Evaluation of Environment Friendly Micro Ionized Litchi Leaves Powder (LLP) As A Fluid Loss Control Agent in Water Based Drilling Fluid
Evaluation of Environment Friendly Micro Ionized Litchi Leaves Powder (LLP) As A Fluid Loss Control Agent in Water Based Drilling Fluid
Evaluation of Environment Friendly Micro Ionized Litchi Leaves Powder (LLP) As A Fluid Loss Control Agent in Water Based Drilling Fluid
Received: 13 September 2020 / Accepted: 12 March 2021 / Published online: 24 March 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
This work investigates the efficacy of a biodegradable natural product, litchi leaves powder (LLP) as a filtration loss control
agent in the water-based drilling fluid formulations. In order to evaluate the potential of litchi leaves powder (LLP), a strict
protocol of experimentations according to API (American Petroleum Institute) standard has been followed. The experimental
outcome showed that before hot rolling and after hot rolling of mud samples at 100 °C it was observed that 3–5% Concen-
tration of LLP significantly increased the rheological parameters such as PV, YP and gelation of drilling fluid as compared
to reference mud. Also, LLP reformed the filtration loss control characterization, suggesting a better biodegradable fluid
loss reducing agent. After hot rolling at 100 °C for 18 h, the water-based drilling fluid with LLP as an additive showed a
marked reduction in filtration control property as compared to reference Mud (RM). Experimental results concluded that 5%
concentration of LLP significantly reduced the filtration loss of drilling fluid by 70.6% as compared to reference mud under
the influence of 100 psi pressure. However, the conventional fluid loss additive CMC (LVG) reduced the filtration loss by
maximum 67.5% as compared to reference mud. Therefore, LLP can be used as an alternative to CMC (LVG) in water-based
drilling fluid with a maximum subsurface temperature of 100 °C.
Keywords Environment friendly additive · Drilling fluid · Litchi leaves powder (LLP) · CMC · Filtration loss
1716 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726
advancement in PV, but YP and gel strength were reduced product, i.e. LLP is an environmental friendly, cost effective,
(Iranwan et al. 2009). 20 parts per billion (ppb) concentra- drilling fluid additive. The performance of the drilling fluid
tions of rice husks reduced the filtration loss in water-based was found to be at par excellence with litchi leaves powder
mud by 65%. But it was observed that a higher concentration (LLP) when it was compared with a conventional fluid loss
of rice husk gave unwanted effect on the plastic viscosity additive CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose).
(Okon et al. 2014). Banana peel provided alkalinity to the
drilling fluid system (Iheagwara et al. 2015). Similarly, the
Basis of choice of litchi leaves for the study
banana peel ash (BPA) was used as a substitute for NaOH
in water-based mud. The experimental results showed that
Biomolecules content Litchi leaves have greater con-
banana peels ash (BPA) has a tendency to increase the pH of
tent of carbohydrate, i.e. 72.547%. Beside this, it also
drilling mud and thereby mitigated the corrosion problem.
contained 31.041% crude fibre, 12.751% crude protein,
On comparing BPA with NaOH, it was observed that there
2.022% crude fat and 2.04% of total nitrogen (Shukla
was better improvement in pH ranging from 12 and 14% in
et al. 2014).
the case of banana peels (Adebowale and Raji 2015).
Cost analysis The cost of conventional fluid loss control
Other natural additives such as extracted cellulose from
additives, e.g. CMC (LVG) and Polyanionic cellulose are
corn cob (Nmegbu and Bekee 2014), extracted cashew and
4.96 USD per Kg and 6.0 USD/Kg, respectively (Okoro
mango leaves (Omotioma et al. 2014), and extracted potato
et al. 2018). However, LLP is a natural waste and easily
starch from potato tubers (Nyeche et al. 2015), etc. have
available from the natural resources in a huge quantity.
been used as filtration loss control and rheological properties
Therefore, LLP is more cost effective than CMC (LVG)
modifiers in water-based drilling fluids. Potato peels powder
and PAC (LVG).
(PPP) is an environmental friendly additive to be used as
thinner, pH reducer, and fluid loss controlling agent (Al-
Hameedi and Husam 2019). However, another study showed
the use of mandarin peels powder (MPP) as a filtration loss Materials and methods
control additive to substitute the conventional chemicals
used in water-based drilling fluid (Al-Hameedi and Alkinani Preparation of micro‑ionized litchi leaves powder
2019). In our previous study, Stem peels powder of Grewia (LLP)
optiva fibre (particle size 250 μm) has been used as cost
effective and environment friendly non-invasive fluid addi- The sample [as shown in Fig. 1a] was cleaned manually to
tive in water-based fluid to prevent the invasion of external get rid of unwanted foreign materials. Then, it was dried in
fluid into the reservoir section (Prakash et al. 2020). an oven at 70–75 °C for about ~ 4–6 h. After drying, it was
In this study, litchi leaves powder (LLP) has been inves- then again cleaned manually and chopped into small pieces
tigated as an environment friendly filtration loss control [as shown in Fig. 1b]. Finally, the sample was ground into
additive in the water-based drilling fluid. Litchi chinensis is very fine particles with the help of good quality Grinder
an evergreen tree which belongs to the spindaceae family. Machine [shown in Fig. 1d].
Litchi trees are mainly found in China, India, Thailand, Viet- Sieve analysis test was conducted to determine the par-
nam, Australia, Israel and the South-Eastern United States. ticle size of litchi leaves powder (LLP). The fine LLP was
Extensive laboratory works have been conducted where sieved through 125 µm (μm) (120 US Mesh sieve) to obtain
LLP was tested at different concentrations w.r.t. reference micro-sized fine particle [shown in Fig. 1c]. The reason for
mud. The experimental outcomes suggested that this natural using 125 µm particle size as because smaller the size of
Fig. 1 a Collected raw Litchi leaves, b Small Pieces of Litchi Leaves, c The Litchi Leaves Powder (125 μm), d Grinder
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726 1717
additive gives better filtration loss control ability of the drill- (W2 −W1)
Moisture content % (w∕w) = × 100
ing mud (Ghazali et al. 2014; Perlmutter 2005). W1
1718 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726
Set-2 were similarly measured and the data are presented Filtration test (low pressure, low temperature test)
in Table 3.
After evaluating the above sets of samples at low pres- API specified filter press is used to determine the filtration
sure-low temperature, the reference mud and Set-1 and Set-2 properties of the drilling fluid. A Whatman 50 filter paper
mud samples were now put in ageing cells and hot rolled at was placed in the API cell and then it was filled by the mud.
100 °C for 18 h. Hot rolling of mud samples is necessary Then, 100 psi pressure was applied to the API cell at room
because during the drilling the bottom hole temperature of temperature. Then, the volume of filtrate was measured after
well is increased with increasing the well depth. Therefore, 7.5 and 30 min (American Petroleum institute 2003).
temperature distribution under circulation and shut in condi-
tions is necessary to maintain the viscosity, fluid loss, pH
shale inhibition, etc. properties of the drilling fluid and pre- Filter cake characteristic measurements
vent the invasion of annulus fluid fluxed into formation dur-
ing loss circulation problem in oil and gas geothermal wells The qualitative measurements of the filter cake like thick-
(Fomin et al. 2003). ness, thinness, firm, rubbery, sticky, smooth, etc. were deter-
The rheological properties and low temperature-low pres- mined as per API Standard. The cake characterizations such
sure filtration test of all these hot rolled samples were then as slickness and texture were determined subjectively by
carried out and the results are presented in Tables 4 and 5, physical examination, whereas the thickness of cake was
respectively. measured quantitatively by using a scale and reported in
Table 3 The results of adding various concentration of CMC (LVG) on the properties of Reference Mud, Before Hot Rolling (BHR)
S. no Properties Values
Reference Mud 0.6% CMC 0.8% CMC 1.0% CMC 1.2% CMC 1.4%CMC
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726 1719
Table 5 The results of adding various concentration of CMC (LVG) on the properties of Reference Mud, After Hot Rolling (AHR) at 100 °C for
18 h
S. no Properties Values
Reference Mud 0.6% CMC 0.8% CMC 1% CMC 1.2% CMC 1.4% CMC
millimetres. (Okorie et al. 2019; Amanullah and Tan 2001) Results and discussions
(Fig. 2).
FTIR analysis of LLP
Permeability of the filter cake
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with 500–4000 cm−1
The permeability of the filter cake is calculated from the range was used to analyse the characterization of the LLP.
relationship between the measured filtrate loss volume and Figure 3 shows the FTIR spectrum of raw LLP. The band
time (shown in Eq. 1) (Elkatatny et al. 2012; Engelhardt at 3420 cm−1 assigned to the O–H and N–H stretching
1954). group through hydrogen bonding, indicating the presence
of the hydroxyl and amino functional groups. The absorp-
(1) tion band at 2925 cm−1 and 2853 cm−1 is attributed to the
( )
K = Qt × lt × 𝜇 ×
2P × F × t
Aliphatic C-H stretching vibration, showing the alkyl group
where K = The permeability of the filter cake (k), Qt = vol- (–CH2–). The peak at 1733 cm−1 assigned to C=O stretch-
ume of the filtrate in cm3 after time t, lt = Filter cake thick- ing vibration, showing the presence of a carbonyl group
ness in cm, μ = viscosity of the filtrate in centipoise, P = The (ketone or aldehyde). The band at 1624 cm−1 is assigned
filtration pressure in Atmosphere, F = Effective filter surface to the, N–H bending vibration, indicating the presence of
in cm2, t = time in seconds. amino (–NH2) group. The absorption band at 1515 cm−1
Fig. 2 a API LTLP filter press used for the experiment, b filter cake thickness (3.5 mm) of Base Mud after hot rolling, c filter cake thickness
(1.8 mm) of 5% LLP Mud after hot rolling
1720 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726 1721
2.4 7
2.5 6.5
2 1.8
0.5 1
0.0 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30
Electroadsorption voltage(V) Time/minute
(a) (b)
Fig. 5 a Effect of electrosorption voltage on the adsorbed solid particle mass. b Effect of electrosorption time on the adsorbed solid particle
AHR 10.6 AHR
8.70 10.5
8.65 8.68 10.4 10.4
8.64 10.4
8.6 8.6 10.2
8.60 10.2
Mud Weight (ppg)
8.55 10 10
8.55 10.0
8.5 9.8
pH 9.8 9.7
8.35 9.2
Effect of LLP on the specific gravity of drilling fluid Effect of LLP on the pH of drilling fluid
The experimental data represented in Tables 2 and 4 reveal All aqueous-based drilling fluid systems are colloidal in
that even after the sample was hot rolled at 100 °C, this nature and stable in alkaline environment. The befitting
green additive had no impact on specific gravity of drill- range of alkalinity encompassing various types of inhibi-
ing fluid. The specific gravity of samples invariably showed tive drilling fluids is stable in the alkaline range from pH 9 to
very negligible changes in the physical properties of mud 10.5 The alkalinity of the system also inhibits the corrosion
at any concentration ranging from 1 to of 5% with respect characteristic of drilling fluid on the drilling equipment’s.
to reference mud sample. This indicated that LLP is a light pH less than 7 represent the acidic medium and pH more
natural product with low specific gravity. As evident from than 7 represent the basic medium, whereas neutral solution
the data, Fig. 6 shows that the addition of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% represent the pH equal to 7 (MI-Drilling fluids 2000).
and 5% concentrations of the LLP to reference mud resulted Experimental data set showed that after hot rolling of
in the increasing trend of specific gravity varying from 0.23 the drilling fluid sample for 18 h at 100 °C, It was found
to 0.58%. At low range of temperature, before hot rolling, that pH of mud has been reduced by 2–8% with varied con-
it was observed that the specific gravity of mud decreased centration of LLP from 1 to 5%, respectively (as shown in
with increasing the concentration of LLP due to foaming Fig. 7). However, pH of mud has been reduced by 1–10%
phenomenon. The foaming is a physical surface phenomena with varied concentration of CMC(LVG) from 0.6 to 1.4%,
which is removed by adding suitable defoaming agents. respectively, as compared to reference mud.
1722 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726
Gel 10
Gel strength
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726 1723
Experimental results showed that after hot rolling at 100 °C, From the physical examination of filter paper (shown in
LLP significantly reduced the filter cake thickness as com- Fig. 2c), it was seen that the filter cake formed by the
pared to base mud and the CMC (LVG) mud system. 4% and 5% LLP was smooth, strengthening and slippery. These
30 3.5
Filtration Loss volume (cc)
25 3.0
20 2.5
15 2.0
10 1.5
5 1.0
Fig. 10 Effect of LLP on the Filtration loss Fig. 12 Effect of LLP on the filter Cake Thickness (mm)
1724 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726
1.5 2
Fig. 13 Effect of CMC (LVG) on the Filter Cake Thickness (mm) Fig. 15 Effect of CMC (LVG) on the Filter Cake Permeability
permeability permeability
(D) (D)
RM 12.9 × 10–5 RM 12.9 × 10–5
8 1% LLP 6.08 × 10–5 0.6% CMC (LVG) 4.6 × 10–5
2% LLP 4.9 × 10–5 0.8% CMC (LVG) 3.9 × 10–5
3%LLP 3.8 × 10–5 1% CMC (LVG) 3.5 × 10–5
4% LLP 2.8 × 10–5 1.2% CMC (LVG) 3.05 × 10–5
2 5% LLP 1.9 × 10–5 1.4% CMC (LVG) 2.5 × 10–5
Fig. 14 Effect of LLP on the filter Cake Thickness permeability
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production (2021) 11:1715–1726 1725
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