A Study of Switched-Capacitor Filters
A Study of Switched-Capacitor Filters
A Study of Switched-Capacitor Filters
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Thomas, K. (2008). A study of switched-capacitor filters. Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Honors
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A Study of Switched-Capacitor Filters
By Kacie Thomas
Honors Thesis
Department of Electrical Engineering
Thesis Professor: Alan Mantooth
December 8, 2008
Table of Contents
I. Abstract.....................................................................................................................................ii
V. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 5: Modified 5th Order Elliptic Low Pass Passive Filter .......................................................... 4
Figure 11: 6th Order Butterworth Low Pass Active Filter .............................................................. 12
Figure 12: 6th Order Butterworth Low Pass Switched-Capacitor Filter ........................................ 13
Figure 13: Frequency Response of 5th Order Elliptic Passive Filter .............................................. 14
Figure 14: Ripple Bandwidth of 5th Order Elliptic Passive Filter ................................................... 15
Figure 15: Frequency Response of 5th Order Elliptic Active Filter ................................................ 16
Figure 16: Ripple Bandwidth of 5th Order Elliptic Active Filter ..................................................... 16
Figure 19: Frequency Response of 6th Order Butterworth Passive Filter ..................................... 19
Figure 20: Frequency Response of 6th Order Butterworth Active Filter ....................................... 20
Figure 21: Frequency Response of 6th Order Butterworth Switched-Capacitor Filter ................. 20
I. Abstract
This paper presents the basic principles of the switched-capacitor circuit. In order to become
more acquainted with the workings and design of filters and switched-capacitor filters
specifically, an example filter was designed based on a set of parameters. It was constructed
starting in the passive stage, then the active stage and finally the switched-capacitor filter was
generated. All of these circuits were also simulated using SwitcherCAD and Saber. Then, a
switched-capacitor filter designed by Auburn University was redesigned using the same process
as the example circuit. It was also simulated in all three stages. The results from this design are
II. Switched-Capacitor Theory
The area of switched-capacitors is a very mature part of the field of Electrical Engineering. A
switched-capacitor circuit consists of a capacitor and MOS switches where the switches
alternate opening and closing causing the circuit to resemble a resistor. One reason switched-
capacitor technology is so useful is because the switched-capacitor circuit takes up much less
space than the resistor that it replaces. Capacitors take up less room on a MOS IC due to the
inherent nature of MOS to store charge on a node over many milliseconds. The area of the
capacitor on the IC actually decreases as its equivalent resistance increases. See Figure 1 for a
s1 s2
V1 V2
Say the s1 switch is closed and the s2 switch is open. The capacitor is charged to V1. Then, s1 is
closed and V2 is opened so the charge in the capacitor is now V2. Because ΔQ = CΔV, in this
case ΔQ = C(V2-V1). Do this over a certain amount of time and you get ΔQ/(1/Δt) = C(V2-
V1)(N/Δt) which turns into i = C(V2-V1)fc where fc is the clock rate at which the switches are
thrown back and forth. After some manipulations the equation for the size of the equivalent
𝑹𝒆𝒒 = 𝑪𝒇𝒄𝒍𝒌 (1)
The switched-capacitor circuit implemented in this paper is the series-connected version seen
in Figure 2 and the inverting version is in Figure 3. The inverting version is used in place if
negative resistances. The series circuit acts the same as the shunt circuit; however, the series-
connected switched-capacitor is less susceptible to parasitic because at least one end of the
III. Filter Design
A. Example Problem
In order to better understand how switched-capacitor filters, and filters in general, function and
how they are designed, an example problem of a low-pass filter was given with the following
An Elliptic filter was decided upon based on the characteristics given. A nomograph is a
graphical calculating device involving three or more scales. In the case of filters, these scales
are Apb, AΩ, Ω. A straightedge is used along with the nomograph to find the order of the Elliptic
filter. According to the nomograph, the example filter is a 5th order filter (Allen and Sanchez-
Sinencio). Once the order is found, the ρ is used to find the starting values for each of the
passive components. The following values were found according to the table for low pass
elements (Zverev).
C1 = 2.18278
C2 = .16034
L2 = .94707
C3 = 2.75449
C4 = .43589
L4 = .80314
C5 = 1.92627
The design method used for the circuits is the approximate design for ladder filters and it
involves the state variable analysis, and it is then turned into the signal flow graph and then the
switched-capacitor filter. (Moschytz) These numbers are used in the circuit in Figure 4. This
circuit is manipulated to give us the one in Figure 5 where some of the capacitances are
combined into C1’, C2’, and C3’. This circuit is more convenient to work with when writing the
KVL equations. After some mathematical manipulations, equations 2-6 are found.
L2 L4
7.592 6.438
Rs C2 C4
Vin 1Meg 1.285p 3.494p
C1 C3 C5
17.75p 22.081p 15.682p 1Meg
C1’ = C1 + C2
C3’ = C2 + C3 + C4
C5’ = C4 + C5
Rs L2 L4
V1 I2 1 2 V3 I4 1 2 V5
+ +
Vin C1' sC2V3 C3' C5' RL Vout
sC2V1 sC4V3
- -
1 (𝑉1−𝑉𝑖𝑛 )
−𝑉1 = − 𝑠(𝐶1+𝐶2) 𝑠𝐶2𝑉3 − − 𝐼2 (2)
−𝐼2 = 𝑉3 − 𝑉1 (3)
𝑉3 = − 𝑠(𝐶2+𝐶3+𝐶4) (−𝐼2 + 𝐼4 − 𝑠𝐶2𝑉1 − 𝑠𝐶4𝑉5) (4)
𝐼4 = 𝑉3 − 𝑉5 (5)
1 𝑉5
−𝑉5 = − 𝑠 𝐼4 + 𝑠𝐶4𝑉3 − 𝑅𝐿 (6)
These equations are used in order to find the block diagram shown in Figure 6. All coupling
branch impedances are multiplied by an arbitrary scale factor R and the feedback impedance by
R2 in order to assure the correct dimensions within the stage. This block diagram is useful for
finding the active circuit in Figure 7. The equations for the new capacitances that take the place
of the inductors are also given. Active filters have two main advantages over passive filters.
One advantage is the ability to get rid of inductors, which are large and tend to pick up
surrounding electromagnetic signals. The inductor would be used to shape the filter’s
response, but they are not needed in active filters. Another advantage of active filters is that
the op-amps can be used to buffer the filter from the electronic components it drives, also
known as isolation.
1/Rs 1
Vin − -V1
𝑠(𝐶1 + 𝐶2)
-I2 1
1 V3
𝑠(𝐶2 + 𝐶3 + 𝐶4)
I4 1
1 -V5
− Vout
𝑠(𝐶4 + 𝐶5)
CA = C1+C2
CB = L2/R2
CC = C2 + C3 + C4
CD = L4/R2
CE = C4+C5
Figure 7: 5th Order Elliptic Low Pass Active Filter
All of the resistors in the active circuit are replaced with switched capacitor circuits as shown in
Figure 8. The values for C, CL and CS are calculated using a manipulation of equation 1 as seen
below. Alternating, non-overlapping pulses are used to control the switches so that when one
C = T/R
CS = T/Rs
Figure 8: 5th Order Elliptic Low Pass Switched-Capacitor Filter
Because of frequency warping during the lossless digital integrator (LDI) transformation Ω must
be pre-warped using equation 7. Also, the capacitance and inductance values must be scaled
2 𝜛𝑇
Ω= sin( ) (7)
𝑇 2
Assume the clock frequency for the pulses on the switches to be 300 kHz. ω=2πf so
𝑓𝑟𝑐 = (𝜋𝑇 ) sin 𝜋𝑓𝑟 𝑇 (10)
In this equation T = 1/(300 kHz) and fr = 20 kHz (the desired cutoff frequency). Frc = 19.854 kHz.
R’ = ZR L’ = ZL C’ = C/Z (11a-11c)
C1’ = 17.75 pF
C2’ = 1.285 pF
L2’ = 7.592 pF
C3’ = 22.081 pF
C4’ = 3.494 pF
L4’ = 6.438 H
C5’ = 15.682 pF
Rs’ = 1 MΩ
RL’ = 1 MΩ
These values are used to find the final capacitance values for the switched-capacitor filter
CA = 19.035 pF
CB = 7.592 pF
CC = 26.86 pF
CD = 6.438 pF
CE = 19.176 pF
C = 3.333 pF
CL = 3.333 pF
CS = 6.666 pF
CR = 3.333 pF
More scaling can be done based on the specifications of the components being used. This
design technique is very simple, and it has its flaws, but is sufficient for the circuits generated
for this report. Waveforms from the simulations can be found in the Results section of the
B. 6th Order Butterworth Filter:
The main purpose of this project was to design a 6th order low pass Butterworth filter and
compare it to the schematic that was designed by Auburn University. The same method used
for the example circuit was applied to this filter design. The low pass element values below
Rs = 1
C1 = .5176
L2 = 1.4142
C3 = 1.9319
L4 = 1.9319
C5 = 1.4142
L6 = .5176
RL = 1
Rs L1 L2 L3
112.6 153.8 41.2
Vin 1meg C1 C2 C3
41.2p 153.8p 112.6p 1meg
AC 1
This circuit was used to find the KVL equations 12-17. These equations were used to make the
1 (𝑉𝑖𝑛 −𝑉1)
−𝑉1 = − 𝑠𝐶1 − 𝐼2 (12)
−𝐼2 = 𝑉3 − 𝑉1 (13)
𝑉3 = − 𝑠𝐶3 (−𝐼2 + 𝐼4) (14)
𝐼4 = 𝑉3 − 𝑉5 (15)
−𝑉5 = − 𝑠𝐶5 𝐼4 − 𝐼6 (16)
−𝐼6 = −𝑉5 − 𝑅𝐿 (−𝐼6) (17)
1/Rs 1
Vin − -V1
-I2 1
1 V3
I4 1
1 -V5
-I6 1
Figure 10: Block Diagram for 6th Order Butterworth Filter
The new capacitance values are seen below, and the active filter is derived from the block
CA = C1
CB = L2/R2
CC = C3
CD = L4/R2
CE = C5
CF = L6/R2
-R -R -R -R -R
-1Meg -1Meg -1Meg -1Meg -1m eg
1Meg RL
41.2p 112.6p 153.8p 153.8p 112.6p 41.2p
AC 1
The circuit designed by Auburn had a tunable cut-off frequency, but for this particular design
the clock frequency was chosen to be 200 kHz, and the cut-off frequency was 2 kHz. (There are
different ways to design a filter with tunable cut-off frequency, but that is beyond the scope of
this project). This filter was designed for fc = fclk/100 so the choice for clock frequency and cut-
off frequency are logical. This gives T = 1/(200 kHz) and fr = 2kHz. Therefore, Frc = 1.99967 kHz.
C1’ = 41.2 pF
L2’ = 112.6 H
C3’ = 153.8 pF
L4’ = 153.8 H
C5’ = 112.6 pF
L6’ = 41.2 H
Rs’ = 1 MΩ
RL’ = 1 MΩ
These values were then used to find the final capacitances for the switched-capacitor filter
CA = 41.2 pF
CB = 112.6 pF
CC = 153.8 pF
CD = 153.8 pF
CE = 112.6 pF
CF = 41.2 pF
C = 5 pF
CL = 5pF
Cs = 10 pF
CR = 5 pF
C C C C C1
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
5p 5p 5p 5p 5p
41.2p S2 S1 S2 S1 Vout S1
C S2 C C S2 C S2 C2 S2
S2 S2
5p 5p 5p 5p 5p
S1 S1
PULSE(-1 1 .000001666 .01 .01 .000001 .000003333 1200000)
The schematics were simulated to generate a frequency response, and the waveforms are in
IV. Results
These circuits were designed in SwitcherCAD III, and they were also simulated. The frequency
responses and ripple bandwidths for the passive and active filters are shown below. In order to
simulate the switched-capacitor filter, the time-domain response was simulated and then an
FFT of the resulting waveform was used as the frequency response. Switched-capacitor filters
are non-linear so this method had to be used instead of going directly to the frequency
Notice how the passband is 20 kHz. At 20 kHz it falls 60 dB until 30 kHz just as it was designed
to do.
The attenuation is a little greater than 1 dB because of the approximation used with ρ. The
waveform starts at -6 dB instead of 0 because of insertion loss. This is common with most
filters. Insertion loss is calculated using equation 18. For most filters, the output voltage is half
as large as the input voltage so the insertion loss is 6 dB. In order to get rid of the insertion loss,
the source resistance can be cut in half. In the switched-capacitor circuit, this results in a
source capacitor that is twice as large as the load capacitor. This effectively doubles the course
current which in turn doubles the voltage across the op-amps. This way, there is really no
voltage drop.
𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝐵 = 20𝑙𝑜𝑔10 𝑉2 (18)
Figure 15: Frequency Response of 5th Order Elliptic Active Filter
It can be seen that the waveforms from the passive filter and the active filter match very
closely. This means that the calculations and manipulations were done correctly. Any small
In order to obtain a frequency response for the switched-capacitor filters, and FFT must be
performed on a transient analysis. Switched-capacitor circuits are non-linear and therefore the
linear ac analysis will not be effective. Due to complications with the SwitcherCAD II software,
another program was used in order to perform the FFT’s. The tool, Saber® has the option of
using a fixed time step and x-sampling which are necessary for an accurate FFT response. A
frequency sweep was performed, and the FFT values for each frequency were plotted in
Microsoft Excel to get a simulated frequency response. The frequency response for the 5 th
order Elliptic filter is in Figure 17. The waveform looks very good except at one point the ripple
in the passband is increased greatly (about 3 dB instead of 1 dB). This could be due to the
0 10000 20000 30000 40000
dB -40
Figure 18 is the frequency response for the Auburn switched-capacitor filter. This is the
response for the 2 kHz cut-off frequency and 200 kHz clock frequency. Compare this waveform
Figure 18: Auburn Frequency Response
Figure 20: Frequency Response of 6th Order Butterworth Active Filter
1 10 100 1000 10000
The waveforms for the passive and active filters are exactly where they should be, meaning
numbers and calculations up until that point were correct. The Excel plot for the switched-
capacitor filter also looks good, but there is some deviation in the slope in the stopband. This
V. Conclusions
Overall, a lot was learned from this project, and the amount of practical knowledge and filters,
switched-capacitor filters specifically, has increased greatly. This design method worked well
for the example filter, but when it came to the 6th order Butterworth it was found to be
ineffective. Because the load capacitance is required to be negative for this particular design, a
better design method would be preferred. This could possibly be the goal for future work. It
would also be a good idea to become more familiar with the simulation tools so a more
implemented. Due to time constraints and unfamiliarity with the program, this just was not
possible at the time. The basic goal of the project, to gain a greater understanding of switched-
capacitor filters has been accomplished. There is still much to learn though in the future for an
VI. Bibliography
Allen, Phillip E. and Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio. Switched Capacitor Circuits. New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold Company, 1984.
Mantooth, Homer Alan. "Practical Considerations For Switched-Capacitor Filter Design and Fabrication."
(M.S. Thesis. University of Arkansas, January 1987).
Moschytz, George S. MOS Switched-Capacitor Filters: Analysis and Design. New York: The Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1984.
Zverev, Anatol I. Handbook of Filter Synthesis. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1967.