and Rs. 71,400, pH meters from Rs. 12,600 to Rs. 39,500, conductivity meters from Rs. 14,700 to Rs. 28,000, a potentiometer at Rs. 15,400, a KF titrator at Rs. 1,47,000, a water analyzer at Rs. 98,
Biocraft’s Electronic Analytical & Test Instrumnets
SYSTRONICS ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS Biocraft is Authorised distributor for Systronics make instruments in India and abroad. SYS-104 Digital vis. Spectrophotometer (340-960 nm) micro- controller based Rs. 49,400 SYS-166 Microprocessor based Vis. Range Digital Specto- photometer with Digital W/L Display 340-990 mm, 10 nm B/W 2P sample holder (340nm–990nm) Rs. 72,600 SYS-117 Microprocessor controller based UV-spectrophoto- meter (200—1100 nm) Rs. 2,11,900 SYS-169 Micro Controller based Spectrophotometer (320-990 nm) with 2 position sample holder Rs. 87,600 SYS-118 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (200-1000 nm) Rs. 1,48,200 SYS-119 PC based UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (200-1000 nm) including operating Software but wihtout PC & Printer Rs. 2,14,900 SYS-2202 PC based Double Beam UV-VIS Spectrophoto- meter—Range 200-1000 nm with 2nm B/W without PC or monitor Rs. 3,54,200 SYS-113 Digital Photoelectric Colorimeter with 8 filters (1 ml) Rs. 13,300 SYS-114 Digital Photoelectric Colorimeter with 5 filtersRs. 11,900 SYS-128 Microcontroller based Flame Photometer with Na, K. Filters and compressor Rs. 71,400 SYS-130 Digital Flame Photometer with Na, K Filters and Compressor Rs. 53,900 SYS-335 Digital pH Meter with electrodes Rs. 14,900 MK-VI Digital pH Meter with electrodes Rs. 12,600 SYS-361 Microcontroller based pH System with electrode and temp. probe (Auto Temp. Compensation, Two point calibration. Resol 0.01 pH) Rs. 24,500 SYS-362 Microcontroller based pH System with electrode and temp. probe (Auto Temp. Compensation, Three point calibration. Resol 0.001 pH) Rs. 39,500 SYS-304 Digital Conductivity Meter with cell Rs. 17,300 MK-509 Digital Conductivity-TDS Meter Rs. 14,700 SYS-307 Digital Conductivity—TDS meter with cells and temp. probe Rs. 28,000 SYS-318 Digital Potentiometer Rs. 15,400 SYS-354 Auto KF Titrator with graphic LCD Rs. 1,47,000 SYS-371 Water Analyzer with Colorimeter, D.O. meter, Condu- ctivity, TDS, pH, Salinity and Temperature Rs. 98,100 SYS-132 Digital Nephelo-Turbidity Meter Rs. 29,400 SYS-211 Leaf Area Meter Rs. 77,000 SYS-8204 Gas Chromatograph, Microcontroller based column oven with manual FCV. one packed injector and one test packed column Rs. 3,50,000 SYS-314 Dissolved Oxygen meter with memory of 50 results Rs. 40,700 SYS-152 Digital Photoflurometer Rs. 84,000